
Second courses from cod liver. Eggs stuffed with cod liver

ABOUT benefits of cod liver much has been written, it contains
- proteins easily absorbed by the human body, containing a number of essential amino acids,
- a large amount of vitamin A, required for normal vision, hair and skin. As well as vitamins of groups B and D.
- trace elements and minerals vital for health.

Consider the classic example: fish fat”, which doctors have always prescribed with a spoon to weakened children and the sick to restore strength.
This is nothing more than cod liver oil (primarily) and other fish.

But still, the purpose of this article is not a complete description of the benefits of cod liver.
And unfortunately, to the urgent question for many " where to buy fresh cod liver"We will not give an answer. Ideally, send your husbands fishing to the North Seas for cod, then you will get a truly dietary delicacy, useful for both adults and children. You may be able to purchase it frozen, the recipe is also suitable for a thawed product.

So, how to cook fresh cod liver at home.
When gutting cod, carefully cut out the liver, being careful not to damage its thin shell. Carefully cut off the gallbladder so that its bitterness does not get to the liver.

Rinse in a colander under running cold water.

- a glass jar, the size of which is selected based on the amount of fresh cod liver available. Folded in a jar, it should not occupy the entire volume to the very brim, so that there is at least a little room for fat, which will begin to melt. It is better to take a jar with a screw cap.
- a saucepan for a water bath. It should be of such a size that the selected jar is covered with water up to its shoulders and stands freely. If the width of the pan is close to the size of the jar, then the total volume of water will be small, it will boil away and the water level will drop faster.

Put 3-4 bay leaves on the bottom of the jar, you can add a little black pepper. Fold all the available fresh cod liver, add salt (slightly).
Cover with a lid, but do not twist.

Put the jar in a saucepan, fill with water up to the shoulders.
Put on the stove, bring to a boil and cook in a water bath.

Depending on the size of the jar, cooking time from the moment of boiling is:
0.5 liter jar - about one hour,
liter jar - about two hours.
Focus approximately on the time indicated in the recipe, but also control the process visually. As the cod liver in a glass jar is covered with fat by about a quarter, and you're done. If your pieces are small (the cod was small in size), then it is better to reduce the cooking time for fresh cod liver at home indicated in the recipe.
As the practice of the author of the article has shown, if overexposed, the finished cod liver will fall apart, it will not be so tasty (three hours of cooking for a liter jar turned out to be a lot).

After cooking time, remove the jar from the water, let cool at room temperature. Store in a cold place. Since the whole mass is covered with rendered cod liver oil, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month, but usually it cannot stand for so long - everything is eaten!

A recipes cooking dishes with cod liver set! The easiest - cod liver sandwiches because it smears like butter. Spread on black bread, decorate with fresh herbs, and, in fact, that's all - it will be very tasty.
If guests have come, then you can complicate our sandwiches a little: fill with cod liver tartlets and also decorate with herbs, lemon or a piece of cucumber.
If the house has pita, then you can use it: spread a layer of cod liver, add any other filling (spicy or sour), roll up and cut into wide pieces.
Also very popular delicious salads with cod liver with cheese, potatoes or corn, they are often served on the festive table to guests.

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Cod liver is not only a tasty product, but also very useful.

Some will argue that this is an offal and it is of lower quality, compared, for example, with meat, this is not so, culinary masters classify cod liver as a delicacy, and nutritionists strongly recommend eating liver for health and medicinal purposes. In a lot of complete proteins in an easily digestible form. These proteins include amino acids such as tryptophan, lysine, methionine, they are essential, that is, they are not produced in our body, and the last of them is a precursor of adrenaline and norepinephrine, hormones produced by the adrenal cortex. Cod liver is rich in B vitamins, contains folic acid and vitamins C, A, D. It also contains minerals and trace elements: calcium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iodine, potassium, iron, copper.

Therefore, properly cooked cod liver is very useful for people with increased physical activity, and for all children.

Cod liver pate

Cod liver (canned, in natural oil) - 1 ban., Egg (boiled) - 1 pc, potatoes (boiled) - 1 pc, onion - 1 pc, hard cheese (grated) - 20 g, mustard (ready) - 1 tsp

Finely chop the onion, add mustard, pour boiling water over it, after 2 minutes put it on a sieve, let it drain, cool. Mash cod liver with a fork, mix with onions. Puree potatoes, grate cheese on a coarse grater, mix with liver. Grate the egg, mix with the pate. Cool, spread on slices of bread!

Salad "Polenitsa" with cod liver

1 can of cod liver, 3 eggs (separately grated whites and yolks), 50 g walnuts (crushed), crab sticks (chilled so that they can be expanded).
Mix cod liver, nuts, yolks - unfold the crab sticks, put the filling in them and wrap. Put on a dish in the form of a raspberry and sprinkle with grated protein, like "snow".

Eggs stuffed with cod liver

cod liver - 1 jar, eggs - 6 pcs, mayonnaise, parsley, lettuce for decoration

Hard-boil eggs, cool and peel. Cut each egg lengthwise into 2 halves and remove the yolk. In a separate plate, mash the cod liver with a fork, add the mashed yolks. Fill the halves of the proteins with the resulting mixture, put on a dish and decorate with lettuce leaves, herbs and mayonnaise.

Cod liver salad with green peas and potatoes

1 can of cod liver, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. canned green peas, 1 potato, 1 onion, 1/3 lemon, green onion, salt.

Salad recipe: and eggs, peel them and cut into small cubes. Add cod liver, mashed with a fork, canned green peas, finely chopped onions and green onions. Mix all ingredients, add salt to taste. Dressing this salad with mayonnaise is not necessary, since cod liver oil is quite fatty. Lay the salad on a platter, sprinkle with chopped egg and green onions. Garnish the top of the salad with lemon wedges.

Tomatoes stuffed with cod liver

tomatoes (juicy, fleshy) - 10 pcs.; egg - 1-2 pcs.; capers - 3 tsp; cod liver - 1 jar; greens (parsley, green onion) - to taste

To prepare the filling, finely chop the egg, mix with chopped salted capers, parsley and green onions. Transfer the cod liver to a paper towel to remove excess fat. Mash the cod liver in a bowl and add the rest of the filling, mix everything.

Cut the lid off the tomatoes and carefully scoop out the core with a spoon. Fill each tomato with stuffing and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes. The snack is ready.

Canned Pea Pate with Cod Liver

canned green peas - 250g, cod liver - 1 can, onion - 1 small onion, dill - 1 bunch

Throw the canned peas on a sieve, let the liquid drain. Skip the peas through a meat grinder. Throw the cod liver into a sieve, knead and mix with a mass of green peas. Finely chop the onion, mix well again. Sprinkle with dill

Cod liver with cottage cheese

cod liver (canned) - 1 can, cottage cheese - 200g, dill - to taste, tomatoes - 4 pcs., salt - to taste

Pass cod liver, cottage cheese, dill through a meat grinder. Salt the mass, mix well, beat with a fork, transfer to a herring bowl, garnish with slices of fresh tomatoes and dill.

Royal eggs

eggs - 10 pcs., mayonnaise - 100 g, cod liver (canned) - 1 jar, capers - 1 tsp, black pepper, sugar - to taste, red caviar - 1/2 cup.

Cut the hard-boiled eggs in half, remove the yolk. Grind the yolk, add cod liver, capers, mayonnaise, half of the red caviar. Season the mixture with sugar and pepper, fill the halves of the protein, put caviar on top.

Baskets with cod liver

baskets - 4 pcs., cod liver - 60 g, champignons - 20 g, tomato sauce - 60 ml, crabs - 16 g.

In the canned cod liver, cut into pieces, put the mushrooms, cut into slices, stir and warm in the broth. Then drain the broth, add tomato sauce, heat again and fill the baskets baked from rich or puff pastry. When serving, put a piece of crab on the basket.

Salad of cod liver and rice

1 jar of canned cod liver, rice - 200 gr., 3-4 tomatoes, green peas 100 gr., 3 eggs, onions, 3 pickled cucumbers, salt, herbs.
boil and chill. Tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, finely chopped, add peas, rice, cod liver, mix gently and put on a plate, pour canned food sauce on top and sprinkle with greens.

Cod liver salad with capers

3 chicken eggs, 1 jar of canned cod liver, leek, lemon juice, green olives, dill, carpes.
Cooking method: boil eggs, cool and cut into small cubes, cut olives and onions into rings, not large, but finely dill, carpes in half, cod liver is crushed with a fork and knife, mix all the ingredients, pour over lemon juice and sprinkle with dill.

Cod liver salad with carrots

One jar of canned cod liver, 3 eggs, 2 medium-sized carrots, not hard cheese 75 gr., mayonnaise.
Remove the liver from the jar, mash with a fork, and place on the bottom of the salad bowl, wash the carrots, peel and grate on top of the liver. Then, on top of the carrots, grate the cheese on a fine grater, sprinkle with mayonnaise. Boil the eggs, separate from the yolks and grate the beck on top of the cheese, pour over with mayonnaise, and crumble the yolks on top. Decorate as you wish, you can just sprinkle with greens. Do not overdo it with mayonnaise, otherwise the salad will turn out to be very greasy. Cod liver can be used in the preparation of a variety of sandwiches. Everything useful should be in moderation, because in our desire to eat healthy, we can harm ourselves.

Cod liver salad with rice and eggs

cod liver (canned) - 250 g, egg - 2 pcs., rice - 100 g, onion - 1 pc., mayonnaise - 100 g, dill (greens), salt - to taste.

Boil rice in boiling salted water. Hard boil eggs. Cod liver finely chopped. Finely chop eggs and onion. Mix cod liver, eggs, onion and rice, salt and season with mayonnaise. Garnish with dill when serving.

Snack pancakes with cod liver

flour - 2 cups, milk - 1 l, egg - 2 pcs., sugar - 1 tbsp, salt - 1 tsp. , cod liver - 1 bank, pickled cucumbers - to taste.

Sift the flour into a deep bowl and mix with milk, beat with a mixer so that there are no lumps. Add beaten eggs, sugar and salt, beat again. Pour enough batter into the hot pan to evenly cover the bottom of the pan.

Once the bottom of the pancake is browned, flip it over. Fry the second side and remove the pancake from the pan, and pour the next one in its place. Thus, we bake all the pancakes until the dough runs out. Put the cod liver in a separate plate and knead with a fork. Cucumbers cut into thin slices.

Lubricate each pancake with a thin layer of cod liver, put a few slices of pickled cucumbers and roll up. Each pancake roll is cut diagonally into three parts. So we get a lot of delicious snack rolls.

Salad of cod liver, cheese and garlic

Canned cod liver 150 g, boiled eggs 2 pcs., cheese 100 g, garlic 2 cloves, mayonnaise 2 tbsp. spoons, chopped parsley 1 tbsp. spoon, pepper to taste

Peel the eggs, grate on a coarse grater. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Peel the garlic, wash, finely chop.

Cod liver mash with a fork, mix with cheese, eggs, herbs and garlic. Pepper, add mayonnaise, mix, put in a salad bowl.

Cod liver and corn salad

canned cod liver 120 g, canned corn 1 can, potatoes (tubers) 1 can, fresh cucumber 2 pcs., tomatoes 1 pc., lettuce 4 leaves, mayonnaise 0.5 cans, vinegar to taste, ground black pepper to taste, salt to taste

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, cool and cut into small slices. Peel fresh cucumbers, wash the tomato, cut both into circles. Green salad clean, rinse and chop. Mix the potatoes with canned corn and part of the green salad, season them with mayonnaise, vinegar, salt and ground pepper. Lay the salad in a high slide in the middle of the salad bowl. Put canned cod liver sliced ​​into slices on it, around - tomatoes, cucumbers and the remaining green salad.

Cod liver salad with garlic and cheese

cod liver 1 can, garlic 8 cloves, Dutch cheese, grated 4 tbsp. spoons, chopped parsley 2 tbsp. spoons, pepper to taste, salt, herbs (for decoration)

Finely chop the cod liver and combine with grated cheese. Season the remaining fat in the jar with finely chopped garlic and chopped parsley.

Pour the cod liver with cheese with the prepared mixture and mix well. Garnish cod liver salad with fresh herbs.

Cod liver pie

ready-made puff pastry - 700 g, canned cod liver - 2 cans, cream cheese - 250 g, pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs, green onions - to taste.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Roll out the dough and cut into squares. Place one layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place in oven and bake until golden, about 30-35 minutes. Similarly, bake the rest of the cakes.

Mash the cod liver until smooth. Wash green onions, dry and chop. Chop the green cucumbers too. Thoroughly mix the liver with green onions and cucumbers. Lubricate each cake well with the prepared filling. Brush the top crust with cream cheese. Let the cake rest in the refrigerator and serve.

Cod liver is not only tasty, but also very healthy. After all, it contains many nutrients that are necessary for the human body. We suggest you make delicious sandwiches with it.

Cod liver. Snack recipes with nutritious fish

Now let's look at different ways to create such sandwiches using healthy products.

To make sandwiches with cod liver and eggs, we need:

Half an onion;

Two eggs;

One can of cod liver;

10 baguette slices.

These ingredients are enough for ten servings.

cooking process

1. Pour chopped onion into a bowl of medium depth. Everything is filled with boiling water.

2. Eggs are boiled, peeled and finely chopped.

One hundred grams of hard cheese;

1 can of olives;

2 cloves of garlic;

Two hundred grams of cod liver;

Cooking process:

1. The loaf is cut. Fried in a pan without adding oil.

2. Eggs and cheese are rubbed on a fine grater.

3. The liver is warming up.

4. All ingredients are mixed.

5. Greens are chopped very finely, added to the filling. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

6. Then the fried pieces of bread should be rubbed with garlic.

7. Top with a thin layer of filling and sprinkle with herbs. Appetizing and beautiful sandwiches with cod liver and eggs are ready to eat. They can be served for breakfast, then it will turn out to be very nutritious. Also, such canapes are suitable for a buffet table.

Delicate sandwiches with cod liver and eggs

For cooking you will need:

1 avocado;

Two hundred grams of cod liver;

3 beets;

Making avocado sandwiches

1. First you need to boil the beets.

2. Then it is worth peeling the avocado and removing the stone from it. Cut the fruit into cubes. Sprinkle with lemon juice. This is necessary to preserve the color and structure of the avocado.

5. Beets are cut into thin plastics and spread on a fried baguette. Avocados are laid on top and, of course, fish liver.

6. Ready sandwiches are laid out on portioned plates and decorated with lemon slices.

Tip: The avocado should be soft, buttery, and ripe. Then the dish will turn out juicy. If the fruit is not ripe, then the products will have a bitter taste.

A small conclusion

Now you know that cod liver can be useful for making snacks. Sandwiches, the photos of which you see in our article, are not only tasty, but also healthy. If you like something, then cook this dish at home. Good luck! If you are asked how to make the sandwiches we have provided for you, tell them.

Countless salad options are based on this particular ingredient. The variety of their filling will satisfy even true gourmets. In addition to salads, you can cook a lot of appetizers, pates and original sandwiches from it. In addition to treats made using canned food familiar to everyone, culinary masterpieces made from fresh liver are very popular. It has a delicate structure and is unique in taste.

Most often, cod liver is found in recipes with these five products:

In the process of stewing with various sauces and seasonings, a wide palette of aroma and taste of the product is revealed. It has a rich vitamin composition and a high content of vitamin A. It is from cod that natural fish oil is produced. The liver is considered the fattest organ of fish, therefore the whole complex of microelements contained in fish oil is present in it. As a result, we get a product that is not only tasty, but also has a positive effect on health - if consumed in moderation. Recipes for dishes with cod liver will not only give aesthetic pleasure - the result will be in many ways useful. However, it must be remembered that the ingredient used must meet the quality criteria.
