
Chicken ham is a real homemade delicacy.

I had to start learning how to cook sausages and ham at home. It is not clear what is in the stores, but we love sausage with the whole family. And the child was taught to love (I don’t even know if this is good). And if you ask your daughter what she wants more, candy or sausage, she will choose sausage.

Collecting recipes for homemade sausages, similar in taste to store-bought ones, but healthy in terms of benefits, I discovered a recipe for chicken ham at home. Minimum effort: just chop the chicken meat, add spices and cook, and take a sample the next morning. The taste is excellent. The daughter did not even understand that her mother cooked the chicken ham, she is still sure that the “sausage” was bought in the store.


  • chicken fillet 500 g
  • chicken thigh 500 g
  • food gelatin 1 tbsp. l.
  • a mixture of ground peppers 1/4 tsp.
  • nutmeg 1 pc.
  • salt 1/4 tsp
  • garlic 3 cloves

How to cook homemade chicken ham

  1. Prepare the necessary products.

  2. Cut the fillet into small cubes. Remove the skin from the chicken thighs, free the meat from the bone and cut into the same pieces as the breast meat. If you find fat on the thighs, do not remove it; with fat, the ham will turn out juicier.

  3. Grate nutmeg or use ready-made ground (0.5 tsp).

  4. Add salt, ground pepper mixture and minced garlic.

  5. Stir and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature so that the meat is well salted and soaked with spices. Ideally, let stand overnight, but in this case, it is still better to place the plate in the refrigerator.

  6. Immediately before cooking, pour in the gelatin and mix everything well. It is necessary to try to ensure that its crystals are distributed as evenly as possible over the volume of meat.

  7. Put the minced meat in a baking sleeve (plastic bag).

  8. Form the sausage to the desired thickness, making sure to compact the meat well and try to leave as little air inside as possible. Wrap on top in several layers of cling film. This will secure the shape of the ham and keep liquid out.

  9. Wrap the thread evenly tightly.
  10. Dip in boiling water, the ham should be completely covered with liquid. Cook over medium heat in a slightly ajar saucepan for 40 minutes. Remove and leave to cool completely. Only then can the chicken ham be unrolled, cut and tasted.

On a note:

  • If you have , do .
  • Do not cook from one fillet, the ham will turn out to be rather dry. It is optimal to take white and red chicken meat in a ratio of 1: 1
  • You can use any spices, but you should not neglect the addition of nutmeg, it is thanks to him that the taste is as close as possible to the store.

If the plans are to prepare a universal dish that is suitable both for breakfast and for decorating a festive dinner, then there is no better option than chicken ham at home. In addition, there are many options to diversify its taste by adding vegetables, other types of meat and even alcohol. As a rule, this delicacy goes well with baked onions and carrots, cognac and wine.

The recipe for chicken ham in a ham maker is the fastest and easiest. It is suitable for inexperienced housewives and those who prepare this dish for the first time.

The list of ingredients is rather modest:

  • chicken meat - 2 kg;
  • spices (basil, cumin, coriander, red pepper) - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • two pinches of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Meat is better to take in the form of drumsticks or thighs.. If there is a solid fillet, then the ham will turn out to be rather dry, but in the dietary version - that's it. Cut the chicken into small pieces about 1x1 cm.
  2. In the process of grinding, you need to remove the veins and the skin.
  3. The next step is to grind the meat in a meat grinder.
  4. Add salt and spices to the minced meat, mix.
  5. Now we place the mixture in a ham maker, after laying a bag or sleeve there.
  6. Tamp the workpiece tightly.
  7. We seal the future ham with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for several hours.
  8. After cooling, place the ham in a saucepan, cook for 2.5 hours at a temperature of 85 ºC.
  9. Now the ham needs to be cooled down again. It is better if she stays in the refrigerator until the morning.
  10. Everything, the dish is ready. We take it out, take it out of the package and serve it to the table.

Cooking in a plastic bottle

Ham in a plastic bottle is no worse than the version in a ham. She also has an interesting taste, peculiar only to her.

To make the dish hearty and juicy, you should get the following ingredients:

  • one whole chicken weighing from a kilogram to one and a half;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • one bay leaf;
  • Italian herbs - to taste;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the chicken into several parts and cook it until cooked with lavrushka.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in 0.5 l of the resulting broth.
  3. Remove the boiled meat from the bones and cut into small cubes.
  4. Mix it with chopped garlic, seasoning and salt.
  5. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle.
  6. Put the chicken pieces in a bottle and fill with gelatin.
  7. The sausage will be ready after 10-12 hours of cooling in the refrigerator.

On a note! It is easier to take it out by cutting the bottles with a sharp knife.

How to cook in a slow cooker

And such an assistant as a slow cooker can come in handy when preparing ham. The peculiarity of preparing the dish in this way is that the sausage retains all the juice.

The list of products is:

  • hips - 800 g;
  • fillet - 800 g;
  • one tablespoon of powdered milk;
  • one chicken egg;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • a pinch of seasoning to taste;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We remove the meat from the thighs and make minced meat out of it using a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Chicken fillet cut into small pieces.
  3. We mix it all with salt, gelatin, milk, chopped garlic, spices and an egg.
  4. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  5. Then we shift it all into the sleeve and into the empty Tetra Pak package.
  6. We put the tightly tied sausage in a slow cooker, fill it with water and set the stewing mode for 2.5 hours.
  7. As a final touch, freeze the ham in the refrigerator and enjoy the taste.

Homemade chicken ham in the oven

You will not find a more natural and healthy sausage than homemade ham in the oven. It needs the following components:

  • two kilograms of chicken meat to taste;
  • gelatin - 20-30 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of spices to choose from.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the chicken legs or grind in a meat grinder.
  2. Add salt, spices and gelatin to it.
  3. Let marinate for an hour in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour the mixture into the sleeve and tie it with a strong thread (imitating the store version).
  5. We heat the oven to 150ºC and put the future ham on the baking sheet.
  6. We bake it for 40 minutes. After cooling, it is ready for use in food.

With the addition of pork

Pork sausage is much fatter and more satisfying than chicken. But by combining these two types, you can get the best yummy.

To cook ham from assorted meat products, you need to buy the following products:

  • chicken fillet - 800 g;
  • pork - 600 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • a pinch of dry greens;
  • a pinch of pepper;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We make minced meat from pork, cubes from chicken.
  2. Mix chicken meat with mayonnaise, salt and herbs, marinate for 1 hour.
  3. Cheese is also cut into squares.
  4. All ingredients are mixed together.
  5. We put the bag in a ham and put the mixture into it. We cook for an hour and a half. The cooled ham is ready.
  • We shift it all into a ham or cut bottle.
  • Next, cook the sausage. It is possible on the stove, it is possible in a slow cooker with the "Soup" or "Cooking" modes. Cooking time - one and a half hours.
  • Cool the ham first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator.
  • Chicken ham with heart

    A dish like homemade chicken ham sets no boundaries in terms of ingredients. You can sort through the options for a long time until you find the most favorite. For example, sausage with chicken hearts has become a favorite of many chefs.

    For such a delicacy, you should purchase the following ingredients:

    • chicken meat (breast or thighs) - 500 g;
    • chicken hearts - 200-300 g;
    • a pinch of pepper;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • provencal herbs - 1 teaspoon;
    • paprika - 1 teaspoon;
    • gelatin - 20 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. We make fillets from half of the meat products. Cut the other half into cubes. We mix.
    2. Dilute gelatin in a few tablespoons of warm water and pour over the meat.
    3. We also send spices and salt there.
    4. We shift the workpiece into a baking bag. We release air from it and compact it as much as possible.
    5. We place the sausage on a baking sheet and put it in an oven preheated to 140ºC.
    6. After 40 minutes, we get the finished dish. After cooling it, you can treat your loved ones.

    Homemade ham is incomparably useful compared to store-bought. It does not contain harmful substances, and taste, as a rule, prevails. It is not difficult to learn how to cook it, especially if you try for dear people.

    Chicken meat is highly valued due to the content of various mineral compounds in it, moreover, it does not harm the figure at all when properly prepared. You can make many delicious dishes from chicken meat, one of which is homemade ham.

    Selecting and preparing meat

    First of all, it is important to choose the right meat and prepare it for cooking ham. In order for the ham to come out not only tasty, but also of high quality, you need to take into account several rules for choosing meat:

    When preparing meat before cooking, you should pay attention to its appearance. If chicken fillet is used, then there will be no problems - it is enough to rinse it and get rid of the fatty film.

    The chicken is waiting for more thorough preparation:

    • First of all, it is important to rinse it with clean water;
    • Next, you need to remove the skin from the chicken. No matter how scary and complicated this process may seem, it is very simple to do it: just cut it deep enough. After the incision, you need to remove the fat of the chicken, and then its internal parts;
    • When cutting the chicken into pieces, you need to remove the remaining fat, as well as the fatty film.

    When cooking ham from chicken, it is also better to follow useful tips. Thus, many mistakes can be avoided, as well as an incredible result can be achieved.

    1. It is better not to try to cook a thick ham. So, it will not be fully cooked and will be raw in the center. Then you have to spend time on baking;
    2. It is necessary to adhere to the time indicated in the recipe for cooking ham. Otherwise, the result may be unpredictable. For example, if you overexpose the ham in the oven or slow cooker, it will turn out dry;
    3. It is advisable to cook ham with the help of a slow cooker. This will greatly facilitate the recipe, as well as save time and effort. Of course, if there is no multicooker, you can cook ham in other convenient ways.

    Chicken Ham Recipes

    Classic ham in a pot

    The classic recipe for chicken ham will definitely please everyone, as it does not contain unnecessary ingredients. Its second name is universal. This ham is suitable for both a hearty dinner and breakfast.

    In addition, a special sleeve is useful when baking.

    First of all, you should prepare the meat for cooking as described above. When using chicken rather than fillet, it is advisable not to throw out the remaining bones: they can be left for another recipe, for example, for making chicken soup. From fat, you can also later make minced meat.

    After preparing the meat, you need to divide it into several equal small pieces. To do this, it is better to use a good sharp knife. If desired, you can add salt or pepper, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Also, with the help of a fine grater, you need to chop the garlic cloves and add them to the meat. Meat, seasonings and garlic must be mixed together properly.

    If desired, you can also use dense threads by wrapping them around the sleeve: this will ensure reliability during cooking.

    Then you should pour clean water into a medium-sized saucepan and put on fire. It is necessary to immediately immerse the roll in water, without waiting for the boil. The fire level should be minimal, and the cooking time should be approximately 60-80 minutes.

    After the ham is cooked, you need to drain the water from the pan, and then put the ham to cool. So, it can stay in the refrigerator all night.

    Ham with cognac in a slow cooker

    There is also a very tasty recipe for chicken ham, which is a little different from the classic one. For a special aroma and taste, a small amount of cognac is used in the preparation. Thus, the following ingredients are needed:

    • Chicken fillet - 800 g;
    • Cognac - 2.5 tbsp. spoons (you can have a little more to taste, the main thing is not to overdo it);
    • Carrots - 2 pcs;
    • Gelatin - 15 g;
    • Garlic - 4 cloves;
    • Salt, pepper - 1/2 teaspoon (more to taste).

    The first step is to prepare the chicken for cooking in the usual way. If chicken fillet is used for the recipe, then this facilitates the process. But the chicken will need to be washed and separated from the bones, and if necessary, rid of excess fat.

    As in the previous recipe, it or the fillet should be cut into several small equal pieces.

    Spices should be added to the pieces of meat if desired, as well as cognac and gelatin. Having mixed all the components properly, you need to put the chicken to cool for several hours.

    At this time, you can deal with the vegetables used. Carrots need not only to be properly cleaned of dirt, but also to rid it of the peel. The core with seeds should be removed from the pepper. Vegetables should be cut into small pieces, not forgetting also the garlic cloves.

    After 2 hours, you can get the chicken out of the refrigerator, add vegetables to it and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

    A special baking sleeve must be filled with the resulting mixture and wrapped properly. It is better to fasten it with dense threads around the edges. Now the roll must be immersed in a slow cooker, and also pour clean water into its bowl.

    The temperature of the water can be warm or slightly hot, so that the cooking goes faster. But do not pour steep boiling water. Having closed the multicooker, it remains to set the appropriate mode and time: cooking for 1-1.5 hours.

    After cooking, it is better not to remove the roll immediately, so as not to get burned. After waiting 30 minutes, you should put it in the refrigerator until completely cooled (you can for one night).

    Ham with mushrooms in the oven

    Another variation of cooking homemade chicken ham is using mushrooms. Mushrooms are more suitable for this, because they are distinguished by their delicate taste and budget. So, for the recipe you will need:

    • Chicken fillet - 800 g;
    • Champignon mushrooms - 150 g;
    • Vegetable oil for frying;
    • Gelatin - 15 g;
    • Yellow or red bell pepper - 1 pc;
    • Garlic - 4 cloves;
    • Salt or pepper - 1/2 teaspoon (more to taste).

    After preparing the chicken fillet, you should cut it into small pieces.

    Mushrooms must be finely chopped, and then fried in any vegetable oil. It is better to use olive oil, as it will give an amazing flavor and is also good for health. While the mushrooms are fried over low heat, you can quickly wash and cut the bell pepper into cubes.

    After the champignons are fried, they need to be mixed with meat, adding pepper, garlic, gelatin and spices to taste. As usual, it is important to mix the ingredients thoroughly with each other. You can even do this with clean hands.

    To cook ham in the oven, you need either a baking sleeve or cling film. Having made a kind of roll out of ham and securing it with threads, you also need to wrap it with foil.

    Now it remains to put the future ham on a baking sheet and load the latter into the oven. Cooking time varies from one hour to one and a half. The oven temperature should be standard, that is, 180 degrees.

    As in previous recipes, the ham should be cooled before serving.

    Culinary totals

    Thus, homemade chicken ham is a very healthy dish. Traditionally, it is made from pork, but thanks to chicken meat, its harm and calorie content are reduced to a minimum. The following conclusions could also be drawn:

    • Before making chicken ham at home, due attention should be paid to the choice of quality meat;
    • Meat should be prepared before cooking, especially whole chicken, because it is important to separate it from bones, fat, and skin;
    • Chicken ham is a very budget dish. The main ingredients are meat and gelatin;
    • To diversify the classic recipe, you can add vegetables and mushrooms to taste. Also, pieces of chicken meat can be supplemented with turkey meat.

    In order not to make mistakes when cooking, it is better to rely on useful tips.

    The quality of sausage, which is sold in stores today, leaves much to be desired. However, sometimes you really want to eat a sandwich with fragrant ham in the morning. Do not deny yourself pleasure. Even children can safely enjoy delicious ham if you make it yourself. Well, no, you say. - it's completely impossible. Don't worry, there is absolutely nothing complicated. Chicken ham at home is prepared quite simply, and how delicious it is! There are dozens of recipes, following which you will get an excellent sausage without harmful additives and flavors.

    What is required for work

    It is not necessary to be a professional chef or have expensive equipment at home. Even devices for stuffing the intestines you do not need. Chicken ham at home is made using the simplest tools. So, you will need a kitchen scale, a cutting board and knives, kitchen towels, a bowl and a roasting sleeve, a deep saucepan with a lid, a spatula and a plastic container. We will look at several recipes today, but this basic set will be needed for each of them.

    Let's start cooking

    Chicken ham at home is prepared so quickly and simply that if you try this dish once, you definitely won’t refuse it. You will need to defrost the chicken (one serving is a medium carcass, weighing about one and a half kilograms). Rinse it thoroughly and remove any stumps and feathers. If the liver, lung and heart remain inside, then they must also be removed. Now we wash the carcass from the inside, after which we dry it with paper towels. The finished chicken goes to the cutting board. Now you need to prepare a mixture from it for future ham.

    Cutting rules

    Ham from chicken at home is made from their pure pulp, without the addition of soy and grains, thickeners and stabilizers. Now we need to divide the carcass into parts and remove all the meat from each of them. It must be cut into small pieces, up to 1 cm in size. The skin, bones, neck and back can be useful for making broth, so put them in a bag and put them in the freezer. Pieces of fat can also be saved, but they do not go into ham.

    Spices for the best taste

    What makes sausage so delicious? Of course, because of the professional set of spices, the secret of which is kept only by technologists of large enterprises. However, today it is no longer a secret that most of these additives are not at all useful for the body, so it would be much better to get by with natural flavors.

    So, from one chicken we got about 800 g of pure pulp. Now you need to season it with salt. Here, each hostess has her own calculations. As a basis, you can take 0.5 teaspoon. In addition, sprinkle the meat with black pepper, add 2-3 cloves of garlic, previously passed through a garlic press. At this stage, you can add green peas, chopped carrots, red peppers, as well as any seasonings you wish. Mix well and leave for 15 minutes to marinate the chicken.

    Formation of ham

    The chicken ham recipe at home involves heat treatment in an artificial casing. To do this, sprinkle the pickled meat with gelatin and mix thoroughly again. Now you are faced with an important task - to form a tight roll. To do this, you need to choose a shell. It can be a baking film or a plastic bag. The roll must be rolled very tightly so that there is no air left in it. If you are using thin cling film, then you need to make several layers. To avoid a breakthrough or puncture, the future ham must be tightened in one layer of aluminum foil. For reliability, wrap the roll with thread very well. Why so much attention to tightness? Because if water seeps into the meat, it will wash away the precious juice and the ham will suffer greatly.

    Heat treatment

    As you can see, cooking chicken ham at home is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The formed roll must be lowered into a deep, wide pan and poured with water so that it covers it by about 4-5 fingers. After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum. A very important point: the roll should lie flat on the bottom, without kinks. Therefore, the dishes must be of a suitable diameter.

    It will take about an hour and a half to cook the ham, under a covered lid. After that, drain the water and leave it to cool completely to room temperature. After that, without opening the package, transfer the roll to a plastic container and leave it on the refrigerator shelf overnight.


    Cooking chicken ham at home is almost over. Thin slices are cut with a sharp knife, laid out on a flat dish and decorated with herbs, mayonnaise and ketchup. You can immediately make delicious sandwiches, supplementing them with fresh cucumber or mustard. Children will love to eat them. If desired, you can add this ham to salads.

    If desired, you can reduce the calorie content of this dish by using only chicken breasts. But in this case, the ham is too dry. It is recommended to add butter or a few raw legs to such meat. In this recipe, we considered adding a minimum amount of spices, but you can change everything as you wish. Provencal or spices that are used for meat dishes, turmeric, all of which can be used with great success in this dish.

    In addition, many housewives use fresh bell peppers and carrots, cut into long strips, canned peas and corn, boiled eggs, fried mushrooms and olives, gherkins and nuts, as well as a variety of greens. With such additives, chicken ham at home (we will give a photo in our article) becomes even brighter and more festive.

    Ham in a box

    Do you want to have a real square loaf of ham on your table, elegant and incomparably tasty? Then the following recipe is just for you. Since we can already cook chicken ham at home, it remains only to work on the details. You will need the same amount of meat, dry rosemary and a milk or kefir bag inside with foil. An empty juice bag is also great.

    However, we recommend slightly changing the recipe. We cut the chicken breast into small pieces, and chop the rest of the meat with a meat grinder or blender into minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly, sprinkle with seasonings and pack tightly into the prepared box, cover with foil or foil on top. Now you need to find a deep saucepan, and put an inverted saucer on the bottom. We put the box in it in such a way that the water reaches the place where the stuffing ends. Now bring to a boil and cook for an hour and a half.

    Ham in a bag

    This is another option for making homemade treats that you might like. In this case, we suggest taking a ham maker of your choice, that is, a special silicone mold in the form of a cylinder with holes along the edges and special plugs. It is ideal for making a loaf of the shape we are used to.

    If you don’t have such a device, then don’t worry, chicken ham will be no worse cooked at home in a bag. To do this, pick up a tin can from under tomato paste or other canned food and cut out both bottoms from it. Put a baking bag in it. It is best to make it double, otherwise there is a risk that during the cooking process it will be damaged and water will get inside. And then everything is according to the previous recipe. We stuff the sleeve with minced meat, fix it at both ends and cook in a saucepan with water.

    Cooking in the oven

    And for this recipe you will need a metal mold. Chicken ham at home in the oven turns out no worse than a delicacy from a supermarket. For a 13 x 24 cm mold, you will need 600 g of chicken breast and 300 g of thighs. Grind the fillet in a blender, and cut the thighs into pieces. Add 2 tablespoons of powdered milk, 1 egg and a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce, salt and your favorite seasonings.

    Now cover the baking dish with foil, and on top with baking paper. Thoroughly tamp the minced meat and close it with free ends. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the ham for about 40 minutes. After that, wait for complete cooling.

    Miracle in a bottle

    As you can see, there are more than enough options for preparing a delicious snack. But we won't stop there. We have the next amazing dish in line - homemade chicken ham in a bottle. The composition has been slightly modified to show you the high variability. Each housewife can redraw it to her own taste, and each time a new dish will be obtained.

    You will need: two legs, 300 g of chicken liver and 250 g of hearts, as well as spices. The legs should be placed in water and boiled for 50 minutes. Do not pour out the broth, we will still need it. Separately, in a saucepan, boil the hearts and liver for 40 minutes. After cooling, cut them and the legs into small pieces. Now pour about one and a half ladle of chicken broth into a separate container and add 5 g of gelatin to it. Heat the solution in a water bath to dissolve the gelatin. Salt the meat, add spices and pour the resulting broth. Take a pre-prepared plastic bottle that has had its neck cut off. Pour the resulting mixture into it and cover the top with a lid that fits in diameter. Place a weight on top, such as a jar of water. She will press the meat part down, it will not float, and the ham will turn out denser. Now put the delicacy in the refrigerator overnight, after which it will be possible to cut it into portions.

    Instead of a conclusion

    As you can see, there are a lot of ways to cook homemade ham. Each of them can become your signature recipe. Try to cook such a sausage with your home. We are sure that they will no longer want to look at store-bought delicacies. In addition, the abundance of variations will allow you to find the most delicious recipe for your household, taking into account their preferences. By analogy, you can use other meats, such as turkey or pork. And again at the exit you will receive a new dish.

    Step by step recipe with photo and video

    Homemade ham is much tastier than store-bought. At least you yourself know what you yourself put there. It already sounds delicious. And if you add your favorite spices, dry aromatic herbs? This is a find! The process itself is not laborious, I would even say easy. The main thing is to get meat, then force someone to wash the meat grinder and find endurance in yourself while the delicacy cools down.

    It cuts great, does not crumble or break. Very tasty with mustard, especially French. Well, I love it so much. And you already choose according to your taste: mustard, horseradish or just a slice of bread.

    From this amount of ingredients came out 1 kg 350 grams of the finished product.

    Prepare the ingredients for cooking chicken ham in a ham maker according to the list. The meat used must be well chilled. Before working, it must be kept in the refrigerator for several hours.

    For chicken ham, I used meat from the thighs and drumsticks. I think that from the chicken fillet itself it would be dry. The skin and veins, of course, need to be removed. And cut the meat itself into small pieces, about 1x1 cm.

    Approximately 1/4 of all meat must be ground with a meat grinder. In this case, it is better to use a grate with large holes. Optionally, 1-2 cloves of garlic can be added at this stage.

    Put the minced meat on the chopped meat. Add spices and salt. For spices, I used a mixture of cumin, basil, coriander, nutmeg, red hot pepper and paprika flakes.

    Then you should knead well, mix the meat with minced meat.

    You can use a mixer. Since my mixer could not handle this, I had to do everything by hand. You need to do it quickly, intensively and for a long time. The meat should become viscous, but it must remain cool. If you feel that your hands are warm, send them to the cold for a while.

    Cover the ham with a food bag or sleeve.

    Put the prepared meat filling inside, tamping tightly with a spoon. It is necessary to try so that there is practically no air left in the sleeve.

    Twist the top edge and press the lid.

    Then alternately tighten 4 springs. Send the ham to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight).

    Put the ham in a pot with water. The water should completely cover the mold.

    Turn on low heat and continue to cook chicken ham in a ham cooker for 2-2.5 hours. The water temperature should not exceed 85 degrees.

    After the time has elapsed, remove the container with meat and immediately put it in a bowl of cold water for 5-7 minutes. Then send to the refrigerator until completely cooled. It is better not to rush here, let the meat cool well.

    Remove the springs from the ham maker, remove the lid and remove the bag of ham. Carefully remove the package and that's it - homemade, fragrant, juicy and very tasty ham is ready!

    Get mustard and call relatives, friends and neighbors. Treat everyone with delicious meat, and in return listen to praise addressed to you.

    Bon appetit. Cook with love.
