
Smart food. Just about complex

Currently, there are proven methods of organizing healthy eating designed to help those in need. Some are annoyed by seasonal exacerbations of diseases gastrointestinal tract, others would like to eat according to their biorhythms, mothers are upset that children prefer home dinner chips and Coca-Cola, someone wants to get better, and someone is desperate to shuffle diets in an effort to lose hated fat. This book will help everyone form the right view of reasonable nutrition and suggest real ways to solve problems. After all, it is quite possible to normalize and balance your diet on your own. The special value of the book is that all the rules and recommendations set out in it take into account individual characteristics body and lifestyle differences.

A series: Best Health Book

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by the LitRes company.

How to eat during mental work

For most adults, the value physical activity mainly determined by the nature of labor - mental or physical. In persons engaged in mental work, motor activity is low. Everyone knows perfectly well what unpleasant health consequences this can lead to - a decrease in muscle tone, obesity and a whole bunch of diseases following it ...

Active muscular work, on the contrary, contributes to right course metabolic processes, improves the work of the cardiovascular and (which is especially important for us to note) digestive systems, increases the activity of digestive juices, improves intestinal motility, reduces the intensity of putrefactive processes in it.

If you are engaged in mental work, then your energy consumption, depending on age, will be from 2550 to 2800 kcal. To compensate for them, daily diet should contain 100–115 g of protein, 80–90 g of fat and 300–350 g of carbohydrates. At least 50% of the proteins consumed should be proteins of animal origin, and it is good if half of them are milk proteins. Twenty-five percent of the fat should come from butter, the rest - vegetable oil and other fats. It is recommended to limit the amount of sugar and sweets as much as possible, so that their share in the total amount of carbohydrates consumed does not exceed 15%.

The diet of mental workers should contain enough vitamins that stimulate redox processes and have a lipotropic effect. It is recommended to take food 4-5 times a day.

How should you eat so that the brain works with full dedication? If you believe nutritionists, organizing such a meal is not so difficult. You just need to critically review your diet and pay attention to foods containing mental stimulants.

Dietitians believe that it is important to adopt some healthy habits. For example, refuse too large portions eaten in one sitting. Many experienced for themselves how after hearty lunch brain activity decreases, drowsiness and indifference to work appear. A busy schedule is incompatible with low calorie diet limiting carbohydrates - it is better to postpone it until calmer times.

The real food for the mind can be called glucose: it is it that the brain cells absorb in huge quantities. You should look for it in cereal products, potatoes, pasta. rich in glucose and all kinds of desserts, however, it is better to prefer honey or some kind of honey to a piece of cake sweet fruit- peach, banana or pear.

To speed up thought processes and overcome fatigue will help foods containing B vitamins - meat, fish, nuts, cereals and Rye bread. In addition, food for thought should include at least 500 g fresh vegetables and fruits. An orange or grapefruit eaten in the morning gives a boost of energy and restores the acid-base balance, which is usually disturbed due to an exhausting regimen.

In general, intense mental activity increases the body's need for vitamins and minerals. And if you fail to eat the recommended dose along with regular products, you can try fortified - milk, bread, yogurt, cookies. However, many busy people prefer reception vitamin complexes- and this is also a solution to the problem.

What should be the menu of a genius?

The human brain is a very fastidious organ with specific dietary needs. Thus, if brainstorming is a common thing at your work, or your child suddenly “cut through” the makings of Einstein, then it’s time to think about how to establish such a diet in the family so that it positively affects intelligence.

As usual, let's start with breakfast. The best fuel for the brain is glucose. Therefore, if someone skips breakfast, then he will be worse at school and at work. However, sugar alone is clearly not enough. According to scientific research, published in 2003, if a child constantly eats sweet cereals for breakfast, washing them down with soda, then soon his memory and attention are reduced to the level of a seventy-year-old man.

A good choice for breakfast - scrambled eggs with salad. Eggs are rich in choline, which is used by the body as a raw material for the production of a transmitter nerve impulses- acetylcholine. Decreased levels of acetylcholine alleviate the course of Alzheimer's disease, and some studies show that adequate levels of acetylcholine slow down age-related memory loss. Salads are rich in antioxidants, including beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, which scavenge brain-damaging free radicals. As American scientists from the University of California joke, antioxidants even make it possible to “teach old dogs new tricks.”

For lunch, there must be a meat or fish dish with vegetable side dish. When planning your menu, don't neglect grains and legumes, which are rich in vegetable proteins. In addition, beans good source fiber, and according to other data, there is a positive relationship between cognitive abilities and the amount of fiber in the diet.

Include yogurt in your diet as a separate dish and as salad dressings. Yogurt contains the amino acid tyrosine, which is necessary for the synthesis of dopamine and norepinephrine mediators. Studies by military doctors from the United States have shown that the amount of tyrosine decreases under the influence of stress, so additional tyrosine in the diet increases stress resistance and improves memory.

The human brain is 60% fat, so the food should contain a sufficient amount fatty acids Omega 3. Our grandfathers were right when they said that fish - the best food for the brain. And finally, it will be nice to have a dessert for dinner fresh berries– strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries – or berry dishes. By the way, in animal experiments it has been proven that these products improve coordination of movements, concentration and short-term memory.

And so that you do not find it difficult to compose a menu for your home-grown geniuses, we offer you several recipes to choose from - tasty and extremely useful for mental activity.

Imperial omelette

4 eggs, 250 g flour, 8 tbsp. spoons of raisins, 2 teaspoons of rum or cognac, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cold milk, 60 g butter, powdered sugar, salt.

Rinse raisins hot water, dry on a towel and sprinkle with rum. Sift flour and salt, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and dilute with yolk and milk until a thick slurry is obtained. Whip the egg whites and the remaining sugar into a stiff foam, mix into the dough. Melt the butter in a frying pan, pour the dough into it and add the raisins. Bake the omelette with a crispy bottom crust, carefully flip over and brown the other side.

Divide the omelet into portioned pieces and keep in the pan for another 2 minutes. Transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle the top with powdered sugar.

Cheese toast with mango chutney

For 4 servings: 4 wheat tortillas diameter 20 cm, 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil, 4 tbsp. spoons of mango chutney, 200 g cooked turkey, 150 g grated cheese"Cheddar", 4 green onion shoots.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Chop the turkey meat, chop the onion. Brush the tortillas with oil and place oiled side down on a baking sheet. Spread chutney over tortillas, top with turkey, then cheese and onion. Bake 8 minutes.

For the chutney, pulse a couple of mangoes, 3 bunches each of cilantro and mint, and 1 red onion in a food processor, add red pepper, salt, and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and stir the chutney again.

Hungarian bean salad

200 g white beans, 1 egg, vegetable oil, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, salt, pepper.

Put 200 g of boiled white beans in a salad bowl, sweeten, salt and pepper. Prepare dressing from 1 boiled egg yolk, pounded with 1 teaspoon of water, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and lemon juice (to taste). Mix the beans well with it and serve.

Salad of tomatoes and green beans

200 g green beans, 2 fresh tomatoes, a bunch of greens, 4 shoots of green onions.

String beans boil in salt water, cut into pieces, put in a bowl with tomato slices, finely chopped herbs and onions. Dress the salad with a mixture of vegetable oil and vinegar (sour cream or mayonnaise).

White beans with capsicum

300 g white beans, 2 onions, 1 garlic clove, 2 red peppers, vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt. In the boiled beans, put finely chopped onion, mashed garlic clove, chopped peppers or tomato slices, pour over a mixture of vegetable oil and lemon juice, add salt to taste.

Salad of asparagus and carrots

300 g asparagus, 300 g carrots, 300 g canned peas, 200 g of mayonnaise or sour cream, salt, herbs.

Peeled carrots cut and stewed. Steam the asparagus separately. After cooling, cut the asparagus into pieces, mix with carrots, peas and mayonnaise.

beans in a pot

500 g lamb or pork, 500 g green beans, 250 g chanterelles or porcini mushrooms, 2 onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, 4 fresh tomatoes, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of flour, a little sour cream, 1 / 2 cups of grated cheese, salt, pepper. Meat cut into cubes and fry with chopped onions and tomatoes. When the meat is half cooked, add the bean pods, broken in half, pour over hot water, season with salt and pepper and simmer over low heat. Mushrooms cut into slices, simmer until soft, add tomato paste, egg and sour cream, sprinkle with flour, simmer slightly. Then mix mushrooms with beans, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for a short time to bake the dish.

Fish cutlets

1 kg hake, cod or pollock back, 2 heads onion, 150 g of bread, 100 g of vegetable oil, pepper, salt to taste, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour.

Clean the fish, wash it, separate the fillet from the bones and scroll through a meat grinder along with the fried onion and squeezed bun, season with sugar, pepper, add flour, mix to form a thick minced meat. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in vegetable oil to appear golden crust. Put the cutlets in a saucepan, pour fish broth put in the oven for 20 minutes.

Veal with yogurt

150 g of veal, 30 g of onions, 50 g of fresh mushrooms, 15 g of butter, 5 g of flour, 20 g of cream, 25 g of yogurt, ground black and red pepper, salt.

The veal is cut into strips 2.5 cm wide and not more than 0.8 cm thick, seasoned with pepper and salt and fried over high heat in butter; fried mushrooms and onions are mixed with meat. Then put the butter in the pan, add the flour, lightly fry it, pour in the cream and a little water, stir, boil, season with salt and red pepper and slowly pour in the yogurt whipped with a whisk. Without bringing to a boil, heat up - the dish is ready to serve.

Strawberries with sour cream

500 g strawberries, 100 g sour cream, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Sort the strawberries, rinse, put in a colander and let the water drain. Place on a dish in the form of a truncated pyramid and cover with sour cream, whipped with sugar. Around the pyramid to form from pastry bag with a large tube a wreath of sour cream. Before serving, keep the strawberries in the refrigerator for 0.5–1 hour.

Strawberry or raspberry slices with whipped cream

Dough: 6 eggs, 150 g powdered sugar, 100 g wheat flour, 50 g starch, a pinch of salt, 1 / 2 h. spoons of lemon zest. Toppings: strawberries or raspberries, whipped cream or butter cream, a little marmalade or chocolate, grated on a coarse grater.

powdered sugar, egg yolk and lemon zest, gently mix and beat until the mass doubles in volume. Then beat the whites strongly and mix with flour and starch, adding salt, and then carefully add the yolks beaten with sugar. Biscuit mass roll out into 1-2 sheets and bake over very low heat so that it remains light and soft, after which the sheets should be cut into quadrangles. Mix whipped cream with strawberries or raspberries, spread the biscuit slices with this mass and cover with the same slices. Grease each cake on top with marmalade or sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Parfait with yogurt and cherries

1 banana, 400 ml yogurt, 250 g sugar, 200 g cherries, 6 egg yolks, 200 g whipped cream, 100 g berries for decoration, Amaretto liqueur to taste.

Beat the yolks and sugar in a water bath until they are heated to 36 ° C without overheating. Cool and, when the mixture hardens a little, beat with a mixer with cream and canned cherries. Put the mass in the freezer for one day at a temperature of -18 ° C. Add Amaretto liqueur to taste in yogurt, mix. Peel the banana, cut lengthwise into plates, sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes until the slices are crispy. Decorate the parfait banana chips, berries and sauce.

Blueberries with milk

1 liter of milk, 600 g blueberries, sugar.

Pour cold milk into bowls, add pure blueberries. Serve sugar or honey separately.

Tips from Paul Bragg

The famous American nutritionist and physiotherapist Paul Bragg, author of the book "The Miracle of Fasting", is sure that doing mental work in the morning is best on an empty stomach. “Most students eat heavily, and then try to diligently move their brains. They have to make great efforts to force themselves to concentrate on their studies. But let these same students good rest, - says Bragg, - and let them have breakfast only 2-3 hours after sleep. You will see them emerge as geniuses."

It's all about, believes the champion healthy lifestyle life, that heavy, rich food requires a lot of energy for digestion, and the brain remains deprived. This makes people slow-witted, since all the energy is devoted to digesting food. After a hearty breakfast, a person reflexively feels satiety and bliss, but mental strength does not increase at all. So, what is the best way to eat during mental work according to Paul Bragg?

After waking up, warming up and dousing or contrast shower Devote 2-3 hours to mental, creative pursuits.

First breakfast (around 10 o'clock). Cabbage and carrot salad, 1 glass of kefir, a piece of bread.

Lunch (about 12 hours). 1 cup of coffee or tea, 1 egg, a piece of bread, a piece of cheese, 1 apple.

Dinner. Vegetable soup, meat or fish dish, salad, bread, tea - not immediately after a meal, but a little later.

afternoon tea. Fruit, juice, dessert.

Dinner. a fish dish, salad, potato or carrot puree, tea.

Before bedtime. 1 glass of milk or kefir.

To avoid "brain drain"

Accustomed to hard mental work, it is not recommended to relax much during the holidays, otherwise the indicator of intelligence - IQ - is greatly reduced in just three to four weeks.

But not only vacationers suffer from the “brain drain”, but also those who, on the contrary, work hard non-stop. Prolonged stress has an even more detrimental effect on brain cells, leads to memory deterioration and, in the end, greatly impoverishes intellectual capabilities.

However, many great scientists managed to live in perfect health to a ripe old age and at the same time maintain up to last days ability to intense mental work. It would be nice not to let us down! How to achieve the same results?

Here is the opinion of the scientific director of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician N. Bekhtereva, on this topic: “The lifestyle of knowledge workers is often terrible, physical activity low, diet is wrong, bad habits. The brain tries to compensate for this, but does not always cope with everything. These people, although they live longer, are objectively unhealthy. After all, I still largely judge both by myself and by those whom I observe around. That's why the best option- this is when you think and play tennis from childhood. If you combine physical and mental stress, you can live well for quite a long time. Those who work with their heads, at the age of forty, need to think hard about this.

And the well-known physiologist N. E. Vvedensky at the beginning of the last century described the patterns on which the productivity of mental labor depends. Along with rational nutrition, he points out the importance of the rhythm of work, that is, the alternation of work and rest.

Here are some signs of unacceptable overwork:

you re-read the same thing several times;

eyes “read”, but the brain does not react to what is read;

there is a painful reaction to sounds that you did not notice before;

the handwriting has become more sweeping, uneven, the letters “dance”, it is difficult to observe the angle of their inclination and the line of the line.

All of which means it's time to take a break. People who successfully cope with information loads are united by the ability to find a balance between tension and relaxation, work and rest.

One of the experts of the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" shared his experience of mobilizing the mind: “Preparing for responsible gambling for me comes down to getting a good night's sleep. The day before, I try not to strain my brain at all, I prefer leisurely walks in the park, talking with children, listening to Mozart.

Here's another example. A young computer scientist, who had struggled for four hours to solve one problem to no avail, went out into the street to buy cigarettes. “About three minutes later, when I was paying at the checkout in the store, the solution I was looking for suddenly popped up in my head. It was a real revelation: you need to relax to let your brain work!” he said afterwards.

The director of a small travel company turned the lunch break into a real ritual. No matter how crazy the day turns out, at exactly 2:00 pm he leaves the office for his favorite Japanese restaurant. Its atmosphere is very conducive to relaxation: subdued light, calm music, no fuss. The entrepreneur is sure that an hour of such a rest is fully justified: he feels a surge of strength throughout the afternoon.

In order to promote creative breakthroughs in the daily routine, doctors recommend taking 10-15-minute pauses in work every two hours. Usually this is the schedule that smokers follow, although it is useful for everyone. It is advisable not only to change your posture, but also move away from the workplace, take a walk along the corridor, go outside and look into the distance. To relieve bodily tension, you can do several exercises that relax the muscles of the back and neck.

In short, if by occupation you have to exploit the brain to the maximum, sooner or later you will think about increasing and restoring their performance. A well-designed diet, the ability to relax in time and physical activity - these three components are enough to cope with overload.

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reduced introductory fragment books Smart nutrition for health and beauty. Home encyclopedia (A. V. Vishnevskaya, 2007) provided by our book partner -

You can complain about excess weight, you can nod to the hereditary factor and approach the mirror mainly sideways, because in this perspective your size will not look intimidating. You can convince yourself that you are already beautiful and desirable, you can find an atelier for sewing covers for tanks and order yourself an exclusive outfit. It is possible, but is it necessary?

It's never too late to take care of yourself. Face it, being overweight rarely looks attractive. If you are not among those who are convinced of their exceptional attractiveness due to pomp, cheerful laughter, you should pull yourself together.

Diets or smart eating?

For the most part, diet is a body modeling tool in short term. Choose for every taste and budget, observe fanatically and do not forget about the novopassit. A diet is stress for the body, a strict diet is generally a terrible horror. As soon as it is over, the body, remembering the suffering, stocks up like crazy. As a result: dropped 5 kilograms, scored ten. This statement does not apply to special diets that are medically necessary.

Anger and bitchiness go off scale, nerves to hell. For sausage on a sandwich of a spouse, I want to send the entire male gender to the guillotine. You are silent and eat up the last sprig of dill, well, at least you can have coffee, without sugar.

Why limit yourself like this?

With the hope of understanding

Learn to negotiate with your body, listen and please yourself beloved. The body is not at all to blame for the fact that you are able to stuff a bowl of Olivier into yourself and eat a cake. He doesn't need hamburgers and Coke with fried potatoes, there is little benefit from such dinners. Understand what pushes you to rampage and promiscuity in food. The body simply has nowhere to put the excess and it is forced to carry on itself kilograms of unattractive fat layer, which, moreover, puts a serious strain on everything. internal organs and joints.

What is healthy sensible nutrition?

Proper, reasonable nutrition is nothing more than the ability to reasonably maintain the vitality of the body. The ability to enjoy and be content with little. fractional nutrition, in small portions and without the abuse of fats and carbohydrates will allow without special efforts come into a comfortable shape. You need to accept the fact that proper, sensible nutrition is a way of life.

You don't have to limit your passion for variety. Cake? Yes, please, only not the packaging, but the little thing! Ice cream? With great pleasure, but only one horn, not a kilogram package of ice cream. Everything is much easier than you think. The balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, frequent snacks will help start the weight loss process.

No wonder they say that the hardest work is working on yourself. Only it is very pleasant when a slim and rejuvenated one is not recognized by her own friends.

Drink water, clean, non-carbonated. Water and fractional, reasonable nutrition allow you to restore and speed up metabolic processes.

If you are guaranteed to feed your body at least every three to four hours, it calms down, it is complacent, it understands that you have improved and will not leave him hungry. Small portions, the volume of a two-hundred-gram glass, are able to fully saturate.

When the body understands that the days of “any food and everything you like” are over, that you have improved and you can be trusted, it will relax and stop frantically stockpiling. Moreover, when he sees care, he will begin to help and, in addition to calories from the outside, he will also add his own fat.

Be sure to have breakfast, a plate of porridge, a couple boiled eggs, baked fish will allow the body to get rid of kilograms at an accelerated pace.

How to easily switch to proper nutrition to normalize weight? All of us from early childhood heard the words that food plays an important role in our lives. It directly affects our well-being and our energy. But for some it remains the same. common truth, and someone seriously thought about their diet. When deciding to eat right, a person falls into the trap of advertising, his eating habits, their own laziness and the opinions of others. But is it all that difficult? Is it really impossible to start eating right, lose weight and change best quality own life. It all depends on your desire and the chosen paths of transition to proper nutrition.

If you made a decision from tomorrow to stick to the rules balanced nutrition, replacing smoked sausage on a chicken breast, then you will be enough for just a few days. If you really decide to start eating differently, then this transition should be slow and comfortable. You need to understand what to eat healthy food, you will now be not one month, but all your life. At the same time, it should bring you as many positive emotions as the one you ate before. In order for the transition to be easy and painless, it is worth considering a few rules.

golden rules

  1. The period of transition to proper nutrition. You must understand that there is absolutely nowhere to rush. The main thing is that you have already made a decision to eat right and healthy food. Given the quality of the products presented in stores and supermarkets, you should carefully approach the purchase of food, reading the composition and connecting the logic. It is necessary to realize that proper nutrition should become your norm, good habit and lifestyle at the same time. That is why the transition to another diet can take a month or one or two years.
  2. Beginning of the transition. So, the decision is made, willpower is connected. At this point, a person is already starting to run an inefficient mechanism. Initially, it is not working, because there is absolutely no need to connect willpower. The only thing that needs to be activated is your sound mind and body sensations. The first will protect you from the tricks of marketers and advertising moves of manufacturers. It will help you navigate huge number information regarding the harmfulness and benefits of a particular product. The second will help you live a fulfilling life and enjoy every bite you eat. Your feelings will help you find a compromise between what you want to eat and what is good for your body.
  3. Product selection. On initial stage, you need to determine which foods are harmful to your health and which are beneficial. As you transition, you will notice how your eating habits change. You will want to use healthy foods, and the hand will completely stop reaching for smoked meats, pastries, sweets and other junk food. This does not mean that now they cannot be eaten, it is possible and even necessary. But now, eating such foods will become more of an opportunity to pamper yourself, rather than a persistent eating habit. If you eat junk food from time to time, then the body will be able to cope with it and remove it from the body without negative consequences for your health and figure.

The principles of proper nutrition

The first step is to remove harmful foods from your daily diet: carbonated drinks, juices, smoked, fried food, a large number of sweets, sugar, bread, pastries, alcohol, soups and potatoes fast food, sausages and sausages. This does not mean that they need to be removed in one day. You must systematically replace each harmful product to useful. It is very important to replace junk food for products you love. Plug in your feelings and make a change. For example, instead of soda, enter into the diet green tea or coffee, instead of sausages - pieces of chicken baked in the oven. Experiment with recipes, find the option when chicken breast can be soft and juicy. And so it is with all other products.

Over time, you will get used to drinking coffee without sugar, and smoked fish will bring discomfort instead of pleasure. You will be able to feel true taste coffee or tea without sugar and you won’t exchange baked or lightly salted fish for anything.

Moving on to more healthy food, you just have to take into account the basic ratio of products in daily diet. The first and main place in it should be occupied by cereals, pasta from hard varieties wheat and whole wheat bread. Cereals can be different, except for semolina. eat them better in the morning or at lunchtime. So, they will give you energy and strength for the whole day. Bread can be whole grain, and with the addition of seedings.

Next come vegetables, fruits and vegetable oil (unrefined sunflower, olive, Sesame oil). It is better if vegetables and fruits are seasonal. These products will nourish your body with moisture, fiber, valuable vitamins and minerals. Along with them in the daily diet should be present: fish, chicken, dairy products, cheese, nuts and legumes. In order for your proper nutrition to give you pleasure, allocate 20% of your weekly diet sweets fatty varieties meat, butter(not less than 82.5% fat) and other unnatural, synthetic food.

Take action - the result will be

If you take into account all these tips and listen to the sensations in your body, then you will definitely succeed in losing weight and eating healthy food with pleasure. And we recommend reading another one, with recommendations for weight loss.

Do you want to change your lifestyle, start eating right and lose weight? These simple rules reasonable nutrition will help you. They are easily applied in Everyday life. A balanced and reasonable diet for a long time makes it easier and healthier to lose weight.

First rule

Always be aware of what you eat.

Second rule

The basis of the diet should be cereals, vegetables and fruits (40% of the diet - cereals, 35% - vegetables and fruits). These are the main sources of fiber and complex carbohydrates that give us energy and remove toxins from the body.

Reduce your intake of fats and fatty foods (cheese, dairy products, sausage, nuts, pastries, sweets, fried foods). Fats contain 2 times more calories than carbohydrates and proteins. Do not eat fish and meat in large quantities, a maximum of 200 g of fish 2 times a week and 150 g of meat 3 times a week.

Third rule

Do not eat sweets between meals. Candies, fritters, pastries and other sweets contain a large amount of calories and fat, but only on a short time suppress the feeling of hunger. Therefore, you will only increase your hunger, because your body easily gets used to the constant supply of sugar. Try to replace sweets fresh fruit. Keep them always at hand both at work and at home if you suddenly feel hungry.

Fourth rule

You need to eat slowly.

The faster you eat, the more you can eat before your body signals you are full.

Fifth Rule

You need to eat in small portions. Always take a small plate - this simple trick will help you control the amount of food you eat. Divide food into 5 meals - it's healthier than eating 3 times a day in huge portions. And remember that only after 20 minutes after eating you can talk about how hungry you are.

sixth rule

Learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite.

If you feel like eating, ask yourself if it's really hunger. You should not sit down at the table if it's just time to eat. But if you are really hungry, you should definitely eat. Hunger is not appetite. This is a natural and completely normal feeling. You should enjoy your food, but always pay attention to what and how much you eat.

Seventh Rule

Drinking alcohol should be limited, because alcohol contains almost the same number of calories as fat. Drink to quench your thirst mineral water, vegetable and diluted fruit juices, unsweetened tea.

Eighth rule

If you break your diet

compensate for this, for example, with an extra walk. Occasional dietary violations in and of themselves are not serious. The main thing is to understand when they occur. Knowing your habits will help you avoid this easily.

Ninth Rule

What does it mean to eat wisely? Reasonable nutrition means consciously, with full responsibility, approaching the question of what and how you eat. This requires active reflection on what, when, how much you ate. By practicing smart eating, you control your attitude to food, which improves your health, appearance and self-esteem.

By eating wisely, you understand that there is no right and malnutrition, but there are different levels of attitude towards it. The meaningfulness of the approach to the issue of nutrition - as you become more and more finely tuned to right choice- will help you learn to intuitively feel how to achieve certain changes for the benefit of your own health.

I didn’t manage to keep a food diary, but I absolutely know how many times I eat fast food, for example, and I don’t allow myself to do this more than 1, maximum 2 times a month. I know that my weak point is sweets and rolls, I try very hard to limit myself, if it doesn’t work out at all, I eat them until 12 o’clock.

How to apply intelligent nutrition to yourself?

1. Change your attitude. Food is a gift for which we should be grateful. We should be glad for her and appreciate her. By letting go of negative feelings like guilt and shame, we learn to build a healthier and more positive relationship with food.

2. Tune in to understanding the degree of your hunger. Try to avoid extreme hunger and full satiety as much as possible. Finish eating when you are 80% full

3. Eat at the table, turn off the TV. Studies show that people who eat in front of the TV eat 28% more more food. Try to turn off the TV when you eat to make this process more conscious.

4. Let food be an event. Turn every meal into an event, do beautiful serving, choose beautiful fabric for napkins, beautifully lay out dishes to serve. Even at lunch at the office, try to fully enjoy the food and do it with pleasure.

5. Prioritize quality over quantity. High-quality food tastes better, it saturates the body better and usually has more nutritional value than food the worst quality supplied in large quantities

6. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, savor. The speed of food intake is of great importance for the body. It takes our brain 20 minutes to realize that we are full. Enjoy the taste and aroma, feel the texture of food. Try to make time for meals and relax and enjoy your food as much as possible.

7. Create the optimal environment. At home, try to keep only the right food. Do not stockpile processed or junk food. For snacks, use a bowl of fruit. Arrange food in the refrigerator so that the healthiest food is visible and easily accessible.

8. Plan for the day. If you have to spend the whole day on the road. Gather healthy food Take snacks with you so you don't get hungry. As we already know from the program weeks 17 skipping meals, it's easy to snap and eat junk food

9. Be careful if you eat in a mixed company. In company, we always tend to eat more. How more company at your table, the more you are willing to eat. The constant presence of food on the table provokes us to overeat. So try to start eating last and finish first.
