
How to cut beautifully sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsausage. Serving sausages and ways to decorate a sliced ​​​​plate

Vegetables are always fresh or canned on our holiday tables, and are a very popular snack. In this article we will talk about how you can beautifully decorate a plate with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetables.

Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables today can be bought all year round at any large store, and although not everyone trusts such winter vegetables in terms of benefits, they are in high demand during the holidays. The same can be said about pickled, salted vegetables. It is difficult to imagine a festive table without vegetables - in any form they are an excellent snack, and without them, a meal on any holiday would be much more modest.

In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers, as well as greens, which have been popular for a long time, vegetables such as celery, cherry tomatoes, avocados, etc. have been added in recent years. In general, today, even in winter, you can make a very beautiful multi-component snack from vegetables. Well, the design of such snacks will not take much time, if you use the ideas suggested in the photo.

Like other snacks, vegetables can be beautifully decorated using greens alone.

Fresh vegetables can be supplemented with pickled, pickled or salted, for example, as in the next photo - sauerkraut.

Very often, in addition to greens, products such as olives and olives are used to decorate vegetable cuts.

For such a beautiful decoration, cut carrots, red and yellow bell peppers and celery into thick strips, also use olives and cherry tomatoes. The cucumber must be almost completely peeled, leaving only its thin strips, then cut into thin slices obliquely (at an angle of not 90, but about 45 degrees). Cover the dish with lettuce leaves, put the sauce in the center, put vegetables and olives in sectors, decorate the place around the sauce with curly parsley.

If you devote a little more time to decorating vegetable slices, you can make a very beautiful composition by cutting vegetables in the form of flowers, as in the next photo.

The flowers are carved from radishes, decorated with olives cut into rings, cucumber and tomato are also used. For cucumber and tomato flowers, cut these vegetables into thin long strips and roll them into flowers.

It will not be difficult to arrange such a cut: make a large flower out of a tomato, put it in the center of the dish on a pillow of greens, put a cucumber around. The cucumber should be cut lengthwise into long thin slices and overlapped in a circle, then rolled up with an accordion and stick a stick of greens into each (you can replace the greens with skewers or toothpicks).

It is also easy to make such a beautiful cut: take plum tomatoes, cut them in a zigzag pattern on top - you will get “tulips”, cut flowers from radishes, cut cucumber into strips and sweet pepper into strips, decorate everything with greens.

If you combine vegetables with cheese, you can make a very beautiful serving: tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, basil, olives and finely chopped greens are used in the next cut.

In order to arrange such a plate, which will more accurately be called cheese and vegetable, take mozzarella cheese in the form of small and large balls, cut large ones into slices and overlap in a circle, put them on a flat dish with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles of tomatoes, and put small ones along with cherry tomatoes on circle. Garnish with basil, tomato flower and sprinkle with herbs.

Cheese slices are an essential companion of any holiday table. In this collection - examples and ideas for decorating snacks.

Cheese plates can be made with any number of types of cheese - from one to infinity. At the same time, many other products can be assistants in the beautiful design of cheese slices - fruits (grapes, kiwi, oranges, etc.), berries (cranberries, cherries, currants, etc.), various herbs, crackers, sauces, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes cherry tomatoes, etc.), olives and black olives, etc.

It is very convenient to just cut the cheese into cubes, put it on greens and stick skewers into it - it’s easier to eat and looks beautiful.

At the same time, the composition can be supplemented with grapes, various snacks (in this case, cherry tomatoes with mozzarella cheese balls), as well as thin slices of cheese, beautifully rolled.

In general, cheese is often combined with grapes - this is a wonderful combination in itself, and it looks very nice.

Cheese is also often paired with crackers.

And you can combine everything at once - cheese, grapes, add olives and olives, nuts.

In general, of course, the more abundant the plate - the more types of cheese on it - the more beautiful the composition will look.

But if you actively connect your imagination, you can decorate a plate with two or three types of cheese very beautifully.

And if time permits, you can try hard and create a spectacular composition from just one or two types of cheese.

In this case, the cheese is thinly sliced ​​and rolled into tubes, strips of cheese are inserted into each tube. You can decorate with fresh or artificial flowers, put nuts and Mozzarella balls around as in the photo.

If you have time, you can do carving and cut beautiful figures out of cheese, as well as fold flowers.

Along with Olivier, one of the most common snacks on New Year's tables is cheese and meat plates. As in the case of all kinds of salads, the design of such plates can be approached outside the box and thus wonderfully decorate the New Year's table. Let's see how you can arrange cheese and meat slices.

The easiest option is to take several varieties of sausages and meat products and cheese, cut and carefully place on a flat dish. Even in this form, simply decorated with greens, the plate will look neat and beautiful. However, you can also approach the design of the cut with imagination - then it will become an even more striking decoration of the table.

One of the simple and not requiring special skill options is to put sausages or cheese on a dish in the form of a flower. The petals of this flower will be pieces of sausage and meat, a flower is also made from sausage, around which greens are laid out.

Sausage flower can be simple, as in the photo above, or a little more difficult to prepare, but more spectacular.

To make such a rose, you need to take a boiled sausage, cut it into thin circles, roll a few circles and press them tightly against each other, tie them with green onion feathers, put the circles more loosely in the second layer and bend them to the side, again fasten with green onions, and the third layer of petals place even more freely and low.

You can also add showiness to cheese and meat plates with the help of additional ingredients. For example, you can use, in addition to the usual greens, fruits such as kiwi, strawberries, and cherry tomatoes.

Another option is to make flowers out of vegetables. Beetroot rose, tomato and radish petals, cucumber flowers. The option is also quite simple and does not require special culinary skills.

If you get creative with slicing cheese, a plate of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcan be decorated in such a stylish way. Calla lilies are easy to make with toast cheese and olive slices.

Cutting can also be decorated with fresh flowers - why not ?! Such a composition will look like a real masterpiece, elegant and very beautiful.

Pineapple can also become an assistant in the design of the cut: you need to put it next to the cut and string a snack on it with toothpicks. Very unusual!

If you combine the idea of ​​callas, flowers from vegetables and decorating plates with greens, you can make a whole snack bouquet.

Also, the cuts can be laid out on a plate not in the usual way in a horizontal plane, but in a slide: for this, the cuts must be rolled up in the form of rolls.

Another option for combining snacks and cuts is to lay sausages and meat in a circle, put something in the center of the dish into which you can stick skewers (for example, half an apple), and string cherry tomatoes, olives and gherkins on skewers.

If you wish and have time, you can create a whole composition from cheese and meat slices that combines greens, flowers from cheese and sausages, and pickled vegetables. Having decorated the table with such an appetizer, you will certainly hear enthusiastic praises from those gathered at the table!

Not a single holiday in Russia is complete without a large plate with circles of meat, which will whet the appetite of the guests of the celebration. Meat cutting on the festive table can be performed using completely different techniques. And the choice of products for creating a dish is wide. How to cook sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmeat ingredients? Let's figure it out.

Announcements related to the request

Choosing the ingredients

Cold cuts belong to the group of main dishes of the feast. Usually it consists of such products as sausage, boiled pork, salami, beef, lard with a meat layer, salmon. For decoration, vegetables that slowly deteriorate in the air, fresh and dried herbs, as well as olives and olives of all colors, fruits, soft and hard cheeses are used. Boiled chicken or quail eggs, a large list of different types of sauces, bee honey and berry jams will come in handy for you.

In fact, culinary art allows you to create the most extraordinary. There are numerous photos on the network at home that will greatly facilitate the cooking process. The composition and method of serving snacks will depend only on the budget and imagination of the cook. How to choose the right one and decorate it in an original way on a dish? We have prepared unusual ideas for our readers.

Recipes for cuts on the buffet table

Start your cuts by creating a delicious sauce: mix 2 large spoons of soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, the same amount of olive oil and pepper. Put the chicken breast pieces in a baking dish, sprinkle everything with crushed garlic and pour over the sauce, and then let it freeze for about 12 hours in the refrigerator. Wrap the already marinated chicken in cling film and beat it off. Lay all the bacon slices diagonally, and then roll the breast and bacon into a roll stuffed with several gherkins and a mixture of minced chicken and pork. Secure the dish with special food threads, and after 40 minutes bake at a temperature of 200 degrees. Festive cuts need to be judged, cut into beautiful pieces a centimeter or a couple wide and served. You can decorate the appetizer with small pickled cucumbers and dill.

If the product is not distinguished by sublime taste, you can play on its appearance. The design of the cut in the form of a flower starts from the middle. Fold a piece of sausage in half, do the same with other slices of equal size. Then make the second row: lay out the folded pieces until they close the semblance of a circle. The last row is made using the same technology. For a greater visual resemblance to a plant, we advise you to decorate the dish with greens or leaves of decorative flowers. As you can see, cutting meat gives an unusual chance to present even bored everyday products to the table. The algorithm in the photo at home and the text description will help you deal with this dish.

This simple recipe will help you if guests arrive unexpectedly quickly. The first layer on the plate consists of cut at an angle. Next come the smoked cheese mugs. It is important that they are thin. The third step is a new layer of smoked sausage. Place ordinary hard cheese, halves of sausage circles on top at an angle. Try to arrange the remaining pieces of sausage in rolls, and arrange pieces of green olives in the middle. It will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare such a cut.

To implement this recipe, prepare 500 grams of lard with large layers of meat. You need to start cooking cuts from the loin by creating a pickling solution. It must be made from 150 grams of edible salt, onion peel, spices to your taste and a couple of garlic cloves. You need to put the fat in the brine, and then boil it on the stove for about 8 minutes. Remove the boiled loin, rub with spices and garlic. For about 24 hours, you need to leave the meat in the freezer, during which time the loin will acquire a pleasant color, as after smoking.

As soon as the pork loin freezes, thinly slice the dish and place on a flat plate. You can serve the loin in portions, but traditionally they put it on a single plate. Some prefer to use a loin with onion and garlic as part of a large cut. An interesting combination of colors of meat and loin will advantageously emphasize the color scheme of the table.

On small pieces of white bread, place rolled pieces of smoked sausage. Next to them, arrange thin, thin mugs of fresh green cucumber and a quarter of a tomato. Use ripe or pickled. Cut the boiled quail eggs into halves, put one on top of the bread so that the yolk is on top. Sprinkle the eggs with dried herbs and serve on a single dish. For greater structural stability, you can fasten the cut with wooden skewers.

First, cut the body of an insect from a peeled cucumber. Give the cucumber relief. On a serving plate, start laying out the wings in a "c" shape. Lay thin slices of raw smoked sausage or salami on top, top with doctor's sausage, thinly sliced ​​bacon rolls. In the middle of the wings, arrange fresh parsley leaves, and on them - a peeled cucumber. The design touches remained: eyes made of peppercorns, antennae made of skewers with carrot or cucumber endings.

Pour drinking water into heated water, add peeled onions, carrots and chopped garlic cloves. There you also need to put a bay leaf, edible table salt, ground pepper and spices that you like. Wait until the water boils. Tie a kilogram of fresh pork meat with a cooking thread so that it does not deform during heat treatment. Boil the meat in hot water, it will take 60 minutes to fully cook, but in no case do not pierce it. In this case, natural juice will pour out of the boiled pork.

Once the meat is out of the water, pat dry with paper towels and coat the pork with the crushed garlic and spice mixture. Wrap the boiled pork with food foil and place the meat for a day in a cool place: freezer or refrigerator. After this time, unfold the boiled pork, cut it into slices and serve as you like. Boiled pork is able to successfully complement any buffet table.

The first layer is pieces of salami. It is important that they are thin: it is easier to taste the taste. On the sides, lay the chopped boiled tongue, ham. In the remaining free space, place a leaf of lettuce, and dried sausages (at least one kind, at least several) on top of it. You can use any type of meat, but we recommend using this combination. Place a small gravy boat with sour cream sauce or tartar on a lettuce leaf, and put twisted slices of doctor's sausage and thin slices of pickled cucumber in the middle of the cut.

It takes a lot of patience and creativity to make this dish. How to bring food from an aesthetic frame to life step by step? Make an eye out of a boiled egg: the yolk will play the role of a fish pupil. Top with black peppercorns if desired. Sponges are cut from half a juicy tomato, and the scales from thinly sliced ​​salami are laid out on a flat surface. The fins and dorsal comb are made from small cherry tomatoes and slices of hard cheese. To form a fish tail, you will need a different type of sausage: it is desirable that it be larger than the first and cut at an angle. If you use the instructions correctly, you will get an interesting dish in the form of an inhabitant of the seas.

Slicing is an original way to warm up the anticipation of a meal among guests, and our simple recipes will help you quickly bring all your holiday ideas to life.

Ideas for holiday cuts on the table.

A birthday, wedding or family dinner, as a rule, involves a festive table setting. A special place at such feasts is given to meat, vegetable and fruit cuts. Beautifully cut and originally decorated dishes help set the right tone for lunch or dinner, making it special solemn and official.

Therefore, if you want your holiday to be remembered by your guests for a long time, then turn on all your imagination and arrange the cut in such a way that it looks like the most expensive dish of a Michelin restaurant with its appearance.

Beautiful cold cuts: design and decoration

Making meat slices

cold cuts

In addition to cold cuts, horseradish and mustard are well suited.

  • Cold cuts are a very important dish, because it is with it that guests start their festive dinner. For this reason, it is extremely important that the meat cause delight and appetite at the same time. To please all your guests, put meat of different varieties on the dish. It can be, for example, pork, beef and turkey.
  • If you do not have special skills in decorating holiday dishes, then simply cut the meat into neat thin slices and put them in a circle on a plate, slightly overlapping each other. To make such a dish look more original, you can put mustard or tomato skuy in the center of the plate and decorate everything on top with sprigs of fresh herbs. You can try to divide the dish into segments using chopped vegetables.
  • Put one type of meat in each segment, additionally laying olives and black olives on it. Try making edible tubes out of the meat and then laying them out in a large pyramid on a square dish. To make it convenient for guests to take them, you can put special skewers or simple toothpicks on the side near the cold cuts.

Beautiful cutting of sausage: decoration and decoration

Sausage cutting on the festive table.

Sausage with cheese

Sausage with vegetables

  • Sausage is more malleable than meat, so it can be used to create edible flowers. To do this, you will only need to make a tube out of one piece of sausage, and then carefully wrap it with other thin pieces. But since not every housewife can make such a flower, we offer you some more simple ways to cut sausage.
  • So, first cut it into thin slices, and then take the dough molds (preferably metal ones) and give the product the shape you like. Arrange the sausage in neat rows on a plate and garnish with pomegranate seeds or thin kiwi slices. You can also try to cut the sausage into the thinnest possible pieces, bend them in half and put a cucumber, tomato or hard cheese inside the resulting pocket.
  • The greens laid out along the edge of the plate and multi-colored bell pepper straws will perfectly fit into such a composition. But if you serve sausage in this way, then in this case it is undesirable to supplement it with ketchup or mustard. It will be better if you opt for spicy homemade mayonnaise or cheese sauce.

Beautiful cheese slices: design and decoration

Beautiful cheese cut

Cheese cutting on the festive table

Decorating a cheese plate

  • A properly designed cheese plate can become a real decoration of the festive table. But in order for you to have the opportunity to create a conceived composition, you must also be able to properly cut this product. It is necessary to choose a tool for these purposes, taking into account what type of cheese you will cut.
  • If you are going to put the so-called blue cheeses on a plate, then they need to be cut with a special knife, which has a strong fishing line instead of a steel blade. Soft varieties of this dairy product are best cut with a serrated knife, and hard ones with a special spatula. Cheese, unlike sausage and meat, does not have to be cut into thin slices, if you are not afraid of experiments, then make cubes of the same size out of it and put them on a pillow of fresh herbs.
  • Garnish this cut with green and black olives and serve it to the table. But perhaps the most win-win option is the cheese plate. If you cut the cheese into thin slices and put it in a spiral on a plate, then the picture will turn out to be very picturesque. As a decoration for this dish, it is best to use seedless grapes, figs and nuts. If you are serving a cheese plate for dessert, be sure to put liquid honey in the center of the dish.

Slicing herring on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Sliced ​​herring

Original serving of herring

Herring with potatoes and onions

  • If you plan to serve sliced ​​​​herring on the festive table, then the first thing you should do is remove the skin from it and mill it. After this is done, the fish should be slightly dried with paper napkins and it can be cut into pieces of the desired size. The best option for such a dish would be a fish no more than 1 centimeter wide.
  • It is best to spread the herring in rows and shift them with lemon slices. We all know that herring is very friendly with pickles, so you can divide the plate into two zones (this can be done with greens) and fill one of them with fish pieces, and the other with gherkins and pickled champignons.
  • And to make the fish look more festive, decorate it with mustard seeds on top. You can try serving herring on fried bread toast. But since you are preparing a festive dish, make sure that their size is the same as that of the herring. Connect the toast and fish with a skewer and garnish with pickled onions.

Beautiful slicing of fish on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Photo with fish slices

Beautiful fish cut

Assorted fish

Fish cuts, as well as cheese and meat cuts, can be served on the table in the form of a platter. But in order to make such a dish colorful, it is best to put fish of different varieties on a plate, for example, pickled mackerel and salmon.

The different colors of these products will create a contrast that will draw attention to the dish. Cut the fish into thin slices and immediately spread them on a pre-chilled dish.

Such a little trick will allow you to avoid winding up the product, and will also help to reveal the taste and aroma of the snack much better. If you want to really wow your guests, then try layering the fish on your plate, alternating white and red. From above, such an appetizer can be decorated with black caviar, olives and pieces of butter frozen with herbs.

  • Many housewives think that cutting vegetables does not require any special knowledge and skills. But as soon as it comes to the process itself, women begin to have problems. Soft vegetables do not want to be cut into thin slices or, in general, are pressed down or unequal thicknesses are obtained. With what it can be connected?
  • As a rule, when preparing a gala dinner, ladies think little about kitchen utensils and use what they have available. But if you want your vegetable cutting to be perfect, then spend a little extra money and buy yourself a ceramic knife with the thinnest blade possible.
  • It will cut the softest vegetables and fruits well and, best of all, will not start the process of oxidation of their pulp. For cutting dense fruits, you will need to use the central part of the knife, and for cutting soft vegetables and fruits, its tip. They are good at cutting bananas, mushrooms, tomatoes and nectarines.
  • Before cutting, all the fruits must be washed very well, dried, cooled and only then chopped. And remember, if you want your snacks to look as attractive as possible, then choose fruits of the same size for serving. So you can stack them in even rows and not worry that some piece spoils the overall picture with its size.

Types of cutting vegetables, curly cutting

Figured cutting of vegetables

As you probably already understood, figured cutting of vegetables plays a very important role in the design of a festive dish. For this reason, it would be better if you use fruits that are not chopped in a completely standard way to create your culinary masterpieces.

Types of figured cutting of vegetables:

  • Straw. First, the fruits are cut into thin slices, and then they are crushed into long strips of the desired width.
  • Cubes. First, the vegetables are cut into thick plates, which later will also need to be divided into sticks. Of the latter, you will make cubes of the desired size.

If you are unsure of your abilities, then buy a special vegetable cutter in the store that will help you cut your cucumbers and tomatoes into thin circles, neat straws, and even vegetable spirals.

Beautiful slicing of tomatoes and cucumbers, onions: decoration and decoration

Sliced ​​​​cucumbers and tomatoes

Vegetable mix

Rosettes from tomatoes

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes are the most popular cuts in our country. Due to the fact that these vegetables are not very expensive even with the advent of cold weather, every housewife can afford to please her guests with such a festive dish.
  • Beginning cooks can simply cut them into large slices and put them on a porcelain plate mixed with fresh herbs. If you wish, you can make an edible rose from a tomato, and leaves from a cucumber for it. We already told how a flower is made at the beginning of our article, so now we will teach you how to make leaves for it.
  • If you don't want to bother, then just split the cucumber in half, and then make transverse grooves on it and cut it into small pieces, holding the knife a little obliquely. Spread the resulting pieces in a fan near the tomato rose and complement everything with dill and parsley sprigs.
  • You can also add onions to this composition. It is best to cut it into half rings and pre-marinate in lemon juice, salt and black pepper.

Beautiful vegetable cutting on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Beautiful vegetable cutting on the festive table

Vegetables with sauce

Making vegetable slices

  • A vegetable plate should be at every holiday feast. Such a simple dish at first glance can be a great addition to meat, fish and hot dishes. And if you try to supplement it with 2-3 sauces, then your guests will be able to make a light salad out of vegetables to their taste. The best part is that in this case you do not have to make some kind of curly rifling.
  • You can quite easily cut the vegetables into circles and just decorate them with herbs in the right way. But that doesn't mean you can afford to just chop dill and parsley and sprinkle them over your vegetables. You can try to lay out the vegetables in layers, as if creating a kind of pyramid and insert a few sprigs of cilantro or basil into the very top of this vegetable structure.
  • If you want to get a more picturesque picture, then, for example, cut cucumbers and bell peppers into large strips, put them in small piles and shift with cherry tomatoes, olives and olives. Juicy green onion feathers will be a wonderful decoration for such a vegetable plate.

Sliced ​​watermelon and melon on the festive table

Watermelon, diced

Summer dessert of melon, watermelon and kiwi

Original melon serving

  • The most spectacular serving and melons will be neat balls made from the pulp of these fragrant fruits. They can be served both on a separate dish and directly in the watermelon peel. You can make such balls using a semicircular spoon for applying ice cream.
  • But keep in mind that in order for such an appetizer to turn out to be as fragrant as possible, before making it, watermelon and melon must be cooled in the refrigerator. Juicy balls are best decorated with mint or pieces of dark chocolate. If you do not have such a spoon, then just cut the pulp of these fruits into a large cube and carefully place them in large glasses.
  • To make it convenient for guests to eat them, be sure to stick a skewer or toothpick into each glass. If you want to be original, then shape the watermelon and melon pulp with dough cutters. In this case, you can create a multi-level design and decorate it with ice cream balls.

Beautiful sliced ​​​​orange on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Sliced ​​citrus fruits

fruit cut decoration

fruit cut decoration

  • With the onset of cold weather, an orange is the best option for fruit cutting. But our housewives are used to not bothering, so they simply cut this fruit into slices or slices and serve it to the table in this form.
  • Of course, such a serving does not have any effect on the taste of the orange itself, but there is no need to say that such a dish pleases the eye. Therefore, if you want an orange to be the decoration of your dinner or lunch, then cut it using the crab technique. Make grooves in its fragrant peel, and only then cut into rings or half rings.
  • An orange cut in this way is best laid out in several balls, gradually reducing the size of the circle from the largest to the smallest. As a decoration for such a dish, you can use slices of banana, nectarine or almond petals.

How to cut apples beautifully so that they do not darken when cut?

apple flower

Apples with oranges and kiwi

  • Apples have one small feature, after cutting they literally begin to darken within an hour. For this reason, many housewives refuse to add this product to a fruit plate. But still, if you know one secret, then it will be quite easy to make apple slices for the festive table.
  • So, wash the apple, dry it and cut it the way you like. Then, put the resulting pieces in a bowl and sprinkle them with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave them in this state for just a couple of minutes and you can safely start putting apples on a plate. If you are afraid that pure lemon juice will make them very sour, then dilute it with boiled water.
  • But keep in mind that the effect in this case will be weaker and at the end of dinner, apple slices may still begin to change their color. If we talk about the cutting method, then here you can use any method that we described above. It can be circles, and straws, and sticks. The main thing is that before you start cutting, be sure to remove its core from the fruit.

Beautiful sliced ​​pineapple on the festive table

Beautiful sliced ​​pineapple on the festive table

pineapple slices

Fruit skewers with pineapple

  • Pineapple is one of those fruits that you can’t cut so easily. In this case, you will definitely have to remove not only the peel, but also its core. If you do not do this, then your guests will have to cut it out, and they will not be very pleased to do this at the festive table.
  • If you will be adding pineapple to fruit slices for the first time, then simply cut this exotic fruit into four parts, and then use a sharp knife to separate the pulp from the peel and be sure to cut off the top of the piece. After that, cut the pineapple into slices 1 centimeter wide and put them on a plate. If you did everything right, then you should end up with irregular rectangular pieces.
  • You can also apply the crab technique to the pineapple. To do this, make shallow grooves on it, and then cut it into a circle. At the end, be sure to remove the core from the pineapple. This can be done using a special device, a knife or a small steel ring.

Beautiful cutting of fruits on a children's holiday table: decoration and decoration

Fruit slicing for children

Grape caterpillars

Beautiful cut fruit

Fruit cutting for children should be especially colorful and attractive. If you want the child to be interested in it, then try to make real pictures out of sweet fruits.

Make an exotic palm tree with kiwi and bananas or a fabulous peacock with sweet pear and blue and green grapes on your plate. You can try to make a funny face or make an original fruit cake, in which the biscuit will replace the pulp of melon and watermelon.

Video: Beautiful cutting feed

It is quite rare to observe the phenomenon when there is no plate with cheese and sausage cuts on the festive table. This is not surprising, because it is these products that make an excellent snack, which usually warms up the appetite of guests before serving the main courses.

Therefore, do not neglect cutting sausage and cheese, it is better to learn how to lay out products so that they resemble a dish from the most expensive restaurant, and then all guests will remember your feast for a long time.

If there are several types of sausages or meat products of different shades, they can simply be laid out in an original assortment.

Thin slices can be laid out in a spiral or in a circle, alternating dark and light shades, a rainbow layout will also look good, while the pieces are laid out in rows from light to dark or vice versa.

Since the sausage is more malleable than, for example, meat, it can be laid out in the form of a flower. It is not difficult to do this, one piece is twisted into a tube, after which it must be wrapped with other thin slices.

It is easier to roll a rose from cut slices, securing it with a toothpick.

Another type of original cut can be made using conventional dough molds, preferably metal. Thinly sliced ​​sausage slices need to be shaped to your liking, and then carefully laid out in rows or collected in a canapé.

Sausage of a rather large diameter can be thinly sliced ​​and folded in half, then next to spread out all the other slices in one direction. In the pockets that have formed, you can put additional products, for example, a tomato or a cucumber.

Also, slices can be twisted in the form of a cone resembling a calla flower or twisted into tubes.

To arrange sausage cuts in the form of a large flower, lay lettuce leaves on a plate, and then thin slices that will resemble petals; with this layout, it is advisable to lay out the middle with dark products, for example, olives. You can also place a saucer with sauce in the center of the cut.

Here are examples of beautiful sausage layouts:

Decorating a cheese plate

Unlike sausage, cheese does not have to be cut into thin slices, although if the cheeses are of different shades or with additional additives, then laying in a spiral with transitional colors will look spectacular, the main thing is to stack them alternately from neutral to savory.

Also, this product can be rolled into tubes and cones, if it is soft and does not break and crumble, you can add an olive, olive or even a slice of tomato or bell pepper to the middle of each piece. This design will resemble a plate with blooming calla flowers.

You can also make roses from this cheese. Their composition is the same as in the case of sausage.

Soft and semi-soft types of cheese can be cut into large identical squares or triangles and then put out of them any shape you like, alternating varieties with fruits, berries, nuts.

You can also create an original canape with cheese cubes. To do this, you need to string a piece of cheese on skewers and add a suitable product to it (olives, walnuts, strawberries, and so on).

Canape-sandwiches with the addition of bread, pickled vegetables, herbs, pickles and so on are also original.

In addition to skewers, you can use glass containers and multi-level trays for decoration.

Also, all kinds of figures will look beautiful from pieces cut into small cubes.

Suitable for decorating plates and all kinds of cookie cutters.

Here are examples of cheese plate layouts:

Combined cheese and meat platter

According to the rule for serving dishes, the cheese and meat platter should be stacked so that the meat products occupy ⅔ of the plate, and only ⅓ of the part is reserved for cheese.

Given this rule, in the design of the layout, you can apply all the above techniques regarding cheese and meat products.

Here are examples of cheese and meat plates:


There are many different tools with which you can create an original cut of sausage and cheese. To cut very thin slices, a special device called a slicer is used. Housewives also use slicers with different nozzles.

For cutting “blue cheeses”, a special knife is usually used; instead of a blade, it has a strong fishing line. For particularly soft varieties, a serrated knife is better, and for hard varieties, a special spatula is used.

For the original cutting and sausage and cheese, the housewives use curly knives. Particularly inventive use metal baking dishes to give the slices an interesting shape.

The main rule for successful cutting is a well-sharpened knife or any other device.

Products for cutting

For a variety of cold cuts, you can take any meat products (balyk, brisket, boiled pork, and so on), the only remark is that the products are not too fatty, that is, it is better not to use lard-containing species in such a dish.

For the cheese composition, you can use any kind of product from blue cheeses to regular processed cheese.

To make the sausage and cheese slices look bright and beautiful, it is recommended to use other additional products in the form of decorations. For example the following:

  • greenery;
  • olives and olives;
  • grape;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • nuts;
  • bell pepper;
  • figs;
  • boiled eggs;
  • various sauces;
  • berry jams;
  • boiled and raw vegetables;
  • pickled vegetables;

Any feast, and even more so a buffet table, begins with a beautiful cut.

Dishes placed on the festive table (and in everyday life) should look appetizing. Cuts served at the very beginning, along with snacks - even more so. Their purpose is to interest the guests with their unusual appearance.

Cheese and sausage (its different varieties) can be mixed and create a whole work of art, which is certainly hard not to notice on the table among other treats.

How to cut sausage and cheese

For a beautiful dish, the product must be neatly and beautifully cut, always with a sharp knife and always on a clean separate cutting board. To make it easier to get a sliced ​​​​form, the product is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (but not in the freezer) - so the pieces will turn out not only smoother, but also thinner. For greater beauty, special knives are used. Neat thin plates come out from under their blades, fit into any pattern on the dish. Cheese is generally taken out of the cold at the last moment: otherwise it will soften and it will become problematic to cut it.

The nuance is the following: what shape to give cheese and sausage. With the latest clarity more. According to table etiquette, it is cut in circles perpendicular to the stick or cut obliquely and oblong ovals are obtained. The skin is naturally removed before cutting. The circles are cut evenly, retreating from the edge to half a centimeter. The rest is considered fat. With boiled sausage, a greater thickness is allowed, but for envelopes it is also reduced here.

Hard cheeses for slicing are cut into rectangles (this is the easiest way), triangles (according to the cut of the purchased piece) or rhombuses. Any of the options does not allow for large thicknesses. It is believed that the cheese should be a little translucent, but not crumble with a porous structure. The size of the slices should be small (about 5 - 6 cm).

How to lay out the slices beautifully

  • Sliced ​​cheese and sausage parts are laid out on a dish, alternating, creating a pattern and a contrast of colors. It may turn out to be a flower, a fan, a circular solution.
  • Another of the popular ways of cutting cheese and sausages is with straws. From such blanks, chrysanthemums and huts are created, hedgehogs are laid out for a children's feast.
  • Large sheets of cheese and sausages are filled with salads. Rolled envelopes can be turned into callas, putting sausage sticks into cheese ones, and cheese into sausage ones.
  • Having given free rein to your imagination, you can put together anything from pieces of sausage and cheese: from a flower meadow to cute little animals.
  • You can roll the cut slices into various rolls, tubes, roses, etc. Inside the sausage tube, you can put sprigs of greens, olives or lemon. Sausages of small diameter can simply be beautifully laid out on a plate.
  • To make the cut look beautiful on the plate, put lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage cuts should take up 2/3 of the plate, and cheese cuts should take 1/3. Meat tubes and rolls are placed at the bottom of the plate. Thin slices are laid out on top. You can put a small amount of vegetables on top of the sausage. Spread the shredded cheese over the rest of the plate. This is a fairly simple way to beautifully arrange the cut.
  • To give the cutting an original look, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemons, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc.
  • If you work a little harder, you can create a more complex and impressive composition. For example, a rose. To make it, sausage pieces are rolled up and pressed tightly against each other. Many bandage the base with green onions. The second layer is made looser and slightly arched outward. And the third is laid out simply on a plate.
  • Another idea of ​​​​how to cut cheese beautifully is to cut it into cubes and complete it with halves of grapes on special skewers. You can also use olives or any other fruits and vegetables you like.
  • Sliced ​​​​sausage and cheese can be served in the form of canapés. String pieces of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits on a toothpick or skewer. Alternate the ingredients to make a really interesting cut that is easy to grab and eat.
