
What is a pinch of salt. How to protect yourself with salt

Each of you, if you are not the President of Russia, has his own boss. And even if you are not an employee of the company, but a freelance artist, businessman, or simply the master of your own destiny, there will always be a person who has power over you and can humiliate and insult you with impunity. It is possible that this is the boss at work, the leader of a local criminal group, an executive official or your own wife. Power is most strongly manifested in the state machine, when its rudder is seized by a merciless ruler. Then a cult of personality arises, in the shadow of which the cult of subordination and power also hides imperceptibly.

But, God bless her, with the external form, it does not matter at all, since we are now exploring not attributes or frequent manifestations, but the very essence of the power of one person over another.

So, you got a good boss or a bad one, but you will have to follow his orders. Even if all decorum is observed, and you are not humiliated in an open form, do not flatter yourself, this is by no means a partnership. Every day or with any other frequency, you still voluntarily submit to someone else's will and do it regardless of your own desires or needs. There is someone telling you what, how and when to do it. He or she orders, and you "bend" and execute. Of course, there is an option to run cowardly, but this is not the way of a real man, is it? You tolerate someone else's power over you for the sake of a career, children, financial well-being, or even life itself. However, all these objective reasons, or, perhaps, excuses to calm our conscience, are not of interest to us now. The very fact that you always depend on someone, obey a certain representative of power, a dominant is important.

Of course, I don't need to remind you that if you succumb to the dominant one time, the next time you will do the same, but with less psychological torment? People have a very flexible psyche, so a person can get used to a lot, and the initial lessons of submission are usually not too difficult. In addition, learning to him begins at a very early age. Did you go to kindergarten and school? And later, as you enter the adult life of society, you further developed your skills of submission and domination.

The whole tight tangle of social relationships forms a complex mechanism of checks and balances of honor and shame, freedom and perceived need, which determine your daily balance between submission and power. But if you dig deeper and sweep away the extra cultural layers, the bottom line will be only the animal power of one individual over another.

This animal power is the key concept. The power of a strong and arrogant male over a weak individual brings tangible benefits to both: the first - more food and better females, the second - stability; a modest but guaranteed share in production; the opportunity to feel like a member of a single organism of the flock. At the same time, a stable pyramidal structure is created, the top of which is occupied by the leader - the alpha male, and at the very bottom, submissive and hardworking omegas.

Such a hierarchy, in which some subjugate others, is often built with the help of teeth and claws, but there are also less bloody, ritual methods. In this case, adult males are measured by the brightness of plumage, loudness of voice, tail length, etc. The methods are very different, but the essence of the ruler-subordinate relationship can be most clearly illustrated by the example of some species of primates. So, our humanoid brothers regularly confirm their devotion to the alpha male, giving him their masculine honor, i.e. play a passive role in the homosexual act. But there is a choice: depending on the ambitions or pride of the subordinate males, this action can take place voluntarily or by force. In other words, a more powerful male, sexually humiliating and subjugating a weak one, legitimizes his power over him.

This "dirty" animal essence of power must not be forgotten, especially by those who despise liberals, love a "strong state" and hate homosexuals. Just remember that, figuratively speaking, not only are you "had", but you like it.


It is very likely that after forty you will start having male problems, and the doctor will suddenly prescribe a prostate massage. Generally speaking, many doctors recommend having this procedure regularly, and starting at a much earlier age. "Don't wait," they say, "when a roasted cock pecks you where you need to."

But what is missed cannot be returned, so the next day you will come to the clinic and, all red with shame, surrender yourself to the skillful hands of a cute nurse girl. After completing the mandatory weekly course, you suddenly realize that you really liked the specific sensations, and the prophetic words of the insidious doctor about what you want to repeat turned out to be no joke. Yes, most patients really like this procedure.

By the way, it is possible that the next course will be given to you not by a nurse, to whose rubber finger you are so addicted, but by a healthy, muscular nurse. But, there is nowhere to go, the procedure is the procedure, and you are somehow already involved. In addition, it turns out that if you do not turn around behind your back, pleasant sensations remain the same or even intensified.

Of course, frightened by the nurse's hairy toe, most patients will immediately abort the course and run away. But some will stay and others will even ask their wives to help with the procedures. This is all for the sake of health and harmony in the family! Although here, too, there are pitfalls: a loving spouse can refuse, and even she will return you back to the clinic to continue the humiliating, but such a sweet treatment.

Gentlemen, homophobes, you, after all, have already understood everything about yourself?


We live in an era of a weakening patriarchal society and the strengthening of feminist movements. Women win their equality, and those of them who directly take part in the "battles" are tempered and become more courageous. And besides, the rights obtained by them carry the corresponding duties and responsibilities, which are already imposed on all women of society, forcing each of them to become even stronger. But this is a double-edged sword: since men share their rights and obligations with women, then women transfer part of their functions to men: money will not earn itself, just like the floor in the apartment will not wash itself. In other words, as women become stronger, men become weaker. Many see this curious trend as a sign of role reversal and imminent matriarchy.

The image of a strong woman and all kinds of fetishes associated with it are very attractive to modern men - a formidable teacher with a long pointer, a strict headmistress in stilettos, a femme fatale in black stockings and long gloves, a police officer, a warrior in a cap and a uniform skirt. They are attractive, well-groomed and not at all like martinets in skirts or gray, shy mice. They are energetic, athletic, purposeful, but at the same time charming and graceful. Well, how can you not want such beauties?

It is very likely that one of these modern girls has become your lawful wife. To show who is the boss in the house, to break such a woman, to subjugate her - this is all in the spirit of a strong patriarchal husband. Moreover, earlier both the rumor and the law were on his side, but now the time is different, and the men are no longer the same. In fact, you are not going to beat your beloved wife or forbid her to wear trousers?

And if you do not do this, then most likely your wife will limit you. Above, we have already found out that having succumbed once, you are doomed to do it all the time. However, there is nothing wrong with yielding to your wife, or, to be honest, to call everything by its proper name, to obey. Moreover, admiration for a woman, mother, virgin Mary, etc. sung of old.

Being under constant pressure from a strong, courageous woman, a man, within certain limits, is forced to play female roles. And if a woman is also liberated, she will also dominate sexually. From now on, these will be her favorite positions and she will "love" you the way she likes best. If she is also a creative person, you will not be able to avoid experiments. Your spouse will try to be realized as a full-fledged dominant, so you will be forced to experience everything from the blindfold to handcuffs.

You can't refuse her. For two reasons: first, she is the main one in the family, second, in a state of sexual arousal, you will not be able to objectively assess the situation. Therefore, gentlemen homophobes, please don't be surprised if one day you find yourself in a kneeling position, with a red ball in your mouth and your wife's twenty-centimeter strap-on in one interesting place.

So revered by patriots, folk wisdom says that there is only one step from hatred to love. And it is very likely that you are by no means an ardent homophobic male (in fact, there are as few of them as true gays), but just a feminized man who suppresses the subconscious desire to feel like a full-fledged girl.

Good advice to you, try to come to harmony in your own soul.

Salt has always been considered a magical, cleansing and protective product. Previously, it was used as a talisman. They say that evil people who can jinx and send damage cannot tolerate salt. That is why our ancestors took a handful of salt with them on a long journey, and also used it in magical rites.

How to cleanse and protect yourself with salt

Salt in the house from evil people. Previously, salt was always placed in an open salt shaker on the dining table. Guests coming to the house could not direct their negative energy at the owners of the house, as the salt extinguished all negative energy and warded off damage and the evil eye. Also, salt could return dark energy back to the one who sent it.

Salt for purification from negative energy. With the help of salt, you can determine what kind of energy reigns in your home. To do this, between 11 and 12 o'clock in the afternoon, take salt, pour it in a thin layer on a metal pan and put it on high heat. Pierce the salt in the pan for about an hour. If there is energy dirt and negativity in the house, then the salt will turn black or become covered with dark spots. If this happens, then sprinkle this salt in all corners and leave for a day. Salt will absorb all the negativity.

Salt to attract good luck, health and prosperity. Do not forget about the direct purpose of this product. When adding salt to food, always think about something good, or about your desire. Try not to cook or salt food when you are in a bad mood - this can lead to bad consequences - from indigestion to personal failures.

Salt to protect against spoilage and the evil eye. If you want to protect your home from damage and the evil eye, pour a little salt under the threshold at the front door with the words: "Everything bad comes, everything will go to salt and earth."

Salt as a remedy for insomnia and nightmares. Put water with three pinches of salt at the head of the bed. It is recommended to do such a ritual three nights in a row.

Learn to see the extraordinary in ordinary things and use it to your advantage. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.01.2015 09:13

There are many types of damage, so it is not always possible to immediately recognize an energy strike. Evil eyes and damage ...

On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to cook Thursday salt. It is believed to have healing powers and protective properties. Where...

In order to remove damage from someone and get rid of the evil eye, in the morning, before sunrise, go to three different wells and take a third of a bucket of water from each of them. Returning home, place an empty bucket in the center of the house, place four candles around it, and place two long knives crosswise on top of the bucket. Pour the water from the three buckets into the empty bucket through the crossed knives while saying:

Three waters, three sisters, three baptists.
Two damask two brothers.
There is only one Faith.
The first water will cleanse the soul,
the second water will free the heart,
the third water of thought will illuminate,
damask steel will destroy all evil spirits and fears,
Faith will confirm the truth.

Having done this, remove the knives from the bucket and pour the spoiled with charmed water from head to toe.

Collect wild heather before sunrise, pour boiling water over it, and when the water has cooled a little, wash your face, chest and hands with it. While doing this, pronounce the plot:

Mother fast water, wash away and take away all fears and bites,
all the sadness and pain, all the sickness and sickness.

After that, collect the dirty water left after washing and pour it into the latrine.

Pour pure spring water into a glass and throw in three coals and three pinches of salt. Whisper the cherished words on this water:

Cleanse with holy water, outline with coal, whiten with salt,
from the power of the black, from the thought of a bad and any kind of bad.

Imperceptibly sprinkle this charmed water on the spoiled one and say:

Come down, all the light, come down, all the thinness with ... (name)
on dark forests, on dry trees, on rotten logs,
to swampy swamps, where people do not go, the beast does not roam,
the bird does not fly, one non-human goblin sits in a hollow.

Pour clean spring water into a bowl. Go to the door and do this: scoop water from the bowl with a spoon three times and pour it back through the doorknob. Then go to the other door and repeat your steps. Do the same for all doorknobs throughout the house. At the same time, a person spoiled by witchcraft should not see what you are doing. Then go to him, suddenly sprinkle water on him and say:

Through the door and the deck, through the poured water
get down, all the thinness, get down, all the mayata with ... (name).

Having done this, let him drink three sips of this water.

Put the wax in a deep bowl and melt it by putting this bowl on fire. Sit the spoiled person facing east on a stool covered with a white towel. Hold a bowl of pure spring water over his head, pour melted wax into it and read the plot:

I pronounce the servant of God ... (name) from influx, from torture, from lessons and prize-winners,
from a gray eye, from a black eye, from a two-tooth, from a three-tooth.
Go away from the servant of God ... (name) all the sick,
chops and pinches, dear and sham
into dark forests, dry trees,
where people don't walk, where cattle don't roam, birds don't fly, animals don't roam.

When you have finished your sorcery, throw away all the wax and pour all the water into the river. Repeat everything done the next day in the morning and again in the evening. If the damage was very strong, then you need to remove it three more times three times.

Stand behind the spoiled person, put your hands on his shoulders and say:

There are three dawns on you: one is clear, the other is red, the third ... (the name of the spoiled one).

After that, put your palms on the back of the patient's head and, without taking your hands away, lead them down to the very ankles. Along with this, say:

Like a clear dawn comes, like a red one goes out,
so all sorts of ailments would come out and go out with the third (name).

At this moment, imagine that following the movement of your hands, all of its ailments and troubles flow down from the spoiled one, descend, descend and disappear into the ground. After completing this movement, shake your hands. Repeat the plot and all your actions two more times. And after finishing treatment, do not forget to wash your hands in running water.

Throw three pinches of salt, three pinches of ash, and three small coals into the water. Sprinkle this water on the one who has the evil eye and at the same time read the plot:

Salt is salty, ash is bitter, coal is black.
I will salt out all the evil, with ashes I will incinerate all the evil spirits, I will bring out the blackness with coal.
Whoever eats my salt, all fears and bites will fall away,
whoever eats my ashes, all feigned illnesses and diseases will be pumped out of him,
whoever eats my coal, all damage and lessons will fly away from him.

Then order them to drink the rest of the water.

To remove the damage, close the old padlock and say the plot:

I close with this lock all the ways, all the paths for sickness and pain to the servant of God ... (name).
So that there is neither access nor semi-access to it for you day or night,
neither at morning dawn, nor at evening dawn,
neither with a dark moon, nor with a bright moon,
neither with a clear sun, nor with a black cloud,
neither in wind, nor in rain, nor in drought, nor in water.
Go the other way, not bypass, not bypass,
but in the opposite direction.
These words are my key and lock from now on and forever and ever.

Throw away the castle in the middle of the river, or bury it in the ground in a place where no one would find it.

Find a knot that has fallen from a dry pine tree and circle it around the head, belly and knees of the spoiled one, uttering a plot:

Like mother's pine trees dried up and dried branches and branches,
so all the lessons and bites of the servant of God would dry up and dry up ... (name).
Moved away from the head, retreated from the stomach,
they moved away from their knees, they left for dry land.

After completing this treatment, bury the knot deep in the ground.

Give the Corrupted a special potion to drink. Harvest sage for the last quarter of the moon, bay leaves for the new moon, marjoram for the first quarter of the moon, and dill for the full moon. When the moon wanes, boil a glass of red wine and, while saying a plot, throw three pinches of each herb into it. The plot goes like this:

Thrice cursed, thrice cursed, removed and cursed at once.
The one who goes to drink is alive and well in the morning.
The one who sowed spoilage will leave with nothing.

When the wine has cooled, it must be filtered.

To get rid of the evil eye, put some nettle seed on a small plate, sprinkle it with alcohol and set it on fire. When the fire goes out and the seed begins to smoke, fumigate the patient with this smoke so that the smoke gets into his eyes. At the same time, pronounce the conspiracy words:

As neither water nor dew hold on a gray drake, so on ... (name)
no lessons, no prizes, no stasis, no bites hold.

You can also use other words:

Through a pure tear, through white dew,
get out all the prizes, all the lessons, all the evil eyes and bites from ... (name).
Fall on the black earth, on the marshy swamps,
to dense forests where people do not go,
where the cattle does not roam, where the beast does not prowl.
All my words are spoken, sentenced, and so it should be.

Place a bowl of water on the patient's head and pour melted wax into it, uttering a conspiracy:

Remove all the pieces, all the omissions, lessons and bites, inflows and tortures from the servant of God ... (name),
from his wild head, from his zealous heart, from his round knees.

Then you need to put the bowl on your chest and pour wax into it again, repeating this plot. For the third time, the bowl is placed on the patient's feet, and the ritual with wax and conspiracy is repeated again. When you have finished this action, pour out all the water and throw the wax into the river.

Children's damage or, called a commotion, must be removed like this. Take a long red thread and tie a knot at one end. Measure the height of the child with this thread and mark it with a second knot. Then order the child to spread his arms to the sides and attach the thread with the second knot to the middle finger of his right hand, and with the free end to the middle finger of his left. Mark this size with a third knot and say:

Marked with three knots, healed with a secret word.

After that, drill a small hole in the blind end of the door and put this thread into it. Plug the hole with a wooden cork or dry knot and say:

How can this blind edge of the door not open
so the commotion of the servant of God ... (name)
not to open again, to remain forever and ever in a hole.

In order to remove damage to male impotence, pour spring water into a mug, put a copper coin in it and read a conspiracy into the water:

I will rise at an early dawn, wash myself in white dew,
I will go from door to door, from gate to gate,
I will go out into the open. And in the open field stands a copper oak,
that oak the wind does not oppress, the storm does not break,
so would ... (name) would be feminine,
he did not bend into a hollow place, did not break, he aspired to a hollow place.
To stand better than the old, straighter than before,
harder than hard, stronger than strong.
My word is the key and the lock, now and forever and ever.
Then let the spoiled drink this charmed water.

To get rid of all evil, go to an unpopulated place, such as an open field or forest. Find a large flat rock there. Place two white candles on it. Place a glass beaker filled with pure spring water between them. Kneel in front of the resulting altar. Hold your palms over the glass and imagine that all your black power, all your problems and troubles flow into the water in the glass. While doing this, repeat the plot:

Clear water, clear fire, black earth,
take everything dark, multiply everything light.

Then knock over the glass so that all the water pours onto the stone and glass from it onto the black earth. Blow out the candles, leave them with a glass on the stone and return home. On the way back, do not greet anyone and do not talk at all.

When you find evidence of damage in your house, it can be bones or feathers tied with threads, a skein of black wool with needles, a bag of ashes, or just a note with curses, take your find in your right hand, go with it to the open door, stand on the threshold back and say:

You lived, trouble, in this house, now live in another place, take everything that is yours with you!

Throw what you hold in your hand over the threshold of the house over your left shoulder and complete the plot:

What's behind me can't go back!

Next, you will need to cleanse your home from the astral manifestations of the other world. You can do the following: take the discarded magic items to a deserted place and burn or tear up a note with curses there, scatter the ashes in the wind, unwind a tangled ball of wool or untie the threads connecting the feathers and scatter these feathers in different directions. Along with this, say:

Whoever did a dirty deed, blackness will return to that!
Whoever thought bad, the bad thought will turn to him!
Whoever did evil, he imposed this evil on himself!
Crawl on the ground, swim on the water, melted in the fire,
disperse in the wind along the same road, along the same path,
by the same fate, by the same way.
Don’t hurt anything, don’t want more, everything that was or could be,
in return to fuck the one who did this evil, sinned against good people!

Having done so, return home by a roundabout way.

If, leaving the house, you find obvious signs of black witchcraft near your threshold, such as melted candles, ashes, needles, scattered poppy seeds and black pepper, yellow sulfur or the most common salt, take a broom in your left hand, stand with your back to the threshold and, taking a step back, step over it and over the scattered salt, needles and other magical things. Then put your left hand with a broom behind your back, and hold your right hand in front of your face. Bow in this position to the ground to the waist, take a pinch of salt or another object lying at your doorstep and say:

Hello trouble. I opened the gate, but you do not go into the house.

Straighten up, throw the lifted thing over your left shoulder and finish the plot:

Apparently I don't like you.

All this must be done with the door open. Now slam it shut. Get rid of everything that lies in front of your doorstep. Collect all rubbish with a broom in a paper bag. After that, go to a deserted place and leave all the collected garbage there along with a broom.

Salt is able to restore the forces we have lost, to heal the "holes" in the astral body. Remember important information: people with evil intentions who have taken the sin of corruption or witchcraft into their souls cannot tolerate salt.

It has long been conducted: as a talisman, our ancestors always took salt with them on the road. In “unclean” places, salt was thrown over the left shoulder, thus the evil forces were deprived of the opportunity to harm a person. Salt was also used in magical rites: white salt crystals returned happiness and removed evil witchcraft from a person. How to protect yourself with salt?

Against the evil eye

Even our great-grandfathers knew that it is much easier to jinx a person at the moment when he enthusiastically tells something and does not pay attention to what is happening around. It is at this moment that the envious person is able to bring the evil eye, distracting you with flattering conversations. To prevent such a misfortune, the Slavs always put salt on the table in an open salt shaker. Such salt has the ability to extinguish negative energy, remove the evil eye and return evil wishes to the one who sent them.

Against evil spirits

You can determine with the help of salt if there is an unclean spirit in the house and expel it from your home. To do this, between 11 and 12 noon, you need to take an ordinary clean metal pan (do not use Teflon and enamel pans - they will deteriorate), put it on high heat and pour salt in a thin layer. Salt must be calcined for two hours. If there is energetic dirt in the house, you will see dark spots on the salt. As the evil spirits leave the house in a panic, the spots will begin to lighten.

Against the spell

If a spell has been cast on your house and the owners are in mortal danger, you must repeat the steps with the pan. Salt will warn about an existing spell with crackling and loud “shots”.

From insomnia and nightmares

Salt can still be called a great healer, it relieves bad dreams and insomnia. If you were born under the sign of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, dissolve three pinches of salt in water and place the liquid at your head and feet on the floor at night. If you were born under the sign of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, put bowls of dry salt on the floor at the head and at the feet. Pour liquid or dry salt into the toilet in the morning. Do this procedure for three nights in a row and you will see that your sleep has become sound and deep.

For good health

When you add salt to food, especially soups and sauces, think and say only good things. At the moment, your wishes are recorded in the aura of the dish. Evil words will lead to indigestion. Best of all, when you salt your food, read the Lord's Prayer aloud. This will help maintain the health and strength of the body and spirit.

Do you know about miraculous properties? I recommend reading!

Signs about salt have become widespread, since in the old days salt was considered a valuable product. Salt was carefully used not only in cooking, but also for various magical purposes. A sign that portends a quarrel or other negative events was associated with spilling salt. In love and protective magic, salt was used to cleanse negativity and repel energy attacks. Many of these beliefs and rituals are still applicable today.

Why salt became associated with quarrels

The thrifty mistress (owner) of the salt tried not to spill the salt, because they believed that this was a sure sign of an impending quarrel. As soon as the valuable “salty powder” crumbled, relatives and close people became for a while as if they were strangers. Simple household rituals aimed at neutralizing the negative consequences of signs helped to correct this situation.

Spilled salt - it doesn’t matter, neutralize the sign with positive emotions!

Salt crumbled? It was possible to draw a cross with the little finger of the right hand. And to be sure, take a pinch of spilled salt and throw it over your left shoulder with a laugh. Another option is to spit three times over the left shoulder - there, according to the ideas of our ancestors, the spirit-tempter was located. It is very important that these actions are accompanied by positive emotions, that is, you really need to laugh sincerely. To do this, it would be good to remember a funny incident from your own life or any event that is pleasant for you.

Since salt is able to "record" information, like water, this product can become a cleanser. You can read any positive program for salt. Salt will certainly implement it.

The flow of positive energy from within formed a protective energy layer around the person. And the energy of the sign no longer had an effect on him, despite the powerful energy supply from the outside. Sprinkling salt over a flame was considered the worst omen. In this case, traditional household rituals were not enough. The power of fire required more human intervention, since salt spilled into the fire was considered an unambiguous sign of future trials.

If this happened, it was necessary to immediately cross the index and middle fingers of the right hand (middle finger on top), blow on them, and whisper three times: “Salt is on fire, and I am under angelic protection.” In a modern interpretation, the ritual looks like this: for three days in a row, read a protective prayer or mantra, depending on the cultural tradition and religion, as well as the traditions adopted in your own family. So it is possible, predicted by a sign, or, if the event cannot be avoided, pass the test with honor and minimal losses.

Salted - fell in love?

Special signs, both positive and negative, are associated with the kitchen, where, in fact, salt is kept. The latter is associated with the same risk of spilling salt. For example, at the dinner table, one of the family members or guests passes the salt shaker. One careless movement is enough for the salt to wake up. Each time performing this action, that is, holding out your hand with a salt shaker, you had to smile from the heart of the person to whom you are passing the salt. It is believed that in this case, even if the salt is spilled, the negative signs will initially be extinguished by positive emotions and a quarrel will not happen.

It was considered a good omen to place a salt shaker first on a dinner or holiday table. So, it was possible to attract wealth to the house. But leaving the salt shaker open at the end of the meal was not recommended. It was believed that an unclean spirit could leave its mark there.

But most often, kitchen signs about salt are associated with a romantic theme. The most common: salting a dish means falling in love. The person preparing the dish is focused on the object of his love and unconsciously seeks to express the fullness of emotions, and since salt absorbs information as well as water, the dish is overflowing with salt, just like the heart of the cook with love.

The sign says: love passion makes food more salty

But if a person is inclined to undersalt writing, it was believed that he loves only himself. However, in the modern world, this sign can no longer be interpreted so one-sidedly, since many, taking care of their own health, reduce the amount of salt in the diet as prescribed by the doctor.

Nevertheless, there is still an occult component in the sign about the relationship between salt and love. The fact is that there is a series of rituals in love magic that require the use of salt. When pronouncing a special conspiracy, one had to add a little spelled salt to the food of the object of one's love. In some cultural traditions, during the wedding celebrations, such a ritual was also practiced: the bride had to independently salt the food prepared for the parents of her future spouse.

Adding a little more salt was considered a sign of special respect. So the bride tried to show: I do not skimp on taking care of you and your son.

How to diagnose for the presence of negativity in the house

Salt, due to its ability to store information, can be used to diagnose the room in which you live, for the presence of negative energy there. One of these methods is as follows: after sunset, pour four pinches of ordinary rock salt into the pan. The frying pan must be clean and free from grease.

Before using salt for occult purposes, it is necessary to calcine it in a frying pan

Place a skillet with salt over moderate heat and season the salt well. If the color of the salt has not changed at all, there are no serious negative programs, for example, caused by a curse, on your home. It is a bad sign if the salt has noticeably changed in color during the calcination process, especially if the salt has darkened. In this case, the room needs to be cleaned and, ideally, a good specialist should be invited for energy cleaning.

Salt was used in ancient times, among other things, to protect young children. In the cradle they put a bag with a protective conspiracy of salt. So the children were protected from the "evil eye".

By the way, you can also check the guests who have crossed the threshold of your house for a true attitude towards you and your family with the help of salt. Prepare any even the simplest dish, which will contain bread and salt. It can be either a sandwich consisting of bread, any cuts, greens (you need to pour a little salt inside), or a salad, for example, a warm salad, one of the ingredients of which is croutons. Before serving the dish, rub your palms well, imagine an energy ball between them. Mentally direct it to food and give the installation: "Reveal the truth to me, open my hearts."

This ritual is based on the belief of our ancestors, who greeted guests with “bread and salt”. It was believed that guests who had tasted the treat could no longer be enemies. Your guests, if consciously or unconsciously, had certain negative emotions towards you (envy, dissatisfaction, doubts about your good attitude towards them), then the salt in the food will “extinguish” them and even help.

But if the guest carries some more serious negative, for example, the energy of anger, then as soon as he tastes your dish, he will show his true face, or he will no longer be able to cross the threshold of your house. Of course, this does not mean that all the guests who come to your house, including relatives and acquaintances, need to be “tested” like this. In a certain situation with a certain person, you will simply feel “something is wrong” inside your own heart. Perhaps then it makes sense to conduct such a ritual.

Why "salt" debt is not returned

Salt has been widely used in magic, and therefore a special sign is associated with salt. For example, if they ask you for salt on credit and there is no way to refuse, you can give salt, but not from hand to hand, but by placing a pack of salt on any surface. And when another person takes it, mentally cut it off from yourself, give yourself an attitude that you are breaking the energy connection with the salt.

After the one who asked leaves your home, turning his face to the east, read the conspiracy three times: “I don’t ask for what I give back. I keep mine, take yours with you. Let it be so". You are no longer associated with this salt. And remind the one who asked that the “salt debt” is not returned. Never take the salt back. The fact is that you can read a negative program on salt, which you, together with the debt returned to you, will voluntarily accept into your home and family.

Salt with the support of the energy of fire will cleanse from negative energy

If the feeling that salt was borrowed from you with evil intent does not leave you, in addition to the above ritual, you can conduct another one additionally. Light the wax candle. On a saucer (preferably one that you use only for occult purposes, and not from kitchen appliances), pour three pinches of salt. Drive a candle flame over the salt clockwise, read the same plot 12 times, after that, mentally imagine yourself in an energy cocoon, and another person who borrowed salt from you in the same energy cocoon.

A person who borrowed salt from you could even unconsciously put a negative program into it if he was emotionally experiencing some kind of unpleasant situation for him. By handing over the salt, he could pass on some of his own troubles to you.

As the wax begins to drip onto the salt, imagine the negative that may have been brought into your home burns in the candle flame and drips like wax onto the salt crystals. You will feel when the ritual needs to be completed. Leave the candle, let it burn out to the end, in no case do not extinguish the flame with your fingers and do not blow it out. As soon as the candle goes out, carefully pour the salt into a pre-prepared sheet of paper and take it out of the house. Ideally, this salt should be sprinkled at the intersection of two roads. But in a densely populated city, this will be difficult to do.

If the intersection option is not feasible, go at least three intersections from your house, that is, three blocks, throw the package of salt in a trash can or bin, and walk away without looking back. You do not need to speak to anyone or answer questions until you cross the threshold of your house. This is an important moment of the ritual, which must be performed. Of course, such a ritual does require a serious reason to perform it. I repeat, it is not necessary to suspect everyone and everything, even those who borrowed salt from you, of wanting to harm you. But caution must still be observed. Just listen to your intuition.

The Special Power of Thursday Salt

Thursday salt is considered the strongest energetically. That is, salt, previously calcined and consecrated in the temple for Easter. This salt has powerful cleansing properties.

Thursday salt has a special cleansing and protective power.

In a dwelling, in principle, it is good to always have such salt. If one of the family members feels bad, a few grains of such salt are enough to remove the negative. This means if you suspect the presence of a negative impact from the outside, and this happens when medical studies do not show any pathologies, and the person continues to feel bad.

Thursday salt will also be applicable to neutralize a negative program aimed at destroying family well-being.

If you see that quarrels in the house arise with or without reason, such salt should be sprinkled on a pinch in each corner in all rooms. This must be done after sunset. And sweep away the salt and throw it away - before dawn the next day. So you "sweep" out of the house the negativity that sowed discord in your family. In this way, you can simply clean the room.

Thursday salt can be used to bring wealth into the home. Pour no more than a pinch of salt into your right palm, loosely clench your hand into a fist and whisper a conspiracy to wealth: “My house is full of goodness, in my wallet - always a coin rings, in my box - always a large bill crunches. In abundance (your name) lived (lived) and I will live forever. Let it be so". Pour the spelled salt into the wallet. Let the night lie there. If the wallet is tight, you can not pour it out of the pocket. If there are holes, sprinkle salt on the threshold of the house from the inside. The energy of wealth will flow continuously into your home and there will be no financial problems in the family.

So, salt - has a powerful energy and the ability to "remember" and reproduce information. Charge salt with positive energy programs and use it for the well-being of your family and those around you. Remember that any negative directed outward will return to the sender as a boomerang, and therefore I want to warn against experiments with salt with reading various conspiracies to destroy plans or take revenge. All this will come back to you a hundredfold. It is not your task to punish someone, even deservedly so. Each of us punishes ourselves. In every sense, it is beneficial to sow only good around you, and salt for this can become a powerful tool.
