
Chicken meatballs like in kindergarten recipe. Cutlets in the oven like in kindergarten

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

I have been thinking for a long time how to cook so that there is no terrible aroma throughout the house from fried cutlets and especially oil. Usually you fry cutlets, and then all things around are saturated with this smell. In addition, you get tired of standing at the stove and constantly monitoring these meat products so that they do not burn, but do not remain raw.
But today I want to cook cutlets as in kindergarten. This is just a salvation for those who do not have the time and desire to stand at the stove. Who wants tasty and not harmful meatballs. And of course, who does not want to smell like meatballs. This recipe is very similar to the one used for kindergarten. They do not allow frying cutlets at all, in order to prevent repeated heating. vegetable oil. And of course, minced meat cutlets in the oven in preschool institutions are prepared only from beef.

- homemade minced meat (pork or beef) - 800 g,
- bread - about 80 g,
- breading,
- bow - 2 pcs.,
- garlic - 1-2 teeth,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- salt, a mixture of peppers - to taste,
- milk or water - for soaking bread,
- pork or beef broth - about 1 liter,
- vegetable oil for sauteing.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees along with the baking sheet. Soak bread in water or milk. Then it must be pressed. Onion cut into large pieces.

Add chopped garlic, a mixture of peppers and salt to the mass. Thoroughly knead the resulting minced meat. We beat it to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Pour the breading into a bowl. I have it corn flour instead of crackers. We form a cutlet. I first pick up a full tablespoon of minced meat. Then I shift it into my hands and several times I throw the future cutlet of the knot of the hand into the hand to form beautiful product. After that, I panic.

Take the hot tray out of the oven. Brush with vegetable oil. We lay out the formed blanks for cutlets tightly to each other. We put in the oven for 15 minutes to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees so that the cutlets stick and do not spread.

Let's prepare the filling for this meat dish. Let's make a passerovka from onions and carrots.

Pour in the broth. If it is very oily, you can dilute it. hot water. Add salt, pepper and allspice. Can be thrown Bay leaf.

Pour the gravy and put it back in the oven for 40 minutes to bake at the same temperature.

Serve them with any side dish or with

In the first years of a baby's life, his taste habits and preferences are formed. So baby meat menu should be not only tasty and healthy, but also varied.

Meat and fish are a source of complete protein, iron and other useful substances, This essential products V daily menu child. Small children are prepared dishes from meat and minced fish- due to their shape and consistency, they instill in the baby the first chewing skills. These dishes include cutlets for children, meatballs and meatballs. How are they different?

Baby meatballs- dishes of minced meat or fish, rolled into small balls (usually the size of an apricot or plum). In different interpretations, they exist in national cuisines almost the entire world. Groats are necessarily added to minced meat, most often rice, bread, sometimes onions, spices and an egg are put. Meatballs for babies are stewed with sauce, steamed or baked. Fried meatballs should not be given to children.

Meatballs. This dish got its name from Italian word frittella (fried). Meatballs for kids- small balls the size of a cherry or Walnut minced meat, chicken or fish. They are usually boiled in broth, soup or, more rarely, cooked in second courses. Finely chopped onions, spices and herbs are added to the minced meat. Very rarely, bread soaked in milk or water is put into minced meat.

Cutlets for children. In modern Russian cuisine, cutlets are flat cakes made from meat, chicken, fish or vegetable mince. Children are usually served with various side dishes - cereals, vegetables, as well as with sauce or broth.

With the advent of the first chewing teeth in a child (i.e., from about 1-1.5 years old) children's menu filled with meat dishes. These are cutlets, meatballs and meatballs cooked according to special recipes. At this age, the baby needs about 70-80 g meat products per day, 1-2 times a week they can be replaced with fish. Dishes from chopped minced meat in shape and consistency they are very suitable for a baby who is just learning to chew at this age.

Minced meat recipes for children

IN children's cooking are used the following types meat:

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • lean pork;
  • rabbit.

Lamb, horse meat and venison are not used in the diet of children under 3 years of age.

Of the birds, only:

  • chicken;
  • turkey.

Goose and duck are very fatty, difficult to digest and are not suitable for children under 3 years old.

Used for minced fish sea ​​fish low-fat and white varieties:

  • halibut;
  • sole;
  • pollock.

From river fish fit only:

  • pike;

Minced meat for children's meals prepared only from steam or chilled meat, frozen meat is not recommended, since it is impossible to control the quality and shelf life of such a product, this is fraught with the development of infections.

Carbonade, shoulder blade or thigh are best. The meat must be thoroughly cleaned of films and fat, rinsed, dried with a napkin - to remove excess fat and moisture - and then cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder twice. For older children, from 2 years old, you can skip the meat through a meat grinder once.

From the white bread added to minced meat, you need to remove the crust, and then soak the pulp in water or milk. Bread mass in minced meat should be no more than 25%.

Poultry for cooking meat chopped dishes fits breast, thighs and drumsticks. The meat is carefully separated from the bones and skin and passed through a meat grinder.

For cooking fish dishes use fillet, cleaned of bones and scales.

Cooking minced meat is a laborious process. Therefore, it is permissible to immediately prepare a sufficiently large volume of it, make stocks for future use - freeze portioned semi-finished products. However, they must be stored at a constant temperature in the depth freezer, repeated defrosting-freezing is unacceptable for them.

In minced meat for baby food before freezing, only vegetables or cereals are added, but do not salt and do not add spices, milk and eggs, this is done immediately before cooking after defrosting the minced meat.

Cooking methods

Most traditional way cooking meat dishes is frying. However, children under 3 fried foods are not recommended. In the process of frying, a crust is formed, which contains substances harmful to the child, irritating digestive tract. Therefore, in the children's kitchen are used the following ways culinary processing:

  • extinguishing;
  • baking in the oven;
  • steam cooking.

For children from 2 years old, it is permissible to lightly fry the cutlets, and then bring them to readiness by stewing in the sauce. Meatballs are prepared in the same way. But the traditional type of cooking for meatballs is steaming, in salted water or soup with vegetables. Sometimes meatballs are stewed with cabbage or other vegetables in a small amount gravy or sauce.

Cutlets for children

The first cutlets can be offered to a child at 1–1.5 years old, if he already has something to chew on. Consider several options for cooking cutlets from meat, poultry and fish, so that there is something to diversify the baby's diet.

Beef steam cutlets (from 1 year old)


  • 100 g of beef;
  • 20 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Skip the prepared meat together with bread soaked in milk without a crust through a meat grinder, add butter and salt to taste, mix well until smooth, form cutlets and steam for 20-25 minutes.

Meat cutlets (from 1.5 years old)


  • 40 g pork without fat;
  • 50 g of beef;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 5 g of onions;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Soak the bread in water, pass the meat twice through a meat grinder. Mix meat, bread, finely chopped onion, salt. Form small patties with wet hands, then steam them or in a deep frying pan in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
meat cutlets, stuffed with vegetables(from 2 years old)


  • 90 g minced meat;
  • 10 g carrots;
  • 10 g cabbage;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 4 boiled eggs;
  • 7 g butter.

Cooking method:

Skip the meat through a meat grinder. Divide the minced meat with wet hands into small cakes, in the center of each put finely chopped carrots, onions, cabbage and chopped boiled egg. Wrap the edges of the cakes and pinch, flatten the resulting cutlets. Melt butter in a frying pan and lightly fry the cutlets. Then place them in the oven or steam until ready for 10-15 minutes.

Meat zrazy with rice (from 2-3 years old)


  • 90 g of meat (pork or beef);
  • 20 g of white bread;
  • 30 g of cereals (buckwheat or rice);
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 3 boiled egg.
  • For sauce:
  • 50 g of broth;
  • 10 g sour cream;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Boil rice (or buckwheat). Pass the meat through a meat grinder along with white bread soaked in water and squeezed out. From the resulting minced meat, form cakes and put the filling in the center of each: boiled rice (or buckwheat porridge), mixed with finely chopped onion and egg. Bend and pinch the edges, form cutlets. For the sauce, mix the broth, sour cream and flour. Fry the cutlets for 2-3 minutes on each side, then pour the sauce and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Chicken steam cutlets (from 1-1.5 years old)


  • 90 g chicken meat from the thigh or breast;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Skip the meat with onions through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in milk and once again pass the resulting mass through a meat grinder. Add slightly melted butter to the minced meat, salt. Form cutlets with wet hands, steam for 15 minutes. You can stew them in milk in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Cutlets from turkey meat (from 1.5-2 years old)


  • 100 g of turkey meat (breast or legs);
  • 1 st. a spoonful of boiled rice;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass the turkey meat through a meat grinder, mix the cooked rice with minced meat, salt, add the egg, milk and mix thoroughly until smooth. Form cutlets and steam them for 20-25 minutes.

fish cakes(from 1-1.5 years old)


  • 100 g fillet of zander (or cod, or maritime);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet through a meat grinder along with bread soaked in milk, salt, add butter, mix, form cutlets. Place the cutlets in the oven, fill with 1 / 3 water, or steam for 10-15 minutes.

Fish cakes with cheese (2-3 years)


  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 30 g hard cheese;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Skip the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with bread and onions soaked in milk, add finely grated cheese, egg, salt. Thoroughly mix the mass. Then form cutlets, roll them in flour, lightly fry on each side and simmer until tender in white sauce (see sauce recipe below).

Bilip fish cakes (2–3 years)


  • 300 g of pike perch (or cod, or sole);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 30-40 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Skip the fish fillet through a meat grinder with bread and onions soaked in milk, add cottage cheese, egg, salt. Thoroughly mix the mass. Form cutlets, roll them in flour, lightly fry on each side and simmer until tender in white sauce.

Meatballs for kids

Meatballs can be made from many types of meat, poultry, and fish. They are small in size, delicate taste and are convenient in that the baby can hold them in his hand and eat, training the skill of independence. They appear in the diet of a child from the age of one in the first and second courses.

Meatballs for children (from 1–1.5 years old)


  • 40 g lean pork;
  • 50 g of beef;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 1 egg white;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass the meat twice through a meat grinder and mix with bread soaked in water. Beat the egg white thoroughly and mix with minced meat. Form small balls and boil them in lightly salted water with herbs.

Steam meatballs in Polish (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g lean pork;
  • 50 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 / 2 egg white;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • a little butter.

Cooking method:

Pass pork and chicken fillet through a meat grinder, add beaten egg white, salt, butter and finely chopped dill to the minced meat. Mix the minced meat, form small balls. Place the meatballs by a teaspoon into the simmering broth or soup and cook until tender, 15 minutes. They can be boiled and steamed, and then put on a plate with a side dish.

Chicken meatballs (1–1.5 years)


  • 90 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of boiled rice or rice flakes;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • greens to taste.

Cooking method:

Clean the fillet from the skin and films, pass through a meat grinder. boiled rice salt and grind in a blender along with herbs, and then mix with meat. Add in the beaten egg and mix again. Roll minced meat into balls and cook in vegetable broth(or steam) 15-20 minutes.

Children's chicken meatballs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g chicken breast;
  • 50 g potatoes;
  • 30 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml chicken broth;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass the chicken breast through a meat grinder or chop in a blender along with milk. Boil potatoes. Mix minced meat with potatoes, form small balls and boil them in chicken broth, salting it, as well as putting bay leaves and herbs in it.

Broth with fish meatballs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 60 g of pollock fillet (or hake, or pike perch);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • dill;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet with bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder, beat the egg with herbs in a blender. Combine everything, add butter, knead minced meat. Form small balls. Boil meatballs in vegetable broth for 10-15 minutes.

Cod meatballs with herbs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g cod;
  • 15 g of white bread;
  • 5 g of onions;
  • 8 g spinach;
  • parsley;
  • 10 g of lettuce;
  • 1 teaspoon of butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Cod fillet, along with onions, spinach, lettuce and parsley, pass through a meat grinder, and then mix with bread soaked in water. Add butter and egg to the mass, salt, mix the minced meat thoroughly. Form meatballs and boil them in vegetable broth or steam them.

Meatballs for children

Meatballs are similar in composition to meatballs, but also contain a lot of rice and vegetables. The combination of meat, grains and vegetables contributes to better assimilation meat proteins. Meatballs are often served with sauces.

Meatballs in a special way (1.5–2 years)


  • 100 g pork or ground beef;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped vegetables bell pepper, carrots, onions, zucchini, tomatoes;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of flour;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Minced mince together with vegetables through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, mix with egg and flour, salt, add herbs, knead. Form balls, put them in a deep frying pan and, pouring 1 / 3 water, simmer for 10 minutes. Then add red or white sauce and simmer until tender for another 15 minutes under the lid.

Classic Meatballs (2-3 years old)


  • 50 g pork or beef;
  • 10 g of bread;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of milk;
  • 10 g carrots;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 st. a spoon with a slide of rice;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the meat with onions and carrots through a meat grinder, add bread pre-soaked in milk and pre-cooked rice to the minced meat, add the egg and salt. Mix the minced meat and form meatballs, fry lightly in oil, pour red sauce and simmer in the oven or on the stove under the lid for 30 minutes.

Cottage cheese and fish meatballs (2–3 years)


  • 60 g cod fillet;
  • 30 g of white bread;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 30 g of cottage cheese;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Soak the bread in milk and pass through a meat grinder along with the fish fillet, mix the resulting minced meat with cottage cheese and finely chopped onions. Beat the egg and mix it with minced meat, salt, add herbs. Pour into a baking dish or skillet and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Mix milk with sour cream until the consistency of the sauce, pour the meatballs with the mixture and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Fish meatballs (1.5–2 years)


  • 80 g fish fillet (cod, pollock or hake);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 1 / 4 egg yolk;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet together with the bread soaked in water through a meat grinder, add the yolk, butter and salt, knead the minced meat. Form meatballs and place them in a deep bowl, filling with white sauce for 2 / 3. Put the stew on a very small fire for 25-30 minutes.

Baby sauces

Sauces that complement children's meat dishes¸ not only enrich their taste, but also contribute to better assimilation of the product and expand taste preferences baby. Especially often sauces are used in the preparation of meatballs.

Milk sauce (from 1.5 years old)


  • 5 g (1 tablespoon) flour;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sour cream 10% fat;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 20–25 ml of water.

Cooking method:

Fry the flour in a pan so that it is slightly browned, pour in milk and water and bring to a boil, wait until the mixture thickens, add sour cream, wait for it to boil again and turn off the heat.

White sauce (from 2 years old)


Cooking method:

Fry the flour in a pan so that it is slightly browned, pour in the broth, bring to a boil, wait until the mixture thickens, add butter or cream, lemon juice, wait until the sauce boils, and turn off the heat.

Red sauce (from 2–3 years old)


  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 1 / 2 cups of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, put them in a pan and lightly fry in vegetable oil, then pour water into it and put the tomato, chopped in a blender until smooth. Add bay leaf and salt and cook for 10 minutes.

Children's side dishes

What to cook for a baby for a side dish meat dishes? For meat cutlets and meatballs the best addition become boiled or vegetable stew; fish cakes are good served with rice or vegetable stew; buckwheat, rice, pasta or potatoes are suitable for meatballs, and they go well with poultry green pea, cauliflower and rice with vegetables.

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Not all children like meat. But cutlets gobble up both cheeks.

Still would! They are much softer, easy to chew and very tasty.

It is difficult to find a child who is able to refuse such a dish.

Let's prepare for him the most delicious meatballs?

Baby cutlets - general principles of cooking

For children's cutlets can be used different types meat and poultry. This is mainly beef, lean pork, turkey, chicken and rabbit. Lamb, goat meat and duck are not used for cooking children's meals.

The product is washed, cut into pieces and crushed. Basically use a meat grinder. To prepare cutlets, as in kindergarten, the meat is twisted at least twice. The last time with the addition of the remaining ingredients.

What do they put in addition to meat:

Bread or semolina;

Cutlets are usually breaded in flour or semolina. For cooking use sparing methods. Basically, this is steaming, stewing or baking in the oven. For juiciness, cutlets are prepared with sauces based on broths, vegetables or dairy products.

In addition to meat cutlets, you can cook fish, vegetable or cereal products. They are useful for child's body help to diversify and enrich the diet.

Baby turkey cutlets

The recipe for children's cutlets for the smallest. Although older children will also not mind tasting them. Used turkey fillet. You can cook such cutlets for a couple, in the oven, or simply stew with broth in a saucepan.


0.5 kg turkey fillet;

1 small onion;

2 slices of bread;

0.5 glass of milk;

1/3 tsp salt.


1. Fill the bread with milk and let it sour well. You can periodically turn over so that the moisture is evenly distributed.

2. Peel the onion, cut into several pieces.

3. We wash the turkey, cut into cubes.

4. We twist the turkey through a meat grinder with a fine mesh once.

5. Add the onion and twist together with the turkey again. And in the last run we twist everything together with soaked bread. The mass should turn out loose, lush and very small.

6. Add an egg with salt to the minced meat, stir. If the dish for a child is older than one year, then you can add a little dill or parsley.

7. We form small cutlets with our hands and you can cook! We spread in a double boiler or on a greased baking sheet or in a saucepan. In the second and last case, add the broth.

Cutlets like in kindergarten with a long loaf

To prepare such cutlets, as in kindergarten, you need a dried loaf. But you can also take stale White bread.


0.8 kg of beef;

80 grams of a loaf;

2 onions (1 in minced meat);

1 carrot;

50 grams of breadcrumbs;

30 ml of oil;

0.5 glass of milk;

0.6 l of broth;


1. Pour the slices of the loaf with cold milk and leave for a while.

2. We clean the beef from the films, wash it, cut it into medium-sized pieces.

3. We clean the onion heads and also cut into pieces.

4. Twist the minced meat. The first time we pass only beef through a meat grinder. The second time, meat along with onions. And for the third time, add the soaked loaf to them. This sequence helps to get a homogeneous minced meat, similar to pâté.

5. Add salt, stir thoroughly and beat the minced meat with your hands. You just need to pick up a piece and throw it with effort onto the countertop.

6. We prepare a baking sheet. To do this, pour the prescription oil and sprinkle chopped onion and grated carrots on top.

7. We form cutlets. Raw, each should weigh 100 grams, in the process of cooking it will lose about 30%.

8. Roll in breadcrumbs and send to a baking sheet. We lay close to each other.

9. Put in the oven and bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

10. Pour the salted broth onto a baking sheet and cook the cutlets for another 40-60 minutes at 180 degrees.

Children's chicken cutlets

chicken cutlets not only children, but also adults love it very much. wonderful dish For daily menu. According to the recipe, fillet is used. It is better to take not only the breast, but also trimmings from the thigh. The dish will be juicier.


0.5 kg of chicken;

1 head of onion;

80 ml of milk;

3 spoons of semolina;

3 tablespoons of flour;

1 small carrot;

200 ml of broth;

20 ml of oil grows.


1. Fill semolina milk and leave for now, let it swell.

2. Cut the fillet, also peeled onions and carrots. We twist everything together twice through a meat grinder. If you have a powerful blender or combine, then you can cook fine minced meat with their help.

3. Add swollen semolina to the chicken.

4. Salt the minced meat and put the egg, stir well.

5. We form cutlets. Roll in flour.

6. We put it on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil, and put it in the oven. Bake until it appears golden brown.

7. Boil the broth, salt a little and pour it into a baking sheet with cutlets. Cooking for another 20 minutes.

Fish cakes like in kindergarten

For many preschoolers fish cakes are their favorite food. Despite the fact that a cod or hake dish is usually prepared, the products are juicy and tasty.


0.8 kg cod without heads;

40 ml of oil;

80 grams of sour cream;

80 grams of carrots;

160 grams of onion (80 minced meat);

100 ml of water;

160 grams of bread.


1. Soak the bread in water or milk.

2. We wash the cod carcass, remove the ridge with bones. Wash thoroughly and cut into pieces.

3. Pass the fish through the meat grinder three times, last time add the soaked bread and onions to it.

4. Now you need to salt the minced meat, add eggs and knead well. It will be light and fluffy.

5. We form cutlets of 120 grams. Roll in flour. Lay out on a greased baking sheet. Let bake for 15 minutes.

6. We prepare the fill. To do this, we sauté onions and carrots in the remaining oil, add sour cream to them and pour in about 700 grams of broth. It is boiled from the ridges and bones of the fish that remained after cutting the carcass.

7. Pour the resulting sauce into cutlets and cook for another half hour.

Children's cutlets from mixed minced meat

To prepare such children's cutlets, you will need beef and lean pork without fat. Recipe with potatoes.


0.3 kg of pork;

0.2 kg of beef;

1 onion;

2 spoons of sour cream;

2 potatoes;

Oil for mold;

A little flour.


1. Peel the potatoes and rub on fine grater. Immediately add sour cream to them and stir.

2. We twist the pork with beef and onions. It is advisable to do this twice.

3. We connect meat mass with potatoes, salt and drive in one egg.

4. Stir the minced meat and make small cutlets of 70 grams. Roll each in flour and put into a mold.

5. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, then pour in the broth so that it barely covers the products and cook for another 30 minutes. The temperature in the second stage can be reduced to 180.

Carrot cutlets like in kindergarten

What to feed a little picky? Try to offer him carrot cutlets like in kindergarten. They are really tasty, easy to prepare and like a lot of guys. Prepared with semolina. If the dish is intended for children school age you can add more sugar to it.


0.5 kg of carrots;

30 grams of semolina;

20 grams of flour;

2 grams of salt;

15 grams of sugar;

20 grams of oil;

50 grams of sour cream;

60 ml milk.


1. We rub the carrot, having previously washed and cleaned the root crop. Put in a saucepan.

2. Add milk and butter. Put on the stove and cook until soft.

3. Gently introduce semolina, stir vigorously. Cool down.

4. Add sugar and salt, put the egg and stir.

5. We roll balls from the resulting dough or form cutlets of the desired shape. The size can also be any. But usually they make small balls and put 2-3 pieces per serving.

6. Roll in flour and place in a greased form.

7. Lubricate with prescription sour cream and send to the oven. We bake until done. Usually 15 minutes at 200 degrees is enough.

8. Carrot cutlets are served with sour cream. Can be used fruit sauces, condensed milk.

Children's cutlets with zucchini

The recipe for universal children's cutlets that can be prepared with any meat or poultry. Can be done with diet rabbit, turkey or simply with beef or lean pork. In any version, the dish will delight you with the juiciness that the zucchini will give.


0.5 kg of meat (poultry);

0.25 kg zucchini;

0.1 kg of onion;

0.5 tsp salt;

3 sprigs of dill;

2 tablespoons of semolina;

1 glass of broth;

2 spoons of sour cream;

Oil and flour.


1. We wash the zucchini and three on a fine grater. If the peel of the vegetable is ripe and thick, then it is better to remove it.

2. We twist the meat and onion, add zucchini and semolina to them. We put chopped dill and salt. Stir the mass and leave for half an hour.

3. Wet our hands with water and form small cutlets. Be sure to roll in flour.

4. Transfer to a greased form, bake until golden brown for about twenty minutes.

5. Mix sour cream with broth, add a pinch of salt. You can squeeze a clove of garlic if the child loves and tolerates it.

6. Pour the sauce into the cutlets and cook for another thirty minutes.

Semolina cutlets like in kindergarten

Semolina cutlets, or as they are also called meatballs, in contrast to the porridge of the same name, kids like it much more. The dish can be offered to the child for an afternoon snack or for breakfast.


0.5 cup semolina;

3 spoons of sugar;

0.5 l of milk;

1 pinch of salt;

1 spoon of starch;

20 ml of oil grows.

Semolina is also used for breading.


1. We put milk on the stove. Immediately put salt and sugar in it, let it boil.

2. We introduce semolina in a thin stream. We stir quickly. Doing thick porridge, cool down.

3. Add eggs and mix thoroughly.

4. We form cutlets from steep porridge. It is better to sculpt round meatballs.

5. Roll them in dry semolina.

6. Fry in prescription oil until golden brown on both sides.

7. Serve semolina cutlets with sour cream, jam, any sweet sauce or syrup.

Ready for baby cutlets? Do it right away more mince! Some can be prepared immediately for the child, some can be frozen. You can also make some meatballs and cook soup. Meatballs can also be frozen and used for first and second courses at any time.

If the child loves tomatoes and tolerates tomatoes well, then feel free to fill the children's cutlets with red sauces.

Children's menu does not involve the use of all kinds of spices and ready-made sauces. But you can always add chopped parsley or dill to the minced meat, put a little sweet pepper.

Pumpkin is a wonderful addition to children's meatballs. With her, the dish will be juicy, tender and very healthy. Pumpkin can replace part of the onion, carrots, or simply add it to any recipe.

Kindergarten technological map No. 2 for beef patties like in kindergarten.

A brief summary of the technology for preparing these meatballs.

Meat. The recipe says what is best for this dish the shoulder or shoulder part of the beef is suitable. Turn the meat.

The loaf must be soaked in milk. I do not cut off any crusts, since they must be passed through a meat grinder together with ground beef and there will be no trace of crusts.

Melt the butter, for example, in the microwave.

And now we combine the minced meat with a loaf and re-twist everything together again. The stuffing is quite viscous, without any lumps. Add melted butter (butter) to it and salt a little. Remember that the child does not need salty foods, so less is better than more.

Mix everything thoroughly and beat. What is whip? Yes, just collect all the minced meat from the bowl into your hand and throw it back with force.

You need to form the bits, of course, wet hands. Take a portion of minced meat in your hand and give it a round flat shape. Since there are 8 servings, then there will also be eight cutlets, respectively.

These meatballs are steamed, or they are stewed under a lid, in a simple frying pan. No oil, no frying, just heat the pan and pour in some water, about 50 grams. And now we lay out our meatballs, tightly close the lid. Then we languish on small fire Fifteen minutes. This is quite enough for itself.

The meatballs will shrink a little during the cooking process.

What is needed for technology: wheat flour sift, pour into the butter, melted in a pan, and sauté until about a light cream color. After it is slightly cooled and pour in a quarter of the hot milk, kneading until smooth. Then the remaining milk is already added and boiled, stirring, for about 7 minutes.

What am I doing. And I simplify this process, because everything is not so simple here - there is a great risk of getting solid lumps.

I just stir the flour in a cup in a small amount of milk (so that there are no lumps, 50 grams of milk), and put the remaining milk in a saucepan on the stove. After the milk almost boils, add butter, a little salt, and pour in the flour mixture, stirring all the time (if it is too thick, pour in a little more milk from the saucepan). It takes a minute to cook. The sauce will thicken by this time.

Just pour this sauce over the cutlets and you're done!

Cutlets like in kindergarten - another forgotten, but pleasant taste. The very first experience of meat-eating, which many children like. This is an appetizing choice for young gourmets, regardless of the era of birth and continents of residence.

And it often happens that the love for cocoa, meatballs and noodles from childhood then “turns” into a passion for steaks, whiskey and cigars. But in the abundance of tastes of adult life, there is always a place for the same love for "juvenile" cutlets. Tested on my own daughter! All the details of the preparation of "kindergarten" cutlets are in the culinary report of the Menu of the Week portal.

The phenomenon of these cutlets was a mystery to me until I asked for a job with my mother. I really wanted to peep the secrets of the "kindergarten" recipe.

I was given a white coat, removable sterile shoes and was given access to the most delicious "heart" - to the kitchen, where from five in the morning they begin to cook porridge for breakfast and then "knead" cutlets for dinner. On kindergarten kitchen all pots are signed, numbered, and cutting boards sorted by cooking method. Cutlets "take" their beginning in the raw products workshop. Butchering here beef carcasses, remove bones, films, tendons and drain meat blood. For example, on the day of my “reporting”, 184 children were on food.

Chef Natalia Ivanovna received almost 24 kilograms of meat. Minus the unusable mass, 18 kilograms went to cutlets. Broth is cooked from meat waste - this is one of the main points in technology. Below I will show technological map for a beef patty - there is a calculation for one serving.

For 200 cutlets, they brought me the following layout: 17.6 kg of beef, 300 ml of vegetable oil, three loaves, one and a half kilograms of onions and carrots, and about half a kilo breadcrumbs. Of course, on home kitchen Nobody will make 200 cutlets, so the layout is reduced by a family of four people in the calculation that each will get two cutlets. Well, where have you seen families in which they eat one at a time ?! Two is the minimum!

Total and active cooking time - 1.5 hours
Cost - 10 $
Calories per 100 gr - 183 kcal
The number of servings - 8 pcs.

Recipe for cutlets like in kindergarten


Beef - 800 grams
Baton - 80 grams
Milk - 1/2 cup
Onion - 1-2 pcs.
Carrot - 1 pc.
Breadcrumbs- 40-50 grams
Vegetable oil- 30 ml.
Salt - to taste


Cutlets in kindergarten are prepared strictly from beef. Sometimes from chicken, less often from lean pork. Lamb and fatty pork are prohibited. Although now the pediatric opinion is already actively “walking” among parents that beef is not the best meat for children.

Piggy without fat is still better suited for the child's body, because the composition of amino acids in the "pork" protein is identical to the human one, and therefore pork is the most non-allergenic meat. Nevertheless, the developers of proper baby food still recommend the “cow”.

The chopped beef meat is scrolled in a meat grinder three times. The first time - only pulp. The second time - meat and onions. The third is meat with onions and a loaf soaked in milk. Salt to taste. The resulting minced meat is beaten well and form small "heaps".

Minced meat is weighed in parts to make it easier to monitor the weight of each cutlet. The requirement in children's institutions is as follows: older children are supposed to be given a cutlet of 70 grams. Taking into account the fact that beef gives 30% “shrinkage”, then the cutlet is formed quite weighty - 100 grams raw. Toddlers get a cutlet a little less.

From cooked cutlet mass portions are calibrated oval-flattened with a pointed end. Each cutlet is rolled in breadcrumbs.

The baking sheet is heated to 150-160 degrees. Lubricate with oil, put a little chopped carrots and onions on the bottom.

Cutlets breaded in breadcrumbs are tightly laid on a baking sheet.

The oven is heated to 180-200 degrees. And bake the cutlets for 15 minutes.

It is strictly forbidden to fry cutlets in kindergarten. And this is due to the fact that a large number of portions should not be cooked in oil that is exposed to a long heat treatment. Therefore, in order to avoid harmful carcinogens, kindergarten cutlets are stewed. And many remember how “wet” and “juicy” they are. For stewing, a special broth is cooked from meat trimmings (remains of meat and bones) and carrot-onion sauteing.

Cutlets "grabbed" from the heat are poured ready-made broth“with the head” and stew until cooked for about an hour.

Ready cutlets "disperse" into groups. In my mother's kindergarten, they are served with buckwheat or mashed potatoes And boiled beets. I was surprised, but the chef's assistant Nina cut out houses, cars, flowers and stars from beets with cookie cutters. And the kids for dining table actively shared her impressions, who got what. But "wet" and juicy cutlets appetizingly ate in the first place.
