
Natural frozen meat semi-finished products portioned. Semi-finished products from meat


In recent years, the structure of the consumer market has changed dramatically. There is a clear trend around the world to offer the consumer a product that requires a minimum of home cooking time, up to products brought to a full readiness and often sold in packages suitable for quick heating and serving. In this regard, semi-finished and instant products are becoming increasingly important.


Semi-finished meat products are called raw meat products prepared for heat treatment (cooking, frying). Centralized production of semi-finished products in hygienic packaging reduces the loss of raw materials, improves labor productivity and service culture. Semi-finished products are consumed at home, in catering, schools, hospitals, railways and air transport.

The range of semi-finished products is varied. According to the type of meat, they are classified into beef, lamb, pork, veal and poultry meat. According to the method of previous processing and culinary purpose, semi-finished products are divided into natural, including breaded, pickled and chopped.

Natural semi-finished products

Natural semi-finished products are pieces of meat with specified or arbitrary masses, sizes and shapes from the corresponding parts of the carcass.

They are divided into large-sized, portioned and small-sized. In addition, natural semi-finished products can be both boneless and meat and bone.

In terms of quality, natural semi-finished products prevail over other types of semi-finished products, since they are made mainly from the most tender parts of the meat carcass. Due to the removal of bones, tendons and cartilage from meat, its nutritional value increases, therefore, natural semi-finished products are characterized by a significant content of proteins and a small amount of fat.
For the production of natural semi-finished products, beef and mutton of the first and second categories, pork of the first, second, third and * fourth categories, veal are used. It is not allowed to eat the meat of bulls, boars, rams and goats, as well as meat frozen more than once.

The technological process of manufacturing natural semi-finished products is carried out according to the scheme in Fig. 18.1.

Large-sized semi-finished products are isolated from deboned meat. This is the pulp or plates of meat, taken from certain parts of half-carcasses and carcasses in the form of large pieces, cleaned of tendons and thick surface films, with the preservation of intermuscular, connective and adipose tissue. The surface of large pieces should be even, not weathered, with smooth edges.

From the beef half carcass, a tenderloin, longissimus dorsi muscle (dorsal part - thick edge and lumbar part - thin edge), hip part (upper, inner pieces, side and outer pieces), scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts) are isolated (Fig. 18.2) , subscapular part, breast part, hem (from beef of the first category), cutlet meat.

Rice. 18.1. Technological scheme for the production of large-sized semi-finished products

Rice. 18.2. Scheme for cutting beef half carcass into large-sized semi-finished products:
1 - tenderloin; 2, 3 - the longest muscle of the back (2 - dorsal part, 3 - lumbar part);
4 - hip part (a - side piece, b - upper piece, c - inner piece, d - outer piece); 5, 6 - scapular part (5 - shoulder, 6 - shoulder); 7 - brisket;
8 - subscapular part; 9 - hem.

Rice. 18.3. The scheme for cutting pork half-tug into large-sized semi-finished products:
1 - tenderloin; 2 - hip part;
3 - brisket; 4 - cervical-subscapular part; 5 - shovel part; 6 - loin.

Rice. 18.4. The scheme for cutting lamb carcasses into large-sized semi-finished products:
1 - hip part; 2 - brisket;
3 - scapular part; 4 - loin.

Pork is isolated (Fig. 18.3) tenderloin, loin, brisket, hip, shoulder, neck parts and cutlet meat.

Loin, brisket, hip and shoulder parts, as well as cutlet meat are isolated from lamb (Fig. 18.4).

In the production of large-sized semi-finished products, carcasses and half carcasses are cut in advance. Deboning of cuts is carried out on conveyor and stationary tables and in a suspended state so that there are no deep cuts in the muscle tissue. Deboning of half-carcasses is carried out with complete or partial cleaning of bones and meat and bone semi-finished products (soup sets, stews, meat and bone sets, table sets, etc.) are isolated.

In order to rationally use the most valuable parts of carcasses, it is advisable to carry out a combined cutting of half carcasses, separating large-sized semi-finished products, from which they will then cut into portions, and send the rest of the parts of half carcasses to deboning for sausage production.

Large-sized semi-finished products for public catering establishments are packed in reusable or disposable containers and cooled to 0-8 °C. Shelf life, transportation and sale
lumpy semi-finished products at a temperature of 0-8 ° C for no more than 48 hours, including at the manufacturing plant no more than 12 hours. It is advisable to pack large-sized semi-finished products under vacuum in a povidene film. In this case, the shelf life at 0-4 ° C increases to 7 days, and at -2 ° C - up to 10 days.

Portion, small-sized semi-finished products, meat and bone and boneless semi-finished products. Portion semi-finished products are made from certain pieces of pulp of large-sized semi-finished products. Portioned semi-finished products are one or two pieces of meat approximately the same in weight, intended for frying in whole pieces. For their manufacture, the most delicate parts of the carcass are used - tenderloin, the pulp of the dorsal, lumbar and hip parts. The meat of other parts of the carcass, although high-grade in protein composition, is characterized by increased rigidity, therefore it is used for stewing or cooking minced meat. It can be used for portioned semi-finished products only after softening, which is possible with prolonged maturation of meat under the action of proteolytic enzyme preparations on it.

The most widespread are pancreatin, elastase, rennino-mein G10X, papain, which are used in the processing of tough meat with a high content of connective tissue.

Portioned semi-finished beef products include: tenderloin, natural beef steak, langet, entrecote, rump steak (breaded and without it), natural zrazy, wind beef.

Portioned semi-finished products from pork are tenderloin, natural cutlet (breaded or not), escalope, oven pork, schnitzel (breaded or not).

Portioned semi-finished products are obtained from lamb: natural cutlet (breaded or without it), escalope, oven lamb, schnitzel.

Portioned natural semi-finished products are cut across the fibers, perpendicular to the fibers or at an angle of 45 °. Semi-finished products cut across the fibers retain their marketable appearance better, deform less when raw, and lose less juice during heat treatment and come out more juicy and tasty.

Some natural semi-finished products are used to obtain breaded semi-finished products.

Small-sized semi-finished products are obtained by cutting trimmed meat into small pieces (azu, goulash, beef stroganoff, frying, meat for barbecue, etc.).

For each type of semi-finished product, meat of a precisely defined part of the carcass is used. Azu, langet, beef steak, beef stroganoff, for example, are also made with beef tenderloin; entrecote, rump steak, roast - from beef longest back muscle; rump steak, beef, roast, azu - from the beef hip.

for natural cutlets; boneless lumbar part - for the escalope; the hip part - for natural schnitzel and meat for barbecue; scapular and cervico-scapular parts - for wind pork, goulash and frying. Natural lamb cutlets are made from the back of the loin with ribs; escalope - from a boneless lumbar part; natural schnitzel and meat for barbecue - from the hip part, and oven lamb and meat for pilaf - from the shoulder part.

Boneless semi-finished products - this is the pulp isolated from the best parts of the meat, cleaned of tendons and thick surface films and having a smooth surface. The following types are made: boneless natural semi-finished product from beef, special roast, beef for stewing, brisket for kharcho, semi-finished product for natural pork chops, pork for stewing, semi-finished product for baking, boneless semi-finished lamb product.

Meat and bone small-sized semi-finished products are made from the cervical, dorsal-costal, lumbar, sacral vertebrae, as well as from the thoracic and pelvic bones with a certain pulp content. These parts are sawn on saws or machines or cut into pieces with a billhook. Sawn pieces are packaged in portions and packaged.

Meat and bone semi-finished products include a soup set, stew, beef for stewing, etc.

The process of manufacturing natural semi-finished products consists of the preparation of raw materials, the manufacture of semi-finished products, portioning and packaging. The preparation of raw materials consists in the removal of bones, large connective tissue formations, and excess fat. The production of semi-finished products is reduced to cutting the pulp and sawing the bone raw materials into portions and pieces, the mass of which is provided for by the standard for each type of semi-finished products.

Boneless small-sized semi-finished products are cut on machines such as bacon cutters. For the manufacture of meat and bone semi-finished products, band saws are used, equipped with special devices (cassettes), where meat and bone raw materials are placed, as well as chopping machines (guillotines) of continuous action.

Breaded semi-finished products are made from tougher parts of carcasses that require mechanical loosening before use in food.

These semi-finished products are breaded using dry (flour, crackers) and wet breading with lezon. The positive effect of breading is that the semi-finished products do not stick together, which ensures the preservation of the presentation of the product. When frying, the breading forms a crust, which prevents the meat juice from flowing out and preserves the juiciness of the product.

Preparation of natural portioned semi-finished products for breading consists in cutting portions of meat from one piece of a certain shape

The back of the pork loin with ribs is used
and masses. After weighing, they are beaten off with metal choppers or processed in meat looseners by uniformly applying notches to the entire surface of the piece while pulling it between disk knives.

The surface of the semi-finished product is covered with an even layer of lezon and breadcrumbs or flour. Liezon is made from melange, water and table salt in the ratio: 40: 10: 1, respectively. The mixture is beaten until a homogeneous mass is formed. Llezon is not subject to storage and must be sent for the manufacture of semi-finished products no later than 30 minutes later.

Breading is applied to the surface of semi-finished products using various types of breading machines. The wet breading machine is usually paired with a dry breading machine.

Modern breading machines provide recirculation of breading inside the machine, uniform coating of the product, removal of excess breading from its surface. They move on self-locking wheels and can be used on their own or included in various line options. Such machines can also be used for breading chopped semi-finished products, as well as included in the line for the production of ready-made quick-frozen products.

Breaded semi-finished products are placed on aluminum or polymer inserts in reusable boxes. Store at a temperature not lower than 0 °C and not higher than 8 °C. Implementation period 24 hours.

Marinated semi-finished products. The range of semi-finished products can be expanded by using various marinades. Marinated semi-finished products differ from ordinary natural products not only in their appearance, but also in taste. Pickled semi-finished products have a longer shelf life (up to 3 weeks) and give a higher yield during heat treatment. The composition of marinades includes spices, herbs, salt, flavorings, enzymes, various additives, vegetable oil, and means to preserve freshness.

Marinades are produced in liquid and dry form, in the latter case they are mixed with drinking water. Marinades are suitable for marinating meat of all kinds, including poultry. Large pieces of meat are injected with marinades, and then massaged for 10-30 minutes, depending on the type of machine. The total mass of semi-finished products increases, thereby reducing their cost. Small pieces of meat for stews, kebabs, roasts, beef stroganoff are mixed with marinades and kept in containers made of non-corrosive material at 2-4 °C for 8-12 hours.
Workshops where natural semi-finished products are produced are located under or next to the boning sections. They must have stationary or conveyor tables. In workshops with high productivity, belt conveyors are installed to transport clean containers to packing tables and packaged products to the place of cooling and sale.236 ..

Semi-finished products include products made from natural and minced meat without heat treatment. These are products that are maximally prepared for culinary processing.

Meat semi-finished products are divided into: natural (large-sized, small-sized, portioned, portioned breaded); chopped; semi-finished products in the test; chopped meat.

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleaned of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-sized semi-finished products also include meat-and-bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content. Semi-finished products are released chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. Meat of bulls, boars, rams, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used.

Large-sized semi-finished products. Depending on the type of meat, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into four groups:

The first group: from beef - the longest muscle of the back (dorsal part, lumbar part), tenderloin (lumboiliac muscle, located under the bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae), hip part (upper, inner, lateral and outer pieces); from pork - loin, tenderloin; from lamb - the hip part.

Second group : from beef - the scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts), the subscapular part, the chest part, as well as the hem (supracostal muscles removed from the 4th to the 13th rib, remaining after the separation of the subscapular part, brisket and longest back muscle) from beef 1st category of fatness: from pork - hip, scapular, cervical-subscapular parts; from lamb - scapular part, loin;

Third group : from beef - cutlet meat and beef trim of the 2nd category; from pork - brisket; from lamb - brisket, cutlet meat;

Fourth group : from pork - cutlet meat. Cutlet meat (for example, beef) - pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna, trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones.

Portion semi-finished products. They are made from large-sized semi-finished products, cut manually or on special devices across the muscle fibers obliquely or perpendicularly. Assortment of portioned semi-finished products: from beef - natural steak (from tenderloin), langet (two thinner pieces from tenderloin than steak), entrecote (from the longest back muscle), rump steak (from the longest back muscle or the most tender pieces of the hip part - upper and internal), natural zrazy (from the same pieces of the hip part), beef wind (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part).

The range of portioned semi-finished products from pork includes: natural cutlet (from the loin), escalope (from the longest muscle of the back), wind pork (from the neck and shoulder part), tenderloin, schnitzel - from the hip part.

Portion breaded semi-finished products: rump steak (from beef), natural cutlet and schnitzel (from pork and lamb). For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed white bread crumbs to preserve the meat juice.

Small-sized semi-finished products. From beef they get: beef stroganoff (from the tenderloin, the longest muscle of the back and the upper and inner piece of the hip part), azu (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part), goulash (from the scapular and subscapular parts, as well as the hem), soup set (meat and bone pieces weighing 100-200 g with the presence of pulp at least 50% by weight of a serving), beef for stewing (pieces of ribs with pulp at least 75% by weight of a serving), brisket on kharcho (with a pulp content of at least 85% by weight of a serving) .

Small-sized semi-finished products from pork are represented by the following items: roast (from the hip part and loin with a fat content of not more than 10%), goulash (the same as beef goulash), meat for barbecue (from the hip part), stew (pulp content of at least 50% of the serving weight), home-style stew (bone content is not more than 10% and adipose tissue is not more than 15% of the serving weight).

Large-sized semi-finished products they are sold mainly by weight, portioned - packaged, product weight 125 g (tenderloin 250 and 500 g), small-sized - portion weight 250, 500 and 1000 g (meat and bone).

In the production of natural semi-finished products, salting and massaging can be used. The composition of the brine includes salt, phosphates, granulated sugar; for some items, a sprinkling of spices and decorative spices is used.

Semi-finished products in the test. The specifications developed by VNIIMP present the traditional and new assortment of dumplings, as well as other semi-finished products in dough: meat sticks, manti, khinkali. According to other specifications, several dozen types of dumplings are produced, designed for buyers with both high and low incomes. The composition of minced dumplings includes trimmed beef and pork, onions, black or white ground pepper. To prepare the dough, use flour of the highest grade (sometimes the 1st grade) with a normalized quantity and quality of gluten, egg products.

Meat sticks are cylindrical or rectangular in shape up to 10 cm long. Manty is a dish of Uzbek cuisine. They are larger than dumplings. They are not boiled in water, but steamed in a special dish - manti-kaskan. Khinkali is a dish of Transcaucasian cuisine such as dumplings in the form of a rhombus, a square. Meat for manti and khinkali is crushed larger than for dumplings and sticks, minced meat for these products contains an increased amount of onions. Ravioli in the minced meat also contain mushrooms and rennet cheese, they have the shape of a semicircle, rectangle, square.

Chopped semi-finished products.They are prepared from minced meat with the addition of other ingredients according to the recipe. The traditional range of chopped semi-finished products includes: Moscow, homemade, Kyiv cutlets, rump steak, beef steak. The main raw materials in their production are beef and pork cutlet meat, trimmed beef of the 2nd grade, trimmed fatty pork. During the years of the economic crisis, the range of chopped semi-finished products expanded due to the use of cheaper raw materials - mechanically deboned poultry meat, soy protein preparations, mainly textured soy flour, vegetables, cereals.

The recipe for cutlets consists of cutlet meat: Moscow - beef, Kyiv - pork, domestic - beef cutlet and fatty pork in half. The composition of all items includes (%): wheat flour bread - 13-14, onions - 1-3, water - 20, breadcrumbs - 4, salt, pepper, in Kiev - egg melange. The rump steak uses hydrated soy protein instead of bread; in a steak - beef cutlet meat - 80%, sausage bacon - 12%, water - 7.4%, pepper, salt, no breading. It is allowed to replace 10% of raw meat in cutlets with soy concentrate or texturate and in all items 20% of raw meat with mechanically deboned poultry meat. Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled (0-6 °С) and frozen (not higher than -10 °С).

Chopped meat. Minced meat is obtained from meat by grinding it on a top with a lattice hole diameter of 2-3 mm. The traditional range of minced meat: beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special meat and vegetable. For the production of minced meat, meat frozen more than once, boars, bulls, lean, pork with signs of yellowing is not allowed. The main raw material for minced meat: beef cutlet meat or trimmed beef of the 2nd grade (minced beef), semi-fat pork or pork cutlet meat (minced pork). The composition of homemade minced meat includes (%): beef (50) and pork (50) meat; special minced meat - beef (20), pork (50), soy concentrate (30)]

A new direction in the production of minced meat is the addition of salt, onions, spices, water, and, in some items, bread (minced meat for meatballs, cutlets, etc.).

A semi-finished product is a product or product that has received primary processing (shaping, cleaning, etc.), but requires final processing for final use.

Types of semi-finished products

Semi-finished products are prepared in different areas of industry. For example, in mechanical engineering, a semi-finished product is a blank obtained by machine methods, such as stamping, mold casting, forging. Such blanks require further processing in order to become a part or a separate product. In construction, wall panels with insulation, building mixtures, etc. are considered semi-finished products.

Most consumers are faced with culinary preparations. In the food industry, a semi-finished product is a food product that requires final cooking (temperature, cutting, etc.).

Food semi-finished products

Food semi-finished products differ in the degree of readiness:

  • A standard semi-finished product is a food product or a combination of several types of products made from primary raw materials and subjected to one or more stages of cooking without bringing to final readiness.
  • A semi-finished product with a high degree of readiness is a product that requires minimal technological effort to obtain a ready-to-eat dish (culinary product).

Technological processing of a semi-finished product consists in the method of bringing it to readiness. Most products that require additional cooking are sold frozen or chilled.

Product types

The production of semi-finished products has been known since antiquity, dumplings can serve as an example of Russian products. Modern manufacturers have developed a large number of recipes, found new ways to store products and save nutritional value in the manufacture of semi-finished products. With the increased pace of life and in the conditions of constant employment of the majority of the population, it is not always time and opportunity to engage in cooking in the full technological cycle, and it is always convenient to use products prepared for final processing.

Common types of semi-finished products:

  • Meat natural.
  • Chopped semi-finished meat products (minced meat, croquettes, cutlets, meatballs, etc.).
  • Poultry products (chicken sticks, fillets, nuggets, etc.).
  • Fish (minced meat, fish sticks, meatballs, etc.).
  • Seafood products.
  • Fruit and berry, fruity.
  • Dairy.
  • Bakery.
  • Combined (pizza, pies, pancakes, confectionery products that require baking: dough, molded dough, etc.).

Composition and quality

The preparation of semi-finished products of each type has its own technological process. It includes the primary processing of food raw materials, the preparatory stage, the initial processing and molding into a product, which is subsequently cooled or frozen. Chilled products have a short shelf life, frozen products can be stored for a longer period, and products with a degree of deep freezing are stored for a year or more (depending on the type).

According to the recipe, a semi-finished product is a natural product that has undergone a certain preparatory treatment, as stated by the standards by which manufacturers must act. For example, the composition and quality of the raw materials used for the manufacture of semi-finished products from meat and poultry is regulated by GOST 31936-2012, if the manufacturer acts in accordance with the current standard, then there is no doubt about the quality. But if the products are manufactured in accordance with the specifications (technical specification), then the composition, taste and nutritional value of the products are entirely within the scope of the manufacturer's creativity.

Meat semi-finished products: quality and storage

The technology of semi-finished products involves the rules for the manufacture, storage and quality control of the final product. To determine the quality, an average sample is made, according to the rules, it should consist of three or more units of semi-finished products in a package (for poultry - at least 3 units, for other species - at least 10 units).

To assess the quality, organoleptic examination is used in accordance with GOST-77020. At the same time, the appearance of the product, smell, consistency of the product, the amount of moisture, etc. are monitored. The shelf life of semi-finished products from meat and poultry depends on the method of further storage - chilled products must be sold within 48 hours from the date of their manufacture, and frozen ones are stored no more than 72 hours, semi-finished products of deep freezing are stored up to 3 months.

Vegetable semi-finished products

Products of a high degree of readiness are mainly represented by prepared vegetables and fruits. Due to the fact that the primary culinary processing is carried out mechanically (washing, sorting, cleaning, cutting, etc.), part of the vitamins and active substances disappear from plant products. Semi-finished products from potatoes and root crops should be sold within 24 hours after preparation, longer storage leads to the emergence of pathogenic flora, and the amount of nutrients decreases literally by the minute. Leafy vegetables, greens are sold within 18 hours from the moment they are prepared for sale.

Storage rules, implementation periods are regulated by the current SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 standard. Deep-frozen vegetables and fruits can be sold within 3 months from the moment of their preparation. Not all plant products can be directly frozen without pre-treatment. For example, before freezing or making a semi-finished product of a high degree of readiness from it, potatoes are subjected to preliminary heat treatment (blanching) or immersed in a sodium bisulfite solution.

How justified is the use of semi-finished products from vegetables and fruits in everyday life, everyone decides on their own, but additionally processed products always lose most of their properties, and sometimes acquire new qualities thanks to preservatives.

Russian manufacturers

There are a large number of manufacturers of semi-finished products on the Russian market, the market capacity allows new operators to appear. Regional companies fill mainly stores within the city and region, but there are large manufacturers that supply products throughout the country.

Major manufacturers of semi-finished products, top 5:

  • OOO Invest-Alliance. The products are sold under the trade mark "Ermolinsky semi-finished products" in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.
  • JSC "Ostankino Meat Processing Plant", the main type of semi-finished products - dumplings.
  • LLC "Food Products Combine", semi-finished products are produced under the trademarks "Russian Crown", "Golden Cockerel", "Baltpticeprom", "Fresh Product", "Home Fairy Tale", Refretto, Hot Team.
  • CJSC Abi Product, semi-finished products are produced under the TM "Meat Gallery", "Starodvorskie Pelmeni".
  • CJSC Chelny-Broiler produces semi-finished products from poultry meat. Management company "Agrosila".

Meat semi-finished products

Meat semi-finished products- These are products prepared from various types of meat, which have undergone mechanical culinary processing and are prepared for heat treatment.

According to the type of raw materials, semi-finished products are divided into beef, lamb, pork, according to the nature of processing - into natural, breaded, chopped. Semi-finished products include dumplings and minced meat.

Types of meat semi-finished products. Natural semi-finished products- pieces of meat of the most delicate muscle tissue from beef, pork, mutton carcasses. These semi-finished products are divided into large-sized, portioned and small-sized.

Large-sized semi-finished products from beef - tenderloin, hip, shoulder, chest parts, beef trim of the I category of fatness; from pork - loin, brisket, hip, shoulder, neck parts, tenderloin; from lamb, goat meat - loin, brisket, hip, shoulder parts. Portioned semi-finished products from beef - tenderloin in a film, beefsteak, langet, entrecote, rump steak in breading and without breading, natural zrazy, wind beef; from pork - natural cutlets in breading, without breading, tenderloin in a film,

Schnitzel without breading and breaded, oven-baked pork; from lamb, goat meat - natural cutlet and schnitzel breaded or without breading, escalope, wind mutton.

Small-sized semi-finished products from beef - beef stroganoff, azu, frying, goulash, beef for stewing, soup set; from pork - roast, goulash, stew, home-style stew, meat for barbecue; from lamb, goat meat - meat for barbecue and pilaf, stew, soup set.

Natural semi-finished products must have a regular, undeformed shape, corresponding to the type of product, the surface is not winded. Elastic consistency; color, smell - characteristic of benign meat. Breaded semi-finished products must have a surface evenly covered with breading. Humidification and backlog of breading is not allowed.

Semi-finished minced meat- cutlets "Moscow", homemade, "Kiev", rump steak, beef steak, etc. Semi-finished products are produced in chilled and frozen forms. Freezing is subjected to semi-finished products only from chilled raw materials.

For the production of semi-finished minced meat, beef, lamb, pork, textured soy protein, cereals, bread, onions, egg powder, melange, raw fat, crackers, etc. are used.

Chopped semi-finished products must have the correct shape, the surface is evenly sprinkled with breadcrumbs, without torn and broken edges. Minced meat should be well mixed. The smell in raw form is characteristic of good-quality raw materials; in fried form, the taste and smell are characteristic of a fried product. The consistency of fried products is juicy, not crumbly.

The mass fraction of moisture is from 62 to 68%, bread - from 18 to 20%, salt - from 1.2 to 1.5%, fat - from 20 to 26%. Rump steak, beef steak are released without bread.

Dumplings- dough products with minced meat. For minced meat, beef, lamb, pork, offal, onions, peppers, salt, eggs are used. The content of minced meat must be at least 53% by weight of dumplings. Dumplings are frozen at a temperature of -18 ... -23 ° C. Depending on the recipe, there are dumplings "Russian", "Siberian", "Bogatyr", etc.

Dumplings should have the correct shape, the edges are well sealed, the minced meat does not protrude; the surface is dry; should not stick together in lumps. After cooking, the shell of the dough is not torn. Taste, smell - pleasant, with the aroma of spices, without foreign tastes and odors.

Chopped meat- minced meat, removed from the bones, freed from the tendons. It is served chilled and frozen. They produce special minced meat, beef, etc.

Packing and storage of semi-finished meat products. Portioned natural and breaded meat semi-finished products are packed in plank, plywood, aluminum boxes, laying them on liners in one row, small-sized and large-sized semi-finished products - in aluminum, wooden, polymer, special containers. Chopped steak packed in foil is placed in the same container capped or parchment; frozen cutlets or rump steaks, packed in 2 pieces in polyethylene cellophane bags.

Store natural semi-finished products at a temperature not lower than +4...-2° С; large pieces - 48 hours, portions without breading - 48 hours, portions in breading and small pieces - 36 hours, minced meat - 24 hours (produced by a meat processing plant) and 12 hours (produced by a public catering enterprise).

Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after V.I. K.I. Scriabin

Obtaining semi-finished meat products, their range and quality definitions


FZTA student

2 groups 5 courses

Ponomarev D.B.

Moscow 2009


Today in Russia, the food and processing industry accounts for more than half of the country's food turnover. This industry includes more than 30 sub-sectors. A special place among them is occupied by the meat and meat processing industries, as they provide the population of the country with one of the main food products.

For the period 1991–2000 there was a general decline in agricultural production. This is typical for the production of meat, both in general and for individual types. This situation was caused by a number of reasons: the disparity in prices for agricultural and industrial products, the import of cheap meat products, the reorientation to the production of more profitable crop production and a sharp reduction in livestock production, etc.

In 2000 significantly increases the competitiveness of domestic products. In many ways, this was influenced by paying special attention to the quality of manufactured products, and, consequently, increasing the prestige of domestic producers. Some enterprises using high-tech equipment are able to produce products that meet European standards. The products of these enterprises are quite popular among the population: according to the magazine Marketing in Russia and Abroad, more than 90% of the country's residents trust domestic producers of meat products.

Thus, we can conclude that at present the production of meat and meat products is becoming promising for investors, and Russian producers are firmly entrenched in the domestic market, almost completely displacing imported producers.

The production of semi-finished meat products is currently a large specialized industry that has a promising development program both in our country and abroad.

That is why I believe that quality control of semi-finished meat products is the most important component in meat processing activities, especially given that consumers prefer domestic producers, considering their products to be of the highest quality.

The purpose of my work is to consider and justify the various factors that affect the quality of the final semi-finished meat products.

In this thesis, I set myself the following tasks:

● consider the range and classification of semi-finished meat products

● list and analyze the influence of various factors on the quality of meat natural semi-finished products, incl. type of slaughter animal, primary processing of raw materials, processing of meat carcasses, production technology, as well as transportation and storage of ready-to-sell natural semi-finished meat products.

● to study various defects of semi-finished meat products.


Semi-finished products include products made from natural and minced meat without heat treatment. These are products that are maximally prepared for culinary processing.

Meat semi-finished products are divided into: natural (large-sized, small-sized, portioned, portioned breaded); chopped; semi-finished products in the test; chopped meat.

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleaned of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-sized semi-finished products also include meat-and-bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content. Semi-finished products are released chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. Meat of bulls, boars, rams, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used.

Large-sized semi-finished products. Depending on the type of meat, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into four groups:

The first group: from beef - the longest muscle of the back (dorsal part, lumbar part), tenderloin (lumboiliac muscle, located under the bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae), hip part (upper, inner, lateral and outer pieces); from pork - loin, tenderloin; from lamb - the hip part;

Second group : from beef - the scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts), the subscapular part, the chest part, as well as the hem (supracostal muscles removed from the 4th to the 13th rib, remaining after the separation of the subscapular part, brisket and longest back muscle) from beef 1st category of fatness: from pork - hip, scapular, cervical-subscapular parts; from lamb - scapular part, loin;

Third group : from beef - cutlet meat and beef trim of the 2nd category; from pork - brisket; from lamb - brisket, cutlet meat;

Fourth group : from pork - cutlet meat. Cutlet meat (for example, beef) - pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna, trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones.

Portion semi-finished products. They are made from large-sized semi-finished products, cut manually or on special devices across the muscle fibers obliquely or perpendicularly. Assortment of portioned semi-finished products: from beef - natural steak (from tenderloin), langet (two thinner pieces from tenderloin than steak), entrecote (from the longest back muscle), rump steak (from the longest back muscle or the most tender pieces of the hip part - upper and internal), natural zrazy (from the same pieces of the hip part), beef wind (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part).

The range of portioned semi-finished products from pork includes: natural cutlet (from the loin), escalope (from the longest muscle of the back), wind pork (from the neck and shoulder part), tenderloin, schnitzel - from the hip part.

Portion breaded semi-finished products: rump steak (from beef), natural cutlet and schnitzel (from pork and lamb). For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed white bread crumbs to preserve the meat juice.

Small-sized semi-finished products. From beef they get: beef stroganoff (from the tenderloin, the longest muscle of the back and the upper and inner piece of the hip part), azu (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part), goulash (from the scapular and subscapular parts, as well as the hem), soup set (meat and bone pieces weighing 100-200 g with the presence of pulp at least 50% by weight of a serving), beef for stewing (pieces of ribs with pulp at least 75% by weight of a serving), brisket on kharcho (with a pulp content of at least 85% by weight of a serving) .

Small-sized semi-finished products from pork are represented by the following names: roast (from the hip part and loin with a fat content of not more than 10%), goulash (the same as beef goulash), meat for barbecue (from the hip part), stew (pulp content not less than 50% of the serving weight), home-style stew (the content of bones is not more than 10% and adipose tissue is not more than 15% of the serving weight).

In the production of natural semi-finished products, salting and massaging can be used. The composition of the brine includes salt, phosphates, granulated sugar; for some items, a sprinkling of spices and decorative spices is used.

Semi-finished products in the test. The specifications developed by VNIIMP present the traditional and new assortment of dumplings, as well as other semi-finished products in dough: meat sticks, manti, khinkali. According to other specifications, several dozen types of dumplings are produced, designed for buyers with both high and low incomes. The composition of minced dumplings includes trimmed beef and pork, onions, black or white ground pepper. To prepare the dough, use flour of the highest grade (sometimes the 1st grade) with a normalized quantity and quality of gluten, egg products.

Meat sticks are cylindrical or rectangular in shape up to 10 cm long. Manty is a dish of Uzbek cuisine. They are larger than dumplings. They are not boiled in water, but steamed in a special dish - manti-kaskan. Khinkali is a dish of Transcaucasian cuisine such as dumplings in the form of a rhombus, a square. Meat for manti and khinkali is chopped larger than for dumplings and sticks, minced meat for these products contains an increased amount of onion.

Ravioli in minced meat also contain mushrooms and rennet cheese, they have the shape of a semicircle, rectangle, square.

Chopped semi-finished products.They are prepared from minced meat with the addition of other ingredients according to the recipe. The traditional range of chopped semi-finished products includes: Moscow, homemade, Kyiv cutlets, rump steak, beef steak. The main raw materials in their production are beef and pork cutlet meat, trimmed beef of the 2nd grade, trimmed fatty pork. During the years of the economic crisis, the range of chopped semi-finished products expanded due to the use of cheaper raw materials - mechanically deboned poultry meat, soy protein preparations, mainly textured soy flour, vegetables, cereals.

The recipe for cutlets consists of cutlet meat: Moscow - beef, Kyiv - pork, domestic - beef cutlet and fatty pork in half. The composition of all items includes (%): wheat flour bread - 13-14, onions - 1-3, water - 20, breadcrumbs - 4, salt, pepper, in Kiev - egg melange. The rump steak uses hydrated soy protein instead of bread; in a steak - beef cutlet meat - 80%, sausage bacon - 12%, water - 7.4%, pepper, salt, no breading. It is allowed to replace 10% of raw meat in cutlets with soy concentrate or texturate and in all items 20% of raw meat with mechanically deboned poultry meat. Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled (0-6 °С) and frozen (not higher than -10 °С).

Chopped meat. Minced meat is obtained from meat by grinding it on a top with a lattice hole diameter of 2-3 mm. The traditional range of minced meat: beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special meat and vegetable. For the production of minced meat, meat frozen more than once, boars, bulls, lean, pork with signs of yellowing is not allowed. The main raw material for minced meat: beef cutlet meat or trimmed beef of the 2nd grade (minced beef), semi-fat pork or pork cutlet meat (minced pork). The composition of homemade minced meat includes (%): beef (50) and pork (50) meat; special minced meat - beef (20), pork (50), soy concentrate (30).

A new direction in the production of minced meat is the addition of salt, onions, spices, water, and, in some items, bread (minced meat for meatballs, cutlets, etc.).


The factors that influence the quality of meat natural semi-finished products are very diverse. I tried to break them into groups and consider them in the order in which they arise - from the choice of raw materials to the transportation of the finished semi-finished product to the retail network.

2.1 Type of slaughter animal

The meat of slaughtered animals is classified by type, age, sex, fatness and thermal condition.

According to the type of animals, meat is distinguished: beef, pork, lamb, goat meat, horse meat, elk, buffalo meat and rabbit meat. Similarly, meat and wild animals are called - bear meat, hare. Meat of different species differs in organoleptic characteristics, morphological and chemical composition.

Depending on the age, the meat of young and adult animals is distinguished. The meat of cattle aged from 2 weeks to 3 months is called dairy veal, from 3 months to 3 years - young beef and over 3 years - beef. Pig meat is subdivided into piglet meat weighing from 1.3 kg up to 12 kg , pig meat - from 12 to 34 kg and pork derived from animals weighing more than 34 kg . Horse meat is divided into foal meat - foal meat up to 1 year old and horse meat - older than 1 year old.

By semidistinguish meat obtained from males, females and castrated animals. The meat of uncastrated male cattle and pigs is respectively called the meat of bulls and boars; male castrati - the meat of oxen and hogs. Meat of small ruminants, mutton and goat meat, as a rule, is not distinguished in the trade by sex. The meat of male uncastrated adult animals is characterized by toughness and often an unpleasant odor, especially noticeable when cooked. Therefore, such meat is sent only for processing into meat products.

The fatness of meat is characterized by the degree of development of muscle tissue (for beef and lamb), the deposition of surface fat, and for pork, the weight, type of fattening and age of the animal are additionally taken into account.

According to fatness, beef is divided into categories I and II. Category I includes carcasses with satisfactorily developed muscles. Fat covers the carcass not less than from the eighth rib to the ischial tuberosities, in other areas fat deposition in the form of small areas is allowed. In young animals, fat deposits are sufficient at the base of the tail and on the upper part of the inner side of the thighs. Category II includes carcasses with underdeveloped muscles and hollows on the hips, subcutaneous fat covers the back of the carcass in small areas. In young animals, the muscles are underdeveloped, the hips are hollow, fat deposits may be absent.

According to organoleptic indicators, beef has significant differences (depending on the sex and age of the animal).

The meat of the bulls has a dark red color. It is dense and rough, the cut surface is coarse-grained, the smell is specific. Surface and intermuscular fats are absent, internal fat is white. The articular surfaces of the bones are pink, the muscle fibers are short, and the fiber bundles are thick. Connective tissue layers are dense.

The meat of oxen has a dark red color, a less dense texture than that of bulls, and layers of fat. The smell of meat is slightly fragrant, there are significant deposits of fat on the surface of the carcass, its color is white or with a yellowish tint, the texture is dense, crumbly. Muscle fibers are long, connective tissue formations are less dense with inclusions of fat.

The meat of cows has a bright red color, it is quite dense. The smell is specific, pleasant. Superficial fat - from white to yellow, internal - from light yellow to yellow, dense and crumbly consistency, articular surfaces of bones are painted in pale pink color, muscle fibers are long, bundles are thin, connective tissue layers of medium density.

The veal is pale pink to grey-pink in color, depending on the location of the muscles, with white fat. There are few fat deposits, the smell of meat is very weak specific, the consistency of fat and muscle tissue is less dense than in adult animals.

Pork, depending on the age, type of fattening and the thickness of the bacon in the dorsal part at the level of the sixth rib, is divided into fatty pork with a bacon thickness of more than 4 cm , bacon - with bacon thickness from 2 to 4 cm and meat - with a thickness of bacon from 1.5 to 4 cm .

The meat category includes carcasses of gilts weighing from 12 to 34 kg . Piglet meat is divided into category I - carcasses from 1.3 to 5 kg inclusive with head and legs and II category - carcasses without head from 5 to 12 kg .

Bacon pork is produced from bacon-fed pigs aged 6 to 8 months and weighing 75 to 100 kg . Pork obtained after removing the fat is referred to as trimmed.

Pork, depending on the age of the animals, can be from pale pink to dark red. Muscle tissue with a specific, mild odor. The fat is white or pale pink in color, elastic, soft, the internal fat is predominantly white in color, soft, of a smearing consistency. The articular surfaces of the bones have a bluish tint. Muscle fibers are long, fiber bundles are thin, connective tissue layers are loose, with inclusions of fat. The meat of uncastrated males is tough, with hard subcutaneous fat.

Beef meat that does not meet the requirements of categories I and II, as well as pork with indicators below those established for the meat category of fatness and meat of pigs with indicators below category II, is classified as lean. Such meat is used only for industrial processing.

According to the thermal state, the meat is divided into cooled, having an ambient temperature, chilled with a temperature in the thickness of the muscles from 0 ° to 4 ° C and frozen, having a temperature not higher than - 6 ° C.

Depending on the fatness and the results of the veterinary and sanitary examination, each carcass, half carcass or quarter of meat of all types of animals is stamped with a harmless violet paint. The shape and number of stamps on carcasses and half carcasses is a guarantee of quality when buying this type of raw material. The hallmark depicts the abbreviated name of the republic, the number of the enterprise and the word "Vetosmotr". Hallmarks are set in the following basic shapes: round, square and triangular.

round mark put on beef, dairy veal, lamb, goat meat and horse meat of category I, pork fat and bacon, piglets of category I, and additionally on the meat of piglets they put a stamp - the letter "M" on the tag.

square mark put on beef, lamb, goat meat and horse meat of the II category, meat, trimmed pork, gilt meat and piglets of the II category, and additionally on the meat of piglets they put a stamp - the letter "P".

triangular mark mark the lean meat of all kinds of animals.

The number of marks depends on the commodity evaluation of the meat. Five brands are imposed on each half-carcass of beef of category I: on the scapular, dorsal, lumbar, femoral and thoracic parts. 5 stamps are put on the lamb carcass on both sides: symmetrically on the scapular, femoral parts and one stamp on the right on the chest part.

On the half-carcass of beef of category II and lean, two brands are applied: one brand is on the scapular part, the other is on the femoral part. Four stamps are applied to the carcass of mutton II category: on the shoulder and thigh parts on both sides of the carcass.

Pork half-carcasses of all categories of fatness are branded with one brand on the shoulder part.

When using beef, lamb and pork in production, one brand is applied to the shoulder part. On the meat of young animals, to the right of each brand, they put a stamp - the letter "M", on bacon pork - the letter "B" and on goat meat - the letter "K". On non-standard meat sent for processing, they put a stamp - the letters "NS".

2.2 Primary processing of livestock

Primary processing of livestock consists in slaughtering animals and butchering carcasses. It is carried out at meat processing plants, slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses. Along with meat plants, there are enterprises that produce products of a narrower assortment: bacon factories, sausage and canning factories.

Cattle are delivered to meat industry enterprises by rail and road transport, less often by rutting and water transport. Accepted animals are grouped by type, age, sex, fatness and weighed. Sick cattle are sent to quarantine or to a sanitary slaughterhouse.

The less load the muscles carried during the life of the animal, the softer and more tender the fibers that make them up. The most delicate fibers contain muscles located in the lumbar and pelvic parts of the carcass, along the vertebral bones. These fibers are especially soft in the muscles directly adjacent to the spine, since during the life of the animal they carried the least load. The muscle tissue of old animals is rougher and tougher than the muscle tissue of young animals. Therefore, it is considered inappropriate to deliver livestock to the meat processing industry by rutting.

Ante-slaughter maintenance of livestock is carried out at cattle depots and ante-slaughter shops in order to create a reserve for the rhythmic work of the enterprise, prepare animals for slaughter and their rest. Cattle are kept for two to three days, receive food and drink. To restore normal physiological activity, animals need rest before slaughter. Carcasses obtained from tired animals are poorly bled, and meat can be contaminated with microorganisms that spread through the intestinal walls of the animal through tissues and individual organs.

Before slaughter of cattle and small ruminants, feeding is stopped 24 hours before, pigs - 12 hours before; this is necessary to free the gastrointestinal tract from part of the contents in order to improve sanitary and hygienic conditions when cutting carcasses and removing internal organs. To prevent depletion of muscle tissue with water, watering is stopped only 2-3 hours before slaughter.

From the slaughter pens, the animals are driven to the boxes, where they are stunned. This operation is necessary for the possible complete bleeding of animals, which ensures long-term preservation of meat. Stunning is done in such a way as not to disturb the work of the heart, which continues to work.

Various methods of stunning are used, depending on the type of animal and the level of technical equipment of the enterprise: by passing an electric current, mechanically affecting the brain and drugs. The most common method of stunning is by passing an electric current of different frequencies through the animal's body. Cattle, pigs and poultry are stunned by this method. Small cattle are not stunned.

After stunning, the animals are bled. More complete bleeding contributes to obtaining high quality meat. With poor bleeding, the blood remaining in the circulatory system contributes to the spread of microorganisms throughout the mass of meat. The bleeding operation is performed in the vertical position of the animal. For exsanguination, the plexus of blood vessels in the neck is cut with a knife. Blood for food purposes is taken with a hollow knife. The blood output is 3-4% of the live weight of the animal.

Then the animal carcasses are skinned in special facilities. Carcasses of pigs are left in the skin or butchered with a partial removal of the skin. In the latter case, only the more valuable part of the skin is removed from the back, called the “croupon”. For the production of bacon and certain types of smoked meats, pork carcasses with skins are used. Pork carcasses in the skin are additionally scalded in hot water to facilitate the removal of bristles. After scalding and removing the bristles, the pig carcasses are singeed. This operation ensures the removal of hair residues and gives the carcass a marketable appearance. The surface of the carcass after singeing becomes brown and is less prone to mold and mucus, and meat products from such carcasses last longer.

After the skin is removed, the viscera is performed, i.e., the internal organs are removed and subjected to a veterinary examination, then the carcasses of cattle and pigs are cut into two halves with a mechanical saw for ease of placement and acceleration of cooling or freezing. Carcasses weighing less than 40 kg and carcasses of lamb are not sawn.

The final cutting operation is a dry and wet toilet, which is necessary to give the meat a marketable appearance. The toilet consists in removing the kidneys from beef and pork carcasses, the tail, the remnants of the diaphragm - the thoracic septum - and extracting the spinal cord. In addition, areas with bruises, bruises, dirt are cut off from the carcasses and the fringes of meat and fat are removed. Pig carcasses are decapitated. Then carcasses or half carcasses are washed with warm water using spouting brushes. A wet toilet helps to remove contaminants and a significant part of microorganisms from the surface of the meat. After the toilet, the fatness of the meat is determined, then branded, weighed and cooled or frozen.

Carcasses and organs of animals are transferred for further processing only after a complete veterinary and sanitary assessment is completed. Veterinarians control not only the condition of incoming animals, but also the entire process of processing carcasses and internal organs, monitor compliance with general sanitary requirements and give an opinion on the suitability of meat for release into trade or industrial processing.

2.3 Primary meat processing

The meat is processed in the meat (preparation) workshop, which should be located next to the meat storage chambers. The workshop is equipped with overhead tracks, bone saws, meat grinders, meat mixers, machines for cutting and loosening meat, cutlet and dumpling machines, refrigerators. From non-mechanical equipment, desktops, bathtubs, racks and more are installed. The equipment is placed in accordance with the technological process of meat processing and compliance with working conditions.

Processing of frozen meat consists of the following stages: defrosting, washing, drying, culinary cutting and deboning, cleaning and sorting of meat, preparation of semi-finished products.

Meat is defrosted in order to make further processing easier and more convenient. In frozen meat, the juice is located between the fibers in the form of ice crystals. When defrosting, the juice is again absorbed by the fibers, and its loss largely depends on the method of defrosting. The meat is thawed in special chambers in a slow or fast way.

With slow defrosting, the temperature in the chamber is maintained from 0 to 6-8 ° C, air humidity - 90 - 95%. The meat is thawed in large parts (carcasses, half carcasses, quarters), they are hung on hooks so that they do not touch each other and do not touch the floor and walls. Under such conditions, muscle fibers almost completely absorb the juice formed during defrosting, and their original state is restored. The duration of defrosting depends on the type of meat, the size of the pieces and is 1-3 days. Defrosting is stopped if the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0 - 1°C. Properly defrosted meat is no different from chilled. The loss of meat juice during slow defrosting is 0.5% of the mass of meat.

During quick defrosting, the temperature in the chamber is maintained at 20 - 25 ° C, the air humidity is 85 - 95%, for which heated humidified air is supplied to it. Under such conditions, the meat is thawed for 12 - 24 hours, the temperature in the thickness of the muscles should be - 0.5 - 1.5 ° C. After that, the meat is kept for a day at a temperature of 0–2 ° C and an air humidity of 80–85% in order to reduce the loss of meat juice during cutting.

In enterprises that do not have a room for defrosting meat, this process is carried out in the harvesting shop. In this case, the meat is placed on wooden bars or tables. It is impossible to cut the meat into pieces before defrosting, since in this case the loss of meat juice increases to 10%, and the meat becomes tough and tasteless. Defrosting meat in water is not allowed, as soluble nutrients will pass into the water. After defrosting, the stigma, heavily polluted places, and blood clots are cut off.

When washing, dirt, microorganisms and their spores are washed off the surface of the meat; at large catering establishments, meat is washed in washing facilities. It is hung on hooks and washed with special brushes (brush - shower), with a jet of water from a hose or hose. In small enterprises, meat is washed in bathtubs. To do this, it is placed on grates and washed in running water with herbal or nylon brushes. The water temperature should be between 20 and 30°C. Washed carcasses before drying are washed with cold water at a temperature of 12-15 ° C for cooling. This delays the development of microorganisms on the surface of the meat during further processing.

Drying prevents the growth of microbes, in addition, when cutting meat, it does not slip in your hands. The meat is hung on hooks or laid on grates located above the washing baths, and dried in the air or with cotton napkins. At large enterprises, outside air for drying is pumped through special pipelines and passed through filters, the air temperature is 1 - 6 ° C. In small enterprises, natural drying is used.

The cutting of a half-carcass of meat consists of successive operations: division into cuts, deboning of cuts, trimming and trimming. The main purpose of cutting and deboning is to obtain parts of meat that are different in their culinary purpose.

Deboning - is the separation of the pulp from the bones. This operation is carried out very carefully so that no meat remains on the bones, and the resulting pieces do not have deep cuts (no more than 10 mm).

Zhilovka and cleaning - this is the removal of tendons, films, cartilage. When cleaning parts, rough surface films, tendons, cartilage and excess fat are removed, rims are cut off from the edges. Intermuscular connective tissues and thin surface films are left. They clean the meat so that it does not deform during heat treatment. It is more convenient to cut portioned semi-finished products from stripped meat.

The cutting of meat is carried out in a room with an air temperature not higher than 10 ° C, so that the meat does not heat up.

The cleaned meat is sorted according to culinary use. The quality of meat is affected by the amount of connective tissue and its stability during heat treatment. Parts of meat containing little connective tissue are used for frying, and if there is a lot of it, for boiling and stewing.

The quality of meat obtained from different parts of the carcass is not the same. Cuts of meat differ from each other in nutritional value, culinary value and purpose, the ratio of muscles, fat and bones. In this regard, the carcasses are cut into separate varietal cuts. Higher grades include meat containing predominantly tender muscle tissue. The cutting of half carcasses is carried out in accordance with the “Technological Instructions for the Universal Scheme for Cutting, Deboning and Trimming Beef (Pork) for the Production of Semi-Finished Products, Smoked Meats and Sausages”.

Beef in trade is divided into 3 grades. The 1st grade includes: dorsal, back and chest parts with meat yield to carcass weight for I category of fatness 63%; the 2nd grade includes: shoulder, shoulder and flank, the yield is 32%; the 3rd grade includes: cut, back and front shank, yield - 5%.

Cuts of pork are divided into 2 grades. The 1st grade includes: shoulder part, back part - loin, lumbar part with flank, brisket and ham, the output is 95%. The 2nd grade includes: knuckle - forearm and shank, the yield of which is 5%.

Incorrect use of a part of the carcass that does not correspond to the culinary purpose can lead to a depreciation of the product, its irrational use.

For example, it is unprofitable to use the softest and most tender parts of the carcass for the cutlet mass, which can be prepared from the pulp of the neck, flank, and also from all the small pieces left during the cutting of the carcasses.

2.4 Technology for the production of natural semi-finished products

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleaned of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-sized semi-finished products also include meat-and-bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content. For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed white bread crumbs to preserve the meat juice. Semi-finished products are released chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. Meat of bulls, boars, rams, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used.


Portion semi-finished products are called meat products, a portion of which consists of one or two pieces, approximately the same in weight and size. It is obtained from large-sized semi-finished products or individual parts of the carcass.

To ensure product quality, portioned natural semi-finished products are cut across the fibers, perpendicular to the fibers or at an angle of 45 °. Cutting across the fibers preserves the commercial appearance of the semi-finished product, during transportation and storage in its raw form it deforms less, during heat treatment it has a higher moisture-binding capacity, and, therefore, loses less meat juice, it turns out to be more juicy and tasty.

Modern technology allows for rational cutting of raw materials to obtain the maximum number of portioned semi-finished products, and from the remaining raw materials to produce small-sized pulpy semi-finished products. Portion semi-finished products are cut manually or on special machines.

Figure 1 shows the technological scheme for the production of natural boneless and meat-and-bone semi-finished products from beef, pork and lamb.

According to TU 9214-345-00419779-98 and TU 9214-456-00419779-99, the following range of portioned semi-finished products is produced:

Beef Extra. The raw material for production is the lumbar-iliac muscle, while Extra beef is cut from the meat pulp, it has an oval-oblong shape, packaged in portions of 250 and 500 g;

Beefsteak natural Extra- pieces of meat pulp of irregular rounded shape, 20-30 mm thick, packaged in portions of 80 and 125 g;

Langet Extra- from meat pulp, irregular round shape, thickness 10-12 mm, packaged in portions of 80 and 125 g.

Entrecote Extra, rump steak Extra, beef. The following muscles are used as raw materials: the longest muscle of the back and lower back, which is freed from fat, coarse films and tendons, the shiny tendon is removed, the edges are leveled; midgluteal, fused adductor and semimembranosus, quadriceps, biceps and semitendinosus muscles from the hip cut; triceps muscle from the shoulder cut.

The selected muscles are cut for certain types of products: rump steak - 8-10 mm thick, entrecote - 15-20 mm, zrazy - up to 5 mm, wind beef - from 20 to 25 mm. Cutting is carried out manually or using machines for plastification of meat.

Rice. 1 - Technological scheme for the production of natural semi-finished products from beef, pork and lamb

The portioned semi-finished products discussed above can be sprinkled with breadcrumbs, a mixture of spices, food additives, according to the technological instructions for use, or moistened in a lezon.

Breadcrumbs are used in an amount of 100 g per 1 kg of product, they are pre-sifted together with salt to remove large lumps.

Liezon is prepared from melange, salt and water in the ratio: 40 g of melange (you can use 1 egg or 11 g of egg powder), 10 g of water and 1 g of salt. The mixture is stirred until a homogeneous, slightly viscous liquid mass is formed. The resulting lezon is not subject to storage, it must be used within 30 minutes. Semi-finished products are moistened in a lezon and sent for cooling no later than 30 minutes later.

Boneless and meat-and-bone semi-finished products from pork are made as follows: for Escalope Extra And cervical tender meat is cut into pieces 10-15 mm thick, for cutlets Extra, schnitzel Extra, necks for frying, pork extra- 20-25 mm.

Portioned semi-finished pork products can also be breaded, sprinkled with a mixture of decorative spices, food additives, or moistened in lezon.


Small-sized semi-finished products are made from the pulp of the dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts, from raw materials left after the manufacture of portioned semi-finished products. The cutting of boneless semi-finished products is carried out on machines such as bacon cutters, meat and bone - using band saws, as well as chopping machines (guillotines) of continuous action.

Large-sized semi-finished products are sold mainly by weight, portioned - packaged, the mass of the product is 125 g (tenderloin 250 and 500 g), small-sized - portions of 250, 500 and 1000 g (meat and bone).

The group of small-sized pork products, in accordance with TU 9214-456-00419779-99, consists of: boneless semi-finished products - Extra roast, Extra goulash, Extra barbecue; meat and bone - pork stew, semi-finished product for jelly, pork legs.

Beef Stroganoff Extra. As raw materials, the gluteal, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip part, the longissimus dorsi and lumbar muscles, trimmings of the lumboiliac muscle are used. The meat is cut into sticks 30-40 mm long, weighing 5-7 g.

Azu Extra. The semi-finished product is made from the quadriceps, biceps, semitendinosus muscles of the hip part and the triceps muscle of the scapular part, cutting into bars 30-40 mm long and weighing 10-15 g.

Roast Extra. Represents pieces weighing 10-15 g from the gluteal, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, the triceps muscle of the scapular part, scraps of the lumboiliac muscle.

Shashlik Spicy. The raw materials are the gluteal, fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles of the hip part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, the triceps muscle of the scapula, and the lumboiliac muscle. Shish kebab is cut into pieces weighing 30-40 g.

Goulash Extra. The semi-finished product is cut from the infraspinatus, supraspinatus muscles of the scapular part, the layer of meat of the upper edge of the neck, the supravertebral and ventral dentate muscles, the subscapular part, the deep pectoral and superficial pectoral muscles taken from the sternum.

Beef borscht dressing. It is made from boneless rib carcass from the 1st to the 13th rib, which is sawn or cut into pieces across the ribs weighing from 500 to 2000 g each.

Beef stew. The meat and bone neck part is used without the first two cervical vertebrae and without the upper edge of the neck. It is sawn or cut across the cervical vertebrae into pieces weighing from 100 to 300 g each, with the presence of pulp tissue of at least 70%.

Bouillon set. Felled 1st and 2nd cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, patella, sacrum and sternum with false ribs are taken as raw materials. The specified raw material is sawn or cut into pieces weighing 100-300 g, with the presence of pulp tissue of at least 30% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Pork roast Extra. It is prepared from the mid-gluteal and quadriceps muscles of the hip part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, with a fat content of not more than 20% of the weight of a portion of the semi-finished product. Pieces are cut with a mass of 10-15 g.

Goulash Extra. Represents pieces weighing 20-30 g from the infraspinatus, supraspinatus and triceps muscles of the scapular part, the longest muscle of the back and lower back, with a fatty tissue content of not more than 20% of the mass of a portion of the semi-finished product.

Shashlik Extra. The meat is cut into pieces weighing 30 ^ 40 g, using the hip part (adductor, semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps), cervical and subscapular part and the longest muscle of the back and lower back. Sliced ​​shish kebab is sprinkled with salt, pepper, sprinkled with vinegar, chopped raw onions are added and mixed. Barbecue vinegar is prepared by diluting 9% food vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Ragout of pork. They are made from the patella and meat and bone pieces from the cervical, thoracic, dorsal, lumbar, scapular, pelvic and sacral parts. They are sawn on band saws or cut with a billhook into pieces of a certain mass. In this case, the spinal column is cut or sawn first along and then across the vertebrae.

It is allowed to produce small-sized semi-finished products sprinkled with spices, food additives, breadcrumbs, as well as with the addition of various sauces, the recipes and preparation technologies of which are given in the technological instructions.

2.5 Storage and transport

For semi-finished meat products, a variety of consumer packaging is used. For minced meat, natural and chopped semi-finished products, trays-liners (substrates) are widely used, followed by wrapping the product with a polymer film, as well as boxes made of cardboard or a combined material. Minced meat and chopped steak are packed on automatic machines in parchment, laminated aluminum foil. Portions of small-sized natural and portioned semi-finished products of non-standard weight are packed in napkins made of cellophane, parchment, parchment, polyethylene film and in bags of polymer film materials. Bags made of polymeric materials are used for packing dumplings, frozen chopped semi-finished products. Pelmeni are also packed in cardboard boxes.

Portioned natural and breaded semi-finished products for public catering and retail trade are laid on liners of plank, plywood, aluminum, polymer reusable boxes without wrapping in one row, semi-inclined so that one semi-finished product is partially under the other. Each box should contain no more than three inserts. Boxes must allow air to enter when the lid or insert is closed.

Large-sized (boneless), portioned and small-sized semi-finished products produced according to specifications can be packed under vacuum.

The labeling of consumer packaging, in addition to the information required for all meat products, must contain the following information: thermal state of the semi-finished product (chilled, frozen); date of manufacture and date of packaging, and for especially perishable ones, the time (hour) of the end of the technological process; cooking method.

Transport containers for semi-finished products are reusable boxes (polymer, aluminum, wooden), packaging equipment. In addition, for frozen, as well as vacuum-packed semi-finished products, corrugated cardboard boxes are used.

Transport markings for frozen semi-finished products must have handling signs: "Compliance with the temperature range" or "Perishable goods".

Meat semi-finished products are transported by refrigerator cars or vans with an isothermal body (with one-way communication). Frozen semi-finished products are also transported by refrigerated railway and other modes of transport.

Cooling and storing meat in a chilled state is the most advanced method of preserving them. Cooling significantly delays enzymatic and microbiological processes in meat and offal. During the period of mass slaughter of livestock, in addition to chilled, cooled meat comes into trade. However, chilled meat is less suitable for cooking than chilled meat.

The meat is cooled in special chambers at a temperature of about 0 ° C and high relative humidity. Cooling starts at a negative temperature, then as the meat cools, the air temperature is increased. Cooling is completed when the temperature in the thickness of the meat reaches from 0 ° to 4 ° C.

When meat is cooled, which lasts from 16 to 30 hours, physical and biochemical processes take place.

As a result of biochemical processes, muscle tissue contracts somewhat, loses elasticity and becomes elastic. The surface of the tissue becomes brighter due to the conversion of myoglobin to oxymyoglobin.

Physical processes are manifested in the shrinkage of meat. The loss of meat mass due to moisture evaporation is, depending on the cooling methods, from 1 to 2.8%. Properly chilled meat is characterized by the presence of a drying crust, the color of chilled beef is bright red, pork is pale pink and lamb is dark red. Beef meat has a specific smell, pork has almost no smell. The consistency of all types of meat is elastic, the muscles do not secrete meat juice with light pressure.

Chilled meat is sent mainly to retail trade, and is also used in the production of boiled sausages and minced semi-finished products.

When storing chilled meat, it is necessary to maintain its temperature at a constant level. The fluctuation of the ambient temperature leads to a deterioration in quality, an increase in losses and significantly reduces the duration of meat storage due to moisture condensation on its surface. Even a small change in air temperature at high relative humidity is enough to reach the dew point and moisten the surface of the carcasses. During storage of meat, some evaporation of moisture occurs, but this process is undesirable. To reduce losses due to evaporation of moisture, air circulation is reduced. However, low circulation leads to air stagnation and the development of microbiological processes - sliming and molding of meat. Therefore, the intensity of air circulation is created such as to slow down the development of microbes. It is recommended to store chilled meat at 0°C, 80-85% relative humidity and air circulation within 0.1 m/s. Under these conditions, the duration of storage of beef is up to 15-20 days, and pork and lamb - up to 10-15 days.

The loss of meat mass depends not only on the temperature and humidity conditions, but also on its type, fatness and specific surface area. Meat carcasses covered with a layer of fat evaporate moisture less, meat in small cuts, having a large specific surface area, evaporates moisture more. Carcasses of meat of high fatness and with a lower specific surface area are stored for a longer period.

Due to the relatively limited shelf life of chilled meat, methods have been developed to store it in a frozen state, in an atmosphere with the addition of carbon dioxide, the use of ultraviolet rays, antibiotics and penetrating radiation. However, these methods have not received wide industrial application.

The relatively limited shelf life of chilled meat makes it necessary to freeze it. Long-term storage of frozen meat is possible at temperatures below -10 ° C. Chilled meat or without prior cooling is frozen. The production and storage of frozen meat is associated with additional costs for freezing and maintaining the required storage conditions. In addition, during freezing and storage, loss of meat is inevitable.

Frozen meat is inferior in quality to chilled meat. As frozen meat is stored, both organoleptic characteristics and nutritional value deteriorate due to partial loss of vitamins, protein denaturation and fat deterioration. However, freezing is still the best preservation method for significantly extending the shelf life of meat. Frozen meat also has some advantages. Such meat in the form of blocks or small packaging of portions of semi-finished products is easy to transport and store in trade enterprises, at home and use in sausage production without defrosting.

Freezing of meat is carried out mainly at a temperature of -18; -25 ° C, but much lower temperatures up to -40 ° C are also used. Freezing is carried out in freezers and freezers.

When meat is frozen, the bulk of the water and tissue fluid passes into a crystalline state, so the muscle tissue becomes hard, and the fat acquires a crumbly texture. Microbiological processes in frozen meat stop, and enzymatic processes slow down sharply.

The quality of frozen meat and the reversibility of the freezing process are affected by both the initial state of the meat - the depth of the ripening process, and the speed of freezing. Increasing the freezing speed has a positive effect on the quality of defrosted meat. The natural loss during freezing of chilled meat to -15° C in the thickness of the muscles at an air temperature of -23° C, depending on the type of meat, ranges from 0.72 to 1.82%.

Frozen meat, tightly packed in stacks, is stored in chambers equipped with brine or direct evaporation refrigerant batteries. Storage is accompanied by a loss of mass and a change in the quality of the meat. The surface of muscle tissue is gradually dehydrated and becomes porous. Recrystallization associated with the growth of some crystals at the expense of others leads to deformation and partial destruction of muscle fibers. Adipose tissue changes color, goes rancid and imparts an unpleasant taste to the meat. The state of proteins changes, their aging process occurs, leading to a decrease in the water-holding capacity of thawed meat. Most fat-soluble vitamins are destroyed, except for vitamin A. Water-soluble vitamins are less susceptible to destruction, with the exception of vitamins found in organ meats. The shelf life of frozen meat depends on the temperature, type of meat and its fatness.

At a temperature of -18°C and relative humidity close to 100%, beef and lamb can be stored for up to 12 months, pork in the skin - up to 8 months, skinless - 6 months and offal - no more than 6 months. At a temperature of - 23 ° C, the duration of meat storage increases to 18 months.

For better preservation of frozen meat, the possibility of evaporation of moisture from its surface is minimized. The natural loss decreases with an increase in relative humidity and a decrease in the rate of air circulation. In summer, shrinkage as a result of increased heat transfer through the walls of the refrigerator chambers can increase significantly. The average shrinkage during storage of frozen meat is 0.3-0.5% for each month during the first two months, then decreases to 0.1%.

In stores and bases, the shelf life of chilled and frozen meat is significantly reduced due to changing thermal conditions. The shelf life of chilled and frozen meat at a temperature of 0-6 ° C is up to 3 days; at a temperature of about 0 ° C, frozen meat can be stored for up to 5 days; at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C, chilled and frozen meat is stored for no more than 2 days.

When storing and moving meat in commercial enterprises, a natural loss occurs due to the evaporation of moisture and the outflow of tissue fluid. To account for these losses in trade, marginal rates of natural loss are used.

The norms of natural loss for the retail trade network are set depending on the period of the year, geographical area, type and thermal state of meat.

For frozen beef and mutton, the maximum loss rate, depending on the listed factors, is allowed from 0.55 to 0.90%; pork - from 0.50 to 0.80%. For chilled beef and lamb meat - from 0.85 to 1.0%; pork - from 0.70 to 0.35%. For cooled beef and lamb meat - from 1.10 to 1.2%; pork - from 0.85 to 1.05%. For frozen offal, the allowable loss is from 0.55 to 0.80%, chilled - from 2.0 to 2.5% and cooled - from 2.20 to 2.86%. .

At the bases and warehouses of retail trade, the norms of natural loss are set depending on the period of storage, period of the year, geographical area and the availability of refrigerated premises. For frozen meat (except pork), the loss rates are from 0.05 to 0.40%, pork - from 0.04 to 0.35% with a shelf life of 1 to 30 days; for chilled meat (except pork) - from 0.20 to 0.55% and pork - from 0.15 to 0.40% with a shelf life of 1 to 3 days.

Shelf life of chilled semi-finished products at a storage temperature of 4±2 °C

Name Expiration date, h
1 . natural meat
large-sized, portioned without breading 48
portioned breaded 36
small-sized 36
small-sized marinated, with sauces 24
2. Meat chopped:
molded, including breaded and stuffed 24
combined (meat and vegetables; with the addition of soy protein) 24
3. Minced meat, including combined:
produced by meat processing plants 24
produced by trade and public catering enterprises 12
4. Semi-finished meat and bone products (large-sized, portioned, small-sized) 36

Natural large-sized semi-finished products packed under vacuum are stored at a temperature of 0-4 ° C for no more than 7 days, at -2-0 ° C - no more than 10 days.


In the journal "Products of Food", No. 17, 1999, we read: “In our country, there is a tendency for the growth of farms that use various biologically active substances, including antibiotics, to intensify animal husbandry and increase meat production. Getting into the meat of domestic animals, these substances adversely affect both the technological processes of production and human health, causing allergies, dysbacteriosis, and the formation of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic organisms. Employees of the territorial bodies of Gosstandart are everywhere faced with the fact that many suppliers evade certification of products imported from abroad. Therefore, canned meat and meat and vegetable products produced in Poland, the Netherlands and Hungary are often sold without certificates of conformity, with unsatisfactory organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, and underweight.

In connection with regular media reports about the quality of imported meat products, Russian consumers began to give their preference to domestic products. According to statistics, more than 80% of consumers buy meat and meat products of Russian origin.

But, at the same time, at the All-Russian Congress of Doctors, an official announcement was made that a very large percentage of meat processing enterprises do not meet sanitary requirements - cattle culled due to illness go on sale, in addition, all animals are fed and treated with hormones and antibiotics.

But the enterprise must also conduct internal control over the quality of its products. And my course work is aimed at identifying the so-called "critical points" in the production of meat natural semi-finished products.
