
Weekend menu for family recipes. How to make a weekly menu for a family of four

Today I will talk about how to make a menu for a week for a family, based on my experience. Earlier in the articles, I already mentioned that once a week I will set aside time for compiling / planning a menu for every day for the whole family, but did not go into details. Today I want to talk about this in more detail.

Drawing up a menu for a week for a family has many advantages - my mother (that is, me) does not stand daily in front of an open refrigerator and does not puzzle over what to cook? Family nutrition becomes varied and useful, time, money, and nerves are saved. The family eats healthy, homemade food every day, not store-bought convenience foods.

Why do you need to make a menu for the week for the family?

First of all, let's figure out why even plan a menu for a week, month, day? Isn't it easier to cook spontaneously without planning anything? Why waste time on menus, lists, and so on?

I confess that before, before the birth of children, I did not bother with menu planning, shopping planning, the decision about what we would eat for breakfast / lunch / dinner came spontaneously and was decided together with my husband. They could also eat horns with sausages, store-bought dumplings, pizza. And what? I want to eat something. Have a snack, and then start cooking the “right” food.

But after the birth of children, life changed and views on nutrition changed, because I wanted my family, children, husband to eat tasty, healthy and varied food. In addition, it was a pity to spend time every day on shopping trips, defending long queues, extra money (no list, no idea what we would eat in the next week, many rash purchases were made), nerves (well ... with a small With a child or two, going to the store turns into a little adventure - after all, you need not only to stand in line and choose / buy products, but also drag them to the house + child + stroller, and so on every day).

  1. Saving time. Many people shy away from menu planning because they think that menu planning will take a lot of time that could be spent on something else. But I assure you, this is far from the case. It doesn’t take much time to create a menu, especially when you get used to it and you already have a compilation scheme (you can even leave the old menus and just alternate them by week).
    In addition, this time soon pays off, because every day I don’t have to stand in front of the refrigerator thinking about what to cook for lunch or dinner, I don’t run headlong to the store, because at the most inopportune moment I found out that I don’t have refrigerator beets for borscht. I just start cooking right now.
  2. We save finances. I will say from my own experience that after we started planning the menu for the week, our unplanned expenses decreased significantly. Because we now go to the store with a pre-compiled list of products that are needed for preparing meals for the coming week (thanks to him, we are saved from unplanned purchases at the supermarket, from stuffing the basket to the top with unnecessary goods). Through menu planning and weekly refrigerator revisions, I can include items on the menu that lie unused until they are unfit for food. We always know that there is something to eat at home, so there is no need to buy dumplings for the third day in a row, because at home it’s like a rolling ball, but you want to eat.
  3. We eat right. On the day of compiling the menu, you can make sure that the upcoming week has the most useful and varied menu, including vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products and other useful things. The family will eat properly, varied and balanced.

1. Select the day of the week on which you will plan the menu for the week each week. This day is Thursday for me, because it is on this day that I work on the refrigerator according to the FlyLady weekly plan (I wrote more about this plan in the article), I audit it, throw out the excess, write down what needs to be purchased in the shopping list. So I can immediately add to the same list the products that need to be purchased for cooking in the coming week.

For example:

Tips for planning a menu for every day for the whole family

1. Select the day of the week on which you will plan your weekly menu on a weekly basis. This day is Thursday for me, because it is on this day that I deal (according to FlyLady's weekly affairs) with a refrigerator, audit it, throw out the excess, write down what needs to be purchased on the shopping list. So I can immediately add to the same list the products that need to be purchased for cooking in the coming week.

2. During the revision of the refrigerator, I write down everything that is in it on a piece of paper. For example, chicken fillet, frozen chopped eggplant, half a pack of frozen raspberries, a couple of pears, half a pack of kefir, etc. Next, opposite each product found in the refrigerator / freezer, I write a dish that I can cook from this product and include it in the menu.

For example:

chicken fillet - potatoes with chicken and vegetables
frozen eggplant - vegetable stew
raspberries - raspberry pie, etc.

3. When planning the menu, ask the family for their opinion on what they want to eat in the next 7 days and include their wishes in the menu for the next week.

Making a list of dishes

First of all, make a list of dishes that you know how and love to cook, subdividing them into categories (breakfasts, first courses, main courses, side dishes, desserts, salads). In brackets, it is advisable to write the ingredients that are necessary for the preparation of each dish (this will help you in the future, when you make a menu for the week, to navigate the ingredients included in a particular dish and when compiling lists of missing products).

Yes, this will take time. You may not immediately remember all the dishes that you know how to cook. No problem. Gradually, as you remember new dishes, supplement the lists. Take this point seriously, because in the future this list will make it easier for you to create a weekly menu for your family, saving a lot of time. The end result should be something like this:

Cottage cheese casserole
Rice milk porridge
Buckwheat milk porridge
Milk soup with noodles
Oatmeal milk porridge
Millet milk porridge
Wheat milk porridge
Barley milk porridge
Corn milk porridge
Fried eggs, etc.

First meal:
Chicken soup
Shchi with sauerkraut
Pea soup
Mushroom soup
Fish soup
Buckwheat soup
Soup with meatballs
Vegetable soup
Soup kharcho, etc.

Main dishes
Cabbage rolls are lazy
Fish in batter
Fish cutlets
Meat cutlets
French chicken
Stuffed Peppers
chicken pancakes
Baked chicken
Chicken on a can, etc.

side dishes
Mashed potatoes
Boiled potatoes
Pearl barley
Vegetable stew, etc.

baked apples
Biscuit cake
fruit pie
Pies with various fillings, etc.

The vinaigrette
beetroot salad
Carrot salad
Fish salad with rice and eggs
sunflower salad
Salad mushroom meadow, etc.

How to make a menu for the week for the family

So we got to the most important point - compiling a menu for the week for the family. You can make a table consisting of 3 columns (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 7 rows (respectively, list the days of the week) and write down the dishes that you will cook on a given day in each cell.

I am free planning when compiling the menu. So on the menu I do not prescribe specific days of the week tied to a particular dish: on Monday my family will eat buckwheat with meat, and on Tuesday French potatoes and nothing else.

I simply list the meals that my family will eat next week by category (breakfast, lunch, dinner), but I do not assign them a specific day of the week.

Then every day I choose for each of the categories (breakfast-lunch-dinner) what I want to cook from the compiled menu and start cooking (I cross out the dish that I cooked from the menu and this week I don’t cook it anymore). This approach has become more convenient for me than strict planning tied to a specific day of the week.

I cook breakfasts and dinners every day (dinners sometimes stay the next day, but this is very rare). We usually have enough soups for 2 days. From these features and compose the menu. There should be 7 breakfasts and dinners, and 4 first courses. I also include salads and desserts that I plan to cook on the menu. In brackets, next to each dish, I write down the ingredients that are needed to prepare the dish, but they are not available).

rice porrige
cottage cheese casserole (cottage cheese, semolina, milk)
omelette (eggs)
milk soup with noodles
corn porridge

Borscht (beets, cabbage)
Rassolnik (salted cucumbers)
chicken soup (chicken)
pea soup

pilaf with chicken
battered fish and mashed potatoes (fish)
cutlets with buckwheat
pasta with bolognese sauce
vegetable stew
French meat (cheese)
rice and lazy cabbage rolls (cabbage)

Next, I rewrite the products that are in brackets on a separate sheet and on my husband’s next day off (I can’t plan the exact day, since he has a floating schedule), we go shopping.

How to design a menu for the week for the family

Design the menu depending on your preference: in electronic form (in Word, Excel, programs), write by hand or print and hang on the refrigerator. It depends on what is comfortable for you and your family.

These are all the secrets of how I make a menu for every day for the whole family. Try it and you - I'm sure that you will definitely succeed! If you have any questions - ask in the comments, I will answer. If you have your own ideas for compiling a menu for the week, please write in the comments.

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Best regards, Olga

Then you have come to the right place. 🙂 We have prepared a menu for a week for a family of 4 (four adults or two adults + two teenagers with a good appetite).

In this article: menu for the week, ready-made and proven recipes, shopping list for the whole week.

When compiling the menu, we took into account:

  1. usefulness- it should give strength and energy for a busy working day,
  2. balance-contain various useful substances: trace elements and vitamins,
  3. diversity- dishes should not become boring and regularly replace each other.

Breakfast Semolina porridge with raisins

Dinner goulash soup

afternoon tea Ratatouille with rice

Dinner Potato zrazy with mushrooms + Salad with arugula and radish

Breakfast Semolina porridge with raisins

Dinner Pea soup

afternoon tea Ratatouille with rice

Dinner Liver stewed in sour cream + pasta + fresh cabbage salad with garlic dressing


Dinner Pea soup

afternoon tea potato cake

Dinner Liver stewed in sour cream + pasta + fresh cabbage salad with garlic dressing

Breakfast Cottage cheese casserole with vermicelli

Dinner Chicken kharcho

afternoon tea potato cake

Dinner Cauliflower cutlets + rice + lettuce salad


Dinner Chicken kharcho

afternoon tea Pancakes with apple sauce

Dinner Cauliflower cutlets + rice + Lettuce salad

Breakfast Oatmeal porridge with cinnamon

Dinner Solyanka from fish

afternoon tea Pancakes with apple sauce

Dinner Potato and Minced Meat Casserole + Cucumber and Mint Salad

Breakfast egg croutons

Dinner Solyanka from fish

afternoon tea Chocolate cake with walnuts

Dinner Potato and Minced Meat Casserole + Cucumber and Mint Salad

If you are more accustomed to a lighter diet, pay attention to the article "Proper nutrition menu for the week".

If the financial issue is a priority for you, then you will be more interested in the "Economical menu for the whole week for $ 25".

(not including snacks):

Vegetables, fruits, herbs

Potato - 3.5 kg
Eggplant - 2 pcs.
Zucchini -2 pcs.
Carrot -0.5 kg
Onion -0.5 kg
Bulgarian pepper -1 kg.
Garlic -5 heads
Dill - 4 bunches
Parsley - 1 bunch
Arugula - 2 large bunches
Green onions - 2 feathers
cilantro -1 bunch
Mint - 3 sprigs
Lettuce leaves - 800 gr
Tomatoes - 700 gr
Cherry tomatoes - 2 cups
Cabbage - 1 1/2 heads
Radishes -0.5 kg.
Lemon -1/2 pc.
Fresh cucumbers - 1.6 kg.
Pickled cucumbers -5-8 pcs.
Apples - 600 grams
Mushrooms - 400 gr. (champignons or oyster mushrooms)
Cauliflower head - 1 medium size
Sauerkraut - 750 g

Nuts, seeds, dried fruits

Pine nuts -40 gr.
Walnuts - 300 gr.
Raisins - 70 gr

Meat, fish, eggs

Fish fillet or head, abdomen, fins, bones (for hodgepodge) - 700-800 gr.
Beef - 500-800 gr. You can take a shoulder blade, a brisket, the upper part of the shank, a motorcycle league.
Chicken - 5-6 pieces (3 wings and 2-3 breasts or legs)
Minced pork - 750 g
Liver - 1.3 kg (beef, or pork, or lamb)
Smoked pork belly or bacon - 300 gr
Eggs - 21 pcs.


Milk -3.5 l.
Butter - 170 gr.
Hard cheese -750 gr.
Sour cream - 450 gr.
Cottage cheese - 1 kg.
Cream 20% - 400 gr.
Condensed milk -0.5 cans

Grocery and others

Sliced ​​loaf-1 1/4 loaf

Rye bread - 2/3 loaves
Puff pastry - 250 gr.
Semolina - 400 gr.
Sugar - 440 gr.
Small vermicelli - 130 gr
Macaroni - 800 gr.
Tomato paste -120 gr.
Tomato puree - 100 gr.
Sunflower oil - for frying
Olive oil - 130 gr.
Flour -850 gr.
Whole grain wheat flour 400 gr
Baking powder - 2.5 tsp.
Vanilla sugar -1 tbsp. l.
Rice - 1 kg.
Vinegar - 2 tsp
Pearl barley - 115 gr.
Olives - 100 gr. (about a glass)
Canned capers - 2-3 tablespoons
Olives - 30 pcs.
Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
Chocolate - 100 gr.
Lemon juice -4 tbsp. l.
Mustard - 3 tsp
Breadcrumbs - for frying
Peas - 460 gr.
Oatmeal - 300 gr.

Spices and seasonings

Ground paprika - 3 tbsp
Bay leaf -11 pcs.
Salt and black pepper - to taste
Cumin seeds - 2 tsp
Nutmeg - to taste
Tkemali sauce - 1/2 cup
Suneli hops - 1.5 tsp
Basil - 1.5 tsp dried or 1.5 tbsp. fresh
Cilantro - 1, 5 tablespoons
Cinnamon - 1 ½ tsp

Attention: There are a number of recipes on the menu for fewer than 8 servings. When compiling the shopping list, all the ingredients were increased in such a way that their quantity was enough to prepare 8 servings (2 meals for 4 people). Accordingly, when preparing such dishes, it is only enough to take the number of ingredients corresponding to 8 servings, their number is already included in the shopping list.

Bon appetit!

Save this article to your bookmarks or your social network, print (or rewrite your shopping list) and start bringing it to life by preparing simple and delicious dishes.

With rising prices, saving on food is becoming increasingly difficult. Especially if a big family. But there is a good option - this is a pre-compiled menu for a week for a family of 4 with recipes and a grocery list. A pre-compiled list will save you from purchasing unnecessary goods.

Detailed menu


  1. Breakfast - croutons, oatmeal with raisins, tea.
  2. Lunch - pickle, mashed potatoes with boiled beef.
  3. Dinner - potato zrazy with mushrooms, salad.




  • pork ribs - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • pearl barley - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices, salt - to taste.


  1. Boil the broth on the pork ribs.
  2. Peel, cut and fry all vegetables (except cucumbers). Send to broth. Cook on low heat.
  3. After 10 minutes, add tomato paste, seasonings and salt.
  4. Next, pour in the pearl barley. Boil for about 30 minutes
  5. Add pre-peeled and chopped potatoes. After 20 minutes, set aside the pot with the finished soup.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

Potato zrazy with mushrooms


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • flour - breading;
  • salt, seasonings - at the discretion.


  1. Peel potatoes, wash, immerse in water, boil, salt and cook until tender.
  2. Mushrooms cut into cubes.
  3. Peel the onions, chop finely and fry in a small piece of butter until golden.
  4. Add mushrooms, seasonings, salt. Stir, cover for a couple of minutes. Then remove the lid and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated over medium heat.
  5. Cool the cooked potatoes a little and pass through a meat grinder.
  6. Add the beaten egg and the rest of the butter to the mashed potatoes. Mix well.
  7. Divide the mass into 8 pieces, form balls. Each knead, turning into a cake and put 1 tbsp in the center. l. mushroom stuffing.
  8. Raise the edges of the cakes and form oval patties.
  9. Roll all zrazy in flour, fry on both sides in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.

Chinese cabbage salad

Chinese cabbage salad


  • Beijing cabbage - 25 l;
  • green onions - 4-5 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Rinse the cabbage, remove large leaves and cut them into 2-3 parts.
  2. Rinse the green onions and finely chop.
  3. Combine mayonnaise with vinegar.
  4. Add the prepared dressing to the leaves, mix well.
  5. Transfer to a pretty plate and garnish with onions.


  1. Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, coffee / tea.
  2. Lunch - vermicelli soup, carrot salad.
  3. Dinner - .

Interesting! Weekly menu for a family of 2

Soup with vermicelli

Soup with vermicelli


  • chicken meat - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • pasta - at the discretion;
  • greens - optional;
  • salt - 1 incomplete st. l.


  1. Wash the chicken, cut into medium pieces.
  2. Peel onions, carrots, immerse in a saucepan with water along with meat, boil, remove foam, lower the boiling point. Salt and cook for 30-40 minutes.
  3. When ready, take out all the products. Vegetables are no longer needed. And separate the meat from the bones and send it back to the broth.
  4. Peel the potatoes, cut them into boiling broth and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, take fresh carrots and onions, peel, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil. Send to soup when ready.
  6. Add pasta, cook for about 8-10 minutes. At the end, you can add some chopped greens.

Carrot salad

Carrot salad


  • carrots - 400 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • greens - 30 g;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Rub the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Grate the cheese on it and add to the carrots.
  3. Finely chop the garlic, add to the processed ingredients.
  4. Season with sour cream, salt and mix thoroughly.

Chicken liver with sour cream and pasta

Chicken liver with sour cream and pasta


  • liver - 300 g;
  • pasta - at the discretion;
  • onion (large) - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.


  1. Rinse the liver several times, chop coarsely, roll in flour.
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop and throw into a hot frying pan with vegetable oil.
  3. After 2 minutes, add the liver, fry until golden brown, then make the fire quieter, salt and simmer under the lid for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Cook pasta separately. Drain the water.
  5. When ready, combine the liver with pasta and serve.


  1. Breakfast - hot sandwiches with cheese and sausage.
  2. Lunch - vermicelli soup, bean puree, coleslaw.
  3. Dinner - potato casserole with minced meat.

Cabbage salad

Cabbage salad


  • white cabbage - 400 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion (large) - 1 pc.;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil - dressing;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut into strips.
  2. Combine in one plate, salt, add oil and serve.

This is the easiest salad recipe that is on the menu for the week, for a large family of 4 it fits perfectly. The list of products, which includes the ingredients of this dish, is at the end of the article.

Potato casserole with minced meat


  • minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onion (medium) - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 120 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • pepper, salt - at the discretion.


  1. Wash potatoes, peel, cut in half, pour boiling water and cook until ready.
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in oil until golden brown.
  3. Add minced meat, stir and fry for about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  4. Ready hot potatoes are well mashed.
  5. Wait until cool, add eggs and flour. Mix.
  6. Put the finished products on a baking sheet in layers, add cheese between them. The sequence is: potatoes, minced meat, potatoes, sour cream.
  7. Put the baking sheet with the contents to bake in the oven at 180 degrees until cooked. As soon as a crust forms on the surface, it will be possible to take it out.



  • cottage cheese - 450 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


  1. Put cottage cheese in a deep bowl, knead, add eggs and sugar. Mix everything until smooth.
  2. Add 4 tbsp. l. pre-sifted flour and continue to stir.
  3. Put the mass on a board sprinkled with flour and form a "sausage". Cut into equal pieces, dip each into flour, press down a little. To make cakes.
  4. Put in a preheated pan with oil, fry on both sides until golden brown.

Pea soup

Pea soup


  • beef - 0.5 kg;
  • peas - 1 tbsp.;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour peas into a deep bowl, pour boiling water over it and leave for an hour.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, boil. Add washed meat, salt, cook for about an hour.
  3. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into cubes.
  4. Finely chop the peeled onion. Pass the carrots through a medium grater, and turn the garlic into crumbs.
  5. In a heated pan with oil, send carrots, onions and garlic. Fry at a low temperature, stir occasionally.
  6. Remove meat, cool. Instead, send the peas to the pan to cook for about half an hour. After the appointed time, throw potatoes, cook for 20 minutes.
  7. Finely chop the beef and send it to the soup with fried vegetables. At the end, add chopped greens and set aside after 5 minutes.

Chicken fillet baked with potatoes


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • tomatoes (fresh) - 3-4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - dressing;
  • seasonings, salt - to taste.


  1. Prepare everything except cheese and tomatoes separately.
  2. Cut the fillet into thin plates, beat off, grate with salt and pepper and fry in oil.
  3. Boil the peeled potatoes whole, try not to boil them. Cut it into rings.
  4. Turn the onion into rings, hold it in vinegar for a while, then fry.
  5. And with a sharp knife, trying not to crush, turn the tomatoes into mugs.
  6. Spread layers on a baking sheet in turn, first meat, then onions, potatoes, tomatoes and cheese. Cover all layers with mayonnaise.
  7. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and cook for about 30 minutes.


  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits and honey, tea / coffee.
  2. Lunch - pea soup.
  3. Dinner - .

Baked fish with cheese and vegetables

Baked fish with cheese and vegetables


  • cod fillet - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • greens, cheese - decoration;
  • cheese (for pouring) - 120 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • coriander, zira - at the discretion;
  • ground black pepper - 2 pinches.


  1. Cut the frozen fillet into 8 equal parts. Process each in spices and salt.
  2. Place on an oiled baking sheet.
  3. Cut the onion into rings, and put 2 pcs. for every steak.
  4. Top with carrots, passed through a coarse grater.
  5. Rinse the pepper, peel the inside and cut into strips. Spread over carrots.
  6. Next put the tomatoes in circles.
  7. Add soy sauce, sour cream, ground pepper and grated cheese to beaten eggs. Mix everything thoroughly.
  8. Drizzle each steak with the prepared filling.
  9. Place in preheated oven. Bake until a delicious crust forms.


  1. Breakfast - pancakes with apples, black tea.
  2. Lunch - vegetarian pilaf.
  3. Dinner - chicken stew, bean salad.

Pancakes with apples

Pancakes with apples


  • ready-made pancakes - 8 pcs.;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g.


  1. Pancakes should be cooked with milk.
  2. Remove the peel from the washed apples, rub on a coarse grater.
  3. Transfer to a saucepan, add sugar, a little water and simmer until the fruit is soft.
  4. Expand the pancakes, put 1 tbsp in each. l. fillings, wrap in tubules.

Vegetarian pilaf

Vegetarian pilaf


  • round rice - 500 g;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • butter (melted) - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard seeds - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tsp


  1. Grate carrots and onions on a coarse grater or cut into strips.
  2. Heat the oil in a heavy bottomed pan on the stove and fry the mustard seeds. As soon as they start to crackle, add vegetables and fry for 10 minutes.
  3. Stir gently, pour in 800 ml of water. Once it boils, cover with a lid and let it simmer for 20 minutes.

When serving, you can decorate with fresh herbs.

bean salad

bean salad


  • red beans (canned) - 1 can;
  • Korean carrots - 200 g;
  • sausage (boiled) - 150 g;
  • white crackers - 2 handfuls;
  • mayonnaise - dressing;
  • greens - a bunch.


  1. Cut the sausage into strips and combine with carrots.
  2. Throw beans in a colander to glass excess liquid, add to food.
  3. Add mayonnaise and finely chopped herbs.
  4. Cut the loaf into cubes, fry without oil, cool and add to the salad before serving.


  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with walnuts, yogurt.
  2. Lunch - vegetarian pilaf.
  3. Dinner - vinaigrette, fish cakes.

The vinaigrette

The vinaigrette


  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • onion (large) - 1 pc.;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • unrefined oil - dressing.
  • salt - 1-2 pinches.


  1. Boil all vegetables except onions and cucumbers in their uniforms, remove the peel.
  2. Cut each ingredient into small cubes. Combine everything in one container.
  3. Add herbs and oil, mix well. Serve on a pretty platter.

fish cakes


  • fish fillet - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • bun - 100 g;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • ground pepper - 2 pinches;
  • salt - 2 tsp


  1. Soak bread in water.
  2. Pass the fillet, onion and soaked bread through a meat grinder.
  3. Add melted butter, egg, pepper and salt to minced fish. Mix and beat well.
  4. Divide the mass into pieces, form cutlets. Roll each in semolina.
  5. Put cutlets on a preheated pan with oil, fry on both sides, pour in 2 tbsp. l. water, cover with a lid and make the fire quieter. After a minute, remove the lid and fry until cooked.

Below is a list of all the essential foods you can feed a family of 4 all week. The main thing is to strictly follow the painted menu and recipes.

List of necessary products for the week:

  1. Bread.
  2. Coffee.
  3. Vegetable oil.
  4. Unrefined oil.
  5. Butter.
  6. Soy sauce.
  7. Dried fruits.
  8. Walnuts.
  9. Pearl barley.
  10. Buckwheat grain.
  11. Semolina.
  12. Oat groats.
  13. Rice is round.
  14. Beans.
  15. Canned beans - 1 can.
  16. Pancakes.
  17. Peas.
  18. Sugar.
  19. Salt.
  20. Flour.
  21. Raisin.
  22. Seasonings.
  23. Pasta.
  24. Milk.
  25. Mayonnaise.
  26. Yoghurts.
  27. Vinegar.
  28. Sour cream.
  29. Cottage cheese - 600 g.
  30. Korean carrots - 200 g.
  31. Pork ribs - 300 g.
  32. Beef - 1.2 kg.
  33. Chicken meat - 2.5 kg.
  34. Chicken liver - 300 g.
  35. Minced meat - 500 g.
  36. Cod fillet - 3 kg.
  37. Sausage.
  38. Cheese - 750 g.
  39. Tomato paste - 1 pack.
  40. Pickled cucumbers - 1 bank.
  41. Potatoes - 8 kg;
  42. Onion - 2.5 kg.
  43. Carrots - 3 kg.
  44. Mushrooms.
  45. Eggs.
  46. Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  47. White cabbage - 1 pc.
  48. Garlic.
  49. Tomatoes - 1 kg.
  50. Greenery.
  51. Apples.
  52. Beet.
  53. Bulgarian pepper.

Having previously compiled a menu with recipes for the whole week for a large family of 4, you can follow the list to buy everything you need and save a certain amount of money. Here are the simplest products from which it is easy to prepare delicious and satisfying dishes.

Planning a weekly menu for a family with recipes is not easy, in addition to the correct purchase of food, it is necessary to take into account the tastes and characteristics of family members, the family budget and the availability of products in the nearest store, and own stocks available at home.

If you approach this issue rationally, then the task and its subsequent execution will not cause any special problems and troubles. On a piece of paper, you need to paint an approximate menu of 4-5 meals, then check your own orders and make a list of necessary purchases. This approach not only optimizes time and spending, but also allows you to move on to a healthier diet.

Of course, it is worth considering that some products will have to be bought during the week, as they may deteriorate. For example, purchases such as:

  • Bakery products;
  • Dairy products with a short shelf life;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, fragrant herbs.

This approach allows you to plan your free evening time, because thanks to the available products, you can defrost and marinate meat or chicken, make minced meat, or even cook dinner the next day. In the article, we consider only dinners with recipes, since breakfast does not cause much trouble, and we usually have lunch at work.

In addition, in the evening, when you are tired after a busy day, you do not need to rush to buy groceries, thereby avoiding rash purchases that take up a sufficient part of the funds allocated for food. Well, having any product at hand, there is no need to rack your brains and study recipes, because you already know what to cook. Although there may be deviations from the menu, it is not necessary to strictly follow the list of dishes.

In order for this principle to take root in your family, you need to learn how to properly compose a menu, for example, you can start from 2-3 days. At the same time, you should definitely take into account the seasonality of fruits and vegetables, and, if possible, try to cook several new ones, with increased complexity, for variety in the diet. Those dishes that you like are added to the list, from which a plan for the week is made. For convenience, they can be written out on a large sheet, by category, and when drawing up a plan, simply choose what you want to cook and eat.

In this case, it is worth considering:

  • Features of your family, the health of relatives and financial wealth.
  • Stocks of products you have in your lockers. Conduct a thorough audit, see what is worth including on the menu.
  • Separately, make a list of dishes and products for the reception, but keep in mind that guests can drop in "on the light" suddenly, so think over plan B.
  • Pay attention to promotions and all kinds of sales in supermarkets. This will save a lot and add new dishes to the diet. It is worth considering the price fluctuations for seasonal vegetables and fruits.

In the diet of every person must be present such products as:

  • Meat, fish and poultry, seafood;
  • Dairy and lactic acid products;
  • Vegetable oils, chicken and quail eggs:
  • Fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits, spicy and aromatic herbs;
  • Cereal products for breakfast and side dishes for meat dishes;
  • Sweets in the form of marshmallows and marmalade, tea and coffee, cocoa for them;
  • A variety of spices, because with them each product begins to sound original and new;
  • Bakery products, confectionery;
  • A small supply of canned food for salads and other dishes;
  • And many other products tailored to your diet.

You can paint the menu on ordinary A4 sheets, they can also be printed and folded into a folder with transparent files. Moreover, on one side of the sheet there will be, for example, a menu, and on the other, a list of basic products for cooking this week. Having compiled a couple of dozen of these sheets, you can vary the diet throughout the year.

No less convenient is the version of the electronic menu, where, in addition to dishes and purchases, you can store recipes for their preparation. Well, after compiling the list, give it to the family for approval, and try to compile it in this way - within a week it is necessary that there are 2-3 favorite dishes of each of the family members. Thus, it will be possible to achieve a smooth compromise.

So, we start compiling the menu, and every evening we consider a new dish with a list of products and cooking. As mentioned above, the article will give examples of first courses, but, as a rule, many of us do not dine at home. Consider a rough weekly menu for a family with dinner recipes.

A good option would be the approach to cooking first courses, when 2-3 times a week, meat or fish, vegetable broth is cooked in a large saucepan. Then in the evening it remains only to prepare a vegetable base and cook fresh soup literally one serving for each family member. The broth can also be used throughout the week to prepare second courses for dinner.

Stuffed peppers in the oven


  • Bulgarian pepper - 5 pcs.
  • onion head
  • 4 celery stalks
  • Rice round - 100 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 125 gr.
  • Champignon mushrooms - 200g.
  • Salt and spices, fresh herbs, a little vegetable oil.


  1. First of all, put the rice to boil, and boil it until it is almost ready.
  2. While the rice is cooking, fry the chopped onion and mushrooms, add chopped celery stalks to the company.
  3. Rinse the pepper, cut it in half without cutting off the stem, and remove the seeds.
  4. We discard the almost ready rice, add it to the vegetables. Season with spices and salt.
  5. We fill the pepper boats with the mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese mixed with herbs and freshly ground pepper and bake in the oven until tender. Serve with any vegetable salad.

Evening advice! Cook a little more rice, you'll need it for tomorrow's dinner.

Puree with pumpkin and carrots


  • Potatoes - 600 gr.;
  • Fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Pumpkin - 200 gr.;
  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Butter - 75 gr.;
  • A little salt and pepper to taste;
  • 2 sprigs of green onions.


  1. We clean the vegetables, cut them into medium-sized pieces. The pumpkin for this recipe can be frozen.
  2. Put the vegetables in a saucepan, add water and add a little salt.
  3. A few minutes before the vegetables are ready, heat the milk with a piece of butter.
  4. Mnem vegetables in a saucepan, drain the broth beforehand, add milk and butter and beat with a whisk. Salt to taste and serve, decorating the tender and bright puree with chopped green onions.

Evening advice! We put a portion of fresh meat broth from a rather fatty brisket to boil.

Roast chicken


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs. per person;
  • Chicken - weighing up to 2 kg .;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • A little oil;
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, spices, some herbs.


  1. Cut the chicken into portions, put on a greased baking sheet. Add chopped garlic, onion.
  2. Peel potatoes and carrots, cut into small pieces and add to the chicken.
  3. Salt and season with spices, add herbs.
  4. Remove the baking sheet in the oven for at least 45 minutes, then watch the meat and vegetables are ready. You can add fresh tomatoes, then the roast will turn out with sauce, but for this, use a deeper baking sheet.

Evening advice! Boil 2 root crops - beets, potatoes, carrots.

Spicy vinaigrette with spicy dressing


  • Boiled vegetables - from the evening of the previous day;
  • Bank of green peas;
  • 3 pickled (not pickled) cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. sauerkraut;
  • A bunch of greens;
  • Head of red onion;
  • 2 teaspoons of mustard;
  • 57 gr. olive oil;
  • Juice of half a lime.


  1. We cut the boiled vegetables into pea-sized cubes, focusing on the grains from the canned product.
  2. Pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut are also finely chopped. The smaller the cubes, the tastier the dish, and the salad looks more appetizing.
  3. We fill boiled vegetables and pickles with peas with a dressing of mustard, oil and citrus juice.
  4. Before serving, sprinkle the vinaigrette with fresh herbs, serve with fish and fresh brown bread.

Evening advice! We cook mushroom broth from fresh or canned champignons with the addition of a small amount of dry porcini mushrooms.

Spicy cabbage salad


  • Fresh red cabbage - 400 gr.;
  • Shallots - 3 pcs.;
  • A bunch of fresh herbs;
  • A spoonful of mustard with grains;
  • A little salt and black pepper
  • 100 gr. mayonnaise;


  1. Chop the cabbage - you can use a combine, a grater, or just chop the vegetable into thin and long straws.
  2. Mix mustard with chopped herbs and mayonnaise, season the sauce with salt and freshly ground pepper.
  3. Chop the onion, scald. The straw should be thin and long.
  4. Mix cabbage with onion and season with sauce. Serve with potato casserole.

Evening advice! Relax, tomorrow is the weekend!

On weekends, you can cook your favorite dishes that take a lot of time, bake homemade pies or pies, make small cutlets or meatballs, cut meat and fish into portions.

It’s hard to talk about family meals on weekends, of course, you can plan cooking for these days, for example, we still have mushroom broth. A little onion, garlic, white wine and fresh mushrooms, a glass of Basmati rice 20 minutes of continuous stirring and you will have a great risotto.

Today, the economic situation in most of society has its own characteristics:

  • the possibility of buying a home, mainly on a mortgage (which many people use);
  • the great needs of each person and the ability to satisfy them due to the diverse offer of the market, but since not many earn enough, the credit system has spread.

Therefore, most people may experience financial difficulties. Then there is a need to tighten the belt tighter. In such cases, one of the lifelines is an economical menu. It will help save money and at the same time eat tasty, satisfying and even healthy.

Let's look at one menu as an example, and then we'll talk about general recommendations for frugal eating.

Below is the menu for the week, indicating the portion size and its calorie content per person.

Grocery list for the week

1. Pork (1 kg) 350 rubles

2. Minced beef (1 kg) 280 rubles3. Chicken soup set (200 gr.) 60 rubles4. Beef liver (400 gr.) 75 rubles5. Rice (1 pack) 60 rubles6. Oatmeal (1 pack) 35 rubles7. Buckwheat (1 pack) 70 rubles8. Millet (1 pack) 48 rubles9. Semolina (1 pack) 30 rubles10. Macaroni (1 pack) 53 rubles11. Vermicelli (1 pack) 30 rubles12. Eggs (10 pcs.) 60 rubles13. Sprats (1 pack) 90 rubles14. Potatoes (2 kg) 40 rubles15. Cucumbers (2 fresh 3 salted) 70 rubles16. Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.) 30 rubles17. Fresh tomatoes (3 medium pieces) 140 rubles18. Beets (2 medium) 10 rubles19. Carrots (4 medium) 20 rubles20. Apples (2 pcs.) 50 rubles21. Bananas (2 pieces) 20 rubles22. Pears (2 pcs.) 30 rubles23. Cookies (2 packs) 60 rubles24. Bread (2 rolls) 60 rubles25. Milk (1 package) 120 rubles26. Cottage cheese (1 pack) 170 rubles27. Sour cream (1 can) 80 rubles28. Low-fat kefir (1 bottle) 70 rubles29. Ryazhenka (1 pack) 70 rubles30. Butter (1 pack) 120 rubles

The total cost of products according to such a list is 2401 rubles. It is designed for cooking according to the above menu for a family of two adults.

And in our other article, you can see a list of products for only 1000 rubles for a whole week, also for a family of 4

Before you go to the store, you need to make a clear list of products needed to prepare dishes from the menu. You don't need to buy anything extra.

It is worth buying products in those places where prices are really lower. It is most profitable to go to the market (you can bargain) or a wholesale base. Promotions in stores are a great help. They must always be monitored.

You need to go to the store for shopping purposefully, and not when you have to. And in order to avoid wasting money, at this time you must definitely be full.

For most people, the main dishes are meat, which are expensive. To save money, you can buy offal - liver, hearts, stomachs. In addition to the low price, they have a wonderful taste when well cooked.

It is necessary to completely exclude fast food, hamburgers, sushi, carbonated drinks from the diet. It is very expensive and unhealthy. And also it is worth giving up going to cafes and restaurants (only on very special occasions you can afford such a luxury).

One piece of meat can be used to prepare two dishes. For example, boil a whole chicken or bone with meat (it is better to cook for a long time over low heat - this way the meat will be soft and very tasty). The broth is used to make soup. And clean the meat from the bones. Add some of it to the soup, the rest can be stewed with vegetables or goulash.

In order not to cause indignation of the household during the week, it is necessary to cook their favorite dishes or food with their preferred ingredient at least once. For example, for a husband on Monday, make stew with potatoes, and on Thursday, bake fish with rice as a side dish for his son.

In picky families, you can cook for several days at once. If you cook a large pot of soup, it can last for three days. This will save a lot of money on groceries and time for the hostess.

Many people are very fond of buying juice in cardboard boxes and bottles, which is a very big waste of money. In addition, they contain many preservatives and dyes, which is why they are harmful to health. It will be useful and less expensive to cook compotes and fruit drinks yourself.

It should be borne in mind that for breakfast you need to eat easily digestible dishes, for example, cereals. The most high-calorie meal is for lunch. Dinner should be between breakfast and lunch. It is advisable to eat more often, but in small portions. Therefore, the menu includes snacks - second breakfasts and dinners.

Eating tasty and healthy doesn't mean it's expensive! Eat healthy and be happy!

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How to make your own weekly menu

To obtain for free a training book on menu preparation, an electronic magazine "Menu of the Week", forms for compiling menus, templates for magnetic cards, a table for freezing ready meals, as well as recipes, tips for rational organization of home nutrition, menu options, etc. just subscribe to our newsletter.

From personal experience with the menu:

One of the most important and necessary habits that has greatly simplified and facilitated my life is compiling a menu for the week. I wrote more about why you need to make a menu and what it gives. And today I want to tell and show exactly how I do it.

I’ll immediately show a few examples of how my menu for the week looks like (the cards are on the refrigerator door):

Example #1

Example #2

I did not make it in this form right away. It took almost a year to develop a menu scheme that was convenient for me. But now the process has been brought almost to automatism and does not cause any difficulties.

Stage one, preparatory.

To begin with, I took a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down all the dishes that I know how to cook in categories: soups, main dishes, salads and desserts. To my surprise, the list actually turned out to be much shorter than I imagined (which was a big incentive to learn new recipes later on).

Stage two - the scheme of the week. With the help of a simple table of seven columns corresponding to the days of the week, I began to draw up a menu for the week in paper and then electronic versions. Without fail, I cook breakfast every day, and on the other days I alternate: on even days I cook soup and dessert for two days, and on odd days - the second (also for two days) and salad. Such a simple alternation saves a lot of time and effort. And in the refrigerator there is always (!) Ready-made food, which helps a lot in situations where "guests are on the doorstep" or "I'm too lazy to cook something today."

Roughly my menu for the week looked like this:

Note: "New" is what is being prepared on that particular day. "In the refrigerator" - these are ready-made dishes that were prepared in advance for several servings.


Breakfast - Scrambled eggs with tomatoes (new)

Lunch - Burrito (in the fridge)

Snack - Grapes

Dinner - Gazpacho (new) + Blueberry Berry Pie (new)


Breakfast - Rice porridge (new)

Lunch - Gazpacho (in the refrigerator)

Afternoon – Blueberry Berry Pie (Refrigerated)

Dinner – Zucchini and potato pancakes (new) + Fresh cabbage salad with garlic dressing (new)


Breakfast - Semolina porridge (new)

Lunch - Zucchini and Potato Fritters (Refrigerated)

Snack - Jam Pie (new)

Dinner - Eggplant Puree Soup with Roasted Tomatoes (new)


Breakfast - Oatmeal (new)

Lunch - Eggplant Soup with Roasted Tomatoes (Refrigerated)

Snack - Jam Pie (in the fridge)

Dinner - Crab sticks (new) + Pepper rings stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs (new)


Breakfast - Corn porridge on the water (new)

Lunch - Crab sticks (in the refrigerator) + Pepper rings stuffed with cottage cheese and herbs (in the refrigerator)

Afternoon snack - Apple strudel (new)

Dinner - Cauliflower Soup (new)


Breakfast - Buckwheat porridge (new)

Lunch – Cauliflower Soup (Refrigerated)

Afternoon snack - Apple strudel (in the refrigerator)

Dinner - Orange Glazed Pork (new) + Chinese Salad with Chinese Cabbage and Chicken (new)

Harvesting for the future - Frozen eggplants


Breakfast - Egg in bread (new)

Lunch - Mushroom soup (new)

Afternoon snack - Lemon cake (new)

Dinner – Orange Glazed Pork (Refrigerated) + Chinese Salad with Chinese Cabbage and Chicken (Refrigerated)

However, this scheme had several drawbacks. For example, separately from the menu, it was necessary to make a list of products for the week - to look for each recipe from those that were planned for the week, and write out the necessary ingredients. In addition, I am visual, so it is not very easy for me to remember dishes only by their names. So after a few months, I moved on to the next step:

All the recipes that I know how to cook, I wrote down in electronic form and provided them with a photograph (in finished form). Then, in the Word program, I drew an A4 sheet into 5x9 rectangles (corresponding to the size of a regular business card). In each rectangle, I entered the name of the dish, the ingredients of which it consists, and added a photo. In total, I got 12 cards on one sheet. Separately, I made small rectangles with the names of the days of the week.

A4 sheet with cards

Then I checked the telephone directory and found out where in our city there is a printing service on magnetic sheets. It turned out that in the nearest computer center. There they printed out all these cards for me on an inkjet printer. For each sheet, I gave an amount equal to about $ 2. I cut the sheet into cards with ordinary scissors.

Since the cards correspond to the size of a business card, I store them in an ordinary business card holder, sorted into categories: soups, main courses, salads and desserts.

Example #3

Example #4

The advantages of such a system:

Firstly, it takes a minimum of time to draw up a menu for a week, you don’t need to write or draw anything.

Secondly, each card has a list of ingredients. Therefore, I do not make a separate list of products for the week. When I go to the store, I just take the cards with me, put them in my wallet and, checking them, I buy everything I need.

Thirdly, the cards hang on the refrigerator during cooking. I can see at any time exactly which ingredients and in what quantity I need.

And finally, it's fast and convenient. Very satisfied.

To get free templates for magnetic cards, a menu training book, an electronic magazine "Menu of the Week", forms for compiling a menu, a table for freezing ready meals, as well as recipes, tips for rational organization of home nutrition, menu options, etc. just subscribe to our newsletter.

We offer our version of the weekly menu for a family with economy recipes in this article, so that during a crisis and a difficult life situation, you can eat tasty and nutritious. There comes a time in every family when you need to tighten your belts a bit. Don't worry, everything will pass. In the meantime, you need to arm yourself with an economical menu and start implementing it.

sweet leftovers

Before compiling the main menu for the days of the week, I want to pay attention to the leftovers. It happens that kefir or milk sours, for example. In a normal situation, such a product is poured out, but you can cook excellent pancakes or pancakes from sour milk products.

Zucchini is another simple and cheap ingredient that can be stored for a long time. You can also make pancakes from zucchini, and even pies. During the period of savings, you should take a closer look at dough products and rehabilitate them for yourself again. As for vegetables, it is worth buying only the most affordable ones (they are also very healthy): potatoes, cabbage, beets, radishes, onions and garlic.

Economy menu for a week for a family of 3 with recipes


Lunch: Chicken soup with vermicelli or rice. It is extremely easy to prepare, and at the same time, it turns out a tasty and nutritious product. You can also bake potatoes as a bite to the soup so that satiety is complete.

Lunch: Salad with carrots and raisins, dressed with honey.

Lunch: The same chicken soup. This time you can bake beets to it.
Afternoon snack: Roll with lemon.

Dinner: Fish meatballs, delicious and vitamin salad.


Breakfast: You can cook the usual oatmeal with milk. It activates digestion and energizes for the whole day.

Afternoon snack: The same lemon roll left over from Tuesday.

Dinner: Fish meatballs and vinaigrette. Dinner is also repeated, but, as a rule, these dishes are enough for a family of three for just two days.


Breakfast: Eggs must be in the diet, so you can cook an omelette with onions.

Lunch: Continues to eat pea soup with a new batch of garlic croutons.
Afternoon snack: Fritters. You can cook on kefir or yogurt, and serve with jam.

Dinner: Stew cabbage with rice and minced meat. You can also make a salad of carrots with garlic, season with vegetable oil.


Breakfast: Again, you can serve pancakes with sour cream.

Lunch: It is worth preparing a soup with tomato paste, to which add noodles.

Afternoon snack: You can safely make a cocktail with a banana, to which you add ginger and cinnamon. Such an afternoon snack is not only delicious, it also strengthens the immune system.

Dinner: Cabbage will remain from Thursday.


Breakfast: On the day off, breakfast should be more hearty and enjoyable. Therefore, you can cook cheesecakes with apples. Moreover, cook them in such quantity that there is still left for an afternoon snack.

Lunch: Tomato soup from yesterday, which should have enough vermicelli.

Afternoon snack: cheesecakes.

Dinner: Chicken cutlets with potatoes. Make cabbage salad with prunes.


Breakfast: Millet porridge with pieces of pumpkin. Excellent nutritious breakfast, which contains a lot of vitamins. And this porridge pleases with its bright appearance.

Lunch: Russian pickle.

Afternoon snack: Any fresh fruit. It can be apples, bananas or oranges.

Dinner: Chicken cutlets with rice, beetroot salad and canned peas.

How to compare costs

By the way, this is such a great economy menu for a week for a family of 2 with recipes. If some recipes are not in the article, then they can be found on the pages of our website. Just use the search form. Especially for you, we have collected economical delicious dishes, for the preparation of which there are step-by-step photos.

Important! The total amount on the check will be more than the amount spent on food for one week. After all, many products on the menu are bought immediately in the package and are simply not eaten for a week. For example, rice, vermicelli.

Nutritionists advise, regardless of the season, be sure to include fresh vegetable salad in your diet. Moreover, you do not need to buy expensive vegetables. It is enough to use seasonal products. In summer and autumn, it’s understandable, but in winter it’s cabbage, radish, beets and carrots. You can’t even imagine how many interesting things you can cook from ordinary, affordable and cheap products!

With rising prices, saving on food is becoming increasingly difficult. Especially if a big family. But there is a good option - this is a pre-compiled menu for a week for a family of 4 with recipes and a grocery list. A pre-compiled list will save you from purchasing unnecessary goods.


  1. Breakfast - croutons, oatmeal with raisins, tea.
  2. Lunch - pickle, mashed potatoes with boiled beef.
  3. Dinner - potato zrazy with mushrooms, salad.


  • pork ribs - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • pearl barley - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices, salt - to taste.


  1. Boil the broth on the pork ribs.
  2. Peel, cut and fry all vegetables (except cucumbers). Send to broth. Cook on low heat.
  3. After 10 minutes, add tomato paste, seasonings and salt.
  4. Next, pour in the pearl barley. Boil for about 30 minutes
  5. Add pre-peeled and chopped potatoes. After 20 minutes, set aside the pot with the finished soup.


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • flour - breading;
  • salt, seasonings - at the discretion.


  1. Peel potatoes, wash, immerse in water, boil, salt and cook until tender.
  2. Mushrooms cut into cubes.
  3. Peel the onions, chop finely and fry in a small piece of butter until golden.
  4. Add mushrooms, seasonings, salt. Stir, cover for a couple of minutes. Then remove the lid and simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated over medium heat.
  5. Cool the cooked potatoes a little and pass through a meat grinder.
  6. Add the beaten egg and the rest of the butter to the mashed potatoes. Mix well.
  7. Divide the mass into 8 pieces, form balls. Each knead, turning into a cake and put 1 tbsp in the center. l. mushroom stuffing.
  8. Raise the edges of the cakes and form oval patties.
  9. Roll all zrazy in flour, fry on both sides in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.


  • Beijing cabbage - 25 l;
  • green onions - 4-5 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Rinse the cabbage, remove large leaves and cut them into 2-3 parts.
  2. Rinse the green onions and finely chop.
  3. Combine mayonnaise with vinegar.
  4. Add the prepared dressing to the leaves, mix well.
  5. Transfer to a pretty plate and garnish with onions.


  1. Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, coffee / tea.
  2. Lunch - vermicelli soup, carrot salad.
  3. Dinner - chicken liver with sour cream and pasta.


  • chicken meat - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • pasta - at the discretion;
  • greens - optional;
  • salt - 1 incomplete st. l.


  1. Wash the chicken, cut into medium pieces.
  2. Peel onions, carrots, immerse in a saucepan with water along with meat, boil, remove foam, lower the boiling point. Salt and cook for 30-40 minutes.
  3. When ready, take out all the products. Vegetables are no longer needed. And separate the meat from the bones and send it back to the broth.
  4. Peel the potatoes, cut them into boiling broth and cook for 20 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, take fresh carrots and onions, peel, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil. Send to soup when ready.
  6. Add pasta, cook for about 8-10 minutes. At the end, you can add some chopped greens.


  • carrots - 400 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • greens - 30 g;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Rub the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Grate the cheese on it and add to the carrots.
  3. Finely chop the garlic, add to the processed ingredients.
  4. Season with sour cream, salt and mix thoroughly.


  • liver - 300 g;
  • pasta - at the discretion;
  • onion (large) - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.


  1. Rinse the liver several times, chop coarsely, roll in flour.
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop and throw into a hot frying pan with vegetable oil.
  3. After 2 minutes, add the liver, fry until golden brown, then make the fire quieter, salt and simmer under the lid for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Cook pasta separately. Drain the water.
  5. When ready, combine the liver with pasta and serve.


  1. Breakfast - hot sandwiches with cheese and sausage.
  2. Lunch - vermicelli soup, bean puree, coleslaw.
  3. Dinner - potato casserole with minced meat.


  • white cabbage - 400 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion (large) - 1 pc.;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil - dressing;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Wash all vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut into strips.
  2. Combine in one plate, salt, add oil and serve.

This is the easiest salad recipe that is on the menu for the week, for a large family of 4 it fits perfectly. The list of products, which includes the ingredients of this dish, is at the end of the article.

Potato casserole with minced meat


  • minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onion (medium) - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 120 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • pepper, salt - at the discretion.


  1. Wash potatoes, peel, cut in half, pour boiling water and cook until ready.
  2. Peel the onion, finely chop and fry in oil until golden brown.
  3. Add minced meat, stir and fry for about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  4. Ready hot potatoes are well mashed.
  5. Wait until cool, add eggs and flour. Mix.
  6. Put the finished products on a baking sheet in layers, add cheese between them. The sequence is: potatoes, minced meat, potatoes, sour cream.
  7. Put the baking sheet with the contents to bake in the oven at 180 degrees until cooked. As soon as a crust forms on the surface, it will be possible to take it out.


  1. Breakfast - cheesecakes with sour cream, yoghurts.
  2. Lunch - pea soup,
  3. Dinner - chicken fillet baked with potatoes.


  • cottage cheese - 450 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


  1. Put cottage cheese in a deep bowl, knead, add eggs and sugar. Mix everything until smooth.
  2. Add 4 tbsp. l. pre-sifted flour and continue to stir.
  3. Put the mass on a board sprinkled with flour and form a "sausage". Cut into equal pieces, dip each into flour, press down a little. To make cakes.
  4. Put in a preheated pan with oil, fry on both sides until golden brown.


  • beef - 0.5 kg;
  • peas - 1 tbsp.;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour peas into a deep bowl, pour boiling water over it and leave for an hour.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan, boil. Add washed meat, salt, cook for about an hour.
  3. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into cubes.
  4. Finely chop the peeled onion. Pass the carrots through a medium grater, and turn the garlic into crumbs.
  5. In a heated pan with oil, send carrots, onions and garlic. Fry at a low temperature, stir occasionally.
  6. Remove meat, cool. Instead, send the peas to the pan to cook for about half an hour. After the appointed time, throw potatoes, cook for 20 minutes.
  7. Finely chop the beef and send it to the soup with fried vegetables. At the end, add chopped greens and set aside after 5 minutes.


  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • tomatoes (fresh) - 3-4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - dressing;
  • seasonings, salt - to taste.


  1. Prepare everything except cheese and tomatoes separately.
  2. Cut the fillet into thin plates, beat off, grate with salt and pepper and fry in oil.
  3. Boil the peeled potatoes whole, try not to boil them. Cut it into rings.
  4. Turn the onion into rings, hold it in vinegar for a while, then fry.
  5. And with a sharp knife, trying not to crush, turn the tomatoes into mugs.
  6. Spread layers on a baking sheet in turn, first meat, then onions, potatoes, tomatoes and cheese. Cover all layers with mayonnaise.
  7. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and cook for about 30 minutes.


  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with dried fruits and honey, tea / coffee.
  2. Lunch - pea soup.
  3. Dinner - baked fish with cheese and vegetables.


  • cod fillet - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • greens, cheese - decoration;
  • cheese (for pouring) - 120 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • coriander, zira - at the discretion;
  • ground black pepper - 2 pinches.


  1. Cut the frozen fillet into 8 equal parts. Process each in spices and salt.
  2. Place on an oiled baking sheet.
  3. Cut the onion into rings, and put 2 pcs. for every steak.
  4. Top with carrots, passed through a coarse grater.
  5. Rinse the pepper, peel the inside and cut into strips. Spread over carrots.
  6. Next put the tomatoes in circles.
  7. Add soy sauce, sour cream, ground pepper and grated cheese to beaten eggs. Mix everything thoroughly.
  8. Drizzle each steak with the prepared filling.
  9. Place in preheated oven. Bake until a delicious crust forms.


  1. Breakfast - pancakes with apples, black tea.
  2. Lunch - vegetarian pilaf.
  3. Dinner - chicken stew, bean salad.


  • ready-made pancakes - 8 pcs.;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g.


  1. Pancakes should be cooked with milk.
  2. Remove the peel from the washed apples, rub on a coarse grater.
  3. Transfer to a saucepan, add sugar, a little water and simmer until the fruit is soft.
  4. Expand the pancakes, put 1 tbsp in each. l. fillings, wrap in tubules.


  • round rice - 500 g;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • butter (melted) - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard seeds - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tsp


  1. Grate carrots and onions on a coarse grater or cut into strips.
  2. Heat the oil in a heavy bottomed pan on the stove and fry the mustard seeds. As soon as they start to crackle, add vegetables and fry for 10 minutes.
  3. Stir gently, pour in 800 ml of water. Once it boils, cover with a lid and let it simmer for 20 minutes.

When serving, you can decorate with fresh herbs.


  • red beans (canned) - 1 can;
  • Korean carrots - 200 g;
  • sausage (boiled) - 150 g;
  • white crackers - 2 handfuls;
  • mayonnaise - dressing;
  • greens - a bunch.


  1. Cut the sausage into strips and combine with carrots.
  2. Throw beans in a colander to glass excess liquid, add to food.
  3. Add mayonnaise and finely chopped herbs.
  4. Cut the loaf into cubes, fry without oil, cool and add to the salad before serving.


  1. Breakfast - oatmeal with walnuts, yogurt.
  2. Lunch - vegetarian pilaf.
  3. Dinner - vinaigrette, fish cakes.


  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • onion (large) - 1 pc.;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • unrefined oil - dressing.
  • salt - 1-2 pinches.


  1. Boil all vegetables except onions and cucumbers in their uniforms, remove the peel.
  2. Cut each ingredient into small cubes. Combine everything in one container.
  3. Add herbs and oil, mix well. Serve on a pretty platter.

fish cakes


  • fish fillet - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • bun - 100 g;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • ground pepper - 2 pinches;
  • salt - 2 tsp


  1. Soak bread in water.
  2. Pass the fillet, onion and soaked bread through a meat grinder.
  3. Add melted butter, egg, pepper and salt to minced fish. Mix and beat well.
  4. Divide the mass into pieces, form cutlets. Roll each in semolina.
  5. Put cutlets on a preheated pan with oil, fry on both sides, pour in 2 tbsp. l. water, cover with a lid and make the fire quieter. After a minute, remove the lid and fry until cooked.

Grocery list

Below is a list of all the essential foods you can feed a family of 4 all week. The main thing is to strictly follow the painted menu and recipes.

List of necessary products for the week:

  1. Bread.
  2. Coffee.
  3. Vegetable oil.
  4. Unrefined oil.
  5. Butter.
  6. Soy sauce.
  7. Dried fruits.
  8. Walnuts.
  9. Pearl barley.
  10. Buckwheat grain.
  11. Semolina.
  12. Oat groats.
  13. Rice is round.
  14. Beans.
  15. Canned beans - 1 can.
  16. Pancakes.
  17. Peas.
  18. Sugar.
  19. Salt.
  20. Flour.
  21. Raisin.
  22. Seasonings.
  23. Pasta.
  24. Milk.
  25. Mayonnaise.
  26. Yoghurts.
  27. Vinegar.
  28. Sour cream.
  29. Cottage cheese - 600 g.
  30. Korean carrots - 200 g.
  31. Pork ribs - 300 g.
  32. Beef - 1.2 kg.
  33. Chicken meat - 2.5 kg.
  34. Chicken liver - 300 g.
  35. Minced meat - 500 g.
  36. Cod fillet - 3 kg.
  37. Sausage.
  38. Cheese - 750 g.
  39. Tomato paste - 1 pack.
  40. Pickled cucumbers - 1 bank.
  41. Potatoes - 8 kg;
  42. Onion - 2.5 kg.
  43. Carrots - 3 kg.
  44. Mushrooms.
  45. Eggs.
  46. Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  47. White cabbage - 1 pc.
  48. Garlic.
  49. Tomatoes - 1 kg.
  50. Greenery.
  51. Apples.
  52. Beet.
  53. Bulgarian pepper.

Having previously compiled a menu with recipes for the whole week for a large family of 4, you can follow the list to buy everything you need and save a certain amount of money. Here are the simplest products from which it is easy to prepare delicious and satisfying dishes.
