
What diligent housewives cook for Easter. Light and hearty Greek salad

Celebrate Easter in different countries different, but always fun and interesting. Easter is a holiday especially revered by Christians. From the Greek πάσχα literally translates as "passing by" and symbolizes the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thus, according to the biblical scriptures, Jesus Christ was accused of violating the Jewish law and sentenced to death by crucifixion. However, the Son of God turned out to be above earthly death and resurrected three days after his burial. This significant event has grown into a worldwide Christian holiday, for "Christ is risen!".

Please note that in 2013 Catholic Easter will fall on March 31, and Orthodox Easter on May 5.

Traditional Easter food

Traditionally, Easter cakes, women, cottage cheese Easter and Easter eggs. These products are illuminated in the church, given to each other and used to break the fast.

Easter eggs are a sign of the Resurrection of the Lord. As a rule, eggs are hard-boiled and dyed red for Easter. it is the color of the divine victory of life over death. So, according to the scripture, Saint Mary Magdalene, a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, gave Emperor Tiberius an unexpected gift - egg as a sign of the resurrection of the Son of God. The emperor did not believe the myrrh-bearing woman, saying that just as this egg cannot turn red, so the dead cannot rise. At his words, the donated egg turned red, becoming an indisputable confirmation of the resurrection of Christ. Over time, Easter eggs began to be painted in other colors (usually bright), as well as painted with Christian symbols, patterns and drawings.

Curd Easter - this is a dish with cottage cheese, cooked in the form of a cone (for this, a special baking dish is used - a pasochnik). The conical shape of the dish represents the Holy Sepulcher. Often cottage cheese Easter is decorated with the letters "ХВ", meaning "ChristRisen”, as well as images of crosses, spears, germinated grains and flowers, emphasizing the suffering and resurrection of the Son of God.Cottage cheese Easter is prepared from dry homogeneous cottage cheese, butter, cream (sour cream), raisins. Almonds, candied fruits, nuts, etc. can also be used to give the dish a special taste.

kulich - it's bread cylindrical shape made from yeast dough (eggs, sugar, butter, raisins). Powdered sugar or icing is often used to make Easter cake festive. You can also add vanilla, cardamom and nutmeg. Kulich is considered a "secular" likeness of church artos bread. Artos (prosphora) is a bread made from kvass and yeast, symbolizing the unity of all people on earth and is used during communion. On the artos, as a rule, a crown of thorns is depicted - a sign of the Resurrection of Christ. Artos at home can be stored for a year. It is believed that this church bread can help the believer in case of illness.

Woman - this is a pie shortcrust pastry, which is prepared for Easter by Catholics. The baba is shaped like a pot turned upside down with a hole in the center. It is assumed that the woman inherited this form from the pot in which she baked in the old days. The hole in the center was made so that the dough baked better. The main ingredients of baba are eggs, yeast, and raisins. On top of the baba is covered with a layer of vanilla, powdered sugar or chocolate icing. Unlike Easter, this cake has a very light texture. In order to get this consistency, you need to beat the eggs very well.

Easter meal

Different countries have their own culinary Easter traditions celebrations.

Easter in Russia

In Russia, Easter is celebrated with eggs, Easter cakes and Easter cakes. With the words "Christ is Risen - Risen in truth" they exchange traditional Easter dishes with each other.

Kulich is a symbol of Easter, so it is prepared following a special ritual. So at night from Thursday to Friday, dough is kneaded for Easter cake. On Friday, the cake is baked and stored until Saturday. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, Easter cake is lit in the church. And, starting from Sunday until Radunitsa, you can eat this sweet bread and treat them to friends and acquaintances. Also, a special sign is associated with Easter cake. If the hostess's Easter cake turned out beautiful, lush, it means that the whole year the family will live in abundance.In Russia, they are especially suitable for the procedure for cutting Easter cake. Easter cake is not cut lengthwise, as ordinary bread, but across. This is done so that the “dome” of the cake can cover the remaining crumb.

Orthodox Christians also prepare Easter eggs in advance. Traditionally, eggs are dyed red. For painting eggs, as a rule, onion peel is used. Eggs are simmered in onion skins over low heat for about 20 minutes, which gives them a rich bronze hue. In the old days, Easter eggs were laid out on a beautiful dish decorated with herbs, wheat germ and flowers.Easter eggs were the first dish that believers ate on Sunday morning. And this followed a special ritual. Before eating the eggs, they were broken against each other, as if emphasizing the beginning of a new life and resurrection.

In addition to the main Easter dishes, for Easter in Russian families they sometimes cook "lamb" from sweet dough with butter. The sand "lamb" seems to recall the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, brought by him for human sins.The main ingredients of "lamb" are flour, sugar, eggs, margarine, vanilla. To create a special taste, prunes are sometimes added, White chocolate, coconut flakes.

Easter in Italy

Symbol italian easter is a chicken egg. On a holiday, believers with the words "Urbi et Orbi" give each other eggs, and not necessarily real ones. Would make a great Easter gift chocolate egg with a surprise inside.

Traditional for the Easter table in Italy is a dish of lamb ("pascalina") with fried artichokes. . It is sometimes served with a salad of lettuce, bell peppers, olives, and artichokes. And for lovers of spicy, they offer a salad of tomato, garlic and parsley.

Exists in Italy and a large number of Easter baking.

Colomba (Colomba Pasquale) - Italian easter cupcake, baked in the shape of a dove or a cross. To prepare a colomba, you need flour, sugar, butter, eggs, yeast. Additionally, orange peel, dried apricots, raisins, candied fruits can be used. Colomba is a popular Italian delicacy that everyone should try.

Torta Pasculina (Torta P asqualina) - This easter pie with spinach. Among the main ingredients are flour, eggs, milk, butter, spinach, garlic clove, ricotta, parmesan, olive oil. Torta Pasculina has a special piquant taste, which will be loved by lovers of hearty muffins.

Casatiello ( Casatiello) or Tortano (Tortano) - This is a Neapolitan cheese pie. Distinctive feature of this pie is that for its preparation besides traditional products smoked meat (usually salami or pecorino romano) and cheese are used. The top of the pie is decorated with a dough cross.

Pastiera Napoletano ( Pastiera N apoletana) - this is another sweet Neapolitan easter miracle, but unlike the previous version, they belong to the category of sweet dishes. The filling of this pie is interesting. The Italians suggest using wheat grains for filling, skim milk, ricotta cheese, eggs, lemon zest, sugar, orange liqueur, candied fruits, raisins, cinnamon. Judging by the ingredients, the pie is unforgettable.

Casata Sichilianna ( Cassata Siciliana) - it's sicilian biscuit cake having an unusual texture. As part of ricotta, candied fruits, chocolate or vanilla filler. All this is soaked fruit juice or liquor and garnished with marzipans, hard candy, candied fruit, and other "little treats".

Easter in Germany

They also like to celebrate Easter in Germany. Symbols Happy Easter the Germans have Easter eggs and Easter Bunny.

For Catholics, the egg is a symbol of rebirth. Therefore, it is believed that whoever eats an Easter egg gains strength and is charged with healthy energy. There is a whole legend associated with Easter eggs. According to legend, the Easter Bunny hides Easter eggs in secluded places on the holiday. Finding a hare treasure is a good sign. Therefore, small children love to have fun looking for hidden colorful eggs.

Among the Easter pastries in Germany, the kugelhopf (kugelhopf) is especially famous or, in Russian, “ baba". Unlike the usual sand woman, rum is added to this cake. This gives Kugelhopf an amazing and unique taste.

Pretzels are also popular. - small but insanely delicious pretzels. The composition of the dish is quite simple, which allows you to cook it at home. These are flour, water, yeast, protein, cumin, vegetable oil, salt, soda.

Bon appetit and Happy Easter to you!

One of the richest and most generous treats was and is still considered to be a festive meal on the bright day of the Resurrection of Christ. Our article is about the traditions and customs of serving the Easter table, about ritual dishes and their diversity. This is the main celebration of the entire Christian world, a holiday that has always been celebrated widely, hospitably and cheerfully.

Easter traditions

Easter is the great day of the church calendar, which reveals the main meaning of the Christian faith. After a long and strict Great Lent, real fun and rejoicing from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ begins. This week of active celebration is called Bright Week and is accompanied by a continuous meal, with a special table setting for Easter.

Getting ready for the celebration Pure Thursday, but the day before Easter, on Good Friday, nothing can be done - neither around the house nor preparing treats. Pure Thursday is intended for cleaning the house, for baking Easter cakes and cooking paska, dyeing eggs.

In addition to preparing meals for holiday table, believers attend worship services, donate a lot in church, give gifts to each other Easter gifts and participate in festivities. Moreover, it is customary until the Ascension itself (and this is a full 40 days!) to greet everyone with the words “Christ is Risen!” and expect in response “Truly Risen!”, Not forgetting the triple kisses.

A real tradition, but not currently supported by everyone, is to “be christened”, i.e. to exchange at a meeting krashenka, already consecrated in the church. Modern customs to christ mean to fight sharp ends eggs and make wishes - in case of victory, they must come true.

For the celebration of the bright Resurrection of Christ, in all houses, long before the start of Bright Week, they bought the necessary provisions, which is observed even today. After all, Easter is not so much a family holiday as a national holiday, when it is customary to distribute gifts not only within the family, but also to all friends and neighbors. Therefore, housewives should bake Easter cakes and gingerbread in quantities that take into account the numerous gifts to everyone who happens to be in the family circle.

All Easter pastries are very colorful, with bright colored patterns and icing, and therefore delight the eye and are not ashamed to present them as a gift.

It was very rightly believed that if the Easter bread turned out to be tasteless, did not fit well, or turned out to be unbaked or overdried, i.e. the hostess failed, then the whole family is in for trouble and trouble. If the Easter cake was perfect, then the whole next year the family will be happy and prosperous. Therefore, you need to bake Easter cakes, gingerbread cookies and pies in good health and mood, in a clean kitchen and without fuss.

Easter table - traditions and customs

But these are common Orthodox customs, but the main traditions of table setting for Easter are more stable and strictly observed in almost all families. Even if the hostess does not bake Easter cakes with her own hands, she buys them on the side, and almost every family paints eggs!

Easter cakes, Easter cakes and krashenka tend to take center stage Easter meal. Ritual pastry is served in beautiful dish, surrounded by dyes. There is a special dish for serving the main Easter dish - a plate with a recess for Easter cake and recesses for eggs around the circumference.

According to ancient pagan customs, eggs should be laid on a separate dish covered with sprouted grains of oats, rye and wheat, which also symbolizes the rebirth of life. But this condition for serving eggs was preserved only in the villages, and often simply forgotten.

In addition to pastries and eggs, the Easter table menu includes all kinds of sausages, ham, poultry and a variety of meat dishes. In past centuries, it was a stable tradition to serve baked suckling pig, which testified to the generosity of the owners and their piety. We can replace this meat dish with more modest dishes: baked chicken, products from minced meat, homemade pork rolls, etc., but definitely baked. But fish is not served on Easter!

On Easter Day everyone is served Cahors and other red wines consecrated in temples. Typically, such wines are sold in church shops, but closer to the bright date, wines in shops rise in price, and therefore we recommend buying it in advance.

Throughout Bright Week, the table is not removed, but only supplemented with new treats. Each hostess has her own signature recipes for especially noble treats, and therefore material resources are usually set aside for the celebrations of Bright Week for a long time. It is traditionally believed that the financial situation of the family for the whole next year depends on the wealth and variety of the table.

Table setting for Easter

Christians all over the world main holiday celebrate solemnly, not skimping on the decoration of the meal. Tabletops are covered with the best tablecloth in the house, fresh flowers, a candle and Easter cakes are placed in the center - everything that we bring from the church consecrated. The room where the treat is laid out requires special decor and decoration - they paint and hang Easter eggs, and a basket with Easter cakes stands in a conspicuous place.

According to folk customs, the Easter table, the traditions and customs of which we have described in detail, should be plentiful so that you can feed every person entering this great holiday to the house.

Abundance and happiness to your home!

The Orthodox world during the period of Great Lent is looking forward to a bright moment when the sky is literally torn apart by bells and joyful exclamations. "Christ is risen!"

Behind - 49 days of strict fasting, purification of the soul and body. Ahead are days of fun and thanksgiving to God for help in going through difficult, at times, days of abstinence, both spiritual and physical. Properly composed Orthodox Easter menu.

About the food in the post:

Easter table menu

How to get out of the post without harming your health

The Easter menu should give joy and fill hearts with gratitude to God for the gift of salvation. During a strict fast, Orthodox people were filled with spiritual joy, which spills over into bright easter holiday triumph of victory over the flesh, passions and temptations.

Having cleansed herself mentally, each housewife prepares her housing for the Bright Holiday and thinks over in advance traditional dishes for Easter, the dominant place in which is occupied by Easter cakes, paska, krashenka and pysanky.

The Resurrection of the Lord is not an open door to permissiveness in behavior and food.

Gluttony, idle laughter, drunkenness and dissolute life all the days of the life of Christians are a sin, and this does not depend on fasting or ordinary days. With the onset of Sunday, the end of fasting does not mean permissiveness in food.

For 49 days of fasting, the work of the gastrointestinal tract was rebuilt, vegetable-carbohydrate food contributed to the production of certain enzymes, when taken meat products he needs other supporting materials that are "sleeping" for now.

In order to human body It takes time to adjust to the intake of animal products, so the transition to fast food should be done carefully, gradually.

Conversation for Easter

Arriving from the church, before the start of the meal, you can drink a little red grape wine, which will contribute to the production of gastric juice. ABOUT healing qualities The apostle Paul also wrote wine in his letter to Timothy, who suffered from a stomach ailment. (1 Tim. 5:23)

Orthodox cuisine:

The tradition to start the Easter break is the reception of an egg consecrated in the church. You should not eat more than one dye at the first meal of fast food.

The Orthodox Easter menu is hard to imagine without the queen of the festive table - Easter, or rather Easter cake, decorated with love and skill. However, we should not forget that baking is a dessert, it should not be used instead of bread for meat or jelly. Wise ancestors baked Easter cakes 2-3 days before the holiday, knowing that fresh bakery not particularly good for the stomach.

Advice! delicious pastries it will not harm if eaten after the main meal an hour later.

Cottage cheese paska, which is mandatory on the traditional Easter table, will perfectly fit into the correct conversation. Delicate cottage cheese easily absorbed by the body, harmonizes with the egg and a small amount meat.

Easter from cottage cheese

Particularly beneficial for the stomach holidays will be:

  • sauerkraut with cranberries;
  • Russian kvass infused with rye bread;
  • fermented birch sap.

Acidic foods will help the stomach cross the threshold from simple food to animal products.

Do not pounce on meat, especially pork in the form smoked sausages, kebabs and balykov. If already so unbearable, then take a fat and fried food with bitter herbs, as the Bible advises. Chicken, veal will come to the rescue on the first Easter day.

Lent is not a diet, it is the right attitude towards your body, skillful abstinence, so why give up good habits in the future. The Apostle Paul warns in Romans (Rom. 13:14) that the indulgence of the flesh does not turn into lust.

Advice! Compliance drinking regime promotes proper food intake. During the meal, food should not be washed down so as not to dilute the gastric juice, which “works hard” in the first days of fasting.

After the main meal, you should wait at least an hour, and preferably two, before moving on to tea drinking.

Basic rules for breaking the fast on the first day of the holiday

  • Protein food should be taken in small portions, literally tasting it without being saturated.
  • Do not mix protein foods and baking, between their meals should be kept at an interval of 1 - 2 hours.
  • In the early days, eat more dairy products.
  • Proper water intake, 1 glass before meals and tea drinking after meals after 1.5-2 hours.

If you can't, but really want to

No matter how many people hear about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, but even fasting during Lent does not always pacify the flesh, in which case you need to help the body cope with the problem.

When overeating will come to the rescue Activated carbon, which should be taken after the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen.

Apples that can be eaten at night can also speed up metabolism.

For those who care about their figure, I would like to advise in free time do pinch massage belly, which is done to speed up metabolism in a relaxed state:

  • down up;
  • circling clockwise around the navel;
  • from the center to the periphery.
Important! The principle of Orthodox Christian life is abstinence always and in everything.

Meat dishes for the first day of Easter

Easter food cannot be imagined without meat; you can replace pork, which is difficult for the body to digest, with tender chicken.

French Pork with Tomatoes and Cheese

French roast meat


  • Chicken fillet- 0.5 kg.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g.
  • Fresh mushrooms - 150-200 g (can be replaced with dry ones).
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream and mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil for greasing the mold.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • A bunch of greens: dill, parsley, basil in equal amounts.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  1. Cut the chicken into pieces and beat off using cling film.
  2. cut mushrooms large pieces, lightly fry.
  3. Grind the onion in the form of rings, it can be stewed in the oil left after frying the mushrooms.
  4. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Tomatoes cut into cubes.
  6. Grind greens, garlic and mix with cheese.
  7. Prepare the sauce from the mixture prepared above, sour cream and mayonnaise.
  8. Put the chopped chicken pieces on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  9. shelter fried mushrooms, onions, tomatoes.
  10. Pour sauce over everything.
  11. Bake for a third of an hour in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

The most tender baked meat in the sleeve

It is hard to imagine an Easter dinner without baked meat. A sleeve will help you quickly prepare the most tender chicken roll.

Chicken roll in jelly


  • Chicken fillet - 1.5 kg.
  • Gelatin - 50 g.
  • Ground paprika - 1 tsp
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves.
  • A bunch of greens, dill, parsley, taken 1:1.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes 1.5 × 1.5 cm and put in a large bowl.
  2. Sprinkle meat with seasonings.
  3. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and add to the chicken pieces.
  4. Grind greens, mix with gelatin and also send to a bowl.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly, leave to infuse for 30 minutes, and mix again.
  6. Put the mixture in a special baking dish - a sleeve, form a roll, fix the edges of the form and send everything to the oven preheated to 170 degrees.
  7. Bake for 45-55 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.
  8. Leave the finished roll in the oven until cool, then move it to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Light and hearty Greek salad

bright, gentle, vegetable salad will fit perfectly into the Easter menu, becoming a useful addition to animal products.

Greek salad with cheese


  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper red, yellow - 1 pc.
  • A bunch of greens.
  • Feta cheese (you can replace avocado with processed cheese) - 150 g.
  • Sweet onion - 1 pc. (in the absence of such, we take a simple onion and marinate in hot water with the addition of vinegar).
  • Olives or olives (pitted) - 50 g.
  • A pinch of ground black pepper.
  • Olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce in a ratio of 3:2:1.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut vegetables into 1cm x 1cm cubes.
  2. Chop greens.
  3. Add the onion in the form of thin half rings.
  4. Large olives cut into several parts, small add whole.
  5. Cheese cut into small cubes.
  6. Add spices and butter-lemon sauce.
  7. Dishes on which the world's favorite salad will be served should be covered with lettuce leaves, curly.

Now put the prepared salad on a dish.

In the process of preparing for the Bright Resurrection of the Lord, one should not forget that this day was given by God not for overeating, but for joy.

Jesus is always alive, Christ is next to those who have opened their hearts to Him.

Christ is risen! Truly Risen!

Easter menu for the holiday table

Easter recipe egg dyeing Onion dyed eggs
Easter baking Kulich (old recipe)
Kulich (modern recipe)
Easter cake with candied fruits
Easter Easter ordinary raw
Easter custard "royal"
Easter creamy
Pork snacks Piglet roll
Piglet in jelly
Piglet aspic recipe
Salads for the Easter table cheese salad
Salad "Petrovsky"
Salad with chicken and pineapples
Salad with salmon
Salad with squid
Hot second to the Easter table Beefsteaks with a surprise
Ear in pots
Stuffed chicken breasts
Meat casserole with mushrooms

Easter table

For the Easter holiday, according to the ancient custom, a special table is prepared, called "Easter". The Easter table consists mainly of Easter, prepared from cottage cheese, boiled and dyed eggs, and various kinds of Easter bread - Easter cakes and babs.
In addition, the Easter table is served with pork and smoked ham, roast veal, roast and jellied pig, game, all kinds of cakes, dessert and other sweet dishes, and this breaks the fast after Lent.
From snacks on the Easter table they put cheese, sausages, sardines, etc., as well as wines and liquors, although Orthodoxy does not encourage the use of alcohol.
The house is decorated with flowers and blossoming branches.

Egg dyeing

On the day of Easter, painted eggs are served on a platter. Sprouted wheat is placed in the center of the dish, around 12 painted eggs - according to the number of the apostles of Christ, one white unpainted one is placed in the center - dedicated to Christ.
The consecrated painted egg is eaten first on Easter day - they break the fast after Lent.

Onion dyed eggs

Eggs dyed with onions have an amazing taste and are very beautiful.

Wash chicken eggs well. If the stamp is not washed off, you can wash it off with vinegar, but this place on the painted egg will be lighter. From spring-summer, dry small leaves of gooseberries, strawberries, cumin, etc. for dyeing eggs. Attach the dried leaf to the egg, wrap tightly in gauze or a wide bandage and secure by wrapping it with a thread like a bag. If there are no dried leaves, you can make spots on the eggs using rice. Dip the egg in water, then in rice, then tie. It is better if the rice is rarely. You can tie eggs in polyethylene nets, in which vegetables are usually sold, - you get a geometric pattern. If dipped in water big chunks onion peel, tightly wrap the egg with them and tie them in a bag, after dyeing, a marble pattern will be obtained on the egg. You can also cut small rhombuses, triangles, squares from the husk, wet it, attach it to the egg and tie it - after dyeing, you will get an original geometric pattern on the egg.

Transfer the eggs prepared in this way onion peel, pour cold water and leave for a few hours. Bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes. When the husk settles, you can add more. Leave to cool down onion broth. Rinse warm water, dry, grease with very moderately refined sunflower oil.

Easter baking


This is an old cookie recipe. 1 pound is approximately 450 grams. 1 cup is approximately 250 grams.
Prepare the dough: pour 3 cups into a cup or tub warm milk, put 1/8 pound of yeast, stir and pour in 4 cups of coarse flour, beat well, cover and put in a warm place. In the meantime, separate 10 egg yolks from the whites and grind them with 2 cups of fine sugar. When the dough is well suited, put the yolks into it and, after mixing, add 2 teaspoons of salt, put the spirits at will: vanilla, cardamom, lemon peel, saffron, infused with vodka, or rum. Then, pouring 2 cups of warmed butter and pouring 4-5 stacks. flour, immediately pour in another 2 cups of milk, starting to knead. If the dough turns out to be liquid, add flour and knead so that the dough freely lags behind your hands and the dishes in which it is located. When the dough is well kneaded, cover it warmer and let it come up well, after which you can already start cutting Easter cakes by laying the dough on the table. The dough should be put no more than half of the form so that it can come up to the brim, and then put the Easter cakes in the oven.

Easter cake recipe

Flour - 1.5 kg, yeast - 50 g, milk - 300 g, eggs - 7 pieces, granulated sugar- 750 g, butter - 500 g, raisins, vanillin, candied fruits - to taste.

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix with a small part of the flour and let rise in a warm place. Rub the butter, wipe the yolks with sugar, mix.

Combine with the risen dough and add the remaining flour. Add milk and knead the dough.

Put vanilla, raisins and knead well so that the dough becomes elastic. Beat egg whites, carefully add to the dough, mix and let rise.

Divide the dough into molds lined with oiled paper, two-thirds and bake in hot oven.
Cool the finished Easter cakes in the forms, remove, decorate with candied fruit and powdered sugar.

Easter cake recipe with candied fruit

Flour - 5.5 cups, yeast - 50 g, milk - 1-1.5 cups, egg yolks - 10 pieces, egg whites- 3 pieces, granulated sugar - 1 cup, butter - 250-300 g, pitted raisins - 0.5 cups, cognac - 1-2 tablespoons, candied fruits - 1-2 tablespoons, lemon peel - 3 teaspoons, or cardamom - 1 teaspoon, or grated nutmeg - 1 teaspoon, vanilla sugar- 3-4 teaspoons, salt - to taste.

Brew half a glass of flour in half a glass of boiling milk, stir until an elastic mass is obtained. Dilute yeast in half a glass of warm milk, mix with half a glass of flour and put in a warm place for ten minutes. Then prepare the yeast mixture by combining the resulting dough with yeast diluted in milk, stir it, cover with a towel and put it in a warm place.

Wipe the yolks, sugar, salt into a homogeneous mass and beat until white. Pour half of this filling into the yeast mixture, add a quarter cup of flour, knead, let rise for one hour, then add the remaining filling and add another 5 cups of flour. Knead the dough until it pulls away from your hands.

Pour into the prepared dough gradually in small portions melted butter, knead, add spices, cognac, and let the dough come up again. Then settle the dough to its original position, add half a glass of raisins and candied fruit to it, after rolling them in flour, and let the dough come up again.

Pour the dough for Easter cake prepared in this way into floured molds up to half, cover with the remaining raisins and candied fruit on top and let rise. Smudge egg yolk and put the cakes for baking in the oven for forty-five minutes. From proteins and sugar, make icing and decorate Easter cakes with it.


The cottage cheese used for Easter must first be squeezed out and, wrapped in a napkin, put under a press so that all the liquid flows out of it.
All Easter must be kept in the cold, covering with a wet napkin.
If Easter turns out to be liquid, you should put it back in the bean box and put it under oppression.
All kinds of spices, such as cinnamon, raisins, almonds, cinnamon, cardomom, etc., are put at will and taste, since the main parts of Easter are: cottage cheese, butter, sour cream and sugar, the taste of Easter depends on the dignity and quantity of which.

Easter ordinary raw

This is an old Easter recipe. 1 pound is approximately 450 grams. 1 cup is approximately 250 grams.
Take 5-6 pounds of cottage cheese, rub through a sieve, put 3-4 cups of sugar, 2 cups of butter or Chukhon oil, rub well until smooth, beat in 4-5 eggs one at a time, kneading, put 1 stick of vanilla or cinnamon, crushed with sugar, one and a half to two cups of thick sour cream, rub well again, put 1 cup of peeled and washed raisins or raisins or After kneading the currants, put everything together in a pastry box so that the cottage cheese is higher than the edges, lining the pastry box inside with a thin wet cloth, straightening it smoothly. Close the curd with the ends of the cloth so that there are no wrinkles, put a plank and a stone on top, put it in the cold for a day. On Easter, you can also put finely chopped candied fruit, preferably lemon or orange.

Easter custard "royal"

This is an old Easter recipe. 1 pound is approximately 450 grams. 1 cup is approximately 250 grams.
Rub 5 pounds of squeezed cottage cheese through a sieve, put 2 cups of butter, 3-4 cups of the best sour cream, 6-8 eggs, grind everything together well, put in a saucepan and put on the stove, stirring so as not to burn; as soon as bubbles begin to appear, remove from heat and place on ice or in cold water, constantly stirring until it cools down; pour one and a half glasses of sugar, put a stick of vanilla, crushed with sugar, and half a glass of finely chopped sweet almonds, with the addition of 3-4 bitter almonds, put currants or sultanas if desired, mix everything well and put Easter in a pastry box.

Easter creamy

This is an old Easter recipe. 1 bottle - 600 milliliters.
Cottage cheese with butter, vanilla and sugar is wiped to smoothness, separately 1 bottle of cream is knocked down with a whisk in thick foam, as for cream, and then combined with cottage cheese and kneaded well. All other spices are put in the same way, depending on what one likes, in everything else they do the same as in other cases.

Pork snacks for the Easter table

Easter, piglet roll recipe for the Easter table.

(old recipe)

Flatten the carcass, removing the bones. Remove the meat from the bones, clean the offal of the pig, if it turns out a little, you can add more liver. Wash. Hard boil a few eggs.
Prepare minced meat and offal from this meat and offal with onions fried in oil (onions - for an amateur), butter, a bun soaked in milk and a couple of raw eggs.
Lay a layer of minced meat on a flattened piglet, and circles on top of it hard boiled eggs, roll everything up. Tie it with a napkin and - tightly - with ropes, boil it in water or broth.
At night, the roll is put under oppression, and you can serve it by cutting into slices and laying them as for aspic and chilling in lanspic in two steps (pour from below, cool, put pieces of roll on the frozen lanspic, pour lanspic on top again and cool again). The roll is good on its own and with a side dish.

Easter 2011, an old recipe for the Easter table:

pig in jelly

Boil pork pieces in water with roots, salt and pepper. As the meat ripens, remove the bones, cut the flesh into smaller pieces and cook in the broth with vinegar until the broth has evaporated. When it remains in the meat no more three glasses, decant the liquid, remove the fat, pull off with proteins, strain through a cloth - you get a lanspic. Pour the bottom of the dish with this sauce, decorate it with parsley and lemon slices, chill, then lay the pork nicely, pour over the remaining lanspic and cool in the cold.

Jellied piglet (Old recipe for Easter)

Boil a small pig in water with roots and spices, salt. When the meat is boiled, take it out and put it on a dish. Put bones in the broth from under the piglet (as for ordinary meat broth), cook for a long time so that there is some water left, draw off the broth with protein, strain, cut the pig carcass into pieces, put them in a bowl, pour the broth, putting lemon slices and parsley or celery sprigs on the bottom of the bowl.

Salads for the Easter table

cheese salad

Grate cheese on coarse grater. Chop onion and garlic very finely. You can add boiled eggs. Mix and season with mayonnaise.

Cut out baskets or roses from tomatoes, stuff them with salad, decorate with herbs and put them on lettuce leaves.

Cut the rest of the tomato, mix with the salad. Fry slices of bread sunflower oil, put a salad with tomatoes on them, decorate with herbs, spread on lettuce leaves.

Salad "Petrovsky" (Old recipe for Easter)

cut boiled beef small cubes, prunes - straws, add champignons fried on vegetable oil, finely chopped walnuts, red onion, garlic, green apple, cut into strips. Fill with mayonnaise. For each portion plate lay out in the center in the form of a cylindrical tower (using a ring mold). Decorate the edges of the plate strawberry sauce: strawberries, passed through a blender and a sieve.

Chicken and Pineapple Salad Recipe for Easter

Chicken fillet, eggs, chechil cheese, canned pineapple, mayonnaise.

salmon salad recipe

Eggs, rice, salmon, finely chopped cucumber, season with mayonnaise. Put in a salad bowl on lettuce leaves.

squid salad recipe

500 g squid, peeled, boiled or fried, cut. 3 eggs boiled and chopped. Grate melted cheese on a coarse grater. Cut greens and lettuce leaves. Mix everything. In mayonnaise, add garlic, passed through a crush, and season the salad.

Hot for the Easter table

Beefsteaks with a surprise

Separate beef (rump) from veins and tendons. "Waste" can be used to make meatballs. Pass the pulp through a meat grinder with a large grate. Add chopped parsley leaves or other herbs, chopped capers (oil tree buds, sold in canned). Add some milk, or cream, or melted butter. You can add grated cheese to minced meat. Salt, add ground black pepper and knead from the bottom up. Put the minced meat on a wooden board and form steaks - balls of 150 grams.

Roquefort cheese will be a surprise. Make a soft mass out of it, mixing until creamy. Stuff the steaks: knead each steak well, stretch on the palm of your hand, put a little cheese cream, close and roll up the bun. Press the koloboks lightly: chopped steak should be at least 2 centimeters. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil well, fry the steaks on both sides, reduce the heat and bring to readiness. At the end of frying, cover with a lid for no more than a minute, and remove from heat.

For garnish, boil in salted water or steam cauliflower, pepper and zucchini. Cut toast from bread to the size of a steak and fry in butter.

Pour the steak pan with water or red wine or broth. Evaporate the sauce, add butter, remove from heat and stir.

Lay the steaks on toast on plates, pour over the sauce and arrange the vegetables around.

Ear in pots

Chop the onion very thinly into half rings and sauté in vegetable oil until half cooked.

Cut beef tenderloin into cubes.

Cut carrots and turnips or potatoes into 1x1 cm cubes.

Rye crackers - dried black bread without crusts (better - Borodinsky) - chop.

Mix sour cream with crushed garlic, adding salt. Melt the butter in the microwave oven (20 g for each pot), and put in the pots on the bottom. Then put one in each pot. bay leaf, salted and peppered meat, a layer of onion, a thin layer of breadcrumbs. Salt the carrots, mix and arrange the next layer in pots. Do the same with turnips or potatoes. Pour 50 grams of broth into each pot, cover with a lid, put in COLD oven, heat to 200-210 degrees and bake for 30-35 minutes until the vegetables are ready.

Remove the ear from the oven, remove the lids, add a layer of sour cream and put in the oven without a lid for 5 minutes.

Sprinkle with herbs and serve with salad fresh vegetables.

Stuffed chicken breasts

From the thickest side chicken breasts make a pocket-cut. Mix butter with spices, add a little grated cheese, mix again. Invest mass in pastry bag, put the end of it into the hole of the incision pocket and squeeze it out. Use a toothpick to fasten the seam, roll the breasts in flour and dip in the mixed egg. Roll in the breadcrumbs, patting so that the breadcrumbs lie flatter. You can dip in the egg again and breaded

Fry in vegetable oil, taking it a little more than usual, or deep-fry. Bring to readiness in the oven or in the microwave.

It is better to buy chicken chilled. If the chickens are thawed, it is better to cook them over low heat.

When serving, cut each breast diagonally and put a side dish of vegetables on a hill.

Meat casserole with mushrooms

Products: 250 g pork, 250 g veal, 250 g milk, 2-3 eggs, 100 g mushrooms - boiled or fried, 125 g flour, head onion, 100 g butter, salt, black ground pepper, savory and parsley to taste.

Clean the meat from the tendons, remove the bones, chop very finely or pass through a meat grinder. Add milk, eggs, pepper, salt, flour, as well as finely chopped mushrooms, parsley, savory, onion and mix well. Place the prepared mass in a greased oblong form or on a baking sheet and bake in a moderately hot oven until golden brown. Serve the casserole, cut into neat slices and garnish fried potatoes and green salad.

Without a doubt, Easter is the most joyful of all Christian holidays, as this religious event symbolizes the victory of life over death, the awakening of nature and the beginning of a new life. But this is not only a Christian holiday, but also a culinary one, and what is prepared for Easter in our country and in other countries, how this event is celebrated ...

Celebrations on the occasion of the Resurrection of Christ the Savior are held very magnificently throughout the Orthodox world, with processions in the USA and Italy and, of course, rich festive tables throughout the Orthodox world.

After a long abstinence during Great Lent, the most delicious and variety of dishes. On this day, they go to visit relatives and receive guests, family meal should be rich and the table beautifully cleaned. Easter symbols are eggs, chickens, bunnies, nests, greenery and flowers. These items can be used to decorate the table and home.

Each country has its own specialties on the table, but nowhere is it complete without Easter cake (Easter bread symbolizing the resurrection of Christ) and colored eggs (in many Western countries they are replaced by chocolate ones), personifying life and rebirth. Easter bread in different parts of the world has a different name (in Bulgaria - "kozunak", Ukrainians and Moldovans call it pasca, in Italy - "pane pasquale"), but everywhere it is the basis yeast dough, flavored with butter, eggs, dried fruits, nuts, etc. According to Christian custom, the Easter cake should be baked on Good Friday, and on the night from Saturday to Sunday, it should be lit in the church. It is customary to break the fast on Sunday morning with Easter cake and colored eggs.

Time to eat well

Nothing comes without difficulty, if you follow the traditions scrupulously, you will have to sweat a lot, as the tradition tells us to prepare four dozen treats on this day for the festive table, symbolizing 40 days of fasting. Of course, nowadays hardly anyone adheres to this rule, but in every home preparation for the holiday begins long before the holy date. – The main cleaning is carried out in the house and preparations begin on Thursday holiday treats. First, eggs are painted, and children can be involved in this, they will be very pleased, and on Friday they bake Easter cakes, Easter and grandmothers.

In addition, it is important to prepare the festive table setting so that it meets the spirit of the holiday - the revival of life and the beginning of a new one. The tablecloth must be light. In the center of the table are Easter and Easter cake, preferably lit in the church, and painted eggs are near them, ( most of of which are red). The rest of the treats, mostly cold, richly decorated with greens, are placed symmetrically on the table.

Ritual elements of the festive table

Ritual dishes that are indispensable on the Easter table include:

  • easter women,
  • Curd Easter,

Cottage cheese Easter, which is compressed in the shape of a pyramid curd mass with cream or sour cream, very healthy for children and can be cooked raw, which does not take much time. Besides cottage cheese easter can be baked or cooked custard way. This Easter symbolizes Golgotha.

Eggs are best dyed with natural dyes from nature: onion skins and decoctions of herbs.

What else to put on the table for the Great holiday

Rest festive dishes associated not so much with religious customs, as with seasonal foods and habits associated with food in the family. Each house has its own traditional holiday menus. But why not break those traditions and cook something different.

In addition to traditional treats, after a long abstinence from meat, a variety of dishes prepared with it are served:

  • boiled pork,
  • homemade sausage,
  • bigus,
  • chicken dishes and many others.

Kholodets is a symbol of the Russian holiday table; it can be prepared from several types of meat. You can eat it with horseradish or with traditional mustard. Of course, you can not do on the festive table without salads from fresh vegetables. Salad with mayonnaise, the one that everyone loves in the house, can be made in advance, which is very convenient. You can cook mushroom, with chicken or fish salads which are also prepared in advance.

About hot meals

The Easter table never abounded with hot dishes, since on the eve of Easter everyone, including the hostess, went to church for a vigil, that is, festive dishes were prepared in advance. During the holiday, the hostess should have fun and relax with her loved ones, so a table of cold dishes was laid:

  • variety of salads
  • snacks,
  • aspic,
  • pies,
  • fish etc.

Fatty meat dishes will need to be reheated before serving, but meatloaf Eggs can also be eaten cold. Such a roll can be prepared the next day if there are many broken colored eggs left after clinking them during a festive dinner.

Only red wine is allowed strong alcohol should not be consumed during this holiday.

What traditional dishes are served for Easter in other countries

No matter how you prepare for it bright holiday, Christians around the world on this Great Sunday, gathering around the festive table, are united by the joyful thought of the ever-reviving life, peace in souls and the never-fading hope of prosperity. Easter is colored eggs, fun, Easter cakes, laughter and a bright holiday that inspires hope in eternal goodness.
