
The main holiday of the sweet tooth is Chocolate Day. What to give for World Chocolate Day? Go to a hot show

World Chocolate Day! Chocolate found its holiday in 1995, thanks to the French.

Despite the fact that the World Chocolate Day is very young, it has already gained its popularity not only in France, but also in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and other countries of the European Union. And in the US, people love chocolate so much that they celebrate two whole chocolate holidays on July 7 and October 28.

Chocolate Day in Russia has become no less popular than abroad. And this is not surprising, because in Russia an adult consumes an average of 4 kg of chocolate per year. Ahead of us - Switzerland - 19 kg and the United States - 13 kg of chocolate per capita per year.

The most significant day of chocolate in Russia can be considered a holiday in the Vladimir region in the city of Pokrov. After all, it was there - in 2009 that the first monument to chocolate was opened. The Bronze Chocolate Fairy is installed next to the Pokrovsky Chocolate Museum with the support of Crufts Foods. Chocolate Day is an excellent occasion to visit the Pokrov Chocolate Museum and take a look at the monument.

How interesting is it to celebrate the day of chocolate in Russia?

If you have many friends who are not averse to having fun - arrange body art made of chocolate in nature. The ideal venue would be a pool or beach. For chocolate fun, you will need brushes and chocolate paint.

Chocolate paint can be purchased or you can make your own. To prepare chocolate paint, mix a teaspoon of cream and 3 tablespoons cornstarch. Add a little bit of water to the resulting mixture until you get liquid sour cream. Then add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder. The more cocoa, the darker the shade of chocolate will be. Put the mixture on fire and heat slightly. When heated, the chocolate paint will become thicker due to the swelling of the starch. It is better to prepare the paint immediately before application, otherwise the starch will begin to harden.

So the chocolate paint is ready, now your friends can paint their faces or each other's bodies. Feel free to choose the winner, and in the end, have a chocolate party with.
Chocolate Day in Russia can also be celebrated by arranging a disco with chocolate music. Drink hot chocolate and dance with your friends.

Interesting compositions on the theme of chocolate:“Mulatto Chocolate” by Volodya Ulyanov, “Bitter Chocolate” by Tootsie and the KGB, Coffee and Chocolate by Inna Malikova, everyone loves “Chocolate Bunny” and Pierre Narcisse, “Chikita Chocolate” by Abraham Russo, Chocolate by Captain Shok, Chocolate and roses by Ana Laan, Chocolate Loving by Corey Gibbons, Chocolate by Kylie Minogue.

If you do not want to select songs yourself, turn on "Radio Chocolate"(in Moscow at a frequency of 98.0). Radio presents a very original broadcasting grid under interesting names, for example, such as, Morning Choco Dam Show or musical non-stop Choco-Señorita.

How interesting it is to spend a holiday if you can’t stand the fuss or want to be alone with your loved one

Watch with your family such wonderful films as "Marshmallows in Chocolate" comedy, "Strawberry and Chocolate" drama, "Chocolate" comedy, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" family comedy.
Arrange a day of chocolate - SPA with your soulmate.

In today's article, you will learn:

  • When is World Chocolate Day celebrated?
  • History of Chocolate Day
  • interesting facts about chocolate

When is World Chocolate Day celebrated?

As for the history of the origin of chocolate, this "food of the gods", as it used to be called, has more than three millennia. As early as 1500 BC, on the territory of modern Mexico, the Olmec civilization was born, in whose language the word "kakawa" appeared. This word they called a drink made from crushed cocoa beans diluted cold water. Their recipe was later inherited by the Maya, from whose language "chocoatl" (chocolate) is translated as "bitter water". This drink was a rather viscous and bitter drink, it was prepared with hot spices, odorous herbs and with the addition cornmeal. Europeans learned about chocolate thanks to Columbus, but only 20 years later they really tasted chocolate, and since then it has spread throughout Europe. Answering the question, when is Chocolate Day in 2016, we answer: in our time, every year On July 11, sweet lovers celebrate World Chocolate Day..

History of Chocolate Day

We note right away that the history of the Chocolate Day holiday is very similar to other stories, when people celebrate the day of the product, thing, process that they love. The idea to arrange celebrations dedicated to the noble food product arose among the inhabitants of France in the mid-90s. XX century. At that time, the Chocolate Day holiday was a purely national holiday, but, seeing the interest in the product and the popularity of the holiday among residents, foreign countries decided to adopt interesting tradition. And now the whole world is celebrating International Chocolate Day. True, we note that the July World Chocolate Day is not the only one of its kind - exactly the same is also celebrated in September, the 4th. Apparently, fans of this sweetness decided to stretch the pleasure and portions of the food eaten twice.

World Chocolate Day: a holiday for children

World Chocolate Day is a holiday for children, which they are waiting for almost like Santa Claus or Santa Claus, as they are always in anticipation delicious gifts with an enticing sweet scent. Previously, we published original and proven and which can be given to children. We recommend not to be lazy and cook something chocolate and tasty with your own hands, so that the kid will remember Chocolate Day with extravaganza of taste. From such moments, pleasant upbringings about childhood are formed.

International Chocolate Day: interesting facts about chocolate

Also on this festive Chocolate Day, we decided to pick up a few interesting facts about chocolate that you may not have known.

  • Chocolate has an "anti-cancer" effect and can slow down the aging process.
  • Chocolate contains elements that promote relaxation and psychological recovery
  • Chocolate cures cough and is a powerful aphrodisiac.
  • In the Mayan tribe, cocoa beans, from which chocolate is made, were the currency.
  • Seven billion dollars a year people spend on chocolate

Have a nice holiday!

It turns out that the biggest sweet tooth in the world is the French, because it was they who came up with World Chocolate Day in 1995. And a little later, sweet lovers from all over the world joined them. Thus, the date of July 11 appeared in the international calendar - International Chocolate Day.

The history of chocolate

It was by no means the French who invented this delicacy, which, in general, is logical, because the main ingredients for chocolate grow in Latin and South America. When World Chocolate Day had not yet reached the European continent, the indigenous people of Mexico - the Aztecs - were already making something similar to chocolate, calling the product the food of the gods. When the Spanish conquerors reached the coast of Mexico, they immediately drew attention to the sweet delicacy, christening it black gold.

Chocolate for European nobility

At first black gold used only in terms of satisfying hunger, but not goodies. Chocolate was saved during long voyages, and the conquistadors greatly appreciated it, paying tribute to the high nutritional properties and small dimensions. When chocolate was brought to Europe, it became very popular with the rich. Black gold was credited with many incredible properties and some even used it as an aphrodisiac. Only at the beginning of the last century, chocolate ceased to be the lot of the nobles and became available to ordinary people. Since that time, its industrial production begins.

Beneficial features

Chocolate perfectly calms the nerves and stimulates the brain; it is not for nothing that this delicacy has found wide distribution among students. They are perfectly loaded with chocolate before important exams. Therefore, for students, Chocolate Day begins long before the date of the official holiday, on the days when the session takes place. There is an assumption that one of the properties of chocolate: resistance to the spread cancer cells, but this has not been officially proven. Another property is the slowing down of aging, which also requires separate confirmation. But it is absolutely known that sweets, and specifically chocolate, contribute to the appearance of excess weight. This is the so-called retribution for great pleasure. But this does not stop lovers of sweets, they work out their love for black gold in gyms. And they eat favorite treat all year round, not only when World Chocolate Day is celebrated.

Sweet activities

On July 11, various events dedicated to the favorite delicacy are held around the world. Known confectionery factories and private pastry shops hold open days, inviting everyone to watch the magic of turning cocoa beans into chocolate. World Chocolate Day 2019 will not be an exception, and the world's leading confectioners, like Charlie from a movie about a chocolate factory, will invite both adults and children to their workshops.

The French, connoisseurs of romance and love pleasures, could not ignore such a wonderful thing as chocolate. In 1995, for the first time in the world, they celebrated Chocolate Day.

The good tradition was picked up by other countries, and now it is celebrated in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and other countries - within the European Union and beyond its borders. Russia is no exception - in many large cities on July 11 festivals, contests and other events are held.

According to scientists, chocolate came to us from the ancient Aztecs - it was there that the Spanish conquistadors tried it and subsequently brought it to Europe. For a while, only aristocrats could afford such a delicacy, but at the beginning of the 20th century everything changed - the era of industrial production.

Interestingly, chocolate is considered an aphrodisiac. There is no strict scientific data on this, but it has been proven that its use causes psychological relaxation and rest. A dark varieties chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins, hormones of happiness and Have a good mood.

The most delicious and desirable
The sweetest, long-awaited,
White, bitter and milky,
Chocolate, that's for sure.

I wish that everyone
There was joy and success
And not just cool, smooth,
It's magical, chocolatey.

Today is the sweetest day in the world
There are no barriers for him and no borders,
Chocolate day is celebrated by the planet,
There are no sad faces anywhere.

Milky, black, bitter, white -
Hormones of happiness generously distributes,
Let chocolate day be fun
Bring love and joy to the world.

world chocolate festival
We need to celebrate with you!
When are we still loving
Pamper yourself?
But on a holiday not a glass of wine,
And you drink chocolate to the bottom!
Have a snack too sweet
And fragrant chocolate!
And catch a wish:
How do you live in chocolate!

Sweet tooth today is a holiday -
Chocolatey delicious day
Joy, fun, happiness,
Good wishes everyone.

Let it sing from sweetness
Festive, easy to live,
Let your eyes shine
Life is sweet, like in a fairy tale.

I congratulate everyone,
I wish you, as well as myself,
There are many tons of sweet life,
Happiness delicious wagon.

Let chocolate bring joy
Drives away fatigue.
I want to enjoy them
And not recover at all.

Eternal sweetness, yum-yum,
I wish you today!
It's time to settle everything
Let everything be in chocolate
Let the sweet life come
And work can wait!

White, bitter and milky,
The most delicious chocolate
Loved by adults and children
Every sweet tile is happy
We want happy chocolate day
Congratulations to everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Eat more chocolates
'Cause they're so good
Raise the mood
They give vivacity,
Those who love chocolate
Never get tired!

Congratulations to all the sweet tooth
Happy chocolate Day! Let always
Vanillas surround you
Nut, nutmeg and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bany "good".

Let everything be successful, smoothly,
Let all sorts of things be easily solved.
In short, let everything be chocolate
And always very sweet!

Congratulations on chocolate day
Wish sweet life to you,
Various flavors and toppings
Morning, afternoon, evening.

Let the beautiful dessert please
And gives only positive
"Vivat" we will say to chocolate
And no alternatives.

Let life be sweet
We dream about it
Be jealous on the sly
We consider our day!
Happy every award
And if, moreover,
Everything here is in chocolate
Everyone needs him so much!
Of course the holiday
...How else?
Once the taste teases us
Appoint a smile!

Real sweet tooth will always find a reason to enjoy their favorite sweets. But there is a special day when chocolate becomes the center of everyone's attention and you can eat it by the sea without worrying about extra calories.

This day is not loved by everyone New Year or your own birthday. The sweetest, tastiest, most favorite holiday of the sweet tooth was Chocolate Day, which is celebrated all over the world on July 11th.

The celebration dedicated to chocolate is quite young. It appeared quite recently - in 1995. Initiators chocolate day became the French, who are rightfully considered connoisseurs of chocolate.

But the explanation for the choice of the date of the celebration world day chocolate doesn't exist. Probably, summer, warm weather, which is important for growing chocolate trees, played a role in choosing the date.

A year later, lovers of the divine dessert from Europe and America joined the French.

Americans love it so much sweet idea that they now honor chocolate also on October 28, and also on July 7. Chocolate Day in Russia and other post-Soviet countries is also celebrated on July 11 in accordance with the international calendar.

Why did chocolate become a universal, almost worldwide favorite, to such an extent that its admirers came up with original holiday Chocolate Day. The ancient delicacy deserved attention not only due to its palatability but also a long history. The first chocolate desserts appeared several millennia ago and were served as drinks.

Such a treat was called the "food of the gods" and was invented by the Maya Indians, the Aztecs.

Cooking " divine drink» from the beans of the cocoa tree, which grows only near the equator. The hot and humid climate of Ghana, Brazil, Malaysia is the most suitable for growing cocoa trees. The botanical name sounds like Theobroma cacao, which is translated from Greek as god (theos) and food (broma). So not only the Indians of the ancient tribes of the Aztecs and Mayans called chocolate "divine food".

Plantations of cocoa trees appeared in the VI century. The Maya Indians, living in the territories of modern Mexico, considered the plant sacred, and the drink made from its beans was medicinal.

They not only revered cocoa, but also prayed to its god, believing in a strengthening and miraculous power.

Later, the Mayan beliefs were adopted by the Aztecs, who conquered these lands. For their leader Montezuma, the drink became so beloved that he could drink up to fifty cups of bitter delicacy in a day.

The first European to celebrate unusual delicacy, was Columbus, who was treated to chocolate by the Indians in 1502 as a sign of hospitality. But the bitterness of the drink did not suit his taste, and he refused the treat. Chocolate was appreciated by Cortes, who landed on the shores of Mexico in 1519.

To soften the bitterness, white guests began to add cane sugar to the drink.

Delivering beans to Europe, the Spaniards came up with improved chocolate recipes with the addition of cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg. The drink received a new name "Black Gold".

Such a nickname was associated not only with taste.

Cup price chocolate drink really was fabulous. Only noble persons could taste it, who purposefully visited Spain for this. The recipe was kept secret for a long time.

But the Spaniards could not save the recipe for "Black Gold". Thanks to smugglers, it gets to Italy by the end of the 16th century, and from there to other European countries.

Anna of Austria played a significant role in the prevalence of chocolate, who, having arrived in France as the wife of Louis XIII, brought with her several boxes of unusual beans. Her personal chocolatier brewed an amazing drink, which was appreciated not only by the king of France, but also by the courtiers. The popularity of the drink quickly reached incredible heights, ahead of the French love for tea and coffee.

It was in France that flocks of specialized chocolate cafes were opened, of which there were more than 500 by the middle of the 18th century. But the drink remained the prerogative of the rich and noble for a long time.

Chocolate was considered not just delicious treat but also curative. Chocolatiers came up with their own unique recipes, and for Louis XVI, the chocolate master prepared a drink with the addition of medicinal herbs, flower petals, essential oils.

The British were the first to come up with the idea of ​​adding milk to chocolate in the 18th century. It was a real revolutionary breakthrough among confectioners.

But in Belgium, pharmacists began to brew chocolate as a healing potion. Until the middle of the 19th century chocolate dessert prepared only in liquid form.

The British, after inventing a way to extract oil from beans, introduced the world to the first bar of chocolate.

Milk chocolate began to be prepared in Switzerland only in 1875. But these delicacies remained inaccessible to common people. Only in 1930 the world saw white chocolate.

The delicacy has long been associated with bourgeois remnants, due to its high cost.

The domestic pioneer is the merchant Abrikosov, who was able to create the production of chocolate.

His factory produced funny candies in colorful wrappers and collectible sets. He owns the idea of ​​chocolate Santa Clauses and hares, as well as the recipe for "Duck noses" and " crow's feet"," Cancer necks.

Folk delicacy appeared only in 1965, when they launched the production of chocolate on an industrial scale.

The famous "Alenka" has become a national chocolate, which has not lost its popularity even today.

It is produced by many confectionery factories, but the name has practically remained the original. In Ukraine you can meet "Olenka", and in Belarus "Beloved Alenka".

Today chocolate is the collective name confectionery made from cocoa products and sugar.

The recipes use many different ingredients in the form of whole or chopped nuts, milk powder, cream, fruits, raisins, and other confectionery additives.

July 11 World Chocolate Day: Traditions

On Chocolate Day, many factories hold an open day. This is a great opportunity to see with your own eyes how cocoa powder, milk and tasty supplements turn into a favorite delicacy of the most bizarre forms. Factories arrange not only tastings, but also allow guests to participate in the process of preparing desserts.

In Russia, three museums have been opened in honor of chocolate, which are located in the capitals and in the city of Pokrov. There is also a monument to a chocolate bar - "Bronze Fairy", and in 2009 the largest celebration was held.

The celebration of chocolate in large and not very cities is trying to be held on a large scale.

In honor of the favorite delicacy, unusual and exciting events are organized.

Fairs are organized where you can buy unusual treats or show people your desserts. There are also master classes of chocolate art and competitions for kids.

The Japanese and Chinese by this day produce chocolate of unusual colors of pink, light green, blue, orange shades.

And in Ukraine in 2014, a chocolate festival was held, where, in addition to the traditional fair and performances by chocolatiers and sculptors, a confectioners' championship was held.

An unusual entertainment was invented for the kids, which made it possible to assemble a steam locomotive from chocolate wagons, which went on a journey through a real chocolate country.

In Switzerland, in honor of the holiday, you can ride a chocolate train. During an unusual journey, you can learn the history of Swiss chocolate.

In all coffee houses of the world on this day, the menu must contain chocolate treats and even small surprises for visitors.

Happy birthday chocolate: how to spend your chocolate day?

Although chocolate does not need special advertising, skeptics and opponents of sweets should talk about it. unique qualities. The opinion about chocolate as a “sweet drug” is not unreasonable, because chocolate is really addictive and addictive.

Chocolate can reduce pain.

Everyone knows the ability of dark chocolate to stimulate the synthesis of endorphins. Happiness hormones act on the pleasure centers, improving mood and psychological state.

Of course, no one has yet come up with an effective chocolate diet. The delicacy is rich in fats, which undoubtedly affects its calorie content. But knowing the measure, you can enjoy the useful and delicious chocolate without worrying about the consequences on the sides.

And on chocolate day, giving up your favorite treat is just silly.

There are many ideas on how to chocolate feast. The most common option is chocolate party or party. Invite friends with a sweet tooth or organize a holiday for children.

Of course, sweets, cakes, drinks, desserts will serve as treats.

Chocolate must be present everywhere. Make the center of the holiday chocolate fountain or chocolate fondue.

But if you are already afraid for the figure, go to the spa. procedures in the form chocolate wraps, baths, massages, masks will help you get aesthetic pleasure for the benefit of the figure.

Visit a factory or workshop where you can learn how to cook new delicacies in the form of hot chocolate or delicious pudding from eminent chocolatiers.

Do not forget to congratulate friends and relatives whose professional activities are related to the production of the famous delicacy on Chocolate Day.

Yes, and just to friends, children, beloved girlfriend, it would be useful to give small chocolate presents.

interesting and unusual facts and stories related to chocolate, you can write more than one volume. Let's take a look at the most incredible ones.

For eminent chocolatiers, it is not difficult to distinguish up to 400 cocoa flavors. Humanity's annual expenditure on chocolate is $20 billion, which is equivalent to 600,000 tons of chocolate products.

For the most expensive chocolate, lovers give $ 5,200 per kilogram.

The idea of ​​this delicacy belongs to Fritz Knipschildt and is kept in the strictest confidence.

The Belgian delicacy is considered the best chocolate - prizes among world manufacturers in competitions have been occupied by the Belgian company Godiva over the past 25 years.

In Europe, the chocolate boom falls just in time for the celebration of Chocolate Day. Americans buy tons of chocolate on Valentine's Day. But in Russia, most chocolate is sold before the New Year.

Chocolate records belong to different masters confectionery art. Confectioners from New York, who were able to create a chocolate tower 6 m 40 cm high. The weight of the masterpiece exceeded 1 ton, and the craftsmen were engaged in almost 30 hours of construction.

Russian chocolate factory, which issued chocolate bar in 500 kg. The length of the delicacy turned out to be 2.7 meters.

Italian craftsmen who hold the record for creating the heaviest chocolate bar weighing 2280 kg.

The chocolate festival is not the only sweet date in July. Just a few days later, on July 20, we will celebrate a new sweet holiday.
