
Chocolate party. How to throw a chocolate party: menu and decoration

Chocolate wedding is a theme for original design a wedding that will not leave anyone indifferent. Chocolate color has a wide variety of shades and can be combined with almost any color. Therefore, a themed chocolate wedding will appeal to many couples.

There are people who
even the black stripes of life
made from chocolate.
T. Kleiman

Wedding decoration

Color combinations for a wedding can be accented with silver or white, and the chocolate shade just adds a sweet nuance. Or, conversely, the colors for your wedding may be dominated by beige-brown shades, and blue, green or pink will become a small addition to such accessories as: bride's shoes, a ribbon in a bouquet and boutonniere, a groom's tie, a ribbon on an invitation, beads or ribbons in compositions on tables, seating cards, bonbonnieres, flower bags or ribbons on wooden sticks.

A retro wedding theme or something chic and bohemian like Breakfast at Tiffany's can also fit perfectly into a chocolate wedding. The name of your wedding can also be the most diverse: Chocolate wedding, Sweet couple, Life in chocolate, It doesn’t get any sweeter, Everything in chocolate, Our chocolate day, Chocolate love, Love in chocolate, Happiness in chocolate, Wedding in chocolate. The choice is yours! We prepared this chocolate wedding scenario in collaboration with our active forum members who know that the original beautiful wedding you can do it yourself too!

Chocolate fondue or chocolate fountain

At many European weddings, it is customary to decorate sweet table or candy bar. The idea is just right for a chocolate-themed wedding. Is it possible to order a chocolate fountain? Great! No opportunity? No problem! Put 2-3 fondues with chocolate. Chocolate fondue recipe is simple - use instead of chocolate chocolate paste. Fruit is most commonly eaten with chocolate fondue. Offer guests: strawberries, banana, kiwi, canned peaches, pineapples, prunes, souffle candies, marshmallows. Art-Bufet.ru has practiced this trick more than once at friendly parties. The success of your guests is guaranteed!

wish book

The tree is a symbol of family history, surname, strength of family ties. Guests can leave their wishes on the leaves of a cocoa tree at a chocolate wedding. You can create a composition from branches, on which guests will hang cards in the form of leaflets with wishes. You can also create a large panel on which to depict a tree with large leaves. Guests can write their wishes into the leaves of the tree with a marker. Such a picture will take pride of place in the house of the newlyweds.


A beautiful interior and accessories in the form of different hats, chocolate mustaches will certainly be popular with guests and become interesting entertainment. You can also make plates with interesting inscriptions about the newlyweds, wishes, impressions of the wedding.

Chocolate wedding toast.

Wedding toasts can be not only chocolate-themed. It is not necessary to remind guests about the theme of the wedding every minute. Let only a few moments pass through the outline of your celebration script.

Family life is like a box chocolates, all the most interesting is inside. So let's raise our glasses to sweet couple, for a new young family, for their chocolate happiness that they will create together, with the taste of various fillings!

Let everything be fine in life! Gracefully! Sweet! Gently! Even if the black stripes in your life will be only from CHOCOLATE! Let's raise a glass to the birth of a new family

Chocolate seems to be created to become a symbol of the union of two lovers - it is so attractively bitter, it is so sweet and desirable. If left unattended, it will melt and burn. And cool it in time, it will magically crunch and give all its taste, give pleasure. I would like to wish our lovers to enjoy each other, your union, but also to protect it from unnecessarily high temperatures quarrels, do not forget to cool down your emotions at the moment when reasonable thoughts are ready to leave your head. Happy life in chocolate!

How to replace a wedding loaf.

The meeting of the newlyweds can be held unconventionally - with the help of ribbons on wooden sticks and a chocolate heart instead of a loaf.

Host: Today you join your hands and your hearts to share the same destiny for two, enjoy the same happiness for two, eat one chocolate for two. Accept your first wedding chocolate from your dearest people - your parents and taste it together. Whoever bites off a piece more will be the head of the family.

Mom holds in her hands the prepared in advance chocolate heart on a stick, the young bite it at the same time.

How to present the theme of the wedding to guests.

After inviting guests to the table, the presenter not only congratulates the newlyweds on behalf of the guests, but also highlights the theme of the wedding.

Host: Dear guests, today is the most wonderful sweet day, today is the wedding day of a couple in love! You, dear guests, today got on the chocolate party of the year. And this is natural because we are celebrating the wedding of people who will have everything (we are waiting for a response from the guests) ... IN CHOCOLATE!

Today you will have the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in life in chocolate. And so that the newlyweds have everything in chocolate, you and I must try today, have fun, dance and fool around. All agree? Well, let's start?!

Today we are waiting for chocolate entertainment, art competitions, dances. Well, since we have a chocolate wedding. Then we will shout with you ... SWEET! Let the newlyweds be sweet to each other!

How to entertain guests.

Presenter: The newlyweds today invite you to leave wishes on the leaves of a cocoa tree. During the evening, everyone will have the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds. I advise you to visit the photo theater, and leave pictures as a souvenir, using a funny chocolate mustache, you can take pictures with them, or you can eat. Remember we are here today so that the wedding of our lovers will be shocking!

Interactive with the audience

Moderator: What do you think is the success of a chocolate wedding?

Moderator: Yes, yes and yes again. But the most important thing is in chocolate toast. I announce a competition for the most chocolate toast.

(wishes for a sweet life, chocolate earnings etc.)

Board game "Continue association".

Host: I want you all to remember the fairy tale Alice in Wonderland now, remember? So there was a theory, from what products, what happens to a person. From vinegar - they bite, from mustard - they are upset, from onions - they are disingenuous, from muffin they get better .... Remember? I propose to continue the list. The most active will receive an exclusive prize. So …

from port ……………….. spoil

from currants ………………..blow their nose

from jelly ………………..sour

from oatmeal ……………….. jostle

from cabbage rolls ……………….. they turn blue

from oyster mushrooms ……………….. hang

from lollipops ………………..freeze

from shrimp ……………….. crooked

from tea ………………..despair

from sausage ………………..sausages

from cheese………………..raw

from rhubarb ……………….. roar

from ivy ……………….. flattens

from horseradish ………………..crap

And from chocolate?

Options: shocking, and also ...

Dear newlyweds, we wish you everything to be shockingly good and okay! Congratulations!

Board game "True or False?".

Host: So that everything in life is chocolate, you need to study the essence of the issue, i.e. you need to know everything about chocolate and everything connected with it, right? I'm going to say all sorts now different facts true and not so true about chocolate, but you have to tell me: is it true or false. Raise your hand, and only after that the answer is counted. Whoever guesses the most will win a prize.

Truth or lie?

Chocolate causes weight gain.

Truth or lie?

Lie. "Chocolate" carbohydrates break down quickly and are consumed just as quickly, so eat chocolate and don't be afraid to put on weight.

Chocolate is a source of fast energy.

Lie. vitamins of groups A and B, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium. By the amount of vitamins and microelements quality chocolate not inferior to such useful products like yogurt or an apple.

Chocolate causes tooth decay.

True, but no more than prunes, raisins and dried apricots, and unlike the latter, in addition to harm, chocolate also brings benefits to the teeth, because. prevents the occurrence of caries and tartar, sugar in chocolate is harmful to teeth.

Chocolate is bad for the stomach.

Lie. On the contrary, chocolate regulates the work of the stomach.

Chocolate is an aphrodisiac.

Is it true. Giacomo Casanova drank a cup of cocoa every day. Therefore, we advise newlyweds to abuse sweets today.

The Swiss consume the least chocolate in the world.

Lie. More, which is probably why Swiss banks are thriving. The Swiss have everything in chocolate.

Chocolate is a vegetable. Truth or lie?

Is it true. Chocolate is obtained from cocoa beans. Beans are vegetables. Sugar is obtained from sugar beets. Beets are a vegetable. Therefore, chocolate is also a vegetable. Vegetables are known to be very good for health.

Facts about newlyweds, associate with chocolate

Will our newlyweds have everything covered in chocolate?


First dance.

At a chocolate wedding, it is logical to dance tango, because. the birthplace of chocolate is South and Central America, as well as the Brazilian tango.

Host: What is dance? This is the secret language of the soul, the soul cannot lie. It is impossible to dance the tango without knowing true love. You found each other and merged into a lifelong dance. Dance with your heart. What is dance, this is a poem about lovers. This is your pulse that sounds in unison, this is the beating of your hearts, this is the general breath. This is your rhythm, your movement, your happiness, joy, sadness .... And now comes the moment of your real dance, without falsehood, allowing you to express to each other all your feelings without a trace. With a naked soul reaching out to each other. Newlyweds, your first dance will open the dance evening! Unforgettable first dance, full of feelings and passion.

Game "Original congratulations"

Props: cards with words Sweet life, In chocolate, Candy period, Cocoa, Recipe for happiness, Gift of the gods, Beans, Sweet candy, Confetti.

Host: Our chocolate party, in honor of the newlyweds, continues. And I need 3 volunteers, you can bring two people to your support team.

Now I will give you cards with cocoa words, and you must compose the most chocolate congratulations. We will evaluate according to two criteria speed and quality! I would like to applaud the winners. Begin!

Game "Tasting"

Presenter: What were the most favorite sweets for the newlyweds in childhood?

And now we will have a tasting of sweets from childhood, I invite the most active professional candy connoisseurs here. The rules are, you, closing your eyes, will have to determine the taste of sweets. The choice is limited, I will now list the sweets that participate in the tasting:

Little Red Riding Hood (with waffles)

Red poppy (with sugar)

Squirrel (with nuts)

Dear guests, make sure that the participants do not peep ...

Rebuild game.

Props: 2 sets of letters CHOCOLATE

Host: Our chocolate party continues. As they say, life is a box of chocolates and the most interesting is inside. And how much is inside in chocolate ... m .... I need two teams of 7 people (7 ladies and 7 gentlemen).

1. Dear participants, you all came to the wedding of the newlyweds today, and everything will be in…

2. Let's wish that the newlyweds have everything in chocolate and shine on the Bentley ...

3. And our bride is just a treasure, just ...

4. Today we wish the newlyweds that they only have trump cards in ...

5. And we also wish that their love never ran aground ...

6. Our wish is - let the guys always remember ... from their credit card

Creative team competition "Life in Chocolate"

Props: A3 sheets - 3 pcs., glue, markers, blindfolds - 3 pcs., cutting pictures from magazines into different topics. 3 teams of 2 people are recruited.

One holds a sheet of paper, the second takes pictures from the envelope from the presenter at random and glues them onto the sheet. The first of the team can prompt with words.

Task: while the melody is playing, draw the bride and groom on the sheet with a marker and create a life in chocolate around them, pulling the leading picture at random from the envelope.

Host: An indicator of success and well-being, i.e. chocolatiness is the possession of works of art. And today, as a gift to the newlyweds, we will present pictures that, in principle, we will draw here. I need 3 volunteers.

Volunteers bring an assistant to their team.

Participants explain what they have depicted.

After the competition, a solemn defile and presentation to the newlyweds take place.

Board game "Compliment".

Leading: Let's come up with a compliment to the bride for each letter in the word chocolate. Let's start...

So the bride is the most

W (shocking) -, O - (stunned), K - (queen), O - (amazing), L - (affectionate), A - (active), D - (kind).

Dance master class

Collect guests in pairs according to the snowball principle. We call witnesses, they must bring a person of the opposite sex, then everyone again goes for the opposite sex, etc. until a crowd is gathered (according to the possibilities of the hall).

The facilitator shows the couples the movements, they repeat, and then they must reproduce everything to the music and the commands of the facilitator.

We got up in pairs, tango stand,

passage in one direction, swing legs,

pass in the other direction, swing legs, head back and forth,

passage twisted partner

change of partners

repeat pass back and forth,

the partner gets on one knee, the girl, holding his hand, spins around

change of partners

and again pass, max,

tilted partner.

Applaud each other. You are great...

Dance Competition Participants are presented as a dance show of Brazilian "chocolates" who will show dances in different styles. Each participant is included an excerpt from a new song on a chocolate theme. There is a competition between the participants. The winners are determined by the audience with applause.

Songs about chocolate

Milovich Liina - Chocolate

Abraham Russo - Chocolate - Chiquita

Bilan - Mulatto

Dray Songz - Hot chocolate

Dzham - Chocolate

Inna Malikova - Coffee and Chocolate

Linda - Chocolate and tear

Lyubov Uspenskaya - Bitter chocolate

Mr. Small - Chocolate

Mint - Chocolate mousse

Pierre Narcisse - Chocolate Bunny

Tootsie and the KGB - Bitter chocolate, sweet tea

Gone with the Wind - Cocoa Cocoa

Valery Leontiev - Chocolate mulatto

Godfather - Everything will be in chocolate

TNMK - All in chocolate

hat competition

The hat contest can be held during the dance break.

The guests stand in a circle and dance. The host passes the hat. The guest puts his hat on the head of the neighbor on the left. At any moment, the music stops, and the one who has the object goes to the leader.

The leader has a list of responsibilities prepared in advance:

I undertake a month after the wedding to come to visit the young with cognac and chocolate.

I promise to call the young every hour tomorrow and congratulate the young on the beginning of family life.

I promise after honeymoon fix their bed.

I promise to come to the wedding anniversary and give a chintz product sewn with my own hands.

I promise after the anniversary to extend the sweet moments of the newlyweds and give them hot chocolate to drink.

The guest puts his last name in front of any item he likes. At the end of the competition, this list is read to all guests.

Divination for the firstborn.

The host asks to bring a black box into the hall. The guests guess the riddle:

The black man is dressed

In a colored jacket.

Praises with a bright outfit,

And melt in the heat.

The host takes out chocolate "Alenka".

What does chocolate "Alenka" mean?

The Year of the Child awaits you!

To whom what tests -

Birth or upbringing!

Narrator: Research by Finnish scientists has shown that chocolate lovers give birth to happy children. Our newlyweds love chocolate, which means that their first child will be happy. Who will it be: a boy or a girl? Now we will find out.

Divination for the firstborn takes place in the form of a flash mob

The host gives the guests a choice of white and brown caps - for a girl or for a boy. As soon as the music starts playing, the task of the guests is to put on the chosen cap. The host announces which will be more caps.

Synchro buffoonery

This interesting option theatrical scene, which is organized impromptu with the participation of guests. The presenter reads out the story, the sound engineer inserts musical passages to support the theme, and the task of the guests is to portray all this.




Beautiful Native Marijuana

Native Gouge Your Eye

Aztec god Vitzliputzli - fire-breathing hummingbird

Aztec god Quetzalcoatl - feathered serpent

Today, relatives, friends and friends of the bride and groom gathered in a beautiful hall to celebrate the wedding day. They hugged each other, simply could not contain their feelings, clapped each other on the shoulders, shouted: - Sweet!

Interactive with the audience.

And, of course, everyone understood that the guys had everything ...

An excerpt from M. Grebenshchikov's song "Everything in Chocolate".

But not enough in chocolate, all the guests knew that there is such a chocolate drink, a gift from the gods: it is simply necessary for happiness and well-being, for the final chocolate. And they decided to send a witness and a witness for a chocolate drink. And our guys went to distant countries for a blessed drink, holding hands.

An excerpt from the m / f The Bremen Town Musicians "The whole world is in our hands."

On the way, they jumped over all the hills and mountains, crawled under insurmountable obstacles, over some obstacles the witness carried the witness in his arms.

Excerpt from m / f On the road with clouds - The road, the road goes from the threshold, goes from the threshold to the blue dream!

And finally, they found the coveted drink.

But the natives came out to meet them: the beautiful Marijuana and the courageous Gouge out the eye, they cherished the gift of the gods, like the apple of their eye, guarding it from the encroachments of the pale-faced. Gouge his eye out and hit his chest, demonstrating that he would not give up cocoa just like that. And marijuana said...

An excerpt from the song by DJ Slon and Katya "I won't give, I won't give and don't ask."

The guys were not at a loss, grabbed cocoa and ran. The first to run away was the witness, followed by the witness, not far behind.

An excerpt from the movie Elusive Avengers "Hot Blood Pursuit".

But, no matter how hard the witness and the witness tried, the natives still caught up with them and grabbed them, Gouge the eye of the witness by the shoulders, and the marijuana of the witness by the neck ...

An excerpt from the song "I'll Kill You Boatman".

The witness started up, shot her eyes, smiled, Gouge out her eye, and he melted ... and jumped for joy.

An excerpt from the song "I'm a chocolate bunny."

And the witness is also not a bastard, how can we give Marijuana compliments, take care of in every possible way ...

An excerpt from D. Bilan's song "My mulatto, chocolate."

They liked each other, and decided to drink chocolate drink peace. Gouge out your eyes suggested...

An excerpt from Garik Krichevsky's song "Come on, brother, pour it!".

And marijuana supported ...

An excerpt from the song Gone with the wind "Let's pour, we'll talk."

Well, the natives decided to give the chocolate drink to the guys in order to deliver it safe and sound to the newlyweds, because such love deserves a divine blessing and even danced a native dance of luck for a witness with a witness ...

An excerpt from the song Mr. Malay "Khrum chocolate".

And the guys were supportive!

An excerpt from the song Animals "Girls boys dance."

But then, with a terrible roar, Vitsliputsli appeared!

Music from the movie The X-Files.

He did not tolerate that the natives missed his gift. Vitsliputsli grabbed the witness who had the bowl at that moment. And flew. The witness was screaming like a real siren.

An excerpt from M. Rasputina's song "Let me go to the Himalayas."

Vitsliputsli, covering his ears with his paws, at the same time flapping his wings, tried to hide with the witness in his teeth. But it was not there. Quetzalcoatl appeared, he stood up for the guys. The brave Quetzalcoatl grabbed Vitzliputzli by the tail and let's wave it. Right-left, left-right.

An excerpt from A. Mironov's song "Whack, Whack, Whack, take away the finished one."

A fight ensued. Quetzalcoatl hit Witzliputzli and he fell.

The sound of breaking glass.

But falling, Vitsliputsli bit Quetzalcoatl, However, the deed was done, the witness with a chocolate drink freed herself and rushed to her. They were glad that they had chocolate again, and again they danced the native dance.

An excerpt from M. Khlebnikova's song "Cocoa Cocoa".

And the witness and the witness went back, the natives hugged them and did not want to let go. And everyone thanked Quetzalcoatl. But what can you do, the bride and groom, and all the guests were waiting for the gift of the gods. The natives, and Quetzalcoatl, well, and Witzliputzli, who quietly returned, waved after them and wished them good luck. And the witness and the witness brought the gift of the gods, and now the bride and groom will have everything ...

An excerpt from the song Godfather "Everything will be in chocolate."

bride kidnapping

Props: a snow-white cake with sweets stuck in it.

Host: There is one tradition that came from the depths of centuries. The fact is that at the wedding the bride is inviolable, and therefore theft of the bride is completely excluded. But there is a "totem of the bride" - a rich loaf with sweets stuck in it on sticks - it symbolizes the bride and the sweet jewel, you all saw it on the tea table, but now, look, it's not there. The groom will have to take the rap for the stolen jewel.

Ignition of the hearth

We will replay the ignition of the hearth in the transfer of a family heirloom.

Host: Many people choose different things or objects as amulets or talismans. But, the fact that a cake can bring good luck is heard by the world for the first time! It is the old family recipe the preparation of this cake preserves warm sincere relations not in the first and not in the second generation of the bride's family. It is passed down from generation to generation, guests are amazed by it, it is cherished and remembered by heart. And right now the time has come when mom will give this daughter to her daughter. recipe Truly a family heirloom.

Mom takes out a piece of paper from the box, all aged and passes it to her daughter.

Leading: Keep it, young wife, take care, the time will come, and you will pass this chocolate recipe to his daughter. For love, care, warmth and comfort in your home!

Words of gratitude to the guests from the newlyweds.

Each chocolate has its own taste, each person is unique and unique, each has its own zest, so let's drink to you, dear guests! All of you are different, but all are dear to us! In gratitude, accept small gifts from us (bonbonnieres lie on the table and are handed to guests before leaving).

wedding auction

During the entire celebration, guests are given paper hearts for participation. chocolate color. At the end of the evening, an auction is held with lots on the theme of love and happiness.

Lot options:

1. To make your other half admire you, you have the opportunity to get a trophy from a safari in Kenya (plush elephant)

2. Dinner for two in Italy (a pack of spaghetti and 2 forks)

3. A million scarlet flowers (a pack of red flower seeds)

4. Exclusive dishes self made in which you can serve coffee in bed (a mug with wedding symbols)

5. Romantic trip for two to an exotic island (chocolate bounty)

6. Two tickets to the music festival for kissing places (children's musical instrument and the address of the park where there is a bench)

7. Thalassotherapy session (mitt and massage oil)

8. Trendy reminder gadget with ideas for romantic surprises (stickers with written ideas for romantic surprises)

9. The painting "Lovers" by unknown artists, but in the future a real relic, because with their autograph (photo of the newlyweds, which no one saw)

10. An hour in the jacuzzi for two (bubble bath)

Seeing the newlyweds

Host: Cocoa - main element love potion. Cocoa beans, which are part of chocolate, improve mood, increase the production of hormones "responsible" for a feeling of happiness. In addition, a mug of hot chocolate acts as an aphrodisiac. The Aztecs were the first to notice the "love" properties of the drink. They began to use it as a drink at the marriage ceremony.

The host invites parents and newlyweds to create a chocolate happiness cocktail and see off the newlyweds.

Props: milk, grated chocolate, honey, air cream, large glass, tray.

Presenter: The cocoa tree, which gives magic beans, from which the ancients prepared chocolate, was considered a gift from the gods, but a chocolate drink adds wisdom, strength and happiness to a person. Parents, only your hands can create a magical love potion that will empower the newlyweds and give them the opportunity to taste all the charm of the spouses' feelings.

Parents pour milk, put a spoonful of honey, sprinkle with grated chocolate and give the newlyweds to drink this drink from 2 tubes. The facilitator comments on all actions.

Presenter: The basis of family relations is tenderness, sincerity and purity of thoughts. Milk - white and pure, like the hearts of the spouses - is the basis of the happiness of the spouses.

Moms, your contribution to the happiness of children is taking care of them, you taught them to love. Let the love of your children be intoxicated, blooming and calling for kisses, like golden honey. Honey is health, and if you are healthy, then you can enjoy every new day. Add light and airy cream to a cocktail of happiness, let your children carry the same cloud of fun and carelessness through life, and let them succeed in everything easily.

Dads, add grated chocolate to the cocktail, it is a little bitter, just like everyday worries, but without this bitterness you cannot feel all the splendor of the taste of happiness.

The host gives the props and holds the bowl while the newlyweds need hands.

Presenter: Dear newlyweds, together take a glass of happiness that you created with your parents, go to the middle of the hall, dear guests, please stand around our bride and groom. Grasp the bowl with happiness with both hands, hold it tightly and do not let go. Dear guests, shower the newlyweds with grains of rice so that their house is a full bowl.

And now, as a sign of the indissolubility of your union, get each other drunk love potion. Let your happiness be just as tender and sweet, let it intoxicate a little and be tart that you will never get bored. Keep your sweet feelings. Be happy!

Elena Aksenova
The script of the holiday "Chocolate Show" for the elder preschool age

chocolate show

presenter: Hello guys! Begin chocolate show!

Guys, do you know what chocolate show?

Children: No!

presenter: This means that some of you will eat such chocolates. (shows) Guys, do you have chocolates? No? How embarrassing! And I don't! What are we to do now?


And I know one lady, she always has all sorts of sweets with her! Let's call her? Her name is Madame Sweetie! As soon as I say three or four, we are all together in unison. say: Sweetie!

Fine?. Three four!

ALL: Sweetie!

presenter: Where is our guest? Why doesn't he respond? Let's sing a sweet song loudly, she will hear and will definitely come.

Song "Sweet Tooth"

Sweetheart enters to the music

presenter: And here she is! Guys, let's meet Sweetheart with clapping, stomping, screaming, squeaking and screeching.

Sweetheart: Hello guys! I love sweets, especially chocolate! So we're starting now chocolate show! Is everyone ready?

Sweetheart: Look, please, right here ... There are 2 buckets in front of you, in 1 of them ...

presenter: chocolates!

Sweetheart: Don't cheat! One of them contains balls.

presenter: Phee! I don't eat balls!

Sweetheart: And the other bucket is full... chocolates!

presenter: Hurrah! It's mine!

Sweetheart: Wait a minute! What a nimble one! I will give to the one who will participate in my contests.

presenter: And how do we choose the participants?

Sweetheart: And it's very simple! Now I will distribute 5 balls, on command, the children will pass them to each other to the music. When the music stops, whoever has the balls in their hands will participate in the first competition. It's clear?. Then …1. 2…3…Started.

Selects 10 participants (2 teams of 5 people.)

chocolate sprint.

The first participant runs. The host puts on a blindfold, the child takes out a candy.

presenter: Thank you, Slastena, you made us happy! And now it's our turn! The guys will dance a funny dance for you "Lavata"

Dance "Lavata"

Sweetheart: Well done! I really liked your dancing

And I am ours chocolate– the show goes on I need other participants for the next competition.

The contest is called chocolate box.

They are invited to unfold the candy in rubber gloves.


And now, guys, guess the riddles! The first person to raise their hand and answer correctly will win a sweet prize!

Do you know how to solve riddles?

Now I'm going to ask you sweet riddles.

What a painted miracle

Surprise and sparkle?

This dress is for candy

Sweet rustle beckons.

And when I ate the candy

I made a bow

from candy to us as a keepsake

Remains... (wrapper)

Left bow, right bow.

The beauty has a dress - a candy wrapper.

Pretty coquette - Chocolate

(sweetie) .

IN holiday I will come to everyone.

I am big and sweet.

I have nuts, cream, cream and fudge.


I'm in a glass, in a horn, Delicious and tender.

Made with milk Snow-white sweetness.

I live in the freezer

And I immediately melt in the sun.

(Ice cream.)

I took strength from fruits, sweet berries, fruits.

For the guys, I'm ready to be the best of products. You drink me more often, Pour don't feel sorry!


We are in a package of one hundred zeros With a poppy we notice. - Grandmother, pour some gulls, We'll gnaw them for tea.

(Baranki, drying.)

Grandmother cooked something from sweet berries.

And it will be enough for us for a year for tea and compotes.


presenter: And now we will rest, we will sing songs to the guest!

Song "Lemonade Rain"

The next competition continues with other participants.

chocolate fencing.

The next pair is placed in a fencing position. But instead of rapiers they have Chinese sticks

Before the athletes put 2 containers at the bottom of each candy.

The task is to extract the candy and eat it without resorting to the help of the second hand.

Sweetheart: Well done, kids! You all get a treat from me! It is waiting for you in the group!


presenter: Wait, Sweetie! But what about other children? They were looking forward to the food too!

Sweetheart: I knew that you would ask this, and for you I have the last task.

Whoever dances a cheerful dance with me will receive a treat!

Dance "Oops"

Sweetheart: Dear Guys! Our the chocolate show has come to an end!

presenter: We are speaking to you:

Together "- Goodbye!"

May your life always be as sweet as chocolate!

They leave to the music. The children go to their places.

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Holiday scenario for March 8 for children of senior preschool age Scenario of the holiday on March 8 for children of senior preschool age. (Boys enter to the music and start a semicircle.) 1st boy: So.

Scenario of the holiday "Let's be healthy" for children of senior preschool age. Purpose: To consolidate the ideas received in the classes on healthy lifestyle life Tasks: Educational: the formation of conscious perception.

A sweet chocolate party is sure to leave an unforgettable aftertaste in the memory of the guests! After all, chocolate improves mood, drives away depression and promotes the production of hormones of happiness - great way create joyful festive mood. We decided to take our guests on a trip to confectionery paradise? We will help!


Imagine that the room is showroom chocolate factories. Fill the space with everything that excites the appetite of the sweet. Satin fabric is perfect for the background - bows on the backs of chairs, curtains, drapery on the walls with beautiful folds of bitter, white and milk chocolate. If you live in big city, you will surely be able to rent a hall decorated in chocolate shades.

If you are planning a chocolate party for children, arrange animal figurines around the hall. You can buy them or make your own. It's easy: melt the tiles in a water bath, pour into molds and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Molds can be made from salt dough - attach a rubber toy and press. Dough recipe: for 2 cups of flour 1 cup fine salt without additives, warm water before desired consistency(Modeling dough is cool, does not stick to hands).

Collect or print candy wrappers from the web. They will make bright garlands for decorating the ceiling and cheerful flowers. From brown paper, wind a spiral (imitation of chocolate chips) and decorate compositions, dishes, frames with photos of chocolate masterpieces with them. Hang randomly or on a stand old packaging, boxes from sets, chocolate wrappers - everything is on the net. Balloons under the ceiling will remind guests of the bubbles inside the “airy” chocolate.

If you want to add solemnity, instead of multi-colored wrappers, make garlands of gold or silver foil, hang a shiny serpentine or rain. If you want bright happy holiday, use confetti colors for decoration - turquoise, pink, orange, salad.

Don't forget to send your friends an invitation to the chocolate party. It could be a tile wrapped in unique wrapper(make text and image in photo editor), chocolate rose (text on paper wrapped around stem), box of handmade sweets (text on lid). You can print the text on a cardboard "chocolate" in milk letters, and put the tile in a home-made box (or buy "Inspiration" and stick the printed papers on top).


Choosing an outfit for the evening is not difficult. All shades of chocolate are at guests' disposal - deep brown, frivolous beige, silky cocoa. For a celebration, cocktail dresses of one of the chocolate shades, with puffy wave skirts, bows and ruffles, are perfect. Guys will have a harder time - brown suits are not so popular. Although you can wear a coffee-colored satin shirt or a T-shirt with black trousers if the holiday is unofficial. For a friendly meeting, jeans and T-shirts with prints in the theme are suitable.

If you have plans for a grand chocolate party, you can sew the outfit in advance by coming up with original design. It's simple, because the costumes will be used only once. You can sew for girlfriends short sundresses made of fabric in a milk-chocolate cage or puffy dresses decorated with “chocolate” roses, truffles and other “raisins”. Don't forget accessories and makeup to match.

Serving and menu

Everything should be bright and festive, so do not try to hit only on chocolate shades. Use for decorating sweet dishes colored glaze and a scattering of confetti, sugar stars, shavings, candied flowers. What can be on your table:

  • chocolate fountain, melted chocolate in bowls;
  • pieces of fruit, berries, waffles and skewers to dip a tidbit into chocolate rivers;
  • chocolate ice cream, desserts, cookies with chocolate chips, cakes;
  • assorted roughly broken tiles, wrapped and unwrapped sweets, beautiful slides;
  • extreme types of chocolate with bacon, pepper, salt, etc.

Put on the table unsweetened juices, mineral, fruit and plain water with ice so that guests can quench their thirst. On a separate table, arrange plates with vegetables, fish and meat snacks(a mini-buffet for those who want to eat something more substantial than sweets).


Chocolate is always a bit of childhood, pleasant memories of the time when the biggest problem was a bruise on the knee. Therefore, feel free to include in the script any children's games that seem appropriate and suitable for you, taking into account the mores of the company. Prepare music for dances and competitions: soundtracks from Charlie and chocolate Factory”, Pierre Narcisse's Chocolate Bunny, Tootsie Bitter Chocolate.

To support the theme of the party, we offer several "chocolate" entertainment:

  • truth or lie? Read out Interesting Facts about chocolate and their inventions, inviting guests to reveal the truth;
  • childhood taste. Blindfolded, the guest tries the candy and guesses its name. Sweets should be popular, USSR;
  • guests from the past. The competition is similar to the previous game, but you have to guess the names of the candies from the label. Seal the inscriptions with opaque tape;
  • chocolate swim. Pour melted chocolate or cocoa into bowls, toss in corn rings. Guests should catch as many flakes as possible in their mouths in 30 seconds without helping themselves with their hands. Do not forget to prepare tissues for wiping chocolate noses;
  • without the help of hands, it is fastest to unwrap the wrapper and eat the candy. It will be funnier if you choose huge candies;
  • instead of Alenka's face, put children's photos of friends on the wrappers, divide into two piles and distribute to teams. Specify that team A is holding pictures of players from team B, and vice versa. The goal is to give the rivals the pictures in the “correct” hands, guessing who is depicted in the children's pictures.

End the Scenario with a Grand Prize Distribution - chocolate sets, CDs with films (one way or another related to chocolate), books with recipes, key rings in the form of miniature tiles with a commemorative inscription, chocolate cups, certificates for a master class in making chocolate.

It's no secret that many of my friends, family, and Joyday readers are chocolate aficionados. A daily serving of chocolate is essential to my existence, and scientists agree beneficial effect this wonderful product on the body.

Research shows that chocolate contains ingredients that enhance sexual sensations, furthering its reputation as an aphrodisiac. In addition, it supplies our body with key micronutrients, helps cleanse the arteries and prevents diabetes.

Of course, the daily abuse of sweets can harm health. But you must admit that an innocent sweet temptation for Valentine's Day, wedding anniversary, birthday or March 8 is more than appropriate! A chocolate party is a great opportunity to treat yourself and your friends.

Chocolate party decor

To create an atmosphere of real chocolate paradise order tablecloths and napkins in brown and cream tones, imitating the color palette of chocolate - from black to milky.

Place tall bowls of chocolate in the center of the table, surrounded by flower bouquets.

The real highlight of the celebration will be a multi-tiered chocolate fountain for fondue.

An unforgettable show program "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", organized before or after the chocolate party, will add sophistication to the festive event.

Chocolate Party Menu

You probably won't be making all of these recipes. But if you take the risk, no one will complain!

Let's start with the best cocktails for a chocolate party:

· chocolate martini: made from vodka with chocolate cream in a ratio of 4:3. The best way set the tone for the party - greet everyone with a glass of this amazing drink!

· Chocolate martini with hazelnuts and espresso: an invigorating alternative cocktail for guests who urgently need another dose of caffeine.

· Wine with chocolate: traditional way serving wine, especially appropriate at your theme party. Pleasure in solid and liquid form!

Main "dish"

So we come to the main treats of all the sweet tooth who gathered at the holiday.

Apart from traditional choice dishes that may be present in the menu, the basis is His Majesty chocolate. In all forms and with all sorts of additives. Check out our list:

· Cheese balls V chocolate chips . An amazing delicacy based on chocolate soft cheese with the addition of roasted pecans or almonds. We recommend serving this delight with cookies at the very beginning of the party!

· Chocolate fondue. Thought fondue was just for cheese? Then we hasten to please. Melted hot chocolate just asks for your mouth, especially in the company of a sweet tooth. Together with like-minded people you can admire the streams chocolate lava rushing from the fountain into a special pool: this best house in the world!

· Layered chocolate cake with sour cream . Sometimes nothing brightens up the taste of chocolate quite like old-fashioned chocolate. puff cake. You can bake it up to two days before the party if you can resist cutting it before the guests arrive!

· Chocolate pie with mascarpone. The famous mascarpone pie will make a great dessert for any occasion, but it is simply irreplaceable for your theme party. Italian cream cheese Mascarpone is not too sweet, but there is something in it!

· Chocolate cake with ricotta. If you prefer a denser cake, then ricotta - perfect choice. According to Jennifer Meyer's Cheese Guide, this cake is specifically for dark chocolate fans. Rich, not cloying.

· Oat cookies With chocolate chips . A festive delicacy with a hint of healthfulness that is mercilessly dissolved by mind-boggling amounts of cocoa and sugar.

· Chocolate waffles . Crispy waffles serve as the perfect "platform" for ice cream. Can you guess what the ice cream will be made of? Well, you can add berries and whipped cream.

· Salted pretzels with chocolate. Our like-minded people know that the saltiness of pretzels makes chocolate even more delicious and unusual - this is the secret of an unusual combination.

· fruit palm. As you have seen from our previous articles on Joyday, fruit palm With chocolate fountain for fondue. Stylish, healthy and delicious.

Hot drinks

· Hot chocolate - just in case the guests did not get a sweet or they froze from the road. A mug of hot chocolate will melt any atmosphere.

Coffee with white chocolate - give lung taste white chocolate, charged coffee aroma and a dose of caffeine to lift your spirits.

The scent of the holiday

Before you leave, hand out the massage sticks of flavored cocoa butter to your guests.

When they use them for relaxing treatments, chocolate notes will remind you of a wonderful party in your hospitable home!

We continue to share with you funny scenarios for your little one's birthday. And today we'll talk about first birthday. All kids love candy! candy party would be a great theme for a first birthday. All relatives and friends will gather to congratulate the little birthday girl in a warm family atmosphere.

And for the holiday to be perfect, you need to prepare:
choose color scheme and decorate in the appropriate style the room where the holiday will take place;
think about food and music;
come up with entertainment for guests;
Decorate the room can be balls, inscriptions, flowers. You can make big colorful candies out of wrapping paper and old newspapers and decorate your room with them!
You can also do paper balls.
To do this, we need crepe or tissue paper or thin wrapping paper, scissors, thread or thin wire, hanging tape. We cut the paper of the required width (for 1 ball you need 9 sheets). We put the sheets on top of each other and fold them like an accordion, then straighten each petal. In advance, you need to find children's music that will accompany the holiday.
IN as a treat you can make a classic biscuit cake and decorate it with berries or fruits.

Even a little birthday girl can try such a cake!
Recipe such cake very simple!
Us Rest in Batumi you will need eggs - 4 pcs, flour - 100 g, sugar - 150 g, vanilla sugar- 15 g (1 teaspoon) Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind them in sugar until light. Whip egg whites until white thick foam. add part of the proteins to the yolks, stir. Add all the flour, stir. Then add all the remaining proteins. You need to stir everything very carefully with a spatula so that the proteins do not fall off. Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 30-35 minutes. Cut the biscuit into layers and brush cream.
For him, with a blender at slow speeds, mix cottage cheese (18%) - 200 g and cold cream (33%) - 200 ml. Add for sweetness powdered sugar taste. And if you add cocoa to the dough and cream, we get a chocolate cake!

As an entertainment for guests, you can arrange a fun photo shoot with the birthday girl! To do this, you can take anything you like)) Beads, hairpins, scarves, wigs! Cut out funny mustaches, glasses, lips from thick colored cardboard and attach them to pencils or juice tubes! Imagine a grandfather in a pink wig or a grandmother with a mustache and a spy hat! Adults will plunge into childhood, and everyone will have funny photos as a keepsake))

And in order for your little birthday girl to be the most beautiful and elegant on her holiday, choose one of our outfits! Bright or gentle, with or without a name. He will become the perfect complement to your party, and after that it will remain as a memory of the first Birthday!
