
How to make covers for a set of chocolates. Making chocolate packaging with photoshop

A handmade gift is the best gift. Chocolate in souvenir packaging is a great gift that is suitable for any holiday. Today we will create an original scrap packaging with wishes. What is wonderful? The fact that we are able to decorate any holiday ourselves. Positive emotions of the hero of the occasion will be provided.

For today you will need:

Chocolate bars 3.5x3.5 cm (18 pcs.)
- scrap paper 3 sheets 30x30 cm (I have Webster's Pages here)
- scrap decor (chipboard, flowers, cameos)

1. To begin with, I prepared a wrapper. Since my sister is a hairdresser-make-up artist, the theme of the pictures and wishes is appropriate. If I'm not mistaken, these square small chocolate bars are made in the same size - 3.5 x 3.5 cm. Based on this, the size of my wrapper turned out to be 3 x 9 cm. I drew the wrappers themselves in illustrator. But you can find a lot of beautiful free pictures on the net.

2. On a draft for myself, I drew the location of the wrappers. In the corners there will be wrappers with pictures, and in the remaining squares - with wishes.

3. I decided on the box from the very beginning - this is my plotter box template. Only I reduced its height to 1.5 cm. Inside the size of the box is 11x11 cm, the side is 1.5 cm. To create such a box, you can use.

TA-dah! Well, isn't it beautiful! Here I got 18 chocolates in two rows. The bottom row of wrappers duplicates the top one. Lid for a box of the simplest design, 14x14 cm in size and 1.5 cm high.

When the baby begins to grow up, the most successful gift becomes something that will allow her to feel like a beauty. It is very nice to receive a chocolate bar for the holiday, the wrapper of which is decorated with a cute face. Make a gift sticker for your girl's favorite treat! Kinder Chocolate in a thick cardboard box is best suited. You can mount the image in Photoshop. I propose to make text design in Xara Xtreme Pro.

How to make a DIY chocolate sticker

Let's agree right away that the wrapper will be with photographs. Pick one or two nice, good quality shots. It is very good if the photos are from the same series in a similar color scheme.

Buy a good chocolate bar in hard packaging. It is quite difficult to glue the author's design on traditional soft packaging. The cardboard box makes it easy to measure and mount the reamer.

In the proposed version, the front and back sides of the wrapper are different. The front side is vertical, the photo on it is more serious. The reverse horizontal side is decorated with a more relaxed picture.

Measure the front side and create a matching sheet in Photoshop. In our case, the height of the fragment is 15.7 cm, the width is 8.3 cm. The best resolution for such work is 300 ppi.

Since the gift is intended for a little princess, we choose pink as the main background color.

Tip: fills, drawings and other operations are best done in different layers. Do not rush to reduce the image! Adjusting the end result may require adjusting saturation or transparency. If the layers are already glued together, it is difficult to make drastic changes.

Download or photograph the surface of vintage fabric or paper. Place the fragment on the background and set the blending mode to Overlay. The pattern will turn out to be implicit and very gentle, light. You can set the opacity to less than 100% - then the texture will be even thinner.

Move the photo to the resulting background. To make the image more interesting, we will use a ready-made mask for the edges to crop the image.

Let's say we don't want to crop the entire photo, but only the bottom edge.

  1. Place a cropping mask over the photo
  2. Erase the excess parts of the mask with an eraser, leave the bottom part.
  3. Press Ctrl and at the same time click the left mouse button on the thumbnail of the mask layer. Trimming selection is activated.
  4. Turn off the mask layer, move to the photo layer.
  5. Click Delete and the extra image will be deleted.

The extra image on the top and sides can be erased with an eraser or removed in a layer mask.

Decorate the composition with flowers or other elements you like. Experiment with blending modes: alternate saturated details with translucent ones.

The second side of the wrapper is made in the same way.

For text design, you need to transfer the finished fragments to Xara. Save the front and back as separate PNG documents. In this form, the pictures will open well and save the desired size in Xara.

In our case, the size of the sides of the box is 1.5 cm by 15.7 cm. Create two hot pink rectangles.

We lay out the fragments in a sweep, alternating wide and narrow sides. Align using the Object Alignment service.

It remains to write the name and composition of the chocolate. You can add any warm words to the gift wrapper. But since our girl is still poorly able to read, we will not abuse the text.

We select the color of the letters in the same red-pink range. To separate the text from the background, use a few simple tricks.

  1. Type a word, choose a font.
  2. Copy the received text fragment. Color one copy bright and the other white. In the second case, make the white stroke thicker.
  3. Turn on the shadow for the stroked word.
  4. Place a bright object on a white background with a shadow.

Note: to put an element under all others, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + B.

Print the resulting scan on plain paper - for fitting and control. Cut out the image and try it on a box of chocolate. If all dimensions are calculated correctly and the composition suits you, print on photo paper. Self-adhesive glossy or matte for lamination is best suited for such purposes.

Tip: The factory label often shows through under the photo paper. Try wrapping the chocolate bar in two layers: first seal it with white paper, and then paste the printed decor.

Think of how to give a personalized chocolate bar to the birthday girl. Perhaps this surprise will be “accidentally” discovered in a box of ordinary chocolates. Such a souvenir baby will remember for a long time!

Do not think that such gifts are suitable only for little ladies. Girls of any age, including pensioners, are sincerely happy with personalized chocolate!

A chocolate wrap makes a strong impression on someone who buys chocolate. It has been proven that it is she who becomes the decisive argument in favor of buying a particular tile, and not taste or. More than a dozen marketers and designers are working on the attractiveness of the wrapper, realizing how fundamental the issue of the chocolate cover is.

Unique DIY wrap

Everyone has a chance to present a gift that will be remembered by the addressee for a lifetime. Do-it-yourself chocolate, and even with the author's design, is a great idea for any holiday. The design of chocolate packaging depends on a flight of fancy and a bit of skill. It is available to everyone and will be able to fit any celebration budget.

Such creativity is very easy to carry out at home. The easiest way is to simply purchase and carefully remove the wrapper from it. It is better to work in disposable cellophane gloves so that there are no fingerprints on the chocolate. Unfold the package so that the paper or foil does not tear.

The next step in creating a unique chocolate wrapper is to take measurements from the old packaging. The old packaging is applied to the cardboard, circled with a pencil or marker. Why cardboard? Because in this way a durable template will appear, which, unlike thin paper, can be used repeatedly. When unwrapping the bar, you should pay attention to how the chocolate wrapper was wrapped. A beginner chocolate designer will have to act according to this type.

Then a beautiful thick paper is used. A template is applied, the required area is measured, and carefully cut out. A chocolate wrapper is applied to the bar. Glue and a thin brush should be ready. The packaging is folded and glued in the right places. So you need to leave the product for a few minutes so that the paper can stick well.

Now an unlimited design flight of thought comes into play.

If there is a desire to give a unique chocolate bar to a loved one, a joint photo is taken that is suitable in size and glued to the “face” of the tile.

Tie the chocolate on top with a ribbon, add a bow. You can give such chocolate not only to your soul mate, but also to a married couple by attaching their joint photo.

Packaging for chocolate in its execution does not necessarily need needlework. If you have the skill to work with the Photoshop program, the scope of design activities is even richer. Anything can be placed on the wrapper. You can print a lot of wrappers for all occasions, delighting your family and friends with miracle chocolates.

With your own hands, not only the wrapper is easily made, but also the tile itself. What is needed for this?

To prepare the first recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • cocoa powder - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • fatty butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cane sugar or honey - 1 tbsp. l.

The more cocoa powder, the darker the chocolate will be. The more butter you use, the more chocolate you get. The butter is cut into pieces, placed in a saucepan and sent to a slow fire. When the oil comes to a boil, cocoa powder and cane sugar (honey) are added to it.

The resulting consistency should be thick and remain on low heat for 2-5 minutes. Remove from heat, pour into a mold, let the mass cool slightly, then send it to the freezer. After a few hours, the chocolate is ready.

After such a master class, you can take up the preparation of milk chocolate with your own hands. Required Ingredients:

  • 1 tsp cane sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. fatty milk;
  • 4-5 art. l. cocoa powder;
  • 50-70 grams of fatty butter.

Also, as in the first case, fatty oil is cut into small pieces and put on fire, it is not brought to a boil. A mass is prepared from milk, cane sugar and cocoa powder, mixed until smooth, while the milk should be warm.

Next, the mass is mixed with almost boiling butter. The new mass is cooked on fire for up to 3 minutes, but it should be stirred regularly to prevent burning. After that, the mixture is removed from the heat and poured into molds, sent to the refrigerator.

A variety of fillings for chocolate will be appropriate if the tastes and preferences of the recipient are known. It will be unpleasant if the chocolate, which was prepared with difficulty and perseverance, does not please the one who receives it. If preferences are unknown, pure milk chocolate is the best choice, as it is the most popular and sure-fire type of sweet.

Anything can be used as supplements. There is chocolate with the addition of sea salt, chili pepper and many other unusual flavor combinations. There are also more canonical types: nut mixture, raisins, chopped dried apricots, candied fruits, caramel, fragrant mild spices. The addition is made when the chocolate is removed from the stove. This must be done before it goes to the refrigerator or hardens.

To please loved ones, you do not need to look for a reason. A sweet tooth lives in every person, who is happy even with a small bar of chocolate, not to mention the author's dessert made by oneself.

Packaging plays an important role for the buyer. There is printed information about the product: composition, expiration date. Often, pictures are printed on the labels with what is inside in order to interest the buyer. The type of food causes appetite - a long-known fact.

This is the tip of the iceberg. A wrapper is much more than just a cover. Half the success of a product depends on design. Therefore, well-known brands do not radically change the design of their products. The well-known chocolate "Russia - a generous soul" can be recognized from a thousand. This applies to chocolate bars "Mars", "Snickers". New varieties of treats appear, the design can be updated, but the developers always leave their product recognizable.

What is the reason for such conservatism? The fact is that pictures evoke certain associations. Chocolate, beloved since childhood, will be associated with something warm, pleasant. A sharp change in design will inevitably lead to a decline in sales. It doesn’t matter that there is a famous delicacy inside, people are more likely to buy the familiar than the new. The choice is always based on associations, it happens on a subconscious level.

DIY chocolate wrappers

A popular type of gift is a chocolate bar packed in a self-made wrapper. Chocolate is often used as gratitude for services in certain establishments. This is the most popular courtesy and can refer to:

  • "Thank you";
  • "thank you for your concern";
  • "you are beautiful";
  • "I'm sorry";
  • "I like you";
  • "I invite you on a date."

This is an incomplete list of what a gift of chocolate can mean. It is often difficult to distinguish one from the other. To be understood correctly, you can take care of the label in advance. You can write text on it. It can be a congratulation, words of love, gratitude or a request for forgiveness. People perceive gifts differently. Even for a nurse in a hospital, a chocolate bar with words written specifically for her will be a special gift.

Today, sites on the Internet offer to make a wrapper for chocolate with your own hands. For this, contact a specialized photo salon. They will select the design and appropriate paper. If you are good with photoshop, have a color printer, buy paper for this purpose and make your own chocolate wrapper. There are programs that are ready to help with this online.

As for the rustling candy wrappers - you have to work hard. This paper is hard to find in an office supply store and is rarely available in a photo studio. It is better to contact specialized institutions. Their addresses will be prompted by any search engine on the Internet.


If you are planning to launch your own line of sweets or chocolates, you should think about how to make a profitable design. This is half the success, especially at the beginning. Successful brands have bright eye-catching packaging. But it is not at all necessary to follow in their footsteps, drowning in a mass of similar colorful wrappers. If the products have a delicate, refined taste, choose bed colors in combination with noble brown or universal gray colors. Come up with a phrase that will describe the products, take care of the logo. Place bright photo products on the cover.

In order to make a nice gift from a chocolate bar, place a photo of a person on it, decorate it with a festive inscription. A wrapper for chocolate will immediately become a sign of attention, a postcard and a message. For a more organic gift, keep the design of the chocolate bar and just slightly change the usual inscriptions. This will require templates for printing, wrapping paper, a printer and a person who owns Photoshop. Contact a photo studio with an idea, the masters will do the work quickly and efficiently. Templates for printing can be downloaded on the Internet, fortunately, such things are freely available.

Please your loved ones with an individual gift, completely different from others. The chocolate wrapper will be kept as a commemorative postcard. Thus, you will make a pleasant gift and show a sign of attention to a particular person. Attention is what distinguishes an ordinary chocolate bar from a gift chosen with soul for a particular person.
