
What is fondue and how to eat it. Technology for making chocolate fondue

Fondue is not just a tasty dish. Fondue is communication, friendly gatherings and warm meetings around a magic pot of boiling cheese.

The Swiss dish with the French name Fondu (French for “melted”) came to us from the snow-covered homes of Alpine farmers, and it got there thanks to the forced ingenuity of mountain shepherds. Leaving for a long time in the mountains, they took with them only modest food supplies, among which were hardened cheese, bread and wine prepared in the summer. In order to somehow diversify the meager diet, the shepherds came up with the idea of ​​​​melting cheese pieces with wine in a caquelon clay pot. They dipped slices of stale bread into this hearty, wine-scented cheese mass. This is how the fondue ceremony, beloved by millions, appeared, which to this day gathers delicious friendly and family feasts.

Today, fondue has acquired many new looks - cheese, butter, bouillon, chocolate and even fondue with ice cream, but the tradition has remained the same. In a ceramic, clay or metal fondue pot, which is installed over an open fire in the form of a burner or a simple candle, the fondue base is heated, seasoned with spices. Guests who have gathered for a meal, using elongated forks, dip pieces of dried bread, vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms, or fruits and berries into a pot, if it is a sweet fondue. Wash down the Swiss dish with dry wine and have warm conversations.

For such a simple meal, the table should be set accordingly. No pomposity and pretentiousness! Only natural colors and natural decor: wild flowers, rustic textiles and plain dishes - expensive silver and crystal will look a little ridiculous on such a table. Bread should be served in wicker baskets, and appetizers and sauces should be served in small neat vases. It is this ritual of serving and eating that is considered traditional for fondue.

The food of the Swiss shepherds has firmly established itself in many cuisines of the world, but in each it has acquired its own unique character and personality. Thanks to the best recipes and culinary experiments, you can also create your own original fondue that will take you back to those distant times when spiritual human communication and food that united were valued.

TOP 5 recipes how to cook fondue

Recipe 1. Classic Neuchâtel Fondue

For 4 servings: 300 g Gruyere cheese, 100 g Emmental cheese, 200 ml dry white wine, garlic clove, 2 teaspoons of corn starch, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of fresh lemon juice, Kirsch (cherry vodka), French baguette, spices to taste.

  1. From cheeses, cut off a hard crust, grate with large holes in one dish. Mix the strand.
  2. Cut yesterday's or slightly dried bread into slices 3 by 3 cm, put in a bread basket. If you take the bread fresh, it will not hold well on the fork and may fall into the cheese.
  3. Cut the garlic clove in half lengthwise and rub the inside of the fondue pot well.
  4. Put the fondue pot on the burner and set the fire to medium. Pour wine, lemon juice into a heating pot. Dissolve the cornstarch immediately.
  5. After a few minutes, when the wine is well heated, add a mixture of cheeses, season with spices, focusing on your taste.
  6. Stirring continuously with a wooden spoon, melt the cheese chips. Too liquid mass can be thickened with an additional portion of starch, too thick - diluted with wine.
  7. When soft bubbles appear on the surface of the mass, pour in a little kirsch, mix everything.
    Tip: The procedure for heating wine and cheese mass can be carried out on the stove, and the finished fondue can be transferred to the burner. This will speed up the cooking time.
  8. By adjusting the temperature of the heating pot, start cooking and eating fondue. String slices of bread on special long forks and dip it in a softly boiling cheese mass.

As an appetizer for Neuchâtel fondue, in addition to bread, you can serve: small tubers of boiled potatoes, ham, dry-cured sausage, meat, pickled gherkins and onions, sun-dried tomatoes, slices of fresh sweet pepper, pickled mushrooms, artichokes and olives.

Recipe 2. Three Cheese Fondue with Champagne

For 6 servings: 200 g Gruyere cheese, 85 g Brie cheese, 140 g Emmental cheese, 1.25 cups of champagne, 4 teaspoons of maize (corn) starch, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, 1 shallot, a pinch of nutmeg and black pepper, rustic bread.

  1. Mix corn starch and lemon juice in a separate bowl.
  2. Combine champagne and chopped shallots in a fondue pot or thick-walled bowl, heat for a couple of minutes over low heat.
  3. Remove the fondue pot from the hob and sprinkle all the cheeses crumbled on a grater (Brie can be finely chopped).
  4. Add starch and lemon juice to the mixture of cheeses and champagne. Return the saucepan to the stove, reduce the heat to medium-low, and melt the cheese, stirring, until it is smooth (about 12 minutes).
  5. When the mass begins to form boiling bubbles, add spices (walnut and pepper).
  6. Put the champagne cheese fondue on a low heat burner so that the temperature is just enough to keep it warm.
  7. Cut the dried bread into small convenient slices, serve with fondue.

Recipe 3. Mexican Fondue

For 6 servings: 300 g of any soft cream cheese, 300 g of Cheddar cheese, 300 ml of light beer, 3 teaspoons of starch, 2 tbsp. spoons of lime juice, 4 tbsp. tablespoons tequila, 1 chili pepper.

  1. Grind the cheeses on a grater with the largest holes, or chop finely.
  2. Prepare a thickener for the cheese mass: mix starch, lime juice and tequila until smooth.
  3. Pour the beer from the fondue bowl, heat to a boil and reduce the temperature to a minimum.
  4. Stir the beer with a wooden spatula, add cheese chips and wait until the mixture becomes smooth.
  5. Thicken the mass with a mixture of starch, tequila and lime. Stir in finely chopped chile pod. In order not to spoil the dish with excessive spiciness, introduce pepper in parts, tasting the cheese.
  6. Move the fondue to a stand, adjust the fire on the burner so that the cheese mass is constantly warmed up, but not burnt.
  7. Serve Mexican fondue with potato chips or seafood.

Recipe 4. Dutch fondue with vegetables

For 6-8 servings: 500 g Dutch cheese, a glass of milk, ½ onion, a teaspoon of cumin, 3 teaspoons of cornmeal, 3 tbsp. spoons of gin, garlic clove, white bread, medium-sized head of cauliflower, 1 large sweet pepper, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh mushrooms, spices to taste.

  1. Grate the thick sides of a fondue pot with half an onion and place on the stove. Pour in the milk and bring to a boil, under supervision.
  2. Add the grated cheese in parts, stirring the mass with a spoon. As the cheese grows, crush the mixture with cumin.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine flour and gin. Pour the homogeneous consistency into the milk-cheese mass.
  4. Heat the fondue sauce on the stove for a few more minutes, without stopping stirring, until the mass forms a creamy consistency. Spice up.
  5. Prepare garlic croutons: cut the bread into slices convenient for piercing with a fork, dry in the oven and grate with a clove of garlic.
  6. Divide the cabbage head into inflorescences, blanch in salted boiling water for two minutes. Also, cabbage, like peppers, mushrooms and bread can be lightly grilled. This will give the dish a subtle campfire flavor.
  7. Move the fondue maker with cheese to a burner with a quiet fire. Arrange vegetables and bread in beautiful bowls.

Recipe 5. Chocolate fondue Schokoladenfondue

The recipe for this fondue has a little history, which produced a chocolate masterpiece. In 1966, at a press conference for journalists, a treat was arranged, at which fondue made from Toblerone chocolate served as a dessert. This dish made a splash, and enchanted journalists glorified it all over the world, which did not pass by the attention of restaurateurs. So chocolate fondue became a celebrity.

Experts say that the most delicious chocolate fondue is still Toblerone chocolate. The combination of almonds and honey in its recipe makes the dish unforgettable. But cream dessert can also be made from other types of chocolate, the main thing is that it must be of high quality! The percentage of beans in such a tile must be as high as possible. Black, milk and even white chocolate fondues will find the shortest way to your heart.

For 6 servings: 400 g chopped chocolate, 100 ml cream (fat), 16 g butter, ¼ tsp vanilla extract, ¼ tsp ground cinnamon, 2 tbsp. spoons of liquor (coffee, orange).

For serving: favorite fruits, but preferably with pulp (strawberries, melons, pears, apples, pineapples, bananas, oranges, mangoes, dried fruits, etc.), soft cookies, sponge cake, marshmallows, marshmallows, cheesecakes.

  1. Wash and dry the fruits, cut into large pieces. Remove stems and pits from berries. Biscuit, marshmallows and muffins are also divided into pieces.
  2. Pour cream into a container with thickened walls, heat.
  3. Remove from hot surface and add chopped chocolate. Dissolve it in warm cream completely.
  4. Add soft butter, vanilla, cinnamon. If the dessert will not be served to children, pour in the liquor, for a thicker cream, you can add 3 tbsp. tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder Stir the chocolate-cream mixture until a smooth mass is formed.
  5. Pour the chocolate into the fondue bowl, light the burner under it.
  6. Using fork skewers, dip pieces of fruit, biscuits and sweets into hot chocolate. During the meal, stir the cream. If it starts to thicken too much, pour in warm cream (add 1 tablespoon until the desired consistency is formed).

Fondue is very easy to prepare, but experimenting and improving the taste with the help of culinary tips, you can come up with the formula for the perfect dish at home.

  1. To prepare fondue, it is not necessary to buy a fondue maker, a special burner and gravy boats. However, serving fondue in ordinary dishes makes the feast ordinary. To create an atmosphere and receive dear guests, it is better to purchase a caquelon and all related paraphernalia.
  2. When you first use the fondue maker, you need to “harden it” so that in the future the cheese or chocolate mixture does not stick to the walls and bottom of the caquelon. To do this, boil a mixture of water and milk (1: 1) in a new dish.
  3. Instead of the classic Swiss cheese with a nutty flavor (Gruyere), you can take any hard, but with the presence of some savory notes in it. Alternatives may be: Cheddar, Mozzarella, Beaufort, Edam, Kostroma with pepper, etc.
  4. Cherry Kirsch can also be replaced by using homemade cherry vodka infused with cherry berries for a month instead.
  5. In order for fondue from several varieties of cheese to melt better and create a homogeneous, smooth mass, lemon or lime juice is added to the cheese.
  6. You need to thicken the cheese fondue with starch before boiling the cheese. Starch should be added quickly, without stopping stirring, to avoid the appearance of seals.
  7. The whole process of making fondue must be accompanied by stirring movements, but not in a circle, but in the shape of a figure eight. So cheese or chocolate masses will not stick to the bottom.
  8. Chocolate fondues contain a lot of sugar, which quickly melts and settles to the bottom. Therefore, the burner should only keep the cream warm, while not forgetting to stir it periodically.
  9. Fondue is served with the type of alcohol on which it is prepared. It can also be hot tea or grape juice if the fondue is dessert.

A party where fondue is served is doomed to be successful. After all, fondue is not just food. First of all, this is an emotionally colored holiday, where attention is paid to guests and warm intimate conversations, and fondue is a special atmosphere in which everyone decides for himself whether this is a celebration of the soul or taste.

Recently, fondue, a traditional Swiss dish, has become widespread in the menu of restaurants. Translated from French, this word means "molten". Fondue is made from cheese and wine in a dish called caquelon right at the table, so all participants in the meal can watch the process. But what is fondue and how is it eaten? Let's figure it out.

A bit of history

Seven centuries ago, in the Swiss Alps, shepherds took with them a head of cheese, bread and wine to pasture sheep. When it was already getting dark, they decided to refresh themselves, but all the food became stale during the day, and then the shepherds came up with the idea of ​​​​putting cheese and wine in a cauldron and heating it over a fire. The result was a delicious hearty mixture in which you could dip bread. This is how fondue was born. Gradually, the dish moved to the tables of rich people; they began to cook it from the best varieties of cheese and wine.

Soon they learned about what fondue was in Italy and Holland, and later in China and France. Sweet fondue made from white or bitter chocolate mixed with cream has gained great popularity. Pieces of fruit or biscuit were dipped into this mixture and washed down with liquor or champagne.

In Switzerland, there is another legend about the origin of fondue. A lone traveler knocked at a small private hotel late in the evening with a request for an overnight stay and dinner. The host received the traveler, but refused to supper: the cook had long since left, and no one could cook. However, he allowed the traveler to go into the kitchen and cook something for himself. And in the kitchen, by this time, the hearth had not yet cooled down. On it stood a pot of hot vegetable oil. The traveler found pieces of vegetables, some slices of meat, and threw everything he found into hot oil. The food warmed up there, and the traveler dined with pleasure.

How to eat a traditional Swiss dish

It is recommended to take a fondue pot and put it in the center of the table. Each guest is given a plate and two forks. In the center of the table lay out dishes with slices of bread (it is cut into cubes). The guest pricks a piece of bread on a fork, lowers it into hot fondue (we will consider its recipes below), turns it so that the mixture stops dripping, and puts it on his plate. Then you need to prick a piece with a second fork and send it to your mouth.

If the fondue is fish or vegetable, then the fondue bowl with broth or hot oil is placed in the center of the table, and plates with pieces of meat, vegetables or fish are placed near the guests. The guest pricks a piece of the product, dips it in oil and puts it on his plate. Nearby place bowls with sauces and seasonings, as well as with garlic bread. The meal usually ends with salads that go well with the main course.

How to eat sweet fondue

It is usually only warmed up and eaten immediately after the main course. It should be noted that such fondue (photo above) is prepared quite simply. In front of each guest, a bowl of chopped fruit, muffins, cookies or other sweets is placed, which must be dipped into the liquid mixture. This dish is served with glasses of schnapps, liquor or glasses of champagne, sweet wine. If alcohol is not consumed, herbal sodas can be served.

Let's take a closer look at what a fondue set is and how it is used to prepare a traditional Swiss dish.

Utensils for preparing treats

A fondue set consists of a metal, earthenware or ceramic pot (depending on the type of dish), one or two long forks with special tips, a burner with a heating temperature controller and a stand. In addition, the set may include various accessories: plates, gravy boats.

Fondue classic


  • one clove of garlic
  • 450 grams of Gruyère cheese
  • 250 grams of emmental cheese,
  • one and a half glasses of dry white wine,
  • one spoonful of lemon juice
  • four tablespoons of potato starch,
  • nutmeg,
  • ground pepper.


Before preparing fondue, it is necessary to spread the cauldron with a clove of garlic, after cutting it. The vessel is placed on a stand with a burner and a grate, grated cheese is placed in it. Starch is diluted in wine, lemon juice is added, cheese is poured with a mixture, salt and spices are added, and the burner is lit. The contents of the pot are stirred with zigzag movements. When the mass melts, it is still kept for about seven minutes on fire. Then they take pieces of bread with a long fork and dip them in it. At the same time, a plate with spices is placed near each guest. Wine or coffee is served with the meal.

seafood fondue


  • 230 grams of flounder, halibut, cod and large peeled shrimp fillets,
  • 180 grams of mussels without shells,
  • juice from two lemons
  • one spoonful of oyster sauce
  • two spoons of cornmeal,
  • vegetable oil.


It is necessary to marinate the fish before making seafood fondue. The fillet should be placed in a bowl, pour over lemon juice and sauce, cover and put in a cold place for twenty minutes to marinate. Then the fish is taken out and sprinkled with flour, laid out on a large dish, which is placed in the center of the table. In a cauldron, heat the oil to a boil and begin to cook the dish. Prick pieces of food with a long fork and lower them into hot oil for a few minutes to fry. Transfer the finished pieces to your plate and eat with a second fork. The dish is served with sauces and spices.

Flounder fondue


  • three fillets of flounder,
  • 900 grams of fish broth,
  • two tablespoons of grated ginger root,
  • three spoons of sherry
  • one tablespoon chopped cilantro.


The fillet is cut into strips and laid out on a plate. Broth is poured into a cauldron, ginger is added and boiled for ten minutes over medium heat. Over time, add sherry and cilantro, cook for five minutes. Pieces of fish, each guest independently lowers into the broth.

Fondue in German


  • garlic clove,
  • 250 grams of milk
  • 230 grams of Gouda and Eden cheeses,
  • one tablespoon of grated nutmeg,
  • one tablespoon of corn starch or corn grits,
  • two spoons of gin
  • ground pepper.


We will tell you what fondue is in German. First, the cauldron is rubbed with garlic, which is then thrown away, milk is poured into it and heated to a boil, gradually adding grated cheese. Then the fire is reduced and nutmeg is added. Starch is diluted with gin and poured into the mixture, ground pepper is added and the mass is boiled for three minutes, stirring constantly. During this time, the fondue should thicken. Serve the dish along with vegetables, crackers. Gin gives it a special flavor and piquancy.

Fondue in Italian


  • 15 grams of butter,
  • 50 grams chopped champignons,
  • one clove of garlic
  • 250 grams of canned tomatoes and grated fontina cheese,
  • one spoonful of cornstarch,
  • 170 grams of milk
  • half a spoonful of onion salt and dry oregano.


From rubbing the cauldron with chopped garlic, you should start cooking fondue. Then butter is melted in a cauldron, mushrooms are added there and sautéed for two minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the tomatoes and bring the mass to a boil. Cheese is mixed with starch and placed in a cauldron, stirred until completely melted. Then gradually pour in the milk, sprinkle with salt and oregano. When the mass boils, the fire is turned off. Served with ciabatta.

Belgian Fondue

  • 50 grams of butter,
  • 80 grams of flour
  • 600 grams of milk
  • five yolks,
  • salt and pepper,
  • one pinch of cayenne pepper,
  • half a spoonful of grated nutmeg,
  • 50 grams of grated parmesan cheese,
  • one beaten egg
  • two tablespoons of breadcrumbs,
  • vegetable oil.


Before preparing fondue, you need to melt the butter and add flour to it, mix well. Then milk is gradually poured into the mass and stirred until the mixture boils. Then salt and pepper, nutmeg are added there. Separately, beat the eggs with grated cheese and pour this mass into the milk, mix and cool. Using cookie cutters, cut circles from the frozen mixture and roll them in flour. An egg is poured into a separate bowl, crackers are poured onto a flat dish. Each circle is dipped in an egg, and then in breadcrumbs, then fried in a cauldron in hot oil until a golden crust forms.

fondue worcestershire


  • 250 grams of milk
  • 350 grams of smoked cheese,
  • four tablespoons of corn flour (starch),
  • two tablespoons of horseradish
  • one tablespoon of prepared mustard,
  • two tablespoons of Worcestershire (soy) sauce.


Milk is poured into a cauldron and heated to a boil. Then grated cheese is added, boiled over medium heat until the mass becomes smooth. Flour or starch is mixed with ready-made horseradish, sauce and mustard, mixed and transferred to fondue. Cook the mixture for three minutes, stirring constantly. During this time, the mass should become thick. Such a dish is served with boiled sausages, slices of apples, diced bread.

Classic chocolate fondue


  • 350 grams of dark chocolate,
  • 250 grams of cream
  • a pinch of salt,
  • fruit to taste.


Chocolate fondue is very easy to make (you already know what it is). The cream is heated until tiny bubbles appear, then the chocolate broken into pieces is added and constantly stirred with a whisk until the mass thickens. The fire is turned off, the cauldron is placed in the center of the table. Next to each guest are placed plates with pieces of different fruits, which will need to be dipped in hot chocolate, after pricking them on a skewer. If the mass becomes very thick, add a little cream to it and mix.

Fruit fondue with chocolate


  • one third of a glass of sugar
  • one spoonful of starch
  • one glass of cream
  • one glass of milk
  • two spoons of ground coffee
  • half a spoonful of cinnamon
  • one vanilla pod
  • 200 grams of dark chocolate,
  • three tablespoons of butter.


I must say that such fondue is prepared quite quickly. It is necessary to mix cream, starch, sugar in a bowl, add vanilla, coffee, cinnamon and milk. This mixture is heated for four minutes, stirring constantly. Then softened butter and grated chocolate are added to the mass. Fondue is poured into a cauldron and served on the table. Nearby put a plate with pieces of apples, pears, pineapple, biscuit and marshmallows. Dessert is washed down with sweet liqueurs, wines or champagne.

Fondue with marshmallow


  • 400 grams of dark chocolate,
  • 85 grams of butter,
  • 300 milliliters of cream,
  • 300 milliliters of milk
  • marshmallow.


Put all the ingredients in a cauldron, melt them, stirring constantly. Pieces of marshmallows are strung on a fork with a long handle, dipped in chocolate and eaten. If desired, marshmallows are replaced with strawberries, pineapple, custard balls and more.


Fondue today is a common delicacy that can be prepared by all family members directly at the table. It should be noted that paper napkins are placed on the table to be able to wipe off drops of oil.

A few words should be said about what batman fondue is. Many, having heard this name, think that this is a kind of delicious delicacy that came to us from Switzerland. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong. The term "batman fondue" has nothing to do with food - it's a flowing classical dance movement.

Fondue- great appetizer. If you add it with a light vegetable salad, you can get a wonderful dinner. Today Best Recipes will tell how to make fondue at home. So, fondue is cheese, meat and chocolate.


Put a non-stick saucepan or fondue bowl on the slowest fire, pour in a little cream or milk, add a chocolate bar broken into pieces. You need to stir not in a circle, but with the number 8, it will turn out more tender. Wait for the chocolate to dissolve, if it turned out thick, add more cream (only warm, not from the refrigerator!), pour in a glass of dry white wine or liquor (Baileys, Sheridan, coconut, orange, etc.), wait until the alcohol vapors leave.


For cheese fondue, it is important to choose cheese. Do not buy cheap varieties - they will disperse into little vegetable and some white lumps. It is better to take good cheese, proven, and not a cheese product. Before cooking, you need to rub the fondue pot or saucepan with garlic, so it is easier to wash later and the flavor will be spicy.

Now, by analogy with chocolate fondue, add diced or coarsely grated cheese to warmed milk or cream, add salt, white pepper, then pour in white wine and 1 tbsp. starch diluted with water. You should get a uniform creamy mass. In no case should fondue boil! You can dip shrimp, crab sticks, ham, any smoked meats, slightly dried loaf pieces into cheese fondue.

Pairs well with wine and beer!


Meat fondue will be appreciated by gourmets. There are two options - hot vegetable oil (Chinese fondue) or vegetable broth with herbs (dry basil, rosemary, etc.) and white wine. The bowl also needs to be greased with garlic, bring oil or broth with wine to a boil. The point is that then thin slices of beef or poultry are cooked in it. In hot oil, you can make "chips" from thin slices of potatoes.

Well, in general, the process itself is fascinating. My friends and I come up with something new every time and the feast differs from the standard “drank and ate”, and you don’t even need to stand near the stove. I made a delicious vegetable salad and that's it - the feast is ready! Try it for sure! You will love it, I guarantee!

Fondue with slightly warmed champagne

In order to cook fondue with champagne you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 garlic clove
  • 400g cheese (Gruviere)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2l dry champagne
  • 2h. l potato starch
  • ground pepper (black to taste)

This fondue is very unusual, as it includes a little warmed champagne.

First you need to take a pot and rub it from the inside with a clove of garlic. Cheese is better to take hard (you can Swiss), then grate it on a coarse grater. This fondue can be made with two hard cheeses. Set the pot on a slow fire (on the stove), add champagne, potato starch, and a little lemon juice to the cheese. All this carefully move until all the cheese is melted. Then you can add a little pepper, and cook for another 5 minutes, until you take away that the mixture has become homogeneous.

In order for the fondue to boil a little, you need to put the pot on the burner, and leave it to stand for 10-15 minutes. Remember, if you want to feel the subtle aroma of champagne, add some white wine to the fondue.

Champagne fondue should be served with thinly sliced ​​bread, preferably rye. Or you can also serve with special crackers (soda).

Fondue Neuchâtel

This fondue uses the following ingredients:

  • 1 garlic clove
  • 400 grams of cheese (Swiss hard)
  • 200g Emmental cheese
  • some dry white wine (Neuchatel)
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 3st. l potato starch
  • 1 st. l kirsch
  • a little ground pepper
  • one nutmeg

In a fondue pot, you need to boil milk with boiled water, unless of course it is cast iron or glazed. Then grate the inside of the pot with half the garlic.

Take Emmental and Swiss cheese and grate (coarse) and mix them in a pot. Add a little wine, lemon juice, potato starch to the cheese and simmer all this over low heat until the cheese is completely melted. To make the cheese melt faster, it is better to add freshly squeezed lemon juice, it gives the dish a wonderful smell and unusual taste. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly so that the cheese does not become completely viscous and fibrous. In fondue, you need to add spices to taste, and one grated nutmeg, and leave to simmer for 10 minutes, until tender.

It is desirable to serve it with small cubes of any bread, and lay out beautiful greens and a few sprigs of mint on a separate plate.

Fondue "Geneva"

Fondue "Geneva" very unusual, because the pieces of bread that we need for the dish are not dipped.

To make this fondue you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500g mature cheese
  • 5 ml white wine (optional)
  • double cream 200g
  • 4 egg yolks
  • black pepper
  • a little nutmeg

It is best to add hard, mature cheese to this dish, which will only need to be rubbed on a grater. And once you have prepared the cheese, you can now mix all the ingredients in a pot. It is necessary to stir when you put the pot on the stove, remember the main thing on a slow fire. And watch carefully so that the resulting mixture does not boil. After all, if the cheese suddenly boils, then the egg yolks that were added will certainly curdle.

Before serving the dish, it is poured strictly on plates and served with boiled potatoes or slices of bread, which are slightly dried.

If you want to give the dish a good flavor, you will need to add caraway liqueur. You can also pour liquor into a separate plate so that each guest, before dipping a piece of any fondue bread, dips it first into liquor. Or you can add Tabasco sauce to the fondue before serving. After that, the dish will turn out to be very spicy, so it is better to serve it with pancakes. You can also add fondue, powder (curry) to give a yellow color, the taste is excellent.

mushroom fondue

To prepare mushroom fondue you will need the following ingredients:

  • 20 grams dried mushrooms
  • 100ml boiling water
  • 1 garlic clove (chopped)
  • 1 st. l butter
  • 50g thinly sliced ​​champignons
  • 100ml good red wine (Marsala)
  • 100g cheese (Mascapone)
  • Pepper, salt
  • 1 st. l fresh parsley

Before cooking, you must first pour a small amount of water (boiling water) dried mushrooms. And leave the mushrooms for 20 minutes until they increase in size.

Heat the fondue pot and melt a piece of butter, then fry fresh and preferably finely chopped mushrooms, garlic for 8 minutes. Then carefully pour in the wine and simmer for another 5 minutes, until tender.

Dried mushrooms now need to be drained and liquid added to the fondue. Before adding the mushrooms to the fondue, they need to be chopped as finely as possible. Just when you're done, you need to add cheese. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly and cook over low heat.

When the cheese is completely melted, you can add finely chopped parsley and add seasoning to taste (salt, pepper).

It is better to serve this fondue with ravioli and tortellini laid out separately on a plate.

Fondue with seafood and dill

Fondue with seafood and dill prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 400g cheese (Gruviere)
  • ? l wine (preferably apple) or you can add cider
  • lemon juice
  • 1 st. l potato starch
  • 1 hour l kirsch
  • 1 hour l fresh and chopped dill (can be dried)
  • Black pepper
  • 400g sea scallops boiled in salted water
  • 450g shrimp, fully peeled and boiled

Before cooking, you need to grate the cheese on a coarse grater, then pour it into a pot and mix. Add wine, juice (lemon) and potato starch. All this must be put on low heat, and until the cheese is completely melted. Then add the kirsch (a little so as not to kill the smell of fresh dill) and, of course, the dill itself. All this can now be put on the burner, where the fondue will boil calmly.

Serve this excellent and fragrant fondue with scallops (cut into medium pieces). You can put everything beautifully on a plate along with shrimp (boiled in salted water) and then pour juice (lemon) over this dish. The main thing is not to forget about seafood (mussels, lobster crayfish, shrimps), which should be dipped as well as slices of fresh bread in fondue.

Fondue with three different cheeses

For this look, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200ml white wine (preferably dry)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 200 grams of cheese (Cheddar)
  • 120 grams of Swiss cheese (Gruviere)
  • 120 grams of cheese (Mozzarella)
  • 1 st. l potato starch
  • ground pepper

Take the garlic and crush it (you can just cut it in half), after that you will need a large bowl, which will need to be rubbed with garlic from the inside. Do not leave the garlic, you can already throw it away, we will not need it. Then pour the wine into a bowl and, without closing, heat in the microwave, only on high power for 5 minutes.

Cheddar cheese, Gruviere Mozzarella need to hold a little in the freezer and then grate. And little by little, it will be possible to add cheeses to the bowl, be sure to stir, (it is better to add Mozzarella cheese at the very end). Stir thoroughly until cheese is melted. Mix starch with cold water (if diluted in hot, there will be small lumps) and add everything to the cheese.

Now you can cover the bowl and cook on medium power for 10 minutes. Take a long baguette and cut it into cubes, vegetables also, but not into small cubes.

Serve this gourmet dish of different cheeses, better with vegetables, mushrooms (champignons), or with cauliflower. Be sure to break the baguette on a separate plate with your hands and you can serve.

Cheese fondue with liqueur

For cooking cheese fondue the following ingredients are needed:

  • 250 grams of sweet, hard cheese
  • 250 grams of salted, hard cheese
  • 1 glass of good white wine
  • 1 glass of cherry liqueur (you can add cognac, only good exposure)
  • 1 st. l potato starch
  • 1 clove (not flaccid) garlic
  • A little nutmeg and spices

Take the garlic and rub the inside of the pot, and leave it to lie there a little, (at the bottom). Both salty and sweet hard cheese will need to be grated (large), to whom, if you like, you can simply cut into small cubes.

Put the cheese in a pot and on the stove (there should be a weak fire). Stir until the cheese is completely melted and starts to boil. Then dilute potato starch in a glass with liquor, mix, and pour it all into a pot (if you don’t have liquor, you can use a glass of vodka).

Add all the spices to your taste, and chopped nutmeg.

F Ondu is a famous Swiss dish. In Switzerland, there is a legend about its origin. A lone traveler knocked at a small private hotel late in the evening with a request for an overnight stay and dinner. The owner accepted the traveler, but refused to supper: the cook had long since left, and no one could cook for the traveler. Then the guest, hungry on the way, who was very, very hungry, began to beg the host to at least let him into the kitchen and let him cook for himself. The owner allowed: "All right, go to the kitchen and do what you want, and I'll go to sleep" ... And in the kitchen, by this time, the hearth had not yet cooled down. On it stood a pot of hot vegetable oil. The traveler found pieces of vegetables, some slices of meat, and threw everything he found into hot oil. The food warmed up there and the traveler dined with pleasure.

Now let's talk about the modern version of fondue. So, to prepare it, you need: a cast iron or pan with very thick walls, small sources of heat (electric stove, "taganka", spirit stove - to keep the pot warm), cups for sauces and a common dish for main products, sticks or forks.
So, pour oil into the pot, and it should be more than half the pot. Before serving a pot of butter to the table, it is preheated intensively on the stove until a light haze appears. Then they transfer it to the table and put it on a heat source - in order to maintain the oil at the right temperature and not allow it to cool.

On the table on a large dish or individually on each plate of the eater should be the main products. It can be: meat, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band pickled, pieces of fish, shrimp, vegetables, etc. Sauces should be in other containers: tomato or ketchup, soy, sweet mustard, yogurt, etc.

Each participant of the feast, of his own choice, pierces a piece of meat, fish on his fork or spazh ... and lowers it into hot oil, into a pot. There, as in deep-frying, the process of frying goes on for some time. After removing the fork and letting the oil drain so as not to drip onto the table, pieces of meat or vegetables are piping hot, not forgetting to dip them into a container with sauce along the way, they are sent into the mouth and receive incomparable pleasure.

A traditional fondue pot is a pot placed over a candle or an alcohol burner. You can also buy an electric fondue maker, but it will be more expensive! Clay or ceramic pots are most often wide and shallow, ideal for cheesy or sweet fondues that need constant stirring. Cast iron or stainless steel pans are more popular for meat, fish, or vegetable fondues cooked in hot vegetable oil or broth, as such pans retain heat better. But you can use both metal and clay pots.

If your meal consists of more than one type of fondue, such as meat or vegetable fondue followed by sweet fondue, borrow a fondue pot from friends, then organizing dinner will be much easier.

The fondue should be placed in the middle of the table so that each guest can reach it. Each guest is given a plate and two forks, usually of a fixed color (so that the guest can distinguish his fork in the fondue bowl). One fork is for dipping and cooking, the other is for eating. All this is arranged not only for hygienic purposes: a hot fork can burn your mouth!

For cheese fondues, cubed bread is placed in the center of the table, and each guest can take a handful of such cubes (or a small bowl of bread is placed next to each guest).

Guests prick a cube of bread on a fork, lower it into hot cheese fondue, then turn the fork so that the cheese mixture stops dripping from it, transfer it to their plate, and then prick it with another fork and send it to their mouths.

For meat, fish and/or vegetable fondue, the hot oil or broth pot is placed in the middle of the table. Near each guest there is a plate with raw meat, fish or vegetables beautifully laid out on it. If you cook foods in batter, a bowl of batter is placed near each guest.

Each guest pricks a piece of the product on a fork, lowers it into the batter (if necessary), and then puts it in hot oil and cooks according to his own taste. After that, the product is placed on a clean plate, and another piece is pricked on a fork and dipped in hot oil.

Sauces and seasonings are put on the table. Each guest takes them in small spoons to his plate. Usually, ordinary and garlic bread, as well as bread with herbs, are put on the table. Finish the meal with a salad with dressing, suitable for the main course.

Sweet fondues usually only need to be reheated. They are brought immediately after the table is cleared after the main course.
Each guest is either given a separate plate with beautifully arranged fruit/cookies/cake/sweets that are dipped into the fondue, or a large dish is placed in the center of the table and each guest prepares the fondue himself.

Fondue is traditionally served with stacks of kirsch or schnapps, and hot tea is served with cheese fondue. Fondue is also served with dry white wine, but never iced drinks.

Red, white and rosé wines, as well as chilled lager beer or cider, are suitable for meat and fish fondue.
Sweet fondue is especially suited to sweet sparkling wine, and in winter you can put tiny glasses with peach, orange or coffee liqueur.

If you do not drink alcohol, you can serve cheese, meat, fish or vegetable fondue - grape juice. Herbal sodas are especially good with sweet fondues.

Photo: Depositphotos.com/@Dream79

Cheese fondue, to be brief, is certain types of cheese melted over low heat, usually in wine sauce, mouth-watering, gurgling. Pieces of bread are dipped into the cheese mixture and not only, and this feast is eaten from long forks with great pleasure. These are the classic steps to take to make a good cheese fondue.

What types of cheese?

Fondue can be unsuccessful if it is made with, say, hard cheeses or those that are not intended to be melted. A classic of the genre, originally from Switzerland (they love this kind of cheese fondue and cook it superbly), made from Emmental and Gruyère cheese. They must be taken in equal amounts. Such cheeses are most welcome in this dish complement each other.

What wine?

Wine for cheese fondue Swiss shepherds suitable white, dry or semi-dry. French wine will be the best type for such a fondue.


Other types of fondue do without it. But it is better to use it so that the fondue does not turn out to be too liquid. The passivation should be done as follows: melt a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour to the butter, mix over a fire. Should be a crumb. We remove from the fire. This mixture is added when the cheese is melted to thicken the mass.

Utensils for cooking

It is best to get a special utensil for making fondue - called a fondue maker. These are sold in the kitchenware departments and hardware stores, in the departments of small household appliances goods. The fondue bowl is cast iron or ceramic. Either one will do. The main principle is that the contents of the bowl are heated slowly in such a fondue pot.

In addition, so that the cheese mass does not freeze, the heating can be made as small as possible after cooking the fondue, and it will keep the cheese mass warm and conveniently wrapped around a piece of bread. You should take those feeds of fondue pots in which heating occurs with the help of an electric burner, and not tablets. The latter are very inconvenient. To a similar unit for making fondue come in a set of forks with a long handle.

What are we dipping?

Not only slices of dried bread are dipped into cheese fondue (in a slightly dried form, the bread does not fall off the fork), but also pieces of meat, pre-boiled seafood, smoked meats, fresh vegetables, mushrooms, pieces of boiled potatoes.

How to cook?

Lubricate the fondue bowl with a clove of garlic. Add half a serving of Emmental and Gruyere cheese (200 grams each), pour a glass of wine into the bowl, put the passivated balls, a pinch of nutmeg (crushed), pepper, salt. Turn on the burner under the bowl, stir until the cheese is completely melted. We put in the center of the table, distribute to the guests plates, forks and ingredients for dipping in fondue. Enjoy!
