
Recipes for delicious dishes for the holiday table. The best recipes for delicious hot dishes on the festive table

Sometimes a situation happens that there is no time to cook a tasty and rich feast. And the holiday is approaching, and the guests are literally “on the threshold”. What to do? First, there is no need to panic. After all, the main thing is the warmth with which you will meet your guests. Prepare entertainment and ideas for spending time together. Secondly, stock up on recipes for quick and easy meals. They will save the situation more than once when a festive dinner needs to be prepared as soon as possible.

Original and quick recipes for appetizers for the festive table

Snacks should be on every holiday table. They are not only a food product, but also a beautiful decor. A skilled hostess will be able to serve even simple snacks with style.

  • Snack - canape. Canape sticks will be just a great table decoration. Another plus is that the appetizer is portioned, it is easy to take and eat. Almost any product can be used to make canapés. The composition of some snacks - canape: cheese, olive, peeled shrimp; sausage cube, cheese cube, smoked meat cube; cracker, cream cheese, olive. Canapes can also be sweet, then they can be served while drinking tea or drinking wine. For example, you can make canapés from grapes, pineapple and banana. Sprinkle the banana with lemon juice so that it does not turn black. For canapes, you need to use solid elastic products that can stay on a skewer
  • Stuffed eggs. Another easy and cheap way to prepare a snack. Eggs can be stuffed with melted cheese and mayonnaise, cod liver and fish caviar. Also, the egg snack is easy to turn into funny figurines that will decorate any table.
  • Lavash roll. Buy thin pita bread at the bread kiosk. Put the filling in it, like shawarma. And cut into portions. Vegetables can serve as a filling: cabbage, carrots, onions. Also, add meat or crab sticks, cheese and sauce. This appetizer is very tasty and easy to prepare.
  • Light tomato appetizer. Everyone has known this snack since childhood. Tomatoes are cut into thin rings, smeared with garlic sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Then decorate with chopped herbs.
  • Meat and cheese cuts. If there is absolutely no time for cooking, make meat and cheese cuts. Get creative when decorating
  • Also, pickled mushrooms, herring and other prepared salted foods can serve as an appetizer.

How to make a salad for a festive dinner quickly?

In order not to delay the preparation time on the day of dinner, prepare all the ingredients in advance. Boil vegetables and eggs and cool, leave in the refrigerator. On the day of the gala dinner, all you have to do is chop everything and season with sauce.

  • Salad of crab sticks. We will need: rice, eggs, crab sticks, canned corn, pickled onions, mayonnaise, salt. Boil the rice first and let it cool. Cut crab sticks, boiled eggs and pickled onions into small cubes. Then mix them with rice, corn and season with mayonnaise. Salt to taste. Decorate the salad before serving
  • Beet salad. This salad is not only extremely tasty, but also healthy. We need: boiled beets, walnuts, garlic, mayonnaise or sour cream, salt. Boil the beets and three it on a coarse grater. We mix beets with mayonnaise, crushed nuts, squeeze garlic into the salad, salt it and mix thoroughly. Ready
  • Salad with crackers. We need: white cube-shaped unsalted crackers, smoked ham, canned corn, Chinese cabbage. As a dressing, you can optionally use mayonnaise or olive oil. All ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with sauce. Attention! Crackers get wet quickly. They need to be added just before serving.

Recipe for a quick cake with condensed milk for a festive dinner

  • To prepare a super fast cake, you need to prepare purchased cakes. It remains to decide on the choice of cream
  • The simplest and most delicious cream is based on condensed milk. There are several recipes using boiled and regular condensed milk
  • Recipe 1. We take butter and condensed milk (50 to 50). We soften the butter and mix it thoroughly with condensed milk with a mixer. The cream is rich and oily
  • Recipe 2. For this cream, we need: condensed milk, sour cream, a little butter, vanilla sugar. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.

How to cook a quick cake in the microwave?

A microwave oven is a lifesaver for any housewife. If it is, then making even a quick cake with it is not difficult.

  • The cake recipe is called Quick Chocolate Cake. Depending on the creams, the recipe is easy to change to your liking and to your personal tastes.
  • For the dough, we need: a glass of sugar, 2 eggs, 50 g of butter, baking powder or soda, a glass of milk, sugar, 2 tablespoons of cocoa and flour (approximately 2 cups)
  • The dough is easy to prepare. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Then pour the batter into a greased microwaveable dish. Heat-resistant glass mold is perfect. We put the cake in the microwave 900 W for 7 minutes
  • Let the cake cool slightly and take it out of the mold. We are waiting for complete cooling. At this time, prepare the cream
  • We need sour cream, dark chocolate bar, sour cream thickener and powdered sugar. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and beat all the ingredients thoroughly with a mixer
  • Cut the crust in half. Lubricate the cream generously between the parts of the dough and the top of our cake. You can decorate with grated chocolate, nuts or cocoa. Leave the cake in the refrigerator for soaking for a couple of hours

Recipe for a quick and delicious puff pastry Napoleon cake

The classic recipe for "Napoleon" is long and tedious. Guests will not even suspect substitution if you cook this cake according to a different, simpler recipe.

  • We will need: yeast-free puff pastry, flour, butter, egg, a glass of milk, lemon juice
  • Cooking "cakes" for the cake. Cut the dough into pieces and bake in the oven according to the recipe on the package. Don't worry if the cakes are a little broken
  • At this time, prepare the custard: beat the egg, add a glass of flour and 2 tablespoons of flour, sugar to taste. We put on fire and constantly interfere. We wait for the cream to thicken and turn it off, add lemon juice
  • Grind pieces of baked puff pastry with your hands until large puff crumbs are obtained.
  • Mix dough with cream. We cover the form with cling film and put the cake into it. Leave in the refrigerator overnight
  • In the morning we take out the cake, free it from the film and decorate with the remnants of puff pastry. Napoleon ready

Delicious and quick sandwiches on the festive table

  • Sandwiches with smoked trout. For these sandwiches, you need smoked trout, a rye flour baguette, butter, fresh cucumber and herbs. The sandwich turns out tasty, fragrant and spring-like bright
  • Sandwiches with cheese. We need: white baguette, cheese, tomatoes and lettuce. Lettuce leaves should be cut so that they match the size of the baguette pieces.
  • Sandwiches with a snack of melted cheese. Preparing a snack: three melted cheese and an egg, mix with mayonnaise and garlic. We generously spread the appetizer on each piece of white bread.
  • Sandwiches with cream cheese and ham. Ham is cut into thin slices and placed on bread, smeared with cream cheese. Sandwiches can be decorated with herbs
  • Sandwiches with cod liver. Cod liver is kneaded with a fork, mixed with egg and mayonnaise. Decorate such sandwiches with a slice of tomato

Recipes for a delicious and quick hot dish for a festive dinner

There are some simple second courses that can satisfy any company. The recipes of several of them are so fast that they take a minimum of time.

  • Potatoes with mushrooms in the microwave. Love french fries but take a long time to cook? Try modifying the recipe by replacing the meat with mushrooms. Cut the onion into rings, slice the mushrooms and place on the bottom of the baking sheet. Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices. Lay on top, salt and pepper. Top the dish with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Depending on the power of the microwave, bake the dish from 30 minutes to an hour
  • Pasta casserole. This dish will replace lasagna, which takes an extremely long time to cook. Boil the pasta and fry the minced meat in a pan until cooked. Prepare a tomato sauce from broth, tomato paste, a couple of tablespoons of flour and spices. Lay a piece of pasta in a greased baking sheet, pour sauce over them. Lay the minced meat on top, pour over the sauce. The final layer is pasta. There may be more layers, at your discretion. Pour the sauce over the top layer, place pieces of butter on it and sprinkle with cheese evenly. You need to bake the dish in the oven until a crispy cheese crust is formed.
  • Fan potato. For this dish you will need whole unpeeled potatoes, ham and hard cheese. We make many deep transverse cuts in the potato. Insert a slice of cheese or ham into each of them. Bake in the oven until the potatoes are ready. Serve the dish, garnished with herbs.

Quick holiday meat dishes

And of course, no festive feast is complete without meat dishes. Consider a few simple recipes.

  • Baked chicken. Cooking chicken quickly, most of the time will be spent on baking. At night, marinate the chicken with salt, spices and garlic. I put it in the refrigerator. Before baking, grease the chicken with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard. Put in the oven on medium heat. Bake for a little over an hour, until pink juice no longer stands out when pierced.
  • Chicken wings in soy sauce. This dish is original and very tasty, it came to us from Asian cuisine. We need: chicken wings, fresh ginger root, garlic, soy sauce, spices and a little salt. Marinate the wings in soy sauce, adding grated ginger and finely chopped garlic. Wings marinated in this way can be baked or stewed
  • Portion meat baked in foil. It takes a very long time to cook pork in a large piece, but you can quickly bake portioned pieces by decorating them and adding additional ingredients. We put a broken piece of pork on a piece of foil, sprinkle with spices and salt. Next, put fresh champignons, tomato slices and sprinkle with cheese. Roll up the piece carefully. We do this with each portioned piece. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 1 hour.

  • To prepare dinner quickly, prepare the ingredients of the dishes in advance
  • Don't experiment with new dishes before guests arrive. In case you fail, everyone will remain hungry, and the hostess will be upset
  • Pay due attention to the decoration of dishes. Guests pay more attention to the appearance of the table.
  • Make one "signature dish" that you know how to cook and present it in the best possible light
  • Don't cook too much. It will only take extra effort and resources.
  • Prepare delicious drinks, cocktails. Don't forget to stock up on regular drinking water.
  • Take breaks between meals to entertain your guests. So the food will fit and the guests will be able to experience the whole gamut of tastes.
  • Remember that the main thing is a warm atmosphere at the table

Video: How to decorate holiday dishes

Video: How to cook a festive dinner

On the eve of the holidays, we gather our thoughts to prepare delicious and original holiday salads. Long gone are the days when for the holiday we prepared only herring under a fur coat, Russian salad, and Greek salad, although this set of salads is always win-win and successful. Therefore, hostesses are increasingly looking for new salads on the festive table - recipes with photos, simple and tasty.

If you don’t know how to prepare new salads for the festive table, you have come to the right place! I bring to your attention interesting and proven original salads on the festive table, recipes with photos that all your guests will 100% like, and after the celebration, the guests will line up with a pen and a notebook to write down the recipes.

So, what are holiday salads like? There can be only one answer - delicious, and with a traditional composition. After all, you must admit that not everyone likes salad recipes for the festive table where there is an exotic combination of strawberries and ham, pears and blue cheese, or melons with herring.

Therefore, it is better to save recipes for such salads for a romantic dinner on St. Valentine, and for family holidays like Birthday or New Year, it is better to cook delicious new salads for the festive table that all guests will like. I hope you choose the most delicious salads for your holiday table (recipes with photos). All the delicious salads presented on the site for the festive table (recipes with photos) have been personally tested by me, and will not let you down at a crucial moment.

Salad with beef tongue and mushrooms

Salad with beef tongue - very tasty and satisfying, men will appreciate it as an ideal snack for strong drinks. In the recipe, I used pickled butter mushrooms, but any fried mushrooms, such as champignons, will also work. See recipe with photo.

Salad with tuna and rice "Drop of water"

Dear friends, today I want to introduce you to the beautiful and very tasty Drop of Water salad. This is a salad with tuna and rice, fresh cucumber and canned corn, as well as hard cheese. Thanks to such a selection of ingredients, it turns out juicy, which is why, I think, it has such a name. See recipe with photo.

Salad "Pineapple Bouquet", of course, deserves the most honorable place at any celebration. This salad with chicken and pineapple and mushrooms is incredibly tasty. Be sure to decorate your holiday table with them! It does not cook quickly, but it is very beautiful and satisfying. Recipe with photo .

Chafan salad: a classic recipe with chicken

Looking for new salads on the holiday table - recipes with photos from the last 2 months? Pay attention to Chafan salad! All the ingredients are laid out on a large dish, in the center of which is a sauce of sour cream, mayonnaise, garlic and dill. Then, just before eating, all the ingredients are mixed. See recipe with photo.

Layered salad Bride with chicken

Do you like original salads on the festive table (recipes with photos)? Salad "Bride" with smoked chicken, processed cheese, potatoes and pickled onions - exactly what you need!

Salad Obzhorka: a classic recipe with liver and croutons

If you like recipes for simple and inexpensive salads, then my today's Liver Oatmeal Salad undoubtedly deserves your attention. I suggest trying to cook Obzhorka salad - a classic recipe with liver and crackers. How to cook salad "Obzhorka" with liver

Salad "Tenderness" with ham and cucumber and cheese

Dear friends, I want to bring to your attention a rather simple in terms of preparation, but such a tasty and beautiful Tenderness salad with ham and cucumber and cheese. It really has a very pleasant taste, not sharp (as happens if hot peppers or garlic are included in the salad), but calm, really gentle. But at the same time, thanks to the cucumber, which brings lightness and freshness, and the sweetness of canned corn, this salad cannot be called boring either. Recipe with photo see.

Salad with egg pancakes

Very tasty and original salad! If you do, you won't regret it. Salad with egg pancakes is suitable for everyday menu and for a festive table. I would call this recipe basic. Additionally, you can add canned corn, boiled eggs or grated hard cheese to the salad. Recipe with photo.

Salad with crab sticks and Chinese cabbage

New salads on the festive table with crab sticks are very popular - both because of the taste and availability (compared to the same shrimp, for example). One of my favorite combinations is crab sticks, Korean-style carrots and cucumber. Haven't tried this?

Salad with crab sticks, corn and Korean carrots

I love new salads for the festive table - when preparing them, you can experiment as much as you like: with ingredients, dressing, serving ... One of these is a cocktail salad with crab sticks, corn and Korean carrots - light, tasty and very appetizing. See the recipe with step by step photos

Salad with chicken and Chinese cabbage

It turns out a very successful combination - satisfying, but at the same time fresh and unobtrusive. Another ingredient gives the salad a slight piquancy - Korean carrots. So I wholeheartedly recommend it: a cocktail salad with chicken and Chinese cabbage is ideal for guests, perfect for everyday life, when the soul wants an unplanned holiday. Recipe

Salad "Salmon under a fur coat"

How to cook salmon salad under a fur coat, look

Salad with walnuts and chicken "French mistress"


  • boiled chicken fillet (gram 300)
  • 2 onions
  • 1 cup light raisins
  • 1-2 carrots
  • cheese (gram 50)
  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1-2 oranges
  • sugar
  • mayonnaise


Layer all the ingredients

1 layer: finely chopped boiled breast

2 layer: pickled onions (half rings, a little sugar and salt, a drop of vinegar, pour over boiling water)

3 layer: steamed raisins

4 layer: grated carrots

5 layer: cheese on a grater

6 layer: chopped nuts

Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise

Top with diced oranges.


  • smoked chicken 200 g
  • fresh cucumber 150 g
  • mushrooms fresh champignons or oyster mushrooms 150 g
  • onion 1 pc
  • boiled eggs 4 pcs
  • mayonnaise or sour cream to taste
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • green onions (any greens) to taste


Mushrooms and onions cut, fry a little, cool.

Cut the meat and cucumber into thin strips, grate the eggs, chop the greens.

Lay in layers from bottom to top:

chicken, cucumber, mushrooms with onions, greens, eggs.

Brush with dressing, salt and pepper to taste.

Decorate as desired.

Salad "Little Red Riding Hood" with pomegranate

How to cook salad "Little Red Riding Hood" with pomegranate

Salad with mushrooms and meat "Lukoshko"

A very original puff salad, everyone who tries it really likes it.

Laying out the layers:

Green onion or dill

Pickled champignons or mushrooms

Boiled potatoes, grated

Boiled chicken or pork, finely chopped

Finely chopped pickled cucumbers

Another layer of potatoes

Korean carrot

grated cheese

Green onion or dill

As with any layered salad, let it brew in the refrigerator.

The savory combination of Korean carrots, mushrooms and pickles goes well with chicken and mushrooms.

Salad with squid and red caviar "Emperor"

How to cook salad "Emperor" can be viewed

Salad "Cornucopia" with red caviar, salmon, and shrimps

How to cook the Horn of Plenty salad

If the holiday "caught by surprise" and it is not possible to spend a lot of time preparing a variety of culinary masterpieces, you can always use a number of quick and delicious recipes for holiday dishes. It is worth adding such recipes to your culinary "arsenal" - and you will always be "fully armed" for any holiday.

Quick hot recipes for the holiday table

Of course, no festive feast is complete without hot dishes. But what if the guests are already on the doorstep, and there is simply no time to cook the same, for example, traditional fried chicken? The answer is simple - there are a surprising number of quick hot pot recipes that will literally take 20-30 minutes. These are, for example, unusual "pancakes" of spaghetti with mushrooms, herbs and cheese - the dish looks appetizing and is prepared extremely simply. In case of force majeure, you can store a pack or two of egg noodles in the kitchen cabinet, which cooks very quickly: in this case, an original Asian-style dish can be served at the festive table. A quick recipe is good not only because it takes 15-20 minutes to cook, but also because when preparing such a festive hot dish, you can fantasize endlessly, adding any greens that are in the refrigerator, utilizing any the remaining pieces of meat.

Quick and delicious sweet recipes for the holiday

Something, and all kinds of desserts for the festive table can really be prepared in haste - there would be only the right ingredients. And first of all, such an option for quick sweet dishes on the festive table is all kinds of cakes without baking. For most recipes for such cakes, even ready-made cakes will not be required - just ordinary cottage cheese, sour cream and cookies and some frozen berries or jam will be enough.

If ready-made “shop” cakes are at hand, it’s absolutely wonderful: in a matter of minutes, you can prepare a quick and tasty cake with the most delicate coconut cream for the festive table. However, ready-made cakes for making truly delicious homemade “pseudo baking” are not needed at all - you can use, for example, the most ordinary gingerbread. Ready "gingerbread" cake turns out no worse than the "shop". If time permits, then you can prepare a chocolate-coconut roll without baking in advance for the holiday: it is made quickly and simply from the available ingredients (cookies, coconut, chocolate), but until ready, a delicious dessert will have to be “frozen” in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

If you show a little imagination, then without baking you can cook not only a birthday cake, but also a great many desserts. So, for example, the Delight dessert will be an excellent table decoration without any effort and time: in the “baskets” of chocolate chip cookies there is an airy and very tender mass of cottage cheese and strawberries (berries can be used both fresh and frozen). From the same chocolate cookies and condensed milk, you can also make the well-known Potato cakes. If there is nothing at hand at all except cottage cheese, eggs and sour cream, you can serve an original cottage cheese casserole to the festive table, for the preparation of which neither flour nor semolina is required. Simple and very tasty, this casserole resembles a classic cheesecake in texture and taste.

Quick Holiday Dinner Recipes

In order for the festive table to abound with a variety of dishes, it is not at all necessary to spend the whole day in the kitchen - it will be enough to use a couple of recipes for quick holiday snacks. Treat your gathering to miniature pâté canapés, cream cheese and herb rolls or Raffaello cheese with walnuts and garlic, perfect with wine and other festive spirits.

Of course, the more original the appetizer will look, the better - after all, it is the design of the festive dishes that differ, first of all, from the “every day” menu. Even the most ordinary sprat sandwiches can be a great option for a holiday snack if you spend an extra 5 minutes decorating them. The appetizer with the speaking name “Tomato Salad” also looks very nice - the most remarkable thing is that it only takes 10 minutes maximum to prepare. And in the same 10-15 minutes, from the leftovers that are found in the refrigerator, it will be possible to cook a traditional quick snack - stuffed eggs (the main thing is to find something to stuff them with).

Not only snacks, but also salads can be prepared literally from everything that you can find in the kitchen - if there is no time left to go to the store, you can cook, for example, the original warm buckwheat salad. And if there are any canned fish in the house, the number of available options for holiday salads immediately increases tenfold. A salad made from a jar of canned tuna with eggs and cheese will turn out to be very tasty and festive. In addition, from any canned fish, if time permits, you can quickly prepare a variation of the classic festive salad “under a fur coat” from potatoes, gherkins, beets, chicken eggs.

If the holiday really “caught by surprise” and there are no ingredients at all for preparing some festive snacks or desserts at home, “lazy” pies with minced meat will be an excellent option - for example, the original meatball pie or a hearty and delicious lavash cake “Men's Joy” ". And even if the list of available products is limited to the same pita bread, sour cream, milk and eggs, it will be possible to prepare a quick “lazy” pie with cheese filling for the festive table.

Before the onset of this significant date, the heart invariably stops with joy in anticipation of gifts, fun, friendly meetings. But some people don't like their birthdays for various reasons. Someone due to the fact that they are at least a year, but they are getting older. And some, especially economical subjects, are busy calculating how much it will cost them, and from the announcement of the estimate, their mood deteriorates. Life so develops that everyone is periodically forced to save. But this is not a reason to deprive yourself of the holidays. Therefore, we will try to answer the question: how to inexpensively set the table for a birthday?

Where is the tradition from?

When did people start celebrating birthdays? There are two versions. According to the first, the tradition was based on Roman rites in honor of the gods. The pagans laid plentiful tables, congratulations sounded, various gifts were given. This hypothesis is more modern. And the second version says that the roots of the tradition go back to ancient times, when there were beliefs about the special vulnerability of a person on his birthday. It was believed that any wishes or curses have a double effect on such dates. Therefore, with offerings, ancient people tried to appease the spirits so that they would not harm the newborn.

Name day of Mukha-Tsokotukha

Gradually they switched to personalities, but for a long time no one paid attention to the date of the birth of children and women. The first woman whose birthday was celebrated on a grand scale was the beautiful Cleopatra. It was not customary for the common people to record and celebrate women's birthdays.

The Greeks and Egyptians often and pathetically celebrated the birth dates of the gods, as well as the pharaohs and kings. Sometimes, on the occasion of the birth of the pharaoh, prisoners were released from prisons. In ordinary families, it was practiced to celebrate only the birthday of the head of the family.

The position of Christianity on this issue at first was extremely tough: life is given to a person to atone for sins, so he is not up to fun. Later, the church softened somewhat and allowed baptisms with name days. But the Soviet system was against name days and, figuratively speaking, trampled on the tradition with its iron boot. Even the famous birthday fly was ordered to be removed from the works of old Korney.

By the way, name days were very popular in Rus': they baked a loaf, brewed delicious beer, cooked pies and sang songs. Of course, the peasant holidays were much more modest than the royal ones: sometimes the amount spent on the name day of the crowned person could be used to build several luxurious palaces.

Surprise cake

It is clear that ordinary people have always dreamed of deliciously and inexpensively setting the table for a birthday. But what's a holiday without cake? Few people know where this indispensable attribute of birthdays came from. If you dig deeper, it is believed that the idea itself came again from the times of paganism, when sacred altars were lit in pitch darkness in honor of the ancient gods.

But the Germans introduced the tradition. They created a common ritual for celebrating a child's birthday. To do this, they prepared a delicious cake, in which they hid various iconic objects, put candles on top according to the number of years of the hero of the occasion, and, waking the child with the dawn, sang healthy songs to him. It is noteworthy that the cake was not eaten until evening, until the whole family gathered at the table. The child had to think of something cherished and blow out the candles at a time. Familiar, right?

Jam Day: their manners

In different countries, such holidays are treated differently. The most reverent attitude of the majority of the inhabitants of the planet to anniversaries. But some nationalities celebrate just odd or non-circular dates. Traditions are also different: in Italy, spaghetti will be an indispensable dish on the table of the birthday boy (so that he lives long), and in Latin America they always break a piñata with gifts loaded into it.

The British, who have lived to be 80 years old or more, are personally congratulated by Her Royal Majesty. But the most unlucky birthday people live in Japan: instead of children, their parents are congratulated, and it is generally customary to give gifts only after the age of 60.

Economy table rules

If the hostess-birthday girl nevertheless decided to gather loved ones under her hospitable roof, but wants to measure needs with opportunities, then there is a way out.

Setting a table for a birthday at home is inexpensive, very tasty, and even so that it looks presentable - an absolutely doable task. To do this, you must follow the simplest rules:

  1. The menu must be thought out in advance. It's good to delve into cookbooks, look through magazines. It is necessary to pay attention to the ingredients: it is cheaper to buy seasonal products, so the menu is selected accordingly. If the hostess wants to set the table for her birthday at home inexpensively, recipes with photos are especially welcome, because you can immediately see how the dishes will look on the table.
  2. Accurately calculate the number of invitees (considering, of course, a few uninvited guests). You can cook hot portions, but in this case, the birthday girl will not have peace. It’s better to make a common dish with a margin.
  3. The first courses in the birthday menu, as a rule, are not included. The exception is exotic gourmet soups.
  4. If a traditional celebration is planned, then it is quite possible to set the table for a birthday at home inexpensively. Recipes for budget meals can be found in any source to your taste. But cold and hot appetizers, main course (meat or fish), salads and dessert must be included.

Alcoholic drinks are also an important attribute of the festive table, as they increase the degree of mood, pardon the pun.

Modest cut and luxurious roll

Many families adhere to classic long-term traditions and set the table with favorite dishes that guests know by heart. But this approach has its own benefit: people will never leave hungry and are guaranteed to be satisfied.

Meat, cheese and vegetable cuts belong to the standard cold appetizers. This classic approach has never let anyone down. The main thing is the variety of varieties in the composition of the cut. Everyone knows that it is with cold appetizers that any feast should begin. This is the so-called organizational moment: after all, it is useless to hope that no one will be late. And while waiting, the rest of the guests will be able to eat well so as not to drink on an empty stomach.

For those who want to set the table for a birthday at home inexpensively, Korean snacks are perfect: get a little bit of everything (pre-tasting the dishes) and put them on the table in small plates. Homemade pickles and marinades are also in great demand among guests.

There are express recipes for the initiates on how to deliciously and inexpensively set the table for a birthday: a cold roll and an appetizer with the romantic name "Raffaello". The first is prepared as follows:

  • a sheet of thin pita bread is smeared with a mixture that includes: mayonnaise, garlic, dill and grated cheese;
  • top with thinly sliced ​​ham;
  • then the steps are repeated;
  • roll pita bread in the form of a roll;
  • wrap the product in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Serve such an inexpensive, but original dish by cutting it with a very sharp knife into portioned pieces.

Appetizer "Raffaello" will require the following ingredients:

  • crab sticks;
  • garlic;
  • hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cashews (but you can use walnuts to save money).

A walnut kernel is rolled into a mixture of cheese, fat mayonnaise and garlic. Next, the frozen crab stick is rubbed on a fine grater. In grated crab meat it crumbles with a surprise: the dish is ready. Including with the help of this recipe, you can reveal the secret of how to quickly and inexpensively set the table for a birthday. To make such balls look festive, they are laid out on fresh lettuce leaves.

You can also use seasonal dishes. The budget version of the menu is compiled in the summer. For example, eggplant tongues or fingers. The second option is more expensive, since it has very little, but meat is included.

Delicious hot appetizers

The hostess, asking herself the question of how tasty and inexpensive to set the table for her birthday, should not forget about hot snacks. They follow the cold when everyone has gathered at the table and it's time for the first toasts. They should not be many, and they are prepared shortly before serving. This is a light meal with small portion sizes. An example of such a snack can be easy-to-cook meatballs:

  • traditional, minced meat is made, with the addition of a raw egg;
  • the finished layer of dough is rolled out and cut into strips;
  • meat balls are wrapped with threads of dough like a ball;
  • the dish is baked in the oven until cooked.

This appetizer looks very presentable.

Now it is not a problem for the hostess to set the table for a birthday at home inexpensively, the recipes just jump out of magazines, cookbooks, and Internet portals. Here, for example, is a dish similar to julienne, which is prepared ridiculously quickly, but tastes simply charming. We present to the attention of the housewives champignons in sour cream sauce.

The dish is prepared like this:

  • peeled mushrooms are added to carefully sautéed onions and carrots and stewed for about 10 minutes;
  • later sour cream, seasonings are laid and everything is stewed until cooked.

The simplest dish can be made beautiful if you sprinkle it with grated cheese and herbs on top, and serve it in ceramic pots.

Salads for a date

If you set out to set the table for a birthday at home inexpensively, then you can’t do without salads. For a traditional approach, Olivier, herring under a fur coat, Mimosa or Caesar are suitable. You can use the simplest option, which will require products such as:

  • green pea;
  • ham;
  • pickled champignons;
  • mayonnaise.

This salad is suitable when guests are literally on the doorstep or come unexpectedly. After all, nothing needs to be prepared in advance, all the components are simply mixed.

Salads with seafood can look original, they especially appeal to the female half of the guests.

Main meal serving

A very important moment when, after an artistic exclamation: “Fedya! Game!" on the table appears, for example, a baked appetizing duck stuffed with dried apricots and apples. But the question was how inexpensively to set the table for a birthday, what does the game have to do with it? So it is not necessary to bake the duck, the same can be done with chicken. You can use not the whole bird, but its legs or wings. If you marinate them well, and even roll them in honey, you will get an excellent dish with a delicious crispy crust.

In general, before planning the main serving, you need to ask yourself what your guests like more: meat or fish? Only then can you prepare the coveted main course. Of course, fish is several times more troublesome than meat, but either pike will become truly festive and will be remembered by guests for a long time. It is not bad to serve chops, meatballs, medallions or steaks to the festive table. One thing can be said with certainty - meat must be present on the table.

As a side dish for main dishes, you should choose potatoes in any form: mashed potatoes, french fries, fried, boiled with herbs.

What about compote?

To set the table for a birthday inexpensively, recipes are not all that a hostess needs. Drinks are also important. Of course, you can not do without compotes, juices, carbonated drinks, maybe even crocks. And what about alcohol? It is important to take into account here that not everyone drinks strong alcohol, therefore champagne, as well as other wines, is an obligatory attribute on the festive table.

Desserts require tea or coffee. As a sweet, of course, in the classic version they serve a cake with candles, but how to set a festive table for a birthday inexpensively? After all, cakes are quite expensive. There is a way out: either bake a cake with your own hands, or purchase cakes, cookies or sweets. By the way, a confectionery product prepared personally is better than any purchased product, because the hostess puts her soul into the dish.

Mistress Secrets

To set the table for a birthday at home inexpensively, but at the same time make it unforgettable, you need to know the main secret: competent serving and decoration of dishes. This is not worth your time.

What you need for serving and decorating:

  1. Tablecloth. The classic version is white, but other colors are allowed.
  2. Dishes. Cutlery and glasses should be polished to a shine. For a solemn occasion, it will be useful to get your best service from the bins.
  3. Do not forget about cloth napkins according to the number of guests. They can be laid out beautifully in waves or in the form of shapes.
  4. Decorate dishes with herbs, bright berries, like cranberries, peas, olives. For curly and fruit there is a special knife, it would be nice to buy it. If you ask yourself the question: how to set the table for a birthday inexpensively, recipes can be very surprising. And not only not too expensive and tasty dishes described in them, but also a presentable appearance. This is due to the fact that the dish is decorated correctly, because when looking at food, appetite should come.
  5. You should not conduct a lot of culinary experiments, let everything be familiar, with the exception of one or two dishes.

A festive table should not be complete without a variety of vegetables and fruits. If the alcohol is planned to be strong, then take care of a hearty and plentiful snack.

Little birthday boy

How to inexpensively set the table for a child's birthday so that he is delighted, probably many mothers think.

Actually, it's quite easy. There are several tips, using which you can make an unforgettable celebration for your child and his friends:

  • paper dishes of bright colors - safe and beautiful, and you don’t need to wash anything;
  • decoration of the room with balls, paper garlands;
  • small dishes - mostly canapes, salads in bowls, lavash rolls with various fillings, chicken croquettes - children do not really like to overeat, unless, of course, these are sweets;
  • water drinkers can be offered home-made lemonade, fruit drinks, juices, compotes and milk-fruit shakes;
  • desserts are preferably from cottage cheese;
  • salads are best seasoned with sour cream and yogurt.

Everything is suitable for canapes: ham, cheese stars, pepper slices, olives, corn, shrimp. The sweet version is done like this: bananas, grapes, kiwi are pricked on skewers.

From boiled chicken, tomatoes, sweet peppers and hard-boiled eggs, you can make a delicious salad by decorating it in the form of a hedgehog with fly agarics on its back. Lettuce is laid in layers: chopped chicken → tomatoes → grated eggs → chopped peppers. Each layer is smeared with sour cream and yogurt dressing. The hedgehog should be sprinkled with grated carrots, and the muzzle should be marked with egg white. The eyes and nose are made from olives and prunes, and fly agaric from eggs and tomatoes.

It is important to create a festive atmosphere and provide the opportunity for the kids to actively move.

Alternative Ideas

Finally, we can offer a few ideas when there is neither time nor desire to spend time in the kitchen, and the soul needs a holiday. You can set the table for a birthday at home inexpensively and tasty by purchasing prepared food from a cookery or restaurant. This option is especially suitable for a young advanced company. You can order pizza, grilled chicken and salads. Japanese dishes are a little more expensive.

There is also an interesting and modern option - a buffet table. But he is subject to certain rules:

  • division into disposable portions;
  • dishes should be mostly on skewers;
  • you can lay out all kinds of goodies on one large table;
  • the main dish should be in baskets or make pancakes, after cutting them;
  • if chicken legs are served, then the bone is wrapped with a napkin.

Alcoholic drinks must be uncorked, and glasses and glasses must be provided to guests. But a huge plus will be that the birthday girl does not need to constantly change plates and appliances.

The most interesting option would be a birthday in nature. Happy people born in the summer months know what that means. Outdoor picnic, barbecue, barbecue, air and sun - what could be more tempting? But here there are nuances:

  • salads with mayonnaise - not recommended picnic dishes;
  • meat must be marinated in advance;
  • take care of drinking water;
  • sandwiches and side dishes can be taken from home.

And what a delicious pilaf on a fire or potatoes baked in ashes!

But whatever the birthday person chooses, the main thing is the loved ones nearby.

An article on how to prepare inexpensive dishes for the festive table. You will find several recipes in the text.

Saving is a common, necessary and common thing. But it’s not easy, because there are many temptations around to spend money “for other purposes”, and prices in stores do not always please us ... So what to save on?

Holiday? This is sheer waste! But pleasant

Our life is full of “non-working days”. These are, from the point of view of a thrifty person, the days when he does not earn, but spends a lot of money. Let's try to pick up recipes on how to get around wasteful traditions, but so that the holiday remains a holiday!

The principles of an economical feast

What are the principles of economy? How to organize a festive table inexpensively and tasty recipes for which would be available to any housewife?

1. The main thing is to shift the accents of the evening from food towards humor and entertainment.

2. Avoid cafes and restaurants, celebrate holidays at home, with family or friends.

3. Prepare long-lasting products for the cherished day in advance - a week or two, or even a month, without waiting for the trade to congratulate you on the holiday with new prices.

4. Give up delicacies - it's always expensive.

5. Focus on national cuisine - the cuisine of your mothers and grandmothers.

6. Turn on your imagination: an artistically designed dish is twice as tasty. Proven by science!

7. Do you celebrate with your friends? Together and cook, with joy and laughter!

The principles of selecting products for the festive table

Of course, the economical table rejects delicacies. The task is to try to turn the most ordinary foods and drinks into them. Agree in advance with friends who you will celebrate with, buy in a pool, bring food in advance, optimally - two days before the start of cooking. Decide in advance who has artistic ability and experience decorating dishes.

1. Focus mainly on seasonal vegetables.

2. If it is winter or spring, then use a small amount of expensive vegetables (bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers) only to decorate salads.

3. From cereals on the festive table, buckwheat and rice are appropriate, but they can be abandoned in favor of potatoes, because the variety of dishes from it is incredibly large!

4. Use mostly chicken or other meat, but with abundant side dishes.

5. A very economical meat dish - meat aspic or jelly (jelly), because their main ingredient by weight is the same jelly, consisting of meat, broth (that is, almost water!) And gelatin.

6. The jelly is perfectly combined (decorated) with green peas, boiled carrots, small pieces of sweet pepper. Everything that you put in jelly must be blanched!

7. Quite a versatile meat dish - zrazy. Also on the festive table, dishes from the liver are appropriate - pates, liver “cake”. They will save on meat, because these are also almost “meat” dishes.

Recipes for inexpensive salads on the holiday table

Of course, on an economical holiday table, “Herring under a “fur coat”, “Mimosa” salad and “Olivier” salad are simply required to be present. Without the latter, it seems that the holidays (especially New Year's!) are generally unthinkable. These inexpensive salads consist of the most common and inexpensive products. And you can even make mayonnaise for them yourself if you are an experienced hostess. Practice, but not before the holiday itself - then there will be no time! However, these three salads will be lonely if you limit yourself and decorate an inexpensive holiday table with only them. An inexpensive table can be decorated with other salads.

Salad “Nest of the Crystal Bird”

This is both a salad and an appetizer at the same time. Base: any of your favorite salad with mayonnaise, preferably from green vegetables - green onions, lettuce leaves, etc. The salad should be prepared in advance, it should be laid out on a large dish, and carefully decorated with “crystal eggs” on top, which will decorate it both in appearance and taste.

  • Ingredients and materials
  • Whole, without cracks, eggshell - 2 pieces per serving.
  • Strong meat broth - 40 ml for 1 eggshell
  • Gelatin 1 tablespoon for every 180 ml of broth.
  • For minced meat

Sweet corn, green sweet peas, boiled carrots, ham, pickled or fresh cucumber, sweet pepper - 1 tablespoon of the mixture for each eggshell. You can replace the frozen vegetable mixture in the form of vegetable cubes, blanched before cooking, in the same amount, adding cubes of boiled chicken meat.

  • Shell preparation

Take the right amount of raw eggs, wash them well. Very carefully, without splitting the shell, make a hole with a diameter of 1-1.5 centimeters in it from the blunt end. Carefully pour in the whites and yolks - they can be used for any other dishes. We also need a shell. Rinse whole shells of each egg thoroughly with cold water and boil in boiling water for 5-10 minutes to disinfect.

  • Preparing the broth with gelatin

Carefully, through several layers of gauze, filter the pre-prepared transparent (and slightly salted) meat broth and put the gelatin to swell, which must be taken at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 cup of broth. After preparing the broth with gelatin, cool it to a barely warm state and pour it into egg shells laid on an ordinary egg tray, but pour it so that it fills the egg no more than a third. To pour the broth into the shells, it is convenient to use a teapot with a long spout. After pouring, put the tray with shells in the cold.

  • Stuffing (minced meat)

Meanwhile, prepare the filling for the “crystal eggs”. Suitable: sweet corn, sweet peppers, cubes or slices of boiled meat (ham), cubes of hard salted or fresh cucumber, cubes of boiled carrots, tender sprigs of dill up to 5 cm long, thin onion feathers several centimeters long, hard cheese cubes or omelet cubes from the same egg whites and yolks. The more brightly colored pieces, the better. Cubes should be 1cm in size.

  • The final

After making sure that the broth in the shells is frozen, fill them with the multi-colored ingredients prepared by you to the top and pour the broth with gelatin. And - again in the cold (not in the freezer and not in the cold!), Until it solidifies completely. After the gelatin has hardened, peel the shells from the “crystal eggs” and artistically decorate the “nest” of the Crystal Bird with them!

Snack recipes for the holiday table

Chops from white cabbage

An inexpensive dish is appropriate on any table.

  • Ingredients
  • White cabbage - 0.5 kg.
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Milk - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Flour for breading.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Refined vegetable oil - 1/3 cup.
  • Cabbage preparation

Cut a small head of cabbage into quarters, put in cold salted water, put on a slow fire. Cook until tender, piercing occasionally with a fine-toothed fork. You can't digest! Throw the cooked cabbage into a colander to cool. Disassemble into leaves, cutting off the hard part.

  • Cooking

Beat 2-3 eggs, slightly dilute with milk. Put a frying pan on the fire, where you pour in a little refined vegetable oil. Dip the cabbage in flour, then in the egg, repeating the cycle three times. The last one should be the egg. Place in a skillet and fry until golden brown. Serve hot or warm. Option: between two leaves before breading, you can put the thinnest slice of any spicy cheese or even a thin plate of chopped pickles.

“Mushroom stump” from mashed potatoes

  • Ingredients
  • Potatoes - 250 grams per serving.
  • Butter - 10g per serving.
  • Raw egg - 1 pc. for 1 kg puree. If 1.5 kg of puree - 2 eggs, etc.
  • rye bread or
  • crusts of toasted wheat bread for decoration - 1 cup per 1 kg of puree.

Pickled or freshly fried mushrooms, or fried minced meat - 200 grams for every 1 kg of mashed potatoes.

Salt, pepper, fried onions until golden brown - to taste.

  • Cooking

Preparing mashed potatoes

Boil the peeled potatoes until cooked, drain the water, mash while the potatoes are hot, add butter, mushroom seasoning to taste and a raw egg in the mashed potatoes at the rate of 1 egg per 1 kg of mashed potatoes. Thoroughly mash the puree while it is hot.

Dish decoration

Put on a dish, form a stump, making its side surface under the “rough bark” and simulating it with crushed rye bread or toasted crushed wheat bread crusts. Richly and artistically decorate the “stump” on top with whole pickled or fried mushrooms. Fried mushrooms can also be added to the puree before forming a “stump”. Small pieces of well-fried meat or simply golden-fried onions are sometimes added to puree for taste. The dish will remain inexpensive, because 70-80% of it consists of potatoes.

If you have any questions and you want to get a qualified answer to them, you can ask your questions in the comments or through the form.
