
How to cook not a dry Easter cake. The best recipes for Easter cakes

A delicious Easter cake does not have to be prepared for a long time or include expensive ingredients. According to the indicated photo and video recipes with step-by-step descriptions, you can cook amazing Easter pastries easily and quite quickly. It will help to prepare an unusual soft and moist cake the most delicious recipe using chocolate. And housewives can make simple pastries by putting raisins, candied fruit and ordinary dry yeast in the dough. The proposed options are great for convenient preparation for the holiday.

The most delicious Easter cake recipe - with step by step photo instructions

Cooking colored icing and preparing dough with candied fruits and raisins will help you make unusual Easter cakes for Easter. The recipe for the most delicious cake offered below will help in this. Detailed instructions will allow you to easily prepare for the holiday and please your family with original pastries.

Ingredients for the most delicious Easter cake recipe

  • flour - 1 kg;
  • drain. oil - 180 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.;
  • yeast - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - 220 g;
  • raisins, candied fruit, food coloring.

Photo recipe with instructions for cooking the most delicious Easter cake

A simple recipe for the most delicious Easter cake with dry yeast - photo description of steps

The use of dry yeast does not change the taste of Easter baking. But for many housewives it is much more convenient to work with just such an ingredient. The following delicious and simple Easter cake recipe will help you create original pastries using your favorite component.

List of ingredients for baking the most delicious Easter cake with dry yeast

  • flour - 900 g;
  • milk - 2 1/4 cups;
  • sugar - 150 g + 1 tbsp;
  • yeast - 14 g;
  • drain. oil - 115 g;
  • lemon, orange - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

A simple photo recipe for the most delicious Easter cake with dry yeast

The best recipes for soft and moist Easter cake for Easter - step by step photo and video instructions

The rich taste of Easter cake largely depends on the main ingredients and auxiliary additives used. Therefore, to get the most delicious wet baking for Easter, you should use full-fat milk. They will help you to cook the most delicious Easter cakes recipes with photos and videos below. They include unusual ingredients to improve the taste of your favorite pastries.

Ingredients for the best soft and moist Easter cake recipe

  • flour - 225 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • milk - 190 ml + 80 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • drain. oil - 40 g + 50 g;
  • dry yeast - 6 g;
  • chocolate - 200 g;
  • raisins, almonds.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making a moist and soft Easter cake

Video instruction for preparing the best soft and moist Easter cake for Easter

You can cook a moist and soft cake in another way. Unlike this option, its tenderness will be preserved due to the high-quality preparation of the dough, and not due to protection from drying out with the help of glaze. You can learn how to make a moist and tasty soft cake in this video:

Easy video recipe for a delicious and simple Easter cake - step by step instructions

If there is no time for a long preparation of the test, then the instructions below will certainly come in handy for any housewife. It will help you easily and simply make the most delicious cake recipe video below.

In fact, a good Easter cake should last the entire Easter week and even longer. But... Firstly, even homemade cakes after cutting become not so fragrant and slowly dry out. Secondly, our stores sell Easter cakes much more like cupcakes. And they dry beautifully. So what to do? Quick, quick to eat Easter cakes? Throw away boring baked goods? But after all, it is impossible to throw out Easter cakes consecrated in the church, and it’s a pity that they are not consecrated. So, we will figure out how to use dried-up Easter cupcakes, or try to give them a fresh look. We present 6 ways to deal with dried Easter cakes:

Option 1. Make breading

The easiest and perhaps the best way. Cut the stale cake into slices, leave to dry completely until the evening. And then grind in a blender, if it is not there, grate it. And that's it - excellent breadcrumbs are obtained, sweet and fragrant. Of course, it is better not to roll chops in them, but using such crackers for preparing baking dishes, for cheesecakes or sweet vegetable cutlets is just fine.

Option 2. Make croutons

The old way - soak a hard cake with a mixture of milk and eggs. For the option with white bread, it is recommended to add sugar to the mixture, but the cake is already sweet, so we won’t. Cut the cake into slices, dip in the egg-milk mixture for 10 seconds, and then fry in butter.

Option 3. Fry croutons

Easter cake can simply be cut into cubes and dried in a pan. And then drink tea with these crackers. Or add them to a fruit puree soup, or a milkshake, or even a healthy energy smoothie of berries and fruits.

Option 4. Soak with syrup

If the cake has just begun to dry, then you can soak it with rum or cognac syrup. And eat quickly. 1 tablespoon of sugar should be dissolved in 1 glass of rum or cognac, cut off the top of the cake and spread the syrup over the surface. Then heat the cake in the oven at a temperature of 100-120 degrees.

Option 5. Cook "Potato"

500 g dried cake

1 glass of rum

2/3 cans of condensed milk

50 g cocoa

130 g butter

Step 1. Grind Easter cake in a blender. Melt butter.

Step 2. Mix cookies, cocoa, butter, condensed milk, add rum. Mix everything until smooth.

Step 3. Blind small cylinders, approximately 50 g each. Refrigerate for 2 hours.

Step 4. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Option 6. Make the base for the cheesecake

For the base:

300 g dried cake

150 g butter

For cheese cream:

3 jars Philadelphia cheese

250 g sugar

180 ml cream

lemon zest

Step 1. Punch Easter cake in a blender to small crumbs.

Step 2. Melt the butter and mix with the crumbs until smooth.

Step 3. Place the butter mixture in a baking dish, tamping with a spoon.

Step 4. Bake the base for 10 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees.

Step 5. Grind sugar into powder.

Step 6. Beat cheese with sugar, add eggs one at a time, without stopping beating.

Step 7. In a separate bowl, whip the cream, mix with the cheese mass. Add lemon zest.

Step 8. Put the cream on a sand base, bake in a water bath in the oven at 160 degrees for about 60 minutes.

And your cake turned out dry, which means you do not know the main secrets of its preparation. Despite the large number of recipes, the technology for baking Easter products is the same. And any deviation from the norm or non-compliance with the basic rules of cooking will lead to a poor result.

Why does the cake crumble? There are several factors for this. Firstly, the result of dry baking is non-compliance with the recipe. Baked goods can become dry and crumble when sliced ​​due to lack of fat in the dough or excess yeast.

Secondly, the reason is improper kneading of the dough. It is also important to lift it. Experienced craftswomen advise kneading for a long time, since gluten is released from the flour during kneading, which properly binds the dough and allows it to rise well.

Thirdly, Easter can crumble due to low acidity. A decrease in acidity is due to the use of low-quality flour. It is impossible to bake a good and tasty cake from second-rate ingredients.

A dryish product is also obtained if the temperature regime is not observed: when it was baked at too high or low temperature, the necessary humidity conditions were not maintained during baking, and also if the product was taken out of the oven early.

The main secrets of cooking a delicious cake

In order for the pastries not to fall apart and not crumble during cutting, you need to follow all the rules for preparing an Easter product. And this applies not only to kneading dough. This includes all processes.

Here are the main secrets of a tall, loose and tender cake regarding the dough

It is also important to strictly adhere to the recipe. Do not add more sugar than prescribed - otherwise the dough will become heavier. And, of course, all the ingredients that you take for baking must be fresh and only of high quality.

Products must be heated to room temperature. Therefore, a couple of hours before cooking, all ingredients should be pulled out of the refrigerator.

What else is important when baking.

  1. To improve the quality of baking, sift the flour well before kneading the dough. This makes it possible not only to get rid of additional impurities, but also to saturate it with oxygen.
  2. To make the pastries fluffy, add only the yolks to the dough.
  3. Do not exclude alcohol from the recipe. It affects the consistency of the dough, making pastries tender and airy.
  4. The dough should rise three times: during kneading the dough, after adding the rest of the ingredients, and also in molds before baking.
  5. Observe the humidity conditions in the oven. To do this, before turning it on, place a container with water on the bottom, and on top - already a baking sheet with molds.
  6. Do not open the oven while the cake is baking.
  7. After baking, lay the cake on its side and wrap in a towel. This will prevent the product from settling.

All of these rules are pretty simple. However, they must be observed. This is the only way you can cook delicious and delicate products that you will treat your loved ones and friends for Easter.

How to properly store cookies

Some housewives start baking on Maundy Thursday. At the same time, Easter cakes cannot be thrown away even after Easter. Therefore, it is important to properly store products - both before the holiday and after.

So that the cake does not begin to crumble prematurely and retain softness:

  • decorate with icing, as it allows you to keep the cake fresh longer;
  • before sending it to the package, you need to let it cool well; this may take 3-4 hours;
  • products wrapped in towels should be put in an enamel pan and closed with a lid;
  • Easter cake baked on Thursday should be wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator; but you should not put it in the fruit compartment, as there is quite a lot of humidity in the air;
  • soak gauze folded in several layers with rum or cognac; then wrap the cake in gauze and put it in the refrigerator - in this form, the product can be stored for more than 10 days.

Believers never throw away. And they even use the crumbs from Easter cakes properly. If you grind them in a blender, you will get excellent breadcrumbs. Of these, by adding butter, condensed milk, cocoa and a glass of rum, you can make delicious cookies. And from the dried pieces they make sweet crackers for tea.

We start eating kulich on Easter day after its consecration in the church. And every hostess wants to show off her masterpiece to loved ones or friends. Follow the simple cooking rules, and your Easter cakes will turn out not only soft and airy, but will also retain their freshness throughout the Easter week.

Hello dear hostesses!

Kulich is an Easter holiday cake. The custom of baking Easter cakes, painting eggs and exchanging them for Easter has been preserved among the people to this day.

When preparing EASTER cake, many hostesses often have questions: HOW CORRECT? WHAT EXACTLY? WHY? WILL YOU GET IT?...

Today I will share with you the verified "golden rules" that are observed in our kitchen when preparing Easter cake. I will share the information that I own and use myself .. Maybe someone will come in handy!

When baking cakes, remember the following:


· Amount of flour necessary to obtain a good dough depends on the quantity and quality of liquid components, i.e. milk, kefir, yogurt, their density, freshness of yeast, moisture content in fats, and also on the quality of the flour itself. Flour should be of the best grades.

· The flour must be dry. Put flour from the evening on the battery, excess moisture will go away.

· Before kneading the dough, the flour should be sifted several times, at the same time, it is saturated with oxygen, and the dough as a result will be lush and tender.

From such flour, a lush and light dough is obtained.


· Yeast is best used fresh, light, with a pleasant yeasty smell.

Yeast is diluted with warm (!) Milk or warm (!) Water, adding sugar to activate. Cold milk (water) slows down the vital activity of yeast fungi, and hot milk leads to the complete suppression of their activity.

· if the yeast is not fresh, it must be "activated".

To do this, finely crumble and dilute in 0.5 cups of warm milk, add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes: The appearance of bubbles and foaming indicate yeast activity, therefore, the possibility of their use.


· It is best to use milk to prepare the cake. It improves the viscoplastic properties of the dough, enhances the loosening process.

· Milk It is best to bring to a boil and cool to room temperature.

· Instead of fresh milk for yeast dough, you can use sour milk, yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, sour cream, cream, whey and other fermented milk products.


· Fats provide dough plasticity, give the finished product fragility, tenderness, aroma, prevent staleness.

· Do not exceed the amount of fats introduced into the dough provided for by the recipe. , since excess fat hinders the work of yeast, as a result of which loosening of the dough is reduced or completely stopped, while the ability of flour proteins to swell is limited, the dough becomes torn, difficult to form, and the finished product is tasteless.

· Butter should be the latest. Before laying in the dough, it must be melted, let stand, then pour the warm, cleanest (without suspensions) into the dough.

· If vegetable oil is added to the dough , then the cake stays fresh longer.

· To make the dough viscoplastic, elastic, tear-resistant, light and convenient for cutting and shaping, it is recommended to add both butter and vegetable oil.


· Eggs (especially protein) give the dough stiffness, hardness, products from such a dough quickly become stale.

· If you decide to add to the dough whole eggs, then it is better to spend 3-4 minutes and beat the whites and yolks separately, as for a biscuit. Easter cake in this case will turn out more magnificent and tender.

· Yolks it is necessary to carefully separate from the proteins, strain through a sieve and only then beat them thoroughly until white.

· For whipping proteins you should use porcelain or copper utensils, but not aluminum. It must be dry and clean. Whisk squirrels slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace and without interruptions. Whipped squirrels add to the dough with gentle stirring. If you stir intensively, then the proteins "settle" and the product from the dough turns out to be dense and unbaked;


· Coarse salt is dissolved in the liquid on which the dough is kneaded. Fine salt is placed directly into the dough, which is prepared without liquid. However, you should not add salt directly to the dough - it kills yeast.



Soak watermelon, melon, pumpkin or citrus peels in cold water for 3-4 days, and then pour in thick sugar syrup and cook like jam. Then remove the candied fruits from the syrup and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Store them in a tightly sealed container.


The dough will have a bright yellow color and a characteristic aroma if it is tinted with saffron tincture. Thoroughly rub dry saffron stamens, fill them with a glass of vodka and put them in a dark, dry place for 14 days. Store the tincture in a tightly closed glass bottle. And when you prepare the dough for Easter cake, dilute a few drops of saffron tincture in 1 tsp. boiling water, add 1 tbsp. l. melted butter and mix well.


· Cookie dough loves warmth , so avoid drafts during kneading and proofing.

· The dough is better to knead with a wooden spatula, in this case it will turn out lush and airy.

· The dough for Easter cake should not be liquid (the Easter cakes will spread out and be flat) and should not be thick (the Easter cakes will be too heavy and stale quickly).

· Cookie dough is kneaded as long as possible so that it completely lags behind the hands or the table.

· The dough should rise three times : first time suitable dough, second time- when all products are added, the third time- when the dough is put into the moulds.


· Forms can be tin, copper, cardboard and have a different shape.

· Forms for baking are greased with oil, the bottom is covered with oiled foil.

· The form for baking Easter cakes is only half filled with dough, allowed to rise to 3/4 of the height of the form, and then placed in the oven.


· The oven must be preheated well. The baking temperature of Easter cakes should be = 180o.

· At a temperature of 200-220 degrees, kulich is baked in a humidified oven (for this, a container with water is placed down).

· On average, Easter cake weighing less than 1 kg is baked for 30 minutes, weighing 1 kg - 45 minutes, weighing 1.5 kg - 1 hour, weighing 2 kg - 1.5 hours.

· In order for the cake to rise evenly, a wooden stick is stuck into its middle before baking. After a certain time, the stick is removed. If it is dry, the cake is ready.

· If the cake starts to burn on top, cover it with dry paper or foil.

· The finished cake is taken out of the oven, placed “sideways” on a pillow and left in this position, periodically rolling until it cools completely. At the same time, the cake "ripens".


Easter cake ready for baking is smeared with an egg beaten with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, and butter, sprinkle with nuts, coarse sugar and breadcrumbs.

Ready-made Easter cakes can be glazed with any icing or fudge.

For glaze: 1

Beat 2 proteins with 200 g of powdered sugar until a thick, airy mass is obtained and add lemon juice to taste.

For glaze: 2 (custard protein cream)

3 egg whites

· 1 cup of sugar,

· 0.5 cups of water (or a little more)

· 1 teaspoon lemon juice (citric acid).

How to prepare protein custard:

To prepare the glaze, pour the sugar with water (the water should just cover the sugar), stir and keep on high heat, stirring constantly and removing the foam, until the liquid thickens. To test readiness, scoop up some syrup and dip it in cold water. If a soft ball can be formed from the cooled syrup, it is ready. Remove from heat and add lemon juice. Mix. If you use citric acid, then it should be added at the beginning of the preparation of the syrup. It is added so that the syrup does not darken when boiling.

Separately beat the protein until it increases in volume by 3-4 times. Pour hot syrup in a thin stream, and continue to beat, without ceasing, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After cooking, the glaze (custard protein cream) can be applied to the cooked cake.

If the cakes are stale, they can be refreshed , cut off the top layer, moisten with a little syrup:

· a glass of strong wine

a glass of water

· a full tablespoon of sugar

mix, heat and soak the cake with ready-made syrup. Then put it in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes (you can wrap the product with parchment paper). Easter cake will become tastier, as it will be saturated with aroma.

I wish you success!

Kulich is a confectionery muffin, which, as a rule, is baked for Easter. Everyone probably knows Easter cake to make it airy and soft. Properly prepared muffin can be stored for up to three months. Usually the dough starts to knead the day before the holiday, then let it brew all night. Baked must be consecrated in the church.

We have prepared some useful tips from which you will learn how to bake an Easter cake. The first rule says that in order for the pastries to turn out good, you need to pray. Our ancestors never started kneading dough without reading a prayer, and even more so Easter products. The quality of Easter cakes depends entirely on the ingredients used - the products must be the first freshness. Of course, preference is given to village eggs, milk, cream, butter and sour cream.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase environmentally friendly components, then carefully choose products in stores and be sure to look at their composition and expiration date. Although many people know how to bake Easter cake for Easter, not everyone gets a delicious muffin, but all because the ingredients must be warm before cooking, and in no case cold, otherwise the baking will turn out stale. For the preparation of Easter baking, only fresh yeast is used - it is not recommended to use dry yeast. Butter is necessarily subjected to heat treatment, and then cooled to room temperature, and only after that it is introduced directly into the dough.

How to bake an Easter cake, enriched with oxygen?

Very simple. To do this, the sponge dough must be carefully knocked out and kneaded. It is when it is knocked out that excess carbon dioxide leaves it, it is enriched with oxygen, and this contributes to an increase in the volume of the Easter dough. To obtain a bright yellow color, saffron is also used (5 drops of tincture are used per kilogram of dough). Candied fruits, raisins, and poppy seeds are added to the finished and well-kneaded dough to give the pastries a special taste. Now you know, by all means.


For a good test, you will need the following:

A kilogram of flour;

six eggs;

One and a half glasses of warm milk;

Three hundred grams of butter;

Two glasses of granulated sugar;

Fresh yeast - 50 grams;

Vanillin, raisins (200 gr.), candied fruits (100 gr.), a little salt.

For glaze:

3/4 cup sugar;

One protein;

Colored powder or shavings.

For dough: dissolve the yeast in milk and add 500 grams of flour - mix well, cover with a towel and leave for several hours in a warm place.

When our dough rises twice, add whipped yolks with sugar, salt, vanilla and butter to it, then mix everything. Next, we introduce whipped proteins and the rest of the flour - knead the mass, cover with a napkin and leave to approach.

After about an hour, the dough will increase in volume by one and a half times, then you can add dried fruits and nuts. Knead the dough for the last time and leave to rise again.

Grease the forms with oil or cover with parchment paper, put the pastry on 1/3 of them, brushing the top with a beaten egg - bake until the Easter increases in size and is covered with a golden crust.

Place the baked cookies on a plate and let cool. When the cake is completely cooled, it can be glazed and decorated.

Now you know how to bake an Easter cake, the main thing is to follow all the rules, and then you will get delicious pastries.
