
What do they eat in Thailand. Food in Thailand - food prices, cafes, street muffins

The most popular Thai food. Some of them are known all over the world, others are more mysterious...

But you should try them all and have an idea: "What, after all, to order?"

Too spicy Thai food? Know, spicy, pliz... and they will cook for you without chili pepper, which makes the dish deadly hot for European taste.

Some dishes will seem “native” to you and you may be surprised to notice: “My grandmother cooks such cabbage soup” or “I eat such an omelette for breakfast before university”. Well, let's compare.

Tom Yum Gung

Thai Masterpiece culinary arts- soup with a huge amount of shrimps, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemongrass, kolgan and lime leaves (kaffir).

All this is boiled in coconut milk and served in two versions: with coconut cream- soup Tom Yum Kung Nam Kon (tom yum gung nam kohn) or without it - Tom Yum Kung Nam Sai (tom yum gung nam sai). The second version is slightly more sour and light.

Tom Yum really combines many tastes: salty, sour, spicy and sweet in one dish. This is a true favorite of Thai cuisine known throughout the world.

Som Tam

Som Tam is perhaps the most famous salad in Thailand.

Garlic and chili are first crushed in a mortar. tamarind juice, fish sauce, peanuts, dried shrimps, tomatoes, lime juice, paste sugar cane, beans and a handful of green papaya followed by a mortar.

Sweet, salty and spicy flavors paired with green crunchy papaya.

Som Tam has many options on offer: with crabs - som tam boo, with fermented fish sauce - som tam plah lah.

Fermented fish sauce is a frequent guest in Thai cuisine. (The fermented fish is defended for 2-3 years with chopped stalks of lemongrass and lime leaves. The strained broth is a fermented fish sauce).

Pad Thai

Pad Thai is probably the most famous dish outside of Thailand.

Pad Thai gained extraordinary popularity thanks to the ravers, who put it at the top of the glory of Thai cuisine. Their assessment was supported by numerous tourists and the excitement began.

Medium sized rice noodles sautéed with shrimp and a variety of ingredients - nuts, tofu, bean sprouts, green onions, garlic, pepper, lime juice and fish sauce. Everything is poured over with an egg and cooked until the dish becomes thicker - this will give it a delicious taste.

Lime is squeezed onto the finished Pad Thai and sprinkled with peanuts. And again, some add a few tablespoons of sugar, dried chili peppers and a small spoonful of vinegar to it. Therefore, this set is served as a seasoning for the famous Pad Thai salad.

Gang Som Pak Ruam

Just like Thai - a fusion of sweet, sour and spicy in another ultra bright soup.

Its basis was vegetable stew- carrots, cabbage and green bean(Pak Ruam). It can be served with scrambled eggs and thai acacia leaves, then it is called Kung Som Cha Om Kai (gang som cha om kai).

Easy vegetable soup on meat broth, with fresh herbs and, of course, with chili peppers. All ingredients of Thai cuisine are beneficial for health, beauty and youth. Chili peppers included.

Gang Keow Wan

One of the most famous and popular dishes national cuisine- Thai green curry.

Green curry paste, coconut milk, bamboo shoots, chicken, sacred Thai basil, thai eggplant and, as a tradition, galangal, lemongrass, lime and other greens and leaves fill this dish with an unforgettable combination of delights.

It is cooked quite thick and served with a bowl of rice that will soak up every drop of curry.

Panang Gai

Chicken fried in red curry paste, then drizzled with coconut cream to make the curry juicy, spicy and flavorful.

The dish is served with finely chopped lemongrass leaves. If the dish is cooked correctly, then the dynamic (or demonic?) spicy taste felt from the first touch. Lemongrass is a very refreshing dish.

In this Thai dish, all Thai tastes are also combined. One of the top dishes.

Kung Massaman (Gang Massaman)

Massaman is a sweet curry from southern Thailand and is a halal dish.

Curry sauce is made from coconut milk mixed with hazelnut paste, a little peanut is added to the mixture for flavor, nutmeg and cinnamon.

The traditional massaman is served with potatoes as a side dish that absorbs Coconut oil like a sponge.

Massaman is one of the most popular Thai dishes. Potatoes and soft taste make it popular with Europeans.

Gai Pad Pongali

Chicken, onions, tomatoes and peppers in a yellow Thai curry paste and the main ingredient of the dish is an egg, with which it is poured and mixed. It is fried until cooked and sprinkled with a good portion of parsley.

Very similar to scrambled eggs with tomatoes and ... bacon, the same chicken, sausage and everything you want or have in the fridge.

Breakfast in an ambulance before classes or work was prepared so many times, considering it to be scrambled eggs with tomatoes and chicken, but it turns out that it is Guy Pad Pongali.

Gang Jued

One of the lightest Thai soups is Kung Jude.

IN vegetable broth from cabbage, carrots and onions, minced pork, tofu and glass noodles. Be sure to parsley on top.

Almost like our fresh cabbage soup, only instead of thai noodles and tofu we have potatoes and tomatoes.

Kung Jude is a vegetable medley, a soup that gets compliments from other Thai dishes and offsets their spiciness.

Jim Jum

A fantastic way to unwind over dinner to enjoy Jim Jahn with a few friends.

A small earthenware pot filled with fatty meat broth stands on burning coals.

The waiter brings an assortment of different herbs, cabbage, meat (usually pork or liver), beaten eggs, glass noodles and, of course, sacred Thai basil.

Vegetables and meat are thrown into the cauldron, where they are slowly stewed. This makes it nutritious and hearty soup... for dinner.

Khao Na Phet

Roast duck is recognized throughout Asia for being fatter and more flavorful than chicken.

Thai dish Khao Na Phet is served on a plate with rice. Selected pieces of duck are placed on rice and duck broth with acacia leaves is poured on top.

Khao Na Phet is easy to see - street food carts hang ducks in a glass cabinet.

Simple and nutritious duck broth with duck meat and rice.

Kai Ji Moo Sap (Kai Jiew Moo Saap)

Authentic Thai food that everyone can cook for themselves - omelet style again.

Eggs are beaten with fish and soy sauce, then minced pork is added. The resulting mixture is poured over hot boiled rice.

Served with chili sauce (sauce prik) and fresh herbs.

Thai-style rice and meat casserole - very satisfying and quick to cook - comfort food.

Kao Niew Moo Yang

Pork skewers, for a side dish, if you want - rice, noodles or french fries. What to add to this? In terms of information - nothing, in terms of gourmet - everything from fresh vegetables and fruit to coca cola and red wine.

All grilled meat in Thailand, like all Thai food - street and in restaurants, are very tasty and not expensive. You can buy Khao Nii Mu Yang everywhere, at any time of the day.

Moo Dad Diew

Pork marinated in weak vinegar is fried with soy sauce.

Juicy and aromatic pieces of pork are served with hot chili sauce (jim jao) and green onions. For garnish, of course, rice or noodles.

Fresh greens, herbs and traditional vegetables - cucumbers and tomatoes will give this dish a familiar summer taste and, perhaps, remind you of trips out of town "to kebabs" with friends.

Yam Khor Moo Yang

Delicious meat salad of Thai cuisine is prepared from pork, grilled and cut into pieces. They are poured with lemon juice and mixed with greens - parsley, sweet onions and a lot of fiery chili pepper.

This thai salad Isaan has the same attribute of a holiday as our Olivier. It is eaten with rice, which is dipped in a served sauce.

If you want a lighter version, then it is appropriate to order it without chili pepper. "Know spicy, please" is understood everywhere in Thailand and Thais know that Europeans are not ready for such "hot" dishes.

Gai Yang

Guy Yang - grilled chicken, like grilled pork - Moo Yang, very popular dish Thai cuisine, so it is sold everywhere from street food carts to restaurants.

Grilled chicken's companion is rice and delicious spicy Som Tam (green papaya salad).

A whole grilled chicken costs 120-130 baht, half chicken or breast - 50 baht.

On street food carts, at different vendors, it is prepared according to different recipes, but always delicious.

It is worth trying a few and choosing the one that suits your taste.

Kao Ka Moo

Pork is cooked for an hour in soy sauce with anise and cinnamon, which give the dish its characteristic flavor.

A piece of fatty pork on the bone literally slips into a bowl of rice.

Khao Ka Mu can be salty or sweet and served with rice with sauce.

On the street stalls, you can easily recognize Khao Ka Mu - in large cauldrons there are large pieces pork feet characteristic golden color which gives the dish soy sauce.

Khao Mok Gai

Another Muslim dish in Thai cuisine, which is very similar to biryani (biryani is rice, usually basmati, cooked with spices and herbs), is served as a side dish for meat, fish, pickles, eggs.

Khao Mok Gai is rice boiled in chicken broth with saffron, turmeric, cardamom and bay leaf. Chicken and rice have a recognizable yellow color. The dish is sprinkled with cilantro and fried onions.

Khao Moo Dang

Very tasty and hearty meal Thai cuisine, which is on the menu of restaurants and on street counters.

Khao Mu Dang is a bowl of rice and a large pile of thinly sliced ​​pork and Thai sausage, with boiled egg(or drenched in egg) and a thick layer of barbecue sauce.

When the dish is ready, it is sprinkled with cilantro and green onions on top. As a result, not spicy, but sweet taste of the dish, which is enjoyed with pleasure at night while walking.

Khao Man Gai

Chicken and rice from Thailand is perhaps more popular than Singaporean.

In Russia, we call it chicken broth with rice (meaning chicken in it, as usual).

Thai chicken Khao Man Gai is prepared in the same way - chicken pieces are placed in a plate of rice and poured chicken broth. All - thai dish Khao Man Gai is ready.

In Thailand, they offer, of course, chili with garlic as a condiment, without them the dish is dietary, not Thai ...

The broth can be served with fried chicken if you wish...

Nam Tok Moo

Nam Tok literally means waterfall in Thai.

Lightly grilled pork mixed with a good portion lemon juice, green onion, chili pepper, mint sprig, fish sauce and fried rice. The blood from the meat and the sauce inspired someone to call this dish "meat waterfall for eating", and rightly so.

The pork in this dish is very tender and soft.

Lab Moo (Larb Moo)

The famous Isaan dish of minced pork and liver, seasoned with lime juice and fish sauce. Leaves of mint, onion, pepper are slightly overcooked with rice.

All the ingredients for another Thai meat salad extremely important - their juice becomes the sauce for rice. In addition, the method of preparation of all Thai dishes, including Lab Moo, preserves all the beneficial properties of the products.

Pad Gai Pow (Pad Gai Pow, Moo, Kai, Dow)

If a Thai does not know what to order, his choice will probably come down to Pad Gai Poo.

Grilled chicken, meat or ground meat dishes you can trust. They always turn out tasty and satisfying at any time and, in almost every eatery.

Chicken (gai), pork (mu) or minced meat (kai) fried in oil with garlic, chili and small vegetables - green beans and bright basil that give the dish a unique taste.

It is usually served with rice and a fried egg.

Gai Pad Met Ma Muang

Another Guy Pad - chicken is fried in an oiled wok (a wok is a traditional Chinese frying pan wok) with onion, dried chili and crunchy cashew nuts.

Oyster sauce, fish sauce, sugar and different spices make the dish delicious.

Guy Pad is served, of course, with rice. Very tasty Thai dish and popular. The chili pepper adds spiciness to the dish.

Since, as a rule, Thai food is prepared in front of you, you can ditch the pepper and replace it with chili paste, a less pungent ingredient.

Plah Kah Pung Neung Manow

Whole perch in a pool of steam hot sauce.

Lime juice is poured into a metal mold in which the dish is served. A candle burns at the bottom of the mold to keep the fish steamed all the time. Garlic and green chili cloves protrude through cilantro and lime zest, reminiscent of spicy taste, A sweet fish melts in your mouth for a couple.

When ordering a dish at home and leaving it until the morning, the cold version of the fish remains just as tasty.

Gang Som Plah Chon

Well-done, brightly colored snake-headed fish is drenched in a deliciously spicy sweet and sour sauce.

Usually, the fish is served in metal form with a big pile of greens and vegetables on top.

A wonderful combination of flavors and aromas of Thai dishes. Without a doubt, you will become the envy of all restaurant visitors when fragrant fish will appear from the kitchen.

Pla Plow (Plah Plow)

A popular dish to eat with Som Tam and glutinous rice is the common fried fish with salt. But.

Firstly, the fish is stuffed with lemongrass, lime leaves and other fragrant ingredients, secondly, thickly sprinkled with salt.

That is why, never overcooked, it is grilled to juicy perfection.

The result is soft, sweetish, white fish meat that literally melts in your mouth.

Pla plu in Thailand is made from all types of fish.

Yam Plah Duk Foo

A treasured favorite among the Thais is Yam Pla Duk Phu.

First, deep-fried catfish pieces feel fluffy and airy.

However, when sour mango, sweet sugar, tart lime, sharp red onion, earthy cilantro, shrimp, squid, peanut sauce and vinegar becomes a sauce for them, it turns the fluff into crispy pieces of fish that includes all Thai flavors and textures at the same time.

Kanom Jeen

Gentle, discriminating taste very soft noodles made from fermented rice. It is placed in a small ladle and passed through boiling water.

Next, curry of your choice: Kanom Jim Nam Ya (kanom jeen nam ya) - fish balls with red curry, Kanom Jin Nam Ya Prik - so sweet paste chili (kanom jeen nam prik), Kanom Jin Gang Keow Wan Gai - chicken with green curry (kanom jeen gang keow wan gai).

And How fresh garnish, Cabbage And Cucumbers On Top.

Guy Pad King

Ginger is the king of this great recipe.

Great amount grated ginger, chicken fillet, various mushrooms, chili pepper and onion fried in oyster sauce. Guy Pad King is probably on every menu of any restaurant in Thailand.

About 400 types of ginger are grown in the country. It is one of the main ingredients of Thai cuisine.

Today, so to speak, semi-gastronomic post. It will be dedicated not so much to travel as to food, or rather street food in Thailand and all the famous Thai macarons.

No one can say for sure why street food outlets in Thailand are called macarons in our country. It is believed that the makashnitsa is from the word "dunk". Well, okay, the name is not so important here, the main thing is as they say the content. In my past articles, I mentioned that I am just a fan of street food in Thailand! Even in my rating, half of the dishes can only be eaten from macaroons! Today I present to you my review of macaroons in thailand.

Makashnitsa in Thailand is part of the local culture. In Thailand, almost no one cooks at home. It is easier and sometimes even cheaper to eat outside. Food in macaroons always fresh, tasty and very cheap! That is why it has become so popular. Many tourists also enjoy eating from tops. Especially those who want to try real Thai food! Macs in Thailand became like business card countries, this is part of the exotic that tourists who go to the “land of smiles” want to see (and try) so much.

I will say right away that food from macaroons in thailand absolutely safe! Thais are very clean in terms of cooking and always use only fresh food. So it’s almost impossible to run into something of poor quality or spoiled! And if your stomach hurts, it’s more likely from overeating, and not from poisoning.

Of course, such food is not for hardened aesthetes who like to sit in a beautiful setting in a candlelit restaurant. But then she street food to eat it on the street, to the sound of cars and bikes passing by. Although, if you wish, you will be well packed and given disposable cutlery. We often bought in this way, and then ate everything in a quieter and more comfortable environment in a hotel room.

Personally, after my first visit to Thailand, I just fell in love with the local street food! I liked it so much that when we went to Tai for the second time, the first thing I wanted to do, along with swimming in the sea, was to quickly get myself some yummy from local macaroons!

So, What such delicious, interesting and exotic can be try on the street in Thailand?

Let's start with the most popular - thai pancakes"roti". Maybe most popular street food tourists in Thailand. Delicious! Who flies to Thailand for the first time, I advise you to definitely try it!

And this is how they are prepared. Such is the mobile kitchen on the bike:

Also very popular food from tops: skewers of pork, chicken and various sausages and sausages. Usually at a price of 5 to 20 baht a piece. Night markets are cheaper, tourist places are more expensive, but still very affordable.

Seafood skewers are a bit more expensive. Most often, these are squids and octopuses for 50-80 baht, as well as fish (catfish and carp) from 30 to 200 baht, depending on the size of the fish. For 200 baht - this is a big carp, enough for two to eat!

Seafood is grilled right in front of you. If desired, they can cut and give a hot sauce.

This beauty cost me only 80 baht!

For lovers of the exotic: scorpions, beetles, locusts, larvae and other tasty treats

Such food is sold exclusively for tourists. I must say that Thais do not eat this food, but Europeans sometimes try it, although they often buy it just to be photographed. I did not try the whole set of crawling and flying ones, but I still bought some.

Here is a bag of locusts that cost me 50 baht (bought in Bangkok for khaosan road):

To be honest, I didn't like it! It's kind of tasteless and it's uncomfortable to chew your paws.

But scorpions are another matter. Great snack for beer! They taste like small crabs and are eaten whole.

Pad Thai is the food of real backpackers! Usually costs around 40-60 baht. For some reason, this food is not very popular in Pattaya, but in Bangkok - at every turn!

This is how Pad Thai is prepared on the streets of Thailand:

There are many varieties of Pad Thai and it is prepared differently in different places. Here in this macaroni, next to it, it is perhaps the most delicious!

Macashnitsa also sell sushi! Usually 5 to 10 dates per piece. Sushi is always fresh and tasty, but not for everyone. In Thailand, it is not customary to use Philadelphia cheese, so beloved in Russia, so some varieties of rolls in macaroons cannot be found here. For sushi, you will always be given soy sauce, wasabi and sticks for free, but ginger is already a rarity and more often for a fee.

Sushi and rolls bought in a macaroon on White Sand Beach on Koh Chang:

Rare, but still available cooked crabs. The price is just ridiculous - 100 baht for 3 pieces! In places where there are many tourists from Russia, crabs scatter in just a few minutes!

In Chinatowns, Peking duck is often sold on the street:

Boiled corn is a popular street food in tourist areas:

You can buy already peeled and chopped fruits - very convenient:

Do you want to freshen up? Please! chilled coconut or tangerine juice in Thailand they sell literally at every turn!

In fact, you can’t list everything what you can buy and eat on the streets of Thailand. More this and various soups, dumplings, noodles, ready-made quail eggs and mushrooms, sweets, fruit cocktails. You can live in this country for months and every day discover and try something new and always very tasty in numerous macaroons in various places in Thailand.

And finally, a video - how I ate a local delicacy

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Hi all. This article will be on one of our favorite topics - food. Food in Thailand is a unique phenomenon. Here you can discover many new bright unusual sensations, try something both unrealistically tasty and unrealistically disgusting. And in this article, we will list the main dishes that you should definitely try while in Thailand, so that you have the right idea about Asian cuisine.

For Thai food a mixture of tastes. So sweet fruits they can eat with hot pepper, fish soup can be very sour, etc. But still, when coming to Thailand, it is better to eat local food than to constantly eat familiar hamburgers and french fries, which are also not uncommon here.

Travel becomes really interesting when you make some discoveries, including culinary ones.

List of Thai dishes you must try

Tom Yum- the famous Thai Hot soup which delights almost all foreigners. By the way, the portions here are very large. One soup is enough for two. Many even try to cook it at home on their own upon returning from Thailand.

Thai soup with coconut milk
. Also very tasty rich soup with seafood, mushrooms, onions and other unknown ingredients. These soups are best eaten in ordinary, unremarkable Thai cafes, because in such establishments large portions, low prices and only traditional recipes are used for cooking. In such cafes, you can appreciate authentic Thai cuisine.

Snails, mussels and all kinds of shells
also deserve your attention. In most cases, they are mega tasty, especially if cooked with a delicate creamy sauce.

Fish and meat balls. This dish can be eaten in the so-called Makashnitsa (a motorcycle with a cart where Thais cook and sell food), which can be found throughout the city. You choose balls that are impaled on skewers. There are usually 5 balls on one skewer, which will be fried and served with spicy sauce and herbs. The price for a skewer is 10 baht. You can also take a bag of rice with these balls as a side dish.

Calamari with garlic. If you like garlic and seafood, then be sure to try garlic squid rings in Thailand. The taste of the dish is very thermonuclear, but tasty.

Skewers of fish, pork or chicken. They are inexpensive, only 20 baht for a barbecue. Very often, in addition to meat, various vegetables are planted on a skewer.

. Here they are a little different from the rolls that are made in Russia, but they are also delicious and there is a large selection. At prices of 5 and 10 baht apiece.

Rice with egg, crab, shrimp or chicken. Rice with an egg is very popular among tourists, to which the Thais add chicken, shrimp, crab meat, etc. Simple and very tasty.

Fried rice with fish. Very tasty fragrant rice in itself, and large juicy pieces of fish make it even tastier.

Grilled seafood
. Shrimp, squid, octopus and other exotic delicacies…

Thai pancakes. An excellent and inexpensive dessert (40 baht) with various fillings: nuts, raisins, condensed milk, banana, chocolate, etc.

Seafood in sauce. Great choice, especially if you add it with a side dish of rice.

Salad with rice noodles and seafood. Seafood, herbs and vegetables are boiled in a matter of minutes, mixed with herbs and sauces, it turns out very tasty and unusual. By the way, you can choose the ingredients for this dish yourself.

Fish in salt
. At first glance, this dish does not cause much delight. Well, fish and fish, but as soon as you try it, you will understand why Thais and tourists love it so much. It is prepared in a special way, in which the meat is very tender, juicy and moderately salty. The fish is served with noodles, sauce and salad. Unrealistically delicious.

If you really want to try everything, don't miss out on fried crickets, grasshoppers, and grubs. But this, as they say, is an amateur.

If you have been to Thailand, then write in the comments what dishes you liked. What do you recommend and what do you not recommend to try here.

Tourists who go on vacation to Thailand will be able not only to get acquainted with the peculiarities, cultural traditions, sights of this amazingly beautiful country, but also enjoy the national Thai cuisine. Food in Thailand is very different from European dishes and conveys the special local flavor of the Asian state.

Features of Thai cuisine

Tourists who decide to visit sunny Thailand need to be prepared for the fact that the food of this country may seem very specific to them. TO distinctive features Thai cuisine includes the following features:

  • one of the main products used in many dishes is brown and white rice;
  • Thai dishes are hearty, and the portions are large, there is always meat, shrimp, crabs and other protein products on the menu;
  • Thai chefs often experiment with a combination of seemingly incompatible products, while ready-made exotic food turns out to be delicious, in the menu of local cafes it is proposed to try shrimp with natural honey, bitter melon with porridge and other dishes unusual for Russians;
  • almost all dishes served in Thailand combine five flavors: bitter, sweet, sour, salty, spicy;
  • Thai chefs prepare food using a huge variety of seasonings, if you do not tell the chef “no spicy” (from English - “not spicy”) in advance, then you can get a dish that is too spicy, which will be impossible to eat out of habit;
  • Thai people practically do not eat bread and rarely serve it in restaurants, tourists can buy bakery products in local supermarkets.

If the Asian menu is not to your taste due to its specifics, visiting tourists can always visit restaurants with Mexican, European, Russian cuisine.

Where to eat in Thailand?

It is possible to have a bite or a hearty meal in Thailand at any time of the day. For tourists who decide to relax on the Thai islands or the mainland, there is a whole industry Catering. There are several popular places where vacationers like to eat:

  • Makashnitsy. This is the name of mobile food stalls that travel through the tourist streets of Thailand. street vendors offer to prepare various delicious dishes right in front of tourists (you can see how the macarons work in advance on a video on the Internet). At first glance, this way of eating seems unsafe, but street food in Thailand usually meets sanitary standards. In addition, fresh, high-quality products are always used to prepare meals in a mobile kitchen.
  • Street cafes. In such establishments there are no frills, expensive interior, most often cheap plastic furniture is installed on the street. But at the same time, vacationers are always offered varied menu(often with photos of dishes), delicious hearty meals at low prices.
  • Restaurants. Tourists with an impressive budget will be able to visit Thai restaurants. Prices here are an order of magnitude higher than in street cafes, and the quality and taste of food are often inferior to inexpensive establishments.
  • Barbecue cafe. In such establishments, tourists are encouraged to cook their own food. For a fee, cafe visitors will be given coals and a grill. Customers themselves will be able to decide which products to fry over an open fire.
  • Food courts. This is the name of several cafes and restaurants located on the same square and located in large shopping malls. At the entrance to the food court, visitors are given a card, on which they must immediately put a certain amount of money (how much, the tourist decides). When ordering dishes in any of the establishments, the spent baht is deducted from the card. If funds remain on the balance after visiting the food court, they can be received in cash at the checkout.

Popular Thai dishes

Among the variety of Thai food, there are several most frequently ordered dishes that are most in demand among tourists and locals.

Panaeng. This meat dish prepared from chicken, beef or pork. Meat with vegetables is stewed in red-yellow curry sauce and tender coconut milk. Panaeng is usually served with boiled rice as a side dish.

Spring rolls. Thin pancakes from different varieties flour is fried in oil. They wrap meat, seafood, vegetables, which filling to choose, the buyer decides. Spring rolls can be served as an appetizer or as a complete meal on their own.

Pad Thai. Tender rice noodles fried with eggs traditional dishes cuisines of Thailand. To enhance the taste, meat, seafood, soy sprouts, onions, ripe lime, chopped nuts are added to Pad Thai noodles.

Khao Pad. Fried rice with carrots, onions, beans, meat, chicken or shrimp with fried egg somewhat reminiscent of the usual pilaf. But special seasonings make the dish much richer in taste.

Tom Ka. creamy soup based on coconut milk with the addition of dried mushrooms, chicken or shrimp will win the heart discerning gourmet. Unlike most Thai dishes, Tom Ka is not spicy, but delicate.

Tom Yum. Spicy spicy soup based on meat or seafood will appeal to lovers of spicy dishes. Tom Yam contains ground ginger, fresh tomatoes, mushrooms, lime, lemon, onion and a huge amount of hot red chili peppers.

Noodle soup. Delicious soup in meat broth with soy sprouts, meat balls, rice noodles and vegetables has an unusual sweet taste. Distinctive feature dishes is that the spices are served separately. Therefore, it will turn out to put as many seasonings as needed in the soup.

Som Tam. vitamin salad with spicy papaya fresh tomatoes, green beans, crushed peanuts and king prawns seasoned with lime juice and palm oil. This dish is not at all like the usual Russian salads. Spicy scalding salad is ideal for grilled meat.

Thai exotic

In addition to meat dishes, rice, shrimp and other traditional products, Thai chefs offer their customers to try various insects. Crickets, worms, cicadas, beetles, scorpions, grasshoppers and other exotic food, which Pattaya, Phuket and other regions of the country are rich in, are fried in vegetable oil in a pan or grill.

Such a specific dish is popular among locals, but does not always receive positive feedback from visiting tourists. To try or not unusual protein dish each person decides for himself.

Fruits and drinks

In Thailand, you can try a variety of fresh fruits, which are sold both by weight and already washed, peeled, cut and laid out in containers or bags. Juicy mango, exotic carambola, sweet papaya, lychee, durian, rambutan, mangosteen, guava and other fruits are sold in supermarkets, markets, street stalls.

Tourists who come to rest in sunny Thailand need to drink bottled water. Water flowing from the tap in hotel rooms can cause indigestion, diarrhea, and severe poisoning. When buying cocktails, draft carbonated drinks, it is best to refuse ice cubes offered by local sellers. Most often, the same harmful substance is used to make ice. tap water. In the cafe, vacationers can always order a cup of hot coffee, strong tea, refreshing lemonade, cola, non-alcoholic fruit cocktail.

Alcohol in Thailand is presented in a huge assortment. Basically, these are expensive imported drinks produced in other countries. From the local alcohol in the shops there is beer, wine, whiskey. Tourists can also try alcoholic cocktails, served in a split coconut or a sliced ​​pineapple. Vacationers need to remember that it is possible to purchase alcohol at certain hours - from 11.00 to 14.00, and also from 17.00 to 24.00.

Price and payment methods

Food prices in Thailand are democratic. The Thais themselves practically do not cook at home, but prefer to eat inexpensive meals in local cafes. Medium portion in a cafe it costs about 30-60 baht (1 Thai baht is approximately equal to 1.93 rubles). For 100-120 baht you can have a hearty and hearty meal:

  • price classic scrambled eggs breakfast is 20 baht;
  • a regular sandwich can be purchased for 50-80 baht;
  • a simple dish from a macaroon costs from 20 baht;
  • fruit slices - from 10 to 20 baht;
  • small meat, fish skewers sold for 30 baht;
  • hot dish (noodles, rice) - from 40 to 80 baht and above;
  • the price of spicy soup is 30-60 baht;
  • a portion of fried insects costs 20 baht;
  • fried pancakes with jam chocolate paste, fruit fillings - 20-25 baht;
  • a bottle of clean fresh water - 10 baht
  • a can of local beer with a volume of 0.3 liters can be purchased for 55 baht;
  • stronger alcohol (small bottle) costs from 100 baht.

The most expensive food in Thailand, it is served in elite restaurants located near the sea coast. You can eat cheaper away from the beach and popular tourist routes. You can pay for the ordered dishes with a VISA bank card or with the national currency (baht). It will not work to pay in Russian rubles in a cafe or bar. But you can exchange dollars, euros or rubles for baht in numerous exchange offices.

A traveling person who is going on vacation to Thailand can be sure that he will definitely not remain hungry. in a hospitable eastern country tourists are waiting for a variety of dishes, local and European cuisine, delicious natural products, inexpensive prices, huge selection catering establishments. Here you will find food to your liking!

Upon arrival in Thailand, you start to wonder what to eat here, where and most importantly for how much, since the prices here for the same product are very different.

Thai cuisine can compete with Italian cuisine. Thai dishes are prepared very quickly and exclusively from fresh ingredients. All dishes taste spicy. For cooking most dishes, a wok is a large frying pan with a deep bottom. On average, cooking does not take more than 15 minutes.

Rice, rice noodles, vegetables and, of course, various pastas and sauces are taken as the basis of any dish, without which more than one dish can do. It is they who give an incomparable and rich taste.

rice dish

Pad thai is one of the famous dishes in Thailand. It represents rice noodles with an egg, fried in a wok and several sauces for it to choose from: fish sauce, oyster and tamarind. The filling is chicken, seafood or pork. The dish is very tasty, and can not get bored because of various fillings and type of noodles. It can be wide, thin, rice or egg. And besides, each housewife has her own tricks and secrets in the preparation of this or that dish, giving it an individual taste. Therefore, the same dish prepared by different housewives will not be similar to each other.

The cost in the markets and cafes for local residents is 40 baht. The cost of the same dish in restaurants ranges from 70 to 100 baht.

Tom yum kun spicy shrimp soup. In the soup, only the shrimp broth is edible, and you don’t need to pay attention to everything else. All this grass is inedible and is added only for flavor. Among them there you will find lemongrass, galangal and lime leaves. All this seasoning must be present in the soup, and you should not ask for soup without it, it's just like asking for dumplings without meat.

Soup "Tom yum"

The cost of a meal in the food court at Tesco Lotus supermarket is 50 baht. In restaurants - from 70 baht.

Curry - curry comes in two varieties: green and yellow. It is more suitable for lovers of spicy dishes. Green curry is great for chicken meat. It is served in a deep bowl, and it is more like a soup. IN in large numbers sauce floats chicken meat and vegetables. Rice does not go well with curry, so it is better to order it separately and preferably 2 servings, because the gravy is very spicy and it is simply not possible to eat it without rice, but at the same time it is very tasty.

The cost of a dish in the market is 30 baht, and in restaurants - from 70 to 150 baht. Rice costs 10 baht.

Stir-fried is a Chinese wok cooking technique. Vegetables, chicken meat, pork and seafood are fried in a special sweet sauce with constant stirring. This technique resembles the process of stewing, but only the Thais do it much faster, because of which the vegetables pass a small heat treatment, thanks to which they retain their useful properties.

Chicken meat in a wok

The cost of a meal in a cafe or market is 40 baht. In the restaurant - from 70 to 150 baht.

Fish & Seafood - choose any kind of seafood and say how it is prepared.

Cost in restaurants: a whole fish grilled for two people is 250 baht, for one oyster - from 40 to 60 pieces, for a plate of mussels - 100 baht, and fried squid with vegetables will cost you 80 baht.

Where is the best place to eat

When going on vacation to Thailand, remember one simple rule. the tastiest and cheap food in a cafe where locals dine. Get to know them among huge amount simply and easily. These are small eateries with plastic, less often stone tables, chairs or benches installed under a canopy. Outdoor kitchen. In the kitchen gas stove and a table with everyone necessary ingredients. Everything happens before your eyes. There is no menu here at all, or they give a printout of 10 items on an A4 sheet. Locals and those who are not embarrassed come here to eat appearance such eateries. After them, you will no longer want to eat food cooked on your own.

Markets and street vending

On the market you can buy all the most necessary products and spices. Markets are of two types: daytime and evening. With daytime markets, I think everything is clear, but evening markets open at sunset and this is the most real holiday belly. Here you can try chicken and pork kebabs for only 10 baht per skewer, stuffed squid, grilled for 20 baht per piece

fried fish for 40 baht a piece

Shrimp tempura with sweet and sour sauce for 50 baht for 6 pieces

Fried spring rolls - 10 baht per piece

Rice, coconut and pea sweets, as well as sweets from fried onion for 10 baht a piece.

Grilled seafood

Despite the fact that fruits have nothing to do with the kitchen, the picture is not complete without them. You can't go a day without fruit.

Mango is considered the king of all fruits. In season, its cost is 30 baht per kilogram. In the off season - generally reaches up to 80 baht per kilogram

Papaya costs 35 baht per kilo

Bananas on the market are sold not by the kilogram, but by the bunch. There are 4 types of them.

A bunch of 15 baby bananas costs 20 baht

Dragon fruit, guava and watermelon cost 50 baht per kilogram.

Coconuts, the most main drink on this island cost 20 baht. In restaurants, their cost reaches up to 50 baht.

Tangerines, durians, lychees, mangosteens and rambutans can be tasted in Southeast Asia or South America.

Thai fruits

The choice of products is simply huge, and the dishes that can be prepared from them are even more. And everyone will be able to find for themselves among such an abundance a taste to their liking. Having tried this or that dish in a cafe or restaurant, you want to cook it yourself. To learn this is not necessarily costly culinary schools, it is enough to go to the market and watch how the locals cook the same dishes in 5 minutes with deft hand movements. Well, if something does not work out, then do not be discouraged - the first pancake is always lumpy.

Pay attention to prices. They are indicative and often differ up or down.
