
Alcohol etiquette: we drink culturally. Alcohol etiquette

A person who knows how to pick up an alcoholic drink that subtly emphasizes the taste of a certain dish can turn it into an exquisite, interesting event, be it even an ordinary party or a quiet family holiday.

The section contains information about the main alcoholic beverages and features of wine etiquette. After reading it, you will learn how to drink this or that drink correctly and what dish it is most suitable for.

Good manners come in handy in Everyday life. For girls and women, it is important that their chosen one has impeccable manners. Many novels ended as soon as they began, only because of the young man's inability to behave correctly.

Even if a person knows the rules of etiquette, but does not know how to choose the right alcoholic drink for a particular dish, there is still a feeling of some kind of incompleteness. But how advantageous is a connoisseur who knows how to masterfully pick up an alcoholic drink that subtly emphasizes the taste of a certain dish.

Human, knowing the rules etiquette, observes them in any situation - both at a business dinner, and at a party, and at a regular family dinner. The head of the family, who is familiar with wine etiquette, can turn any, even the most ordinary family holiday into an exquisite celebration.

Cocktails have firmly entered our lives, they are drunk in nightclubs, restaurants, at home parties, etc.

There are several versions of the origin of the word "cocktail". The first mention of a cocktail as a drink was made in the reference edition of the Balance and Columbian Repository in May 1806. It was there that the definition of a cocktail was given: “A stimulating liquor consisting of any alcoholic drink with the addition of sugar, water and bitters from herbs.” There is a version that the word "cocktail" is of English origin and literally translates as "cock's tail."

Exists great amount various cocktails, they are dairy, fruit, vegetable, mixed, non-alcoholic and alcoholic. There is also a special formula for composing alcoholic cocktails: A + 2B + 7C, where A is the sweet part of the cocktail (liquor, syrup, etc.), B is the sour part (lemon juice, etc.), C is the base of the cocktail, most often a strong alcoholic drink (for example, vodka).

Cocktails are not just drunk. Some craftsmen, under the influence of their fantasies, use cocktails to demonstrate unusual tricks to the public, often no less spectacular than the performances of jugglers.

In the XVIII century. enterprising bartender experimented with drinks of different strengths and colors and recorded successful recipes received cocktails. Subsequently, he collected them and published a book, thanks to which cocktails spread throughout the world.

Needless to say, a well-chosen and properly prepared cocktail can make the evening unforgettable.

Therefore, any person must know what a particular cocktail is, what ingredients are included in its composition and what consequences await him as and after drinking the drink.

As already mentioned, cocktails are mixed drinks, the success of which depends on well-chosen components and their proportions.

A lot of time has passed since the first cocktail was invented. Different people in different parts of the world have come up with many of the most a variety of recipes. So, cocktails can be based on alcoholic beverages (vodka, cognac, wine, rum, liquor, champagne, even beer) or non-alcoholic - with coffee, milk, ice cream, juices.

Exist different rules cocktail etiquette. Some of them will be discussed below.

Bartenders decorate glasses with fruit. They are used not only for beauty, but also for convenience, as they are also a snack. Of course, citrus zest is an appetizer for everyone. You can not eat fruit from a glass. It is better to carefully hold or pry off a piece with a drinking straw.

Speaking of cocktails, one should definitely mention ice, which in most cases is added to a cocktail in one form or another, from cubes to small chips and iced sides of the glass.

Ice plays a vital role in many cocktails. With the help of ice of various shapes and colors, you can decorate drinks in an original way. However, various aromatic toppings serve the same purpose, which not only decorate drinks, but also give them a wonderful aroma.

In addition to the common and well-known grated chocolate and zest, you can decorate the cocktail with grains of colored sugar, grated nuts, etc. For the preparation of some drinks, they use fresh eggs. Such cocktails should be drunk very carefully so as not to mix them with other components of the cocktail, turning them into an unsightly mixture.

A cocktail containing champagne should be mixed immediately before use, while champagne is added at the end, to an already prepared cocktail.

Especially popular are cocktails, which include one or more different alcoholic drinks and juice or tonic. Be especially careful with drinks that contain two or more strong alcoholic drinks. As a rule, they are very strong, and a person can get very drunk even after one small glass.

You can drink cocktails at any time and for any purpose: before meals to stimulate appetite, to quench thirst after dancing, etc. Cocktails are quite democratic, this is their difference from drinks such as whiskey or champagne.

Varieties of cocktails

There are several varieties of cocktails.

Long (long, long-drink) cocktails

It is customary to prepare long drinks in relatively large quantities, they differ great content ice. Such drinks include sling, ricky, daiquiri, julep, jogger, cobbler, physical, colada, crunch, collins, cooler, fix, highball, etc.

short cocktails

These cocktails have a higher strength. They are served in small quantities. Such drinks include shooter, dig, smash, crusta, flip, frappe, eggnog, etc.

cold cocktails

Cold drinks are different high content ice.

hot cocktails

Hot drinks are made by heating wine or adding it to a drink. hot water. These cocktails can also be served room temperature.

There are also the following types cocktails.

Cobblers (dessert cocktails)

Mixed drink connoisseurs are currently divided on whether cobblers should be classified as cocktails or not. The fact is that cobblers are prepared directly in the glass, without resorting to mixing devices, but they still include several different components.

Cobblers can be attributed to the "long drink" group. You need to drink them with feeling, prolonging the enjoyment of the aroma and flavor combination spirits with juices, syrups and fruits.

Therefore, an indispensable attribute of a cobbler is a straw.

For the preparation of cobblers, only tall transparent glasses are used and it is imperative crushed ice. The glass is filled with ice 1 /4 or 1 /3 volume.

Melting ice will not only give the drink softness, but also pleasantly refresh, especially after dancing. The rest of the ingredients are added to a glass filled with ice using a measuring container.

In French, "coquetier" is a special glass for an egg. There is a version that in New Orleans the first mixed drinks began to be served in them.

In no case should such a cocktail be stirred - this is not accepted. It can be ordered roasted nuts(peanuts, almonds), biscuits, chocolate, halva or fruit.

Cobblers are served with a straw, which should already be in the drink. The cocktail should be drunk with the straw lowered to the very bottom of the glass.

Unlike many other drinks, including cocktails, cobblers should not be actively moved around. The fact is that the layers of liquids that make up the cocktail will certainly mix with active shaking while walking, and the cobbler will lose its main advantage.

Layered and burning cocktails

Burning cocktails are great for a variety of parties. To make the evening leave even more pleasant memories, you can order coffee and burning cocktails at the very end. A feature of such cocktails is the multi-colored layering. To show the beauty of the cocktail, it is poured into colorless tall glasses of small diameter.

Layering can be achieved if the density of the drinks is taken into account. First, heavy thick liquor. Then, from above, along the blade of a knife, lowered obliquely to the bottom, or with the help of a silver tablespoon, a drink is carefully poured with high content alcohol, such as vodka or cognac. Drinks should never be mixed.

A burning cocktail is drunk in one big gulp. For a cocktail to burn, it is necessary to make it in such a way that upper layer consisted of cognac or vodka.

There is also such a version of the origin of the word "cocktail" - the old french recipe the mixed drink was called "coquetel". He appeared in 1777.

All layered cocktails, regardless of their appearance and composition, you need to drink in one gulp.

Cocktails with beer

Undoubtedly, the most popular beer cocktail in Russia is the "ruff". It is prepared by mixing vodka and beer. Its strength is very high, but the taste does not always meet the customer's expectations. Of course, in addition to vodka, there are many other ingredients that go well with beer. Before proceeding with the preparation of a cocktail, it is necessary to accurately imagine the type and volume of ingredients from which the drink should be composed.

They drink "ruff", as a rule, in one gulp.

Sobering cocktails

Intemperate tasting of drinks often results in intoxication and unpleasant sensations in the head and stomach. If a person has not calculated his capabilities, he should order a sobering cocktail.

Sobering drinks are called austers. Auster means "oyster" in German. These drinks are characterized by low alcohol content and the presence of yolk in their composition. chicken egg, tomato puree and hot spices. It is the spicy spices that have an exciting and sobering effect.

You should not add too many spices to the cocktail, because they drink it in one gulp, and the excessive sharpness of the drink will not be immediately felt, and subsequently several unpleasant minutes can be expected.

After such a cocktail, it is not customary to drink tea or water, especially mineral water, since the liquid that has entered the stomach, especially saturated with carbon dioxide, on the contrary, will contribute to the absorption of alcohol into the blood.

According to the rules of etiquette, it is customary to serve this drink mainly to men at the end of the evening or during the intermission between taking various cocktails.

Betsy Flanagan from Virginia once served a soldier mixed drink, which was rich colors, it contained all the colors that are in the tail of a rooster. The soldier, seeing the drink, called it a "cocktail" (cock - "rooster", tail - "tail").

For an Auster, both a wide glass and a small glass are suitable. As mentioned above, they drink Auster in one gulp.


Despite the fact that milk has long been considered a drink for children, its flavor and nutritional qualities are undeniable and often attract the attention of bartenders.

Milk goes well with many ingredients that are used to create cocktails - fruits, berries, alcoholic beverages, coffee, cocoa.

A cocktail can be prepared not only with regular milk, but also with kefir, yogurt, buttermilk and other dairy products. It will be appropriate in any situation, even in a particularly solemn occasion. Exactly milkshake women are preferred.

Cocktails with essential ingredients

All mixed drinks are cocktails. Since the advent of these drinks, thousands of various recipes their preparation. This diversity required the introduction of new special names. The components from which they are composed were taken as the basis for classifying cocktails as one or another type.


The name "flip" is translated as "whipped".

Its composition includes raw eggs whipped with sugar or liquor until smooth. The whipped mass is mixed in a shaker with ice cubes and other components. The flip cannot be shaken for a long time, as in doing so it loses its taste qualities. The resulting mixture is filtered and poured into champagne glasses.

Flip is considered not so much alcohol as a nutritious drink, so it belongs to the ladies. Flip should be drunk through a straw.


It's a cocktail, basic integral part which is carbonated water. It got its name from the English word meaning "effervescent, sparkling". An important factor in the preparation of phys is its temperature, it should be drunk very chilled.

According to one version, the word "cocktail" appeared in 1769, it was associated with races and denoted a mongrel horse, whose tail was cut short, after which it resembled a rooster's tail.

Fiz is poured into tall narrow glasses. Such a cocktail must also be served with ice and straws. To prepare this fizzy cocktail, all ingredients are mixed in a shaker, except for sparkling water, which is poured directly into glasses before serving.


This is a drink, a mandatory component of which is mint. This cocktail is prepared according to the following technology. In a glass with thick walls, dissolve in a small amount water 2 teaspoons of sugar, add 3 sprigs of fresh mint, which are then kneaded and removed. Glass on 1 /4 fill crushed ice. The rest of the volume is filled with other components. Top with fresh or canned fruit.


Sherbet is better known as a sweet mass with crushed nuts. However, it is also called a soft drink made from fruit juice, sugar, spices and ice cream. It has long been known in the East.

Sherbet is a kind of cocktail, so it can be called an oriental cocktail. The technology for preparing sherbet is the same and has been developed over the centuries: in a mixing vessel - a shaker or mixer - put all the ingredients listed in the recipe, except for ice cream and fruits. This mixture is whipped for 30 seconds. Then the drink is poured into glasses, ice cream and fruits are added. It cannot be mixed. If the sherbet is thick enough, it is customary to eat it with a special spoon.


It is a mixed drink of Scottish origin. This cocktail has a peculiar Scottish taste, its name means "egg beer" in translation. The Scots often call eggnog milk for the elderly, although it is also very popular among young people.

In Paris for over 100 years there has been famous cocktail bar Harris bar. It only serves cocktails.

Agnog is a healthy and nutritious drink, the main components of which are raw eggs and milk or cream.

The peculiarity of the preparation of this drink is that first all components are thoroughly whipped, except egg white. It is beaten last and added to the chilled mixture. Only after that the glasses are filled.

For eg-leg, low glasses are used, similar to beer mugs. Foaming in a glass of egg-nog is usually sprinkled with grated nutmeg, vanilla sugar, crushed cinnamon or ground coffee.

Eg-nog, like many other drinks, should be drunk immediately after preparation, before the foam settles.


It's not quite regular cocktail. Translated from English word"boul" means "bowl, bowl, goblet", that is, a fairly capacious container. Cold drinks, the preparation of which is associated with a large volume and the process of mixing the components in a large container, are also called bowls. A suitable large container is needed to prepare the bowl, and a special spoon is needed for pouring.

Boules are drunk from glasses with a capacity of 150-200 ml. As with any cocktail, the bowl should be served on ice. enough. If the bowl is drunk during the cold season, you should ensure that the drink is at room temperature.

Most bowls are low alcohol. This is a drink that sets you in a festive mood and at the same time does not cloud your head, and therefore it can be safely drunk by both very young and old people. Good mood and fun communication will be provided.

Alcoholic bowls are prepared on the basis of natural juices and light wines.


This is an exquisite mixed drink based on a light table grape wine with fruit, sugar, cognac and champagne. One of the main characteristics of a good bag is its temperature. It must be cold. Like the bowl, the bag is good to cook for big company.

According to the rules of etiquette, a drink is first offered to a woman, and then to a man.

Very important harmonious combination of all its components - the taste, aroma and type of drink depend on their compatibility.

Fruits and berries, sugar, chilled wine, cognac or rum are used to prepare the kryuchon. Champagne or sparkling wine is added to the ready-made champagne immediately before serving.

Pouring a drink big spoon with a long handle so that you can get fruits and berries from the bottom of the container. Fruits and berries in a bowl are also used as an appetizer, so they must be in a glass.

Punch, mulled wine and grog

Punch is a warming drink, widespread almost everywhere and consumed mainly in the cold season.

The name "punch" comes from the Indian word "punch", which translates as "five". The fact is that earlier punch was prepared from five different components: water, sugar, spices, rum and wine. Sometimes water was replaced with tea.

Punch is drunk both hot and cold, without losing its taste.

Among the large number of different varieties of punch, two stand out - mulled wine and grog.

The word "mulled wine" comes from the German gluhender wein, which means "hot wine" in Russian. Indeed, mulled wine can only be drunk hot. It is made from sugar, spices and red grape wine.

Grog can also only be drunk hot. It is made from spices, sugar, vodka, rum or cognac.

Usually cocktails are served with various snacks.

Hot punches, which include grog and mulled wine, should be served in special glass, porcelain or clay cups, which are placed on saucers or special coasters.

The most famous cocktails

When they say the word "cocktail", the most popular of them immediately come to mind: "Margarita", "Mojito", "Martini", etc. Their recipes sometimes remain unchanged for decades.

These and some other popular cocktails are usually offered in most bars in the world, including in Russia.

In total, about 60 so-called classic cocktails, but it is impossible to describe everything here.

Drinking cocktails

According to the rules of etiquette, in order to properly prepare a cocktail, you will need a shaker (device for mixing drinks), glass jar, ice tongs, mixer, juicer, sieve, grater, cocktail spoon (with a long handle), a tall glass made of thick glass, a special measuring glass, glasses for fruit drinks, wide glasses for champagne or other sparkling drink, glasses (glasses) for drinks with ice cream, straws for cocktails, dishes for compote and syrup.

To mix all the ingredients, use a mixer or shaker, while the latter is often slightly cooled by putting 2-3 pieces of ice inside. Over time melt water pour and proceed directly to the preparation of the cocktail. The shaker is shaken for 20-60 s. It is not customary to pour carbonated drinks into a shaker, they are already added to a ready-made cocktail.

The word "shaker" entered the lexicon of an inexperienced Russian consumer relatively recently and is rather a tribute to the fashion for foreign words.

Some cocktail ingredients can be replaced with others that are close to their taste. For example, Orange juice can be replaced with tangerine, cherry - Sherry Brandy, champagne - port wine, white wine or Madeira.

Shakers are electric and manual.

A manual shaker is a metal glass that can be tossed and twisted in different directions, whipping and mixing its contents.

An electric shaker is usually referred to simply as a mixer. It can be used to make egg and milkshakes. These drinks require intensive mixing to a state of foam or grinding fruit to a puree state.

For cocktails, glasses and glasses of the most diverse shapes are suitable, but there is one condition - they must all be made of colorless glass.

There are certain rules for choosing the shape of glasses, but much depends on the bartender's imagination and the wishes of the client. Usually cocktails are drunk from glasses of large diameter with a volume of 100-120 ml. Cocktails after evening coffee and layered cocktails are drunk from tall narrow glasses, strong ones - from glasses of various shapes, with a volume of 60-70 ml.

Colored ice is added to some cocktails, which is obtained by freezing fruit and berry juices, coffee or milk. It is customary to serve it in glass or crystal bowls with thick walls. Along with it, special ice tongs are served, with the help of which ice is placed in glasses.

Exists a large number of cocktails, the components of which are not mixed, but poured in layers. Due to the different density of the drinks used (cognac, liquor, rum, vodka), the layers do not mix with each other, forming unique combination colors, tastes and smells. It is customary to prepare such cocktails in straight-shaped glasses. by the most famous example such a cocktail is the Bloody Mary.

For the preparation of cocktails, only fresh products should be used.

Glasses for refreshing cocktails should be 150-250 ml. They can be of any shape.

Mixed drinks are divided according to the method of preparation, composition and even the way they are consumed. According to the rules of etiquette, “short sip” drinks should be drunk in one sip from glasses with a volume of 60-70 ml, and “long sip” drinks should be savored, sipping through a straw from glasses with a volume of 150-250 ml.

For the preparation of cocktails, sugar and clove syrups, cocoa syrup, etc. are often used.

sugar syrup

To prepare sugar syrup, take 4 parts of sugar, mix with 3 parts of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. The density of the syrup directly depends on the time of its cooking.

Based on sugar, you can cook vanilla syrup. To do this, at the end of cooking, add a little vanillin to it.

cocoa syrup

To prepare cocoa syrup, mix 1 liter of basic syrup with 150 g of cocoa and boil for 15 minutes. For cooking coffee syrup 150 g of natural ground coffee is added to the main syrup.

clove syrup

To prepare clove syrup, add 30-40 g of clove powder to the main syrup.

Aromatic additives

The main syrup can also be mixed with various aromatics, berries and fruit juices etc. Very often, a cocktail is also called by the name of the additives.


It is very popular to serve cocktails in glasses with frost. To do this, the edge of the glass (outer side, 1-1.5 cm) is rubbed with lemon, and then dipped in sugar or powdered sugar. These cocktails are usually served with a straw.

The most famous cocktails

There are cocktails whose recipes are always constant and so successful that these drinks do not get bored: they continue to be ordered from year to year.

"Bloody Mary"

This cocktail belongs to the "one sip" variety of cocktails. It is prepared from tomato juice, spices and vodka. A chilled and properly prepared drink is drunk in one gulp.


Margaret is one of the most popular cocktails in the world, and he owes much of his fame to tequila. Margarita is a blend of tequila, Cointreau, lime juice, salt and ice. It is not known who and when first prepared margarita. Almost every Mexican town considers itself the birthplace of a unique drink.

The Margarita cocktail is drunk through a straw, stretching the pleasure for a long time. It is very popular among both young girls and men.

"Long Island"

Sometimes this cocktail is called "Long Island ice tea". Despite the fact that the name contains the word "tea", it is not included in the composition, and in general, this cocktail is quite strong. It is made from vodka, tequila, gin and rum. All drinks are taken in equal parts. According to classic recipe, you must also add the Triple Sec liquor, but you can do without it.

According to the rules, a cocktail should contain no more than 5 components. The Long Island Cocktail is the only exception with 6 or 7 ingredients.

As the name suggests, this cocktail is a refreshing drink. This is achieved by adding cold Coca-Cola to it and lemon juice. If liquor is not included in the composition, syrup or a little sugar can be added instead.


This cocktail is known for being a favorite of writer Ernest Hemingway. It is prepared from white rum, lime juice, tonic water, syrup or sugar, and fresh mint. In addition, a lot is added to Mojito crushed ice. In order to prevent ice or mint leaves from getting into your mouth, the cocktail should be drunk only through a straw.


This cocktail is currently called the most popular. It was created by American bartender Dale Degrof especially for the singer Madonna, and soon he became fashionable. It is repeatedly mentioned in the series "Sex and the City".

The cocktail is made from vodka, liqueur, cranberry juice and lime and poured into martini glasses.


There are many legends about the invention of this drink. However, it is currently not possible to verify them. One thing is certain - the birthplace of the daiquiri is Cuba. Its main ingredients are rum, lime juice and syrup.

Currently, there are many variations of this drink. So, the most popular banana daiquiri”, “Derby daiquiri”, “Peach daiquiri”, etc. Some of them, such as banana daiquiri, are prepared with fruit pulp.

First comes the aperitif. The name itself, translated from French, means "to open something." Its purpose is to whet the appetite! As an aperitif, as a rule, light alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks are served. Classics - vermouth and dry light wines, most often young. At some especially ceremonial occasions, champagne is served first. Unfortunately, such a beginning is not very favorable for digestion: all sparkling drinks do not contribute to the proper absorption of food. Instead, it is better to choose dry wine.

Gin can also be an aperitif. It is quite strong, so it is most often served in the form of cocktails. These drinks are also not worth getting carried away. Vodka in pure form also rarely seen as a component of aperitifs. It is usually served during the meal as an accompaniment to various snacks or hot meals.

There is another interesting rule here: if you decide to serve cognac or any other drink as an aperitif, then it can no longer become a digestif - a drink that completes the meal. Alcohol etiquette strict: alcohol cannot be repeated.

Rule number 2: end with a digestif

Unlike an aperitif, which precedes a meal, a digestif is served at the end, some time after the meal is over. Usually these are strong alcoholic drinks aimed at improving digestion. Sometimes a digestif is combined with tea and coffee, but this is not entirely correct. The digestif is a separate part of the meal. IN this case alcohol is coming to increase the degree, so dessert and fortified wines, liqueurs, cognac, armagnac will be appropriate here.

Rule number 3: take care of the temperature of the drink and the correct shape of the glass

White wine is light because it has less rich aroma. Therefore, the narrowing of the neck of the glass is not necessary. In addition, white wine glasses have straighter walls. The temperature of the drink when serving is 10-14 degrees. The glass is two-thirds or three-fourths full. Hold it by the leg so that the drink does not heat up.
Red wine is served in convex glasses on a long stem with a narrowed neck. Optimum temperature- 14-20 degrees, half the glass is filled or two-thirds. Hold the glass by the base so that the wine warms up from the warmth of the hands.
Champagne glasses can be immediately distinguished from glassware for other drinks. They have a special shape: elongated narrow glasses with a very small diameter rim. Everything else is designer stuff - for beauty. Champagne is served chilled - from 6 degrees. The more expensive the champagne, the warmer it can be, for example, by 2-3 degrees.
Vodka is served in chilled carafes, the drink itself is cooled to 6-12 degrees. It is also worth drinking from chilled shot glasses or glasses.
Cognac and whiskey are served in special cognac glasses, whiskey glasses. They are not cooled, the drinks must be at room temperature, then they are simply warmed up in the hands or on special heating pads (cognac) to reveal the bouquet of the drink.

Rule #4: Eat right

At serious feasts, guests should be offered several different wines. There is a rule: young wine is served before old wine, and white wine before red wine. Previously, there was a stereotype about the compatibility of wines with products. It was believed that dry white is good with fish and seafood, but now this concept is outdated. It is a mistake to think that white wine is used only with fish, and red - with meat. This is not entirely true. The world of wine is diverse, so now you can treat yourself to, say, fruity notes of white wine with air soufflé from turkey meat - this is acceptable. But under no circumstances should dry wine be served with dessert. If you want to pamper your guests with wine for dessert or any sweet dishes, give preference to a sweet dessert. Accordingly, it should be understood that sweet wine is never served with main courses, that is, with meat or fish - this is a violation of etiquette.

Everyone has been familiar with the concept of "etiquette" since childhood, but, unfortunately, not everyone is fully aware of what it means, and not everyone uses their knowledge.

Etiquette rules must be followed everywhere, including at the table. First of all, it is worth remembering how to properly serve drinks and that for serving each of them, you should prepare the appropriate glasses, glasses, wine glasses. Remember that each drink must be at a certain temperature.

From light to strong

As a rule, it is customary to serve light drinks first, and then stronger ones. Each course is accompanied by a separate wine. Dry wines are drunk first, and then sweeter ones; first white, then red. So, less strong, i.e. White wines are best served on hot days, while stronger reds are best served on cold days.

Before serving white wine, it should be cooled to a temperature of 8-10°C in summer or 12-14°C in winter. The wine glasses are two-thirds full. As for red wine, it should be at room temperature, i.e. 18°C in summer and 20°C in winter. It is better to open such wine in advance, before the start of the feast. Champagne is usually chilled to a temperature of 3-6°C.


It may sound strange, but the taste of every drink It depends on what dish it is served in.


Often, champagne acts as an aperitif before a feast, so it is permissible to drink it, both before and after a meal. You should not serve champagne in wide glasses, it is better to opt for tall narrow glasses.


Cognac is poured into glasses that are wider at the bottom and narrower at the top.


Light wines, according to the rules, must be served in glasses with a wide top. Red dessert wines are drunk from rounded glasses, while tart wines are drunk from simple-shaped dishes, such as a straight bowl. Agree that no matter how beautiful the glass is, it is best when the drink is visible through transparent glass.

Serving drinks


Read the wine label carefully before serving it to guests. Make sure there is no sediment in the bottle. If you find sediment, then it is better to keep such wine in the refrigerator for a couple of days (in vertical form) so that the sediment settles to the bottom, or serve such wine in a wine serving basket, where the bottle lies in a horizontal position, as in storage. But, in any case, do not shake such wine!

Purchased wine is opened before serving. If you want to avoid crumbling the cork when opening the wine, then it is better to screw the corkscrew in all the way. But, if nevertheless the cork has crumbled, then it can be removed with a small amount of wine before serving.


Champagne is best served in an ice bucket. You have to open it right there. The process of uncorking is not as complicated as it seems. Cover the cork with the end of the napkin, holding it with your left thumb. Remove the wire with your right hand, and turn the plug with your left. In order not to make a lot of noise, when opening champagne, before the last round of the cork, it is necessary to shift it a little to the side. Throughout this process, keep the bottle tilted.

Drink spill

If the owner pours wine, then first of all he should pour a little for himself so that the remains of the cork do not get to the guests. After that, you can serve the guests. If in a restaurant you get a piece of cork in your wine, then ask to replace the glass with a drink.

At the official reception, the wine is poured by the waiter. First he must pour some wine into the owner's glass, then he must taste it, and only after the owner's permission, the waiter can serve all the guests.

In the case when the owner himself pours wine to his guests, he must fill the glass no more than three-quarters, going to the guest on the right. You need to make sure that the neck of the bottle does not touch the edge of the glass. When pouring, you do not need to keep the glass on weight, it should stand on the table. If the glasses are empty, they can be refilled with wine. As a rule, a man should pour wine for a lady, if it is big company, not consisting only of the female gender.

So that guests can communicate and see each other, clean up in a timely manner empty bottles from the table.

The correct way to hold a glass is as follows: hold it with the tips of your thumb, index and middle fingers.

If your guests prefer beer, then it must be poured into special glasses. To prevent foam from spilling over the edge, while pouring a drink, hold the glass at an angle. Beer glasses are placed on a metal or plastic tray. Remember that you can not clink glasses with beer. You can just wish the health of others.

Right choice

As you know, each dish is served your wine. TO fine dining from crayfish, cheese, meat, fish, dry white wines are served. Light red wines are most often served with salads. White wine of medium strength is served with veal, ham, liver or poultry. Red dry wines are suitable for dishes such as roast beef, goulash, steak.

As for soups and broths, it is better to serve them simply mineral water. To fatty, salty and spicy dishes serve vodka or whiskey. Beer is best offered with cheese, salted fish and smoked meats.

Dessert wines, liqueurs are served with sweet dishes, and champagne with light snacks such as cheese, biscuits, etc.

Do's and Don'ts

Remember that wines are served with vegetable dishes, various smoked meats, citrus fruit and even chocolate is not accepted.

As a rule, at large banquets exhibited different dishes for drinks, but only you decide which drink you prefer for a given evening. But, in no case do not try to try all the variety of drinks. Moreover, if you do not drink this or that drink, and you have already poured it, do not panic, you can just sip it and put the glass back.

When pouring wine, do not pour it to the brim. Try not to let the drops fall on the tablecloth. Store-bought wine should be served in branded bottles. Homemade wine is better to pour into a decanter. Vodka can also be served in a decanter.

After regular wines drink more quality drinks. Most importantly, remember that you should not mix during meals. different drinks. This will have a bad effect on your well-being. By following these simple rules table etiquette, you will not find yourself in awkward situations, whether in a big company or eating with your soulmate.

Update date: 05/21/2018

Since ancient times, alcoholic drinks have been an obligatory attribute of the festive table. Wine drinking was an integral part of etiquette; not a single celebration was complete without it, to which guests were invited.

Modern etiquette also does not prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages, but prescribes drinking just enough to have fun. However, it is important to know not only how much to drink, but also how to serve alcohol, because various alcoholic drinks are brought to the table, especially the festive one: wine, vodka, various tinctures and liquors.

Before drinking, make sure that it does not leave marks on the glass or glass. To do this, just blot your lips with a napkin. Although if your lipstick is expensive and persistent, then stains from it should not remain. You need to drink without tilting your head back too much. Sitting at the table, everyone pours himself wine or another drink, not forgetting to offer it to the lady on the right. When pouring a drink into glasses, the neck of the bottle must be turned towards you each time so that a drop of liquid does not accidentally fall and stain the tablecloth.

How to drink and pour:

  • Opening a bottle of soft drink, be sure to wipe the neck with a napkin and only then pour the drink into glasses.
  • It is not necessary to fill glasses and glasses to the brim, so as not to spill the contents when bringing to the mouth.
  • Vodka and Madeira are not poured to the brim, but a little less (0.5 cm to the brim), champagne - by 2/3 of the volume of the glass, and wine - by half or 2/3 of the volume.
  • If served at the table, then they must be drunk through a straw.
  • Wine should be drunk with food, in small sips, unlike vodka, which is drunk in one sip. The bitter taste of vodka must be weakened with a snack, this rule is mandatory.
  • Vodka is appropriate at the beginning of the feast, as it is able to stimulate appetite, as well as relieve tension (it is enough to drink 1-2 glasses).

How much to drink or where is my measure?

What will you drink in the process festive feast can make a big difference in how you feel the next day. Actually, this statement is an altered phrase of Ph.D. K. Blum: "What you drink can play a major role in your head the next morning."

Sitting at the table, you need to pay attention to what glasses and how many of them are in front of you; now decide what exactly you will drink, and which drinks you will refrain from.

Usually three containers for drinks are placed in front of each guest, for example, a glass of vodka, for natural wines and a glass for water or a glass for vodka, a glass for champagne and a glass for water.

First of all, you need to choose the right drink for yourself. It is very important to comply certain sequence from light drinks to stronger ones.

It is undesirable to start with champagne, sparkling wines or cognac. It is better to prefer white wines to red ones, dessert wines to quieter ones, vodka to tinctures, and whiskey to brandy.

Why exactly?

IN dessert wines contains more sugar than their more "calm" counterparts, there is a lot of carbon dioxide in champagne, and complex organic substances in tinctures and cognac. All this contributes to the development of a hangover syndrome.

Since sugar enhances the absorption of alcohol, it is not recommended to start the feast with sweet wines. Drinks that contain carbon dioxide, irritate the gastric mucosa and contribute to increased activity gastrointestinal tract. In addition, thanks to the bubbles, alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

It is believed that the darker the drink, the less useful it is. That's why it's best to opt for vodka, white wine, or another clear drink.

What should be combined with what?

Dry red wine or beer can be served with cheese.

Snacks - strongly chilled vodka. But by no means cognac! Dry vermouth or dry white wine is acceptable. This range can be limited. If you want to have a drink for each dish, then:

White dry or semi-dry wine - to fish, chickens, turkey, brains, veal.

For duck, geese - dry red wine.

To beef, pork, lamb, game - dry red wine or beer.

For dessert - red or white wine, sweet or semi-sweet.

Cognac or liqueur for coffee.

Champagne goes with everything from appetizers to desserts. To salty - dry champagne.

We present to your attention a map of the combination of cheeses and wines, since cheeses - the perfect complement to any fault, if the guests suddenly came to you. Just keep a bottle of wine and a matching type of cheese handy. So you will always be ready for unexpected visits.

How are alcoholic drinks served at the table?

Cocktails are not served during dinner alcoholic drinks with carbonated water.

White wines are drunk chilled, red dry and semi-dry - at room temperature, red sweet and semi-sweet - slightly chilled, beer - as cold as possible, vermouth - chilled, vodka and liqueurs - strongly chilled, cognac - at room temperature.

Red wine contains tyramine, a substance that can cause headache, although it is still healthier than white wine, as it helps to increase the content of antioxidants in the blood, thereby preventing atherosclerosis and preventing thrombosis.

During a feast, you need to start drinking with less strong drinks, gradually "increasing the degree".

Of course, it is better to drink only one drink during the celebration. If you want to somehow diversify drinks, then it is better to drink the same thing, but different brands. If, due to the limited choice, you have to drink different drinks, then it is advisable to drink them one after another, also as the strength increases. So, for example, after dry wine, you can still drink vodka, but on the contrary, it is already undesirable - this is likely to cause a headache.

Better not mix a few different types spirits, jumping from one to another during the evening.

Making cocktails, i.e. mixing different drinks in one glass, should be done carefully. Well, if the exact recipe is known. good vodka mix with other drinks, including low-grade ones.

During the feast, remember what drinks you drink and enjoy their taste and aroma. If you no longer feel them, then it is better to take a breather. Taste perception will return after a while.

Drink in moderation, do not try to empty every glass completely. If someone does not want to drink alcohol, it is better not to insist - this is considered bad form. The host's concern for the guests is that the glasses are not empty. But guests have the right to empty them at the pace they wish. To do this, we leave the glass or glass unfinished - if there is alcohol left in the glass, it is not customary to add it to it.

In many countries, the classic and only treat for a casual guest is a "glass". If someone came to us just like that or on business, but not for long, you can serve a glass as a treat house wine, tinctures, cognac or vermouth. Perfect as an appetizer salty cookies or nuts. It is permissible to offer one or two glasses. The essence of the custom is a small amount of alcohol. A "glass" should not turn into a "bottle".

Continuing with the rules table etiquette in this article we will focus on such an important topic as how to properly drink drinks according to the rules of table etiquette in a formal setting.

How to drink various drinks according to the rules of table etiquette?

The etiquette of drinking at the table has basic rules that should be followed. Next Tips For all drinks:

  • Only take a sip of a drink when you have no food in your mouth.
  • Do not swallow loudly, take small sips, do not tilt your head deeply.
  • Tip for women: if you plan on drinking, don't wear too much lipstick; the glass should not leave a dirty trace of lipstick.
  • Even before you drink any food, you need to wipe your lips with a napkin. Do not leave unpleasant marks on the edges of the glass or cup.
  • Mugs must be held only by the handles, wine glasses and glasses are taken by the “waist” and only piles can be taken by the “sides”.
  • Never transfer pieces of ice from one drink to another, such as from a glass of water to a cup of coffee.

Hot drinks

Coffee and tea. Here are the basic rules to follow. Never leave a spoon in a cup of coffee or tea, put it on a saucer to a cup or plate. You can dip a liver or other dessert in coffee or tea only if you are alone, at home and no one sees it. And the most important point, DO NOT unbend your little finger when drinking coffee or tea, these are the traditions of the Victorian era, in the yard of the 21st century. Lowering sugar cubes or pouring sugar into a cup must be done very carefully so as not to splatter your neighbor or yourself.

Most delicious tea- freshly brewed large leaf. Two teapots are served on the table: one with tea leaves, the other with hot water. Water from the second teapot is used to dilute strongly brewed tea, but directly in your cup. What do we do with used bags of sugar and cream? Carefully place them on the edge of a saucer or on a patty plate. We use a teaspoon only to stir cream or sugar. After using it, the spoon must be placed on a saucer. So, tea was served to you - your actions? The handle of the cup is on the left side, only in this way the cup is served to the table. You put the sugar gently with tongs if it was served in the form of cubes, with a spoon if the sugar is in the form of sand. Then we mix the drink silently, try our tea with a spoon, put the teaspoon on the saucer, only now we turn the handle of the cup to the right and take the cup with our right hand.

Lemon for tea. If the lemon was served on a common saucer, then we shift it with a special fork, which will lie next to the lemon. It is not customary to eat up the lemon that remains after tea.

Unusual drinking ritual oriental coffee, as it is served to the table in a Turk. Turku is put on a pie plate, and in front of you is an empty coffee cup. First, you need to transfer the foam to the cup with a spoon, and then pour yourself coffee. Before drinking coffee glass(and they drink this type of coffee from a special cone-shaped glass with a straw) you need to wait until the ice cream melts, which you will mix with a spoon.

Cold drinks

Ice water. Never swallow water loudly, even if you are very thirsty. Never crunch ice in your mouth, even if it is part of a drink. Before pouring mineral water from a bottle into glasses, it is necessary to wipe the neck with a napkin after you open the bottle.

Cocktails. When you drink a cocktail, the only inedible thing is the tube, which must be left in the glass. Sticks for mixing cocktails, umbrellas - everything goes to the table or saucer (patty plate). At parties, when you constantly hold drinks in your hand, all these supplies should be kept in a napkin in your hand as well until you find a suitable place to throw them away. If the cocktail decorations are edible, they can be eaten.
