
What can be made from milk and berries. Milkshake: a classic recipe

Milkshake is a favorite delicacy of children, which is characterized by a rich creamy taste. When preparing this drink, you must use a special technique. In this article, we will show you how to make a milkshake in a blender.

First, cool the milk, its temperature should be + 5-7 ° C. Do not overcool the liquid, otherwise it will not give a fluffy and stable foam. Pour liquid into blender and add ice cream. Pour in some vanilla sugar. To prepare the drink, you need 1 liter of milk, 300 g of creamy ice cream and a bag of vanilla sugar. If you feel like the treat isn't sweet enough, sweeten it up. This is the easiest milkshake recipe ever. To prepare a drink with fruit filling, you can use fresh fruit puree or syrup. If you don't have these products, add strawberry or raspberry jam to your milk. In this case, try to pour very little sugar. To make a banana smoothie, puree 2 bananas in a blender. After that, pour in the milk and add the ice cream. Beat again at high speeds so that the mass becomes airy. If you are on a diet, then instead of milk, use low-fat yogurt or kefir. To prepare a low-calorie milkshake, you will need:
  • half a liter of low-fat kefir;
  • 150 g ice cream;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • a handful of your favorite berries.
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 2 minutes. A foam should form on the surface of the mass. Pour the drink into glasses and garnish with strawberries. If you are preparing a treat for a children's party, then steal cups of tinted sugar. To do this, pour some beet juice on the sugar and let it dry. Immerse the glass in a saucer of water and then in pink sugar. Pour the drink into the containers and insert the tubes. Want to make a light dinner? Then try a milkshake with cottage cheese. Pour a handful of your favorite berries and one banana into a blender cup. Mash the fruit in a puree and add 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese. Turn the blender back on for 2 minutes. After that, pour 500 g of milk into a cup and add sugar. Beat a little more until you get a thick and fluffy mass. Don't know what to have for breakfast? Make a milkshake with oatmeal and cereals. Grind a handful of shelled walnuts and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Add 200 g of ice cream and 500 ml of milk to the resulting powder. If the treat seems unsweetened to you, add sugar. Turn on the blender and beat for 2-3 minutes. This drink can be considered a complete breakfast, which contains a lot of protein and energizes you until the next meal. Such a drink should be prepared for breakfast for children. It will help replenish calcium deficiency in the child's body.

You can use a shaker and an immersion blender to make a milkshake. But the fastest way to get a treat is to use a stationary blender with a cup. Try to get a household appliance with a large bowl. This will allow you to prepare a milk drink for the whole family and guests.

Milkshake is one of the easiest and fastest desserts. However, before you start blending, here are a few simple tips to follow. The most important ones are listed below.

How to make a milkshake in a blender: useful tips

The composition of the classic delicacy necessarily includes milk and ice cream. The basis can also serve as yogurt, kefir and cream. In addition, fruits, fruit juice, coffee, ginger, mint, or even alcoholic drinks can be added to the cocktail. But still, for one cocktail, you should not use more than 4-5 ingredients. Fans should make a drink from fruit juice or unsweetened strawberries). It is undesirable to use oranges, sour apples, grapefruits or tangerines for this.

Milk for a cocktail should be sufficiently chilled. Best of all, if its temperature exceeds +6 °. This milk froths easily. At the same time, a cocktail made from too cold milk will be tasteless.

If you add ice or fruits to the named dessert, then it is better to strain it through a strainer. In this way, you can get rid of seeds, pieces of fruit and ice. In the case when you make ice at home, it should be based on settled water.

Occurs at high speed until a thick foam is formed. Instead of a blender, you can use a mixer.

After completion of preparation, the milkshake is poured into tall glasses. At the same time, an attractive appearance cannot be neglected. To decorate a milkshake, you can use a sugar rim, fruits and berries. To make a sugar rim, you must first moisten the rim of the glass with orange or lemon juice. After that, the cocktail container must be dipped in powdered sugar. The glass is filled with a cocktail to the rim.

How to make a milkshake in a blender: recipes

There are countless recipes for this delicacy. It is not necessary to follow the recipe exactly. On the contrary, these desserts are simply created for culinary experiments.

Milkshake with banana in a blender

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 2 eggs (chicken or quail);
  • vanillin;
  • sugar;
  • nuts.

Cut the bananas and put them in a blender. Then, using the device, we turn them into a homogeneous mass. Then add eggs and beat again. Pour milk into this mass. Beat the resulting mixture for 1 minute. At the end, add honey, sugar, chopped nuts and vanilla (to taste). Thanks to honey, the cocktail will become tender, and vanillin will give the dessert a pleasant aftertaste.

Milk chocolate shake

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 60 g vanilla ice cream;
  • 50 g milk chocolate.

Before preparing a milkshake in a blender, it is necessary to heat 120 ml of milk in a small saucepan. Then chocolate, broken into pieces, is added to it. The mass must be stirred until the chocolate is completely melted. Remove the mixture from the fire and let it cool. Whip the remaining milk with ice cream in a blender. At the end, we combine the two described mixtures.

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Milkshakes are popular and favorite drinks not only for children, but also for adults. Sometimes, due to improper cooking technology or a poor combination of products, they can turn out to be not very tasty and even adversely affect health.

How to cook this delicacy so that it is healthy and incredibly tasty?

You will need:

The benefits of natural cocktails

This delicacy appeared in the middle of the 19th century in Europe, and since then it has remained one of the most delicious and beloved. At first, cocktails were alcoholic, but gradually alcohol was excluded from the recipe. In 1922, ice cream was added to cocktails.

American scientists led by Eric Stice proved that milkshakes made in fast foods (with a huge amount of additives) are unhealthy. They can lead to obesity, diabetes, sugar addiction. And in the table of the most harmful drinks, a milkshake with peanut butter, ice cream and chocolate syrup generally takes the “honorable” first place.

But a milkshake can be helpful. In the days of the Soviet Union, when the composition of the cocktail included natural ice cream, milk and syrup, the usefulness of this drink could not be denied. Now the same healthy cocktail can be easily prepared at home. Only use natural milk, homemade syrups and fresh berries. Ice cream buy only natural or.

Then with a delicious milkshake, you and your family will receive calcium, glucose, vitamins, as well as a full charge of energy.

These cocktails are useful:

  • Children, especially those who do not like and do not drink pure milk.
  • Pregnant ladies, especially those who feel sick from regular milk.
  • Those who work hard and spend a lot of energy.
  • As a substitute for sweets when losing weight or. But provided that the cocktail will include natural ingredients, there will be no syrup and sugar.

If you have an intolerance to regular milk, you can make a smoothie with coconut or soy, as well as yogurt.

What you need to know before cooking

Making a milkshake is very easy. This takes a matter of minutes. To make the drink really tasty, you should remember the little secrets:

  • You should take pasteurized milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%.
  • When preparing milk, it should be cold, the temperature should not exceed 6 degrees. But you should not take very cold, it will negatively affect the taste. Do not take warm.
  • Ice cream is only natural, without additives and preservatives. Ice cream is best.
  • If you take ice cream with additives, the cocktail may delaminate.
  • Ice cream should be about 50 g per 100-150 g of milk.
  • Do not use orange, mint, coffee syrups for a cocktail.
  • Do not use raspberry and apricot jam as topping. This can cause a negative stomach reaction.
  • Whip the cocktail at the highest blender speed for at least 30 seconds.
  • Always use only peeled fruits, you can wipe them beforehand.
  • Fruit should not be more than 50 g per 250 ml of milk.
  • If you add syrup, first beat it with milk, then add ice cream.

Children especially love these cocktails. But do not allow too much, as the milkshake is very high in calories. But you can offer it as a snack, a light afternoon snack or breakfast.

  • They should not be washed down with fast food or heavy meals.
  • Make a milkshake a complete meal or dessert.

If you make a cocktail for children:

  • Add only natural ingredients, from fruits, use bananas or strawberries.
  • You can use ready-made baby fruit purees from jars.
  • Prepare the syrup yourself: you should take sugar and water in equal proportions. Bring the mixture to a boil, then put vanilla in the same place (preferably a stick), you can add cinnamon, orange peel, lemon. Boil 7 minutes.
  • It is better not to use syrups from the store, they have a lot of "chemistry".

For those who are on a diet, you should use skim milk, do not add syrup, fruits (especially bananas). Use only low-calorie ice cream. Forget about chocolate.

Features of cooking in a blender

It is the blender that is the best assistant for making cocktails.

In 1922, this ingenious device was invented, and at the same time a new era of cocktails began. After all, it was possible to add ice, ice cream, various fruits to cocktails. Sometimes, with the help of foam, which was formed during cooking in a blender, bartenders “hid” alcohol.

You can use the ingredients in any order. But there are a few rules, without adhering to which you are unlikely to get a full-fledged drink:

  • If fruits are used, they should first be knocked down in a blender, then strained. Then beat again in a blender. Then the cocktail will be magnificent.
  • Whipping fruit without milk should be at least 30 seconds

Whisk the entire cocktail for 30-60 seconds.

  • It is best to use blenders with special attachments for cocktails.
  • Do not use too frozen ice cream, it should melt a little.

The cocktail should be drunk immediately after you have prepared it. No need to refrigerate or leave the next day.

  • You can decorate a cocktail: make “glue” with the help of egg white, dip the edges of the glass into it. Then dip the wet edges in colored sugar, decorate with slices of lemon, orange, lime, strawberries.
  • Be sure to use a large tube.

Milkshake with ice cream

The most common cocktail recipe is a milkshake with ice cream. There is the simplest classic recipe. You need to take:

  • Milk 200 g
  • Ice cream 200 g
  • banana or strawberry half a banana or 4 berries
  • Syrup 1 tsp

Blend everything in a blender and serve immediately.

It is not necessary to buy ice cream for a cocktail. You can learn to do it yourself. But it should be prepared in a few days. The product should cool in the freezer to the desired consistency.

Adding fruits to the cocktail is necessary to achieve the best taste.

But you should not add kiwi, orange and pineapple at the same time. These fruits are not compatible with milk. They can cause excessive gas formation, indigestion, especially in children.

Consider a few recipes in which you can use fruits.

banana smoothies

Banana honey


  • Ice cream 70 g
  • Milk 100 g
  • Banana 1 pc.
  • Honey 1 tbsp
  • Already prepared coffee 1 tbsp

Put all ingredients in a blender and mix.


You will need:

  • Yogurt or sour milk 200 g
  • Banana 1 pc.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp

Mix the ingredients in a blender.


With ice

You will need:

  • Strawberries 8 pcs.
  • Milk 150 g
  • Sugar 1 tbsp
  • Ice 5 cu.

Mix all ingredients in a blender.

strawberry vanilla

You need to take:

  • Strawberries 7 pcs.
  • Vanilla sugar pinch
  • Ice cream 50 g
  • Milk 150 g

Mix the ingredients in a blender.



  • Milk 400 g
  • Cherry juice 100 g
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cherry 4 pcs.

Whip all the ingredients in a blender, garnish with cherries.

Such a dessert will definitely be accepted with delight both at a children's holiday and at an adult party, because you certainly cannot find a tastier drink than this one. It is beautiful in any performance, even with fruit, even chocolate and coffee, but among its many variations, the recipe for a milkshake with ice cream in a blender is in the highest demand. It is hard to even imagine how many options for preparing such a delicate, refreshing dessert treat exist in the world, and today we will consider the most interesting of them.

A classic milkshake with a blender can be prepared at home in just a couple of minutes. But in order for the drink to really come out airy, foamy and cold, you need to follow some rules.

Ice cream cocktail rules

  1. For a milkshake, it is necessary to use the maximum fat milk from 3.2%. So the drink will turn out more dense and creamy.
  2. Before using milk, it must be kept in the freezer for half an hour so that it just begins to crystallize, but does not turn into an ice.
  3. For a milkshake, regardless of which additive you decide to diversify the taste of the drink, you need to use vanilla, cream ice cream or ice cream. In extreme cases, creme brulee is also suitable.
  4. Instead of juices and fresh fruits, berries, cinnamon, vanilla, flavorings, citrus essences and various syrups can be used to give the cocktail an original taste. As well as cocoa, coffee, chocolate and much more.
  5. For a lighter shake, add more milk. For a denser cocktail, you need to increase the amount of ice cream.
  6. If you are going to prepare a fruit milkshake from fresh fruits, then first of all you should scroll the fruit pulp with sugar in a blender, and only then add ice cream and milk.
  7. It is also not forbidden to add small ice chips to the cocktail.
  8. To decorate a cocktail, you can use any fruits and berries, chocolate chips, confectionery sprinkles and various decor items (umbrellas, straws, fans).

Classic milkshake with ice cream


  • — 250 ml + -
  • - 1.5 tbsp. + -
  • ice cream ice cream- 250 g + -
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack + -

How to make a smoothie of milk and ice cream in a blender

Making ice cream smoothies in a blender is as easy as shelling pears, and knowing a step-by-step basic recipe for a milk base, you can build on it and make other delicious variations on the dessert theme.

But the fact remains that the best and most popular and favorite for many is the traditional creamy cocktail with milk and classic ice cream.

  1. Pour the milk, thoroughly frozen to the first ice crystals, into the shaker glass of a food processor or blender. Pour in the powdered sugar, vanilla and beat at maximum speed until a fluffy foam appears.
  2. Then we put ice cream in a container and beat for 5 minutes until a fluffy resistant foam.

Pour the finished cocktail into a thin tall glass and decorate as you wish. For example, mint leaves look very beautiful and gentle in such a dessert.

Assorted ice cream and milk cocktail

A milkshake in a blender is the most original, quick and profitable dessert option for any celebration, because with the presence of various fruits and syrups, juices and aromatic additives, we can almost endlessly create excellent drinks for every taste with our own hands.

With such a culinary baggage of recipes, we are guaranteed to be able to please all guests by making the most delicious treat for them according to their taste preferences.

Milkshake with dried fruits


  • Pitted dates - ½ tbsp.;
  • Dried apricots - ½ st.;
  • Vanilla ice cream - 300 g;
  • Milk 5-6% - 250 ml;
  • Sweet vanilla - 1 tsp;

How to make a milkshake

  1. Washed, soaked in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then grind the chilled pitted dried fruits in a blender until a homogeneous slurry.
  2. Pour the fruit mass with cold milk and smear with vanilla. Then, at maximum power, beat the composition with a blender until completely mixed.
  3. Now add ice cream to a semi-finished cocktail and beat the mass for 5 minutes until a stable foam.
  4. Pour the finished dessert into cold narrow glasses.

Coffee milk drink

  • 1 tsp natural coffee pour 80 ml of cold water, fall asleep 1 tsp. sugar and cook strong coffee on low heat in a Turk. After preparing the coffee, we filter the sediment and cool well.
  • Pour cold coffee into a blender bowl, where we also pour 80-100 ml of cold milk and pour 20 g of powdered sugar. Beat all the ingredients for 2-3 minutes, and then add 200 g of creme brulee ice cream and beat the cocktail again for 5 minutes until frothy.

Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and add a straw and an umbrella.

Milkshake honey-raspberry

  1. 50 g of fresh raspberries, 20-25 g of fresh liquid honey and a pack of vanilla sugar are thrown into a blender and pureed.
  2. Next, pour in cold milk (100 ml), restart the blender for a couple of minutes.
  3. And at the end, we put ice cream ice cream (100 g) into the cocktail and bring it to the maximum speed of the blender to a foamy, airy state.

As a decoration for such a cocktail, fresh raspberries and mint sprigs are most suitable.

Quickly, tasty and varied, not everyone can make a dessert. And for those who know more than one ice cream milkshake recipe in a blender, this puzzle is easy to solve, especially with our step-by-step instructions.

How to make a delicious, refreshing milkshake with ice cream at home in the summer heat? Not everyone knows a simple recipe for a milkshake, and sometimes you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicacy. You will find recommendations for preparing this great dessert drink in a blender in your own kitchen in this article.

You can save money on going to a cafe and using a blender. The main rule is that the drink must be created on the basis of dairy products.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of each stage of making a cocktail in a blender:

We offer another milkshake recipe that you can easily make at home.

Pour half a liter of milk into a blender, add white vanilla ice cream (4 tablespoons), 3 tablespoons of strawberry syrup, half a peach and strawberries (previously diced), beat. Pour crushed ice into the finished mass and pour into wine glasses. Serve with a straw and a piece of peach.

Now you know well how to make a milk treat in a blender and you can treat your household to a delicious, refreshing drink on a hot summer day. But this material would not be informative enough without publishing recipes in video format.


Of course, this is not a complete list of recipes for making delicious milkshakes. But, having got your hand on the preparation of such homemade desserts, you will be able to come up with new original recipes. We will be glad if you use the Comments form below to share with our visitors your favorite ways to prepare these wonderful milk drinks.

