
Popular cocktails in bars. The most famous cocktails

An alcoholic cocktail is a drink that combines several ingredients, one of which is alcohol. Mixing liquids and adding spices and fruits to them creates a new drink. The composition of cocktails can vary greatly. Most of them use ice, which should be given special attention. For its preparation, either weakly mineralized or just pure water is suitable. It should not contain impurities and be transparent.

There are several versions of the appearance of cocktails. The most romantic dates back to 1770. Then the owner of a bar near New York lost his beloved rooster. The owner announced that he would give his daughter as a wife to whoever finds this bird. After some time, a military officer brought the rooster, but the feathered one did not have a tail. The owner was forced to announce to all the regulars of the bar about the upcoming wedding. The daughter, who worked in the same establishment, began to mix all the drinks with excitement. Visitors liked the novelty so much that it was nicknamed "cock tail" (cock tail) from the phrase cock's tail.

Another legend dates back to the 15th century. They say that in the French province of Charente, wines and spirits were already mixed at that time. The resulting mixture was called coquetelle (cocktail), which was later transformed into the word "cocktail". The third story says that the first such drink appeared in England. And its very name came from the lexicon of a horse racing fan. So he called the ill-bred horses, whose tails stuck out like those of roosters. These mixed blood horses were nicknamed cock tail.

They say that the cocktails were very revered by the French officers, who drank them right next to the enemy colonists. And it happened during the American War of Independence. But such drinks received true fame in the 1920s in America. Cocktails were illegal, and therefore even more beloved and appreciated alcoholic beverage. Cocktails resisted Prohibition from 1919 until 1933. They were prepared to hide the taste of alcohol.

Be that as it may, today it is impossible to imagine a cocktail without some strong and unusual drink in its composition. It can be assumed that gin was first used for these purposes. He then had a strong sweet aftertaste, which should be hidden in a mixture with other drinks. The recipes for those cocktails that have come down to us date back to the second half of the 19th century. These were Martini, Daiquiri and Manhattan. The classic drinks that are still popular today were invented in the 1920s.

Bloody Mary and Side Car appeared in Paris, and Americano and Negroni appeared in Italy. Then the cocktails were called American Drinks, as they were especially popular with Americans who were looking for entertainment outside their country. Today, with the advent of new liqueurs, flavors and exotic fruits, the fashion for cocktails is back. We will tell below about the most famous drinks of this kind.

Mojito. This masculine word comes from the Spanish Mojito. The cocktail is created on the basis of white rum with the addition of mint leaves to it. There are two types of mojito - non-alcoholic and low-alcohol. This drink appeared in Cuba, but gained popularity in America in the 1980s. There are several theories explaining its name. It is believed that the word may have come from a diminutive form of the Spanish Mojo. So in Cuba and the Caribbean is called the sauce, which includes lemon juice, pepper, garlic, herbs and vegetable oil. Another version says that mojito is a modified "mojadito", which means "slightly moist". The composition of a modern cocktail includes five ingredients - rum, lime, sugar, soda and mint. Such a combination of sweet and refreshing citrus with mint, coupled with rum, masked the strength of alcohol, which cannot leave you indifferent. So the cocktail has become one of the most popular summer drinks. Some hotels in Havana also add angostura to it. For the non-alcoholic version of the mojito, water with brown cane sugar is used instead of white rum. A cocktail is prepared as follows: sugar is added to lime juice, mint leaves are torn and placed in a tall glass. Then ice is added, and rum and soda are poured on top. It should be noted that the mojito, the most popular cocktail in the world, can have many variants. Someone likes to add strawberries, and someone likes fruit juices.

Cocktail "Blue Lagoon". This drink gives the person drinking it originality and individuality. After all, the cocktail itself is just that. First of all, its unique blue color is striking. Interestingly, this exotic cocktail was invented not at all in Hawaii, but on the other side of the world - in the bar of the Zanzibar club in London. This drink is full of flavors. It is mentioned as fresh, summer and dairy. Served "Blue Lagoon" in a large glass with umbrellas and straws. Thanks to the drink, an exotic atmosphere is immediately created around. For cooking, you will need Bacardi rum, Curacao blue liqueur, pineapple and lemon juice, as well as sugar syrup with ice. Pineapple slices, mint leaves and cocktail cherries are used to serve the cocktail. Liquids must be mixed with ice in a special portioned bowl. Then the cocktail is decorated with the listed elements and a straw is added.

Cosmopolitan cocktail. This cosmopolitan cocktail lives up to its name as it is popular all over the world. It can often be seen in films and TV shows, at parties. One of the legends of its creation says that the drink was invented specifically for vodka with a hint of lemon "Absolut Citron". The cocktail was supposed to support an eminent brand. Although they say that in fact it was invented by the bartender Cheryl Cook from South Beach, Florida. Although Cosmopolitan was rumored to be popular in gay bars back in the 70s, she herself claimed in interviews that she created such a cocktail in 1985. Cook said she was struck by the number of people who order martinis just to show off with a glass in their hands. This is how the idea was born to create a drink that would be tasty and visually attract attention. The original recipe calls for Absolut Citron vodka, Triple Sec orange liqueur, some Rose's lemon juice, and some cranberries to create the pink color. Another important person in the history of the cocktail was Toby Zizzini from Manhattan. Based on the vague descriptions of Cheryl Cooke's recipe, he prepared his own version of Cosmopolitan. Only instead of orange liqueur Toby used Cointreau liqueur, as well as freshly squeezed lime juice. It is this version that has become the generally accepted standard approved by the International Bartenders Association. The cocktail quickly became popular in gay clubs, it was considered a classic for sexual minorities. But with the release of the TV series "Sex and the City" in 1998, everything changed. In the film "Cosmopolitan" appeared quite often, as the favorite drink of the main characters. This cocktail is served in large glasses, martinitzes. To decorate it, a slice of lemon or lime is used.

Pina colada. There are even songs written about this hot, sexy cocktail. A sweet drink originally from the Caribbean. Its name literally means "filtered pineapple". A long time ago, this was the name given to fresh pineapple juice, which was served strained (colada). Over time, sugar and rum began to be added to the juice. As a result, in the middle of the 20th century, a Pina Colada cocktail recipe appeared in one of the bars in Puerto Rico. Everyone fell in love with the drink so quickly that it became famous, and the whole country began to be proud of it. Today, the main ingredients of this cocktail are rum, pineapple juice and coconut liqueur. In a blender, these ingredients are mixed, ice is added and poured into a glass. They are topped with whipped cream and garnished with fruit. Some bartenders also add Baileys liqueur to Pina Colada, which only adds to the exotic.

Cocktail "Daiquiri". Currently, a whole group of cocktails is hidden under this name, only there is only one original recipe. The classic drink was created in the town of Daiquiri at the beginning of the last century. There, in the east of Cuba, engineer Pagliuchi decided to drink something unusual. However, his friend Jennings Cox found only rum, lime, sugar and ice. By mixing these ingredients in a shaker, the men got a new pleasant cocktail. They decided to name it in honor of the place of manufacture - Daiquiri. For one serving, 40 ml of white rum, 20 ml of lime juice and 7 ml of sugar syrup are enough.

Margarita cocktail. This famous cocktail often appears in movies. Prepare "Margarita" based on tequila, this is one of the best summer cocktails. As is usually the case with new cocktails, this one has several creation stories. In general, almost half of the towns in South and Central America are fighting for the right to be called the birthplace of the drink. One of the legends says that "Margarita" was first prepared in 1938 by bartender Carlos Herrera for aspiring actress Margarita King in one of the bars in Tijuana. The visitor was so struck by her beauty that for her sake the bartender decided to create something unusual. Another version says that in 1948, Tommy Hilton, the owner of a chain of hotels of the same name, became the first to try an amazing cocktail in a villa in Acapulco. The mistress of the house was Margaret Samees. The guests of her house at the reception were served a drink based on tequila. Tommy liked the cocktail so much that it was soon on the menu of every bar in his hotels. The third legend tells of the love of the manager of the Crespo hotel, Danny Negrete, for the girl Margherita. She visited her chosen one at night. It was for her that he came up with a new drink, mixing tequila, lemon juice and Cointreau. In the classic recipe, these components should be used in proportions, respectively, 2:2:1. The cocktail is prepared in a shaker with crushed ice or in a blender with plenty of frozen water. Margarita should be served in a wide special glass. This drink can be garnished with salt or sugar to taste.

Cocktail "B52". This cocktail is unusual, because it consists of three layers of liquors at once. If the drink is prepared correctly, then coffee liqueur (for example, Kahlua), Baileys liqueurs and Marie Brizard Grand Orange liqueurs do not mix, and the border between them is clearly visible. And in this case, there are several stories about the origin of such a cocktail. They say that it was first created in the bar "Alice" in Malibu. The new drink got its name in honor of the American bomber "Boeing B-52 Stratofortress". Another legend credits the creation of the cocktail to the Keg steakhouse bar in Calgary. However, of these versions, the one that is directly related to a military aircraft looks more logical. The fact is that it was at this time that this ultra-long-range strategic bomber-missile carrier was created, which has been in combat formation since 1955. Yes, and a simple look at a glass of a really professionally prepared cocktail gives associations with an exploding nuclear bomb. But it was precisely for its transportation that the B-52 bomber was designed. To prepare liquor in the form of uniform and not torn layers, you must first pour one part of coffee liquor into a shot glass, then slowly and carefully cream on the back of the spoon. Orange liqueur is also carefully poured on top (Cointreau is suitable for this role). If everything is done correctly, then a three-layer cocktail "B-52" is formed. Often it, already ready, is also set on fire. In this case, the B-52 cocktail should be drunk very quickly through a straw, before it has time to melt. The taste of the drink in this case is no different from the classic recipe, but it all looks much more spectacular, drawing the attention of others. The “pilot” starts drinking the cocktail cold from the very bottom, gradually the liquid becomes warmer, and at the very end it is generally hot. This is how the effect of rapid takeoff and turn is achieved. The good thing about a cocktail is that its judicious use guarantees a "soft landing". In just a few minutes it will be possible to look at the world around us with sober eyes again. There is also a cocktail variant in which the layers are mixed and served with ice.

Long Island Cocktail. This easy-to-make and strong cocktail was invented during Prohibition in America. In bars, the Long Island Ice-tea Cocktail quickly gained popularity, because outwardly it looked like a peaceful glass with iced tea. It was hard for outsiders to realize that the tea-like drink with lemon was actually an explosive heady concoction, and so tasty too! As it happens with other cocktails, the exact date of the appearance of the drink and its history is still unknown, acquiring legends. According to one of them, it was not invented at all during Prohibition, but it happened in the late 1970s. The bartender Rosebud Butt came up with the same cocktail. In any case, the cocktail is not a banal mixture of vodka and cola, but a much more complex, but no less strong drink. While bartenders can't have more than five ingredients in a cocktail, Long Island is the only recognized exception. The composition includes equal proportions of 14 ml of triple sec, white rum, gin, tequila vodka, 28 ml of tea, as well as cola and a slice of lemon. For strong liquids, mix in a Collins or Highball glass and add ice. Then stir the resulting and add cola. It is worth ordering such a cocktail on a cold evening and then you can get stuck in the bar for a long time. The cocktail is also noted for its considerable volume, which only prolongs the pleasure.

Cocktail "Sex on the beach". This popular cocktail, with its name alone, evokes dreams of relaxation, the sea, and love. The composition of the drink includes vodka, peach liqueur (schnapps), cranberry and orange juice. This cocktail is officially recognized by the International Bartending Association (IBA). For cooking, take 2 parts of vodka, both juices and one part of peach liqueur. All this is mixed in a shaker and poured into a highball glass filled with ice. After that, the cocktail is decorated with a piece of orange. Drink this drink should be through a straw. Sometimes pineapple juice is also added to Sex on the Beach. It happens that a cocktail is poured not into a highball glass, but into a hurricane. The drink is sometimes also garnished with a cherry and a slice of lime.

Cocktail "Cuba Libre". This Cuban cocktail has already conquered the whole world. It appeared during the Spanish-American War. Once, a group of American soldiers, who at that moment were on leave, entered one of the bars in Havana. One of them, missing home, ordered rum with cola, ice and a slice of lemon. He liked this cocktail so much that it aroused keen interest among his colleagues. The soldiers asked the bartenders to prepare the same drink for them. Then the fun began, in the midst of which one of the soldiers made a toast in honor of the freedom received by the island: "Por Cuba Libre!" The crowd answered him "Kubra libre!". To prepare a cocktail, lime juice is squeezed into a Collins glass and ice is added, then rum and cola are added there and mixed.

Cocktail "Bloody Mary". This drink is the most famous among cocktails, invariably occupying the first lines in the popularity ratings. Meanwhile, many myths and mysteries hovers around Bloody Mary. It is said that such famous personalities as Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald adored this cocktail. And the world fame for "Bloody Mary" came in New York, glorified her bartender Fernand Petiot, who worked at the St. Regis. In 1920, he decided to experiment by adding Tabasco sauce to an alcoholic drink. According to legend, Fernand came up with the name "Red Snapper" for the new drink, naming it after the fish. However, one of the visitors renamed the cocktail in his own way, calling it "Bloody Mary". The successful name quickly stuck to the drink. According to another legend, on the contrary, Petio initially named his cocktail "Bloody Mary", but the administration of the King Call bar tried to name it after the fish, "Red Snapper". There is another version of the name of the drink. They say that in Chicago there was a bar "Blood Bucket", where the beautiful girl Mary, after whom the cocktail was named, used to go. Initially, the drink was extremely primitive, it included vodka and tomato juice. But 15 years after the invention, seasonings and spices began to be added to Bloody Mary. Vodka should be 2 times less than tomato juice. All this is poured into a highball and ice is added, and then mixed. Salt and pepper can be added to taste. For those who like spicy drinks, you can even add hot red pepper. There is another version of Bloody Mary, where tequila is used instead of vodka. It is mixed with horseradish, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco, lemon and tomato juice. Dijon mustard, sherry and clam pickle can also be added if desired. First, ice is placed in the highball, and then liquid ingredients. Top it all with tomato juice. The cocktail is mixed by pouring from one glass to another. For those who prefer non-alcoholic drinks, there is a version of "Bloody Mary" without vodka at all. At the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the legendary cocktail in 2008, the granddaughter of the creator made a toast in his honor. In New York, December 1 was even declared Bloody Mary Day. In honor of the anniversary, city bars offered a cocktail at the price of 1933 - 99 cents.

Ideal for cocktails - . It takes quite a bit for one serving. Vodka can be supplemented with juices, sparkling water, cream and other ingredients.

Try to cook uncomplicated with and citrus.

You will need:
- 0.25 l of vodka;
- 0.5 cup mint syrup;
- 0.5 cups of sparkling water;
- 1 orange;
- 0.5 lemon.

Instead of syrup, you can use mint liqueur.

Squeeze the juice and lemon halves, grate the zest on a fine grater. In a shaker, mix juices and syrup. Pour the mixture into glasses, add a little sparkling water to each and add a few ice cubes. Serve the cocktail with a straw.

As a dessert or digestif, you can serve a sweet coffee cocktail.

You will need:
- 1 glass of milk;
- 1 teaspoon of coffee;
- 1 egg;
- 3 teaspoons of sugar;
- 1 glass of vodka.

Grind the egg with sugar, add instant coffee. Bring the milk to a boil, cool slightly, and add to the egg mixture in batches, whisking constantly. Cool, then add vodka and stir. Pour the cocktail into thick-walled low glasses, each serving can be supplemented with a small amount of finely crushed ice.

One of the most freshly squeezed orange juice and vodka finds its connoisseurs at any party.

You will need:
- 0.5 cups of vodka;
- 0.5 cups of orange juice.

Squeeze the juice in advance and freeze it in the refrigerator. In a blender, mix juice with vodka, pour into glasses, add ice and serve immediately.

A glass with a cocktail can be decorated with a sugar rim. Brush the rim of a glass with egg white and then dip it in sugar. Pour the cocktail carefully so as not to wash off the decor.

Simple but exquisite: brandy-based cocktails

You don't need expensive cognac to make these cocktails. Take a good brandy - worthy drinks are produced in many countries, from France to Armenia.

Try an unusual, but very combination of cocoa, cognac and sour cream. Chocolate shake can be served with a cup of espresso.

You will need:
- 1 glass of cognac;
- 3 tablespoons of sugar;
- 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder;
- 3 tablespoons of water;
- 1 glass of sparkling water;
- 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Make syrup from cocoa, water and sugar. As soon as the mixture boils, remove it from heat, cool, mix with sour cream, and then pour in brandy and sparkling water. Beat the mixture in a mixer and pour into glasses. Ice cubes can be served separately.

Active evening rest is always dancing, fun and alcohol. Going to a bar or nightclub is accompanied by tasting new or drinking your favorite cocktails. But it’s not at all necessary to go somewhere for this: you can decorate a home party or a meeting with friends by preparing alcoholic cocktails at home on your own.

Feature of cocktails

Why are alcoholic cocktails so attractive for nightlife lovers? The fact is that they have a number of features that distinguish these drinks from other alcoholic products.

An alcoholic cocktail is a mixture of two or more ingredients, one of which necessarily contains alcohol. They can be quite simple in composition and preparation, or they can be multi-component with complex step-by-step preparation. The right combination of cocktail components provides a pleasant taste and a slight dizzying effect, which is more akin not to intoxication, but to relaxation and fun.

Alcoholic cocktails at home can also be prepared, but this requires a certain skill and knowledge of proportions. Therefore, most often for these drinks and turn to bars and nightclubs.

Types of cocktails

The best bartenders annually compete in the skill of creating cocktails, so it’s quite difficult to keep up with the new products. If you decide to prepare alcoholic cocktails at home, then you need to know the basics about them:

  • There are "long" and "short" cocktails. They are also referred to by the English words "long" and "shot" respectively.
  • Long cocktails usually contain more than three ingredients and are served in a tall glass with plenty of ice. Drinking this version of cocktails is usually offered through a straw.
  • Shot cocktails are drunk in one gulp. They are served in a glass or a small special glass. Usually contain more alcoholic components than longs.
  • There are classic cocktails, the recipes of which have been established for decades. They have the same name and have the same composition in any bar in the world.
  • Bartenders can make signature cocktails based on classic ones, slightly modifying the recipe or completely inventing a new composition.

Making an alcoholic cocktail at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to know what exactly you want to receive.

Why classic recipes are good

In the cocktail list of any bar you can always find these names. You don't expect anything new from them and you are 100% sure of the taste. Classic recipes for alcoholic cocktails are a taste ratio that has been tested over the years.

If you decide to make alcoholic cocktails at home, then pay your attention, first of all, to the classic compositions.

"Mojito", "Margarita", "Cosmopolitan", B-52 - this list can be continued for a long time and every connoisseur of the taste of good alcohol will be able to find a recipe to their liking.

Before you start preparing, you need to decide: on what occasion will the cocktail be, for which public and what are its preferences. And having studied the theoretical base, making alcoholic cocktails at home: simple and complex, strong and not very strong is a matter of technique and inspiration.

Cocktails for every occasion

A few simple cocktails have a universal taste that will please almost everyone. They are suitable for parties or gatherings with friends.

  1. Whiskey cola. To prepare it, you need to mix whiskey with chilled highly carbonated cola in a one-to-one ratio. Add plenty of ice to the glass before serving.
  2. Vodka with Sprite. Pour 50 ml of vodka and 150 ml of chilled sprite into a tall glass. Add a few lime wedges or lime juice. Accompany with plenty of ice.
  3. "Mojito". At the bottom of a tall glass, you need to pour two teaspoons of sugar (preferably brown) and squeeze the juice from half a lime. After that, you need to put a lot of mint leaves, crushed ice in a glass and pour 60 ml of rum and 150 ml of carbonated mineral water or sprite. Garnish the glass with lime slices.

These recipes show that you can make an alcoholic cocktail at home without the use of complex ingredients and special tools.

Women's version

Surprising the fair sex is usually more difficult. They are demanding on the taste and design of drinks. But nothing is impossible - delicious alcoholic cocktails at home - the task is quite feasible for everyone!

  • "Cosmopolitan". In a shaker or large glass, you need to mix 20 ml and the same amount of vodka, 10 ml of cranberry juice and the same amount of lemon juice. Add crushed ice and stir thoroughly. Served in a martini glass.
  • "Sea breeze". In a shaker or blender, you need to mix 50 ml of vodka and the same amount of grapefruit juice with 100 ml of cranberry juice. Mix thoroughly with crushed ice, serve in a tall glass, garnish with cranberries.
  • Mulled wine. A bottle of red wine (dry or sweet) in an enamel bowl should be brought to a boil. Add spices to the wine: cinnamon, honey, cloves, coriander and simmer for several minutes over low heat. Cool the cocktail to the desired temperature, serve in a mulled wine glass with lemon slices.

The beautiful sex is preferred not too with a pleasant taste. And a beautifully decorated glass with a cocktail will only increase the degree of appetite.

Best Shots

Preparing alcoholic cocktails at home that are drunk in one gulp is also not a problem. The most simple and delicious are the following cocktails.

  • B-52. To prepare this classic cocktail, you need to mix coffee, cream and orange liqueur in equal proportions. In a small glass, you need to pour the ingredients in the same sequence, while you need to be extremely careful not to mix the layers. To do this, it is best to pour liquor on the tip of a knife. The contents of the glass must be set on fire when serving and quickly drunk through a straw.
  • "Kamikaze". In a small glass, 100 ml of vodka are mixed with 25 ml of orange liqueur. Add a few drops of lime juice.
  • "Green Monkey". Mix in a small glass of banana and Pour in layers - first a yellow layer, green liquor is gently poured on top.

Short cocktails are most often preferred by men: they are stronger and have a pronounced alcoholic taste.

Men's cocktails

Vodka is an alcoholic drink that is very popular among the strong half of humanity. Women love to try various cocktails that have original tastes, but men like more strong drinks: cognac, whiskey, vodka, brandy and others. But such strong alcohol is not always appropriate. In some situations, it is more relevant to offer guests a cocktail, but which one is most suitable in a male company? Consider the most popular options:

  • Vodka energy drink. Making this cocktail is very simple. This will require a narrow glass of ice. Pour in vodka (50 ml), and 150 ml of an energy drink. Both ingredients are gently mixed with a spoon, and a couple of lemon slices cling to the edge of the glass. You can add grenadine, it will give the cocktail a beautiful color.
  • "Cape drink is made from vodka. This will require 50 ml of alcohol and 150 ml of fruit drink. Both ingredients are mixed in a glass with ice. You can use cranberries.
  • "IQ". A simple recipe for making a delicious, strong cocktail. Fill a tall glass with ice and add all the ingredients to it: vodka (50 ml), honey syrup (20 ml), grapefruit juice (150 ml). The components of the drink, you need to gently mix with a spoon. Use orange zest for garnish.

These drinks are easy to prepare and do not take much time.

Let's be careful!

Making alcoholic cocktails at home, the recipes of which are simple and appetizing, is as easy as shelling pears. But before that, it is worth recalling some features of these drinks that require special care and caution.

Alcoholic cocktails are very deceptive - their taste makes you think that you are not drinking alcohol at all, and forget about the quantity. Nevertheless, each glass of a cocktail is an increased load on the liver and cardiovascular system. It is by combining different types of strong alcoholic beverages that it is possible to ensure that they enhance and multiply the toxic effect of each other. And in combination with a pleasant taste and an atmosphere of general fun, alcoholic cocktails can be very insidious for the body.

But this does not mean that they should be abandoned! It is just necessary to remember about moderation and not to abuse it, to be able to stop in time, no matter how cheerful the company is.

A few alcoholic cocktails, provided you feel good, will only add zest to a party with friends.

Making alcoholic cocktails at home is not only a reason to surprise your friends and acquaintances, it can also be a great element of entertainment at a party: cocktails prepared together are much more interesting to taste together.

House parties have become so fashionable among Europeans that they are arranged almost every week. Delicious food, pleasant company, a lot of music and, of course, a variety of colorful cocktails are liked by absolutely everyone. Thanks to a combination of all these factors, any party is guaranteed to be a success.

The fun of a house party directly depends on the number of friends. A thematic event of two people a priori cannot be incendiary. Take this unspoken rule into your arsenal. Do you want to have unforgettable fun? Invite as many friends as possible. And be sure to provide the evening with original snacks and interesting cocktails. And in order not to get lost in a huge assortment, we have compiled for you a rating of the most popular alcoholic drinks for a party, as well as cocktails that do not include alcohol. So let's get started.

Alcoholic cocktails

1 Long Island Cocktail

The most famous cocktail called "Long Island" was invented during the Prohibition era. Outwardly, it was very reminiscent of iced tea, so the drink is often referred to as Long Island Ice Tea. It first appeared on Long Island in New York, from where it got its name.

It is usually prepared in the following way:

  • 15 ml of vodka,
  • 15 ml gin
  • 15 ml white rum
  • 15 ml tequila,
  • 15 ml Triple Seca (orange liqueur),
  • 15 ml sugar syrup
  • cola,
  • lemon wedge,

All ingredients are mixed in a standard highball. Vodka, gin, rum, tequila, triple sec and sugar syrup can be measured with a jigger, after which everything is mixed with Cola and ice. A slice of lemon and several tubules are used as decoration.

2. Cocktail Tom Collins

The history of the Tom Collins cocktail began at London's Limmer's, where a waiter named John Collins first mixed the ingredients that all bartenders in the world use to this day. By the way, the name of the cocktail is used differently in different establishments, changing the name "Tom" to "John". The composition does not change.

For cooking you will need:

  • 60 ml gin
  • 50 ml soda,
  • 30 ml sugar syrup
  • Lemon,
  • Cocktail cherry and orange slice for garnish.

All components are mixed in a shaker, lemon juice is squeezed out through a citrus press. The cocktail is then poured into a highball glass and garnished with a cherry on top. The edge of the glass can be decorated with an orange slice.

3. Pina Colada cocktail

"Pina Colada" is a cocktail of real pirates. As early as 1820, corsairs on ships drank it, and the first person to invent it was Captain Roberto Cofresi.

To prepare it you need:

  • 50 ml white rum
  • 50 ml coconut syrup
  • 100 ml pineapple juice
  • Lime,
  • Pineapple wedge and leaves for garnish
  • crushed ice,
  • Tube.

The ingredients are mixed in a shaker or blender, the main task is to grind them so that the consistency becomes homogeneous. For serving use a glass called "sling". A slice of pineapple and its leaf serve as a decoration on the edge of the glass.

4. Cosmopolitan cocktail

An extremely fashionable cocktail became widely known after the release of the Sex and the City series, where the heroines drank the drink at parties. And it was invented by Dale de Gough, a mixologist from America in the 70s.

Cocktail Ingredients:

  • Vodka with citrus flavor - 30 ml,
  • Triple Sec - 15 ml,
  • Cranberry juice - 30 ml,
  • Lime,

The ingredients are mixed in a shaker with a strainer, the lime is squeezed out by hand or using a citrus press. You can decorate the cocktail with the zest removed from the orange slice. It should be served in a cocktail glass on a high leg.

5. Margarita cocktail

Famous socialite Marguerite Simes requested a new cocktail for her party in 1948. This is how the incomparable "Margarita" appeared, which even has its own "birthday" - February 22.

Here's how you can make a margarita:

  • 50 ml tequila,
  • 25 ml orange liqueur
  • 10 ml sugar syrup
  • Lime,
  • Salt,

Everything is mixed in a shaker and poured through a strainer into a Margarita glass. Don't forget the glass rim of salt and a lime wedge.

6. Vesper cocktail

This cocktail bears the name of the legendary lover of James Bond - Vesper Lind. She was the only woman who settled in the heart of 007.

It includes:

  • 45 ml gin
  • 15 ml of vodka,
  • 5 ml vermouth
  • Lemon,
  • Zest for decoration.

Everything is simple here: the ingredients are mixed in a shaker and poured into a cocktail glass through a strainer. You can decorate the cocktail with lemon or lime zest.

7. Bloody Mary cocktail

A cocktail that inspires fear with its name alone, but does not lose popularity at the same time - "Bloody Mary", named after the English Queen Mary Tudor, who was called "bloody" for numerous massacres of Protestants. It was invented by Fernand Petiot, a bartender from Harry's New York Bar in Paris.

The cocktail is prepared like this:

  • 50 ml vodka,
  • 100 ml tomato juice
  • Tabasco sauce,
  • Worcester sauce,
  • Salt and ground pepper,
  • Lemon,
  • Celery stalk for garnish.

The cocktail should be mixed in a shaker, squeeze the lemon juice with your hands. Pour into a highball glass, sprinkle with ground pepper and salt, and garnish with a stalk of celery. An important point: the shaker should not be actively shaken, you just need to shake it gently.

8. Cocktail "White Russian"

This cocktail was the king of discos back in the 80s, and thanks to the movie The Big Lebowski, released in 1998, the popularity of the drink reached a new level.

Its composition:

  • 30 ml of vodka,
  • 30 ml coffee liqueur
  • 30 ml cream

For serving, you can take a glass of "Old Fashion" or a small shot. The ingredients are mixed in a glass with a bar spoon and the cocktail is drunk in one gulp.

9. Cocktail B-52

For the first time, the cocktail was served by the bartenders of the Alice establishment, which is located in Malibu. It bears the name of a Russian secret bomber, which was never completed.

For cooking you need:

  • 15 ml coffee liqueur
  • 15 ml "Irish Cream",
  • 15 ml Triple Seca.

Using a bar spoon, the cocktail should be stacked in layers in a shot. First, pour in the liquor, then gently “Irish Cream” along the handle of the spoon, and lastly, Triple Sec. At the end, the drink is effectively set on fire.

10. Daiquiri cocktail

Daiquiri first appeared in Cuba, where a man named Jenning Cox decided to mix rum, sugar and lime in one glass with ice. The cocktail got its name from the Daiquiri village, where it was invented.

It is prepared like this:

  • 60 ml white rum
  • 15 ml sugar syrup
  • Lime,

Everything is mixed in a shaker and poured into a glass through a strainer. Usually the cocktail is not decorated with anything, but you can make a rim of brown sugar around the edge of the glass.

11. Cocktail Alexander

The legend of the Alexander cocktail is associated with the great commander Alexander the Great, it is his name that this drink bears. The cocktail itself was first served by a bartender in England to the court, thanks to which he received the title of "sir".

The cocktail is prepared like this:

  • 30 ml gin
  • 30 ml coffee liqueur
  • 30 ml heavy cream
  • Ground nutmeg for garnish.

All components are mixed in a shaker and poured into a cocktail glass. The cocktail should be sprinkled with nutmeg on top.

12. Tequila Sunrise Cocktail

According to legend, there is a sacred place on earth where you can find incredible energy at dawn on the day of the equinox - a 60-meter pyramid in the town of Teotihuacan. The Tequila Sunrise cocktail was created as part of a ritual to gain this energy and is called "Fire Water" in this area.

What you need for cooking:

  • 50 ml tequila,
  • 10 ml grenadine,
  • 150 ml orange juice
  • orange slice for garnish
  • tubule,

The drink is mixed directly in the highball, then it is filled with ice, garnished with an orange slice and a straw.

13. Cocktail Medusa

The Medusa layered cocktail was made famous by astronomer Paul Fisher, who was able to see the Medusa and Crab nebulae after only drinking a few cocktails.

What you need for a cocktail:

  • 10 ml absinthe,
  • 20 ml cocoa liqueur
  • 20 ml Triple Seca,
  • 5 ml Irish Cream.

Layers are poured into the glass: cocoa liqueur, then Triple Sec and absinthe are carefully poured with a bar spoon, and at the end - Irish Cream, drop by drop through a straw.

14. Cocktail Gin and tonic

Fleeing from malaria in India, soldiers of the British army used tonic in large quantities. However, in order to diversify this drink, gin was added to it. This cocktail not only cheered up, but also perfectly refreshed in the heat.

The cocktail is prepared as follows:

  • 50 ml gin
  • 150 ml tonic,
  • Lime,

The ingredients are mixed in a shaker, squeezing a slice of lime. Then the cocktail is poured into a highball through a strainer.

15. Cocktail Sex on the beach

Well, where without the popular cocktail with the defiant name "Sex on the Beach"! He provokes and entices, for which the heroines of the Santa Barbara series fell in love with him so much.

You can prepare it like this:

  • 50 ml vodka,
  • 25 ml peach liqueur
  • 40 ml of pineapple juice and cranberry juice,
  • Pineapple and raspberry for garnish

In a shaker, you need to mix all the ingredients, pour through a strainer with a glass "sling" and garnish with a slice of pineapple and raspberries.

Non-alcoholic cocktails

People who prefer sober fun and pleasant communication with friends to drinking alcohol will certainly rate you as a bartender much higher if you have non-alcoholic cocktails in your arsenal. They are based on milk, ice cream, ripe fruits and berries, as well as syrups, juices and even eggs.

16. Rainbow cocktail

For example, a cocktail called "Rainbow" does not contain alcohol, it includes: 70 ml of orange and peach juice, sprite, grenadine and Blue Curacao syrup. First, grenadine is poured into a sling or highball glass, then juices are layered with a bar spoon, and at the end - Blue Curacao blue syrup. Before filling, ice should be poured into the glass, and you can decorate with an orange slice and a straw with an umbrella.

17. Fiesta

Drink "Fiesta" includes: 2 ml of raspberry syrup, 8 ml of passion fruit and orange juice, 2 ml of cream. All you need to shake in a shaker with ice and pour into a shot. You can drink it in one gulp or in small sips.

18. Cocktail Red Arrow

A Red Arrow cocktail is served in a glass of Irish Coffee. To prepare it, you need to mix in a blender: 20 ml of lemon juice, 10 ml of caramel and vanilla syrups, 100 ml of cranberry juice, a little ginger and strawberries to taste. The ingredients are carefully ground and heated, that is, the cocktail is drunk hot. The edges of the glass can be decorated with sugar, greased with a lemon slice.

19. Egg Nog Cocktail

The famous drink "EggNog" is a variation of "Gogol-mogul", it can be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Take 2 cups of milk, ground nutmeg and 1 cup of cream. The mixture must be heated over low heat. And at this time, you should grind the yolks of 5 eggs and sugar, then put on fire and heat until the mass becomes white. Gently fold the egg yolks into the milk mixture and beat thoroughly. The cocktail should be cooled slightly and served in cups or highballs, garnished with nutmeg.

20. Cocktail Chocolate shake

Milk shakes, so popular among adults and children, are made with milk and ice cream. For example, for a chocolate shake you will need: ¼ cup chocolate syrup, 1 cup milk and a few scoops of vanilla ice cream. Whip all the ingredients in a blender or shaker and pour into a tall glass with a straw. To taste, grated banana, strawberries, raspberries and other fruits can be added to the drink.

21. Non-alcoholic mojito cocktail

Mojito, so popular among young people, is also available in two versions: with and without rum. Refreshing non-alcoholic "Mojito" can be prepared as follows: put ice on the bottom of the glass, pour over ¾ "Sprite" and a little sugar syrup. In a separate container, grind mint leaves, lemon and lime slices with a muddler. The whole mixture is added to the glass and stirred with a bar spoon, after which it is decorated with a lime wedge and a straw.

22. Non-alcoholic punch

A cocktail called "punch" looks very much like a compote. It is very easy to prepare, especially since it is served in a deep container, from where it is poured into glasses. This means that there is enough cocktail for everyone. Take 0.5 l of apple juice, 0.5 l of ginger lemonade, sugar to taste, apple slices and other berries as desired. All you need to heat to a boil, then remove from heat and cool.

23. Cocktail Blue Lagoon

The wonderful drink "Blue Lagoon" not only looks very presentable, but also perfectly refreshes in the summer heat. For a non-alcoholic cocktail, you will need: fill a highball glass ¾ full with ice cubes, pour half the Blue Curacao blue liqueur, add soda and lemon juice and mix with a bar spoon. You can decorate a cocktail with a slice of lemon or a cocktail cherry and a straw.

24. Shirley Temple Cocktail

Treat your friends to a delicious Shirley Temple cocktail as well. Prepare it as follows: pour ice into a highball, pour ginger lemonade and add grenadine syrup. Complete it with Sprite and garnish with a cocktail cherry or orange slice.

25. Cocktail Honeymoon

“Magnificent, and most importantly, a healthy cocktail will undoubtedly be appreciated by your friends. It bears the romantic name "Honeymoon", thanks to the honey that is part of it. You can prepare a drink as follows: mix ice in a shaker, 100 ml of orange and apple juices, as well as the juice of half a lime and a little honey. Shake the mixture thoroughly and pour into a Champagne flute glass. The resulting drink can be garnished with a cocktail cherry and orange zest, removed with a spiral with a bar knife.

26. Berry smoothie

“Pulverized fruits and berries are the perfect combination in the classic smoothie, which is not only a delicious cocktail, but a great drink for people who lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. As a rule, smoothies are made without sugar, the standard recipe includes: fruits or berries grated in a blender and lemon or apple juice. If desired, you can add yogurt, milk with ice cream or honey to the cocktail.

27. Ginger Lemonade

A great base for many non-alcoholic drinks at a party is ginger lemonade. Preparing it is quite simple: you need to take chopped ginger root, sugar, lemon slices and add lemon juice squeezed through a citrus press. The mixture must be put on fire and brought to a boil, then cool and let it brew for an hour, after taking out the ginger.

28. Cocktail "Frappe"

Another cocktail based on milk and ice cream remotely resembles a milkshake, but is called differently - “Frappe”. You can add coffee, hot chocolate, bananas, strawberries, vanilla or grated berries to the main ingredients. Here is the recipe for the delicious Banana Chocolate Frappe: Blend a glass of milk, a few scoops of ice cream and a banana in a blender until smooth. Pour the cocktail into a highball glass, and then carefully insert a bar spoon and pour the liquid chocolate into the bottom of the glass along its handle. You can simplify this process by pouring chocolate through a cocktail tube.

29. Green tea smoothie

Perfectly tones and refreshes a drink based on green tea. It contains a whole complex of vitamins and gives a charge of vivacity, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. To make a cocktail, take: 1 cup of freshly brewed green tea, half a glass of apple juice and ice. Fill shaker with ice, add all ingredients and shake well. The drink is served in a highball with a straw, if desired, it can be decorated with a slice of lemon.

30. Apricot shake

Unique, incendiary and original parties will always be fun if you carefully consider the content of the home bar. Take care of your guests: offer them an exciting program, good music and home-made cocktails, and they will definitely come to you again and again.

Alcoholic cocktails are a combination of different types of alcohol with each other in certain proportions with the addition of seasonings and fruits. The composition of alcoholic beverages is completely different, and most of them necessarily include pieces of ice, for which it is recommended to use purified water to freeze.

The first methods of making cocktails began to appear at the end of the 19th century. They included recipes for Martini, Daiquiri and Manhattan drinks. And since 1920, a whole list of cocktails has been invented, which are now in great demand in bars around the world, and they are even considered classics. During this period, names such as Americano and Negroni appeared in Italy, and Bloody Mary and Side Car appeared in France. For the most part, all cocktails used to have the same name - American Drinks. This was due to the fact that Americans who were forbidden to drink alcohol in their country came to try the original alcoholic drinks. Nowadays, the popularity of cocktails is increasing, thanks to which new types of liqueurs, exotic drinks and original flavors appear.

Ways to prepare the most famous drinks

"Mojito" (in Spanish Mojito)

This drink is based on white rum and mint leaves. Mojito is divided into types with the addition of alcohol and without it. The origin of the drink was noted in 1980 on the island of Cuba, then it became widely popular throughout America. The composition of the traditional Mojito includes 5 components: sugar, 60 ml. rum, soda, lime and mint. Lime juice is made by mixing granulated sugar into lime juice, then tearing mint leaves and placing the contents in a tall highball. Chipped pieces of ice are thrown into the glass, rum and soda are poured on top. Fresh mint and citrus fruit soften the strength of the rum and make it taste pleasant and sweet, which is why the cocktail is considered to be summer. In Havana, Venezuelan Angostura is also added, and in Mojito without alcohol, white rum is replaced with water and brown sugar from cane. Russian cocktail lovers mix it with orange or apple juice, and sometimes they add strawberries.

"Blue Hawaii" ("Blue Lagoon")

This cocktail has an unusual tropical taste and bright blue color. However, the recipe for the drink was not invented in Hawaii at all, but in a completely different part of the Earth - the Zanzibar Club bar, which is located in London. The composition includes components: 30 ml. rum Bacardi, 30 ml. blue liqueur De Cuyper Blue Curacao, 60 ml. fresh pineapple, 30 ml. fresh lemon, 30 ml. sugar syrup. All ingredients are mixed and pieces of ice are added to the liquid. This cocktail is characterized by rich taste qualities and has milky, summery and refreshing notes. An exotic drink, as expected, is served in a large glass with straws and umbrellas. It can also be garnished with a piece of pineapple, mint or cocktail cherry.


This drink enjoys literally frenzied world fame. The creator of the cocktail is a woman Cheryl Cook from Florida. The original recipe included Absolut Citron, Triple Sec orange liqueur, Rose's Lime Juice and cranberries. The current cooking method was perfected by Toby Cechini from Manhattan. Instead of Triple Sec orange liqueur, he began adding Cointreau liqueur and freshly squeezed lime juice. This cocktail has become traditional. According to the recipe you need to take: 40 ml. vodka, 15 ml. Cointreau, 2 ml. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 30 ml. cranberry juice. The components are mixed with each other and poured into martins (martini glass glasses). Thanks to the addition of cranberries, the drink has a pinkish tint, and a slice of lemon or lime is ideal for decoration. Now Cosmopolitan is very popular in gay clubs and for quite a long time was the drink of this kind of public.

"Pina colada"

It is a sweet Caribbean drink, and its name means "filtered pineapple" in translation. This type of cocktail appeared in the 50s of the 20th century in a Puerto Rican bar. For its manufacture, components are needed: 60 ml. light rum, 60 ml. fresh pineapple, 75 ml. coconut liqueur or cream. All products are mixed in a shaker and poured into glasses, then pieces of ice are added. Whipped cream, pineapple slices and cocktail cherries are used as decor. In a number of establishments, Pina Colada is added to Baileys.


The name Daiquiri is present in a number of cocktails, however, the original drink is one, it was invented in Cuba. The traditional recipe includes the following components: 40 ml. light rum, 20 ml. lime fresh, 7 ml. sugar syrup. Mix the ingredients well in a shaker, then throw in pieces of ice and shake well. Pour into tall cocktail glasses.


The basis of the drink is tequila, due to which the cocktail is considered to be summer. The traditional recipe includes ingredients: 50 ml. silver tequila, 30 ml. lime fresh, 25 ml. Cointreau liqueur or Triple Sec orange liqueur. The components are shaken in a shaker with crushed pieces of ice. The drink is served chilled, in a wide glass. The edge is decorated with salt or sugar.


The drink consists of liqueurs that are poured in layers on top of each other. The classic recipe involves the use of liqueurs in equal proportions: coffee Kahlua, creamy Baileys and orange Marie Brizard Grand Orange. Precise layering of the liqueurs and the absence of their mixing is a prerequisite. There is also a variation in which a cocktail prepared in the traditional way is set on fire and must be drunk through a straw as quickly as possible.

"Long Island"

The drink was invented during the Prohibition period in the United States. The Long Island Ice-tea Cocktail was similar in appearance to iced tea and at the same time had a very high strength, which made it so popular. The drink has a pleasant cool taste that can intoxicate anyone. Includes the following components: 14 ml. orange liqueur "Triple Sec", 14 ml. light rum, 14 ml. gin, 14 ml. vodka, 14 ml. tequila, 28 ml. tea, Cola and a slice of lemon. All components are mixed in a highball and covered with pieces of ice. Cola is added at the end.

"Sex on the Beach"

The cocktail is also widely known all over the world and is even included in the list of official drinks of the International Bartending Association (IBA). To make such a popular cocktail you will need: 40 ml. vodka, 20 ml. peach liqueur Peach Schnapps, 40 ml. orange fresh, 40 ml. cranberry juice. Products are poured into a shaker and shaken well, then poured into highballs filled with pieces of ice. For freshness, you can add a small amount of pineapple juice. The glass is decorated with a slice of orange, lime or cherry. The finished masterpiece is drunk through a straw.

"Cuba Libre"

It is also a favorite drink of people around the world. It was invented immediately after the Spanish-American War, when one of the American soldiers in a Havana bar ordered rum with Cola, ice cubes and lemon. He liked the interesting taste of the cocktail so much that he made a toast to the freedom that Cuba gained at that time “Por Cuba Libre!”.

"Bloody Mary"

No list of cocktails can do without this masterpiece, because it occupies a leading position in the popularity rating. Even such famous personalities as Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald were admirers of the drink. Bloody Mary gained worldwide fame in New York when a bar worker accidentally added Tabasco sauce to a glass. Initially, the drink consisted of vodka and tomato juice, but today spices and seasonings are also added to it. The full composition is as follows: 90 ml. tomato juice, 45 ml. vodka, 15 ml. Rose'sLimeJuice juice, 0.5 ml. Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper. All components are poured into a highball and ice is added. Then the composition is mixed and sprinkled with salt or pepper for thrill seekers. To make the drink nuclear, you can use red pepper. And for lovers of a milder taste, vodka can be replaced with tequila. There is also a soft drink variant called "Virgin Mary", in which case vodka is excluded from the list of ingredients.

Preparation of non-alcoholic and alcoholic Mojito at home:
