
Recipe for crushed raspberries for the winter. Raspberry tincture at home: a recipe for vodka and not only

Fragrant, sweet raspberries are not only tasty, but also very tasty. It is rich in natural sugars, organic acids and vitamins. For example, 100 g of this wonderful berry contains 30% daily allowance vitamin C. However, heat treatment when trying to preserve raspberries for winter period destroys this necessary human body antioxidant and immunomodulator. When frozen, the berries lose their taste. But raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking is great alternative traditional jam, combining great taste and health benefits.

How to prepare berries?

Raspberry fruits are quite tender - they quickly deteriorate and are easily destroyed by mechanical action. Therefore, it is advisable to deal with their processing on the day of collection or purchase. Otherwise, the berries become moldy, turn sour.

Another feature of raspberries is that they usually do not wash them, but only sort them out, and in a special way. To do this, carefully pour the berries in small portions from one dish to another, while removing debris and spoiled fruits.

What sugar to choose?

Harvesting raspberries for the winter without cooking requires careful attention to the choice of sugar. It will take a lot of it to berries for a long time were kept. But without heat treatment sweet ingredient cannot dissolve completely. In view of this, it is worth buying the finest possible granulated sugar or even preparing powdered sugar in a coffee grinder.

Crockery and storage rules

Best for raspberry billet small glass jars, for example, half a liter, are suitable. They must first be thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and dried or sterilized with any accessible way: over steam, in the oven or microwave oven.

Cover jars where raspberries are stored for the winter without cooking, you must first parchment paper, and then glass or polyethylene lids, also treated with boiling water.

Raspberries without cooking are stored exclusively in the cold: in dry cellars, pantries, on the balcony and, of course, in the refrigerator. And do not forget about this important rule.

cooking recipes

So instead of cooking traditional jam from raspberries, it is better to choose a recipe without cooking, although, to be honest, there are not so many of them. We bring to your attention the most popular.

Vitamin raspberry

Mash the berries a little enamelware adding sugar gradually. Leave the mixture in the room for 2 hours so that the sugar can dissolve. It constantly needs to be stirred with a wooden spatula so that the consistency is uniform.
Arrange the raspberries in jars, put in the refrigerator.
For 1 kg of berries, 1 kg of sugar is required.

Raspberry with blackcurrant

Pound raspberries with a wooden pestle, chop with a blender. Mix everything thoroughly with sugar.
If desired, you can add the zest of one or two lemons, so the product will be even more aromatic.
Divide the mixture into jars and store away.

Raspberries and strawberries pureed with sugar

Raspberries and strawberries are taken in equal parts e.g. 1 kg. And there should be as much sugar as the berry mixture.
The berries peeled from the stalks must be mashed, but not to a homogeneous slurry. The puree should remain small pieces. Then granulated sugar is mixed in and the mass is sent to glass jars.

Raspberry "five minutes"

Grind 1 kg of berries with 1.5 kg of sugar. Heat over low heat until sugar dissolves. Do not bring to a boil.
Pour hot into jars, cover with lids. Let cool completely and put in the refrigerator.

Stuffing for pies and cakes

  • Raspberries - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g;
  • vodka - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Beat raspberries with sugar, mix in vodka, arrange in jars.

Application in cooking

Uncooked raspberries are used primarily for making sweet sandwiches. It is added to tea, eaten with pancakes, pancakes and ice cream. It is good for baking and desserts.

raspberry casserole

  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • raspberries with sugar - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 40 g;
  • almonds - 50 g;
  • sour cream to taste.
Rub cottage cheese until smooth, add raspberries and pre-beaten egg. Pour semolina and chopped nuts. Mix the mass well.
Grease a baking dish vegetable oil, put in it raspberry-curd mixture. Bake at medium temperature for about 20 minutes. Cool down.
Ready casserole serve with sour cream.

  • Sour cream - 1 small jar;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 packs;
  • raspberries with sugar - 1 cup;
  • gelatin - 25 g.

Beat sour cream with a mixer with raspberry mass, add grated cottage cheese and beat again. Soak gelatin in 0.5 cup boiled water. When it is completely dissolved, pour into the curd berry mix and mix well.
Carefully pour the mass into the mold, smooth with a spoon and place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Advice. To make the dessert really tasty, you should not choose low-fat dairy products. They are not suitable for this dish.

Application in traditional medicine

- a well-known antipyretic and diaphoretic. And what is good about raspberries for the winter without cooking? Almost everything that fresh berries are.

The therapeutic effect of raspberry fruits was revealed even in times ancient greece. Organic acids, pectins, tannins and many vitamins were found in the composition of the berry. For example, vitamin A. And it is known to improve vision, as well as strengthen nails and hair. Vitamin C is also plentiful. It not only protects against colds, but also removes excess fluid from the body, has a good effect on connective tissue. Thanks to this, the berry is useful for manifestations of cellulite and unpleasant varicose veins.

A mixture of raspberries and sugar is widely used in colds respiratory tract. It can be used as an auxiliary fixing agent for non-infectious diarrhea and after poisoning, as an antitoxic medicine.

When the temperature rises, a tablespoon of pureed raspberries should be added to a glass warm water and drink as often as possible. The same drink can be used to gargle a sore throat and mouth.

During the outbreak viral infections raspberry delicacy should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. This delicious tradition will serve as a good prevention of colds and flu, charging good mood all day.


Of course, do not forget that raspberries - strong allergen, so it is not recommended to eat it in large quantities. In addition, a considerable amount of sugar can harm people with diabetes, metabolic disorders and who are overweight.

In conclusion, I would like to give advice to the hostesses, not to be afraid to make a choice in favor of raspberry blanks without cooking. They keep very well. long term, preserving the dizzying aroma and benefits of fresh berries. Try it and see for yourself.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Friends, how do you harvest raspberries for the winter? I found for myself a simple and convenient way to harvest raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking. Raspberry berry tender, juicy with delicate aroma And delicious taste, and also raspberries are a storehouse of phytonutrients: vitamins, minerals and useful organic acids. To preserve healing and taste properties this wonderful berry, I cook fresh raspberry jam, sometimes it is also called "raw". When cooking (heating) berries, phytonutrients are practically not preserved.

Benefits of raw raspberry jam:

Raspberry is an excellent antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antibacterial properties, therefore, fresh raspberry, as a wonderful home remedy for colds.

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking - a recipe for raw raspberry jam

What we need to make raw raspberry jam:

Naturally, the raspberry itself and granulated sugar, usually I take 1.2 kg of sugar for 1 kg of berries. However, you should always evaluate the berry itself first, if your raspberries are very loose, watery and not sweet (for example, it was a rainy summer), then the amount of sand should be increased to 1.7 kg per 1 kg of berries, then your raspberry jam will not ferment.

Select only fresh berries for jam. Rinse the berries well. Transfer the finished jam to sterilized jars. Store this raw jam in cool place(refrigerator or cellar), in winter you can put jars of jam on the balcony, a large number of sugar to keep the jam from freezing.

How to prepare raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

  1. The berries should be washed carefully. How do you wash raspberries, or do you prefer not to wash this one? tender berry? I still tend to think that raspberries should be washed, especially those that were bought at the market. With water, dust, dust, and insects leave the berries. It is not recommended to wash raspberries under running water, because of this the berry is easily destroyed. To rinse the raspberries, you need to place them in a colander, and lower the colander with the berries into a container of water. The procedure can be repeated several times, changing the water (depending on the degree of contamination of the berries). Then the berry must be left in a colander for a while so that the water is glass.
  2. Now the raspberries should be rubbed. For these purposes, you can use a mortar or saucepan. I usually grind raspberries with a mashed potatoes in a saucepan, I like it when whole berries come across in the jam. For large batches of raspberries, you can use a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Sprinkle the grated berries with sugar. Mix and leave for 3.5-4 hours at room temperature to dissolve the sugar. Keeping longer is not recommended, as the jam may begin to deteriorate. Again, mix the berries, see that all the sugar is dissolved. Now we lay out ready jam in sterilized jars and close with lids.

Here is such a simple recipe for harvesting raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking. Everything is very simple and quick to prepare. In this way, you can cook not only raw raspberry jam, but also make a blank from other fruits and berries, for example.

Raspberries have a wonderful aroma and amazing taste, and big amount useful and medicinal properties. It is a natural antioxidant, effectively strengthens the immune system and is traditionally used in the treatment of colds. Consuming 1 cup of this berry satisfies daily requirement human in vitamin C.

To save healing properties becomes especially relevant winter storage without heat treatment. Recipes for blanks are easy to prepare at home and are very popular among housewives.

Preparation of berries - where to start?

Harvesting is best done on a dry, sunny day. For these purposes, shallow drawers or trays are suitable. Ripened berries are quite tender, easily crumpled under their own weight and are not subject to long-term storage. Harvesting begins with the process of cleaning the collected mass from bugs, twigs, leaves and diseased fruits. It is more efficient to sort the fruits by shifting in small portions from one container to another.

It is undesirable to wash raspberries, but if necessary, it is better to use a very cold shallow shower. In the berries of the summer ripening period, white insect larvae may come across. The crop must be poured with cool salted water (based on 1 liter - 1 tablespoon of salt) and kept for 10 minutes, then carefully collect the emerging pests and rinse clean.

IN Lately in summer cottages, late-ripening varieties can be increasingly found. Harvesting begins at the end of August and lasts until the first frost. In autumn fruits, insect larvae (worms) are practically not found. After water procedures, the fruits must be dried by scattering a thin layer on a towel. It is better to use paper, folded several times. Dried berries are ready for processing. Next, we will tell you how to candied raspberries.

Raspberries with sugar - popular recipes

Preparing raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking is quite simple, it is available to the hostess with any experience. An important point when cooking raw jam is the expected shelf life of the workpiece: the longer it is, the more sweetness must be used per 1 kg of berries:

  • more than 6 months - 2 kg;
  • from 3 to 6 months - 1.5 kg;
  • up to 3 months - 1 kg.

To prepare jam, you must use dishes made of non-oxidizing materials:

raw jam

Prepared berries should be put in a saucepan and covered with sugar. The volume is determined based on the expected shelf life. The mixture is stirred and kneaded with a pusher until smooth. The process is not very labor intensive. You can use a blender to get a finer puree. The higher the homogeneity of the jam, the less it will delaminate in the future.

In order for everything to dissolve well, it should stand for 3-6 hours in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. It is usually prepared in the evening and left, without spilling, overnight. In the morning, we lay out the finished mass in sterilized jars without filling the necks. Jars are better to use a small capacity of 0.3-0.5 liters.

Pour a layer of granulated sugar on top of the raspberries, about 1 tablespoon. When storing the workpiece, the candied cork will turn into a crust, which will protect it from contact with air. Banks are closed with plastic or screw caps and placed in the refrigerator.

This recipe can be used to make raw raspberry jam with strawberries, blackberries, or blackcurrants. The proportions of berry volumes vary, but the most common option is 0.5 to 0.5.

jam recipe

Raspberry jam is gourmet delicacy for those gourmets who do not like bones. Berries for harvesting must be carefully chopped with a blender or food processor, grind the resulting mass through a sieve or squeeze in small portions through gauze to separate the seeds.

To facilitate this process, you can add water at the rate of 0.5 cups per 1 kg to a saucepan with whole fruits, put on fire, bring to a boil and remove. After such processing, it will be much easier to clean the mashed potatoes from the stones.

Pour sugar into the squeezed juice with pulp and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved, pour into jars of small containers, close with lids, store only in the refrigerator.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.

Freezing berries for the future - how to save the benefits?

The method of harvesting berries and vegetables for the winter by freezing is widespread. In special freezers, in which cooling goes below -18 ° C, they can be stored for up to a year, that is, almost until the next harvest. IN conventional refrigerator, where the temperature does not drop to -12°C, the useful and gustatory qualities of products are preserved for no more than three months.

  • whole ripe but not overripe berries with or without sugar;
  • in the form of soft berry puree with sugar. with or without sand.

Packaging and freezing technique

An important point when freezing is the choice of containers. It is best to use plastic containers with lids or cups, as well as plastic bags, intended for storing products, for insurance against ruptures per serving, you need to use two pieces.

High-quality preparations are obtained by preliminary freezing of whole berries. To do this, they are poured in one layer on a tray, while avoiding touching each other, and placed in freezer for three hours. After freezing, raspberries can be transferred to any container for further storage at sub-zero temperatures.

Primary cooling is required to prevent sticking in a solid lump and loss external qualities when defrosted.

Berries are not subject to secondary freezing, so the volume of harvesting must be calculated for one-time consumption.

Ways to freeze raspberries with sugar

Raspberries with sugar can be frozen whole or mashed. The first way, step by step recipe:

  • in a small Plastic container pour a layer of sugar;
  • put raspberries on top of it;
  • alternating layers, completely fill the container - the top should be sand;
  • close the container with a lid and place in the freezer.

Second way:

  • from an overripe, soft berry, puree using a blender;
  • pour sugar, the volume of which is not clearly regulated and varies between 0.5-1.5 kg per 1 kg of raspberries. In this case, it is best to be guided by your own taste.
  • pour the mass into containers, leaving them one quarter not filled, since when freezing, the liquid has the ability to expand;
  • put the containers in the freezer.

If there are few containers, raspberry puree can be packaged in packages previously placed in them. After freezing, the containers are emptied, and the resulting briquettes are placed in the freezer. This method allows you to increase the efficiency of using the refrigerator.

When preparing blanks by freezing, the main rule must be observed: freeze quickly and defrost slowly. Before use, the berries are placed in common camera refrigerator for thawing naturally.

Raspberries with sugar without boiling are served with tea or used as a cure for colds. Sauces for pancakes and casseroles are prepared from it, jelly and jelly are cooked, it is useful for filling pies, ice cream and fruit salads are poured with it.

Summer is the standard time for harvesting for the winter. Preservation is always useful in the cold season. Thanks to it, you can diversify the diet when fresh vegetables and fruits are not available to everyone. Preservation can be used for cooking or simply eaten separately. But almost all blanks pass heat treatment. And this subsequently does not reflect in the best way on their vitamin content.

There are products that can be prepared without heat treatment. For example, raspberries. There are several raspberry recipes for the winter without cooking. So she will keep maximum amount mineral useful substances and vitamins that our body lacks in winter.

Recipe number 1. Grated raspberries

This is one of the most common options that many housewives know about. This jam is not complicated and will not require special efforts. So, let's start cooking.

We need a kilogram of raspberries and two kilograms of granulated sugar.

  1. Preparing berries. We sort through them, remove everything unnecessary. We put the berries in a colander and lower them into the water. Then let the raspberries drain well and dry.
  2. We skip the berries through a meat grinder. You can grind in a blender or use a mortar for this. At the final stage, we get a homogeneous mass.
  3. We measure a kilogram of granulated sugar . You can use powdered sugar. It dissolves faster.
  4. Mix the resulting berry mass and sugar. You should get a homogeneous mixture, which we send to a warm place. Sugar should dissolve completely.
  5. After a few hours, mix and lay out in sterilized containers. Sprinkle a spoonful of sugar on top to keep the raspberries longer.
  6. Close the lid and put in a cold place.

Such jam can be eaten immediately, or you can wait until winter to enjoy the aroma of summer. Such a delicacy will be stored all winter in the basement or refrigerator.

Recipe number 2. Raspberry with lemon

Raspberries for the winter without cooking go well with lemon. sweet taste berries are complemented by lemon sourness.

We take liter jar raspberries, two kilograms of granulated sugar and a medium lemon. From this volume of products, two liters of jam will be obtained.

  • We clean the raspberries, sort and wash. We let them dry. Grind any berries convenient way. The main thing is that the mass is homogeneous.
  • We wash the lemon well, scald it with boiling water. Then we grind it with a meat grinder along with the peel and bones.
  • Raspberry and lemon puree combine and add sugar.
  • Mix well until smooth and transfer to sterile jars.
  • We scald the nylon lids with boiling water and close the jars tightly.

Such jam will be stored in a cold place for two years.

Recipe number 3. Alcoholic

This jam has a special intoxicating taste. The composition of the mixture includes vodka, but it will take quite a bit. Here she will play the role of a preservative.

A kilogram of raspberries requires a kilogram of granulated sugar and three tablespoons (tablespoons) of vodka.

  1. We cover the sorted, peeled and washed berries with sugar. We put this mixture in a warm place. It needs to be stirred periodically. When the raspberries give juice, and the sugar has completely dissolved, you can proceed to the next step.
  2. Pour vodka into a homogeneous mass and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the mixture into sterilized jars. We close with sterile nylon lids and send the jars to the cold.

The resulting mixture can be stored for a long time. She has original taste and does not loosen.

Recipe number 4. Raspberry with currant

For this recipe, you need a kilogram of granulated sugar and raspberries, as well as 300 g of black currant.

  1. We clean, sort and wash raspberries.
  2. We freeze the currant berries, and then gently defrost them so that they are whole. This method will allow the currants to absorb the necessary sugar.
  3. We rub the raspberries with a blender, in a mortar or skip in a meat grinder.
  4. Add sugar and currants to the resulting berry mixture.
  5. Gently mix all the ingredients.
  6. We lay out in sterilized containers, close with sterile nylon or tin lids. We send to the basement or refrigerator.

Many will like the combination of raspberry and currant flavors, as well as the original color of the jam.

Recipe number 5. raspberry jelly

For a kilogram of berries, you need to take one and a half granulated sugar, half a glass of water and a bag of dry gelatin.

  1. We shift the peeled and washed raspberries into a container, pour out the sugar and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  2. Then we grind this mass with a wooden spoon until smooth.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in water. We put on fire to warm the liquid. It is not necessary to bring to a boil.
  4. Add the gelatin to the raspberry-sugar mixture and stir.
  5. We lay out the jelly in sterilized jars, close with sterile lids and put in the cold to freeze.

Raspberry jelly can be stored all winter in the cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe number 6. frozen raspberries

Freezing is a great way to prepare raspberries for the winter without cooking. Berries will not lose their palatability keep their shape and vitamins.

  1. Choose strong and not overripe berries. Sort them out, clean them, rinse them and let them dry.
  2. It is better to freeze in small portions, somewhere in one glass.
  3. We put the raspberries in a bag, tie it up and put it in another one. Tie off so that there is some air in the bag. So the berries do not wrinkle and retain an attractive appearance.
  4. Place the bags in the freezer and freeze.
  5. Before use, the bags must be taken out and left to defrost at room temperature.

Frozen raspberries can be used in pastries, compotes and eat for your pleasure.

Raspberries cooked in any of these ways will remain excellent source vitamins and minerals. She can not only brighten winter time, but will also help strengthen the immune system, avoid colds and inflammation.

I think that in every house they try to stock up on raspberry jam for the winter. It helps with colds in winter and contains many useful substances.
Did you know that raspberries contain salicylic, citric, malic and tartaric acids. Therefore, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. As children, we often came damp and soaked through from a walk. Then mother changed us into dry clothes and gave us tea with raspberry jam. And then she made me wrap myself in a blanket and sweat a lot. And it often happened that the disease went away without ever starting.

Raspberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It contains vitamins of groups B, A, C, E. It also contains a lot of trace elements potassium, calcium, iron. Therefore, raspberry jam is a must-have. It doesn't happen much. Plus, it's easy to do. And as you will learn from this article. There are many ways to cook this wonderful preparation, we will analyze the most delicious of them:

  • Raspberry Five Minute
  • Raspberry jam with whole berries regular brew
  • Raspberry jam with gelatin
  • Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Before making jam, the berry must be sorted out from the leaves and bugs. Raspberries are often inhabited by various bugs and spiders. Eat little secret how to get rid of them. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water. We put the berries in a colander or sieve. We immerse the dishes in saline solution for 5 minutes. And all our insects will be on the surface. After that, the raspberries should be washed thoroughly. Let lie down for 10 minutes in a colander to drain excess water.

Raspberry jam "five minutes" (thick)

One of the most popular recipes. Due quick boil berries retain many useful substances.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
We take sugar and berries in equal proportions. Therefore, the number of kilograms can vary at your discretion.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking 5 minutes of raspberries:

1. The berry must be sorted out from leaves and bugs. After that, the raspberries should be thoroughly washed in salted water, as described above. Then rinse plain water and throw it in a colander. Let lie down for 10 minutes in a colander to drain excess water.

2. Now you need to choose the dishes in which we will cook our jam. The shape of the dishes should not be high and wide enough. The pelvis has such a shape, so it is considered the best option, for making jam. The shape for the dishes was chosen. Now let's define its material. Cooking utensils made of copper, stainless steel and brass are best suited for making jam.

3. Pour all the raspberries into the basin. It must be crushed with a crush and covered with sugar. Gently mix our ingredients. We leave our yummy for a couple of hours so that the sugar dissolves.

4. And at this time we will sterilize the jars. There are many ways: over steam, in the oven, in the microwave, etc. I sterilize in the microwave. Banks must be clean. Pour about 1.5 cm of water and send it to the microwave for 3 minutes at a power of 800-900.

5. We put the container with the future jam on the smallest fire. Stir constantly and bring to a boil. When jam is cooked, foam forms on its surface. Remove it carefully with a spoon. If this is not done, the jam may soon deteriorate. Let's boil our jam for 5 minutes.

6. We carefully pack the jam in our sterilized jars and tightly close the lid. I use small jars for any jam. So as not to keep it for a long time when you open the jar. Now our banks must be turned over and allowed to cool.

Five-minute jam from whole raspberries

An amazing jam can be made from whole raspberries. This berry does not have a dense skin. Therefore, in order for the berries to remain intact, it must be boiled in syrup, which is obtained from raspberry juice and sugar when it stands.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Step-by-step procedure for making raspberry jam with whole berries:

1. We clean the berries from debris (leaves, bugs, larvae). Rinse them with water, put them in a colander.
2. Pour half the granulated sugar into the bowl in which the jam will be cooked.
3. Next, all the raspberries are sent to the basin.
4. Cover our raspberries with the remaining sugar.
5. Let's leave everything in the container for 5-6 hours. Let the raspberries give juice. I usually do this at night. And in the morning I bring the work I started to the end.
6. In the morning I start sterilizing the jars, and then proceed to the jam itself.
7. We light the smallest fire and send the container to the stove. Mix very gently so as not to disturb the integrity of the berries.
8. We are waiting for the sugar to dissolve, we add a little fire. When the jam boils, cook for another 5 minutes. Do not forget to stir gently and remove the foam from the jam.
9. Pour the finished jam into jars. Close them carefully with a lid.

You can, by the way, use less sugar, for example, as in this video recipe:

Raspberry jam with whole berries (regular cooking)

Another very delicious recipe. The berries remain intact when cooked. From this in him more benefit and taste.

When you make jam from whole berries, do not take a lot of kilograms at once. 1.5-2 kilograms will be enough, otherwise the berries can crush each other.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
We take products in a ratio of 1: 1

Step-by-step recipe for making raspberry jam:

1. In this recipe better to take the most best raspberries. That is, it should be clean, large, bought on the market from some grandmother or your own. Because in this recipe we will not wash it.
2. We will put sugar and berries in layers in the jam container until the products run out.
3. We need everything to infuse for 5-6 hours. We do everything again at night. We remove the dishes with the future jam in the refrigerator.
4. Raspberries will give juice overnight. We need to drain it and bring it to a boil. Leave it on low heat for 10 minutes.
5. In the meantime, we will sterilize our jars
6. We send raspberries, boil in juice for about 20 minutes. You do not need to mix the berries in this recipe. Therefore, we set the fire to the smallest.
7. Pour our jam into dry and hot jars. You can wrap it in something warm and let it cool completely. I use an old quilt. This is necessary in order to reduce the cooling time of the jam. Then it will turn out very beautiful and natural in color.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

This is very interesting interpretation raspberry jam. This recipe will appeal to lovers of jelly or jams. Due to the fact that it turns out thick, it can be used as a filling for pies.


  • Raspberry 1 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Water 300 ml
  • Citric acid about 10 grams
  • Gelatin 5 grams

Step-by-step recipe for making jam with gelatin:

1. In this recipe, let's start with gelatin. He needs to be bred warm water and let it swell. Instructions are always written on the package.
2. We sterilize our jars in any way convenient for you.
3. We select large and not crumpled berries. If the raspberries are clean, without dust, then you can not wash.
4. In a bowl, gently mix the berries and granulated sugar. Next, we fill our mass with water.
5. Send to the stove for half an hour. We cook on our own small fire, stir so that the jam does not burn. To do this, use a plastic or wooden spoon. Raspberries can oxidize from metal.
6. We send gelatin to the container and citric acid. Cooking another 15 minutes.
7. finished product put into jars. Store in a dark cool place.

Raspberries with sugar without cooking

Cooking raspberries in this way allows you to save all the original vitamins and minerals that are in it. After all, in this recipe it is not subjected to heat treatment. But there is also a small minus in this method - there is more sugar than usual.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 3 kg
The amount of sugar used is 2 times more than raspberries.

Step by step cooking recipe:

1. That's for it prescription will do not only selected raspberries, but also crushed berries. And so we clean the raspberries and turn them into porridge with the help of a wooden pusher.
2. Now add granulated sugar to the container. Mix everything very carefully. We need all the sugar to dissolve. Time is 20-24 hours. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon.
3. When the sugar is completely dispersed into total mass jams can be taken in jars.
4. We lay out the finished raspberry mass in dry hot jars, but not to the very top. We leave empty 1-1.5 cm and pour granulated sugar. Screw on the lid tightly. You can use thick paper and string in the old fashioned way. We store in the refrigerator.

In this topic, I talked about the methods and subtleties of making raspberry jam. Shared some secrets with you. I hope you find the “perfect” raspberry jam recipe for yourself too. And you will delight yourself and your loved ones with this healthy delicacy.
