
Raspberry jam - the most delicious recipes for a healthy sweet preparation. Raspberry jam

After reading the title of the article, you may think: “why fool around and make seedless raspberry jam according to a certain recipe?”. You're right! You have to pass it through a sieve and all that! When raspberry jam can be prepared with confiture and seeds - very quickly. One thing, jam with stones does not go so well with ice cream or jelly. After all, the bones will still be felt, and spoil the recipe.
So, if you are ready to jam a little longer, but at the same time surprise your family with the result, then you are here.

  • Fresh raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • Drinking water - 1 glass;
  • Sugar sand - 1.7 kg.

Seedless raspberry jam: a recipe with a photo for the winter

1. It is not necessary to rinse. It is important to remove spoiled berries. Then move all the raspberries into an enamel basin, and pour water into the same place. At first, you won't see a difference. Do not worry, the water will flow down and will slowly boil. You can mix the raspberries several times.

2. After you mix the berries with a spoon, their integrity will be broken and a lot of juice will stand out. You get a picture like this. Wait for the mass to boil.

Note: if you are not afraid of any bones, then already at this stage you can add sugar and boil the jam until tender. But the appearance of such a dessert will resemble ordinary jam.

3. Take another pan and a fine sieve. Pour the raspberry mixture into a sieve and grind until only the pits remain.

4. This is how you get a picture. This raspberry seed cake for jam is no longer needed for anything. Throw it away.

5. You may not see the measurements in the pan, but exactly a liter of raspberry mass came out of the indicated amount. Maybe you will have more, it all depends on the type of berry.

6. To reinsure myself, I mixed the mass and rubbed it through a sieve again, but this time I added a gauze cut. The mass became perfectly homogeneous.

7. Now in a saucepan you can combine raspberries with sugar and boil until the jam is ready without any seeds.

8. If foam appears in the jam, then it is advisable to remove it. Although in my case there was no foam. This is how rich the jam became after 40 minutes and the "bulbs" began to form slowly and "lazy". And this means that it's time to check the mass for readiness.

9. As already described, the readiness of such jam is checked using a simple ceramic saucer. Put a drop of raspberry jam on a dry saucer (preferably also cold) and cool. The cooled ready-made jam will not spread on the plate.

10. If everything is ready - great! Pour jam into clean jars washed with soda and roll up.

Advice: after the jam is poured into the jar, take a piece of clean gauze cut and wipe the outside of the thread. If you roll into jars with screw caps, then it is advisable that the jam does not fall on the threads of the dish. Otherwise, the lid will stick very strongly.

Oddly enough, but seedless raspberry jam according to this recipe does not need to be turned over in jars. Just put the jars together and wrap with a blanket. After cooling, move the seaming for further storage.

Raspberries contain a natural antipyretic, a lot of vitamins and other beneficial ingredients. It helps to relieve the symptoms of a cold, speeds up recovery. Zealous housewives strive to prepare it for the winter in different forms. Raspberry jam is not only healthy, but also a delicious dessert. Even an inexperienced cook can cook it, but for this he will need knowledge of several points.

Cooking features

There are many recipes for raspberry jam. Dessert can be prepared using different technologies. However, there are rules that apply regardless of which raspberry jam recipe is chosen.

  • Raspberries spoil very quickly, become sour, lose juice. It is necessary to prepare jam from it as soon as possible after harvesting.
  • Raspberries are often attacked by bugs that can spoil the taste of the berry. They should not get into the jam. To rid the berry of insects, it is soaked in lightly salted water. After 15-20 minutes, insects will float to the surface. You just have to drain the water and rinse the raspberries well in a basin of clean water or under the shower.
  • So that the jam is not watery and does not have to be boiled for too long, the berries are dried before use, scattered on a towel or placed in a sieve.
  • There are many seeds in raspberries, which make the jam from it not as tender as we would like. Many housewives prefer to cook a little less jam, but of higher quality. To do this, they pour raspberries with water, boil a little and grind through a sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth folded in several layers. For cooking jam, only the juice obtained as a result of this manipulation is used.
  • If you are making seedless raspberry jam, do not rush to throw out the pulp. It can be poured with boiled water with sugar, insisted for 20 minutes, strained and drunk like berry juice.
  • There are very few gelling components in raspberries. It is possible to cook jam from it only if a large amount of sugar is added and the syrup is boiled for a long time. The addition of pectin, gelatin, and similar products allows you to reduce the preparation time of raspberry jam and get a little more finished treat as a result.
  • When using gelling ingredients, pay attention to the instructions on the package. Sometimes the way they are used and the proportions depend on the form of release and composition. If the instructions on the package contradict those in the recipe, the manufacturer's instructions should take precedence.

Raspberry jam will not last long unless the jars are sterilized first. Lids also require sterilization.

How to store raspberry jam depends on what recipe it is made from. Most often, the sweet billet is stored in a cool room.

Classic raspberry jam recipe

Composition (per 1.25-1.5 l):

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, dry the raspberries, place them in an enamel container.
  • Pour the berry with sugar in the amount of 0.5 kg.
  • Cover and leave for 4-5 hours.
  • Put on medium heat. Bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam that appears on the surface.
  • Drain in a colander, let the syrup drain back into the basin.
  • Add the remaining sugar to the syrup.
  • Boil the syrup, stirring, for 60 minutes.
  • Return the berry or juice squeezed out of it to the syrup.
  • Boil for another 5-10 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars and suitable metal lids.
  • Spread hot jam in jars, roll them up with a key.

The more you boil the jam, the less it will turn out, but the thicker it will be. Whether to grind the berry removed from the syrup before returning it to the jam depends on your preferences. With whole berries, the jam does not have a tender enough consistency due to the seeds that come across in it, but it turns out to be more fragrant and looks appetizing. The dessert can be stored at room temperature.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

Composition (for 2 l):

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • gelatin - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the raspberries, wash, dry. Remove the sepals.
  • Put the berry in a basin, cover it with sugar. Cover with insect-proof gauze, leave for an hour.
  • Gelatin pour 100 ml of clean water, leave to swell.
  • Add the rest of the water to the raspberries. Put the bowl of berries on the stove. Boil for half an hour over low heat. When foam appears on the surface, remove it and put it in a vase - you can enjoy it when the jam is cooked.
  • Pour liquid with swollen gelatin to raspberries, mix. Wait 2 minutes and remove the bowl of jam from the heat.
  • Arrange the jam in prepared jars, seal them tightly. After cooling, remove to an unheated pantry or other cool room.

The above version of raspberry jam is one of the most economical. Jam prepared according to this recipe has a delicate jelly-like texture.

Pitted raspberry jam

Composition (per 1.5 l):

  • raspberries - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

  • Raspberries, sorting and washing, dry.
  • Pour the berry into the basin, fill with water.
  • Put on a slow fire, cook for 15 minutes after the water boils.
  • Remove the basin from the stove, let its contents cool slightly.
  • Strain the raspberry juice.
  • Squeeze the berry through the gauze folded in several layers. Mix the squeezed juice with raspberry broth, add sugar to it, mix.
  • Simmer the jam over low heat, skimming as needed, until the jam reaches the desired consistency. The dessert is ready if a drop of it does not spread on a saucer, and when it cools it becomes quite thick.
  • Divide jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

After the jam has cooled, it can be removed to the cellar or basement. Store it in a cool place, at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Pitted raspberry jam is an exquisite dessert that is very pleasant to eat. He looks tempting too.

At the height of summer, raspberry bushes give a chic harvest of ripe fragrant berries. Having eaten plenty of fresh fruits, you should seriously think about putting part of the crop into winter harvesting. On the Internet, you can find a huge variety of recipes for preparing winter raspberry supplies. In this article you will find a selection of recipes dedicated to raspberry jam. After studying all the information we have provided, you will definitely find the best way for you to make jam from ripe berries.

Freshly picked raspberries are suitable for jam. If you do not have your own garden, and you buy berries in the market, then you need to carefully examine the product you are offering. Raspberries should be dense and well-shaped - this indicates that the berry is freshly picked.

Before cooking, raspberries are sorted out, removing twigs, leaves or stalks that have fallen into the basket. Also, the berries are carefully examined for the presence of rot, dried places or worms. All substandard places of berries are removed.

The question of whether or not to wash raspberries depends on several factors. If you are harvesting from your own garden, and your site is located in an ecologically clean area, then you can not wash the raspberries. Otherwise, fragrant fruits are washed in a large amount of water and dried on a sieve.

Best Raspberry Jam Recipes

Method number 1 - The simplest workpiece

To make jam according to this recipe, only two ingredients are taken, berries and sugar in equal proportions. Raspberries are covered with sugar, using only ½ of the prescribed norm. The berry mass is mixed and put in the refrigerator for several hours so that the fruits release the juice. After 3-4 hours of waiting, the berries are thrown into a colander with a small section, and the resulting juice is seasoned with the second half of the sugar. A bowl of syrup is put on fire and slowly boiled for 7-10 minutes. This time is enough for the mass to thicken. After that, raspberries are added to the sweet liquid, and cooking is continued for another 5 minutes. In the process of cooking jam, do not forget about the foam that forms on the surface. It is carefully removed with a wooden spatula or spoon.

The readiness of jam is determined as follows: a drop of dessert is laid out on a small saucer and allowed to cool naturally. If the jam is viscous, holds its shape well, and does not spread on the sides, then the product is ready.

Method number 2 - Quick dessert based on gelatin

A kilogram of raspberries is sorted out and washed if necessary. While excess moisture drains, preparatory measures are carried out with gelatin. 5 grams of dry gelatin and a quarter teaspoon of citric acid are poured into a mug. Dissolve the ingredients with 2 tablespoons of cooled boiled water, and mix everything thoroughly.

Raspberries are put in a basin intended for cooking, or a saucepan. Tender fruits fall asleep with 1.2 kilograms of sugar, and pour 250 milliliters of water. The container is put on a slow fire and the berry mass is boiled for 15 minutes. After, swollen gelatin with citric acid is added to the raspberries. A very important note: the mass is not brought to a boil, it is only heated for 1 minute.

Hot jam is poured into jars or glass cups that have undergone a sterilization process and screwed on with lids.

Method number 3 - Starch-based raspberry jam

A kilogram of fresh berries is pierced with a blender or crushed through a meat grinder. Sugar (900 grams) is added to the fragrant puree, and the workpiece is sent to the stove. Raspberries need to cook for 15 minutes. Starch solution is added at the very end of cooking. It is prepared from 1 tablespoon of starch and a quarter cup of boiled water. Starch can be used potato or corn starch. Jam is kept on fire for another 1 minute, avoiding boiling, and poured into prepared containers.

A video from the Sam Sebe Konditer channel will tell you about a quick way to cook raspberry jam with the addition of pectin powder

Method number 4 - Seedless jam

The proportions of products for the recipe will be presented for 1 kilogram of fresh berries. Raspberries, which were previously washed and sorted, are placed in a wide-bottomed pan or a metal basin. The berries are covered with 1 kilogram of granulated sugar and, after mixing thoroughly, they are kept at room temperature for 2-3 hours. 250 milliliters of water are added to the berry that has started juice and put it on a slow fire. In order for the berries to soften thoroughly, literally 10-15 minutes is enough. Next, grind the raspberries. To do this, the uncooled mass is laid out in a colander, the surface of which is covered with 2 layers of gauze. It is best, of course, to use a metal sieve with a fine mesh. Raspberries are carefully ground, leaving the bones on the surface.

Homogeneous puree is sent back to the fire and boiled until thickened for about half an hour. At the final stage, ½ teaspoon of citric acid dissolved in a small amount of water is added to the workpiece. After a minute, the fire is turned off, and the workpiece is distributed over a clean container.

The recipe for a delicious pitted raspberry dessert with the addition of citric acid is shared with you by the Cooking with Irina channel

How to store raspberry jam

Raspberry jam keeps well. Even after a year, when you open a jar with a blank, you will enjoy a wonderful dessert. The ideal places for storage can be a refrigerator, cellar or basement. At the same time, blanks planned for a long shelf life must be packaged in clean, sterilized jars and sealed with boiled lids.

Fruits and berries


Raspberry jam- one of the mandatory and traditional winter preservation, which will help you more than once in the winter in the fight against colds. Of course, most often all kinds of raspberry jams are used as desserts. The preparation is berry, tender and very fragrant. Such a jam can very successfully replace various factory-made sweets and at the same time bring much more benefits. We will prepare today's jam from fresh raspberries using granulated sugar. Also, in a step-by-step photo recipe, we will talk in detail about how you can get rid of small seeds in raspberries and make the jam absolutely smooth.

Raspberries are a very useful berry. In addition to the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamins important for the immune system, raspberries also provide the body with various organic acids. From these berries, not only jams are prepared, but also various useful infusions. Raspberries are tasty on their own, their unique features are often used in cosmetology. In the future, ready-made raspberry jam can be used to create homemade pastries or other desserts, such as cakes. It will be very tasty to serve such a jam just for black tea. Although the calorie content of the finished raspberry product will not be too high, you should not abuse sweet jam in order to avoid problems with the figure. Let's start making delicious raspberry jam for the winter at home.



    First of all, we go in search of raspberries. We don’t have many options: either our own dacha with raspberry bushes, or the nearest market. We select only the most ripe and fresh berries, but the shape does not matter at all. Therefore, for jam, you can choose small and not too beautiful raspberries, but for other blanks, leave the largest and most attractive berries.

    At this stage, we need to grind the raspberries to a smooth puree. Of course, you can follow the lead of laziness and chop the berries with a food processor, but it would be much more reasonable to mash the raspberries with an ordinary potato crusher. This will ensure that you keep more of the raspberries themselves and the beneficial trace elements in them as well.

    We shift the raspberry puree into a fairly deep basin with high sides and put it on the stove. We turn on a small fire and bring the berry mass to a boil, while constantly stirring it with a wooden spatula as shown in the photo. For the next 15 minutes after boiling, cook the base for raspberry jam.

    Next, we take a large saucepan, put a fine sieve on top of it and pass the contents of the basin through it after the specified time. We grind the raspberry mass in such a way that most of the seeds remain in the sieve, but at the same time all the pectin important for jam is in the pan. Straining can be repeated if you want a perfectly smooth pitted jam..

    Upon completion of all manipulations, the resulting raspberry mass must be weighed and an equal amount of granulated sugar added to it.

    Thoroughly mix the raspberry mass with sugar and bring it to a boil again. We cook the jam on the smallest fire, periodically stir the ingredients with the same wooden spatula. For the convenience of removing the foam, which will certainly appear during the cooking of berries, just turn the basin in different directions and then the white mass will accumulate in its center.

    Over the next 25 minutes, we cook the jam to the degree of density we need, while it is very important not to let the mass digest, otherwise the raspberries will change their color from bright ruby ​​to unsightly brown.

    We wash small glass jars with soda, pour boiling water over them and sterilize them for a couple of 10-15 minutes. We fill the prepared jars with still hot jam to the very neck, roll them up with tin lids using a special key, or simply twist them, put the jars in the pantry. Delicious and healthy raspberry jam, prepared at home according to a simple pitted recipe, is ready for the winter.

    Bon appetit!

Raspberry jam is an amazing dessert that has replaced the usual jam from these berries on the table. It differs from the usual workpiece in cooking time and density, the jelly-like mass keeps better on pancakes and sandwiches, and it is easy to achieve such a consistency using some tricks.

  1. How to make raspberry jam at home
  2. Raspberry jam with gelatin
  3. Blackcurrant and raspberry jam
  4. Strawberry Raspberry Jam
  5. Pitted raspberry mint jam
  6. Raspberry jam - no cooking

How to make raspberry jam at home?

Raspberry jam in preparation is not much different from jam, only it needs to be boiled longer. To save time, you can thicken raspberry jam with gelatin, pectin, or agar agar. The berries will fit and are a little crushed, they still have to be rubbed, but they should not be spoiled, the raspberries must be carefully sorted out.

  1. Washed berries should be dried a little on a sieve.
  2. The most suitable berries are medium in size and dark in color.
  3. Of the dishes, only a stainless steel basin is used for cooking.
  4. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  5. Readiness is checked for density: if the drop does not spread over the saucer, you can roll it up.
  6. Jam will turn out more fragrant if water is replaced with redcurrant juice.
  7. You can thicken the mixture with fruits with pectin: currants, apples or plums.

Raspberry jam for the winter - a simple recipe

The simplest raspberry jam for the winter is made only from sugar and berries.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


Rinse the berries, dry, sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 5 hours for the juice to stand out. Add sugar to juice and boil.
Boil for 10 minutes, removing the foam. Cool, boil again.

Add berries, cook until thickened. Pour raspberry jam into jars. Roll up lids.

Seedless raspberry jam for the winter

Raspberry jam for the winter can be cooked with and without seeds, the latter method is more troublesome, but the dessert turns out to be very tender and tasty. For this recipe, you need to take only ripe berries so that the seeds can be easily separated. The treat will cook faster if you roll up no more than 2 kilograms at a time.


  • raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.


Rinse the berries, pour water. Bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. Cool, rub through a sieve. Drain the resulting juice. Add sugar, boil. Cook, stirring, until thickened.

Pour pitted raspberry jam into jars, roll up. Cover with a blanket to let the mixture cool slowly.

Jam "Five Minute" from raspberries for the winter

To make a successful raspberry jam for the winter, you need to not only wash the berries, but also check if they have bugs. To do this, raspberries are poured for 10 minutes with a weak saline solution: 10 g of salt per liter of water. The larvae will quickly emerge, they need to be caught with a spoon, and it is recommended to rinse the berries twice under running water. The fastest, beloved by many housewives, recipe "Five Minute" - in this jam, raspberries retain all their beneficial properties.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • candy - 1 sachet.


Pour water into the bottom of the pot. Pour raspberries, cover with sugar. Refrigerate until the berries release a lot of juice.

Boil, boil for 3-4 minutes. Cool, beat with a blender along with syrup. Boil again for 4 minutes. Pour confiture, dissolve. Keep on fire, stirring, for about a minute. Roll on the banks. Cover to let the jam set and cool slowly.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

If you want to save time on boiling berries, you can try the raspberry jam recipe for the winter with the addition of gelatin. This component will make the dessert thicker, the berries will boil less and retain more useful properties. But in this case, it is better to pick up whole and neat berries so that the jam looks beautiful.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid - 1/4 tsp;
  • gelatin - 5 g;
  • water - 300 ml.


Soak gelatin in two tablespoons of water. Pour in citric acid, leave to swell.

Pour the washed berries with sugar, add water. Boil for 15 minutes, removing the foam. A couple of minutes before the end, add gelatin, stir.

Pour raspberry jam with gelatin into jars. Roll up the lids, cover with a blanket until cool.

To continue go to page 2
