
Delicious sandwiches with sprats: recipes. Sandwiches on the festive table with sprats: how to decorate? Sandwich with sprats and pickled cucumber - for serving a feast in the winter

Traditions are wonderful, so you should not deviate from them. But I also want variety. That is why I decided to collect a collection of sprat sandwich recipes. It turns out that even this simple dish can be prepared in different ways.

Three of the most delicious recipes for sandwiches with sprats

1. Sandwiches with sprats classic recipe

This is the recipe I remember from my childhood. Such sandwiches with sprats have always been on our festive table.


  • black bread
  • vegetable oil
  • garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • pickles
  • sprats

Cooking sandwiches with sprats in a classic way:

  1. Cut brown bread into small slices.
  2. We make croutons out of them.
  3. Possible with the addition vegetable oil, or you can just dry the bread in a pan.
  4. We clean the garlic and rub the croutons with it.
  5. Then spread with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  6. We put sprats on the croutons.
  7. We cut pickled cucumbers into roundels and decorate sandwiches with them.

2. Sandwiches with sprats original recipe

For this original recipe with sprats, it will take a little more time and ingredients.

We will need:

  • Baton
  • vegetable oil
  • garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • lemon
  • sprats
  • milk
  • herbs (parsley or dill)

How sandwiches with sprats are prepared according to the original recipe

  1. We cut the loaf into beautiful slices obliquely.
  2. Beat the egg together with milk and dip the loaf slices with the resulting mixture.
  3. Fry these pieces of loaf in a pan until golden brown.
  4. Pass the garlic through a garlic crusher and mix with mayonnaise. Three cheese fine grater.
  5. When the fried bread has cooled down, spread on it a mixture of garlic and mayonnaise.
  6. Then sprinkle with grated cheese and lay the sprat fish.
  7. decorate original sandwiches slices of lemon and herbs.

3. Another unusual recipe for sandwiches with sprats


  • of course sprats
  • fresh cucumber
  • boiled eggs
  • mayonnaise
  • garlic
  • cheese durum varieties
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Slicing bread into small pieces and fry in a dry frying pan.
  2. Pour into bowl Not a large number of vegetable oil, add salt and pepper.
  3. Slightly grease the resulting mass of toast.
  4. Rub the croutons with garlic.
  5. We rub the eggs and cheese on a medium grater and mix them with each other.
  6. Lubricate the croutons with mayonnaise and lay on each mixture of cheese and egg.
  7. We cut a fresh cucumber into large rings and put them on sandwiches, put sprats on top.

As we see, such regular recipe How sandwiches with sprats, can prepare very differently. Using the above recipes, you can cook this dish every time in a different way. In the same recipe, you can change the type of bread. Use fresh or pickled cucumbers. Even the sight of cheese can spice up this simple but much-loved dish.
Oh, how I wanted sandwiches with sprats! I will not wait for the next holiday, but today I will please my loved ones with sprat sandwiches, it remains to choose which recipe.

Hello!! As long as I live, I think so much about the fact that glory to the person who came up with such an appetizer as sandwiches. It is with them that we start hearty and tasty breakfast. Plus, this dish is great for decorating any holiday table.

There are so many ways to prepare this dish! But I want to dedicate this article to the most popular and omnivorous species, in my opinion, sprat sandwiches. We will prepare them different ingredients and from different kind of bread. And serving such an appetizer is successful with salads, for example.

Why are sprat sandwiches so popular?! Yes, everything is very simple: for their preparation, the most regular products. Moreover, the set of ingredients can be minimal, in fact, consist of only one bread and sprats!!

And I also think that this dish is healthy, because where there is a fish, there are vitamins. Of course, it is undesirable to eat a large amount at once, after all, they are fatty.

Let's start from the very elementary way cooking, so to speak from the classics of the genre. time for cooking will go away few, and all products are always at hand. This appetizer can be safely served for breakfast, very satisfying and tasty.


  • Sprats - 150 gr.;
  • Bread - 15 slices;
  • Green onions - 1 bunch;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Lettuce leaves - for serving.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bread into portioned pieces and fry them in a frying pan with sunflower oil until golden color from two sides.

2. Hard boil the egg, cool and peel. Roughly chop along with the onion. Then put in a blender bowl, salt and pepper to taste, add 1 tsp. sunflower oil. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

3. With the resulting egg and onion puree, grease each slice of bread, and put a sprat on top. Put on a flat plate lettuce leaves and put a snack on them, serve to the table.

On a note!! As a putty on bread, you can use any other sauce: mayonnaise, melted cheese, garlic-mayonnaise mixture.

Recipe for sandwiches with pickled cucumbers

We move on. And the most common type of sandwiches with sprats is the one with the addition of pickles. It is believed that crispy bread, fish and cucumbers are ideally combined here. Our family often makes this option, but do you make such a dish??


  • Rye bread - 10-15 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Sprats - 1 bank;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bread into triangles, fry on both sides in a pan with vegetable oil. If you have a toaster, you can brown the slices with it.

2. Peel the garlic cloves and rub each fried piece of bread.

3. Now grease with mayonnaise.

4. Cut the cucumbers into longitudinal slices and put one on each piece of bread.

5. Put a couple of fish on top.

6. We decorate everything with any greenery and put it on a plate. Bon appetit!!

Long loaf croutons with sprats and egg

And now let's prepare our croutons from white loaf With green onions And boiled egg. This recipe is especially relevant in summer time year, but even in winter you can buy all the products, pleasing your body with vitamins.


  • White loaf - 1 pc.;
  • Sprats in oil - 1 can;
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Green onions - 1 pc.;
  • Mayonnaise - 20 gr..

Cooking method:

1. Cut the loaf into slices 8 mm thick and fry in a pan.

2. We clean the garlic and pass it through a press, mix it with mayonnaise and grease each slice of the loaf with this mixture.

3. Wash and dry the onion, cut into small cubes and sprinkle on top of the croutons.

4. Boil eggs in advance, cool, peel. Cut them into circles and put a piece on the side.

5. We also cut the cucumber into circles and put it next to the egg.

6. Remove excess oil from sprats and put one or two pieces on each piece. That's all!! Everything is simple and absolutely delicious!!

How to make sandwiches for the holiday table

Next, we will move away from ordinary cooking and dream up a little. I want to offer you photo options for decorating our appetizers for any celebration, and you can take any recipe. But I will immediately note that in this selection there will be boutiques not only with sprats, but also with other fillings.

  • "Ladybug"

  • With vegetables and herbs

  • In the form of boats

  • With fish

  • With red caviar

  • On a canapé

Sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumber

I bring to your attention a video plot of cooking a crispy dish. Oh, and I love all sorts of snacks, already drooling))

Cooking black bread sandwiches with garlic

Black bread fried in butter always turns out spectacular and very appetizing, and using cheese putty with herbs, the taste is also spicy. If you haven't done this yet, I highly recommend it.


  • Borodino bread - 10 slices;
  • Sprats - 1 bank;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Processed cheese - jar;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • Oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the garlic and cut into small pieces put it in a frying pan with oil and heat it up.

2. Fry the slices of bread in oil with garlic on both sides.

3. Wash the greens, dry and chop finely. Mix with melted cheese. Lubricate each slice with this dressing.

4. Put sprats on top, put everything on a tray and decorate beautifully with pickles and tomatoes.

How to make boutiques in the oven

And for those who want to make croutons less high-calorie, I suggest not to fry the bread, but to dry it in the oven. And one more thing, the appetizer will be hot, so serve it right away.


  • Sprats - 1 bank;
  • Baton - 8 slices;
  • Cheese (hard grade) - 100 gr.;
  • Mayonnaise - 60 gr.;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

1. Grate garlic on a fine grater and mix with mayonnaise.

2. Lubricate each piece of loaf with the resulting mixture. Place the slices on a baking sheet.

3. We put a couple of sprats.

4. Now generously sprinkle each piece with grated cheese.

5. Bake in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for 5-10 minutes. We decorate with greenery.

Delicious sandwiches with sprats and tomatoes

Of course, ripe fruits are added to many types of food. juicy tomatoes, and I could not help but show you this way of cooking. The principle is similar to previous recipes, only now we cut tomatoes into circles, it turns out very juicy !!

Baguette sandwiches with cheese

how i love the next one hot view appetizers!! Om-Nom-nom!! I cook it very often!! And if you are lovers of spicy, then in next recipe instead of mayonnaise, you can add Korean carrots.


  • Baton - 1 pc.;
  • Sprats - 1 bank;
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 1/2 pack;
  • Hard cheese - 50 gr.;
  • Green onions - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the loaf into portioned pieces.

2. My tomatoes and cut into circles.

Advice!! Take durum tomatoes so that our snack does not soften from tomato juice.

3. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

4. Lubricate the bread with mayonnaise, put a circle of tomato, sprats and again coat with mayonnaise.

5. Top with grated cheese and finely chopped green onions.

6. Bake in microwave oven from 2 to 5 minutes. Our yummy is ready!! Eat hot.

Appetizer recipe with sprats and lemon

And finally, spicy croutons for you. I always make these on holidays, guests eat them first. By the way, if you suddenly didn’t have a jar of sprats, then you can use fillet.


  • Bread - 10 slices;
  • Sprats - 1 bank;
  • Shrimp oil - 50 gr.;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Parsley greens - a few branches.

Cooking method:

Buy sliced ​​bread and brush each piece with shrimp oil. Arrange on slices of two fish and circles of lemon. Decorate with parsley sprigs.

For today I finish writing .. But if you have any questions, write !! Let's discuss!! And know that we will continue to consider the topic of sandwiches in future articles. So stay tuned.. Bye bye!!

You cook sandwiches with sprats exclusively for classic recipe? We will expand your culinary knowledge and teach you how to cook this appetizer with cheese, egg, fresh tomatoes And bell pepper.

If you think that sprat sandwiches are a relic of our Soviet past, then you are deeply mistaken. In fact, even now it is simple and tasty dish can be a festive table decoration.

  • Indeed, before our mothers and grandmothers were slightly limited in the choice of products and supplemented sprats, in extreme cases, with pickled cucumbers own production and greenery

How to cook delicious sandwiches with sprats?

  • It seemed that it could be easier than making sandwiches with sprats. But sometimes you come to visit, you try cooking masterpiece hostesses, and instead of the expected taste from childhood, you feel something incomprehensible and almost tasteless in your mouth
  • Most of the time it's about the fish. If the owners were greedy and bought cheap canned food, then it is likely that due to the use of not quite high-quality vegetable oil, the sprats will be tasteless and rancid. Therefore, going to the store for this snack component, immediately pass by the shelves with cheap products.
  • But, even when buying more expensive canned food, be sure to carefully look at what is written on their etiquette. If the product was made according to all technological standards, then it cannot contain anything other than sprats, vegetable oil highest quality and a set of spices
  • Also, be very careful when choosing. butter. This component must also be of the highest quality. In no case do not replace it with cheap margarine as it is not only not tasty, but also not healthy.
  • If someone in your family does not eat much fatty oil, then you can try to replace it with quality spread, spreadable processed cheese or caviar butter

Sandwiches with sprats on fried black bread

Sprats on toasted black bread

Black bread goes very well with herbs, pickled onions and pickles. Therefore, if you plan to cook an appetizer with this type of bakery product, then do not add fresh vegetables or cheese.


  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Black bread-1 loaf
  • Garlic-2 cloves
  • Pickled cucumbers -3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil-200 ml
  • Mayonnaise-150
  • bunch of greenery


  1. Put a frying pan on the stove, pour oil into it and heat it well
  2. Cut the bread into neat triangles and fry it in hot oil
  3. When the bread slices are lightly browned, place them on paper towels and wait for the excess oil to drain.
  4. Next, rub each toast with garlic and transfer to a large dish.
  5. Then spread each slice of bread with a thin layer of mayonnaise, put a slice of cucumber and sprats on it
  6. Garnish with chopped parsley before serving

Sandwiches with sprats on a fried loaf

Snack from a long loaf and sprat

If you like white bread varieties, then cook this delicious dish on a loaf. To make this appetizer as tasty as possible, try frying croutons in a mixture of vegetable and butter.

Required Ingredients:

  • Baton or baguette-1 pc.
  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Bulgarian pepper-1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil-200 ml
  • Butter-70g
  • A couple sprigs of dill


  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add vegetable oil to it and fry the loaf until golden brown
  2. With help paper towels remove the remaining oil and leave the loaf to cool
  3. Chop the dill, add it to the spreadable cheese and mix thoroughly
  4. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into thin strips
  5. Spread cheese and dill paste on fried bread and arrange sprats and bell peppers beautifully on it all.

Sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumber

Sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumber

In summer, when you can find a lot of delicious fresh vegetables on store shelves, you can use fresh ones instead of pickled cucumbers. They will change the taste a little. ready snack, will make it more tender, light and crispy.

Snack Ingredients:

  • Borodino bread-1 loaf
  • Small sprats - 1 can
  • Garlic-1 clove
  • Mayonnaise-170 g
  • Fresh cucumber-3 pcs.
  • Dill and parsley
  • half a lemon
  1. Slice the bread into thin slices and dry it in the toaster
  2. Their mayonnaise, garlic and herbs make a spicy sauce
  3. Peel the cucumbers from the peel, cut them into strips and sprinkle lemon juice
  4. Spread the mayonnaise sauce on the toast and let it soak in a little.
  5. Put sprats and cucumbers on bread, and from the remaining sauce make a neat net on them

Sandwiches with sprats and lemon

Lemon makes the snack more interesting

Many housewives use lemon as a base for marinades or use it as a fragrant filling for baked fish. But this slightly sour fruit is no less tasty and fresh.

If we put a thin lemon wedge on a sandwich, then not only will it not spoil its taste, but it will also add fresh citrus notes and a pleasant, almost imperceptible sourness.


  • Baguette-1 pc.
  • Sprats-15 pcs.
  • 1 lemon
  • Vegetable oil-100 ml
  • Garlic-2 cloves
  1. Cut the baguette into pieces 1-1.5 cm
  2. Fry them on one side in vegetable oil
  3. Rub the toasted side with garlic and let the croutons cool completely.
  4. Scald the lemon with boiling water and cool it quickly
  5. Cut it into the thinnest half rings.
  6. Make a grid of mayonnaise on toasted bread and place sprat pieces in the center
  7. Fill the empty gaps of the sandwich with lemon slices

Hot sandwiches with sprats in the oven, recipe

Sprat appetizer cooked in the oven

Sprats are among those products that remain equally tasty both cold and hot. Therefore, if it turned out that you went to the country, and there was nothing else in the refrigerator except hard cheese and sprat, then do not be discouraged and prepare hearty and nutritious hot sandwiches for your family.

And if you manage to supplement such an appetizer with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, then you will get almost full lunch, in terms of calorie content, is no different from rich soup or borscht.

Products for hot appetizers:

  • Bread (black or white)
  • Solid cheese-250 g
  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Moyonnaise-100 g
  • green onion feathers
  • Oil-20 ml


  1. Turn on the oven, set the timer to 180 degrees and let it heat up
  2. Cut the bread into slices of the size you need and place them on a greased baking sheet.
  3. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the bread, and put sprats on top of it
  4. Rub the cheese on coarse grater and sprinkle them on sandwiches
  5. Put the tray in the oven and wait 10-15 minutes
  6. When the cheese is melted, you can safely take out the appetizer and put it on a large plate.
  7. Wait when fragrant dish cool slightly and sprinkle it with chopped green onions

Sandwiches with sprats and tomato, photo

Spicy appetizer with tomatoes and sprats

We all know that tomatoes go very well with butter. Therefore, it will be better if you use it to prepare this dish.

Another feature of this recipe is that the bread in this case is not fried or baked. All you need to do is buy all the ingredients and cook for your guests in just 5 minutes. savory snack from sprats.


  • Butter-200 g
  • Garlic-1 clove
  • A mixture of peppers to taste
  • Sprats-12 pcs.
  • Tomatoes-4 pcs.
  • White bread


  1. In softened butter, add garlic, a mixture of peppers and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Cut the bread into small pieces and brush it with garlic butter
  3. Wash the tomatoes under running water, dry and cut into thin circles
  4. Cover the whole piece of bread with tomatoes, and put sprats on top of them
  5. Garnish with chopped parsley and cilantro if desired.

Sandwiches with sprats and garlic

Spicy garlic sandwiches with sprats

Such sandwiches will appeal to people who like to eat very much. spicy food. In this case, in addition to garlic, to prepare snacks, they also use fresh pepper Chile.


  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Black bread-1 loaf
  • Garlic-3 cloves
  • Pasty processed cheese-300 g
  • Chili pepper - 1 pod
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g


  1. Peel the garlic from the peel, chop it with a knife and add to the mayonnaise
  2. Mix thoroughly and spread the mass on slices of bread.
  3. Send them to the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees
  4. Wash, chop the chili and add it to the melted cheese
  5. Remove the baked bread from the oven, let it cool, spread with cheese mass, and put sprats on top of it

Sandwiches with sprats and eggs

Delicate appetizer of sprats and eggs

If earlier you used sprat sandwiches exclusively, as inexpensive snack for alcoholic drinks, then be sure to try to cook them according to the recipe below.

Eggs and cucumbers make this dish so tender and juicy that even your children will eat it with great pleasure.


  • Eggs-3 pcs.
  • White bread-1 loaf
  • Sprats-10 pcs.
  • Caviar oil-100 g
  • Cucumbers-100 g


  1. Hard boil the eggs, cool them completely and cut them into a fairly thick circle.
  2. Bread cut into slices and dry in a toaster
  3. While the bread is cooling, wash and slice the cucumbers.
  4. Spread caviar butter on toast, put cucumbers on it first, and then fish
  5. Let the components make friends a little and serve the dish to the table

Sandwiches on the festive table with sprats

Festive sandwiches with red caviar

On almost every holiday table you can see sandwiches with sprats. They can be made into small canapés or even resemble hamburgers. But unlike Everyday life, for the holidays, such an appetizer is best supplemented with products that you do not eat every laziness.

If you really want to surprise your friends, then cook them a dish that, in addition to sprats, also contains caviar and olives.


  • Olives-10 pcs.
  • Bread-1 loaf
  • Sprats-1 bank
  • Red caviar-10 0 g
  • Cheese sauce-250 g


  1. Cut the bread into thin slices and dry it in the oven
  2. Drain the marinade from the olives, let them drain a little, cut into thin circles
  3. Spread slices of bread cheese sauce and put sprats on it
  4. Decorate one side of the appetizer with red caviar, and the other side with chopped olives.
  5. Put the dish in the refrigerator for an hour, and then serve it to guests

How to decorate sandwiches with sprats?

Decoration of a bee from olives and olives

How to do everyday dish festive? Of course, decorate it in an original way. This can be done with the help of ordinary products. If you know how to properly cut and lay them out, then even an appetizer of bread and sprat will look like a royal dish.


  • Chickens. Boil carrots and quail eggs. Cool the testicles, peel and cut off the wider side for stability. Make a chicken comb out of a carrot and insert it into the slit made in the top of the egg
  • Bees. Cut the olives into thin slices, and alternating them, fold the body of the bee. From the feathers of the onion, make legs and antennae and carefully slide them under the olives. The overestimating chord of this composition will be wings made from the thinnest cucumber slices.
  • Spiders. Take an olive and cut it in half. Put one half on a sandwich, and cut the other half as small as possible. From this blank, make the legs of an insect, and if you wish, paint its back with your favorite white sauce

Calorie sandwiches with sprats

Quite a lot of people with great pleasure eat sandwiches with sprats without even thinking that they can do much harm to their figure. Due to the fact that quite a lot is used for their preparation. oily fish, mayonnaise sauce and butter already in 100 grams finished product contains practice 200 calories.

And if you will cook them with the addition of solid or processed cheese, then their calorie content will increase by another 20-30 units. Therefore, even if you really like such an appetizer, try to cook it not very often. And even on these rare days, don't allow yourself to eat more than two sandwiches.

Video: Sandwiches with sprats. Simple and delicious

In this article you will find everything about how to cook the most delicious sandwiches with sprats. Recipes with photos and videos more..

Many houses have so-called " cookbooks”, with recipes that mothers and grandmothers collect or invent throughout their lives.

Probably, every housewife also wants to contribute and make her own collection of unusual dishes.

Snacks will become an integral part of such a collection, but you still need to be able to find them individually.

In this article, we will share with you how to make the most delicious sprat sandwiches.

Sandwiches with sprats - the most delicious recipes

Before preparing sandwiches with sprats, you should know that sprats can be of poor quality, both expensive and cheap.

Therefore, do not rush to buy the “best”, it would be ideal to take those that you have already tried and do not doubt their quality.

The basis for sandwiches should also be chosen carefully.

Milk-based bakery products are most suitable. It is not always possible to combine sprats and black bread deliciously, since such bread usually has a rich taste anyway.

Do not forget also that you will definitely need mayonnaise, butter and "decoration".

In addition, it is worth preparing a plate in advance, on which the snack will be folded, as well as other necessary utensils.

If you fry bread in a pan, then you definitely need more oil.

Classic sandwich with sprats

According to the classic recipe, it is taken as a basis White bread(loaf), which is cut into slices and fried in a pan with sunflower oil.

If you have a toaster, you can use it.

When the loaf slices have cooled, it must be rubbed with garlic cloves - the base is ready.

  • mayonnaise,
  • pickled cucumber,
  • egg,
  • and then sprats.

Cucumbers and eggs should be cut into ovals to make the appetizer look beautiful.

Top with olives or fresh herbs.

Sprats and pickled cucumber will go well together and create a pleasant taste.

"Summer" sandwich with sprats and fresh cucumber

As you know, it is at this time of the year that there are enough fresh vegetables, so they should be used.

Sprats and fresh cucumber complement each other well, and if you add tomatoes to this, it will turn out great.

The method of preparation differs from the previous one only in filling.

  1. In the "summer" version, they take mayonnaise, tomato, cucumber and fish.
  2. All ingredients are also placed on fried bread or loaf, grated garlic.

Sandwiches with sprats and tomatoes will help you quickly satisfy your hunger.

Sandwiches with sprats and eggs

A good combination is the combination of sprats with an egg.

Cheese (about one hundred and fifty grams) should be grated, and then mixed with boiled yolk(three pieces), butter (about two hundred grams) and mustard, then spread the resulting mass on the basis of toasted bread.

Lay the fish on top and decorate with herbs.

Sandwich with sprats and lemon

A very interesting variety of sandwiches with sprats and lemon.

  1. Before frying, the loaf must be dipped in the mixture. raw egg and milk.
  2. Fry in oil on both sides.
  3. Already fried products spread with mayonnaise mixed with garlic.
  4. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put sprats on top.
  5. Then a lemon is laid, which serves as both a decoration and a flavoring additive.

There is also an easier cooking option. bakery product no need to fry, but simply “saturate” it with small sprats. Then spread with butter and sprinkle cheese on top. Upstairs all the same sprats and lemon.

Hot sandwich with sprats in the oven

This recipe contains only basic products, without exotics, that is, bread, mayonnaise, garlic, cheese and sprats.

  1. First, you should prepare the mayonnaise-garlic sauce, which you need to lubricate the base.
  2. It is better to immediately distribute the slices of the loaf on a baking sheet so as not to shift several times.
  3. The baking sheet itself can be covered with baking paper so as not to worry that something will suddenly burn.
  4. Put the fish on top of the sauce, and sprinkle everything on top big amount cheese.

Put all this in the oven for ten minutes (at two hundred degrees).

They may cook faster, so you need to watch when the cheese is melted and slightly covered with a crispy crust.

Festive sandwich with sprats

Sometimes plays an important role appearance food, not taste. Therefore, even ordinary sandwiches with sprats can be made beautifully.

To do this, take black toasted bread, cut into slices, as a basis.

Spread it with this mixture: butter (about fifty grams) + mustard (to taste) + chopped walnuts(approximately two cores).

Spread the pickled onion, lettuce on top, and a sprat and a circle of cucumber on it.

To pickle onions, you need to hot water add a few tablespoons of nine percent vinegar (two or three), a spoonful of sugar, a little salt and pepper. In this marinade, leave the onion for twenty-five minutes.

If you make a sandwich according to such a recipe closed, then it will be much more convenient to eat it.

Healthy sandwich with sprats and avocado

Avocado puree is prepared with the addition of garlic, salt and pepper. Slices of bread are smeared with this paste, and fish and cucumber are placed on top.

Cooking secrets from the chef

Knowledgeable people who often prepare all kinds of snacks know the little nuances that will help make the dish tastier:

  1. In addition to the options already listed, bell peppers or olives will be perfectly combined. The latter can also be used as a decoration, instead of greenery.
  2. Gourmets can try combinations of sprats with kiwi and apples.
  3. To save time, you can use a toaster instead of a frying pan or a microwave instead of an oven.
  4. If you add not only garlic, but also a little butter to mayonnaise, then the roll will become softer and more tender. And if you keep healthy eating, then mayonnaise can be replaced with sour cream, to which seasonings are added.
  5. Interestingly, sprats also have alternative options, namely any canned fish, such as mackerel or sardine, can be an excellent substitute.

Cold snacks have become an integral part of the table, and sandwiches are the most relevant options.

Such food can be prepared easily and quickly, and besides this, it is also budgetary, because it takes a little food, but it turns out enough in quantity.

Bon appetit!!!

Sandwiches are a special type of snack: they are suitable for breakfast and snacks, they can be served at the festive table, including the buffet table. Traditionally, sandwiches with sprats are considered festive, since earlier these canned food were in short supply. Now this product is available, and the number of snack recipes from it has grown a lot. Every culinary specialist will be able to find a suitable option.

Cooking features

Recipes for sandwiches with sprats are so diverse that there are few common rules for their preparation, nevertheless they exist.

  • For sandwiches, rye or wheat bread- it all depends on the recipe. These products are not always interchangeable, so it is best to choose the one indicated in a particular recipe.
  • Sandwiches with sprats are tastier if the bread for them is pre-fried or dried in the oven. If you need dried bread, you can use a toaster - this will speed up and facilitate the process.
  • Sandwiches can be given a beautiful shape by cutting out the same figures from bread using a glass or baking tins. You need to extrude the figures before the bread is dried.
  • If the sprats on sandwiches will be laid out entirely, it is important to choose quality product. Buying cheap canned food, you run the risk of finding in tin can sloppy fish, different sizes, the integrity of which is also violated. If you are unlucky and you have purchased just such unappetizing canned food, choose a sandwich recipe for which sprats need to be chopped.
  • You should not make sandwiches with sprats long before serving them to the table, as the fish may become weathered and lose its appetizing appearance. If you are still forced to prepare an appetizer on the eve of the celebration, cover the sandwiches with cling film.

Take some time to decorate sandwiches: beautifully decorated snacks always seem more delicious and attractive.

Sandwiches with sprats and fresh cucumber


  • sprats in oil - 0.24 kg;
  • baguette - 0.3 kg;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • cucumbers - 0.2 kg;
  • pitted olives - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the baguette diagonally to make elliptical pieces a little less than a centimeter thick.
  • Arrange the pieces on a baking sheet and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 10 minutes, turn the pieces over and dry in the oven for another 10 minutes.
  • Take the bread out of the oven, let it cool slightly, and cover one side with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  • Open a jar of sprats. Carefully remove the fish and place them on the bread, placing them along the long side at one end.
  • Wash, dry with a napkin and cut the cucumber into thin circles. Put cucumber slices from the other side of the bread slices.
  • Boil the eggs. Cool down by holding cold water. Clear. Cut into circles. Arrange on sandwiches, placing on cucumber circles.
  • Cut the olives in half. Place one half on each egg piece.

A pyramid of bread, cucumber, eggs and olives can be fastened with a wooden toothpick.

Sandwiches with sprats and pickled cucumbers


  • sprats in oil - 0.24 kg;
  • loaf - 0.3 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • pickles ( better gherkins) - 0.2 kg;
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley) - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the banana into thin slices. Dry in a toaster or oven.
  • Cut garlic cloves in half. Rub them bread slices On the one side.
  • Apply a thin layer of mayonnaise to the pieces of loaf.
  • Slice the cucumbers thin pieces oval shape. If you have gherkins, you can cut them lengthwise.
  • Boil the eggs. Cool, clean. Cut into circles or ovals of small thickness.
  • Place an egg slice on each piece of bread. Cover each piece of egg with a slice of cucumber.
  • Put on the side of the sprat. If you got a small fish, you can put two pieces.

It remains to decorate sandwiches with sprats with fresh herbs, after which they can be served at the table.

Sandwiches with sprats and tomatoes

  • sprats in oil - 0.48 kg;
  • rye bread - 0.7 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • fresh parsley - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Open jars of sprats. Carefully, so as not to damage, remove the fish from them. Drain the oil into the pan.
  • Cut the bread into triangles about a centimeter wide. Fry them in sprat oil. If it is not enough, you can add the usual vegetable, but odorless.
  • Place the toasted bread on a paper towel to soak up excess oil. Transfer to a platter.
  • Cover the bread with a thin layer of mayonnaise, after mixing it with garlic passed through a press.
  • Place a fish along the long side of each bread triangle.
  • Wash the tomatoes, blot with a napkin, cut into thin semicircles. enjoy special knife to prevent excess juice from flowing out of the tomatoes.
  • Arrange the tomatoes on the free corners of the bread triangles.
  • Garnish with parsley sprigs.

Cherry tomatoes can be used to make these sandwiches. In this case, half a vegetable is laid out for each piece of bread.

Sandwiches with sprats and vegetables

  • sprats in oil - 0.24 kg;
  • toasted bread - 0.4 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • sweet pepper (yellow and orange) - 0.2 kg;
  • cucumbers - 0.2 kg;
  • mayonnaise, greens - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Dry the bread in the oven or using a special appliance.
  • Wash the vegetables, dry with a kitchen towel.
  • Cucumbers and tomatoes cut into circles or semicircles, depending on the size of the vegetables.
  • Carefully cut the stalk from the pepper and remove it along with the seeds.
  • Cut the pepper into thin rings.
  • Brush the bread with mayonnaise.
  • In opposite corners of each piece of bread, place a slice of tomato and cucumber. Place the pepper rings in the center.
  • Spread sprats one or two on a piece of bread, passing them through the pepper rings.
  • Decorate sandwiches with parsley and dill sprigs.

These sandwiches look unusual and appetizing. Bright and cheerful, they will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Sandwiches with sprats, lettuce and walnuts

  • bran bread - 0.3 kg;
  • sprats in oil - 0.24 kg;
  • fresh cucumber - 0.2 kg;
  • leaf lettuce - 100 g;
  • nuclei walnuts- 50 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 20 ml;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • table mustard - 5 ml;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Dry the bread in a toaster or oven.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut into rings or half rings, depending on its size.
  • Boil water, dissolve sugar in it. Mix it with vinegar.
  • Immerse the onion in the marinade, leave for 15 minutes.
  • Take the butter out of the fridge to soften.
  • Add mustard to the oil, mix thoroughly so that the mass becomes completely homogeneous.
  • In a mortar or blender, crush the nuts and mix with mustard oil.
  • Cover the bread with a thin layer of mustard-nut mass.
  • Place the pickled onion slices on top.
  • Wash and dry lettuce leaves. Tear or cut them large pieces, spread on top of the onion.
  • Place a sprat on each lettuce leaf. If the fish are small, you can put in pairs.
  • Cut the cucumber into circles, cover the sprats with cucumber slices.

If you make sandwiches closed, it will become more convenient to eat them, but they will look a little less appetizing.

Sandwiches with sprats and cottage cheese

  • sprats in oil - 0.48 kg;
  • wheat bread - 0.35 kg;
  • rye bread - 0.35 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • cucumbers - 0.2 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • cottage cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • fresh dill - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Bread cut into slices of the same shape, dry.
  • Crush the sprats with a fork, mix with the garlic passed through the press, cottage cheese and chopped dill. Using a blender, turn into a homogeneous mass.
  • Wash vegetables, dry, cut into circles.
  • Spread the bread with cottage cheese and sprat mass, using about half.
  • On sandwiches based on wheat bread, put circles of tomatoes. Put cucumbers on the remaining sandwiches.
  • Put the remaining cottage cheese paste and sprats on top.

When serving, sandwiches do not hurt to decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs. On those with tomatoes, it is better to put parsley or basil, on sandwiches with cucumbers - dill.

Sandwiches with sprats and avocado

  • avocado - 0.2 kg;
  • toasted bread - 0.34 kg;
  • sprats in oil - 0.24 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil (optional) - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Dry the bread or fry in oil.
  • Take the sprats out of the jar.
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon, grate the zest from it.
  • Mix half the lemon juice with the zest, pour over the sprats with this mixture.
  • Pass the garlic through a press, mix with the remaining lemon juice.
  • Cut the avocado, remove the pit. Separate the pulp from the peel, mash with a fork.
  • Add lemon-garlic mixture, salt and pepper, stir.
  • Spread bread with avocado paste, put 2 fish on each piece.
  • Cut the tomatoes into circles, arrange on top. Some chefs do the opposite: first they put tomatoes, and sprats on them.

Garnish sandwiches with fresh parsley when serving. This gourmet snack with an unusual but harmonious taste will decorate your table.

Hot sandwiches with sprats and melted cheese

  • sprats in oil - 0.24 kg;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • white bread - 0.3 kg;
  • processed cheese - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the bread into slices a centimeter thick, spread with a thin layer of butter.
  • Cheese put for half an hour in freezer, then grind on a grater.
  • Boil, cool and grate the eggs.
  • Mix eggs, cheese and mayonnaise. Remove for a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator.
  • Spread half of the cheese mass on bread.
  • Spread the sprats, cover them with the remaining mixture of cheese and eggs.
  • Put the sandwiches on a baking sheet and send them for 10-16 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Prepare hot sandwiches this recipe you can also use the microwave. This will take only 2-3 minutes, depending on the power of the unit.

Hot sandwiches with sprats and hard cheese


  • toasted bread - 0.35 kg;
  • sprats in oil - 0.24 kg;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Butter the bread. Beforehand, pieces of bread can be slightly dried.
  • Grind cheese on a grater with small holes.
  • Sprinkle the bread with cheese, using approximately 50 g of product.
  • Spread sprats on toast. Sprinkle them with lemon juice, sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
  • Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for a quarter of an hour and cook until the cheese is melted.

Two minutes will be enough to prepare hot sandwiches according to this recipe in the microwave.

Sandwiches with sprats, apples and kiwi

  • white bread - 0.35 kg;
  • sprats in oil - 0.24 kg;
  • kiwi - 0.2 kg;
  • apple - 0.2 kg;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • red onion - 50 g;
  • mayonnaise - 60 ml;
  • butter - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  • Finely chop the onion, pour over with boiling water, drain the water after a couple of minutes.
  • Put the sprats in a bowl, mash with a fork.
  • Mix sprats with onion and mayonnaise, put in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Peel kiwi and apple. Cut out the seed box from the apple.
  • Cut the apple into thin slices, kiwi into circles. Immediately treat the apple with lemon juice so that it does not darken and acquire a slightly more sour taste.
  • Cut the bread into thin slices and dry until it becomes golden brown.
  • Brush bread slices with butter.
  • Arrange kiwi and apple. Cover them with sprat mass.

Sandwiches before serving to the table does not hurt to decorate. To do this, use thin slices of lemon, fresh herbs.

Sandwiches with sprats can be prepared for breakfast or for a festive table. The task is so simple that even a schoolboy can handle it.
