
The best recipe for a delicious Easter cottage cheese. Recipe Easter cottage cheese with boiled yolks

Hello my dear guests. It's time to pick up a recipe for cooking Easter cottage cheese at home. Soon the Great Day will come - Orthodox Easter. In 2019, it falls on April 28th.

In our family, we are preparing for this day in full. All traditional holiday attributes must be present on our festive table - cottage cheese Easter, and colored ones.

We cook all these Easter dishes with our whole friendly family. Every year I try to find new recipes for traditional Easter dishes. Now I am sharing with you my collection.

The original form of Easter is a truncated pyramid, denoting the Holy Sepulcher.

How to cook cottage cheese Easter at home? Secrets and tips

There are two types of cooking Easter: raw and custard. We will consider both methods and you will choose a recipe to your liking. But first, a few general tips:

  • It is better to choose cottage cheese fresh, dry and homogeneous.
  • Before cooking, the cottage cheese is put under oppression to get rid of excess liquid (put it on a colander or sieve, put it on a pan, cover it with something flat on top and put any load on it).

  • Then it will be necessary to grind it through a sieve two or three times in order for it to become airy.

  • Take cream or sour cream with 30% fat, they will beat better.
  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it melts and becomes soft.
  • Rinse the raisins and pre-soak for 30 minutes, then rinse again and dry on a towel, I take paper ones.

  • As a rule, a truncated pyramid is used. But if not, you can take any other form convenient for you. You can even use a flower pot, the main thing is that excess liquid under the load can flow out through the bottom of the form.

  • Easter must be kept under oppression for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator.

Easter without baking - a simple classic recipe

This method is called raw, it cooks faster. This dessert is very tender.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Cream - 150 ml.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Raisins - 100 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon

1. Separate the yolks and whites. Carefully break the shell in half over the dish and pour the yolk from one half to the other, so the protein will pour onto the dish. Set aside the yolks separately.

2. Rub the yolks with butter.

3. Add grated cottage cheese there and mix.

4. Put whipped proteins, raisins, cream into the mass and mix.

5. Lay gauze in two layers in the pastry box so that the painting gauze goes beyond the edges.

6. Spread the curd mass there, constantly compacting, then cover with gauze on top.

7. Put something flat on top, and a load on top (for example, a jar of water) and refrigerate for 12 hours. Then take out and invert onto a platter.

The whole batch takes very little time. Is it really nothing complicated?

Curd Royal Custard

As you can see by the name, this recipe is prepared in a custard way.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Cream - 100 gr.
  • Egg yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Raisins, almonds (crushed), candied fruit - 1 tbsp each
  • Vanillin - 1 teaspoon

1. Beat egg yolks with sugar, add cream, vanilla sugar and set to boil. Stir constantly until thickened (about 3 minutes).

2. Add butter to cottage cheese and mix.

3. Mix raisins, candied fruits and nuts with the mass.

4. Pour the boiled mass there.

5. We cover the pasochnik with a double layer of gauze and tightly lay the curd mass there.

6. We close the edges, put the load and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

7. Then we turn it over onto a dish, remove the bean bag and gauze, and decorate.

Recipe with boiled condensed milk raw

Unusual recipe. Such an Easter can be a decoration of your table.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Butter - 150 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 gr.
  • Boiled egg yolk - 2 pcs.

1. Mix butter with sour cream and add egg yolk.

2. Mix cottage cheese with boiled condensed milk.

3. Combine both mixtures and add the egg yolk.

4. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass.

5. Put moistened and squeezed gauze into two layers in the form. And put a lot in there.

6. We close the top with gauze, put the load in the refrigerator. Deliver in 12 hours. Invert onto a platter and decorate as you like.

Curd Easter with custard creme brulee flavor

Here we need the following products:

  • Ryazhenka - 500 ml.
  • Kefir - 500 ml.
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar - 2.5 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tablespoon

1. Mix kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream and egg yolk.

2. Stirring, cook over low heat until whey appears. And then transfer the mass to gauze (gauze should be folded in 4 layers) and squeeze all the whey properly.

3. Add powdered sugar and vanillin there, mix.

Video recipe for Easter dessert with no-bake chocolate

A very interesting option, the dessert is stacked in layers.

Raw cottage cheese Easter without eggs


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Vanillin - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Raisins - 200 gr.


1. Beat grated cottage cheese with powdered sugar, sour cream and vanilla.

2. Add soaked raisins and stir.

3. Put everything in a form with gauze, cover with oppression on top, refrigerate for 10-12 hours.

4. Then invert onto a plate. Easter is ready.

In fact, there is no clearly established framework for Easter cottage cheese recipes. You can add and subtract ingredients and their proportions. The main thing is to observe the basic preparations, and then as the fantasy tells.

That's all for now. I look forward to your comments on which recipe you like. Come visit again.

On the main day of all Orthodox believers, on the day of the Holy Feast of Easter (2018 is no exception), there must be three important dishes for this day on the table - painted eggs and Easter made from cottage cheese, or in other words, cottage cheese Easter.

We’ll talk about the last dish right now, a few delicious and unusual recipes for cottage cheese pasta, which can be quickly prepared at home, just below.

Cottage cheese Easter classic without baking

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Fatty, best homemade or with a fat content of 9% or more cottage cheese - 0.5 kg.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Sour cream (from 15% fat content) - 4 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
  • Vanillin - a pinch.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp. spoons.

How to cook Easter from cottage cheese

- Prepare all the necessary products indicated in the recipe.

- Put cottage cheese for 9-10 hours in gauze and under pressure. The press in this case can be created using a can of water.

- Put the finished mass in a bowl, add sour cream, softened butter, sugar, vanilla, salt to it, mix everything well, you can even do this in a food processor or blender. There should not be any lumps of cottage cheese in the mass for cooking.

- We take a wooden form, inside it we cover with parchment paper. If you have a plastic mold, you need to grease it a little over the entire area inside with butter. We add the resulting composition, thoroughly tamping it with a spoon, into the prepared dishes.

- On top of the form we put foil, a board for chopping vegetables and put a heavy press, for example, a three-liter container with water, leave the products in this form for a day.

- We turn over after 24 hours the form, like a bucket of sand in childhood, and carefully lay out the curd Easter 2018 on a beautiful plate.

- Now it remains to decorate the dish on top with powdered sugar or coconut flakes, put raisins around the edges or just put it around sweets, etc. All is ready.

In this recipe, when cooking, you can add any dried fruits, lemon and orange zest, candied fruit, nuts.

Creamy curd Easter 2018

You will need to take:

  • Crumbly, necessarily fresh cottage cheese (fat content of at least 9%) - 650-700 gr.;
  • Eggs (only yolks will be used) - 6 pcs.
  • Cream 33% - 550-600 ml.
  • Sugar - 300 gr. (approximately 1.5 cups, adjust the dose depending on the acidity of the main product - cottage cheese).
  • Plum oil. - 200 gr.
  • Vanilla - on the tip of a knife (you can use vanilla sugar, a 15 gr bag is enough).
  • Candied fruits, raisins and almonds - 100 gr. everyone.

Cooking process:

Butter (previously kept at room temperature until softened) and cottage cheese pass through a sieve, mix the ingredients.

Separate the yolks from the proteins, grind them with sugar (the proteins are not needed in the dish), add vanilla and cream, heat the resulting mass over low heat until the composition thickens. Do not forget to stir the ingredients constantly while cooking, otherwise the sugar will burn and give the dish bitterness.

Cool the products, enter the composition in small portions into the cottage cheese, mix thoroughly.

Rinse raisins and candied fruits, put a little on the decoration of the dish, cut the rest not too finely.

Grind the almonds, but not into powder, you can simply cut in half. If you purchased a raw nut, it should be roasted a little in a pan.

Add dried fruits, nuts and candied fruits to the rest of the ingredients for making curd Easter, mix into a homogeneous mass.

Lay gauze in the form, first moisten it and wring it out well, this will help to evenly distribute the material, without wrinkles.

Lay out the ingredients, strongly tamping, cover them with any load on top, let stand for a few minutes (40-50). As soon as whey forms on the surface, drain it, then put the products under pressure again and place in the refrigerator, any other cold place for 12 hours.

Put the finished product out of the mold on a dish, decorate to your taste with the left candied fruits and nuts.

Easter cottage cheese "Royal" with raisins and walnuts

What you need to cook the royal curd Easter:

  • A kilogram of cottage cheese (it is best to take fatty, homemade, but a prerequisite is a fresh product).
  • Six eggs.
  • Packing (200 gr.) Butter.
  • 400 ml. fresh sour cream.
  • According to my own taste, sugar, I usually add 0.5 kg.
  • 120 gr. raisins.
  • Vanillin - a pinch.
  • Cinnamon to taste, enough on the tip of a knife.
  • 120 gr. walnuts (can be replaced with almonds if desired).
  • Liquid chocolate for decoration and any confectionery topping, you can use coconut or almond flakes.

How to cook Easter from cottage cheese step by step

1. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, squeeze the product from the liquid with your hands, putting it in gauze.

2. Wash and dry the raisins.

3. Chop the walnut kernels into parts that you like best. This can be done with an ordinary knife.

4. Mix cottage cheese with soft butter, six eggs and sour cream. The mass should be uniform without lumps.

5. Put the ingredients in a heavy-bottomed pan, put on a small fire, cook for about 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, the curd composition can be removed from the stove. Now he needs to let it cool down well. At the same time, it is important to stir the products periodically, approximately every 10 minutes.

6. Pour sugar into the cold mass, mix. If 0.5 kg. little, you can add more, see here how you like it more. For those with a sweet tooth more, for those who follow a special diet of sweetener, you can put less or even replace it with honey when cooking.

7. Add dried fruits, cinnamon, vanillin and walnuts, once again carefully mix your mass.

8. Take the form, put a bedding moistened with gauze inside it. It is worth noting that you can take any shape for this, either square or round, or in the form of a cone or some other.

9. We form Easter from the finished dough, thoroughly tamping the products in shape.

10. We cover all the cooked charm with gauze, put it under pressure for 10 hours in a cold place.

22. Put the finished Easter cottage cheese treat on a beautiful plate, decorate to your taste. I usually drizzle with liquid chocolate, this ingredient, by the way, can be purchased at the store (sold in special bottles) or made at home by melting a bar of your favorite milk chocolate.

13. Sprinkle on top with any confectionery decoration or coconut shavings, almond flakes, etc.

All is ready! Bon appetit!

- In order for your finished creation to be well taken out of the mold later on and Easter to be beautiful, not to crumble, you should cover your dishes with wet gauze before forming it.

- Sour cream and cottage cheese itself for preparing a festive treat are best taken with the highest fat content. First, you need to remove the whey from the curd product by squeezing it with your hands, wrapping it in cheesecloth, and then put it under pressure for a couple of hours.

- Instead of a sieve for preparing such a dish, cottage cheese can be scrolled twice in a meat grinder, it will also acquire the desired consistency.

- It is necessary to keep the festive curd product in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours, preferably 12-14.

- You can add to the dish to your taste not only candied fruits, dried fruits and nuts, but also other ingredients, for example, fresh berries, lemon or orange zest.

Get ready for Easter 2018 in advance, choose the best recipes for holiday dishes, please your family and friends with pleasant surprises, curd Easter is one of them, and Happy Sunday of Christ to you.

Good luck and all the best!

Greetings, friends, and we continue to prepare for the bright day of Easter. This holiday has been loved for many centuries by all peoples, and in fact it is revered not only by Christians. Today I want to touch on the topic of the festive table, because after Lent, a lot of goodies were always put up on it, because people really wanted to quickly break their fast. And, of course, not only were present at it, but Easter cakes and Easter became the main kings of the table.

If you are surprised that I share these two concepts, then I will explain that Easter cakes are flour pastries, and Easter is made from curd mass.

In my childhood, no one made such desserts, but I already gave birth to a child when I tried this delicacy! So I was incredibly curious about how difficult this treat is to prepare, so I plunged headlong into this topic.

Now let's tell you what kind of curd Easter are. They are divided into raw, boiled and baked. according to the preparation method.

Raw is stored very little, so it is better to do it before a bright day at night, and you need to eat it within 3 days. Boiled preserves freshness for seven days, it is also called custard. But baked or “red” has the least demand, but I will give you recipes anyway.

So, since ancient times, every Easter was awaited with impatience and reverence, because with the advent of spring, milk, butter and sour cream began to appear among the peasants. Prior to this, the cows stood on a spree and waited for the calves. Now we are used to the fact that the stores are full of any dairy products, but before they were anxiously waiting for it. Most of the milk was given to the royal table, so for the peasants such a delicacy was a delicacy.

The recipe that I will now tell you is traditional with brewing a curd mixture. Today in the article I will talk about two options for brewing. The most common is this one, when the finished curd mass warms up. But, in order not to get ahead of ourselves, let's start cooking.


  • 1 pack of cottage cheese (250 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g sugar (2 tablespoons with a slide)
  • 75 g butter
  • 2 tbsp thick sour cream
  • lemon zest

1. Separate the proteins from the yolks, combine the yolks with sugar and grind.

2. Now mix the cottage cheese with butter and sour cream.

3. Rub the zest on a grater. Then we combine all the ingredients and beat well with a whisk or mixer to make the mass more airy.

4. Now the cottage cheese needs to be cooked. To do this, put the container with the mixture in a pot of water on the stove and begin to stir so that the mass is completely warmed up.

The first ten minutes the mixture only melts, do not stop stirring it. Brewing goes on for another 20 minutes, at which time the base will thicken a little. Yes, this process is quite lengthy.

Once the mixture turns yellowish, the mixture is ready.

5. You need to put it in the cold for a couple of hours or put it in a saucepan with cold water, stirring to prevent the mass from separating.

6. We put the base in a mold on wet gauze and put oppression.

So it was left to infuse for two days, but now it lasts from 12 to 48 hours. Usually, the night is enough for all the excess moisture to come out, and the mass to become denser.

Now I’ll tell you about the form itself, or it is also called a sandbox. Since ancient times, these were wooden planks in the shape of a truncated cone, so they symbolized the Holy Sepulcher. On the sides, symbols were carved in the form of the letters ХВ, which means “Christ is Risen”, as well as a cross, an egg, birds or sprouted grains. which symbolizes new life.

Now on sale such molds are rarely seen from wood, they are hard food plastic, and there are soft silicone ones.

But, if you can lay out the symbolism, for example, with confectionery dressing, then it is difficult to give a truncated shape without a shape. Therefore, I advise you to look for it or make it yourself.

Royal (custard) Easter from cottage cheese with raisins

This delicacy was called royal not only because in most cases it was present only on the tables of the rich nobility, but also because very expensive ingredients were used in the filling - raisins, dried apricots or dried berries, such as cranberries. And also spices were brought from overseas countries, which were so expensive that they were available only to the king, I'm talking about cinnamon and vanilla. Of course, for a simple peasant this was a luxury, but there is nothing to say about serfs.

In this recipe, we’ll take a non-standard approach to brewing, but the result will also be excellent.


  • Milk - 2 liters
  • 4 eggs
  • Sour cream - 400 g
  • Butter - 200 g
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack (8g)
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Dried apricots or candied fruits - 100 g

1. We find a container with a thick bottom, into which we pour all the milk and put it on the stove to boil.

2. While the milk is coming, beat in the eggs, sour cream, lemon juice and mix until smooth.

3. As soon as the milk boils, pour our egg mixture into it in a thin stream.

4. Bring this mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. You will separate the whey and grains. Let the container cool for one hour.

5. In the meantime, let's deal with dried fruits, we have raisins today, fill it with warm water.

6. Now let's discard the curd and get rid of the unnecessary whey.

Cover the sieve with gauze folded three times. Let's lay out our base. If you do not have the opportunity to hang the cottage cheese, then put a small press on it, so more whey will drain.

7. After an hour, we take out the cottage cheese and add simple and vanilla sugar and very soft butter to it.

8. Now we begin to grind this mass until smooth. You can do this with a spoon, crusher or blender.

See that the sugar is completely dissolved. If you wait for this process for a long time, then take powdered sugar.

9. Mix with dried fruits and candied fruits. You can add nuts, chocolate, cookies or orange peel, whatever you like.

10. Now we begin to form Easter itself. Someone will take a special form, but what if you don't have one?
Then take a flat plate, cheesecloth, a sieve and two sticks for sushi or barbecue.

We put the sticks on a plate parallel to each other, a sieve is placed on them. In a sieve we lay gauze in two layers, so that it is more convenient to get it.

It is better to boil gauze so that it does not smell like a pharmacy.

11. Then we lay out the curd base in this form. We tie the edges of the gauze, put a flat plate and oppress at least 1 liter. So there will be more excess serum, and the form will turn out to be more dense.

After an hour, you can get a treat. To do this, remove the oppression, turn the mass onto a plate. And carefully remove the gauze. It remains only to decorate this beauty.

This dessert tastes a bit like ice cream.

Delicious caramel recipe with boiled condensed milk

Oh, and now there will be variations on the theme of Easter, because modern housewives have a lot of all sorts of additives and available spices. For example, take boiled condensed milk, it will add a caramel flavor to the cottage cheese, and also give a pleasant beige color.

Not only dried apricots, which we will use in the recipe, but also prunes go well with condensed milk.

All products for the preparation of this delicacy should be at room temperature.


  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 g;
  • Dried apricots - 40 g;
  • Walnut - 40 g.

1. Put sour cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese and butter in one container. Beat this mixture well with a whisk or blender.

2. Dried apricots need to be poured with boiling water so that it becomes soft.

3. Finely chop the dried apricots and chop the nuts. And we put them in the base.

4. Mix everything and start preparing the form.

5. Put the gauze into the sandbox in two layers so that there are no folds, otherwise they will all be imprinted on the sides.
We put the form in a bowl so that the bottom of the form does not touch the bottom of the bowl and the mixture again does not absorb the whey that will stand out. Install oppression from above. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, periodically looking inside and draining the whey.

6. Then you need to carefully turn the mass over.

7. Remove the form and get rid of the gauze.

Such beauty can not even be decorated.

How to cook dessert in the oven?

Now it's the turn to give you the recipe for baked Easter. It is not so common, but also very tasty. In the process of processing with hot temperatures, the curd acquires a brownish tint, for which this method is popularly called "red".

I really liked this recipe, it seems that the delicacy turns out to be some kind of air.

A simple recipe for a regular Easter with gelatin for home

In ordinary recipes, when preparing a raw or custard Easter, we always have to put the form in a container, because the curd continues to give off whey, if it is not removed, the dessert will not keep its shape and will become too liquid. But this process takes time, usually from 12 hours. For those who count every second, I suggest adding gelatin to the mass.

With a gelatin mixture, you do not need to put any gauze and drain the whey, because it simply will not form. Therefore, you can use absolutely any form, both a symbolic sandbox and silicone baking options.


  • Curd 600 g
  • Sour cream 125 g
  • Butter 50 g
  • Powdered sugar 1 cup
  • Vanilla
  • Cream 30 grams
  • Candied fruit to taste
  • gelatin 20 g

1. First of all, fill the gelatin with warm water so that it swells.

2. We begin to grind the curd grains, it is better to do this with a spoon through a sieve, then the consistency will be more tender and airy, but if you do not have time for this, then beat it with a blender.

3. Put sour cream, powder, butter and sour cream into the grated mass, beat this mixture well.

4. Now back to gelatin again. We melt it in a water bath so that all the grains melt. But do not boil, otherwise it will lose all its properties.

5. Pour the gelatin into the mass and beat again.

6. We take any form and lay out the base in it, if you have a silicone form, then you do not need to put gauze, and if it is ordinary, then you need to be able to easily pull out the mass later.

Gelatin hardens after two hours, so leave it to stand in the refrigerator for this time.

How to make a base without eggs?

Raw pasochki are mostly prepared without the use of eggs, some simply cannot stand them, and some are afraid to eat food that has not been processed at high temperatures. Therefore, there is a recipe for cottage cheese treats with sour cream and butter. Of course, we will add candied fruits and raisins, because our children love such desserts so much, and when they are also elegant, they simply sweep off the plates.


  • 600 g cottage cheese
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 packets of vanilla sugar
  • 150 g sour cream (20%)
  • 120 g butter
  • 60 g raisins
  • 60 g walnuts
  • 60 g candied fruit

1. Put vanilla sugar and sour cream into sugar. Stir well so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. We wash and soak the raisins.

3. Now we begin to mix the sour cream mass with cottage cheese with a blender. Add softened butter to it and mix again.

The tastier your oil is, the tastier the end result will be.

4. Add raisins to this homogeneous mixture, from which all the liquid, candied fruits and chopped nuts were previously drained.

5. Then we take a deep bowl, put a form in it, which we cover with two layers of gauze.

In order not to spoil the appearance and the letters XB, then try to put the folds of gauze into the corners of the form.

6. Fill the form with curd mass. We wrap the edges of the gauze and put a press of at least 1 liter.

And for a couple of hours, drain the whey from the bowl. It remains only to remove the form and decorate the treat itself.

Curd dessert in a slow cooker

So, I invite you to watch the video, which describes in detail which program you need to choose in order to brew the curd base.

It's great that now there are a lot of affordable household appliances that free us up a lot of time without affecting the taste of the dishes at all.

Raw striped curd easter of cream with candied fruit

I also liked the unusual serving of raw Easter with chocolate. In the recipe, you need to take exactly two tiles, but they can be replaced with cocoa. And for those who do not respect products from cocoa beans, just take syrups and jams. It will also turn out very nice.


  • 500 ml. cream 33-40%
  • 600 g curd
  • 2 dark chocolate bars 100 g
  • butter 120 g.
  • powdered sugar 200 g
  • 1 cup mixed candied fruits, dried fruits, raisins

1. Pour 125 g of cream into a separate bowl, into which we break both chocolate bars. We put this mass on the stove in a water bath until the chocolate dissolves.

2. We take two containers, in each of which we will grind an equal amount of cottage cheese.

3. Finely chop candied fruits and dried fruits.

4. Divide 120 g of soft butter in half and put half in each container with cottage cheese, we also divide candied fruits.

5. Now whip the remaining cream to strong peaks. Cream must be chilled.

6. Put three tablespoons of powdered sugar in each bowl.

7. Now pour melted chocolate and a third of whipped cream into one part. Put the remaining cream in a bowl without chocolate.

8. Beat each mass well until smooth and begin to lay in a mold.

We take a sieve so that excess whey drains, put wet gauze into it. Now we fill the sieve with curd bases in turn. First the white layer, then the chocolate layer, and so on.

9. We put the press and put it in the refrigerator for the night.

10. In the morning we take out Easter, turn it over onto a sieve plate and carefully remove the gauze. It remains only to decorate it.

To ensure that your actions always lead to the expected result, let's look at a few nuances. Following them will allow you to avoid unpleasant disappointments and always give a delicious treat on this bright day.

  1. So, we always take only fresh products.
  2. Curd must be dry. If you buy this product, then it does not need additional settling, and if you do it yourself, then it is better to hang it for 4 hours above the saucepan so that the excess whey is glass.
  3. To create a delicate and airy dessert texture, the base must be rubbed through a sieve. This will break up the lumps that could be felt in the delicacy.
  4. You need to take thick sour cream so that the spoon stands, then the consistency of the mass will please you, usually 20% of the product is used for this.
  5. You can cook cottage cheese from any fermented milk product, as well as from milk. By the way, it was previously valued from milk above the rest, because it turns out to be softer and less grainy.
  6. To give different shades, take home dyes: turmeric, beet juice, greens.
  7. For those who cannot eat sweet food, I can suggest making it with herbs and garlic. To do this, take any of the above recipes and remove sweet fillers with spices and granulated sugar. Instead, add salt, chopped herbs and garlic juice.
  8. In order for the dessert to get out of the mold well, before laying the mass in it, you need to lay gauze or a dense fabric.

What should you do if Easter turned out to be very liquid?

So, we made this wonderful dessert, and then I hear that someone turned out a cottage cheese Easter too liquid, even after brewing. Have you had such cases? This could be due to the fact that they took homemade cottage cheese too “raw” or shifted butter and sour cream. But this problem is definitely solvable, it will only take a little more time, don't worry, we won't throw anything away.

Here are some tips on how to remove excess liquid from the curd mass:

  1. Add a spoonful of melted gelatin, put the mixture into molds and put it in the cold until the gelatin is completely solidified, and it will take in excess moisture. It can be replaced with agar agar.
  2. You can put the base in double gauze, tie the ends and hang over the container for half a day so that the excess whey is glass.
  3. Or place the already prepared mass in a mold under oppression until the morning. Periodically checking it and draining the unnecessary released liquid.

That's exactly how it should work.

For those who are preparing for this bright day, I suggest doing it with the children and using their example to explain why this holiday is so revered and joyful for people.

1. We prepare the necessary products for our Easter.

2. You need to take care of the butter in advance, get it out of the refrigerator so that it has time to melt. We transfer the raisins to a plate, pour boiling water for 15 minutes, turn over in a colander, let the water drain, remove excess moisture with a towel. We turn to candied fruits, if they are large, then cut into small cubes.

2. Mix high-fat sour cream with granulated sugar, add vanilla. Stir well, leave for 5 minutes, then mix again, as a result, the sugar grains should completely dissolve.

Culinary advice

I advise you to take homemade sour cream, in which the spoon stands, it will definitely not allow Easter to spread. If there is none, 20% fat will do, but no less.

3. We wipe the granular cottage cheese through a fine strainer, the process is laborious, but it's worth it. Of course, you can use a blender and kill everything in a minute, but not every home has this wonderful device. I do not recommend scrolling through a meat grinder, because the grains will only become smaller, and we need to achieve a uniform consistency.

4. Add butter to the cottage cheese. If you didn’t have time or forgot to get it out of the refrigerator in advance, then use the microwave, it will leak a little, but it’s okay, it will still freeze in a cold place.

5. Add the sour cream-sugar mixture to the curd mass.

6. Mix everything well, you can use the blender again.

7. Add raisins and candied fruit.

8. Mix the curd mass again for Easter.

Culinary advice

In addition to raisins and candied fruits, nuts and orange zest can be added to the dough, after chopping them.

9. In a shallow plate, put the bean bag upside down and cover with gauze.

10. We fill a special form with curd dough, tamping tightly.

11. We fold the edges of the gauze inward, closing the curd mass.

12. In order for raw Easter to release excess moisture, it is necessary to put a load on it. I used dumbbells, but a jar filled with liquid will also work. We place the structure in the refrigerator for 11 hours. From time to time, the resulting whey is drained.

13. After the specified time, we get rid of the load, but we don’t get the curd Easter. Let it still stand in the refrigerator at least overnight.

14. Easter without eggs is ready. It remains only to remove the form and gauze.

15. We store Easter cottage cheese in the refrigerator. Before serving, don't forget to garnish with grated chocolate or fresh mint.

To make the festive table look more elegant, I suggest you bake

In addition to eggs and a festive Easter cake, it is customary to cook curd treats for Easter. According to tradition, Easter should resemble a truncated pyramid. That is why many people think that cooking it is difficult. Let's try to figure out how Easter cottage cheese is prepared.

How to cook cottage cheese Easter?

Cottage cheese Easter is prepared according to several recipes: custard Easter and raw. All recipes should follow a few rules:

  • Cottage cheese should be fresh and fatty - from 5 to 9 percent.
  • The form for Easter, the pasochnik, should be covered with several layers of damp gauze.
  • Under the beaker, you need to put a deep container where the whey will drain.
  • Raisins for Easter should be washed and dried.

Custard Easter

For cooking you will need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • butter - 100 g
  • swept - 2 tbsp. l.
  • yolks - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - half a cup
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • raisins (dried fruits)

First, stir the cottage cheese in a blender or grind through a sieve. Add egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Stir and add room temperature butter.

Next, transfer the mass to the pan and cook over low heat, stirring. Then we cool the cottage cheese in a cold water bath, constantly stirring. The mass should thicken, for this you can put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Soak and dry the raisins, add to the cottage cheese. You can also add any nuts and candied fruits. After we spread the mass in a pasochnik, covered with gauze. If you don't have a bean bag, use a colander, for example. We cover with the edges of gauze, put something heavy on top and put it in the refrigerator for twelve hours. After we take out and decorate.

Cottage cheese Easter without cooking

Make sure to choose fresh Easter eggs as they are added raw in this recipe. You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • cream - 1 cup
  • yolks - 3 pcs.
  • caxap - 1 glass
  • butter - 200 g
  • dried fruits

We also grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. In a separate container, mix soft butter with sugar, add raw yolks. Mix the resulting mass with cottage cheese. We also add dried fruits to taste. Then whip the cold cream with a blender and pour into the mass, stirring. As in the first recipe, put the mass in a pasochnik covered with gauze and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Creative Easter is ready!

Read Easter cake recipes.
