
What is spread butter made from? Vegetable fat spread

Spread, or spreads, is a relatively new product on the Russian food market. Consumers often consider spreads to be margarine or fat-free butter, but this is not true, content.mail.ru informs.

Spreads are an independent special type of food products, which is recorded in the GOST R 52100-2003 approved in 2003 “Spreads and baked mixtures. General technical conditions".

Spread is an emulsion fat product with a mass fraction of total fat from 39% to 95% inclusive. Unlike margarine, the spread should have a plastic, easily spreadable consistency. Unlike butter, along with milk fat, the composition of spreads includes natural or hydrogenated vegetable oils in various proportions.

Spreads in accordance with GOST may also consist exclusively of vegetable fats, however, the fat content of the spread should not be less than 39%. For the manufacture of spreads, the use of food additives, flavors and vitamins is allowed.

Types of spreads depending on the composition of raw materials.

  • Creamy-vegetable spreads with a mass fraction of milk fat of at least 50%.
  • Vegetable and creamy spreads with a mass fraction of fat from 15% to 49% inclusive.
  • Vegetable fat spreads made exclusively from vegetable fats with a fat content of at least 39%.
Types of spreads depending on the fat content of the product.
  • High-fat spreads with a mass fraction of fat from 70% to 95%.
  • Medium fat spreads with a mass fraction of fat from 50% to 69.9%.
  • Low fat spreads with a mass fraction of fat from 39% to 49.9%.
Spreads: indicators of quality.

The spread should have a creamy, sweet cream or sour cream taste and smell. When flavorings are used, the spread may have an appropriate aftertaste.

The spread must have a plastic, soft or dense uniform consistency.

The cut surface should be shiny or slightly shiny, dry in appearance.

The color of the spread can be from white to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass or due to the added food additives.

For the manufacture of spreads, the use of the following antioxidants is not allowed: butyloxytoluene E 321, butyl hydroxyanisole E 320, tert-butylhydroquinone E-319, gallates - E-310 propyl gallate, E-311 octyl gallate, E-312 dodecyl gallate, E-313 ethyl gallate.

The results of the spreads examination.

Spreads are one of the counterfeit goods on the Russian food market. Unfortunately, some manufacturers violate not only the technical specifications for the production of spreads, but also GOST R 51074-2003 “Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements”, which protects consumers from false information about the product.

The results of an independent examination of the spreads, conducted by the St. Petersburg public organization of consumers "Public Control", revealed a number of violations in the composition and labeling of some samples of spreads of domestic food producers.

Sample spreads that comply with regulatory documents.

Spread "Slavyanskoye" creamy-vegetable, 82% fat, manufacturer CJSC "Rosexpoprom", St. Petersburg.

Spread "Staroslavyanskoe slivnoe" vegetable-creamy, 72% fat, manufactured by Palmira LLC, St. Petersburg (Alcor LLC).

Spread "Kremlevskoe" high-fat vegetable-and-creamy spread, 72.5% fat, manufactured by OAO Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant, Nizhny Novgorod.

Spread "Derevenskoye soft" vegetable-fatty, 60% fat, manufactured by OJSC "Ivanovsky Margarine Plant", Ivanovo.

Spread samples with deviations from normative documents.

Vegetable-fat medium-fat spread 60% fat "Babushkino", manufacturer LLC "Russian Industrialist", Russia, Len. region, city of Slantsy - peroxide value in the fat isolated from the product is 13.1±6.9 instead of 10.0.

Spread "Russian Traditions" creamy-vegetable, 82% fat, manufacturer LLC "Version", St. Petersburg - the mass fraction of total fat is actually 78.1 ± 1.0% instead of 82% indicated on the label; the mass fraction of milk fat is only 18.5 ± 3.7 instead of the required 50% - 90%.

Spread "Chocolate" vegetable-creamy, 62% fat, manufacturer LLC "Dedovichsky Dairy Plant", Pskov region, settlement Dedovichi - the fat base of the sample contains a mixture of oils and fats, the milk fat content is actually less than 1.5%.

Creamy-vegetable high-fat spread Slavprodukt Krestyansky, 72.5% fat, manufactured by VladKontinent LLC, Vladimir - the presence of a foreign taste, the mass fraction of total fat is actually 77.20 ± 1.0% instead of the indicated 72.5% ; milk fat was not detected in the fat base of the sample.

What do you prefer - spread or butter? Nutritionists often express diametrically opposed opinions on this issue. It is important for us, consumers, first of all, to have a clear idea of ​​what kind of product we buy on store shelves. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you must carefully study the label of the purchased product.

Agency AgroFact

Most people who are not really familiar with the spread, to the question “What is it?” - they answer something like this: “Probably new butter.” Or: "It's something like margarine" ... But how is it really?

The word foreign...

(from the English spread - “spread”) - not butter, although when it first appeared on domestic shelves, we were presented with it as “light butter”. But about ten years ago, a special GOST was developed for this product. And the word "oil" from its name disappeared.

Recall that cow butter is a product made from natural cream and having a fat content of at least 50% (low fat butter) or 80% (classic fat butter). Spreads are made from milk fat and / or vegetable oils, sometimes with the addition of various ingredients. This product is very flexible (it is no coincidence that spreads are sold in plastic troughs), and its fat content ranges from 39 to 95%. Accordingly, spreads are divided into low-fat and high-fat. They can use cream, milk, and buttermilk. An integral part of the spread is vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, palm, etc.).

Oil is not oily?

The butter familiar to us is not so harmless and not so equally useful to everyone without exception, as many used to believe. It contains a large amount of animal fat, which, in turn, has a high content of so-called saturated fats. It has been established for several decades that saturated fats lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels. There are also relevant recommendations from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences: replace 5-10 g of butter per day with 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. But vegetable oil in its pure form is not a delicacy for everyone, and it is practically not always convenient to eat it purely.

A and vegetable fats, has a balanced composition and is suitable for making sandwiches, for baking, frying, adding to cereals, side dishes. Most importantly, spreads prepared without the use of animal fats do not contain cholesterol. Also, the composition of fatty acids almost does not change during processing, therefore, for example, in popular spreads, the content of their trans-isomers (another modern nightmare along with cholesterol) ranges from 1 to 8%. And this, by the way, is an important difference between the spread and margarine, because in margarines the content of “freak molecules” reaches 24-29%, and this figure increases after baking).

From the pharmacy, but not the medicine

Spreads appeared in the 30s of the last century. The first spreads were sold in pharmacies, and now in Europe it is one of the most popular preventive products. But the Russians are reluctant to part with their habit of butter. After all, butter, milk are so natural, “rustic” ...

This, by the way, is used by some unscrupulous spread producers. The word "spread" is written imperceptibly, but in large print they place the inscription "Bogorodskoye", "Slavyanskoye", etc. Thus, associations with butter appear. But a quality spread does not need such tricks. This is a self-sufficient product of a new generation, which successfully combines both taste and benefits.

Thanks to modern technology for the production of vegetable oils. And, as a rule, they are enriched with vitamins.

But, like any other product, spreads should not be abused. It is better to eat them in the morning, for example, for breakfast. When buying a spread, you need to pay attention to its composition. The number of calories in a high-fat spread will in no way contribute to the process of losing weight. Is it possible to give a spread to a child? Of course. But do not forget that natural butter should also be present in the children's diet.

To date, nutritionists do not have a clear answer to the question of what to choose: spread or butter. The main thing for us is to have a clear idea of ​​the product we are buying. Both butter and spread have their pros and cons. But after all, we are so different, so we will select the best option so as not only not to harm our health, but even improve it.

In addition to fats, various flavors, flavors and vitamins can also be added to spreads. From the consumer's point of view, the spread can be seen as a surrogate for butter.

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    ✪ Get rid of CHOLESTEROL, CLEAN YOUR LIVER and avoid ATHEROSCLEROSIS with a simple pumpkin!


Hello! I welcome you to my channel! Today we will talk about how to clean the liver, why high cholesterol is terrible, what kind of cholesterol and what to do with it. And let's start with the fact that a biochemical blood test helps to determine the level of cholesterol in the blood. This analysis shows the level of total cholesterol as well as individually high-density and low-density cholesterol. First of all, it is worth saying that cholesterol is not something very bad. Cholesterol is a natural substance for the body that takes part in many biochemical processes. First of all, on its basis, many hormones are synthesized, in particular, sex hormones - the male hormone testosterone and female hormones estrogen, the adrenal hormone cortisol. Cholesterol is also a building material for cells. In particular, it is part of cell membranes. Especially a lot of it in erythrocytes. It is also found in significant amounts in the cells of the liver and brain. In addition, cholesterol plays an important role in digestion by participating in the formation of bile acids. Cholesterol affects the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin and helps maintain a high level of immunity. All cholesterol is divided into two main types - these are high density lipoproteins and low density lipoproteins. Both varieties have their normal blood levels. Cholesterol of the first type is called “good”, and the second (that is, low density) is called “bad”. What is the reason for this terminology? With the fact that low-density lipoproteins tend to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. It is from them that atherosclerotic plaques are composed, which can close the lumen of blood vessels and cause such severe cardiovascular diseases as coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. However, this happens only if there is an excess of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and the norm of its content is much exceeded. If cholesterol (both high density and low) is within the normal range, it affects the body only positively. In addition to building a cell membrane that protects it from an aggressive environment, it also performs many other functions: Reasons for the growth of "bad" cholesterol - who is at risk? The reason for the accumulation of excess cholesterol is an unbalanced diet, when an excess amount of fat (margarine (spread), mayonnaise, butter, fatty fried meat, pastries, high-fat sour-milk products) enters the body. Alcohol abuse and smoking, which poison the liver, where cholesterol is actually synthesized, also provoke an increase in “bad” cholesterol. Diabetes mellitus - high blood glucose levels are an additional provoking factor for the production of "bad" cholesterol. Renal failure, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Uncontrolled use of drugs - disrupts the balance of metabolism and acts destructively on the liver. Frequent stressful situations. Lack of somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) can cause high cholesterol, since it is this hormone that controls the amount of cholesterol in the body. Men with a large belly are also at risk. Fat envelops the internal organs, disrupting their work, increases intra-abdominal pressure, and negatively affects the function of the liver, which synthesizes cholesterol. This list also includes women during menopause, who have reduced reproductive function and the synthesis of female sex hormones. At risk and lovers of low-fat diets. What is cholesterol for losing weight, and why should it come from food? When 20% of the required, for the normal functioning of the body, cholesterol does not come with food, the body begins to produce it more than necessary (so to speak, with a margin). Other causes also influence the production of high cholesterol: hormonal medications, oral contraceptives, diuretics (diuretics). Age will also be a risk factor, as over time, the normal functioning of the body becomes more complicated. The main synthesis of cholesterol (necessary for the functioning of our body) occurs in the liver, 4/5 of the total volume is formed here. And 1/5 part enters the body with food. In total, during the day, the body of an adult synthesizes about 1 gram of cholesterol. After its use (processing into bile, arrangement of new cell membranes, synthesis of vitamins and hormones), the excess is excreted. This is about 100 mg per day or 1/10 of the synthesized amount. Thus, the intake and consumption of lipids balance each other without the formation of free cholesterol in the blood. Problems begin when a person eats too much fatty foods or when the liver is disturbed. Then, free low-density lipoproteins, that is, bad cholesterol, which is the cause of atherosclerosis, begin to accumulate in the blood and vessels. What to do, how to cleanse your body of excess bad cholesterol? Of course, you need to adjust your diet and remove harmful foods from the diet, which in most cases are the cause of the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body, as well as normalize the liver. In order to restore and normalize the functioning of the liver, and remove excess bad cholesterol, an ordinary pumpkin will come to your aid. The beneficial properties of pumpkin can help in solving many health problems. There are many useful substances in pumpkin: provitamin A in pumpkin is five times more than in carrots and three times more than in beef liver. Therefore, ophthalmologists recommend that people with visual impairments often cook pumpkin dishes. Pumpkin contains vitamins (A, E, C, group B, folic acid), microelements (copper, zinc, iron, cobalt, iodine, manganese, fluorine), macronutrients (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium); pumpkin is rich in organic acids, simple sugars (fructose and glucose), dietary fiber (fiber and pectins). Pumpkin is used in the prevention of diseases, and in the treatment of even chronic diseases. Many doctors recommend including pumpkin dishes in the daily diet for people with the following diseases: hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver; disorders of the cardiovascular system; chronic and acute diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system; hypertension and atherosclerosis. So how do you use pumpkin? It's very simple... For three weeks, every day, you must consume raw pumpkin. Take 150 grams of raw pumpkin, add some water to it and place it in a blender. Grind to a homogeneous mixture. Drink this drink in the morning 15-20 minutes before breakfast, every day. Traditional healers recommend such a course of liver cleansing and removal of excess cholesterol from the body once a year. The most compelling thing about this treatment is that you can control the result yourself by doing a blood test before and after treatment with this method. There are no side effects in applying this recipe, as it is just a natural and natural way of cleansing. Warning, do not add sugar to the drink! And although taking pumpkin does not have any side effects, it is not recommended to use it for gastritis with low acidity; in violation of acid-base balance; with intestinal colic. It is also not recommended to use with high blood sugar. Pumpkin compounds are able to remove all low-density cholesterol from the body through urine. Thanks to pumpkin, you can keep your blood vessels clean and avoid cardiovascular diseases, and you will also keep your liver healthy. So, today you have learned how to restore and cleanse the liver and remove excess cholesterol from the body. Well, that's all for today. We remind you that the information on the channel is given for informational purposes and before using, consult your doctor. I wish you all good health! Subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any updates. Add this video to playlists and share on social networks. See you next time, bye!

Origin of the term

The product category of spreads has been on the market for a long time, but the word “oil” was usually part of the name - “combined oil”, “soft oil”, “light oil”, etc. The term became widely used after the appearance of a special GOST of Russia (GOST R 52100 -2003, "Spreads and melted mixtures. General specifications", OKS 67.200.10, effective from July 1, 2004).

The word "spread" comes from the English. to spread - “smear, smear”. In English, this word refers to any product that can be spread on bread or cookies with a knife. But in Russian, the word "spread" refers to a certain fat product. For the general naming of all spreadable products (including specially prepared mixtures of vegetables, cottage cheese or other products), the word "spread" is occasionally used.

Features of production and composition

According to GOST R 52100-2003, “Spreads and melted mixtures. General technical conditions.", spreads are divided into three subspecies:

  • creamy vegetable contain more than 50% milk fat (closest to natural butter)
  • vegetable-creamy contain from 15 to 49% milk fat
  • vegetable fat do not contain milk fat (practically pure margarine)

The difference between a spread and margarine is that the use of hydrogenated fats is limited in spreads and the content of trans-fatty acids is regulated, while in margarine there are practically no such restrictions.

The word "butter" should not be on the spread packaging. It should be clearly written that it is a creamy-vegetable, vegetable-creamy or vegetable-fat product (depending on the composition).

In spreads, the content of trans-fatty acids should not exceed 8%, which is regulated by the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. Consumption of foods with high levels of trans isomers can cause various cardiovascular and oncological diseases, ovulatory infertility and Alzheimer's disease. In European countries, for example, the content of these substances is regulated in the range from two (Denmark, Switzerland) to five (UK) percent. In the United States, the American Public Health Association has declared a voluntary rejection of the use of fats containing trans-fatty acids.

It is very important what is the composition of vegetable fats used in the spread. Fats from mixtures

relaxes facial muscles, smoothing the skin around the lips, eyes and forehead. Serum peptide complexes reduce the depth of wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. And marine components instantly tighten and smooth the skin, making it more elastic.

The Russian spread product is not yet 20 years old, so buyers know little about it. Someone considers it light butter, and someone considers it margarine. Some consider it harmful, while others consider it beneficial. In fact, a spread is not butter or margarine, but an oil-like substance that has both useful and harmful properties, and even the requirements of GOST R 52100-2003 for composition and consistency.

Spreads include masses for spreading on bread or toast, so the name of the new fat composition comes from the English “spread”.

It is a substitute for butter, with a content of 300-400 calories.


  • prepared on the basis of milk and vegetable fats;
  • percentage of fat from 38 to 94%;
  • the composition is supplemented with flavors, vitamins, flavoring additives;
  • the texture is soft and tender;
  • Sold in plastic boxes and briquettes.

The composition includes three types of vegetable oils. Plasticity depends on coconut and palm, and sunflower enriches with dietary, healthy fats.

Among Europeans, this is a popular preventive product. The Russians got to know him as "soft butter". During the time of perestroika, many counterfeits of butter appeared, along with an increase in the production of spreads.

Counterfeit, dangerous fakes have tarnished the reputation of the substitute so that buyers still treat it with distrust.

In contact with


(from the English. Spread - smearing, stretching; spread is read) - a kind of food products based on a mixture of vegetable and milk fats with a mass fraction of total fat from 39 to 95%. Usually, a composition is selected in which, when chilled, it spreads more easily than natural butter.

At the same time, spread is not margarine. The difference is that margarine has virtually no milk fat and unlimited trans fatty acid content, making it an unhealthy food.

The spreads are dominated by unsaturated fatty acids (also monounsaturated and polyunsaturated). Butter contains mostly saturated fats. The World Health Organization in 2005 recommended reducing the intake of saturated fats to reduce the risk of heart disease.

The main advantage of spreads is that they contain no or almost no cholesterol, which means there is a chance to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and, accordingly, heart attack and stroke.

If the word “spread” has not yet become familiar to the consumer, then the product itself, in one form or another, has been on our table for a long time. Many oils of various brands, including well-known ones sold on the country's market, are nothing more than a spread, because they contain impurities of non-dairy fats.

The name "creamy-vegetable spread" means that milk fat (cow butter) predominates in the composition of the product, and less than half of vegetable fats in it. In vegetable and creamy spreads, the opposite is true: less vegetable fats - more milk fats.

Spreads are divided into three subspecies:

  1. with a content of more than 50% milk fat - creamy-vegetable spreads;
  2. from 15 to 49% milk fat - vegetable and creamy spreads;
  3. in the complete absence of milk fat - vegetable-fat spreads.

Thus, the first subspecies of the spread is closest to natural butter, and the latter is almost pure margarine.

Global nutrition trends are associated with the creation of functional foods that improve health when consumed daily. Functional components include vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals, trace elements, bifidobacteria, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats. One of the important directions in the development of functional products is the use of vegetable oils and fats in the nutrition of the population.

It is very important what is the composition of vegetable fats used in the spread. Fats from a balanced blend of oils contain virtually no trans isomers and can be used in conjunction with milk fat.

For example, fats from mixtures of palm and coconut oils contain virtually no trans isomers and can be used effectively mainly in combination with milk fat. But these same fats in a mixture with hydrogenated vegetable fats already contain from 16 to 26% trans-isomers. There are also artificial analogues of milk fat of the highest quality (mostly imported). Such fats contain only 6-7% trans-isomers.

Now technologies for making spreads have become very popular. As shown by foreign industrial experience, as well as the results of domestic scientific research, the spread is nothing more than a healthy food product with high consumer properties, and it is on this basis that it is worthy and fair competition.
