
Recipes for raw vegetables. Raw vegetable recipes with cheese

Chicory salad with carrots

400 g chicory, 400 g carrots, 30 g walnuts, dessert spoon lemon juice or dry grape wine, a teaspoon of honey.

Cut the peeled chicory into strips, chop the carrots into large or fine grater, depending on who the dish is prepared for. Prepare dressing from juice with honey. For those who use vegetable oil, it should not be taken more than a teaspoon. Prepare an emulsion, sprinkle the salad with it. Mix everything, put on plates and decorate beautifully with herbs.

mixed salad fresh vegetables

500gcarrots, 200 g raw celery, 2 -3 Jerusalem artichoke tubers, 50 g apple juice, 30 g vegetable oil.

Grate carrots, celery and Jerusalem artichoke on a fine grater. Beat apple juice with vegetable oil, sprinkle salad, garnish with a thin slice of Jerusalem artichoke.

Salad from raw vegetables in spanish

200g-sweet bell pepper, 200 g of tomatoes, onion, 2 tablespoons of dried seaweed, a teaspoon of sunflower oil, 200 g fresh cucumbers.

Remove seeds from pepper and cut into small squares. Cut cucumbers lengthwise into 4 parts. Cut the tomatoes in half and sprinkle with pre-cooked seaweed. To do this, the day before, steam two tablespoons of dried seaweed with a glass of boiling water and cover with a napkin for 2-3 hours. Then chop very finely onion, mix with seaweed and pour vegetable oil. The next day, the sauce will be ready, which can be varied by adding all kinds of spices. Some people may want to add some vegetable oil to this sauce, but be aware that excess fat negatively affects kidney function.

Würzburg style raw vegetable salad

200G head lettuce, 200 g of radish, 200 g of tomatoes, 150 g of fresh cucumbers, a teaspoon of prepared mustard, a teaspoon of sunflower oil, 100 g of fresh plum juice or sour apples.

Mix plum or Apple juice, prepared mustard and sunflower oil and let it sit for a few minutes. Meanwhile, cut the lettuce into squares. Peel the radishes from the tails of the deer and cut into two halves. Cut the fresh cucumbers and tomatoes into slices. Mix everything with dressing.

Andalusian salad

400 g of head lettuce (you can use leaf lettuce), 100 g of crushed nuts, 100 g of sweet fruit juice (apricot, white plum, etc.), a dessert spoon of sunflower oil.

Cut lettuce or tear with your hands into large squares. Pour dressing from juice mixed with vegetable oil and sprinkle with nuts. If the juice is not sweet enough, you can sweeten it with honey. Lightly heat the nuts in a dry frying pan to improve the taste.

green onion salad

500g tender green onions, 1 cup chilled bechamel sauce. The bechamel sauce should be slightly cooled, seasoned with spices to taste and pour over the chopped green onion. This dish enjoys great success in men.

picnic salad

500white cabbage, 400 g carrots, 30 g peeled sunflower seeds, 450 g lemon juice (or juice from other sour fruit), a dessert spoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of ready-made mustard, 300 g of soy paste, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, a teaspoon of honey.

WITH take a ready-made soy paste with you. This is a surprisingly convenient dish that you can take every day to work. A pate is being prepared from soybeans. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days in a jar with a lid. In legumes, new healing properties have been discovered that protect against harmful chemical substances and small doses of radiation. It is recommended to consume at least a tablespoon of legumes daily. Beans should be boiled for a very long time so that they lose their inhibitory properties that disrupt the digestion process.

Soybeans are soaked overnight. For 500 g of beans take 2 liters of water. It is recommended to change it several times during the day. You can soak the beans for two or three days, which reduces the cooking time, but a change of water is necessary. After the beans boil in 2-3 liters of water for 1.5 hours, change the boiling water and cook the beans until tender. The duration of cooking is at least 3-4 hours. If you do not cook the beans, then prepare a dish called " bean curd”, and if you cook until tender and mash them, you get soy pate. It is convenient to grind the beans by passing them through a meat grinder. Pash, tet requires the imagination of the hostess. It can be flavored boiled onions. To do this, chop 3-4 onions and boil in a thick-walled pan under a lid with the minimum amount water. Mash the onion and mix it with the soy paste. You can take a few cloves of garlic and chop, then add to the soy paste. Always remember that garlic should not be boiled.

This is an amazingly useful herbal product that ensures good dental health, lowers blood pressure, promotes the resorption of blood clots in thrombophlebitis, neutralizes weak doses of radiation, has bactericidal properties, helps to strengthen our immune system. It is also good to add to the pate soybean oil And soy sauce. In addition, I usually add a lot of spices. It goes well with soy star anise, sweet pea, red ground pepper and carnation. All spices should be ground before use. You can flavor the sauce with finely ground coriander and cumin seeds. Soy pâté prepared this way will decorate your picnic salad.

If you have an increased number of picnic guests, you can double or even triple the mass of cabbage. Wash the shredded cabbage with your hand. Add finely grated carrots, which can also be cooked at home. Pour peeled sunflower seeds into the salad. Add lemon juice, whipped with ready-made mustard, vegetable oil and honey. If you can find wild edible greens in the meadow where you are having a picnic, add them to your salad. Depending on the time of year, this may be primrose leaf, flowers and leaves of lungwort, sorrel, nettle, leaves of a young dandelion, linden, wild strawberry, wild garlic, a young bracken that has not yet unfolded its leaf, tender leaves of a young birch and much more than rich middle lane. The greens should be thoroughly washed, very finely chopped and carefully mixed with the salad. If you don't have enough dressing to make the salad juicy enough, you can add 2- 3 tablespoons of water.

Fresh seasonal vegetables are undoubtedly very useful. They contain a lot of valuable vitamins and necessary for a person trace elements. Also, their use has a positive effect on work. gastrointestinal tract. The most popular way to use these fresh food It's a raw vegetable salad. Recipes for such dishes can be quite diverse. It all depends on your taste and desire. Consider several popular ways to prepare such a snack.

Selection and preparation of dressing

From raw vegetables involves the use suitable sauce. You can choose according to your taste ready gas station: sour cream, mayonnaise, olive oil or soy sauce.

You can also prepare a special dressing using several types of sauce and adding your favorite seasonings. Ingredients such as mustard, adjika and horseradish will add spice and spiciness to the cooked dish.

from raw vegetables

Recipes for this dish may vary depending on the choice of dressing for products. So, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • two small tomatoes;
  • half a head of onion;
  • one small bell pepper;
  • three cucumbers;
  • sauce;
  • salt.

Prepare in advance a deep bowl in which the salad will be placed. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes sharp knife. If desired, you can remove the peel from them, but in order to obtain more vitamins and fiber is not recommended.

Cucumbers can also be pre-peeled if desired. If you prefer vegetables with skins, wash them thoroughly before eating. large vegetables cut in half and chop into half rings. small cucumbers you can just cut into rings.

Remove seeds from peppers and chop thin slices. Onions must be cut into half rings and divided by hand. Season the vegetables with salt to your taste and add the sauce.

Vegetable salad with cheese

This type of salad is ideal for holiday table. Thanks to additional ingredients it becomes more satisfying and tasty. To create it you will need:

  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • a few leaves of green lettuce;
  • 150 grams of ham;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • dressing to your taste (in this recipe it is better to use

Cut the ham into cubes and place on the bottom of the bowl in an even layer. Cut the tomatoes in the same way and lay the second layer. Wash the lettuce leaves thoroughly and tear them with your hands. Lay out the third layer of green.

After that, you need to lay out a generous layer of dressing and sprinkle it with grated cheese product. Stir salad before serving.

vitamin dish

This salad of recipes which involve the use of carrots, garlic, herbs and cabbage is perfect for people who follow their figure.

To create it, you need to chop cabbage into small strips. Carrots must be thoroughly washed and grated on coarse grater.

If you have a food processor, you can cut everything into equal slices in a matter of seconds. Next, you need to mix the vegetables in one bowl and squeeze the juice of a few cloves of garlic. Finely chop the greens and add to the vegetables. Mix the resulting mass with your hands and season it with a suitable sauce.

Red lettuce

This kind of salad is distinguishing feature. All of its ingredients have red flesh. Whatever sauce you choose for it, it will also be colored in bright color, due to the presence of beets in the dish. So take the following ingredients:

  • one small beet;
  • red bell pepper;
  • two medium-sized tomatoes;
  • one small carrot;
  • red variety of onion.

Preparing a salad of raw vegetables. involve mixing chopped julienned ingredients.

Grate the peeled beetroot. Process the carrots in the same way and mix these vegetables in a bowl. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the vegetable mixture.

Peppers must be cleaned of internal seeds and washed. Cut the vegetable into thin strips and also put in a bowl. Tomatoes must be cleaned of internal seeds and jelly-like contents. Cut peeled tomatoes into small slices.

Mix all ingredients and salt. Top with your chosen sauce and serve.


Prepare each salad with raw vegetables. You can see photos of finished dishes in this article. Seasonal vegetables can be frozen and cooked if desired. cold winter when you need vitamins.

Save your favorite cooking recipe in memory or write it down in your own culinary notebook. Share cooking secrets with your friends and acquaintances. Cook with pleasure.

Good luck in your culinary arts!

Calories: 373
Proteins/100g: 1
Carbs/100g: 2.5

cook diet salad from raw vegetables for weight loss for lunch, dinner or as a light snack and you can rest assured that this is wonderful dish not only for those on a diet!

This recipe is very appetizing, light and healthy salad collected all bright and juicy winter vegetables: Chinese cabbage, purple onions, cucumbers, radishes and carrots, seasoned fragrant dressing from vegetable oil with the addition of lemon juice and spicy herbs. Of course, according to the content of vitamins winter salads inferior to salads made from ground vegetables. But we have nothing to choose from, and in any case, eating such a salad is much better than not eating it.

You can replace Beijing cabbage with ordinary white cabbage, in winter it is very appropriate in raw vegetable salads. YOU could already evaluate it in other diets which we publish regularly. But closer to spring, the cabbage becomes dry, and at this time you can switch to Beijing - its leaves are always juicy and tender, it will be good at any time and with any vegetables.

- Beijing cabbage (or juicy white cabbage) - 300 gr;
- fresh cucumber - 2 pcs;
- radish - 5-6 pcs. medium or a bunch of small radishes;
- purple salad onion - 1 pc;
- green onion - 1 bunch;
- any salad greens - 1 bunch;
- fresh carrots - 1 pc;
- lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp. l (to taste);
- olive oil or any vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l;
- salt - to taste;
- sugar - 2 pinches;
- ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook at home

For salads, vegetables can be chopped as you like - finely or not, chopping in the same stripes or whatever. But do not forget that the taste of the finished salad and the perception depend on the method of slicing. ready meal. Therefore, we will try to cut everything neatly, into thin strips. We clean the lettuce onion, cut into half rings or long thin feathers along the onion.

Marinate the onion for a few minutes in a mixture of lemon juice (0.5 tbsp. L), sugar and salt. If there is no lemon, take Apple vinegar, 0.5 tsp is enough.

Shred carrots using a special grater for Korean carrots. We make the strips not very long, or after shredding we will collect the strips in a slide and cut them into two or three parts.

Peking or white cabbage is shredded thinly to make thin strips.

Wash fresh radishes thoroughly cold water, remove the tips and ponytails. Cut into slices and taste. If bitterness is felt, pour over with very cold water, and the bitterness will disappear. Chop into thin straws. You can make it easier and faster - grate the radish on a coarse grater, but such a salad should be served immediately to the table before it becomes watery.

We cut fresh cucumbers in the same strips as radishes. Ground we taste before cutting, they can be bitter. In this case, cut off the skin, bitterness will go away with it.

We put the cabbage, radish and cucumber in a bowl, add salt, leave the vegetables for a while to give the juice.

A bunch of green onions, together with the white part, cut into thin rings. Finely chop parsley leaves.

For salad dressing, we will use high-quality vegetable oil and lemon juice. After adding the lemon juice, lightly beat the dressing with a fork.

Add the carrots and onions to the bowl along with the marinade. For spiciness and flavor, add a little black pepper (optional).

Mix the salad, pour over the prepared dressing, add green onions and parsley. Mix again, leave for a few minutes to soak in the dressing.

Serve in portions, in transparent salad bowls so that they are visible. colorful vegetables. Or we put a large salad bowl on the table, in which we spread ready salad high hill. Everyone has different tastes, so put oil in a beautiful bottle on the table, put lemon slices, put salt and ground pepper. Bon appetit!

Let me recommend another one.

Raw vegetable salads

Raw vegetable salads flavored with fresh herbs contain great amount natural biologically active substances, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, which, when harmonious combination original components not only complement each other, but also enhance their effect. Such salads are excellent side dishes for meat, mushroom and fish dishes. They contribute to easier and more complete assimilation nutrients protein foods such as mushrooms, fish and meat. In addition, fresh vegetable salads are excellent cleansers, especially cabbage salads combined with carrots and beets. fresh salads from zucchini and cucumbers have a mild diuretic effect. To get a complete set of all biologically active substances necessary for a person, nutritionists recommend eating three servings of salad per day: one serving of green vegetables. These are cabbage salads. different varieties, spinach, greens, apples, etc. The second serving of yellow or orange vegetables- carrots, pumpkins, sweet yellow peppers, zucchini. And a third portion of red vegetables - tomatoes, beets, radishes, sweet red peppers.

From book delicious salad author Melnikov Ilya

Salad of raw vegetables with sour cream Products: 100 g of green salad, 2 cucumbers, 2 carrots, 1 turnip, 1 bunch of radishes, 100 g of sour cream, dill or parsley, sugar, salt. Cut the lettuce leaves into 3-4 parts, the rest of the vegetables into strips . Mix everything, salt, sprinkle with sugar, season

author Melnikov Ilya

Mixed raw vegetable salad Preparation time: 35 minutes Ingredients: Serves 4: a few lettuce leaves, 4 large tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 bunch of radishes, 4 young green onions, 4 carrots, 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 4 tablespoons of spring water, a little

From the book Cheap Food author Baranovsky Viktor Alexandrovich

RAW VEGETABLE SALADS for 0.1 - 0.2 c.u. e. Green salad with cucumbers and tomatoes Ingredients for 2 servings: 200 g green salad, 2-3 fresh tomatoes, 2-3 fresh cucumbers, 1/2 cup sour cream or salad dressing. Preparation: lettuce leaves are cut into 2-3 parts, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers

From the book Dishes from Milk and Dairy Products. Varied menus for weekdays and holidays author Alkaev Eduard Nikolaevich

Butter with juice of raw vegetables Beat the peeled and chopped vegetables on a grater in a mixer, and then rub through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder with a large grate. The resulting puree is added to the mashed butter along with chopped spicy herbs and lemon

From book Desk book for students and lovers the author Lemnis Maria

Chapter 9. GREEN SALAD AND OTHER VEGETABLES AND RAW VEGETABLE SALADS good skin and a graceful figure, and no trouble with the stomach. To put an end to the frivolous

From the book The Most Delicious Cooking Encyclopedia author Kostina Daria

Salad of raw vegetables Grate the washed and peeled vegetables on a coarse grater. Cut the lettuce into strips. Arrange vegetables in an oblong salad bowl, pour over lemon juice, add sugar, salt and pour vegetable oil. 2 carrots, 1 lemon, 1 celery root,

From the book Salads and snacks from around the world. simple recipes on every day author Zhukova Elena Vitalievna

Bulgarian raw vegetable salad (option I) * Bell pepper- 6 pcs. * Tomatoes - 2 pcs. * Carrot - 1 pc. * Onion - 1 pc. * Black ground pepper to taste. Pouring * Water - 50 ml * Olive oil- 3 tbsp. l. * Salt - 1 tsp. * Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. * Balsamic vinegar(6%) - 2 tbsp.

From the book Salads. Traditions and fashion author author unknown

Bulgarian raw vegetable salad (option II) * Sweet Green pepper- 3-4 pcs. * Tomatoes - 5 pcs. * Onion - 2 pcs. * Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l. * Salt, parsley, to taste. Onion cut into thin half rings. Remove seeds from peppers, cut into thin slices

From the book 800 dishes for fasting days author Gagarina Arina

Salad of raw vegetables in Spanish * Sweet pepper - 3 pcs. * Tomatoes - 3 pcs. * Cucumbers - 2 pcs. * Onion - 2 pcs. * Sour cream - 200 g * Salad crackers - 100 g * Salt, pepper to taste. Remove seeds from sweet pepper and cut into strips. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. Onion

From book Separate food author Kozhemyakin R. N.

Raw vegetable salad 10 min 1 serving 1 beetroot, 1 large carrot, 1 cucumber, 2 cabbage leaves, celery and parsley leaves and roots, green onion, dill, vegetable oil, salt to taste.1. Beets and carrots (in equal amounts) grate on a coarse grater. cut cucumber,

From the book Cooking diet meals author Kozhemyakin R. N.

Assorted raw vegetable salad What you need: 1 tomato, 1 fresh cucumber, 200 g white cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 celery root, lettuce, parsley and dill, 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice, sugar, salt

From the book Canning and the best cooking recipes experienced horticulturists and horticulturists author

Salads from greens and raw vegetables Green amaranth salad Components Amaranth leaves - 150 g Celery greens - 150 g Parsley and cilantro - 50 g each Sour cream and salt - to taste Method of preparation Boil freshly picked amaranth leaves for 5 minutes in salted water,

From the book Canning for lazy people. Delicious and reliable preparations in a quick way author Kizima Galina Alexandrovna

Raw vegetable salads Zucchini salad with apples and vegetables IngredientsZucchini - 400 g Apples - 2 pcs. Cucumbers - 2 pcs. Carrot - 1 pc. Tomatoes - 3 pcs. Dill greens - 1 bunch Salt - to taste Low-fat sour cream - 3-4 tablespoons Cooking method Peel the zucchini

From the book Minus 60. System and recipes in one book author Mirimanova Ekaterina Valerievna

Salad of raw vegetables (Sakhalin) 3 kg of red tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, 1 kg of bell peppers, 1 kg of carrots, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. table vinegar(if 6%, and if 9%, then 0.5 tbsp.), 3 tbsp. salt. 1. Cut the onion into rings.2. cut into rings

From the author's book

Salad of raw vegetables (Sakhalin) 3 kg of red tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, 1 kg of bell peppers, 1 kg of carrots, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. table vinegar (if 6%, and if 9%., then 0.5 tbsp.), 3 tbsp. salt.1. Cut into rings onion.2. Cut into rings

Salad of carrots and beets, or once again about the benefits of vegetables

Puff salad "Triumph"

An exceptionally healthy salad. And his original look useful for Have a good mood. In any case, everyone wants to try this salad.


1 large fresh beet;
1 raw carrot(large);
200 g fragrant hard cheese;
A handful of seedless raisins;
Half a glass of chopped walnuts;
3 garlic cloves;
1 pack of mayonnaise.


Salad is useful, first of all, because raw vegetables are put in it. And for us, this fact is also convenient: nothing needs to be prepared in advance. True, something needs to be done. To begin with, wash and peel the root crops and chop them with a coarse grater (separately). Then we salt the excess juice from the grated beets, otherwise the salad will flow and will not be able to keep its shape. We also turn the cheese into shavings and finely chop the garlic.

Now add to the beets walnuts, put raisins in carrots, and mix cheese with garlic. The ingredients are ready, it remains to lay the layers. To do this, we need a regular deep salad bowl and cling film. Lightly moisten the salad bowl with water and cover with a film (from the bottom to the edges). After that, we begin to lay the layers in the following order:

Beets with nuts;
carrots with raisins;
garlic cheese.

We tamp each layer well and lightly coat with mayonnaise. We make the layers not too thick (about two or three centimeters each) and put them in until the prepared products run out or the salad bowl is full. Last layer level with a knife or spatula, and then ...

Now it's hocus pocus. We cover the salad bowl with a flat wide plate (bottom up) and, holding it with our hands, quickly turn the whole structure upside down. Then carefully remove the salad bowl and cling film- voila! Our wonderful salad is ready! We decorate it at our discretion: you can use the remains of grated products, you can use greens, you can use a mayonnaise net, or you can leave it as it is. Salad without additional decorations looks very appetizing.

Salad of beets and carrots
Salad "Ministerial"

Also very interesting salad with a promising title. However, the loud name does not at all indicate the presence of some special products in it. For a salad, we need completely ordinary and affordable ingredients:

1 beetroot of medium size;
1 small carrot;
1 fresh apple;
Sour cream;


Beets must first be boiled, cooled and peeled. We will put the carrots in the salad in raw form. Therefore, we simply wash it well and clean it. We also peel the apple, seeds and hard core. After that, chop the apple and root crops in a blender or with a grater and mix. For dressing, mix sour cream with mustard (in a ratio of three to one), add salt to taste and season the salad. That's all. "Ministerial" salad can be served at the table.
Salad "Metelka"

It is also called "Brush". And all because this salad sweeps everything superfluous out of the body, cleans the walls of the intestines no worse than a brush. You can treat yourself to such a salad of carrots and beets at dinner (without harm to the figure), you can spend on it fasting days or eat for health purposes.


1 raw beetroot;
1 raw carrot;
Olive oil;
Linseed oil.


Wash the vegetables thoroughly (after all, these are root crops, and they grew in the ground), and then remove the peel from them. After that, rub the carrots and beets on a coarse grater or chop in a blender, mix and season with a mixture of olive and linseed oil. Add herbs and salt to taste.


This salad can be varied with almost any finely planed fresh (raw) vegetables and fruits. You can put in it: an apple, cabbage (white or red, Savoy or Beijing), pears and grapes, onions, sea ​​kale, green radish. And for those who love salads with mayonnaise, we can recommend using sour cream and mustard to dress such a salad. By the way, you can season this salad with vinaigrette sauce.
Salad "Kremlin"

Quite vegetarian composition, pleasant taste and some mysterious understatement: either a vinaigrette in a new way, or a “fur coat” without a herring. However, the salad is actually tasty and light, and it includes the following ingredients:


For seasoning:



For this salad, we need all the ingredients in equal proportions. My vegetables and put them to boil. By the way, beets are cooked longer than other vegetables, so they need to be cooked in a separate bowl, but carrots and potatoes can be boiled together. We also need to hard-boil the eggs, cool them and peel them. We also remove the peel from boiled and cooled vegetables and chop everything on a coarse grater. Only the onion will have to be finely chopped. It would also be nice to squeeze out excess juice from grated beets so that the salad does not turn out watery. Now you can start assembling the salad. We will lay it in layers, smearing them with mayonnaise mixed with crushed garlic, salt and black pepper:


We put the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and serve it on the table.

Salads from carrots and beets
Salad "Genghis Khan"

Another variation on the theme of beet and carrot salad. A fairly “serious” composition of this salad will make it an excellent treat for the festive table.


4 beets;
2 carrots;
A handful of prunes;
150 g of cheese;
400 g chicken meat;
3 garlic cloves;
An incomplete glass of walnuts;
Dill greens.


Boil and cool the beets and carrots, chop the peeled walnuts and garlic. Soak the prunes, and then cut them into slices, pass the cheese through a grater. Now we need to fry the chicken meat cut into pieces in vegetable oil and cool in a colander or on a sieve to drain the fat. Then in chicken fillet add walnuts, grated carrots on a coarse grater, combine with cheese chips, and mix beets with garlic and mayonnaise. Lettuce layered:

Half prepared beets
chicken meat with nuts,
carrots with cheese
beets with garlic.

Then you need to remove the salad in the refrigerator for half an hour. And after that, sprinkle it with dill on top and serve an original and very tasty salad to the table.
