
Pp chocolate paste from cocoa. Nutella Chocolate Paste: Reviews and Recipe

I'm sure many of you love Nutella chocolate spread. At home, it can be prepared in a dietary version without oil and sugar.

I present a super-recipe - homemade Nutella pasta - which will appeal to those who have a sweet tooth, who are on a diet, and those who follow their figure. The peculiarity of preparing Nutella at home is the content of a minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates in the cream. Instead of butter, take the egg yolk, and replace the sugar with a sweetener. Also, for dietary Nutella, it is better to take skim milk and cocoa.

homemade nutella recipe


  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp skimmed milk powder
  • 1 tsp cocoa
  • ~ 1 tbsp milk
  • nuts or peanut butter (optional)
  • sweetener
  • vanilla


1. To make Nutella at home, first mix dry ingredients (powdered milk, cocoa, vanilla, sweetener, nuts).

2. Then add the yolk and milk, mix well. You can add a little more milk if the cream is too thick.

3. Remove diet nutella to the refrigerator to set.

Diet chocolate
Diet Chocolate Recipe Ingredients:
Cocoa - 4 tablespoons
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Skimmed milk powder - 5 tbsp.
Milk 1.5% - 5 tablespoons
Sweetener - 2 tsp
Nutritional value of the "Dietary Chocolate" dish (per 100 grams):
Calories: 256 kcal.
Proteins: 18.7 gr.
Fats: 7.2 gr.
Carbohydrates: 30.8 gr.
Servings: 8
DessertsLunchSnackHolidayBabyMixerRefrigeratorMore than 2 hoursCalorie: 200-350Protein: 10-20Fat: 5-15Carbohydrates: 20-40Recipe author: _Domino_How to cook Diet Chocolate
Mix cocoa, milk powder and sweetener.
Beat milk with egg yolk with a mixer until smooth.
Mix the egg-milk mixture with the dry ingredients mixed previously.
Divide into molds.
Place in the freezer for 4 hours.

Lean chocolate icing

According to the recipe of Olga Kravchenko

3 art. l. cocoa
0.5-1 tsp sakhzama
4 tbsp. l. water (milk)
1 st. l. vegetable oil

Mix cocoa, sugar and water very thoroughly in a glass bowl. Add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil for shine
Put the dishes in the microwave at maximum power for 40-60 seconds. and keep a close eye on the frosting. As soon as a "wave" goes through it, immediately turn it off. ATTENTION! Glazes must be allowed to cool before use. And the pastries that we cover with icing should also be cooled down. It is important!

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Delicious Dyutella
Recipe: hush-hush

30 g skimmed milk powder,
30 g skimmed milk or buttermilk

1/2 stick candérel vanilla sweetener
1 small tsp sweetener Hermesetas,
30 g of homogeneous (without lumps) cottage cheese 0%,
1 tsp fragrant vegetable oil,
flavoring to your taste (walnut, dark chocolate, caramel, etc.).

Mix dry ingredients in a mini chopper. Add oil and mix again. Add milk mixed with Hermesetas and flavor. Gradually add cottage cheese (for greater uniformity, you can grind it several times through a sieve).

Remove the mixture from the grinder with a kitchen spatula. Put in the refrigerator overnight.

In the cold, Dutella will become thicker (the ideal texture will be the next or even the second day after cooking).

Keep refrigerated.

It turns out about 110 g of chocolate mixture. It can be spread on your favorite cookies, cheesecakes, pancakes, used as a layer for cakes.

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Chocolate spread according to Dukan
You will need:
150 ml dehydrated liquid milk
6 tbsp with a large slide of dry decontamination. milk (90g)
2 tsp with a huge slide obezzh. cocoa (14g)
3 yolks
0.5 tbsp cornstarch (10g)
sweetener to taste
flavoring to taste (I did without it, but I need nutty)

Cooking method
This is the most delicious dutella. Real chocolate paste, so thick and with such a rich chocolate creamy taste! I will repeat many times.
Yulia Atayeva's recipe

* Dilute starch in cold milk, mix with yolks and cook over low heat until thickened (constantly stirring). Don't let it boil.
* cover with a film so that it sways on the surface of the mass and leave to cool

* mix all the other ingredients into the cooled mass, grind the lumps (it didn’t work out for me, but I have such milk powder - it clumps very much)
* leave at room temperature for 40 minutes (if there are lumps, you can beat with a submersible blender. In this photo after the blender)
* mix well and put in the refrigerator for another 12 hours
* it turns out the thickest chocolate paste!

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Chocolate paste is suitable for drawing decoration for cakes

I make a similar glaze, only 2 yolks, 2 teaspoons of cocoa, 2 tables go into it. spoons of SOM, vanilla with a little alcohol, you can instead of it orange aroma or aroma rum, sahzam for 4 parts of sugar. Everything is fluffed up. You can rub it through a sieve if there are lumps left. If the mass is too thick due to small yolks, you can dilute it with milk, only a little, because it will not harden if it is liquid. Transfer to a small bag, cut off the tip and decorate the cake. This frosting is enough for a standard size cake.

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Chocolate soufflé for alternation.

Gelatin powder 20 gr

fat-free cocoa 2 tsp

chocolate flavor

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A selection of chocolate recipes

1 tsp cocoa
3 art. l. COM
3 art. l skimmed milk
vanilla on the tip of a knife

Mix all the ingredients and put in the freezer. The chocolate should have the consistency of thick sour cream, and the milk should be added gradually. Choose the right shape

6 art. l SOM 1.5%
5 tbsp skimmed liquid milk
1 tbsp 1 vanilla pod
1 tsp liquid sakhzam
Mix all the ingredients with a mixer or in a blender. Pour into silicone molds and put in the freezer for 2 hours. I recommend the white chocolate flavor.

5 gr. agar-agar
5 tbsp fat-free cocoa (2%)
6 tbsp COM
600 ml. milk
sakhzam to taste (fit parade 5 tablespoons)
take 300 ml. milk and soak agar in it for 30-40 minutes. (As a result, the agar should open).
Then add dry ingredients and stir. In a saucepan, it is desirable to use stainless steel (it will burn strongly to the enameled surface), mix the bulk and remaining milk, put it on slow gas and, stirring constantly, bring it to the dissolution of cocoa in milk and without lumps. Due to the fact that there is COM, the mass will gradually begin to thicken! After the cocoa has dissolved, pour in the milk in which we diluted the agar.
After it boils, cook for 10-15 minutes

Gelatin powder 20 gr
Skimmed milk 1.5% - 100 ml
fat-free cocoa 2 tsp
fat-free soft cottage cheese 0% - 300 gr
chocolate flavor
Pour gelatin with a glass of cold water and wait 30 minutes until it swells. Add milk, then cocoa and flavor. put on a slow fire and heat until the cocoa is dissolved, without bringing to a boil. Add cottage cheese and stir with a spatula. Pass everything through a blender or mixer Pour into molds and refrigerate overnight.

5. Glazed Choco Cheese
ingredients for curd mass:
fat-free cottage cheese 0% half a pack (cheese mass in briquettes - take half of 120 grams)
3 tablets of sahzam (grind into powder)
1 teaspoon skimmed milk 0.5%
1 tsp skimmed milk powder up to 1.5%
2-3 drops of vanilla flavor
1 tbsp OO

Mash the curd mass by adding bran and vanilla flavoring, crush the sakhzam tablets into powder, add milk powder and liquid - mix, add to the total mass. mix thoroughly and form the cheeses of any convenient shape. If there are leftover bran in the bowl, you can pour the cheeses into them.
Glaze Ingredients:
SOM - 2 tbsp.
liquid skimmed milk up to 0.5% - 2 tbsp.
Sakhzam tablets 3-4 tablets
cocoa - 2 tsp
mix all the ingredients and apply on previously formed cheeses)) put in the freezer for 20 minutes (if desired, you can not put it).

Skimmed milk
2 or 3 curds, or 0% chocolate flavored yoghurt. Put in the freezer for 1 hour
Flavor of your choice, 10 drops
Liquid sahzam
Mix all ingredients in a blender. Drink through a straw chilled.

Chocolate paste or truffles

Mix milk with 1 tbsp. SOM and sahzam and sent to the microwave, double boiler or slow cooker. In the case of a microwave, stir every 30 seconds. (I set it to 600 watts) it took 2 minutes, in a steam, slow cooker approx. 25 minutes, stir 3 times during cooking. My mixture came out watery, so I added a bit of gum. The output is a sweet condensed milk. Add the yolks (they can be beaten or grind white), cocoa, knead, you can use a mixer, and gradually add the SOM to the desired consistency. It took me only 1 tbsp. with a slide of COM at this stage to obtain a thick mixture. Then you can eat it right, or you can put it in the refrigerator or freezer, and as soon as the mixture thickens more and does not stick to your hands, mold sweets and, if desired, roll in cocoa (carefully, do not overdo it with extra!) Or milk powder.

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Chocolate icing for your Dukan desserts. with alternation.

Dopless cocoa 1% fat - 3 tbsp. l. or regular fat-free 11% fat.
Cottage cheese 0% soft - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk - 3 tbsp. l.
3 drops of dark chocolate flavor
Sahzam, vanillin - to taste

Mix cocoa, sakhzam, vanillin. Add cottage cheese, stir until smooth. Pour in milk and flavoring, mix thoroughly. Put on low fire. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil 1-3 minutes Cool. Lubricate desserts with this glaze, then put in the cold.

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14 g unsweetened cocoa (2 tsp),
20 g skimmed milk powder (2 tablespoons),
sweetener (depending on your taste)
8 tsp skimmed milk,
flavors, spices, etc. - taste.

Place all ingredients in a microwave safe bowl and mix vigorously with a whisk.

Put in the microwave to thicken. Check every 10 seconds, and whisk each time (do not boil!) It took me 50 seconds in total.

If the mixture is too thick, add milk and microwave for a few more seconds.

Now you can use chocolate for cooking different dishes.

Watering cupcakes, cakes, etc. - Spread chocolate on the cooled dough and let it harden in the refrigerator.

Biscuit layer - spread chocolate at room temperature.

Chocolate drops - pour chocolate into a confectionery syringe (nozzle with small holes). You can also use a regular large syringe without a needle. Drip chocolate from a syringe onto parchment paper. Leave to dry overnight at room temperature. In the morning, lift the parchment - if there are no traces of chocolate left on the paper, then the droplets are ready. Store in sealed packaging. Droplets can be added to the dough for making muffins, biscuits, etc.

You can also make chocolate bars or sweets. Spread chocolate on a teaspoon on parchment. Sprinkle with dried zest, sesame or nutmeg - to your taste. Dry/store like chocolate drops.

By the way, if you add more milk powder - you get milk chocolate, more cocoa - black

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Chocolate profiteroles with chocolate custard

oats flour. bran (grind bran in a coffee grinder) 6-8 tbsp.
1 protein
1 st. water/milk
1 tsp cocoa

Boil 1 tbsp. water, add cocoa. Next, in boiling water, 1 tbsp. pour flour, constantly stirring (6-8 tablespoons). Boil the dough until the state of thick porridge and complete evaporation of water. Cool the finished dough, add sugar / substitute and protein, the dough should be thick.
Put the dough on parchment or silica. forms with a spoon, bake for 30-40 minutes. in preheated oven, profiteroles should be firm on top. Let cool in the oven. Start with cream.

1 st. l. cocoa
1 st. l. prota
1 tbsp oats flour
1 yolk
150-200 ml milk
5-10 g chocolate 99% sugar-free (optional).

Mix dry ingredients, add yolk, mix. Add a little milk, mix.
We put on a small fire or water. bath, prepare the cream until thickened, stirring constantly (do not boil). Add chocolate to the finished hot cream, mix, cool.

You can add gelatin to the cream and make cream jelly.

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Dutell according to Dukan
You will need:
skimmed milk powder 30g (2 tablespoons)
fat-free cocoa 14g (2 teaspoons with a huge slide)
3 tbsp milk 0%
1 tsp rast. oils (odorless, otherwise it is better not to add!)
30g creamy cottage cheese (1 tbsp)
a little vanilla
sweetener to taste

Cooking method
The most delicious treat. Of course, there are a lot of additional products. But the taste is excellent. And you can spread it on pancakes, pancakes, make such a filling in rolls or as icing on cakes.
no photo
* mix dry ingredients, add liquid milk, knead
* add oil (it is very important that it is odorless), knead
* add cottage cheese, knead
Keep refrigerated. Dutella becomes thick in the refrigerator
According to the number of additional supplements for 2 days.

Delicious chocolate from Rina.
2 tbsp COM
1 tbsp cocoa
2-3 tbsp milk
tsp fry oat bran + tsp sesame
sahzam, aromatic.
Mix everything and put into silicone molds.
I used aromatic chocolate and almonds)) It turned out to be delicious roasting, it does not melt, you can not store it in the refrigerator. If cocoa is additional, for two days.

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Chocolate to take away

Recipe by Irina Asakasinskaya

For three huge chocolates:

2 tsp cocoa doctor otker (dopovoe-for color),

4 tsp no dop. cocoa

1.5 tbsp fit parade

Mix everything. Heat a glass of milk and dilute instant coffee in it (I like it bitter, so 4 tsp). Mix thoroughly with cocoa, add aromatics and one tbsp. with the top add COM. It took me 6 spoons. Pour quickly into molds as it starts to thicken. Put somewhere to dry and thicken. The next day, take it out of the mold and turn it over, and dry it again. All. Count the DOPs yourself, because you can put everything in fat-free cocoa. It turns out three chocolates 16x7 in size, 1 cm thick

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chocolate paste

Tatyana Morozova
4 eggs
2 tbsp COM
3-4 tsp with a slide of cocoa
200 ml milk
25 gr. gelatin
sah zam to taste
Mix 4 yolks, milk powder, cocoa, sugar substitute (to taste).
Gelatin is soaked in 200 ml of milk for 5 minutes and then diluted in a steam bath and allowed to cool slightly, then poured into the dry mixture in small portions and quickly mixed until smooth ......
Beat 4 proteins with sugar to peaks and add to the total chocolate mass, mix everything clockwise, not for long, so that the mass remains airy .....
fry sesame seeds in advance! , sprinkle ... and in the refrigerator
Girls are so fast and tasty

Milk chocolate flavored soufflé with raw proteins
You will need:
milk 0% 140g
skimmed milk powder 6 tbsp.
cocoa 2 tbsp
gelatin 20g
3 squirrels
sweetener equivalent to 6 tsp

Cooking method
This soufflé really does taste like milk chocolate. I also added tiramisu flavoring and it came out similar to "airy tiramisu" chocolate.
Such a dessert can also be served to guests who are not on a diet.
If instead of cocoa, take skimmed milk powder 3 tablespoons, you get a soufflé with a taste of white chocolate

* soak gelatin in half of the milk (in 70g)
* Dissolve in the microwave (1-1.5 minutes at 450W) or in a water bath. Do not boil

* in the second half of the milk, stir the skimmed milk powder, cocoa and sweetener

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soft fat-free cottage cheese

When the cottage cheese does not climb, it is good to make a dessert out of it: dilute the gelatin, which soaks for 40 minutes. Beat soft fat-free cottage cheese with stevia powder, previously dissolved in a small amount of water. Stir the prepared gelatin into this cottage cheese at the rate of 30 grams of gelatin per 1 pack of cottage cheese. It is natural to add stevia on the basis that liquid will be added - you need to try for sweetness. You can add stevia at any time additionally. If you want it to be tastier - do not forget to add fat-free cocoa powder (to taste but within the normal range).

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Chocolate cream (Dukan diet)

Prehistory: my husband brought chocolate Italian pasta to the children, and I went on a diet ... So I wanted something like that! But we don't sell diet chocolate. I had to invent. I cooked it quickly before going to the sea, put it in the refrigerator, and came from the sea in an hour and a half and ate it with pleasure !! 4 small bowls of dessert came out!

1) 400 ml of milk;
2) 3 yolks. (It is possible and 2);
3) 1 tbsp heaped cornstarch;
4) vanillin on the tip of a knife;
5) 1 tbsp of liquid sweetener (or any sahzam - try and choose according to your taste);
2) 2 tsp with a large slide of fat-free cocoa.

Mix 1 tbsp cornstarch with a couple of tablespoons of milk and set aside for now.
Mix everything else with a whisk and, stirring constantly, cook over medium heat until it boils, pour in a thin stream of milk with starch and for about a minute (maybe less), stirring constantly, cook the cream until it thickens. Eat chilled.

Condensed milk "Coffee with milk"


Condensed milk "Coffee with milk"


3 art. tablespoons skimmed milk powder
1 tbsp cornstarch
sahzam to taste
1 teaspoon instant coffee
200 gr liquid skimmed milk
mix the dry ingredients, heat the milk in the microwave, add coffee to it. Combine everything, mix so that there are no lumps. Heat in the microwave at full power for 1 minute several times (about 5 times, it all depends on the power of your micro) until thick, stirring well each time.
Tasty! Very! It turns out a rather large portion, in the photo there are leftovers, it is very difficult to restrain yourself so as not to eat everything at once)))

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Sweet soft mass of chocolate and nuts is one of the most favorite treats not only for children, but also for adults. But the cost, even a small jar, noticeably bites the pocket. And the benefits of such desserts (which include, among other things, preservatives and cheap palm oil) are very doubtful. But why deprive the child of joy? After all, it is quite possible to prepare chocolate paste at home.

The preparation of thick sweets with chocolate flavor does not require any culinary skills. However, there are some tricks here too, thanks to which cocoa chocolate paste will turn out tender, fragrant and indistinguishable from the store:

Before you make chocolate paste with cocoa powder, think about what you will use as a filling: walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, ordinary sunflower seeds? The most popular pasta is made with peanuts. For example, it is this recipe that is used by the Ferrero Rocher company, which produces the famous Nutella.
Take milk with the maximum percentage of fat. The most delicious dessert is made from homemade milk.
Before you start cooking, rinse the nuts from the husk and dry them thoroughly. Grind them better with a blender or coffee grinder. Although this is an optional rule - rather, the features of the classic recipe. If you like to feel small pieces of peanuts on your teeth, you can use a regular mixer.
Use only dry dishes to mix cocoa with sugar, otherwise the sticky mass will be smeared along the walls, and will curl up into lumps during cooking.
Chocolate paste at home does not require almost any equipment, except for a small heat-resistant container and a spatula for mixing. But if possible, it is still better to cook this product in a water bath to avoid burning chocolate.
Depending on the nuances of the recipe, a cocoa delicacy can be fatty or dietary, sweet or bitter. In a word, everyone will find an option for themselves!

DIY chocolate mass

There are a whole sea of ​​​​ways to prepare a soft treat from cocoa. Despite the simplicity of each of them, some require quite a lot of time. But the simplest recipe for chocolate paste takes no more than 20 minutes.

To prepare it you will need:

  • a glass of milk;
  • 10 st. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • the same amount of sugar (if desired, the pasta can be made more or less sweet);
  • 2 teaspoons of flour;
  • 70-80 grams of butter;
  • a little vanillin or vanilla sugar for smell;
  • as well as half a glass or more ground nuts, sesame seeds and other toppings to taste.

  1. Mix sugar with cocoa in a small saucepan, add vanillin and pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. Now the mixture must be thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous consistency. Only then can you pour out the rest of the milk. Put the pan on the fire and, after waiting for the mass to begin to boil, add butter to it.
  2. Further, a lot of attention and patience is required. Butter in homemade pasta should boil, but not boil. Otherwise, the finished product will remain semi-liquid after cooling.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and in small doses, stirring thoroughly, pour the flour into the chocolate mass. Then bring it to a boil again and add the nuts. Homemade treat is ready! It remains only to pour it into pre-prepared jars and leave to cool.

Making Nutella with your own hands

For fans of the popular sweets from Ferrero Rocher, you can cook an impromptu Nutella. It is in no way inferior in its taste to the store, but its benefits are much higher. After all, you yourself can control the cooking process and the quality of the necessary ingredients.

According to the recipe, the composition of such a paste includes:

  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 125 g;
  • Flour - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • and, of course, grated nuts in a convenient amount for you.

  1. First, leave the butter in a warm place to melt a little. Cut it into pieces and put in a saucepan; pour all the milk in there. While it boils, start preparing the workpiece: stir sugar and flour in dry cocoa powder. You can also add a small pinch of salt there to emphasize the sweet taste of the dessert.
  2. As soon as the milk boils, pour this mixture into it and, stirring constantly, bring it to a boil over low heat. Add nuts to hot cocoa. Remember that homemade Nutella takes patience. You need to cook it until it thickens to the desired consistency.

Diet nut butter

For those who care about their own weight, there are less nutritious recipes. For example, you can make cocoa and nut paste without using butter at all. Due to this, the calorie content of the product will be even lower than in regular dark chocolate.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 6 teaspoons of cocoa and the same amount of powdered milk;
  • 300 ml of odorless olive or sunflower oil;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar (in the absence of such, you can take ordinary sugar);
  • 1 cup peanuts or walnuts;
  • And a pinch of vanilla.

  1. Roast and chop the nuts. Heat the milk without bringing it to a boil; dissolve sugar in it and pour vegetable oil into it. Take a blender and beat the mixture for 5-8 minutes. If everything was done correctly, the mass will acquire a white color and a thick consistency. After that, you need to introduce cocoa mixed with vanilla, milk powder and nuts into it. And, of course, mix until a homogeneous viscous paste is formed.
  2. Homemade chocolate cream is almost ready. It remains to decompose it into jars and put it in the refrigerator to infuse. After 10 - 12 hours, it will already thicken enough for consumption.

Thick cocoa and milk paste can not only be spread on bread, but also used to make chocolates, cupcakes with filling, pour over cakes and pies ... In a word, the ways to use this sweet delicacy depend only on your imagination!

In contact with

Who said you can't eat chocolate on a diet? How else is it possible if this is a recipe for chocolate-flavored sweets - without sugar and other harmful and high-calorie additives, prepared independently at home from fresh and healthy products.

Chocolate candies for those who are on a diet

If the diet is not therapeutic with the strict exception of a number of products, but is intended for weight loss, then it is quite possible to treat yourself to homemade sweets. Those who follow a therapeutic diet should choose a recipe for homemade sweets without forbidden foods. And for those for whom proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are just a way of life, without the goal of losing weight, you can eat such sweets whenever you want!

Homemade chocolates have a much lower glycemic index than store-bought ones.

In addition, homemade sweets have a number of other advantages: they are easy to manufacture, prepared from natural products, which cannot be said about store-bought chocolate.

Now there are a lot of “diet”, “natural” chocolate, etc. on sale. But it is important to read not only the name, but also the composition! Often in such sweets there really is no sugar, but there are a lot of preservatives, sweeteners, the calorie content of which is not much lower than the calorie content of sugar. What I personally can recommend is iHerba chocolates and other goodies.

Do-it-yourself homemade diet sweets have a relatively low calorie content, which, by the way, is easy to calculate, knowing the calorie content and weight of each ingredient included in the recipe.

Chocolate PP candies with peanut butter

Let's start with peanut treats. It's very fragrant. And the peanut itself can be replaced with any other nuts, the main thing is to remove the husk.

By the way, peanuts are an amazing plant! It's not a nut, it's a legume. And the "nuts" themselves ripen in a box in the ground. But these are not some formations on horseback - after flowering, the formed box itself burrows into the ground and already ripens there!

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 343
  2. Proteins: 17
  3. Fats 25
  4. Carbohydrates: 12


  • peeled peanuts - 150 g
  • SOM (skimmed milk powder) - 3 tbsp.
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp.
  • milk 1.5% - 6 tbsp.
  • any sugar substitute - to taste.

Cooking steps:

Warm the peanuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown.

Grind half of the nuts with a blender to a paste.

Turn the other half into crumbs.

Combine dry milk with sugar substitute and cocoa.

Add milk and stir until there are no lumps left. Warm up the mass, letting it boil. Then refrigerate.

Combine peanut butter with chocolate and add nut crumbs.

Mix everything well and put the mass on cling film or cellophane. Give it a rectangular shape. Put in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Cut chilled sweets and serve with tea!

Recipe for pp-chocolate at home

This is a common basic recipe for pp chocolate at home.

Master the principle of how to make such chocolate, and you can use it to prepare a variety of options for healthy homemade treats.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 470
  2. Proteins: 20
  3. Fats 31
  4. Carbohydrates: 27


  • cocoa butter - 25 g
  • cocoa powder or grated cocoa - 50 g
  • dry milk - 50 g
  • vanillin - optional
  • stevia powder - 1 tsp

How to cook:

  1. Melt the butter in a convenient bowl with a long handle in a water bath, add powder or grated cocoa, milk powder and stevia. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Remove from the water bath, place in cold water and continue stirring for about half a minute.
  3. Once again, place in the bath, heat. At this stage, add coconut flakes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and other pp-fillers if desired.
  4. Pour into silicone molds and refrigerate until set.

Chocolates with dried fruits

This is the original homemade sugar-free vegan milk-free stevia chocolate.

Of course, chocolate in the strict sense can be called a stretch.

But it turns out quite chocolatey to taste and very healthy.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 355
  2. Proteins: 7
  3. Fats 12
  4. Carbohydrates: 55

You will need:

  • cocoa powder - 70 g
  • prunes - 10 pcs.
  • dates - 10 pcs.
  • dried apricots - 10 pcs.
  • dark raisins - a handful
  • cherry - half a handful
  • cranberries - half a handful
  • stevia - if powder, then 1 tsp, if liquid extract, then ¼ tsp.
  • assorted ground nuts - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Steam dried fruits and puree with a blender.
  2. Add stevia and half cocoa, mix.
  3. Mix the rest of the cocoa and ground nuts.
  4. Roll into balls of mashed potatoes, roll in a mixture of cocoa and nuts, cool.

Fitness chocolates

According to this recipe, unusual baked chocolates with honey are obtained.

Very good as an additional source of energy before training.

And in terms of calories, they are the most dietary.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 292
  2. Proteins: 8
  3. Fats 7
  4. Carbohydrates: 54

Will need:

  • buckwheat flour - 175 g
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • prunes puree - 100 g (baby food without sugar is very good),
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vanilla - to taste
  • natural yogurt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • odorless vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • baking soda - ½ tsp or a little less.

Cooking is easy:

  1. First you need to sift the buckwheat flour to make it "fluffy" and remove possible impurities.
  2. If buckwheat flour is not at hand, it can be obtained from ordinary cereals, resins in a coffee grinder and carefully sieved several times.
  3. Mix flour with vanilla powder and baking soda. Sift again.
  4. Combine prunes puree, vegetable oil and honey and beat in a blender.
  5. Add dry ingredients to the whipped mass in a spoonful, continuing to beat at low speeds. If you pour everything in one fell swoop, then, firstly, the mass will not mix until smooth, and, secondly, the blender may deteriorate. A little dry mass should be left for sprinkling ("flashing") boards for modeling sweets.
  6. Roll out several sausages on a plank, cut into pieces and roll into balls of approximately the same size.
  7. Lay the balls on baking paper and place on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake at 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes. Before baking, sweets can be rolled in sesame seeds.

PP white chocolate

This is a diet recipe for white chocolate without sugar on isomalt. It is allowed not only for those who are losing weight, but even for diabetics in small quantities. In general, isomalt is good for a much lower GI compared to sugar, but its calorie content is not zero - about 200 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 554
  2. Proteins: 13
  3. Fats 46
  4. Carbohydrates: 20


  • cocoa butter - 100 g
  • dry milk - 100 g
  • vanillin
  • isomalt - 10 g.


  1. Melt cocoa butter in a water bath, pour in a little dry milk and stir constantly.
  2. Add vanillin and isomalt, mix.
  3. Pour into a mold and refrigerate until firm.

Although homemade chocolate is prepared without sugar, it still includes high-calorie foods - cocoa butter, coconut oil, dried fruits, nuts. You should not get too carried away with it if you are losing weight, otherwise the results will quickly cease to be visible.

If you are in the process of losing weight, for example, you are sitting on, but you really want sweets, treat yourself before dinner - for breakfast or the first snack.

Additives to chocolate can be completely different - from the usual nuts, seeds, dried fruits to dried herbs. For example, dried lavender flowers or dried mint look very interesting.

Useful video recipe

Here is another cool pp-chocolate recipe:

Chocolate paste is a completely new and revolutionary method of preparing a sweet dish that has gained immense popularity in a short time. This is the so-called sweet hit. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity adore him, children and men admire him.

This product is indispensable for those who love to eat delicious desserts, while wanting to keep their figure or, on the contrary, lose a couple of kilograms.

How to make chocolate paste at home? Chocolate spread according to Dukan.

Dukan's chocolate spread at home is in great demand, and therefore among ordinary consumers it has acquired a different name and has become known as Dutella. Therefore, if you find this name on the Internet, you can safely assume that we are talking about dietary pasta.

Necessary components for creating a dessert:

  • 150 - 170 ml low-fat milk (you can use 1% fat);
  • egg yolk in the amount of 3 pieces;
  • corn starch, about 12 grams;
  • powder of non-fat dry milk in the amount of 6 tablespoons;
  • low-fat cocoa (powder) about 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar substitute in the amount of 10 - 12 pieces (for those who like less sweet, you can use fewer tablets);
  • vanilla extract in the amount of 1 teaspoon.

To make homemade chocolate spread sweet and tasty, you need to follow the exact proportions of the recipe.

Dessert recipe:

  1. Take milk, mix it with egg yolks and starch. Rub and mix the mass until even the smallest lumps disappear. You can make the job easier by using a blender. The only thing is that you should not set the maximum power for mixing. It will be enough to use the minimum indicator. This will avoid the formation of unnecessary foam.
  2. The resulting mixture, with well-mixed components, must be heated using medium heat for this. Be sure to stir while heating. You can also use a water bath, but this process will take a little longer. Continue the action until a thick composition is formed, but it is recommended to avoid boiling.
  3. Remove the finished components from the heat, and then carefully place the film on the surface of the mass. Leave in this position until completely cooled.
  4. When the mass has cooled, the next step according to the recipe is adding milk powder, cocoa powder, sugar substitute and flavoring. Mix all these ingredients well. It is necessary to make sure that there are no lumps in the mass. As for the choice of flavoring, it should be approached individually, based on the preferences and tastes of each person. Unusual taste gives almonds.
  5. Leave the resulting composition for approximately 30 - 35 minutes. It is not recommended to cover the mass and put it in the cold. It must be kept at home, at room temperature. This contributes to the density of the mass.
  6. After the specified time, the composition is mixed again. Now the sweet culinary masterpiece called "Dukan's Chocolate Paste" is ready.

Sweetness prepared at home can be used for filling cookies, and also added as a sauce to pastries, for example, to pancakes or cottage cheese.

The remaining chocolate paste is placed in an airtight container and stored in the refrigerator. It freezes in about 12 hours. Now she has acquired a thick composition and is ready to use.
The shelf life of the product is 4 days.

This simple recipe will help you prepare a great dessert at home, as well as enjoy its unusual taste.
Chocolate paste will become your favorite dish.

"Nutella according to Dukan at home"

Consider another great recipe. This is no less tasty product than the above pasta. Make this dessert at home will not be any difficulties and difficulties. For Nutella according to Dukan, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Egg yolk in the amount of 2 pieces.
  • Sugar substitute about 4 - 5 tablets.
  • Cocoa in the amount of 2 teaspoons.
  • Cottage cheese, preferably soft type, about 60 grams.
  • Non-fat dry milk about 3 tablespoons.
  • Liquid milk 0% fat in the amount of 3 tablespoons.
  • Flavoring.

To obtain more mass, the components are indicated in double size. Important to know: cocoa, which is part of the sweet dish, is an allergenic product for some people. Be careful!

Dessert technology:

  1. At the initial stage, it is necessary to mix all the dry ingredients.
  2. Then carefully add the yolks and milk, gradually mixing the ingredients to avoid the formation of lumps.
    Put cottage cheese into the resulting mass, after softening it. After making sure that there are no lumps left, you can add flavoring.
  3. To mix these ingredients, you can, as in the first recipe, use a blender at low power.
  4. The finished composition is placed in the refrigerator for about 6 - 8 hours to acquire density.

How can you use chocolate spread and nutella at home?

Two desserts prepared by us will be a good addition to the tea ceremony. It is good to use the resulting mass and spread on sandwiches, cookies. An excellent option would be to use as a filling for pancakes and fritters.

Many people prefer to eat chocolate paste, just drinking coffee or tea. Nutella will be a great cream when creating a cake. In this case, the only thing to refrain from eating in large quantities is for those who adhere to a dietary diet. It is necessary to consume a limited amount of dessert. Do not overdo it and overeat.
