
What to do to make pancakes fluffy. Lush pancakes with greens - a recipe for cooking on kefir

Lush ruddy pancakes this and tasty breakfast for the whole family, and a wonderful treat for tea for unexpected guests, both traditional and all favorite dish during the Maslenitsa celebration. Not only constantly decorate our table on Shrovetide, but also small plump suns - pancakes. With honey, with jam, with sour cream. And also with greens inside, with an apple or zucchini, with raisins or cabbage, which only we do not cook fritters. But the most important thing that worries us so much is how to make pancakes plump, fluffy and airy, with a crispy golden crust around the edges. The simplest and most proven are lush kefir pancakes, which are prepared so simply that everyone can learn.

This type of fritters is the most favorite in my family. If I start baking pancakes, everyone immediately knows about it and starts looking into the kitchen when it's ready. An appetizing smell spreads throughout the house and it becomes completely impossible to resist.

The biggest problem with fluffy pancakes has always been that they kind of deflate when frying. Pour into the pan first thick dough and they seem to rise, and then you take off the finished pancakes and it becomes thinner before your eyes. Very disappointing, but no less delicious. But in those recipes that I will tell you about today, I have never had such a problem.

If I didn’t intend to specially cook thin pancakes, which I sometimes do, then lush pancakes on kefir almost always work out as intended.

How to cook lush pancakes on kefir - a step by step recipe

This classic recipe lush pancakes, the dough for which is prepared with the addition of kefir. Why did kefir become so important component? Everything is very simple, thanks natural process fermentation in this fermented milk product, it becomes an excellent leavening agent and at the same time, its milky nature makes the dough sticky and well-setting. Pancakes and pancakes on kefir always turn out well-filled with air bubbles. Thin pancakes therefore, they will be perforated, and thick pancakes will turn out to be porous and spongy on the break, since all the air will remain in the form of bubbles inside. It's almost like curvy sweet buns in the world of pancakes. Delicate and airy. And it doesn't take long to cook.

  • kefir - 1 cup (250 ml),
  • flour - 7 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon.


1. Remove the egg and kefir from the refrigerator in advance, they should not be cold. Kefir is very good to use the one that has already stood for a couple of days and they do not have time to drink it before the expiration date. Usually pancakes in this case are the real salvation of kefir.

Crack an egg into a bowl.

2. Mix the egg and sugar with a fork or whisk. I don't usually use a mixer for fritters, as heavily beaten eggs are not needed.

3. Add a glass of kefir to the egg with sugar in a bowl. Mix everything well with a whisk so that the kefir and egg are combined. Salt the mixture. Optionally you can add vanilla sugar or vanilla extract, then lush pancakes on kefir will be more fragrant. But personally I love natural taste pancakes.

4. Now take the flour and sift it into a bowl through a sieve or a special sifting mug. Sifted flour is much better, because it sticks less into lumps and makes the dough more airy, which is what we need.

5. Stir the dough very thoroughly so that the lumps are kneaded and it becomes thick and uniform. Only after that you can add baking soda, which will start chemical reaction with the release of gas, combining with kefir acid.

Some people add soda at the beginning of kneading the dough, for example, they first mix kefir with soda, rejoice at how everything bubbled up, and then put the egg and flour. This is wrong from the point of view of the chemistry of the processes. The release of gas from soda when interacting with acid is not an endless process, it is limited in time, and if you start it too early, then by the time it is time to pour the dough into the pan, it will already end and there will be a minimum of bubbles in the dough. Don't make this common mistake. Baking soda is always added at the end. Only in this way will you get truly magnificent pancakes.

6. If the dough turned out to be too liquid, then add more flour to it. Do this gradually, one tablespoon at a time. The dough for olaii should be thick, like fat sour cream and with great difficulty drain from a spoon. When pouring it into a frying pan, it spreads quite a bit, this is the second secret of the splendor of pancakes.

7. Heat the pan well and pour in the oil. Oil allows you to get a crispy crust, if you fry without it, in a pan with a non-stick coating, then the pancakes will be lush, but without a crust, but as if velvety.

If you're not sure if the dough is thick enough, try baking one pancake first and see if it spreads out, if it's thick enough, or vice versa. if something is wrong, then you can add a little flour and knead the dough. Taste the pancakes, salt and sugar can still be added to the dough. Our very first pancake is always a test pancake.

Using a spoon or even two, form small pancakes in the pan. They should be no larger than the palm of your hand, usually enough dough to fit in a tablespoon.

8. For frying pancakes, medium or slightly is best. less fire so that they have time to bake inside and at the same time do not burn outside. Once one side is well browned, flip the pancakes over with a spatula. Ruddy on both sides can be removed.

Well, our magnificent pancakes on kefir are ready. Look how plump and porous they turned out, real donuts.

It's time to call everyone to the table until the pancakes are cold. Get out the jam and sour cream and fly in! Bon appetit!

Fritters on kefir and yeast without eggs - lush and tender

Since we are talking about the variety of recipes by which you can cook lush pancakes on kefir, I propose to go through various combinations of ingredients. So in this recipe for pancakes, unchanged kefir remains, but there will be no eggs and yeast will be added. What can perfectly loosen the dough, making any pastry truly lush and airy? Yes, of course traditional yeast. So the recipe for lush fritters did not bypass this truly magic product. Especially if you find in the store not dry yeast, but real live pressed yeast. That's when your pancakes will not just be lush, but like small ruddy clouds.

Yes, yeast is not always on hand, but if it is, be sure to try making pancakes according to this recipe.

You will need:

  • flour - 1 cup,
  • kefir - 200 ml,
  • pressed yeast - 8 grams,
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. Take kefir and heat it to a temperature slightly above room temperature. You can just take it out of the fridge in advance, or you can slightly warm it up on the stove. The body is needed in order for the yeast to begin to revive.

2. Add sugar and yeast to kefir. Stir well so that the yeast dissolves and begins to ferment. Place the bowl in a warm place until foam appears.

3. Pour in the sifted flour and salt and stir well until all lumps disappear. The dough should turn out to be the thickness of good sour cream and slowly slide off the spoon. Cover the dough and put it in a warm place to rise.

4. After the dough has risen and covered with bubbles, you can immediately start baking pancakes. To do this, heat a frying pan over medium heat and pour vegetable oil. Due to the porous structure, lush pancakes on kefir will work like a sponge and absorb oil, so watch the amount in the pan so that the pancakes do not burn.

5. Fry the pancakes on each side until golden brown. They also need to be baked inside. In order to find out, take the first pancake that is fried and break it in half, the middle should be well baked. If it remains inside raw dough, and outside already golden brown or even burns, then it is necessary to reduce the fire of the burner. Wait with next batch fritters until the pan is almost cool and try again. Usually required medium fire for successful pancakes.

6. Put the finished ruddy pancakes on a dish or in a bowl. Serve while still hot and all kinds of sauces and brewing.

Bon appetit!

Delicious pancakes on kefir with apples

Did you know that with apples you get simply amazing lush pancakes on kefir? Such pancakes can be prepared both in winter and summer, you just need to find one apple. By themselves, they are sweet and fragrant, tasty both hot and cold. Such pancakes are so delicious that they can be eaten without anything, because the filling is already inside them. My family loves apple pancakes and often asks me to cook them. And I myself use this recipe when, for example, there is no sour cream or jam in the house, in which pancakes could be dipped. Sweet tooths do not agree to eat pancakes without dressings, with the exception of these. fluffy pancakes on kefir with apples - a real salvation.

You will need:

  • flour - 1 cup,
  • kefir - 1 glass,
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • apple - 2 pieces (medium size),
  • soda + vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. Start traditionally by mixing the egg with sugar and salt in a bowl. It is not necessary to beat them strongly, let them foam a little and that's enough.

2. Pour kefir into a well-stirred egg. It is best if it is slightly warmed, and not from the refrigerator. Mix thoroughly.

3. Now gradually mix flour into the future dough. Pour about a quarter and stir until smooth. Add some more and stir again. this method avoids long rubbing of lumps.

4. The result should be a good, homogeneous, creamy dough. Now you can add baking soda to it and start the process of developing bubbles so that the kefir pancakes turn out lush.

5. Now cut the apples into small cubes or straws. You should not rub them on a grater, because then the apples will release too much juice and the dough will become too liquid, you will have to add flour and knead it again. In our case, it is necessary to stir the apples and immediately start baking pancakes, while there are still bubbles in the dough from soda, which has reacted with kefir.

6. Put the dough on a heated pan with a spoon. Do not forget about vegetable oil, without it you will not get a crispy golden crust, which we love so much. As soon as the edge of the pancake is browned, it's time to turn over to the other side.

7. On the second side, fry the pancakes for a few more seconds until it is also browned.

I will share mine with you little secret. I always bake only one pancake first, and as soon as it is ready, I take it off and try it. Firstly, this way you can understand whether the pan is hot enough and not too hot, the pancakes will burn or remain raw. Secondly, you can try to find out if there is enough salt and sugar, if there are enough apples in the dough. The first pancake may be a lump, but all the rest should be on top!

Ready-made lush pancakes with apples will gather the whole family by smell, the apples inside will be soft and juicy. Incredible yummy, be sure to try it!

Pancakes with raisins on kefir - simple and very tasty

And here is another very delicious view lush pancakes on kefir, this time with raisins. Such pancakes, like those with apples, are good on their own, they turn out very tasty and sweet, especially if you are not greedy for sugar. But also with traditional jams, honey, sour cream go well together. Such pancakes are airy and soft, like real small raisin buns.

For cooking you will need:

  • kefir - 1 glass,
  • flour - 2 cups,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
  • raisins - 150 grams,
  • sugar - 1-2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • soda or baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. Stir kefir, sugar and salt in a bowl. Add one egg there and beat a little with a whisk until you get a homogeneous mass.

2. Add sour cream to the mixture and stir.

3. Gradually add flour. It is better to sift it before this or sift it immediately into a bowl, for example, through a sieve. So there will be fewer lumps and the dough will be saturated with air.

4. Soak the raisins in advance hot water so that it is not rigid.

5. Well-mixed dough should resemble cream or sour cream in thickness. Now, put baking powder or a spoon into it baking soda. Soda will combine with kefir acid and begin to release bubbles, this will make our pancakes fluffy.

6. Now add raisins to the dough and mix.

7. Bake the pancakes with raisins in a skillet over medium heat so that they have time to bake inside. Don't forget to oil the pan. If you do not like greasy pancakes, then it is better to remove them ready-made on paper towels, the oil will be absorbed and the pancakes will not be greasy. If you do not add oil during frying, then the pancakes will not be so beautiful and ruddy.

8. Ready-made fluffy pancakes with raisins are best eaten hot. But they are also delicious when cold. Call the family for tea and Bon appetit!

Lush pancakes with greens - a recipe for cooking on kefir

That we are all about sweet, but about sweet pancakes. Not only sweets, you can treat yourself to breakfast, dinner or Shrovetide. How about making fluffy pancakes on kefir with fresh herbs? Sounds delicious, don't you think. And it tastes amazing with sour cream.

You will need:

  • kefir - 300 ml,
  • flour - from 1 cup (approximately follow the density of the dough),
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • green onions and dill - in a small bunch.


1. First of all, prepare fresh herbs, wash them and dry them. Take the kefir out of the refrigerator to warm it up. It is best to use yogurt for pancakes that has already stood for several days in the refrigerator, began to ferment a little more, but has not yet deteriorated.

2. Pour the kefir into a large bowl in which we will knead the dough. Pour salt, sugar there and break the egg. Mix well. A whisk or fork will suffice for this process.

3. Now the most difficult thing is to put so much flour so that the dough is thick enough. To do this, you can only advise one thing - add flour gradually. Put 2-3 tablespoons, stir well, add more. And so add until you get the desired dough consistency for lush pancakes.

4. The dough should turn out to be quite thick and viscous, like cream or fat sour cream. But do not overdo it, it should not become like pie dough. Such pancakes will be dry and poorly baked.

5. Now cut the greens. Cut the onion into very thin rings, because large pieces onion pancakes are not very tasty. It is better to cut dill without stalks to make it more tender.

6. Now pour the greens boldly into a bowl and mix with the dough. Adjust the amount of herbs to your liking, whether you like more or just a little for flavor.

7. Well, it's time to fry our pancakes. When frying, do not skimp on vegetable oil, it is better to let it drain into paper napkins later than the pancakes will burn. Fry them on both sides over medium heat until they are golden brown.

Well, our lush ones are ready delicious pancakes with greens and we cooked them again on kefir. This is such a useful kefir for making pancakes and fritters.

Eat healthy and make your family happy!

Banana pancakes on kefir - lush and sweet. Step by step video recipe

And one more magnificent pancakes on kefir, which neither adults nor children can resist. Sweet and airy banana pancakes. This is real festive dessert or a unique treat for breakfast. Once I tried to cook them and my family just fell in love with these pancakes. They turned out to be very tasty. Now the presence of bananas in the house very often began to lead to cooking and pancakes. Well, no wonder I found out this recipe.

Like all the recipes in this collection, our banana pancakes are cooked on kefir, which makes them very fluffy. And for me this is a very important criterion, because I do not like thin pancakes. For me, they are all the more good, the more airy and softer dough and crispy crust. These pancakes are perfect.

How to cook banana pancakes on kefir, see further in the video recipe. It is very simple and straightforward, anyone can handle cooking.

Well, that's all for today. It doesn't matter what made you make pancakes, what matters is that they brought a little delicious holiday to the house. Make your loved ones happy more often delicious treats, cook more pancakes and fritters for Shrovetide and enjoy life every day!

Pamper your family quickly great dessert quite easy. To do this, it is enough to bake pancakes on kefir and serve them to the table with the appropriate "garnish". Usually every housewife already has a favorite version of this in her arsenal. a simple dish, but our article offers a whole selection of time-tested delicious recipes. How to cook lush pancakes on kefir, using yeast, with apples, bananas or green onions? Our article will tell about all the secrets.

It is no longer possible to find the name of the discoverer who guessed to make such pancakes. In any cuisine of the world, you can find a similar dish, of course, with an emphasis on local flavor. Traditionally, fritters or pancakes are considered to be primordially Russian heritage, so many are skeptical about such familiar dish. On the other hand, the gastronomic delights available to a modern person can be easily directed to the variety and improvement of this simple dessert.

The dough for pancakes on kefir is ready in a matter of minutes, so they are ideal for quick breakfast or alternatively for unexpected guests. main role here you can give the appropriate "accompaniment", for example, serve pancakes to the table not only with the usual jam, condensed milk or honey, but cook separate sauce or surprise with an unimaginable combination with ice cream, curd cream or fruit mousse.

Fritters are good in quality cold appetizer. At the same time, they can be an independent dish and components of a complex dessert.

Recipes for pancakes on kefir are striking in their diversity, the dough can be prepared on almost any basis. The advantage of fermented milk products will be speed, because you won’t have to wait for the dough to rise, but you can immediately start making it. There are also some tricks here to make pancakes appetizing and lush.

  • Kefir, if possible and desired, can be replaced with any suitable fermented milk product, even sour milk.
  • All ingredients must be mixed well, otherwise lumps of flour will come across and the taste will be spoiled.
  • To make the pancakes thicker, you can start the dough with yeast, but for this the rest of the ingredients must be warm.
  • Fritters on sour kefir much tastier, so you can use a product that is already unsuitable for other purposes.
  • Flour in recipes can be replaced with semolina. For convenience, you can pre-cook semolina and add already cooled to the dough.
  • A little cocoa powder in the dough would also be appropriate. And in order to be beautiful chocolate color, necessarily together with vegetable oil. Otherwise, you will get an unappetizing earthy shade.
  • It is necessary to fry pancakes in a preheated pan with a fairly thick bottom.
  • When the pancakes are browned on both sides, they are laid out on a cloth or paper towel to remove excess oil.
  • It can be served hot or as cold appetizers.

Usually this dish always comes out well, and with a fairly convenient pan, you can quickly fry pancakes for light breakfast. The calorie content of such a dish is low, especially if you use a little oil and remove the excess from the finished pancakes.

Traditionally, pancakes are considered a sweet dish, but there are many recipes where they are cooked with other ingredients.

Classic step-by-step recipe for kefir pancakes

Easy cooking method plain pancakes. With this option, even cope with a bang inexperienced hostess. As usual, for baking calculation the right amount is conducted from the liquid used in the test, therefore, if necessary, the portion can be increased in direct proportion.

Required Ingredients:

  • A glass of kefir;
  • Two eggs;
  • Sugar - 3 - 5 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 1.5 - 2 cups;
  • Soda and salt ½ teaspoons each;
  • Vegetable oil for frying and in the dough - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook:

  1. Whisk eggs and sugar in a suitable size bowl.
  2. After adding kefir, mix.
  3. Heat the mixture a little so that the sugar dissolves completely.
  4. Sift the flour, gradually adding to the mixture.
  5. Add oil, salt and soda.
  6. Mix the mixture well so that there are no lumps.
  7. Heat a frying pan with oil on the stove.
  8. As the oil heats up, spread the dough (it is convenient to do this with a tablespoon) and fry, turning over on both sides.
  9. Put the finished pancakes on a napkin to remove excess oil.
  10. Serve with honey, jam or sour cream.

To make the pancakes thicker, the dough for lush pancakes on kefir must be started on slightly heated ingredients.

Optionally, you can add vanilla sugar, cinnamon or other favorite spices. Lucky Recipe fluffy pancakes on kefir without yeast, it necessarily provides for a rather dense dough consistency, otherwise they will “blur” in the pan.

Recipes for delicious and lush pancakes on kefir

To prepare delicious fluffy pancakes, use the recipes that we have specially collected for you. We hope you enjoy them.

Lush pancakes on kefir with yeast

The traditional recipe can be slightly modified and yeast can be used instead of soda. This option will take a little more time, but the result will be appropriate.

Yeast pancakes on kefir are distinguished by splendor and "airy" structure.

Required Ingredients:

  • Milk - 350 ml;
  • Two eggs;
  • Baker's yeast - 20 grams;
  • Oil in the dough - 70 grams, leave the rest for frying;
  • flour to the desired consistency;
  • Sugar - 50 grams;
  • A little salt.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the milk to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Crumble the yeast and leave the dough to come up a little.
  3. Mix pre-beaten eggs, sugar, salt, butter and sifted flour.
  4. Let the dough rise while you heat up the pan.
  5. Fry in pretty in large numbers oil so that the pancakes fry evenly.
  6. Place on a plate and let excess oil drain.

Pancakes on kefir and yeast are thick and fluffy. For those housewives who feel insecure with yeast dough, it is better to practice with soda first. After a positive result, cooking pancakes with kefir and yeast will not seem like such a difficult task.

Fritters with green onions on kefir

Not too sweet pancakes that can be served instead of boring sandwiches have a piquant taste. Additionally, you can experiment with meat or fish filling.

Such pancakes can be cooked on yeast dough and using soda.

Required Ingredients:

  • A glass of flour and kefir;
  • One egg;
  • A bunch of onions;
  • Oil for frying.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the onion, dry it and chop finely.
  2. Knead the dough from the remaining ingredients of the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Add chopped onion and stir.
  4. Fry in a pan with oil.

Serve these pancakes to the table as cold appetizers, as well as the basis of sandwiches. Original submission and the addition of spices will make pancakes an unforgettable "signature" dish of any housewife.

Oat pancakes on kefir

The original recipe includes Hercules-type cereal. Grated carrots or an apple can be added to the mixture. Flakes can be crushed a little or simply poured with warm kefir to soften.

Required Ingredients:

  • Kefir - 0.5 liters;
  • Three eggs;
  • Flakes - 200 grams;
  • Flour (preferably oatmeal) - 2 cups;
  • Carrot or apple - 1 piece;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt and soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Oil in the dough - 4-5 tablespoons, leave the rest for frying.

How to cook:

  1. In a suitable container, pour warm kefir cereals and leave to swell.
  2. While rub on fine grater carrot. You can use apple or both.
  3. Mix swollen flakes with sugar, butter, salt and soda.
  4. Add grated carrot (apple) and stir.
  5. Fry in a pan on both sides.

Incredibly tasty pancakes on kefir are obtained when used together with oatmeal sour apple, for example, varieties "Semerenko". Sugar in this case, you need to throw a little more. If grated carrots are used, this is not necessary.

Banana pancakes on kefir

Such pancakes have an unusual taste, especially children love them. Adding banana pulp to the dough gives exquisite fragrance and indescribable taste. For optimal consistency, it is necessary to use overripe fruits, the pulp of which must first be crushed in a blender.

Required Ingredients:

  • A glass of kefir;
  • Two eggs;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Banana - 2 medium fruits;
  • Salt and soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook:

  1. Separately, mix kefir with salt, soda and sugar.
  2. Add banana softened with a fork to the mass, mix.
  3. Add flour and stir.
  4. Fry on both sides over medium heat.

Pancakes on kefir with banana, it is advisable to serve with special sauce. To do this, mix the softened pulp with sour cream and pour over the pancakes. Such a tandem will not leave you indifferent!

Pancakes on kefir with apples

The addition of an apple guarantees an increased interest of the household and an incredible delicate taste. It is better to take sour apples, for example, which are stale in the refrigerator. Sourness will give a certain piquancy, but to adjust the taste, it is advisable to throw in a little more sugar than usual.

Required Ingredients:

  • Kefir - 500 ml;
  • Three eggs;
  • Three medium apples of sour varieties;
  • Sugar - 100 grams;
  • flour to the desired consistency;
  • Oil in the dough - 100 ml;
  • Cinnamon and salt to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Eggs with sugar - beat.
  2. Add kefir, oil, spices and salt.
  3. Pour in the sifted flour in small portions.
  4. Throw soda (you can use baking powder for dough).
  5. Peel the apples from the peel and core.
  6. You can use a grater to chop the fruit, or you can just cut into cubes or thin slices.
  7. Add apples to the dough and fry in a pan.

An indescribable aroma is obtained when added to apple fritters cinnamon. This spice perfectly sets off the taste of an apple, and also awakens the appetite. You can also use ginger and vanilla.

Fritters in the oven on kefir

A slightly unconventional method of preparation makes this dish extremely suitable for dietary and baby food. Thus, you can reduce the calorie content of the dish, as well as replace pamper the smallest gourmets.

Mix the yolk and protein mass.

  • Add kefir, soda and salt, vanilla.
  • Add the sifted flour in small portions, achieving a uniform mass.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 - 200 ºС.
  • Carefully place pancakes on a greased baking sheet and immediately place in the oven.
  • With this cooking method, you do not need to turn the pancakes.
  • Bake until the final readiness, which is checked with a toothpick, like regular pastries.
  • You can also use special molds, as well as now popular silicone mats. Diet pancakes they also cook on parchment on kefir, only the consistency of the dough should keep its shape well.

    Lush pancakes on kefir without eggs

    The main secret of success - correct sequence adding ingredients. It is also very important to use slightly warmed kefir, and completely dissolve all other components.

  • At the very end, add soda.
  • Fry in hot vegetable oil.
  • Pancakes on kefir without eggs are different excellent taste They are best served hot with your favorite jam.

    Lush and delicious pancakes on kefir is a favorite dish, the taste of which is familiar from childhood. The preparation of this dessert does not take much time, and the result is always pleasing. To make pancakes on kefir, you need to learn some tricks, as well as pick up suitable recipe. Many nuances happy cooking and suitable recipes are given in our article, but the best option will be your imagination and desire to experiment with regular products creating another culinary masterpiece.

    Fritters are one of the most popular dishes we have. This excellent breakfast, snack, and for dessert with delicious jam they will fit. And how many sweet and savory options, with various fillings- do not count!

    There are cooking options yeast dough. But today " super chef» will tell you how to achieve incredible splendor of pancakes mixed with kefir or yogurt.

    Let's look at the secrets of making lush and delicious pancakes.

    Secret #1: Flour

    For the splendor of pancakes, it is recommended to use wheat flour premium. IN various variations they also add additional corn, buckwheat, semolina, etc. Be sure to sift the flour for the splendor of the pancakes, and preferably 2 times. With this we enrich it with oxygen, so the pancakes are more airy.

    Secret #2: Dough Consistency

    The most important indicator of the splendor of pancakes is the consistency of the dough. It should be homogeneous, without lumps, not just thick, but so that it does not drain, but falls off the spoon. It shouldn't spread in the pan.

    Secret number 3: food temperature

    For the preparation of pancakes, use non-cold products. If you plan to bake pancakes, it is recommended to remove kefir and eggs from the refrigerator in advance. Because cold kefir worse reacts with soda.

    Secret number 4: "rested dough"

    After you have kneaded the dough, you need to leave it to "rest" for 15 - 20 minutes. This will allow the gluten of the flour to swell, and the dough will become more elastic, and the soda will show its better reaction with kefir. As a result, the pancakes will turn out more magnificent.

    Secret number 5: improve flavor

    The presence of a more pronounced aroma makes pancakes even more appetizing and tastier. Therefore, you can add vanillin to them if you bake sweet ones, and finely chopped greens if salty ones.

    Secret #6: Additives and Fillers

    In order to experiment with taste, you can add various fillings: apples, berries, raisins, chopped meat, sausage. But I recommend to crumble everything very finely and add too much, otherwise the heavy filling can affect the splendor of the pancakes.

    Secret #7: Using Utensils

    When kneading the dough, it is better to use a deep bowl and a whisk to mix the dough as well as possible. Of course, you can use other types of dishes, but you will have to put in more effort to achieve a homogeneous dough. When frying pancakes, use a thick-walled pan that cooks well and evenly over the entire surface. Thin-bottomed pans don't hold as well general temperature. Fritters on the one hand can burn, on the other hand remain damp, and they do not have enough temperature to rise well.

    Secret number 8: the frying process

    First you need to heat a dry frying pan well, only then pour vegetable oil. After the oil has reached its temperature, pour the dough with a spoon. To check if the oil has warmed up, drip the dough in one edge, if there are bubbles around the dough, then you can already. Try to keep a distance between each pancake so that they do not stick together when you separate them, pulling, the dough may settle a little.

    Fluffy pancakes

    The recipe for universal pancakes can be used both for ordinary fluffy pancakes, and with various fillings and fillers. They are prepared very easily and quickly.


    • kefir - 2 cups;
    • flour - 500 grams (guided by the consistency of the dough, but it should be thick, not dripping from a spoon);
    • eggs - 1 - 2 pieces;
    • soda - 1 teaspoon;
    • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • sunflower oil for frying.

    Fritters are lush. Step by step recipe

    1. In kefir room temperature add sugar, soda and salt, mix well. If the reaction to kefir is sluggish, then add a drop of vinegar.
    2. Gradually add the sifted flour, stirring constantly.
    3. Beat the egg lightly and pour it into the dough, mix well. At this stage, you can add various fillers (apples, berries, fruits, etc.)
    4. cover cling film and leave the dough to "rest" for 15 - 20 minutes at room temperature.
    5. Heat up the pan, pour in the oil, fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

    Lush pancakes on kefir are ready! Serve them with sour cream, any jams, creams, honey and enjoy delicious taste! Cooking deliciously easy and simple, following the advice on the "Super Chef"! Next time please your family with no less delicious pancakes on the water.

    Often on weekends I want to cook something tasty and quick for my family. Fritters are great for a hearty and quick breakfast. The most important thing is that there are very few people who do not eat them and the total cost of this product is very budgetary. And at home, all the ingredients are always there. They are prepared on a different basis.

    And today I will tell you how to make dough on kefir, so that you get pancakes like grandma's - lush and tender. Interestingly, this dish is prepared all over the world, called, of course, in different ways.

    There are a lot of pancake recipes, but they do not always turn out lush. Let me first talk about the nuances that will help you get airy and tender donuts every time.

    So, before choosing the right recipe, check out the nuances that must be observed so as not to spoil such a tasty and simple dish. And get exactly lush, porous and tender pancakes not thick pancakes.

    • We make the dough thicker. Ideally, take equal part liquid component (kefir) and flour.
    • We fry gourmets as soon as we receive them desired consistency test.
    • We add some sugar. If there is a lot of sugar, then the splendor will fall off very quickly.
    • Heat the oil well in a frying pan. If you put the dough immediately into unheated oil, then it will not easily separate, but will bake from the surface of the pan.
    • Eggs and kefir should be at room temperature, take care to get them out of the refrigerator in advance.
    • Spread the donuts on parchment paper, napkin or paper towel that the paper has absorbed excess grease.
    • Kefir better fit not fresh, it has more acid and reacts more easily with baking powder and soda.
    • Flour must be sifted to saturate it with oxygen. Usually two or three times is enough.

    Each hostess has prepared such a breakfast more than once, and many have deduced their ratio and proportions of products. But there are recipes according to which pancakes succeed in most cases. Basically they are called traditional or classical.


    • 300 ml kefir
    • 2 tbsp Sahara
    • 1 tsp soda
    • 250 gr flour
    • some salt
    • Vegetable oil for frying

    Pour kefir into the bowl and add soda (not slaked) there, mix. The acid in kefir, meeting with soda, will give a reaction. Let this mixture sit for five minutes.

    Before pouring out the prepared amount of flour, sift it a couple of times. It has a loose structure and is easily saturated with oxygen in this way, which will add extra splendor to pancakes. Just one sifting may not be enough.

    There is no need to beat the dough, just mix to crush any lumps.

    By density, it should turn out viscous, and not drain from a spoon.

    We start baking immediately, do not leave the dough to reach.

    Heat up a frying pan, pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil and immediately lower the heat to medium.

    Put a tablespoon of batter into the hot oil. We make sure that it does not connect with each other, then you will get even individual rounds.

    Can be served with sour cream or jam.

    This is how they look inside.

    If you add a lot of sugar, the donuts will quickly fall off.

    How to cook pancakes like fluff (secret trick)

    Remember, in the school cafeteria, they served pancakes that simply melted in your mouth. True, hot they are always tastier than cooled.

    There are several features, following which you can get just airy donuts.

    Revealed as a result culinary experiments that cold kefir will not allow the dough to rise and you will not get splendor. Therefore, in this recipe, we not only bring it to room temperature, but also heat it up.


    • Kefir - 250 ml
    • Water - 40 ml
    • 1 egg
    • Flour - 240 gr
    • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
    • Salt - 0.5 tsp
    • Soda - 0.5 tsp
    • Vegetable oil

    We combine kefir with water and heat it on the stove. This is a prerequisite.

    Separately, mix the egg and sugar, pour kefir there and knead until a light foam appears.

    The final step is to sift the flour in several stages. We make sure that no lumps form.

    We achieve ductility in the consistency of the dough.

    And just before the hottest, add soda to the mass and mix.

    Both sides need to be fried. It's about two, three minutes on each side. It is important to reduce the fire in time, otherwise the cakes may not be baked.

    During the frying period, do not mix the dough, but simply scoop it with a spoon. Otherwise, gourmets will not be so lush.

    This is how they look in a section: elastic and porous.

    soda dough recipe

    The baking soda allows the dough to rise. Usually, the acid contained in kefir is enough to react with it. Therefore, we do not use vinegar here.

    By the way, they say that soda and baking powder should be used together, and not give preference to one of them. But we don’t do that at home, we take one thing.


    • 3 cups flour
    • 2 cups kefir 2.5% fat
    • 3 eggs
    • 0.5 cup sugar
    • 0.5 tsp soda
    • 0.5 tsp salt

    Pour soda into flour and mix. Pour prepared kefir to this mixture.

    Separately, grind the eggs with salt and sugar. And we combine this mixture with kefir flour mass.

    We start the frying process, as always, in heated vegetable oil.

    Soda makes the fattest pancakes, so you need to monitor the amount of oil.

    Also in this recipe we use eggs, which give density to the dough, and it does not absorb fat so much.

    Lush pancakes on kefir without eggs

    But you can do without eggs. Moreover, there are recipes where they are not even provided. We take the classic basis, but change the proportions of the products.


    • 200 ml kefir
    • 160 g flour
    • 1 tsp powdered sugar or brown sugar
    • 0.5 tsp soda
    • Salt on the tip of a knife
    • Fry in vegetable oil

    Kefir is taken out of the refrigerator for a couple of hours and let it warm up. Pour salt with powder and sifted flour into it.

    Soda goes to the very last line, when the whole mass is already mixed.

    After kneading the dough thick consistency We don't touch him anymore, we leave him alone.

    IN hot pan pour a little oil, do not need them to float in it.

    And from the bowl we take the dough with a spoon, without stirring it! It is important.

    It is better to make a little dough so that hot pancakes have time to eat, cold ones are not so tasty anymore.

    Thick and fluffy pancakes with yeast

    Yeast is a great substitute for baking soda or baking powder. And donuts do not fall until the evening, if you have prepared a large batch and did not have time to eat everything at once. The cooking process is somewhat longer than without yeast dough, but you get a very delicate texture.

    In the recipe, we use live pressed yeast, but you can use dry, only pre-filled with warm sweetened water.


    • 20 gr pressed yeast
    • 1 egg
    • 400 ml kefir
    • 2 cups of flour
    • 2 tablespoons of sugar
    • A pinch of salt

    400 ml of kefir must be heated. We look so that the whey does not begin to separate, otherwise we will get cottage cheese.

    Add yeast, sugar and salt to it.

    Then add flour and beat in the egg. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for an hour in a warm place.

    As soon as you see that the dough seems to settle down, start frying.

    How do you know when the dough is ready? Scoop some of it into the spoon and let it fall back into the bowl. It shouldn't spread.

    Dough for low-fat pancakes so that they do not absorb oil

    I had to eat culinary miracle, from which the fat from the fritters flowed on my hands, so I understand perfectly well that there are lovers of drier donuts.

    Let's start with the fact that the dough itself is not greasy. Vegetable oil is limited and only lubricates the surface of the pan.


    • A glass of kefir
    • 1 egg
    • A pinch of salt
    • teaspoon of soda
    • 0.5 cup flour
    • 0.5 tsp vegetable oil

    Add egg, salt and soda to kefir. Mix thoroughly. Then gradually add flour and continue mixing. Add half a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mass.

    If the dough is very liquid, then add flour with a tablespoon.

    Flour can be of different quality (grading depends on the amount of gluten), so one recipe for one hostess can get a different result.

    Set the fire mode to medium or slightly less than medium.

    Just grease the pan with oil.

    As soon as the first side is browned, close the pan with a lid.

    If you have a good Teflon coating, you can do without oil at all. Of course, they will not look as appetizing, but you will get a healthier and less high-calorie breakfast.

    They are greasy because we put soda in the dough, it creates a looser structure, where the oil is absorbed, like in a sponge.

    Also pancakes mixed with batter will turn out fatter than thick.

    Well, and advice for those who cannot do without frying, but want to get a not very fatty product: spread from the pan on a paper towel.

    By the way, so that they easily move away from the pan, it is better to add oil to the dough itself, and not pour it into a frying container.

    How to bake pancakes on kefir with apples

    Most often they are served for breakfast with jam, fruit or jam. Bananas, cinnamon or apples can go into the dough. And the very combination of apples and cinnamon is always fragrant and appetizing, even in fresh fruit salad even in baking.


    • 1.5 cups flour
    • 3 apples
    • 250 ml of kefir - 1 cup
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • Vanillin
    • Cinnamon
    • 0.5 tsp soda or baking powder

    We take out kefir and apples from the refrigerator in advance.

    Pour sugar, spices and flour to kefir.

    Then add baking soda or baking powder.

    Preparing apples. Remove the core and cut the fruit into circles.

    Then heat up a frying pan with oil and start frying the dough.

    We do this: Take an apple slice, dip it in the dough and put it in oil.

    So that the dough does not run off the apples, you need to achieve its correct consistency. We don't make it liquid. On the contrary, add more flour for density.

    It turns out an unusually rich taste.

    Apple fruits can be added differently. For example, peel them and cut them into pieces. Mix with dough mass and bake traditional way to which you are accustomed.

    Very tasty pancakes with egg and green onions are obtained, a kind of " lazy pies". The cooking process is the same as with apples. The dough is kneaded, eggs are boiled in advance. And the filling is prepared separately: we cut the eggs, mix with salt and onion and put them in a common bowl. Bake in a hot pan.

    Always turn on a low fire so that the inside of the donut is also baked. If you cook on low mode, then the dough cannot be fried until crispy and the cakes themselves will resemble rubber. Because with this mode of frying, more water is evaporated.

    That's the whole science of how to bake delicious pancakes for breakfast. Write your questions in the comments.

    Hearty and tasty pancakes are loved by both children and adults. There are many recipes for making fritters, everyone can choose according to their taste. Today we will cook lush pancakes on kefir on hastily. To make pancakes lush, you need to follow some simple tips.

    But let's not talk for a long time, but let's get down to cooking. We will prepare the products for the preparation of quick and tasty lush pancakes on kefir according to the list, they are the simplest. Glass - 200 ml.

    We need kefir warm, warm it on the stove or in the microwave. In the meantime, break the egg into a bowl, add sugar, mix.

    IN warm kefir add salt and soda.

    Let's pour into egg mixture kefir with salt and soda. Soda immediately reacts with acidic environment kefir.

    Mix well and sift flour into a bowl. I recommend not to add all the flour at once, it may need a little less, since the properties of the flour are different. Yes, the size of the egg matters. I have selected egg weighing 65 g.

    Here we have such a thick dough.

    Leave it for 5 minutes, but for now, heat the pan with vegetable oil. Lay out the dough with a spoon (I used dessert). The fire should be medium so that the pancakes have time to bake. Cover the pan with a lid. Turn over to the other side and fry the pancakes already without a lid for 3-4 minutes.

    Lush pancakes cooked in haste on kefir are ready for tasting, quickly get jam, sour cream or condensed milk and invite your family to help themselves.
