
Presentation on the topic of batter dishes. Liquid dough products

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"A slice of well-cooked wheat bread is one of the greatest inventions of the human mind." K.A. Timiryazev

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This ancient folk holiday is celebrated in the last week before Lent, which lasts seven weeks, until Easter. In honor of the god of the sun, Yaril, amusements are arranged: sleigh rides, horseback riding, snow towns. Name the holiday?

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Importance of dough products in human nutrition.

Dough products play an important role in human nutrition. The main product for obtaining products from dough is flour. Flour contains 15% protein, 75% carbohydrates, 2% fat, as well as minerals and vitamins of group B. The higher the flour grade, the more starch it contains, which means the less dietary the end product is from the dough. With proteins and fats, things are the opposite: the lower the grade of flour, the greater the content of these substances in the product.

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Nutritional value of flour.

proteins carbohydrates vitamins amino acids minerals nutritional value of flour nutritional value of flour

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Primary processing of flour.

Screening. The flour is loosened, enriched with oxygen for better germination of the dough.

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Test types

Yeast dough

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Test products.

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    How to make pancakes.

    № Sequence of preparation 1. Beat the egg into a bowl, add sugar, salt and stir. You can separate the protein from the yolk, beat and carefully introduce into the finished dough, from this it will become lighter and more magnificent. 2. Gradually dilute the resulting mass with milk. 3. Add flour and stir. Make sure that there are no lumps. The dough should be of the consistency of non-greasy (liquid) sour cream. 4. Grease a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Grease the pan with oil before baking each pancake. 5. With a pouring spoon, pour the dough into the pan in an even thin layer (3 - 5 mm) and fry. Flip the pancake, as well as spread it from the pan with a wooden spatula. 6. The finished pancake is placed on a pie plate.

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    Recipe: egg - 1, sugar - 1 tablespoon, salt - 1/3 teaspoon, flour - ½ cup, milk - ½ liter, butter - -40 g, vegetable oil - 50 g,

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    Slide text: Plan: The history of the dish. The purpose of the dish. Raw materials. Preparation of raw materials. Cooking technology. Assortment of dishes. quality requirements. Storage periods.

    Slide text: Pancake is round, like a real generous sun. The very word "pancake" - distorted "mlyn" - comes from the verb "grind" and means a product from what has been ground. In the old days, pancake accompanied a person from birth to death. The woman in labor was fed pancakes, while pancakes were an obligatory dish during funeral rites. “The pancake is round, like a real generous sun. The pancake is red and hot, like the hot all warming sun, the pancake is poured with vegetable oil - this is a memory of the sacrifices made to powerful stone idols. Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children, ”wrote A. I. Kuprin. Komoyeditsa is one of the oldest pagan Slavic holidays. In addition to celebrating the sacred entry of Spring into its own rights, the Slavic Bear God was also revered on this day: they made "pancake sacrifices" to the great Honey Beast. The ancient Slavs called the bear Kom (hence - "the first pancake to the koms", i.e. bears). Pancakes have been a favorite and very common dish in Rus' since ancient times. And today there are hardly any people who refuse fragrant tender pancakes or fluffy pancakes.

    Slide text: Pancakes and pancakes are a traditional baked product for tea. Stuffed pancakes are a holiday dish. Pancakes without filling are served for breakfast every day. Food category: breakfast

    Slide text: 750 ml milk 3 tsp. dry or 25 g fresh yeast 1 tbsp. sugar 350-400 g flour 3 eggs 100 g butter or margarine salt From the indicated amount of ingredients, 20-25 pancakes with a diameter of 21 cm are obtained. Preparation of dough for yeast pancakes

    Slide text: Warm milk. It should be warm, not hot. Add yeast and sugar to milk.

    Slide text: Add 200 g of flour, mix Put the dough in a warm place, for this you can pour warm water into a bowl, and put a container with dough in it. The dough should rise well (it takes 20 minutes).

    Slide text: Separate the whites from the yolks. Put the whites in the refrigerator. Rub the yolks with butter. Add yolks with butter to the dough, mix.

    Slide text: A little salt. Add the rest of the flour, mix. The dough should not be thick. Leave the dough in a warm place for 1 hour. During this time, the dough will rise several times, it must be mixed and allowed to rise again.

    Slide text: Beat egg whites. Add proteins to the dough, mix gently. If the dough is thick, add some more warm milk.

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    Slide text: Heat the pan, grease with oil. Pour a little dough into the middle of the pan, and rotate the pan, distribute the dough evenly. When the bottom is golden, turn the pancake over and fry on the other side.

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    Slide text: Banana pancakes Chocolate pancakes Pancake pie Buckwheat pancakes Early ripening pancakes Yeast pancakes

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    Slide text: Yeast, warm milk (20-30 degrees), sugar, premium flour, eggs, salt, vegetable oil.

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    Slide text: Preparing dough for pancakes Crumble the yeast, add sugar and grind. Pour in some warm milk and dissolve the yeast. Add the rest of the milk gradually, stirring.

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    Slide text: Pour in the diluted yeast and stir until smooth. Sift flour into a saucepan. Cover the pan with a lid (or a colander, sieve, towel, etc.). Put in a warm place without drafts. Let the dough rise - the initial volume should increase by 2-3 times.

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    Slide text: Pour cold water into a cup. Without stirring, take the dough with a tablespoon, dipping it first in water. Spread in a pan with well-heated oil, poured with a layer of at least 1 cm.

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    Slide text: Fry on both sides until golden brown (this is best done by covering the pan with a lid - then when turning the pancakes do not “swim up”).

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    Slide text: Place on paper towel to remove excess fat.

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    Slide text: Serve with sour cream (condensed milk, jam - to taste or sprinkle with powdered sugar). Note Milk can be replaced with water (or taken in half with water). Instead of salt, you can put dry mushroom soup in the dough (there will be pancakes with mushroom flavor). It is better to fry on a mixture of vegetable oil (deodorized and lard).

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    Slide text: Cheese pancakes Pumpkin pancakes Homemade pancakes Plain pancakes Apple pancakes with cinnamon Banana pancakes

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    Slide text: Pancakes with cottage cheese and apples Pancakes with strawberries Zucchini pancakes Crispy pancakes

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    Slide text: Finished products must: be of the correct shape, with an even upper crust, tightly adjacent to the crumb; cracks on the surface are unacceptable; color of products - from golden yellow to light brown; the crumb should be well baked, elastic, evenly porous, without voids; taste and smell must correspond to the type of product and its composition, bitterness, excessive acidity, salinity are not allowed.

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    Slide text: Store finished products in clean, dry rooms with a temperature of 6-20 ° C in trays, stacking them so that they do not lose their shape. The implementation period is 24 hours. Ready-made pancakes and pancakes are stored until vacation in folded piles in a container with a closed lid to keep them hot longer.

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    Pancakes are a Russian national dish. Completed by: student of 4 B CLASS MBOU "School №2" Kondrashina Daria

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    Objectives of my research
    Learn the history of this dish; Check empirically - is it difficult to bake pancakes?

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    I assumed that pancakes are the national dish of Russian cuisine; I find it easy to learn how to make pancakes; In my opinion, there are several technologies for making pancakes.
    Hypothesis of my research

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    Material search. The library helped me a lot in my research. I studied encyclopedias, books, magazines, selected by the librarian on my topic. And, of course, the Internet is the main assistant to modern researchers.

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    Pancake (according to Dahl) - a kind of bread made from liquid dissolved dough, fried with a cake in a pan. Pancake (according to Ozhegov) - a thin cake made from batter, baked in a pan.
    What does the word "blank" mean?

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    I started my research with a survey among my classmates.
    Do you love pancakes? Who usually cooks them in your family? Do you know the recipe for this dish?

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    Last year, we went to Shrovetide with a class at the Engels Museum of Local Lore for the museum lesson “Wide Shrovetide”. I learned that Ukrainians, like Russians, baked pancakes and celebrated this holiday.

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    History Pancakes were introduced into Russian cuisine by conquerors - the Varangians (Vikings) in the 9th century. Since then, it has been one of the most popular Russian folk culinary products. There are up to a hundred of their varieties: rich, lean, red, peasant, royal, boyar.

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    Are pancakes baked in other countries?
    Germany, France
    thin pancakes rolled into rolls
    tortillas (beans, meat)
    "A la Gundel" (raisins, nuts, covered with chocolate)
    February 12 - Pancake Day

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    In Rus', pancakes have been baked for centuries, first from oatmeal, and then from wheat, rye and even buckwheat flour. Extremely popular in Russian home cooking were pancakes with various “cookings”: onions, mushrooms, meat, eggs, poultry. And there were countless different fillings for pancakes. Pancakes were served with butter and sour cream, caviar and salted fish, jam and cottage cheese. And today pancakes remain one of the most beloved Russian dishes.

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    Proverbs and sayings about pancakes
    Pancake and without oil climbs into the mouth. Pancakes and pancakes - the matchmakers were wrapped up. Where pancakes, here we are; where porridge with butter, Do not feed pancakes, give water to drink first. Not happy and pancake, like a brick in the back. The first pancake is lumpy. Soon only pancakes are baked. Dry pancake sore throat..

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    Pancake Tips
    The best utensils for making pancakes, no doubt, is a cast-iron pan. From time immemorial, thin, golden, evenly baked Russian pancakes have been baked on cast iron. In order for the first, and all other pancakes, not to turn out lumpy, the cast-iron pan must be properly prepared. Before baking pancakes, the pan should be greased with vegetable oil or lard, sprinkled liberally with coarse salt and calcined the pan prepared in this way over high heat for several minutes. Then let the pan cool, wipe it off, sprinkle with salt again and wipe dry with a paper towel or clean cloth. After that, the pan should be greased with oil or pork fat and warmed up well before baking pancakes.

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    Cooking pancakes.
    One of the stages of my research was practical work - my grandmother and I baked pancakes.

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    Description of the experiment. So. Let's get started. We bought all the products for pancakes: flour, milk, eggs, sugar, salt, vegetable oil.
    But, of course, the main thing is to cook with soul, with love. (So ​​my grandmother said, and since she cooks very tasty, I undoubtedly believe her and take her advice.)

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    I break the eggs, mix, add sugar, a little salt.

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    I pour milk from a bag. I mix.

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    I add flour. (I must sift the flour beforehand) Let's use the miraculous mixer technique

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    The final touch is vegetable oil so that the pancakes are well removed.

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    Pancakes - a culinary product prepared by frying (sometimes baking) batter, poured into a hot frying pan; usually have a round shape. Pancakes are served with various appetizers, and thin pancakes are sometimes served with stuffing wrapped in them.

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    Origin story

    The word "pancake" has a clear connection with the ancient Slavic "mlyn", denoting a product made from ground grain. In the Ukrainian language, the word "mlyn" exists today - this is how the mill is called. Scientists nod in the direction of China, then in the direction of Egypt. And although pancakes in one form or another are known to many peoples, the Slavs can rightfully consider the classic yeast pancake to be their national treasure.

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    There are pancakes: Rye Buckwheat Buckwheat Wheat Wheat Semolina

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    What are the types of fillings?

    The most common are sweet toppings, perfect for chatting over a cup of tea, however, this is not the only option. Fillings can be prepared both on the basis of sugar or honey, and on fruits or berries (preferably fresh). But do not forget about the fillings from dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, cheese, condensed milk) - an excellent source of not only good taste, but also a lot of useful substances.

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    If you need to feed a large number of guests, pancakes stuffed with meat with herbs and your favorite vegetables are perfect. There are numerous variations of meat fillings, depending on the type of meat, its cooking, spices used and other auxiliary ingredients.

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    Classic pancake recipe

    Ingredients: 100 g flour (premium or whole grain) a pinch of salt 1 egg 300 ml. milk 15 g melted butter Vegetable oil for frying Butter for soaking the finished pancakes

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    How to prepare: STEP 1 Add the egg to the milk and gradually stir in the flour, beating until a smooth batter is formed, then stir in the butter and salt. For best results, cover with a damp cloth and let sit for 2 hours. STEP 2 Heat a non-stick pan and add 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Pour in a small ladle full of batter, swirl the pan to spread the batter on the bottom in a thin layer. STEP 3 When bubbles form on the surface or when the first side is browned, turn the pancake over and fry the other side. Transfer the finished pancake to a plate and grease with vegetable oil on top so that it does not dry out when cooling. Repeat the process with the remaining dough. Keep the baked pancakes in a slightly preheated oven while you cook the rest.

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