
Apple chips with spices. apple fritters

Fritters are perhaps the fastest, most delicious and universal dish. They can be made salty or sweet, with milk or kefir, with vegetable or fruit filling. But, despite such a variety, I would highlight apple pancakes. Firstly, the necessary ingredients are always at hand, and secondly, in just fifteen minutes you will prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast.


  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 8 art. tablespoons of flour with a slide
  • 0.5 cup milk
  • 2 sweet apples
  • vegetable oil
  • 1/3 tsp baking soda
  • a pinch of salt
  1. Cooking pancakes with apples is very quick and easy. First, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt, then add the milk.
  2. Mix flour and sugar baking soda, pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps. The consistency of the dough for pancakes should resemble thick sour cream. We try the mixture for sugar. If you like sweeter pancakes, then add sugar accordingly.
  3. My apples, remove the cores. If the apple skin is thick or you don't like the skin, just cut it off. I prefer to leave the vitamin crust, especially since it is practically not felt in pancakes.
  4. We cut apples into thin slices. Throw the slices into the prepared dough and mix.
  5. We put the pan on the fire. Pour in quite a bit of oil. When the pan is hot, spoon the apple slices into the batter with a spoon. Fry over medium heat, first on one side, then turn over and fry on the other.
  6. Delicious and fragrant pancakes with apples are served with jam or honey. If you like vegetable fritters, then I recommend cooking the most delicate pumpkin pancakes.

    P.S. According to this recipe, you can cook not only apple pancakes, but also pancakes with bananas, it turns out tasty and unusual.

These dishes are worth a try.

Reviews and comments:

Zinaida Pavlovna 26.11.11
What a beauty! I always rubbed an apple into the dough, and it’s easier and tastier.

Vera 17.02.12
apple fritters. Amazingly tasty, thank you)))

Antonina 21.07.12
I looked at the photos that you have a lot of apples and little dough in each pancake. She did exactly the same. It turned out very tasty. Apples are obtained as if baked and impregnate the dough with their aroma. Thanks for the recipe.

Natalia 11/23/13
We eat pancakes with pleasure, and to make them more healthy and less high-calorie, we also add grated apple there. We haven’t tried it with a banana yet, but if you put zucchini or pumpkin instead of an apple, it turns out very tasty and the kids ride with pleasure.

Svetlana Nikolaevna 12.01.14
Apple pancakes are something incredibly tasty, but is it possible to cook similar pancakes with some vegetables? For example, with zucchini or even with cabbage? Zucchini can probably be grated, but what is the best thing to do with cabbage? Could you tell…?).

I’ll definitely tell you))) The cabbage is finely chopped and added to plain dough for fritters. Zucchini, yes, rub on a grater. By the way, this is very delicious recipe zucchini fritters.

Marina 04.10.14
Alena, I made pancakes according to your recipe with apples. Gobbled up instantly with strawberry jam, in general, I only got one thing (((. I barely managed to take a photo))) Thank you for your recipes, on other sites and I don’t even have to climb.

I usually don't get anything either.

Anya 03.02.15
Originally)), I myself would never have guessed to make pancakes with whole apples. So is it possible with other fruits, with apricots, for example, or with plums? I'll have to experiment over the summer.

Anya, with apricots, not very ripe, which are easy to cut into thin slices, should also turn out delicious. With a plum I doubt it, because. plums are usually more juicy and pancakes can turn out wet))) By the way, in the summer, be sure to try this fruit pie, amazing)))

The rhythm of life in big cities does not provide a modern person with enough time to eat slowly and with high quality, to saturate his body. useful substances. And most importantly - do not harm him, which is what fast food enterprises mainly do. One of the product alternatives fast food are apple chips. Recipe this dish Now it's not a problem to find. You can cook it at home, take it with you, and there will always be an opportunity to refresh yourself.

general information

We have already decided that such “fast” food as sandwiches, store-bought potato chips, pizza is not suitable for us. We will take care of our own figure and health. After all, it is not in vain that scientists consider the apple and dishes from it to be one of the most useful products. For example, apple chips, the recipe of which we will now share, are not only very tasty, but also beneficial for the human body.

Everyone has long known: just one apple a day - and our body will be saturated with useful substances, the digestion process will be accelerated. This culinary development, made from the most common fruit, will also provide us with a satisfying and delicious snack. For a variety of the latter, it is recommended to use apples of different varieties.

First Recipe: Cooking Apple Chips in the Oven

To prepare one serving of chips, we will need: apples - three to four juicy fruit, granulated sugar- 80 grams, water - one glass. We note right away that in each option we use already thoroughly washed and dried fruits, we will not repeat this anymore in this article. So, we are preparing apple chips. The recipe is the following:

  1. We cook syrup from granulated sugar and water.
  2. We remove the core from the apples, trying to make it so that they retain their shape as much as possible.
  3. Now we cut our fruits into thin rings. We leave the peel.
  4. For 15 minutes, pour the sliced ​​\u200b\u200brings with syrup. Then we recline them in a colander or sieve to drain the syrup.
  5. Put in the oven on a baking sheet special paper- to prevent chips from sticking. Lay out the circles on a baking sheet.
  6. We heat the oven and in this state we bake the product for one hour. In the case when you cut the slices not thin, you need to cook for about two hours.

Store chips in an airtight container. eat cooked homemade dish you can with cinnamon, honey, jam, nutmeg.

The second recipe for making chips in the oven. What will be required

Without harm to the figure, such a dish can be safely consumed in the amount of one serving per day. So calmly take them, going for a walk, rest or work. Children who are very attracted to fast food will also like them. Let's cook apple chips in the oven according to a slightly different recipe. Required Ingredients: 160 grams of apples, 80 grams of granulated sugar, 250 ml of mineral water.

Cooking process

  1. Cut out the core of apples big fruit cut into slices, cut into chips.
  2. We dilute sugar with water, wait for it to boil and throw it into a container so that they are soaked. Then we catch them, put them on a grate to drain the liquid.
  3. We line a baking sheet with baking paper and lay out the blanks on it.
  4. We send them to the oven, preheated to a temperature of 110 0 C. If the thickness of the circles is small, then one hour is enough for them. On one side, cook for 30 minutes, turn over and the same thing - on the second. We bake thicker slices for two hours.

So that the apples do not darken, thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bslices should be dipped in a solution of sugar and salt, dried at 70 degrees. Now you know another way to cook apple chips in the oven. The average cooking time is one and a half hours, four servings, 153 kcal - the calorie content of one serving. So fragrant and delicious chips will always be a suitable light snack.

Cooking apple chips with spices

Sometimes there is a desire to eat something low-calorie and unusual, but not sweet. In this case, information on how to make apple chips with spices will come in handy. This delicacy is so delicious that it will never disappear from your foot. It can be eaten even in the evening, after 18:00. For six servings you will need: three green apples, half a lemon, two teaspoons of cinnamon and powdered sugar. You also need inventory: a knife, a baking sheet, a bowl, paper towels, dish, cutlery.

Step by step cooking recipe

Dessert for children

Fragrant and tasty chips perfectly diversify the diet of your children. You will need two servings: 200 grams of apples without a core (two pieces), granulated sugar - 80 grams and 250 ml of sparkling water, apple or plain. Now we are preparing apple chips - a recipe for a dish for children. By the time we need an hour and a half. We cut the core from the fruit and cut them into circles, and as thin as possible. You can use a special grater. Dilute granulated sugar with water and boil, then pour preparations with syrup for 15 minutes. Put them on the grill, let them drain. Preheat the oven to 110 degrees. We spread the circles on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and - in the brazier.

Fry for 30 minutes on each side, turning them over twice. Be careful and careful when doing this, do it quickly, as the chips stick quickly. It is better not to tear off the sticky ones, but send them back to the oven for two minutes, and then turn them over. Simple and delicious mugs Give it to the kids, they'll love it for sure.


Why do most people think chips harmful product? Because in shops and cafes, such food is most often potato slices made with chemistry. But we suggest that you spend a little time and cook apples that will be healthy, harmless to the liver. Such tasty dish you will not be offered a beer in a bar or in a store. After all, no one but yourself will worry about your health. In addition, financial resources will be saved, since only home-made apples of sweet and sour varieties will be needed. And see that the selected fruits are not tasteless or cottony, with rotten areas, since the result depends on this.

Apple marshmallow marked the beginning of the emergence recipes marshmallows - a sweet dessert consisting of dried fruit pulp. Real marshmallow from apples at home are made from applesauce and dry in an oven.

For the preparation of marshmallows at home, fallen from a tree, substandard sweet and sour apples- fruits that many housewives consider already unsuitable for processing, harvesting for the winter.

Pasta is made from fresh apples, plums, cherries, currants, use fruit or berry pomace from a juicer to make homemade apple sweets.

Pastila is delicious natural dessert. The more you dry thin apple slices in the oven, fruit dryer or in the sun, the longer the product will be stored in winter and the taste of marshmallow will resemble the famous Turkish delight. High content pectin in apples allows you to cook marshmallows at home with and without sugar.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. Not everyone likes the over-dried, thin texture of the classic sun-dried apple marshmallow, here's an easy way to make a sweet apple dessert with sugar in the oven.

How to cook pastille at home? By old recipe apple marshmallow dried on outdoors within a few days, and after drying, thin plates consisting of apple pulp with sugar are twisted into tubules for harvesting for the winter.

This recipe for apple marshmallows in the oven, with in a simple way cooking, in which the apple mass is prepared with one's own hands at home and slowly dried. Apple marshmallow cooked in the oven turns out to be much softer and more palatable than dried in the classical way.

To prepare marshmallows according to this recipe, special skills are not required, the only thing the culinary specialist should have is free time, because in the oven, apple sweetness does not cook quickly, but for a long time.

Apple Marshmallow Recipe Helps Recycle a large number of home harvest - this is quite relevant in the autumn-summer season, when not one, but several at once bears fruit in the garden or in the country. summer varieties apple trees, autumn or winter.

Ingredients for apple marshmallow in the oven

  • brown granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • fresh apples - 1-1.5 kg;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil.

Recipe for apple marshmallow at home

  1. Washed apples cut into two parts, sharp knife cut out the seed pods.
  2. Then lay the apple halves on a greased baking sheet, cut side up.
  3. Next, place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180-200 ° C and bake the pieces until soft.
  4. We take out, we cool. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon into a bowl. We throw away the peel, we will no longer need it.
  5. After that we mix apple pulp, sugar and beat with a blender.
  6. Then add to the resulting puree egg white and beat until creamy lush mass, approximately 10 minutes. The yolk can be used to brush the tops of pies.
  7. Then, using a spatula or spoon, spread the resulting mixture into a baking sheet lined with baking paper in an even layer of 3-4 cm.
  8. Then we place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 80-90 ° C for 4-5 hours. We check the readiness as follows: we separate the tip of the paper from the baked mass, if nothing sticks, and the marshmallow separates well, this means that it can be removed.

Ready apple marshmallow cut into pieces, sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired. We serve dessert to the table or put it in dry jars for storage for the winter.

Step 1: Slice the apples.

Wash the apples thoroughly in water and cut out the stem. Next, cut the apples into thin round plates, while removing the seeds. In order to make it more convenient to cut apples, you can use a simple vegetable peeler. In this case, the plates will turn out even thinner than with a knife, and, therefore, our chips will cook faster. Next, lay them out on paper towels and soak a little from excess moisture. Next, put the apples in a bowl and sprinkle lemon juice, which is squeezed out of half a lemon. Stir the apples so that the juice is evenly distributed.

Step 2: Sprinkle apples with spice mixture. .

We cover the baking sheet parchment paper. We spread apple slices on it in one layer. In a bowl, mix cinnamon with powdered sugar. In order to cook powdered sugar, you need to grind 1 tablespoon of sugar in a coffee grinder or crush it in a mortar. If you do not use sugar for any reason, then we use only cinnamon. Sprinkle apple chips with this spice mixture.

Step 3: Cooking apple chips in the oven.

Preheating the oven up to 70 degrees. We send a baking sheet with apples to the brazier and simmer the chips 2-3 hours. It all depends on the thickness of the apple plates. The readiness of the chips is determined by appearance apples. They should change in shape: bend, and also brown. These chips should taste crispy. But be careful not to burn them!

Step 4: Serve the apple chips with spices.

Beautiful and healthy dish can be consumed with tea or taken with you as a quick and convenient snack. Often I “burst” them with honey - in this form they are simply unforgettable. And children treat such chips with special love, especially if you use bright Easter powders for their preparation. Bon appetit and keep yourself in good shape!

To cut cooking time in half apple chips simmer x in the microwave.

You can use a variety of spices for chips: poppy seeds, sesame seeds, Easter powders and others. It all depends on your individual preferences and, of course, imagination. Experiment!

remember, that temperature regime cooking chips in the oven is a very strict moment. Don't try to speed up cooking by increasing the heat. In this case, you will simply burn the apples, not cook them. Have a little patience and you will succeed!
