
Real pasta recipe. Pastila from apples

Cooking knows many methods of making marshmallow: recipes passed down from generation to generation, author's methods and new dishes adapted to a particular locality. A very tasty homemade dessert is based on the same ingredients: apples, egg whites and sugar or its equivalent.

The main components are:

  • Sugar or its substitute.
  • Pectin or agar-agar.
  • Fruit puree.
  • Drinking water.

Useful substances of sweets make it a valuable source of vitamins. Marshmallow is prepared at home at a high temperature, which will wash the mineral substances not to disintegrate, but to remain in a form convenient for assimilation. The product is enriched with calcium and magnesium, which has a positive effect on the condition of bones, hair and skin. There are no fats in marshmallow, it is perfectly processed and absorbed, nourishes the body with useful substances and supplies the brain with glucose, improves memory and increases vitality.

Pectin removes toxins, strengthens the immune system and restores the microclimate in the intestines. Apples are an iron-containing fruit, and there is plenty of this substance in marshmallow to increase hemoglobin. There are also contraindications: allergic reactions, obesity and weight gain with uncontrolled consumption, it is impossible for diabetics if it is made on the basis of sugar.

Recipe for classic Belev pastille

The homeland of Belev pastila is the Tula region. The recipe was invented 150 years ago. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that only one variety of apples is used in the production - "Antonovka", with fine sourness, delicate taste and amazing intense aroma.

The recipe is simple and requires few ingredients. However, it takes a lot of time to prepare, but the result pleases with the look and taste. Most of the minutes spent are spent on drying the dish and bringing it to a ready state, so the intervention of the cook is minimal here, but do not forget about checking the product in the oven when baking.


Servings: 20

  • Apples "Antonovka" 2 kg
  • chicken proteins 2 pcs
  • sugar 200 g

per serving

Calories: 72 kcal

Proteins: 0.6 g

Fats: 0.4 g

Carbohydrates: 16.1 g

5 o'clock 30 min. Video recipe Print

    Rinse whole apples, remove seeds and stems. Leave the peel - it will go away in the process of rubbing the fruit.

    Put the parts of the apples in a specially prepared container and bake at a temperature of 180 ° C until they “float”. Then wipe with a sieve.

    Carefully pour 1⁄2 of a glass of sugar into the resulting mass and beat the mixture with a whisk or brander.

    Whisk the whites. While adding the remaining sugar, pour in a spoonful and continue stirring. Readiness can be judged by the elasticity of the resulting mass, the so-called "hard peaks". The volume will at least double.

    Having set aside 2-3 tablespoons from the whipped proteins, enter applesauce into the bulk of them with gentle movements.

    Cover the baking sheet with baking paper or use a special silicone (Teflon) mat. Spread the mixture in a thin layer.

    To dry with the door ajar, keep the composition for 7 hours at a temperature of 100 ° C.

    Cut the mass into 4 parts, grease with the remaining protein mixture and spread out one under the other. Send to the oven for 2 hours.

    Remove after a while and enjoy the taste and aroma of the finished product.

Belevskaya pastila without sugar


  • 1 kg apples Antonovka;
  • To taste - honey.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the fruits and make jam using honey. Pass the fruits through a meat grinder, stew until soft and beat with a blender.
  2. It will take 2 to 3 hours to extinguish. Remove the mixture when the apples are quite soft. If the fruits are dry, add a little water. Cook in a thick pot.
  3. After thickening, dry the mass. To do this, put parchment paper on a baking sheet, coat it with refined sunflower oil and pour a thin layer (7-8 mm) of apple jam.
  4. Open the oven door. Dry at 100°C for 4 hours. When the jam stops sticking, it is ready.
  5. After cooling, turn the marshmallow together with parchment paper, moisten with water and leave for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the sheet, cut the dish into rectangular pieces with a knife and roll them into tubes.
  7. Pastila is stored longer without adding sugar.

Videos cooking

How to make apple marshmallow in a slow cooker


  • Sweeter apples - 1 kg;
  • Natural honey - one tablespoon;
  • Water - 2-3 tablespoons.


  1. Peel the apples, cut into slices, place in a multicooker bowl, add water.
  2. Simmer for 40 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
  3. At the end of the process, drain the juice and leave the contents to cool with the bowl.
  4. Transfer the mass to a blender, add honey, grind to a puree consistency.
  5. Dry the resulting jam in the oven or on the windowsill until cooked.

How to cook pasta in the oven

  1. Peel the apples in an amount that will fit in a 5 liter saucepan.
  2. Pour in 1 cup of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar or honey.
  4. Boil until the consistency of porridge, then chop with a blender and cook until thickened.
  5. Remove the mass from the fire and cool.
  6. Lay the apples on a baking sheet with parchment in a layer no more than 0.5 cm thick.
  7. Turn on the top and bottom heating in the oven (ideally, the "Convection" mode), set the temperature from 80 to 90 ° C. Attention! Open the oven door slightly.
  8. Dry 3-4 hours. If you lower the temperature to 50 - 60 ° C, the cooking time will increase by 1 - 2 hours, but more nutrients will remain in the delicacy.
  9. If the cutlery does not stick to the marshmallow, then the dish is ready.
  10. Cool and cut into several pieces, then roll into a tube.

Homemade pastille in the dryer


  • Apples - 2 kg;
  • Beet sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • Cinnamon to taste.


  1. Peel the apples and chop in any way possible (with a blender, a combine on a grater with small holes). Add sugar and cinnamon, mix ingredients.
  2. Dry the resulting mass in the oven. Grease parchment paper with vegetable oil, lay out a thin layer of applesauce.
  3. Set the maximum temperature, move the baking sheet from tier to tier every hour.
  4. Cooking time from 6 to 9 hours, depending on the variety of apples and the technical features of the dryer.
  5. When finished, roll up the marshmallow or cut into pieces.


Calorie marshmallow

People who control weight or are at the stage of its reduction are worried about the caloric content of the diet. Remember, the energy value of home-made marshmallow is different from the store-bought one - there are more calories in homemade.

For dieters, a glue-type product, which is prepared using agar-agar, will be useful:

  • Gelatin substitute has a low calorie content.
  • A mixture of agarose and agaropectin polysaccharides increases the body's immune defense against viruses and bacteria.
  • An extract from red and brown algae helps to remove toxins, harmful substances and toxins.
  • Agar-agar improves peristalsis, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The cost of glue-type marshmallows on the market is higher than usual, but the low calorie content makes it dietary.

There are several tips that will make marshmallow an unforgettable treat.

  • Choose ripe, sweet and juicy fruits for cooking.
  • Add sugar only if the fruits are sour.
  • Please note that coarsely mashed fruit produces a denser marshmallow.
  • To prevent the product from sticking to a sheet of parchment, grease it with vegetable oil.
  • Overripe fruits are great for making a thick puree.
  • Spread the mixture in the center in a thicker layer than at the edges.
  • One tray requires half a glass of applesauce.
  • The marshmallow is ready when it doesn't stick to your hands or cutlery. However, the rule is not true for all fruits.

Like all products, pastille has contraindications, but the benefits are much greater. If you are moderate in desires and carefully read the contraindications, the use of goodies will become safe and enjoyable.

Pastila is not just very good, but a great alternative to sweets. If mom and dad want their child to grow up healthy, then it is useful for them to know that factory-made sweets will be an important stumbling block on this path. According to historians, pastila first appeared on the territory of Ancient Rus' in the 14th century. The composition of the old Russian sweets originally included apples and berries, as well as honey. After the sweet and sour mass dried, it became viscous, like toffee. Thus, a rich harvest of apples was never wasted. I must say that the pastille was extremely popular, a little later some new ingredients were added to its composition, other ways of making such a delicacy were invented. In the 16th century, applesauce began to be beaten, combined with egg white. And the result was an air mass of a delicate, creamy shade. In Soviet times, even the industrial production of marshmallow was established. It acted according to a simplified version, and such a store-bought marshmallow looked more like a marshmallow.

How to prepare products for homemade marshmallow?

Preparing products for marshmallows will be elementary simple. It is necessary to wash the fruits or berries, if necessary, they are cut or chopped in a blender.


Optionally, you can add sweetener, juice and nuts with raisins.

How to make apple marshmallow

Where to cook pasta at home

At home, such sweetness is most often cooked in the oven. Such a quick and simple method, alas, causes the destruction of enzymes, as well as vitamins, under the influence of high temperature. There are those who resort to the old, "old-fashioned" way to dry marshmallows on a radiator or in the sun. Then the temperature regime will be preserved, but the problem is that such drying takes too much time, and also lowers the quality of the product due to long contact with a humid environment and oxygen.

The most useful marshmallow is obtained at home through the use of a household dryer. Advanced models of dehydrators allow you to control the temperature with very high accuracy, drying fruits at 45°-60°C. Compared to drying on a battery, here the speed will be several times higher. It is achieved by constant blowing, which provides air circulation, thereby expelling moisture from the chamber.

pastille recipes

Honey is often put into the marshmallow. It is worth noting that rapeseed will be the best. It is he who crystallizes best, and also does not have a very bright, specific smell. By the way, with sugar, as they say, marshmallow is not so tasty. But if you take acacia honey, then the marshmallow may not work at all. That is, the product will dry, but will be soft and sticky. And if, for example, you use buckwheat honey, then it will most likely kill the smell of fruit.

Fruit can be sticky and brittle. For the preparation of marshmallows, it is very important to choose the appropriate raw materials. Based on viscous fruits or berries, like mulberries and cherries, cherries and plums, currants and gooseberries, as well as grapes, marshmallow dries for a long time, and in the end, it still turns out sticky, and its pieces will stick together in a jar. As for vegetables, they are almost all fragile, they dry out very quickly, so it turns out not a marshmallow, but a kind of “chips”. It turns out very tasty marshmallow from tomatoes. It must be prepared without the addition of sweets. Simply chop the tomatoes in a blender, and then dry them like marshmallow.

Fruits are best combined in such a way as to compensate for the excessive viscosity of some with the help of the fragility of others. For example, successful combinations are apples with plums, pears with grapes and apples with cherries. You can also combine apples, cherries and pears, or apricots with cherries or plums. By the way, marshmallow made exclusively from apples is one of the most delicious.

apple marshmallow recipe

Pastila from apples

Take 4-5 green apples, 250 grams of sugar, 1 egg white, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, and powdered sugar for sprinkling. In the preparation of the syrup, 160 grams of sugar and 60 grams of water are used, as well as 8 grams of agar-agar. It is worth noting that agar agar is such a plant analogue, similar to gelatin.

Apples are baked first. If the mass is mashed with a blender, you must first remove the middle and remove the skin. Next, sugar is poured into the puree and everything is mixed. When using vanillin, it is placed at the same time as sugar. Then the egg white is added there and everything is thoroughly whipped. This mass must be dried by laying a thin layer on the surface. Pastila plates are rolled up and stored in this form in a dry, cool place.


Pastila is a tasty and healthy treat. Since a natural product is quite expensive, it makes sense to make it yourself, at home. Moreover, this requires quite familiar ingredients and an oven.

fruit marshmallow

Cooking marshmallow at home: 20 best flavors. Mix and Sushi!

Pastila is a tasty and healthy delicacy, unfairly forgotten in the 20th century, and the recipe for which was taken from the grandmother's chest during the promotion of proper nutrition. Today pastila is at the peak of popularity and the price for it is very high. We offer you to get acquainted with the technique of making marshmallows, as well as with original recipes that will surely surprise you.

How to cook live marshmallow: the easiest recipe

To begin with, you need to understand what pastille is. This is the dry residue from fruit and vegetable mixtures, and sometimes with the addition of yogurt. Until the moment when a lot of household appliances appeared, marshmallows were dried simply in the open air, or in well-drained attics, along with fruit drying and candied fruits.

This technique had a significant drawback - dust, flies and midges, as well as the likelihood of decay if it started to rain and the marshmallow had not yet dried out. Today, with the availability of dehydrators (dryers for vegetables and fruits), as well as ventilated ovens, making marshmallows has become much easier.

Pastila is divided into two types: traditional and so-called live. In the first traditional case, marshmallows can be dried at high temperatures of 50-70 degrees, and for quick preparation, raw materials for marshmallows can be pre-boiled in order to evaporate as much liquid as possible.

Live marshmallow, on the contrary, is dried at 30-45 degrees so that all vitamins are preserved. Let's say right away that live marshmallow is not possible with all products. The most popular live marshmallows are cherry, strawberry, currant, raspberry and citrus.

So, the process of making live marshmallow:

  • We grind the washed berries through a meat grinder, blender or in any other way;
  • If you want to get the perfect consistency - grind through a sieve, if not - skip this point, and seeds and skins will be interspersed in the marshmallow;
  • Add sugar or honey to taste, mix thoroughly;
  • Pour into trays or into a baking sheet lined with siliconized parchment, lubricated with a thin layer of oil, or a baking sleeve (you can not lubricate it with oil) with a layer 0.5 - 1 cm thick;
  • Put in a dryer or oven and set the device to 35-45 degrees for 8-20 hours, depending on the moisture content of the raw material;
  • Readiness is determined simply: the sheets are dense, do not stick to hands, are well separated from the base, do not tear, but do not crack.
  • It remains to remove, twist and cut into the desired pieces.

How to cook traditional pasta?

Traditional pastila is prepared differently:

  • If the base is apples - bake, if the base is pumpkin - cut into pieces and stew in a small amount of water, if the base is berries - add a little sugar and leave for an hour to let the juice go;
  • We always remove the liquid - for this you can either boil it or drain it into a colander (small berries can be thrown into a sieve, then the liquid will go away, but the pulp will remain;
  • We interrupt the pulp with a blender or pass through a fine sieve in a meat grinder. If you want to get a homogeneous mass - grind through a sieve;
  • If you will dry in the oven or on marshmallow trays, skip this point. If you plan to dry in a dryer on sheets of parchment, silicone or a baking sleeve (there will be no sides) - pay attention to the consistency of the puree. If it does not hold its shape and spreads, cook it a little over low heat with the lid open, stirring constantly so that the consistency reaches the level of sour cream;
  • We spread on pallets, baking sheets or parchment sheets with a layer of 0.5-1 cm and set to dry at 35-70 degrees. Please note that the lower the degree, the longer the marshmallow dries, but at a high degree it can “grab” with a crust and not let the liquid out of itself. Thus, it is best to set the average temperature and periodically monitor readiness (not earlier than after 6-8 hours);
  • Ready marshmallow does not stick to hands, can be easily removed from the base and easily rolled into a tube. It remains only to cut the marshmallow and store it in parchment or a jar.

Original pasta recipes

Pastila is made from one ingredient, and sometimes from several. We have collected 20 of the brightest flavors and invite you to cook each of them and choose your favorite flavor!

Original Pasta Recipes:

  • Pastila kiwi + grapes. Sweet and sour taste and translucent structure. For 500 g of grapes, add 2 kiwis. Grind through a sieve so that the skins and bones do not fall into the marshmallow. Dry at 50 degrees;
  • Apple-honey marshmallow with cinnamon. Bake apples, remove the skin, remove the core and rub the pulp on a sieve. For 250 g of apple pulp, add 50 g of liquid honey and 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix thoroughly and pour onto a baking sheet. Dry at 50 degrees for at least 6 hours;

  • Yoghurt-nut. For 1 liter of drinking yogurt, add 300 g of chopped nuts, mix and pour into a tray. Dry at a temperature of 35-40 degrees for at least 12 hours;
  • apple-citrus. Bake apples, grind the pulp through a sieve. We need 200 g of applesauce. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange, send to the apple. Peel the lemon and orange, mash the pulp, send to the apple. Add a bag of vanillin and a few drops of rum or cognac, the alcohol will evaporate, but the aroma will remain. Stir, and put on pallets to dry for 10-15 hours;

  • Strawberry yoghurt. Make strawberry puree, mix 1:1 with thick yogurt, add sugar if desired, mix and send the composition to dry for 10-15 hours at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees, to obtain a "live" marshmallow;
  • Sea buckthorn honey. If you want to raise the immunity of your crumbs - prepare sea buckthorn-honey marshmallow. Preparing is very simple - grind sea buckthorn and add 2: 1 honey, mix and send to dry for 10 hours at a temperature of 40-45 degrees;
  • Kiwi + mint + zucchini. Refreshing marshmallow will appeal to those who refuse chewing gum. The composition is very simple: 300 g of kiwi, 150 g of mint, 200 g of zucchini without skins and seeds. Kill everything into a homogeneous puree and send it to a dehydrator at 35-40 degrees until completely dry;

  • Raspberry cherry. We combine raspberries with pitted cherries, mash into mashed potatoes and boil until the mixture thickens to a sour cream state. Pour onto pallets and dry at a temperature of 50-60 degrees until completely dry. If you want to get a "live" marshmallow - do not boil and dry at 40 degrees;
  • Cowberry-ginger. For 500 g of pureed cranberries, add 70 g of chopped fresh ginger root and 200 g of honey. Mix and send to pallets for marshmallows for drying at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. Due to the juiciness of lingonberries, marshmallows can dry for several days;
  • With the aroma of mulled wine. This is a complex composition, but the result will please you. So, we take 400 g of apple-apricot puree (bake apples, steam apricots for 10 minutes) and add 200 g of fresh cherry puree, as well as 50 g of lemon-orange zest, a pinch of salt and 5 tablespoons of sugar. As well as ground spices: 50 g of fresh grated ginger and to taste - cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, allspice and nutmeg. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly and let stand for 15 minutes. Then pour into trays and dry until completely dry;

  • Pear-apple. We bake ripe pears with green apples and grind. Add 2-3 tablespoons of honey per 200 g of puree, mix and spread on pallets. Dry at 50 degrees for about 8 hours;
  • Mango honey. Delicious exotic marshmallow, for those who are already accustomed to marshmallow and are looking for variety. For 2 mangoes we take 3 bananas, peel and grind into puree, add a couple of tablespoons of honey, mix and send to dry on pallets;
  • Plum honey. Ripe, sweet large plums (500 g) are cleaned, mashed and add dry lemon zest (50 g) and 5 tablespoons of honey. We mix everything and send it to the dryer. The plum dries for a long time, maybe several days, but the taste will please;
  • Banana-pineapple. For one medium-sized pineapple, we need 2 kg of bananas. We clean, grind the pulp in a blender and add a spoonful of brandy or cognac for flavor. Mix and send to the dryer for 5-8 hours at 45-50 degrees, depending on the layer;

  • Grape and plum. Plum in the company of grapes opens in a new way, and makes you feel the sweet and sour notes. For the composition, we need 500 g of grapes and 600 g of pitted plums. We grind everything and grind through a sieve, for an ideal substance. No sugar! We send it to the dryer for 12-20 hours, depending on the juiciness of the berries;
  • Honey pear. We bake a pear, grind the pulp and add 150 g of honey for 500 g of pulp, and a teaspoon without a slide of fragrant cinnamon. We mix and let stand for 20 minutes, mix again and only then send it to dry on pallets;
  • Pumpkin honey with apple. You can cook this marshmallow all year round, because fresh pumpkin is perfectly preserved. And believe me, the aroma will be amazing! So, we stew the pumpkin, and bake the apples. Drain the excess liquid from the pumpkin and mash it into a puree, weigh 300 g. Grind the apples into a puree and weigh 200 g. Add 200 g of honey and mix, add a drop of rum if desired. Dry on pallets at 50 degrees for 8-10 hours;

  • Berry mix. This is a real treat of flavors! 100 g cherries, 150 g raspberries, 150 g strawberries, 100 kg cranberries, 150 g blueberries, 100 g gooseberries. Kill everything in fresh puree and dry for a day at a temperature of 35-40 degrees;
  • Pumpkin-carrot with nuts. Cut the pumpkin and carrot into large pieces, send to the pan by adding a little water. Simmer until done. Smash into puree and add chopped nuts, mix and lay out to dry. Dry at 50-60 degrees for 9-10 hours;
  • Carrot-apple with cinnamon. Add 150 g of apple puree to 250 g of carrot puree, send a spoonful of honey to them to reveal the aroma. Also add a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom. Put on pallets and dry for 10 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees.

And this is only a small part of marshmallow recipes, because it can be prepared from almost all fruits and vegetables! Do you know the unusual taste? Share in the comments.

Video: Pastila. Homemade fruit and vegetable marshmallow, a very tasty and healthy treat!

The history of world cuisine knows thousands of recipes for sweet dishes and desserts. There are author's, invented by modern confectioners, and traditional, characteristic of a particular country, area. Pastila is a dish based on apples, egg whites and sugar. Three simple ingredients help create not only a delicious, but also a very healthy dish.

Fruit marshmallow is a healthy sweet that will suit both losing weight girls and small children. Pastila is made only from fruits and berries, with little or no added sugar. This is the case when sweet is not only not harmful, but also useful. After all, all the benefits of vitamin, trace elements and fruit fiber remain.

Pastila can be purchased ready-made. Now this delicacy is very popular and you can buy it not only in specialized stores, but also in any supermarket. And you can cook on your own. This is done very simply and quickly enough, and the cost of homemade marshmallow will be several times lower.

How to cook apple marshmallow at home - photo recipe

To make marshmallow, you only need apples, berries such as cranberries and a little sugar. First you need to make the base - a thick fruit and berry puree. The basis must necessarily contain berries or fruits rich in pectin, not watery, such as apples or plums. But as a flavoring additive, you can use absolutely any berries to your taste.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 23 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • Apples, berries: 1 kg
  • Sugar: to taste

Cooking instructions

    To make puree, peel the apples from the skin, clean the insides. Cut apples into small pieces and place in a bowl.

    If the berries have a rough skin or seeds, then it is better to rub them through a sieve so that only tender berry puree gets into the marshmallow. To do this, first grind the berries in a blender or meat grinder.

    Then rub this mass through a sieve.

    The cake will remain in the sieve, and a homogeneous puree will fall into the pan with apples.

    Add some sugar.

    Without adding water, cook apples with berry puree over low heat until soft.

    Grind the contents of the pan until smooth. If you used juicy berries, then boil a little mashed potatoes until thick.

    Line a baking sheet with parchment. The quality of the parchment is of key importance. If you are not sure about it, grease the parchment with a small amount of vegetable oil.

    Put the fruit mass on parchment and spread evenly over the entire area. The thickness of the fruit layer should be only a few millimeters, then the marshmallow dries quickly.

    Put the baking sheet in the oven, turn on at 50-70 degrees for 20 minutes. Then turn off, open the oven. After a few hours, repeat the warm-up. As a result, you need to dry the mass to the point where it becomes a single layer and will not break and tear.

    You can check this by lifting the corner. The marshmallow should easily come off in a single layer. Usually in 1-2 days the pastille dries up to readiness.

    When the marshmallow dries, cut it into convenient size sheets right on the parchment.

    Homemade Belevsky pastille - a classic recipe

    Belevskaya pastila has been one of the hallmarks of the Tula region for the past one hundred and fifty years. For its preparation, only Antonov apples are used, which give the finished dessert a surprisingly delicate taste with a slight sourness and aroma.

    The proposed recipe contains a small amount of ingredients, the cooking process is simple, but takes quite a lot of time. Fortunately, time is needed to dry the marshmallow, bringing it to the desired condition, the participation of the cook is practically not required. Sometimes she will need to go to the oven to see how the process goes and not miss the moment of readiness.


  • Apples (Antonovka variety) - 1.5-2 kg.
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Antonov apples must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of stalks and seeds. Peeling is optional as the applesauce will still need to be passed through a sieve.
  2. Put the apples in a refractory container, put in the oven, heated to a temperature of 170-180 degrees. As soon as the apples "float", remove from the oven, pass through a sieve.
  3. Add half the norm of granulated sugar to the apple mass. Beat with a whisk or blender.
  4. In a separate container, using a mixer, beat the whites with sugar, first only the whites, then, continuing to beat, add sugar in a spoonful (the second half). The protein should increase in volume several times, readiness is determined, as the housewives say, by “hard peaks” (protein slides do not blur).
  5. Set aside 2-3 tablespoons of whipped protein, mix the rest of the mass into applesauce.
  6. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, on it with a sufficiently thin layer, send to the oven to dry. The oven temperature is 100 degrees, the drying time is about 7 hours, the door must be ajar.
  7. After that, carefully separate the marshmallow from the paper, cut it into 4 parts, coat with the remaining protein, fold the layers on top of each other and put them in the oven again, this time for 2 hours.
  8. The marshmallow turns out to be very light, fragrant, stored for a long time (unless, of course, you hide it from the household).

Recipe for Kolomna pastila

Kolomna, according to various archival sources, is the birthplace of marshmallow. For several centuries, it was produced in fairly large volumes, sold in various regions of the Russian Empire and abroad. Then the production died down, the traditions were almost lost, and only at the end of the 20th century Kolomna confectioners restored recipes and technologies. You can cook Kolomna pastila at home.


  • Apples (best of all sour, autumn, like Antonov) - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Chicken protein - from 2 eggs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The rules are almost the same as in the previous recipe. Wash apples, pat dry with paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  2. Remove the core in each, put on a baking sheet (previously lined with parchment or foil). Bake until softened, be careful not to burn.
  3. Take out the apple pulp with a spoon, you can rub it through a sieve, so you get more puree. It needs to be squeezed out, you can use a colander and gauze, the less juice remains in the puree, the sooner the drying process will take place.
  4. Whisk the applesauce into a fluffy mass, gradually adding sugar (or powdered sugar). Separately, beat the whites with half the norm of sugar, carefully combine together with the apple mass.
  5. A baking sheet with high sides, cover with foil, lay out the mass, put in the oven to dry (for 6-7 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees).
  6. The finished dish should be sprinkled with powdered sugar, cut into portioned squares, carefully shifted to a dish. You can invite your family for a tasting!

How to make marshmallow without sugar

Some housewives make sure that the dishes for their beloved household are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is for such cases that the recipe for apple marshmallow without sugar is suitable. Of course, this option cannot be called a classic, but this recipe is an outlet for dessert lovers who track the calorie content of dishes and strive to lose weight.


  • Apples (Antonovka variety) - 1 kg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Wash the apples, dry them with a paper or ordinary cotton towel, cut into 4 parts. Remove stem, seeds.
  2. Put on a small fire, simmer, with the help of a submersible blender, grind the “floated” apples into puree.
  3. The resulting puree must be passed through a sieve to remove the apple peel and seeds. Beat with a mixer (blender) until fluffy.
  4. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, spread the fragrant apple mass in a fairly thin layer.
  5. Heat up the oven. Lower the temperature to 100 degrees. The drying process lasts at least 6 hours with the door ajar.
  6. But then such a marshmallow can be stored, wrapped in parchment, for a long time, unless, of course, children learn about it.

  1. For marshmallow it is important to choose good apples, ideally Antonov. An important point, applesauce should be well whipped, saturated with air.
  2. Take fresh eggs. Proteins will beat better if they are pre-cooled, then add a grain of salt.
  3. First beat without sugar, then add sugar by a teaspoon or a tablespoon. If you take powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar, the whipping processes will be faster and easier.
  4. Pastila can be prepared only from apples or from apples and berries. Any forest or garden berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries) must first be stewed, rubbed through a sieve, mixed with applesauce.

Pastila does not require many products, only a lot of time. And then, the drying process takes place without human intervention. Just half a day of waiting and a delicious delicacy is ready.

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