
Quick and delicious cake. Recipe for a classic cupcake with a step-by-step photo at home

Among all the variety home baking cupcakes occupy one of the most honorable places. This is explained by many factors. For example, the variety offered by cupcake recipes allows almost everyone to cook something exactly to their taste. In addition, it captivates how easy cupcakes are to prepare in molds - just spread the dough over them and put them to bake. No tedious rolling out of dough and cutting out figures, but, as you can see for yourself by looking at the proposed recipes for cupcakes with photos, such pastries are worthy not only of everyday, but also of a festive table.
In this section, you can easily learn how to cook chocolate, cottage cheese, banana muffins, and besides, no one will stop you from experimenting with fillings on your own and cooking, for example, not just traditional cupcakes with raisins, but something special, festive and beautiful. Simple cupcakes should be able to cook every housewife, so that in case of arrival unexpected guests you could surprise them with how to cook a cake in the shortest possible period of time.
Well, for those who have acquired convenient and functional assistants in their kitchen, we will be happy to offer options on how to cook cupcakes in a slow cooker or, in its absence, “figure out” cupcakes in a bread machine. But even for those who are going to organize the preparation of cupcakes in a traditional gas or electric oven, there is nothing to be afraid of: the recipes for cupcakes in molds presented to your attention in this section of the site are described in great detail, starting with the number of ingredients and ending with the time and temperature of baking - everything so that you get delicious cupcakes. And for those who are afraid that pastries will not come out well, we advise you to cook cupcakes in a silicone mold - this is very convenient, especially since cupcake recipes in a mold do not require any exclusive products.


English Christmas cupcake

Ingredients: egg, sugar, butter, cream, flour, baking powder, apple, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, nuts, cognac, seasoning, powdered sugar


- 2 eggs;
- 140 grams of brown sugar;
- 140 grams of butter;
- 50 ml. cream 20%;
- 150 grams of wheat flour;
- 70 grams of almond flour;
- 10 grams of baking powder dough;
- 1 apple;
- 65 grams of dried apricots;
- 65 grams of raisins;
- 30 grams of prunes;
- 50 grams of dates;
- 60 grams of walnuts;
- 100 ml. cognac;
- ground cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, dried ginger;
- powdered sugar.


Chocolate muffins with chocolate chips

Ingredients: flour, cocoa, baking powder, sugar, milk, chocolate, butter, egg

For a cup of coffee or tea, I suggest you bake delicious chocolate muffins with chocolate chips. The recipe is very simple.


- 200 grams of flour,
- 2 tablespoons cocoa,
- half st.l. baking powder,
- 150 grams of sugar,
- 108 grams of milk,
- 100 grams of chocolate,
- 85 grams of butter,
- 1 egg.


Muffins with cocoa

Ingredients: egg, yogurt, flour, cocoa, sugar, soda, baking powder, coffee, butter

Chocolate muffins with cocoa are quick and easy to prepare. I have detailed the recipe for you.


- 2 eggs;
- 150 ml. yogurt;
- 300 grams of flour;
- 100 grams of cocoa;
- 250 grams of sugar;
- 1 tsp soda;
- 1 tsp baking powder;
- 100 ml. coffee;
- 80 grams of butter.


Muffins with raisins

Ingredients: butter, raisins, cognac, sugar, flour, egg, milk, baking powder

There are a lot of muffin recipes. Today I have described for you a simple recipe for my favorite raisin muffins. The baked goods are very tasty.


- 100 grams of butter,
- 75 grams of raisins,
- 2 tablespoons brandy,
- 80 grams of sugar,
- 120 grams of flour,
- 2 eggs,
- one and a half tablespoons milk,
- ¾ tsp baking powder.


Muffins with cottage cheese and banana

Ingredients: banana, cottage cheese, egg, flour, sugar, butter, vanillin, soda, lemon juice, butter

For a cup of tea, I suggest you cook delicious muffins with cottage cheese and banana. The recipe is very simple, so be sure to treat your loved ones to delicious pastries.


- 1 banana,
- 100 grams of cottage cheese,
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup flour
- half a glass of sugar,
- 100 grams of butter,
- 2 pinches of vanilla sugar,
- half tsp soda,
- 1 tsp lemon juice,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil.


Muffins with milk in silicone molds

Ingredients: flour, butter, milk, egg, sugar, baking powder, vanilla sugar

Muffins are one of those pastries that usually no child can refuse. And adults will be happy to take them to tea or coffee. So watch our master class and be sure to cook delicious muffins with milk!

- 130-140 gr flour;
- 60 gr of butter;
- 5 tablespoons milk;
- 1 egg;
- 4 tablespoons Sahara;
- 1.5 tsp baking powder;
- 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar.


pumpkin muffins

Ingredients: pumpkin, egg, butter, sugar, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, walnut

Pumpkin muffins look very bright, appetizing, and their taste is worthy of only laudatory reviews. We got their recipe from Jamie Oliver, and this is already the key to the success of the dish, right?

- 270 gr of nutmeg pumpkin;
- 2 eggs;
- 110 ml of olive oil;
- 185 grams of cane sugar;
- 285 gr wheat flour;
- 5 grams of ground cinnamon;
- 7 g baking powder for dough;
- 3 grams of table salt;
- 60 gr walnuts.


Easter cupcake "Panettone"

Ingredients: milk, flour, yeast, sugar, margarine, egg, salt, raisins, candied fruits, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, vegetable oil

The Italian Easter cake is called differently: Panettone, but it is also cooked on a rich yeast dough. Also in its composition you will find raisins, candied fruits, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves ... It turns out very tasty and beautiful pastries.
For steam:

- fresh milk- 125 ml;
- premium flour - 90 gr;
- yeast - 15 gr;
- sugar - 1 tbsp.

For test:
- flour - 300 gr;
- creamy margarine- 85 gr;
- egg - 1 pc;
- sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
- salt - 1 pinch;
- raisins - 50 gr;
- candied fruits - 0.25 cups;
- cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
- ground cardamom - 0.25 tsp;
- powdered cloves - 1/6 tsp;
- vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.


carrot cake

Ingredients: carrots, eggs, sugar, flour, salt, baking powder, vegetable oil

This carrot cake you will be cooking often enough. Baking is very juicy and unusually light. Minimum product, maximum benefit.

Products for the recipe:
- one or two carrots,
- two eggs,
- sugar - 150 g,
- flour - 130 g,
- salt - a pinch,
- baking powder - 10 g,
- vegetable oil - 90 ml.


Muffins with chocolate in silicone molds

Ingredients: eggs, chocolate, butter, sugar, flour, baking powder

I suggest you cook very tasty and quick-to-cook muffins with chocolate in a cup of tea. silicone molds. I have described the baking recipe in detail for you.


- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- dark chocolate - 70 grams,
- butter - 70 grams,
- sugar - 100 grams,
- flour - 250 grams,
- baking powder - 1.5 tsp


Easter cupcake

Ingredients: eggs, flour, baking powder, sugar, vegetable oil, milk

Easter baking is always delicious and beautiful. But you shouldn't be limited to one cakes: easter cupcake turns out great too. It is very suitable for Easter table. Try it, you will definitely like it!

- eggs - 3 pcs (1 - for glaze);
- flour - 1 glass;
- baking powder - 1 tsp (or 0.5 tsp soda);
- sugar - 7 tablespoons (2 tbsp for glaze);
- vegetable oil - 30 ml;
- milk - 1/2 cup.


Tangerine cake with chocolate

Ingredients: flour, sugar, eggs, kefir, soda, apple cider vinegar, tangerine, dark chocolate

Almost everyone loves cupcakes. Chocolate also has a lot of fans. Tangerines are the main attribute of the New Year. But even without this holiday, he has many fans. But if these three "ingredients" are combined into one dish, then we will get a masterpiece that almost no one can resist. How to cook such cupcakes, we want to tell you in this recipe.

- 2.5 cups of flour;
- sugar - 130 g;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- fatty kefir - 1.5 cups;
- soda - 1.5 teaspoons;
- apple cider vinegar- 1 teaspoon;
- tangerines - 3 large;
- dark chocolate - 50 g.


pumpkin cupcake

Ingredients: pumpkin, eggs, flour, baking powder, vanillin, sugar, vegetable oil, ground cinnamon

I want to invite you to cook a very tasty unusual pumpkin muffin. The recipe is simple and fairly quick.


- pumpkin - 200 grams,
- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- flour - 1 cup,
- baking powder - one and a half tsp,
- vanillin - a couple of pinches,
- sugar - 150 grams,
- vegetable oil - 100 grams,
- cinnamon - 2 pinches.


Italian Christmas cake or Easter cake Panettone

Ingredients: milk, sugar, eggs, butter, yeast, raisins, candied fruits, olive oil, wheat flour, cardamom, vanilla sugar, nutmeg, salt

- 1 glass of warm milk;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 3 eggs;
- 150 g of butter;
- 30 g fresh yeast;
- 1 glass of raisins and candied fruits;
- 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
- 600-700 g of wheat flour;
- vanilla sugar, cardamom, ground nutmeg;
- a little salt.


Christmas cupcake with dried fruits

Ingredients: flour, baking powder, egg, sugar, butter, orange, cinnamon, coconut, raisin, kumquat, nut, seasoning, jam

The list of ingredients for this Christmas cupcake is long, but be sure to cook it anyway. In our family, cooking for Christmas is already a tradition.


- 210 grams of flour;
- 7 grams of baking powder;
- 2 eggs;
- 180 grams of sugar;
- 150 grams of butter;
- 1 orange;
- 10 grams of orange powder;
- 3 grams of ground cinnamon;
- 20 grams of coconut;
- 100 grams of raisins;
- 50 grams of kumquat;
- 100 grams of walnuts;
- carnation;
- allspice;
- star anise;
- nutmeg;
- apricot jam;
- confectionery topping.

If you want to cook something interesting for tea or coffee, then a cupcake is one of the options. Such baking does not require special ingredients, can be done very quickly and easily. If you take simple cake recipes, then even a novice cook can handle them. Consider the best proven methods for preparing such a dessert in different types equipment (bread makers, microwave ovens, pressure cookers, ovens).

Quick and delicious step by step cupcake recipes

Exists a large number of cupcake options. For some, special shapes are used, for others, it is possible to take a simple mug or ceramic glass. Among the varieties of this type of baking there are cupcakes with banana, carrots, apple muffins or biscuits. Consider the most unusual and simple cupcake recipes.

Cupcake Capital recipe according to GOST

Such Capital Cupcake easy to buy at any bakery store, but cooking at home will give not only enjoyment of the process, but also an excellent result. Such pastries look like a small long loaf of bread with big amount raisins, but its taste is noticeably different from the classic loaf.


  • White sugar - 180 g;
  • Butter natural, from 80% - 180 g.
  • Raisins are small, the smaller the diameter, the better - 180 g.
  • Medium-sized chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • White flour, first grade - 250 g.
  • Vanillin, sugar - according to taste, about half a tsp.
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp.


  1. In a small bowl, beat room temperature butter, sugar, vanilla and salt. For this, it is allowed to use a mixer or a spoon.
  2. Gradually 1 pc. add all the eggs and knead the dough well.
  3. In a separate bowl mix flour, baking powder.
  4. Gradually knead egg dough and cooked flour with baking powder. Blend until you get a smooth, pliable mixture.
  5. Pour raisins into a glass, rinse under running water and pour boiling water. After a few minutes, drain the hot liquid and dry the ingredient on a dry cloth.
  6. Add the raisins to the dough, knead it well for 10-15 minutes until all the berries disperse evenly over the dough.
  7. Put all the dough in a greased form, make a shallow long hole in the center. If there are open raisins, it is better to hide them.
  8. Bake the cake for 1 hour 15-20 minutes at 175 C. To check the readiness, you need to pierce the pastry with a toothpick or a wooden rod.

Chocolate fondant (cake) with liquid filling in the microwave in 5 minutes

If we consider simple cake recipes, then their preparation time should not exceed 10-20 minutes. Such a period is necessary to make an amazing chocolate lava cake with liquid filling. The perfect dish to treat guests, which can be served with a small circle of ice cream, orange pulp.


  • Butter - 150 g.
  • Bitter black chocolate - 230 g.
  • Flour of the first grade - 120 g.
  • Sugar or powder - 55-60 g.
  • Chicken eggs, large - 3 pcs.
  • Vanilla - according to taste.
  • egg yolks- 3 pcs.


  1. You should immediately prepare the molds for cupcakes (grease them with oil and a little chicken with flour).
  2. In a water bath in a small container, you need to dissolve the chocolate with butter. The consistency should be very smooth, like sour cream.
  3. Next, you need to add flour, powdered sugar to the chocolate.
  4. After vigorous mixing, add eggs, yolks, vanilla. At this stage, mix everything completely until a homogeneous mass.
  5. Arrange the dough in baking dishes, put in the microwave for 7-15 minutes, depending on the size of the containers.
  6. The crust of the cake should be baked to 1.5 - 2 cm, the inside will be liquid.
  7. This dessert is recommended to be served warm.

How to make a cake on kefir with raisins in silicone molds

silicone molds Lately very often used caring housewives, because the dough does not stick to them, and the dessert is baked evenly and quickly. Dessert with raisins great option for tea drinking, for receiving long-awaited guests and dear people. Consider a proven and simple cupcake recipe.


  • White sugar - 190 g.
  • Fresh kefir, any fat content - 230 g.
  • Butter - about 180 g.
  • Baking powder - up to 1 tsp.
  • Premium flour - 300-350 g.
  • Large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Large dark raisins - 100 g.


  1. Sift the flour with a sieve so that it gains oxygen.
  2. We sort out the raisins, wash them under running water, pour boiling water over them and dry them on dry napkins.
  3. Melt the butter in a water bath.
  4. In a large bowl, beat eggs, kefir, sugar. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add oil.
  5. Pour baking powder, flour into the resulting liquid. When the dough becomes poorly mixed with a spoon, it is allowed to knead it with your hands.
  6. We distribute the raisins over the dough, for this we rub them a little with flour and add to the mixture.
  7. In each silicone mold, lay out a small circle of dough, which will take up 2/3 of the space in the glass.
  8. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at 180C until done.

A simple recipe for cottage cheese and lemon cake in a bread machine

Lemon curd cake has unusual taste, for this he is loved by many gourmets. IN big restaurants they try to include such a dish in the menu, it is served with sour cream And green tea. Cooking this option in a bread machine is simple, so such a simple cake recipe is recommended even for beginners.


  • Butter - 100 g or margarine - 120 g.
  • Fresh, soft cottage cheese - 220 g.
  • Premium flour - about 220 g.
  • Salt, soda, vanilla - on the edge of a spoon.
  • Baking powder - 1.5-2 tsp, according to the instructions.
  • Sugar - 170 g.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs. small.
  • White raisins - 100 g.
  • Lemon zest - 20-30 g.


  1. Melt the butter over low heat, add eggs to it and mix.
  2. Put cottage cheese into the capacity of the bread machine, then pour in the resulting liquid.
  3. Then add flour, soda, salt, sugar, baking powder.
  4. Install on bread maker special mode"Cupcake" and start baking.
  5. Prepare the zest.
  6. Rinse the raisins and dry them on paper towels. Mix with lemon zest.
  7. After a special signal from the bread machine, add the prepared dried fruits to a special container. Bake until the end of the mode.

How to bake a biscuit cake with condensed milk and sour cream in a slow cooker

The slow cooker becomes an integral part of the work of the hostess who wants to do a lot. This device helps special efforts make unusual delicious masterpiece. The cupcake in the slow cooker turns out to be very tender, lush and tasty. Subject to all the recommendations, each hostess will succeed amazing dish to treat guests. biscuit cupcake on condensed milk served with cocoa, coffee with milk or milkshake.


  • Condensed milk, not boiled - 1 can.
  • Sour cream 15% fat (or fermented baked milk) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Premium flour - 300 g.
  • Soda - about 1 tsp
  • Vegetable or olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • It is allowed to add flavors, essences and flavor enhancers.


  1. In a small container, mix sour cream with soda and wait until the mixture goes out.
  2. Add eggs, butter, condensed milk. We mix everything well.
  3. We put flour in the liquid, stir well until the consistency of sour cream.
  4. Lubricate the multicooker form with oil, pour the dough.
  5. Set the "Baking" mode for 30-40 minutes and go to rest (or prepare a cream for decoration).
  6. After the end of the mode, we take the cake out of the mold, sprinkle with white powder and cool. Decorated pieces of dessert are served with tea!

Delicious muffins with apple and cinnamon in the oven

The advantage of this baking is that you do not need to use a mixer for it. It is worth mixing all the ingredients well with a spoon and the final result will be very good. English apple and cinnamon muffins are very bright taste, so you should not add sweet jam, cream or other addition to them when serving. It is necessary to sprinkle such pastries with powder and enjoy it with tea.


  • Butter - 290 g.
  • White sugar - 290 g.
  • Premium flour - 580 g.
  • Chicken eggs, not very large - 9 pcs.
  • Baking powder - according to the instructions, about 5-6 tsp.
  • Large sweet apples - 3 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp


  1. Remove all ingredients from the refrigerator for 1-2 hours before use.
  2. Mix sugar with butter, add eggs and bring to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add flour and baking powder to the resulting liquid, knead everything well.
  4. We clean the apples from the skin, rub them on a grater, add cinnamon and mix.
  5. We put a little dough in the form, then the filling and cover again with dough. Bake for about 25 minutes at 180 C.

Recipe for marble cake in chocolate icing

This easy cupcake recipe is great for adults and kids alike. Every child will be interested unusual pastries, therefore, with great appetite will eat sweetness. And to vanilla cupcake was even tastier, worth serving with it coffee drink or non-sour yogurt. This type baking can be considered dietary, since its calorie content is extremely low.

Ingredients for a simple cupcake recipe:

  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Vanilla - a pinch.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk (whey) - 100 g.
  • Cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat butter, vanilla and icing sugar until smooth.
  2. Add eggs, flour, milk and mix well.
  3. We divide the dough into 2 parts, into one of which we mix cocoa.
  4. Put both types of dough in a greased form, mix them lightly with a spoon.
  5. Bake at 172-175 C for about 18 minutes. After that we water chocolate icing.

How beautiful to decorate a cupcake

  1. Fruits, berries. Such additions to cupcakes will always be suitable. They are allowed to be placed on the sides, next to the plate or on top of baking. Oranges, bananas, kiwis, cherries, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are often used for decoration. Such fruity additions are not only beautiful, but also add zest to the taste.
  2. Nuts, powdered sugar. These decorations are suitable for pumpkin muffins, honey, curd, lean options. It is worth choosing walnuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts and combine with white or brown powder.
  3. Cream and cream. As such a decoration, white or colorful options. The cream can be butter, custard, cream, or others, depending on the structure and composition of the cake dough.
  4. Images of plants, animals, birds. If the cupcake is intended for children, then it is allowed to decorate it with the most incredible characters and creatures. It can be bunnies, squirrels, owls, hippos, elephants, flowers, trees, leaves. These ornaments are made from boiled vegetables, fruits, multi-colored creams or other ingredients (even mayonnaise).

Video recipes: how to make a simple cupcake at home

If the creation of cupcakes is planned for the first time, then it is worthwhile to involve a good cook. But a simpler method is to do the baking yourself, according to the video instructions. On these videos famous chefs talk about the secrets of creating perfect cupcakes and show everything with a good example. In order for the work to be done perfectly, you should immediately buy all the ingredients that you need, pre-cook them and turn on the video right next to the place of preparation, in the kitchen. Here are the best stories with recommendations for baking cupcakes.

How to make mini cupcakes in paper cups

Carrot muffins from Julia Vysotskaya

Banana cupcakes in a mug

Cranberry muffin with milk without eggs

Light and airy orange cake with poppy seeds

Zebra Air Cake Recipe

The easiest cupcake Hopelessness in a cup in 3 minutes

A simple cake is prepared very quickly and simply, that's why it got its name. Any ingredients you have in the fridge will do the trick. Butter or margarine, eggs (there are recipes without them) and sugar are added to the dough. A simple cupcake can be baked with milk, kefir, sour cream and even mayonnaise. To make the pastry soft and fluffy, you can add a little soda to the dough, and for flavor - vanillin or nutmeg. All of the listed ingredients are included in the basic set for a simple cupcake. And if you add 1-2 additional component, it will turn out a completely different treat. For example, you can add cocoa powder to the dough, and a simple cupcake will turn into chocolate. Take nuts and raisins - get a fragrant classic cupcake to family tea party. Children are very fond of fruit cupcakes, for this, it is enough to put pieces of fruit, zest and candied fruit into the dough of a simple cake. There are a lot of options here.

Plain cupcakes are often used as the base for cakes. To do this, you need to bake an ordinary simple cake, and after the biscuit has cooled, cut it into several cakes. Each cake must be smeared with cream. You can also bake a few small cupcakes, cut them in half and layer with condensed milk, chocolate paste or jam. Simple muffins are most often baked in the oven; a microwave and a slow cooker are also suitable.

Simple cupcake - preparing food and utensils

A simple cake can be baked with a regular mold or silicone molds in the oven. Also, treats can be prepared in the microwave, slow cooker or bread machine. Each hostess chooses the most convenient way baking, depending on what appliances are at home. From the dishes you need to prepare a deep bowl for dough, a sieve and beaker. To whip the ingredients, it is better to use a mixer or blender - this greatly simplifies the process of preparing a simple cake, and the dough itself will turn out much better.

Flour should be pre-sifted. All ingredients (eggs, milk, kefir, sour cream, etc.) must be at room temperature. Butter or margarine should be softened or melted. The filling must be prepared in advance: chop the nuts, sort and rinse the raisins (and steam, if necessary), wash and chop the berries and fruits. If frozen berries are used, they must be thawed and the juice drained.

Simple cupcake recipes:

Recipe 1: Simple Cupcake

A very simple cake that doesn't require a lot of ingredients to make. The cupcake can be served as a treat on its own or used as a biscuit for a cake. If put into dough different ingredients, each time you will get a completely different treat to taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • Butter - 95-110 g;
  • 325-330 g flour;
  • Sugar - 195 g;
  • 110 ml of kefir;
  • 12 g of soda;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

Bring the butter to a soft state, beat with sugar, add vanillin. Pour in kefir, beat in eggs, add flour and a little soda. Beat with a mixer until uniform consistency. If you are baking a simple cake, and not a cake base, you can add dried fruits and any nuts to the dough. We oil the form and fill it with dough. Bake the cake until done (about 40-45 minutes).

Recipe 2: Simple Sour Cream Cake

Another option for making a simple cake is kneading dough with sour cream. Otherwise, almost the same ingredients are used here as in the first recipe. For the filling, raisins with nuts are taken.

Required Ingredients:

  • Margarine - 100-100 g;
  • Sugar - to taste (about a glass);
  • Sour cream - a glass;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 6 g of soda;
  • Vanillin;
  • Raisin;
  • Walnuts;
  • Flour - 210-225 g.

Cooking method:

Sift flour, soften margarine. We chop the walnuts, but not too finely, wash the raisins and steam them in boiling water (if it is too hard). Mix softened margarine with sugar and eggs, add sour cream and flour. Beat everything with a mixer, add vanilla and a little soda. Put nuts and raisins into the dough, mix with a spoon. We grease the form with oil and put the dough there. A simple cake is baked for about 35-45 minutes.

Recipe 3: Simple Cake with Jam

To prepare such small cupcakes with jam, you need to take separate molds. For the dough itself, you only need flour, eggs, butter and sugar. For the filling, you can take any jam or jam.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100-115 g of sugar;
  • Jam or jam;
  • 3 g salt;
  • Odorless vegetable oil - 2.5-3 tablespoons;
  • 135-150 g flour;
  • Baking powder.

Cooking method:

Mix sugar with eggs. Then mix in butter, flour and baking powder. Add salt. Whisk all the ingredients. To make a simple cake with jam softer, you can leave the dough for 20-30 minutes. Lubricate the molds and fill 1/3 with dough, spread a little jam. We spread more dough on top so that the form is filled to 2/3 of the volume. Bake cupcakes in the oven for about half an hour.

Recipe 4: Simple Poppy Cake

Poppy simple cake is cooked in milk. The recipe is so simple that anyone can do it. However, ease of preparation and minimum set ingredients do not affect the quality of the treat. The cake comes out very tasty and flavorful.

Required Ingredients:

  • Sugar - about a glass;
  • 110 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Vanillin;
  • 90-100 ml vegetable oil;
  • Flour - 315-325 g;
  • 9 g baking powder;
  • Poppy - a few spoons;
  • 2 g salt.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with sugar, salt and vanilla. Add milk, vegetable oil, mix vigorously. Add flour, baking powder and poppy seeds. Fill the greased form with dough and put in the oven. Bake until done.

- In order for the cake to rise well, it is advisable to sift the flour. This will enrich it with oxygen and make the dough more structured;

- You need to put the cupcake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees;

- Homemade simple cake should always be baked at an average temperature and at an average level;

- The readiness of the cake is easy to check with a wooden stick. You need to stick it in the most raised place, if the stick comes out dry, then it's time to pull out the cupcake. If it still has raw dough, then the cake has not yet been baked, but the fire in the oven must be reduced;

- If the pastries are difficult to pull out of the mold, you can do the following: put the mold for 5-7 minutes on a wet towel. After that, the cake should be well behind the walls of the dish. You can also help with pulling out with a knife, but you should not do this with silicone molds;

Since every oven is different, the baking time will also be different. The readiness of the cake should be checked periodically, but not every 5-10 minutes;

- If time allows, it is better to leave the dough for 25-30 minutes to “rest”. During this time, all the ingredients will “combine” better, and the dough will become more uniform;

- Remove the cake from the mold only after it has cooled, otherwise part of the baking will remain in the mold.

Cupcakes are considered to be a favorite dessert of many people. Experienced housewives they prefer to cook a delicacy on their own, wanting to comprehend a culinary niche. There are a large number of recipes that we will talk about today.

cottage cheese cake

  • natural liquid yogurt - 75 ml.
  • soft cottage cheese (fat content from 10%) - 210 gr.
  • seedless raisins - 25 gr.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • wheat flour - 115 gr.
  • prunes - 45 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 75 gr.
  • baking powder for dough - 10 gr.
  1. When the cottage cheese has cooled to room temperature, move it to a deep bowl and break one egg. Pound the mass with a fork or whisk, pour in drinking yogurt and stir again.
  2. Sift the flour, mix it with granulated sugar and baking powder for dough. Start slowly adding the mixture while stirring with a fork. If lumps appear, break them on the edge of the container.
  3. Rinse raisins and prunes, pour over dried fruits boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the term, put the ingredients on paper towel and discuss. Chop into small pieces, add to the dough.
  4. Prepare cupcake molds, grease them with vegetable oil or line them parchment paper. Pour the dough into the cells so that the mass rises slightly above half.
  5. Turn on the oven, bring it to a temperature of 180 degrees. Send cupcakes inside, bake them for about half an hour, periodically checking readiness with a fork. When the top becomes ruddy, take out the dessert, cool it at vivo, sprinkle powdered sugar.

Cupcake with currant

  • sour cream - 45 gr.
  • premium wheat flour - 130 gr.
  • beet sugar - 55 gr.
  • black currant fresh or frozen - 60 gr.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • vanillin - 12 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml.
  • baking powder for dough - 13 gr.
  • fine salt - 3 pinches
  1. Due to the fact that the recipe includes berry base, cupcakes don't always come out tall. However, this aspect does not prevent the dessert from having a porous air structure.
  2. Prepare necessary ingredients, defrost currants. If you are using fresh berries, wash them and remove from the branches.
  3. Mix granulated sugar with vanilla, add an egg, beat the mixture with a mixer. When the train rises to thick foam, pour in sour cream and vegetable oil.
  4. Mix baking powder (substitute if desired) slaked soda) with 100 gr. wheat flour. Send these components to the previous composition, knead the dough until smooth.
  5. Sift the remaining 30 gr. flour, roll currants in it, then carefully transfer them to a container with dough. Try not to damage the berries, otherwise you will get porridge.
  6. Prepare cupcake molds, grease them with vegetable oil. Fill each cell with the test, but not to the top. Preheat the oven to 185-190 degrees, send the cupcakes to bake for 20-30 minutes.
  7. After the specified period, turn off the oven, remove the treat, leave to cool at room temperature. Dust the top of the cupcakes with icing sugar or cocoa powder, if desired.

  • premium wheat flour - 155 gr.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 85 gr.
  • condensed milk - 85 gr.
  • baking powder for dough - 14 gr.
  • honey - 75 gr.
  • raisins or dried apricots - 45 gr.
  • butter (66-72%) - 110 gr.
  1. Remove from tin can condensed milk label, send it to a deep saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Put on the stove, cook over medium heat for about 2.5 hours. After the time has elapsed, remove the jar and cool in cold water.
  2. Remove the listed ingredients from the refrigerator in advance, leave them to cool to room temperature. If you are using candied honey, melt it in the microwave or in a water bath first.
  3. Mix butter, boiled condensed milk and sugar into one mass, rub the composition with a fork or whisk. Pour honey in a thin stream, beat with a mixer so that the mass rises 1.5 times.
  4. Add eggs to the composition, beat the cream again into a thick foam. Sift the flour, combine it with the baking powder, start adding to the cream, while stirring with a wooden spatula.
  5. When the dough becomes homogeneous, proceed to the processing of raisins / dried apricots. Pour boiling water over the dried fruits, wait 10 minutes, drain the water and dry with paper towels.
  6. Roll the raisins / dried apricots in flour, pour into ready dough and mix well. Prepare molds by lubricating them with vegetable oil. Fill the cells with mass by 2/3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  7. Send the cupcakes to bake for a quarter of an hour, check the readiness with a toothpick or fork. After baking, cool the dessert to an acceptable temperature, proceed to the tasting.

Chocolate cake

  • flour top grade- 445 gr.
  • kefir (fat content from 3.2%) - 320 ml.
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • nut paste (for example, Nutella) - 65 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 90 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 145 gr.
  • raisins - 75 gr.
  • fine salt (not iodized) - 10 gr.
  • soda - 20 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 65 ml.
  1. Cool kefir to room temperature, break an egg into it and add sugar. Beat the composition with a whisk or mixer so that the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Sift drinking soda through a sieve, do the same with cocoa powder and flour. Pour in listed components to whipped egg mixture mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Pour raisins (can be replaced with dried apricots) hot water, leave for 10 minutes, pull out and dry. Pour it into the dough, mix again.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, prepare cupcake tins. Lubricate each of the cells with vegetable oil, fill the holes halfway.
  5. The baking time is about half an hour. The readiness of the composition can be checked with a toothpick by sticking it in the center of the cake. If the torch is dry, the dessert is ready. Leave the cupcakes to cool, then cover the hat with peanut butter.

  • sour cream with a fat content of 20% - 165 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 145 ml.
  • flour - 210 gr.
  • lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • powdered sugar - 270 gr.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • baking powder for dough - 25 gr.
  1. Substitute sour cream if desired. thick yogurt, taste qualities will not change. The first thing that catches your eye is the amount of powdered sugar. Do not mistakenly believe that there is a lot of it, do not reduce the amount. Otherwise, the dessert will turn out sour.
  2. mix chicken eggs and powdered sugar (200 gr.), pour sunflower oil and sour cream, beat with a mixer. Remove the zest from the lemons, grate, add to the previous mass. Pour in 50 ml. lemon juice, stir.
  3. Sift flour and baking powder, mix them together, add to the beaten egg mass. You will eventually succeed batter. Grease the mold and fill them just above half.
  4. Turn on the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees, heat for 20 minutes. Send the cupcakes to bake for 45 minutes, determine the readiness with a toothpick.
  5. Start making syrup. Mix 70 gr. powdered sugar with 30 ml. lemon juice. When the cupcakes have cooled to room temperature, grease the caps with the prepared mass, leave to soak for half an hour.

Rosemary Cupcake

  • fresh rosemary - 35 gr.
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 145 gr.
  • baking powder - 25 gr.
  • flour - 225 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 65 gr.
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  1. Mix granulated sugar with salt, pour into a deep bowl and break eggs into them. Start whisking vigorously with a whisk or mixer, then add vegetable oil in parallel.
  2. Sift the baking powder and flour, add the ingredients in small portions to eggs. cut rosemary needles small pieces, add to the dough and mix well until smooth.
  3. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, pour the dough into the cavity, bake at 175-180 degrees for half an hour. To test readiness, stick a toothpick inside the cake, then pull it out. The torch should come out dry. Cool the pastry, cut into portions.

  • premium flour - 210 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 155 gr.
  • butter - 215 gr.
  • baking powder - 15 gr.
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • cocoa - 30 gr.
  • vanillin - 12 gr.
  • pitted cherries - 180 gr.
  1. Cut the butter into cubes, put in a bowl and melt in a water / steam bath. Remove the composition from the heat, add sugar, beat with a mixer until creamy.
  2. In another bowl, mix chicken eggs with vanilla, beat with a mixer for 3 minutes. Pour in the resulting cream, beat for another 2 minutes.
  3. Sift flour, combine with baking powder for dough, mix with a fork until smooth. Start pouring the flour into the whipped cream in portions, do not allow lumps to appear.
  4. You will eventually succeed air dough, divide it into 2 parts (we will use the first one now). Lubricate silicone or tin molds with oil, put cream in them with a teaspoon, filling the cell by 2/3.
  5. Place cherries in the middle, white muffins are ready to bake. Pour the sifted cocoa powder into the second part of the dough, mix with a whisk until smooth. Fill in the rest of the cells chocolate cream, also insert a cherry in the center.
  6. Preheat the oven to 185 degrees, send the cupcakes to bake. Duration heat treatment varies within 25-35 minutes, determine the readiness with a toothpick. After the expiration date, cool the dessert and start eating.

Cupcake with raisins

  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • butter - 175 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 175 gr.
  • seedless raisins - 185 gr.
  • flour - 365 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 4 gr.
  • powdered sugar - for decoration
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  • baking powder - 7 gr.
  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature for 4 hours. After the expiration of the period, knead it with a fork, add vanillin and granulated sugar, beat with a mixer for half a minute.
  2. Break the eggs into another bowl, beat them and add to the butter. Wash and dry the raisins, send them to the dough, mix everything thoroughly and beat again.
  3. Sift flour, combine with salt and baking powder. Divide the loose mixture into 2-3 parts to add it in portions. Otherwise, the mixer will have a hard time working.
  4. Pour the first part of the flour into creamy mixture, whip up. Perform manipulations with the other two sections. You will be very thick dough which is difficult to mix.
  5. Lubricate the form with oil, put the dough with a tablespoon. Make an incision in the center so that the cupcake bursts in the right place. Bake at 180 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

  • baking powder - 20 gr.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • frozen or fresh strawberries - 165 gr.
  • sugar - 160 gr.
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  • sour cream - 90 gr.
  • butter - 110 gr.
  • flour - 185 gr.
  • fresh orange peel - 40 gr.
  1. Leave sour cream and butter at room temperature for 3 hours. Combine sugar with chicken eggs, beat with a mixer or whisk. The mass should rise twice and become whitish. Continue beating while adding sour cream and melted butter.
  2. Grate orange peel, add to the test. Sift baking powder and flour, add salt. Mix the ingredients with a fork, whisk or mixer. You should get custard cream.
  3. Prepare a silicone or tin mold, grease with vegetable oil. Pour the finished dough into the container. Cut the strawberries into 2 parts, put the berries on top of the dough and sprinkle with granulated sugar.
  4. Send the dessert to bake for 1 hour at a temperature of 180-185 degrees, check the readiness with a toothpick. After cooking, cool the cake, remove it from the mold, cut into portioned pieces.

orange cupcake

  • salt - 1 pinch
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • dark chocolate - 85 gr.
  • sugar - 175 gr.
  • baking powder - 15 gr.
  • butter - 145 gr.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • milk (fat content from 3.2%) - 145 ml.
  • premium flour - 290 gr.
  1. Soften the butter at room temperature, rub it with salt and granulated sugar. Add eggs, beat with a whisk. Sift flour and baking powder, mix thoroughly.
  2. Cool the milk, pour it in a thin stream and stir at the same time so that there are no lumps. Divide the resulting mass into 2 equal sections. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, mix it with the first part.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the orange, pour in 55 ml. in the second part, grate the zest of the fruit and also add it to the dough. Mix well with a fork. You will end up with chocolate and orange layers.
  4. Line a cake tin with parchment paper or grease with vegetable oil. Scoop up a tablespoon of each type of dough and put it in the cells one by one so that the cupcake is baked in different colors.
  5. The duration of baking is 1 hour, the temperature is 180 degrees. To check the doneness of the product, dip a toothpick into the cupcake, then remove it. The surface must be dry. Cool the dessert, sprinkle with powdered sugar (optional).

Homemade cupcake recipes have spread all over the world and are firmly rooted in many countries. Flour delicacies are prepared on the basis of biscuit or curd dough. Often added to cupcakes seasonal berries and fruits, chocolate, nuts, candied fruits. Vary the proportions at your discretion, experiment with the filling.

Video: how to make cupcakes

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What could be nicer than starting the morning with coffee and a delicious muffin that looks so appetizing? Especially when you consider that there are many different amazing and simple recipes those little pleasures.

Editorial website wants to make the morning (and maybe afternoon or evening) of each of you a little sweeter. To do this, we have chosen the most cool recipes cupcakes that you will definitely want to cook.

Coconut muffins with chocolate filling

You will need:

  • coconut flakes - 100 g
  • butter - 150 g
  • milk - 200 ml
  • wheat flour - 350 g
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 100 g
  • dark chocolate - 150 g
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • almond flakes for decoration


  1. For the dough, first combine chicken eggs with sugar.
  2. Beat them until white and add a lot soft butter and milk. We mix.
  3. We pour coconut flakes, mix. Now we introduce the sifted flour with baking powder.
  4. We line the muffin molds with paper capsules and put one tablespoon of dough into each. Then put on a piece of chocolate.
  5. Cover the chocolate with a tablespoon of batter. Place the muffins in a preheated oven to bake for 20 minutes at 200 ºC.
  6. Decorate muffins with almond flakes.

Cupcakes "Tiramisu"

You will need:

For test:

  • flour - 1 ½ cups
  • butter - 100 g
  • sugar - 160 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • salt - a pinch
  • baking powder - 1 ½ tsp
  • milk - 200 ml
  • vanillin - 2 g

For cream:

  • mascarpone - 250 g
  • cream 33-35% - 150 g
  • powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin - 2 g
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

For impregnation:

  • freshly brewed coffee
  • rum - 2 tbsp. l


  1. Beat butter with sugar, salt and vanilla. Add eggs one by one. Then add milk and flour with baking powder. Part milk, part flour, then milk again and finish with flour. Whisk.
  2. Put the dough into paper molds 2/3 of the height. Bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC for about 25 minutes. Readiness to check with a skewer.
  3. While cupcakes are baking, brew coffee and let cool. As soon as the cupcakes are baked, without removing them from the mold, we make punctures of 10-12 pieces in each.
  4. Soak cupcakes with coffee. You can use a teaspoon or brush. Impregnation do not spare.
  5. Then let the cupcakes cool completely.
  6. Cooking cream. To do this, beat the mascarpone. Separately, beat the cream with powdered sugar and vanilla.
  7. Gently mix in the mascarpone and cream. By using pastry bag put the cream on the cake. Sprinkle cocoa on top of cupcakes.

Red Velvet Cupcakes

You will need:

  • 150 g sugar
  • 150 g wheat flour
  • 100 ml milk
  • 100 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa
  • 1 st. l. red food coloring
  • 1 st. l. vinegar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • vanilla sugar or vanillin
  • a pinch of salt
  • powdered sugar for decoration


  1. Oil and egg must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance - they must be at room temperature.
  2. Mix soft butter with sugar and vanilla sugar(vanillin).
  3. Beat the mass until it brightens and becomes more airy.
  4. Then beat the egg into the butter and beat again until smooth at low speed. The result should be a creamy base for the dough.
  5. In a separate bowl, mix milk, vinegar, food coloring. Mix together flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt.
  6. Pour a third of the flour mixture into the butter-egg base and gently fold in. Then pour in a third of the milk with dye and stir until combined.
  7. Alternating in the same way, enter all the flour and milk. At the end, when all the ingredients are combined, you can again beat the dough a little with a mixer at low speed to break up any lumps.
  8. Put in a cupcake mold paper tartlets and fill them with dough no more than two-thirds.
  9. Bake cupcakes at 170ºC for 20-25 minutes. When baking cupcakes, it is important not to exceed this temperature, otherwise the dough will not be so tender.
  10. Remove the finished cupcakes from the mold and sprinkle with half of the powdered sugar, and when they have cooled, sprinkle on top again. This will create a soft, sweet crust on the surface.

Cupcakes with nutella and nuts

You will need:

  • butter - 50 g
  • nuts (any to your taste) - 100 g
  • flour - 300 g
  • baking powder - 1 hour. l.
  • cocoa - 50 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • nutella - 200 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 150 g
  • vanillin
  • half a glass of milk


  1. Combine sugar, cocoa, salt, chopped nuts and flour.
  2. Butter (pre-melt and cool), nutella, egg, sour cream, vanilla and milk mix thoroughly.
  3. While whisking, pour the mixture into the dry ingredients, pour the resulting dough into molds by 3/4.
  4. Bake at 180 ºC for 20-25 minutes. Decorate with nuts 10 minutes before cooking.

Blueberry muffins with curd cream

You will need:

For test:

  • 300 g flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 150 g butter at room temperature
  • 200 g sugar
  • 3 large eggs, room temperature
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp. fresh blueberries and 1 tbsp. blueberries for decoration

For cream:

  • 2 packs Philadelphia cream cheese
  • 300 g butter
  • 250 g powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract .


  1. Preheat oven to 175°C. Place paper cups in a muffin tin.
  2. Wash blueberries and dry a little. Before adding to the dough, add a spoonful of flour and roll the blueberries in it.
  3. Combine flour, starch, baking powder and salt together. Beat butter and sugar with a mixer on high speed until white and fluffy.
  4. Add eggs one at a time, beating a few minutes after each addition. Add vanilla extract.
  5. Reduce speed to minimum. Add flour mixture in three additions, alternating with two additions of vegetable oil, and beat until fully combined after each addition.
  6. Add the blueberries to the batter and mix gently with a spatula by hand.
  7. Evenly fill the prepared tins with batter and bake for about 20-25 minutes until lightly golden.
  8. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool for 5 minutes. Then completely remove from the iron mold and cool for about an hour on a wire rack.
  9. Oil and cream cheese must be at room temperature.
  10. Beat butter with powdered sugar until white. Add vanilla extract and mix well.
  11. Separately, beat the cream cheese with a mixer (about 5 minutes).
  12. Add the whipped butter to the cream cheese and stir with a wooden spatula until smooth. And so on until you enter all the oil.
  13. Decorate cupcakes with cream and blueberries.

Marzipan muffins with dried apricots

You will need:

  • flour - 300 g
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • butter - 100 g
  • marzipan - 85 g
  • dried apricots - 85 g
  • brown sugar - 50 g
  • milk - 100 ml
  • baking powder - 10 g
  • powdered sugar - 1 tsp
  • sea ​​salt - ½ tsp


  1. Preheat the oven to 190-200°C.
  2. Cut dried apricots into small cubes.
  3. Melt butter.
  4. Mix flour with baking powder and salt.
  5. Marzipan grate on a fine grater.
  6. Combine flour with grated marzipan, dried apricots, sugar, mix everything - it is very important that the marzipan is evenly distributed.
  7. Lightly beat the eggs with a whisk, pour in the milk and, continuing to mix with a whisk, add the melted butter.
  8. Pour the egg-milk mixture into the flour with marzipan and knead the dough.
  9. Place paper liners in muffin tins and spread out batter.
  10. Bake muffins in preheated oven for 20 minutes.
  11. Sprinkle finished muffins with powdered sugar.

Chocolate orange cupcakes

You will need:

  • flour - 250 g
  • black chocolate - 150 g
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • brown sugar - 120 g
  • butter - 100 g
  • sour cream - 100 g
  • candied oranges - 2 handfuls
  • milk - 175 ml
  • cream - 50 ml
  • cocoa - 40 g
  • baking powder - 1 ½ tsp
  • sea ​​salt - ½ tsp


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 ºС.
  2. Melt butter.
  3. Mix flour with sugar, cocoa, baking powder and salt.
  4. Add candied fruit to flour with cocoa (leave a little for decoration), mix everything.
  5. Chop 100 g of chocolate with a knife into small pieces, add to the flour with candied fruits and mix.
  6. Mix the eggs, sour cream and milk with a whisk, then pour in the melted butter (leave a little to grease the paper) and mix everything.
  7. Add flour with baking powder and mix lightly.
  8. Cut out 10-12 squares from baking paper bigger size than muffin tins so that the edges of the paper hang out of the tins.
  9. Brush the paper squares with the remaining melted butter, line the muffin tins and lay out the batter.
  10. Bake cupcakes in preheated oven for 25 minutes.
  11. Break the remaining chocolate in small pieces, put in a saucepan, pour in the cream and melt.
  12. Pour the finished muffins with chocolate icing and decorate with the remaining candied fruits.
