
Delicious tomato juice for the winter recipe. Tomato juice for the winter - delicious juice at home (9 recipes You will lick your fingers)

Various seamings for the winter are very popular among different segments of the population. Many of us prefer to carry out this process with our own hands, since store products contain a lot of preservatives and their quality leaves much to be desired. Sunsets made in the summer-autumn period delight all members of the family cold winter, becoming excellent supplement To different dishes, as well as sweetness for tea. One of the most popular blanks of this type is tomato juice. It is very easy to prepare, the minimum amount financial investments, and has excellent taste properties. So, let's talk about how to preserve tomato juice for the winter.

First recipe

To make tasty and high-quality tomato juice, you should pay attention to red ripe and at the same time intact tomatoes. Before processing them directly into juice, it is worth thoroughly washing the fruits in running water, carefully sharp knife remove the stalks and cut into two to four pieces, depending on the original size. After that, you need to squeeze the juice using a special juicer. In the event that you simply do not have such equipment, turn the tomatoes through a conventional meat grinder, then pass the resulting mass through a colander to remove the skins.

Prepared juice should be poured inside enamel pan, bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat and simmer for about ten to twelve minutes, until the foam completely disappears. Pour the resulting liquid hot into sterilized jars or bottles.

Banks filled with tomato juice should be rolled up, and then sterilized at a temperature of seventy degrees. Half-liter containers should be processed within ten minutes after boiling water, one-liter containers must be processed for twelve minutes, and three-liter containers must be sterilized for eighteen minutes.

Tomato juice many preserve by hot-packed without further sterilization. To do this, wrap a heated jar with a dry towel, then pour boiling tomato juice into it with a pouring spoon to the very top. The filled container must be closed with a boiled lid, immediately rolled up and turned upside down until complete air cooling. If you choose this canning option, it is worthwhile to carry out all the activities for the preparation of raw materials and the processing of containers with particular care.

Second recipe

For one liter of this juice, you will need about one and a half kilograms of tomatoes. Also, for this amount of raw materials, it is worth taking a couple of teaspoons of salt and the same number of spoons of sugar, and the spoons should be used without a slide. When using this amount of additives, you will get a slightly salty drink. If you do not like salty tomato juice, you should take half the amount of salt and sugar. If you use especially tasty and ripe fruits, then you can absolutely not salt the product and not add sugar to it.

Cut the tomatoes into arbitrary slices and heat in an enameled container almost to a boil. Then wipe the resulting mass through a sieve with sufficiently large holes. The last droplets should be wiped with special care, because in such a tomato paste all the benefits of tomatoes are concentrated.

To make the juice more fragrant, you can add quite a bit of cinnamon or a couple of teaspoons of freshly squeezed parsley juice to it. Boil the resulting liquid and immediately pour it into hot, only sterilized jars. Immediately roll up the jars with boiled lids. After turning the containers over, wrap them with a blanket and leave until completely cooled. Store this composition at room temperature.

Third recipe

A very good option for juice would also be the addition of salt, sugar and garlic to it. You can pour these ingredients into each jar before pouring the boiling juice. So for a three-liter container, you will need one and a half tablespoons of ordinary non-iodized salt, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, and a couple of cloves of garlic squeezed through a press. After seaming, tomato juice occurs as described in the previous version of its harvesting for the future.

Fourth recipe

To prepare such a composition, you will need eleven kilograms of tomatoes, rinse them and cut them, removing the stalks. Squeeze the juice from the resulting raw material, then pour it into an enamel saucepan. Put the container with the composition on the fire and boil for half an hour. After that, reduce the power of the fire to the minimum, but leave the juice to boil. Pour half a kilogram of sugar, one hundred and seventy-five grams of salt into it and cook for another ten minutes. After mixing in the composition of two hundred and seventy-five milliliters table vinegar, add a few cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of ground red pepper, three and a half teaspoons of cinnamon, about six to eight cloves, and thirty peas allspice. You can also use a pinch of nutmeg. Boil the juice with all the spices for another ten minutes, then pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Such drinks will please your whole family with cold and long drinks. winter days. They are excellent source useful elements and will definitely be much more useful than store-bought counterparts.

Tomato is unique product in their own way palatability and content useful substances. In fact, a tomato is a berry, but in our country it is called vegetable crop, and in European countries tomato is classified as a fruit. Despite this confusion, people have not stopped loving this product. The demand for tomatoes is growing every day, and all because of huge amount nutrients that are included in them. Let's learn in detail about tomato juice and recipes for its preparation.

Tomato juice: benefits and harms

Tomato juice is useful because it contains vitamins and mineral components - A, C, PP, minerals, calcium, chlorine, iodine, boron. The presence of such a wide range of useful components has positive impact for the performance of all internal organs and human systems, normalizes metabolic processes, removes slag and toxic accumulations from the body.

Tomato juice is considered an ideal prophylactic remedy which helps during cardiovascular diseases.

  • Tomato juice contains components that are involved in the formation of serotonin. It relieves tension in nervous system and reduces the consequences that have arisen after a stressful state.
  • Tomato juice also fights germs when it enters the intestines, slowing down the process of decay and cleansing the body.
  • This product is considered indispensable during constipation and various problems associated with digestion.
  • Many doctors recommend tomato juice as a choleretic and diuretic. They advise it to be used for urolithiasis, excess weight, anemia, and so on.
  • The huge benefit of tomato for diabetics, as it lowers the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • Tomato drink is an ideal prevention during thrombosis. Tomato juice is useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding (but only if the baby is not allergic).

Harm of tomato juice

If we talk about the dangers of tomato juice, then this concept considered relative. If tomato juice is used correctly, then it will only benefit the human body. Tomato juice is not recommended to mix with some products, for example, those that contain starch.

It is also not advisable to add tomatoes to juice. table salt, as it significantly reduces the beneficial qualities of the juice itself. Better replace it vegetable fats such as olive oil.

tomato juice calories

Tomato juice is considered a favorite drink of many people already. long time. Useful qualities of this drink and its calorie content are identical to those fresh tomatoes, but only if it does not undergo heat treatment and does not have all sorts of additional ingredients.

Now let's take a look at you energy value tomato juice:

  • If no ingredients are added to it, then it will contain only 21 calories per 100 g of its weight. It should be noted, however, that there are many different varieties tomatoes, and they differ from each other in sweetness.
  • Tomato juice, which is preserved for the winter with salt, contains only 17 calories per 100 g of the product. know after heat treatment some useful components have the ability to break down.

After you know the calorie content of tomato juice, you can easily calculate the desired value, for example, how many calories are in 1 glass of juice, or how much this or that dish prepared with the addition of tomato will contain.

tomato juice recipe

There is nothing difficult in making tomato juice. However, it cannot be compared at all with those juices that are sold in supermarkets and shops. The juice that you prepare according to our recipe can be drunk immediately or canned, the choice is yours.

You will need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Ground black pepper - 1 pinch

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the tomatoes well and chop them
  2. Next, make juice from tomatoes, which you can prepare using the following methods:
  • First method. Pass the tomatoes through an ordinary meat grinder. If you want the juice to be "clean", strain it through a sieve.
  • Second method. Grate the tomatoes. The peel will remain, and strain the juice itself.
  • Third method. Boil the tomatoes in an enamel bowl, make cuts on each tomato in advance. Pour water into the dishes, put on fire, simmer until the tomatoes become soft. Cool them, drain the water and rub the tomatoes through a sieve.
  • Fourth method. Make tomato juice with a juicer.

Tomato juice for the winter

Tomato juice prepared for the winter has pleasant taste And big amount vitamins. If you have your own plot of land and you grow tomatoes yourself, you can easily cook this drink.

Recipe #1

To prepare this drink, stock up:

  • Tomato juice - 1 l
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking process:

  1. Add all of the above ingredients to the tomato juice
  2. Boil it and pour into jars
  3. Sterilize jars for 10 minutes
  4. Screw on the lids and wrap the jars until completely cool.

Recipe #2

Stock up on the following for this recipe:

  • Tomato juice - 1 l
  • Bulgarian pepper - 250 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the pepper, cut it into slices
  2. Boil in tomato juice for 5 minutes. bell pepper, and then rub through a sieve
  3. Mix tomato juice with pepper
  4. Boil the resulting mass
  5. Put seasonings in it
  6. Pour the boiling composition into jars, sterilize in the same way as in the first recipe

Recipe #3

For next recipe You should stock up on these ingredients:

  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Tomatoes - 12 kg
  • Salt - 180 g
  • Allspice - 30 peas
  • Vinegar - 280 g
  • Carnation buds - 8 pcs
  • Cinnamon - 3 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Ground pepper - on the tip of a knife
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the pepper well, peel it, chop it
  2. Squeeze juice with a juicer
  3. Pour it into an enamel bowl, boil for 30 minutes, make the fire smaller
  4. Add seasonings and boil the juice for 20 minutes
  5. Pour the resulting juice into jars and roll up

Tomato juice from tomato paste

If you wanted to drink tomato juice, but could not find tomatoes, do not be discouraged. Prepare juice from regular tomato paste. The better you buy pasta, the richer and tastier your juice will be.

You can drink the juice obtained from tomato paste or use it to prepare a dish. The cooking process is:

  • Boil water and then cool it down. Take 1 cup of tomato paste, fill it with water (3 cups). Mix the resulting composition well.
  • If you want your juice to be free of lumps, first stir the paste well into 1 cup of water, then add the rest of the water.
  • To make your juice very tasty, salt it. Use common table salt for this purpose.
  • If you add sugar and pepper to the juice, its taste will turn out piquant.

Drink tomato paste juice chilled.

Homemade tomato juice

Tomato juice is not only tasty, but also quite healthy. Homemade juice prepared in at home will become perfect drink, which can be used by all your relatives, friends and even children. Recipes homemade juice of tomatoes are the most diverse. Classic recipe does not include the presence granulated sugar and other additional spices. This method prioritizes more natural flavors during cooking.

In the version that we offer you, you need to add both salt and sugar to the juice. Choose your own proportions, taking into account your own taste preferences.

To make juice at home, you should stock up:

  • Yellow and red tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l

The shade of tomato juice will depend on which tomatoes you take. Take vegetables of any size. Meaty tomatoes are considered ideal, as from them you will get the most delicious and richer drink.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, peel them and cut into small pieces
  2. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or juicer
  3. If you want the juice to be homogeneous, repeat the process
  4. Pour the composition into a clean dish and put on fire
  5. Add seasonings to the consistency, stir the juice well
  6. Bring it to a boil
  7. Remove the foam that will form during cooking with a spoon.
  8. Boil the juice for another 5 minutes
  9. Pour it into sterilized jars and roll up

Now we want to offer you tips that will help your dish become tastier:

  • If you want the juice to separate better from tomato pulp, boil the tomatoes before placing in a meat grinder
  • Before you start pouring juice into jars, sterilize them well.
  • Store tomato juice in a cool place
  • It is not necessary to add spices to the juice. You can add them when you open
  • Pour juice only into hot jars
  • For spice, you can add garlic or dried basil.

Can you drink tomato juice?

It is a pity, but not many people know the exact answer to this question and how to drink this drink correctly. But if you use tomato juice incorrectly, it can cause kidney stones and other complications.

  • Never drink juice with food at all. Remember, no matter what juice you drink, it must be drunk within 30 minutes. before eating. Only in this case, it will bring great benefits to your body.
  • Never drink juice along with protein foods and meals that contain a lot of starch, such as potatoes, cottage cheese, bread, eggs, and so on.
  • If possible, do not boil, fry or pour tomatoes hot water, it is better to make freshly squeezed juice with the skin and seeds.

  • Never use imported tomatoes for juicing, as you do not know how they were processed and fed during cultivation.
  • If you want carotene to be absorbed faster, add any vegetable oil(olive, sunflower, linseed).

Diet on tomato juice

Unloading day with tomato juice:

  1. Drink only tomato juice throughout the day. In total, you need to drink 1.5 liters per day.
  2. In the morning, drink 1 glass of juice, in the afternoon - the same amount of juice with a piece rye bread, in the evening - again the same amount of juice.
  3. In the morning, eat 2 tomatoes plus a slice of cheese, for second breakfast - 1 tbsp. tomato juice with sour cream, for lunch - soup made from pureed tomatoes (you can take any recipe, but not very high-calorie).

Tomato Diet #1

Tomato diet number 2 for 7 days

For the whole day you should drink 1 liter of tomato juice. Drink it 1 tbsp. for breakfast and dinner, drink the rest in the afternoon.

  • 1st - juice + boiled potatoes in their skins (6 pcs.)
  • 2nd - fat-free cottage cheese (500 g) + tomato juice
  • 3rd - fruits (1 kg) and tomato juice
  • 4th - chicken boiled breast(500 g) + tomato juice
  • 5th - dried fruits (500 g) + tomato juice
  • 6th - natural yogurt(0.5 l) + tomato juice
  • 7th - boiled chicken breast(500 g) + tomato juice

Tomato diet number 3 with rice

This diet will allow you to lose about 2 kg.

  • 1st - only tomato juice and boiled rice(preferably brown)
  • 2nd - cottage cheese with kefir
  • 3rd - boiled turkey+ green tea
  • 4th - whole day tomato juice + low-fat cheese

Tomato juice during pregnancy

The diet of a pregnant woman should include those foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. If in the warm season you can easily buy vegetables and fruits in stores, then with the advent of cold weather this is problematic. A great alternative is tomato juice.

Some time ago, doctors argued that it is advisable not to use tomato juice for pregnant women, since it contains a lot of salts and acids. But in Lately, after numerous studies scientists say that drinking this drink is not only possible, but also necessary.

Why do many expectant mothers sometimes want to drink tomato juice? The fact is that this desire arises only at the beginning of pregnancy, since the baby’s body begins to actively develop - the cells differentiate and all the baby’s organs are formed.

It is during this period of pregnancy that toxicosis often occurs: a woman feels unwell, she is sick, she fails water-salt metabolism. That is why a pregnant woman often dreams of drinking a glass of tomato juice.

Tomato juice for men

Tomato juice has a positive effect on the male body. This healthy drink can even be included in daily diet nutrition in order to maintain normal functions of many organs and the whole organism as a whole.

  • Tomato juice contains a lot of zinc, as well as selenium. If a man regularly drinks tomato juice, his sperm quality improves, erection prolongs, and sexual stamina increases.
  • Magnesium, which is part of the juice, is useful for bodybuilders, as it takes part in the synthesis of natural proteins.

  • Since the drink contains vitamin C, it is recommended for men who smoke.
  • He can take out male body toxins and metals harmful to organs. That is why very often this drink is recommended to be consumed by those men who work in hazardous industries.
  • Tomato juice also contains a lot of calcium. This component eliminates the risk of cancer and inflammatory diseases prostate.
  • Tomato juice contains tocopherol and retinol, which are involved in the formation of testosterone. As a result of this process, a man's sexual and reproductive function is normalized.

Tomato juice for women

No less useful tomato juice for women. Let's take a look at how this healthy drink affects the female body:

  • The composition of tomato juice includes antioxidants that maintain the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Tomatoes contain serotonin. This component improves women's mood, relieves depression.
  • It is useful to drink tomato juice for pregnant women, as this drink helps the fetus to fully develop. As a result, the risk of premature birth disappears.
  • Tomato juice is not high-calorie, so it is great for those representatives who dream of losing weight.

  • Also, tomato juice fights toxicosis, which often occurs in many pregnant women.
  • And most importantly, tomato juice contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Tomato juice for weight loss

Juicy tomatoes are not just very delicious fruits. They are also useful during weight loss. Tomato juice quenches thirst, "feeds" human body because this drink contains a lot of vegetable proteins.

Thus, the benefits of tomato juice during weight loss are as follows - if you drink 1 glass of the drink, you will thereby satisfy your hunger, which means you will eat less. This is very important if you decide to reset overweight, but you can not at the same time moderate your own appetite.

So, tomato juice during weight loss has the following effects:

  • It improves the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Tomato juice normalizes metabolism and significantly speeds it up
  • Tomato juice removes toxins from the body, harmful toxic deposits, it cleanses the body of everything that contributes to excess weight.

If you want to lose weight, drink juice, and follow these rules with it:

  • Drink a lot every day clean water(from 1.5 l)
  • Do not go on a tomato diet if you have gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • Never drink tomato juice on an empty stomach, you have a high acidity of the stomach
  • When losing weight, give preference to freshly squeezed juices.
  • Eat fresh tomatoes with tomato juice

Tomato juice: reviews

Olga, 25 years old:
“In early childhood, my parents grew tomatoes in the country. And somehow the harvest was so great that the parents decided to make tomato juice. To be honest, my kids don't really drink this drink. But as soon as they tried the juice that their grandmother (my mother) prepared for them, this drink became their favorite for them. Also, tomato juice once helped me lose weight well. During the diet, I drank freshly squeezed juice in the morning, and throughout the day I tried to drink it in 30 minutes. before the main meal.

Tatyana, 30 years old:
“I love tomato juice, which I make myself. For cooking, I use only large and well-ripened tomatoes that cannot fit into jars. Previously, my husband and I grew specially tomatoes " bull heart”, as the grown fruits are very fleshy and juicy. Drink tomato juice. It is very tasty and healthy!”.

We can say that tomato juice is a very healthy drink. You can cook it at home and this will give you additional confidence in the naturalness and usefulness of the product.

Video: Tomato juice. All the benefits of tomato juice. How to use tomato juice?

- incredible healthy and tasty drink. It is recommended to use it regularly for people who have problems with the heart, nerves, intestines, as well as those who want to get rid of extra pounds. The fact is that this drink restores metabolic processes and promotes weight loss.

We are talking, of course, about homemade natural juice, which at proper cooking retains its amazing taste and useful properties.

To prepare high-quality tomato juice at home, need juicy, slightly overripe fleshy tomatoes. One liter of juice usually takes 1.5 kilograms of fresh fruit.

To puree tomatoes, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Meat grinder with nozzle for juices.
  • Juicer.
  • Sieve.

Tomato base can be with seasonings, herbs, spices, vegetables and even fruits. And you can make it without salt and without additives. This is already a matter of taste. Additional components are usually fresh garlic, onion, celery, red bell pepper, apples, beets, various spices.

The variety of tomatoes does not matter. For this purpose, large and custom tomatoes, which were not useful for salting due to structural defects or their size. Their preparation includes the removal of the stalk and spoiled places, washing, cutting into pieces.

To prepare seed-free tomato juice, it is best to use a juicer. If you use a meat grinder without a nozzle, then the seeds will have to be separated using a sieve or manually. And this is not a very easy task, especially if the volumes of cooking are not small.

The amount of salt and sugar indicated in the recipes is rather conditional. Each hostess is guided by her taste preferences, adding them to her taste. The degree of spice and sharpness also depends on personal predispositions.

Jars preparation

The process of preparing cans for tomato juice is quite milestone. In addition to washing, soda and proper sterilization you need to check them even for the slightest cracks in order to avoid serious injury if hot jar crack with juice. The following methods are suitable for sterilizing jars:

  • Aluminum circle on a container of boiling water.
  • Mantovarka grate.
  • Oven heated to 150 degrees.

Liter jars are sterilized for 15 minutes, A two-liter - 20 minutes. To prevent the container from bursting due to a sharp temperature drop, in no case take it out of the oven with wet hands.

To cool sealed and upside down jars, they usually use a blanket or a thick blanket. Be sure to replace the lid if the juice leaks. After finished product completely cooled, the jars can be turned over and put away for storage in a cold place. It can be a basement, a cellar or an insulated balcony.

simple recipes

cook wonderful drink from tomatoes at home you can most in a simple way, without using any additional ingredients. For this you need:

Traditional option

For the preparation of salty tasty juice in tomato base when cooking, you need to add a little sugar and salt. "Traditional" tomato juice is easy to prepare. You will need the following ingredients:

  • Red ripe tomatoes.
  • Salt to your own taste.
  • One and a half tablespoons of sugar per liter of product.

How to cook:

Puree tomatoes in any way.

Add salt and sugar to the tomato base. If you need to salt - add salt.

Bring the tomato consistency over medium heat to the first signs of a boil.

After the appearance of the first bubbles, reduce the heat and continue to cook for twenty minutes.

Then pour ready juice on banks and clog.

Allow to cool and store in a cool place.

spiced drink

Aromatic "Spicy" tomato juice will appeal to many. For its preparation, you will need not only tomatoes, but also nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, and allspice.

Acetic acid, which is added to the drink, will allow it to remain in its original form quite for a long time. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Tomatoes - eleven kilograms.
  • Sugar - 600 grams.
  • Salt - 180 grams.
  • Table vinegar - 280 ml or acetic acid- tablespoon.
  • Garlic - five cloves.
  • Allspice - thirty peas.
  • Carnation - ten units.
  • Chilli powder - a little to taste.
  • Ground cinnamon - three tablespoons.
  • Ground nutmeg - a fifth of a teaspoon.


  • Prepare the tomato base with a juicer.
  • Pour the base into an enamel container.
  • Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for another half an hour.
  • Then cook on low heat for another ten minutes.
  • Add garlic, spices and pour vinegar.
  • Digest with additives for twenty minutes.
  • Pour into jars, seal and cool completely.

scented juice

Lavrushka gives tomato drink languid spicy aroma. And it's pretty easy to cook too. You will need:

  • Ripe tomatoes.
  • Black peppercorns - to taste.
  • Several bay leaves per jar.
  • Salt - to taste.


  • Puree the tomatoes in a juicer.
  • Pour the resulting mass into an enamel pan.
  • Wait until it boils, and then boil for another fifteen minutes.
  • After which it is added Bay leaf, ground pepper and salt.
  • Then ready drink poured into prepared dry jars, corked and cooled.
  • Cooled juice is stored in a cool place.

fragrant tomato

tomato drink with bell pepper is different original taste and aroma. To prepare it, you need the following components:

  • Tomatoes - ten kilograms.
  • Garlic - three cloves, although you can have more to taste.
  • Red bell pepper - three pieces.
  • Bulb medium - one piece.

How to do:

  • Peel the skin off the tomato. To do this, it is cut crosswise at the very stalk and dipped in boiling water for half a minute. Then it is immediately dipped into cool water so that the skin is well separated and removed from the temperature difference.
  • We free the pepper from fibrous partitions, seeds and cut.
  • We clean the garlic, onion and cut it too.
  • Purée all vegetables one by one.
  • We wipe the resulting puree through a metal sieve.
  • The resulting mass is placed in an enameled container, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  • The drink should be brewed for ten minutes.
  • Then, according to the above technology, we cork it in jars, cool it and leave it for storage in a prepared cool place.

vitamin drink

You will need:

  • Overripe tomatoes - one kilogram.
  • Celery - three stalks.
  • Salt - a tablespoon.
  • Black pepper.

How to do:

  • Make tomato puree.
  • Finely chop the washed celery.
  • Place the tomato mass in an enamel bowl for cooking and bring it to a boil.
  • After the juice boils, add celery to it.
  • Wait until it boils and boil for another ten minutes.
  • Then wipe the cooled mass with a sieve.
  • Bring to a boil again and pour into a sterile container.
  • Cork, cool and place in a cool storage.

If there is no juicer, you can use a meat grinder with special nozzles to grind tomatoes. Tomato juice is very useful for people who suffer from chronic constipation. The substances contained in the composition of the drink contribute to the normalization of digestion processes.

For those who want to get rid of excess weight this drink can become an indispensable tool. It increases the speed of metabolic processes and contains the richest organic composition, including citric, oxalic, malic and tartaric acids.

Tomato drink is a natural anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial agent.

In case the juice separates during storage and its pulp settles to the bottom, simply shake the jar to restore its normal consistency.

The recipes above will help you prepare this healthy drink for the winter and enjoy it throughout the calendar year - until the next tomato harvest.

Attention, only TODAY!

Tomato juice, one of the most famous and beloved by many of us juice. Yes, it is very common all over the world. Maybe half of the people love it for its usefulness, I'm not sure, but the other half definitely, when they drink it with pleasure, don't think about the vitamins in it. Just enjoys.

Tomato is a vegetable, berry, fruit, yes, yes, don’t be surprised, that’s what they called it in different times, in different places, whose homeland is the American continent. More precisely, it was the Peruvians (inhabitants of Peru) who learned to grow them, making a gradual selection of wild fruits that were the size of a berry.

There are wild tomatoes in nature even now, and they really are berries, not a vegetable, and the Chinese even refer to them as fruits.

In Russia, tomatoes appeared only in the 18th century. At first, they were also considered poisonous, like potatoes, and in Europe, ornamental plants. But now you probably will not find those who would grow them as ornamentals. And we eat them with great pleasure. And with even greater pleasure we drink tomato juice.

That's what we're going to talk about today.

How to make homemade tomato juice for the winter

Even in my childhood, tomato juice was sold in stores in 3 liter jars. There were also flasks from which the seller poured this juice into glasses, for some meager fee, and next to it was a salt shaker with salt. It was so delicious.

And yet no shop juice can not be compared with home-cooked juice. Therefore, we will consider several options for making juice, and then we will go to the kitchen and cook. It's pretty simple and easy, and the taste is...!


  1. Tomato juice - how to prepare tomatoes

In this article, we will look at how to properly prepare tomatoes to make delicious, long-lasting tomato juice.

Of course, you can take selected, ripe, juicy tomatoes and make good tomato juice. But here we are considering the preparation of tomatoes from our garden or bought on the market cheaper, but different, so that the juice turns out tastier.

1. You can take different tomatoes for juice. We have, as you can see in the photo, both small cream and more cream. Large meaty tomatoes. Small very juicy cherry tomatoes. Medium round tomatoes.

2. Why did we score so different. Well, firstly, to show that they are all suitable for juicing. Secondly, if we take, for example, one cream, they are very meaty, so we get not juice, but sauce. And together with juicy cherry tomatoes, it will be juice.

3. First, the tomatoes must be washed well. If you do it on a juicer, thoroughly rinse the place of the stalk so that there is no sand, pieces of earth. Since we will not cut the place of the stalk.

4. If you pass through a meat grinder, be sure to cut out all hard growths, including the stalk.

6. If the tomato is slightly depressed, soft, shriveled, but completely whole, such a tomato can be used.

7. Be sure to cut off the spoiled sides of the tomatoes.

8. If you have a cracked tomato, then carefully look for any decay there, smell it so that there is no putrid smell and you can cut it. But it is better not to make juice from such tomatoes. Then put it in borscht.

9. Trim black spots on tomatoes.

10. On tomatoes it happens next to the stalk, so green. It is not known what it is, so this place is also better to cut off.

11. In tomatoes that have a dent next to some inclusions or damage, it is better to cut these damage along with the dent.

12. Cut off, looked, remained clean beautiful tomato. Everything fits.

This is the basic preparation of tomatoes

Now you know which tomatoes to take and how to prepare them for making tomato juice. Be smart about this. Keep in mind that it is better to trim a little more than less. But don't throw away the tomatoes.

Well, good luck to you!

You will succeed.

  1. Tomato juice at home

1. Thoroughly wash the tomatoes. They cut out all the damage and other unnecessary parts, the stalk, growths. Basically everything we don't like. And cut the tomatoes into medium slices.

2. We cut different tomatoes and small, overripe and large. We also had giants, the so-called tomatoes of the first flower. We specially weighed - 749. We took all sorts that were not spoiled. How to prepare them, see above.

3. We squeeze the juice with a combine. Can be passed through a juicer. You can pass through a meat grinder, boil well and rub through a sieve.

4. We pour the juice into a saucepan and set to boil. We divided the juice so that it boils better and now we will show all the ingredients based on a saucepan in which there are 2.25 liters of juice.

5. Bring the juice to a boil, reduce the heat so that the juice boils slowly. Cook for another 30 minutes. Keep in mind that tomato juice boils like milk, so do not go far from the pan, stir in time.

6. After half an hour, the juice even boiled down a little, add half a tablespoon of salt, a couple, cut into halves, garlic cloves, 2-3 cloves, 6-7 peas of allspice and 8-10 black peas.

7. In addition, we put a connected bunch of dill with umbrellas in the juice, as well as a sprig of celery.

8. We continue to cook for another 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar. We also send 2-3 bay leaves to the pan. Let's boil another 15 minutes.

9. Our juice is cooked, you will see that there is no foam anymore. We take out the dill and celery from the juice. Do not rake together; remove thick tomatoes. Try for salt and sugar.

10. Pour the juice into sterilized jars. Turn the jars upside down. Set them on a wooden board or towel and let cool completely.

How to sterilize jars.

We use this juice for all purposes in which the juice is applied. For example, if we are preparing Or, or just have a glass of winter and feel the summer.

You can store it at room temperature. But it's always best to store it in a cool place.

Happy drinking!

1. Tomatoes were washed, peeled and scrolled on a juicer. You already know other possibilities for juicing (see above).

2. Pour the juice into large saucepan and put it on the stove. In the pan we have 3.5 liters of juice.

3. As you already know, often in juice, for flavor, they put different spices, pepper, cloves, and others. In this recipe for tomato juice for the winter, we will do without any spices. Only salt. For 3.5 liters of salt, we pour 1 tablespoon, with a small slide, of salt. Let's stir well.

4. If the jars are well sterilized, then the juice will be preserved without other ingredients.

5. The juice boils, such a cap is formed. Don't miss out. Run away. Stir.

6. As soon as the juice boils, reduce the fire and let it boil for another 5-7 minutes.

7. We remove the juice from the stove to the stand and begin to pour it into jars.

8. Pour into the jar a little at first so that it warms up a little and does not burst.

9. After the juice has been poured into the jars, roll up or twist, if screwed, with lids.

10. We turn the jars over to check if they are leaking anywhere and then lay them on a towel or blanket and wrap them with something warm. Leave the jars to cool completely.

Here is such a simple recipe for tomato juice, we have considered.

You can easily cook it.

Bon appetit!

And pears, in jars and. Now it's the turn to prepare delicious tomato juice. At home, it is very easy to prepare it using our constant assistants: meat grinders, blenders, juicers.

Tomato juice is one of the most favorite juices, I'm not afraid of these words, of most people in the world. Many use it with thoughts of filling the body with vitamins, and many drink it because it is simply delicious. 🙂 Nowadays, when almost any product can be bought in any store, it seems ridiculous to mess around at home with the preparation of tomato juice. However, no factory or store-bought juice can compare with homemade juice, which is made not only from best tomatoes but also with love.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with several recipes for making tomato juice at home. According to the recipes below, you can prepare tomato juice without sterilization.

In the beginning, I want to say a few words about preparing tomatoes for juice.

1. For homemade tomato juice, we need ripe or slightly overripe tomatoes. They can be different sizes and varieties. It's not that important. Those tomatoes that were rejected for canning due to stains are also suitable. The most important thing is to wash the tomatoes well and cut out the damaged areas.

2. Carefully remove the existing damage on the tomatoes, otherwise even small piece rot can cause unwanted fermentation of the juice and, as a result, its spoilage.

3. For juice, it is better to select several varieties of tomatoes. This will give the juice a richer flavor.

4. Tomato juice can be prepared with various additives and spices. If this is a mixture of herbs, then put them in a rag bag and boil them together with the juice for 15-20 minutes, and then remove them. If it is, for example, celery, then it is passed through a meat grinder along with tomatoes.

Well, now let's get down to making juice 🙂

Tomato juice for the winter without sterilization

easy recipe step by step

To prepare this delicious drink By this recipe no special ingredients or fixtures are required. You only need a meat grinder and a sieve.

Juice products:

ripe tomatoes - how much to eat.

Salt and sugar are added to the taste of the hostess herself. You can do it without them, and add salt or sugar already in the glass itself.

How to cook tomato juice at home:

1. Prepare the tomatoes. To do this, wash them thoroughly and cut off all unnecessary. Then we cut them into slices, sizes suitable for the neck of the meat grinder.

2. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder.

3. Then we filter the juice through a sieve to remove the remnants of the tomato skins and seeds.

4. Pour the tomato juice into the pan, and do not add it to the top by about the width of the palm. Tomato juice in the process of boiling very easily "runs away" from the pan.

5. We put everything on the fire and let it boil over high heat. As soon as the juice boils, you can salt and sugar it to taste. Then we reduce the fire and cook for 20 minutes. Do not forget to stir the mass in the pan regularly so that it does not burn. During this time, the drink may boil down a little.

6. Pour boiling juice into sterilized jars and close with lids.

7. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them with a blanket. Let them cool and store.

Delicious tomato juice with spices and bell pepper in a juicer video recipe

If you have a juicer at home, then making tomato juice is not difficult. Passed everything through the juicer, boiled and closed. And in the winter you take it out and enjoy the most excellent tomato juice. Yes, it is not necessary to use pepper if you like a pure tomato drink.

Preparing tomato juice in a juicer

at home

Many people wonder - is it possible to cook tomato juice in a juicer? Of course, I answer. There is nothing easier. Now you will see for yourself.

Products for making juice:

ripe and juicy tomatoes - how much is available at the moment

How to make tomato juice in a juicer:

1. Let's start with tomatoes. We select the most ripe juicy and soft tomatoes. Wash them well and remove the existing damage. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.

2. We collect the juicer. Pour water into the lower pan, place a pan on top to collect juice and put a pan for vegetables and fruits in it. We put everything on fire. Yes, and do not forget about the hole for draining the juice. We put a clamp on it so that the juice does not flow out ahead of time.

3. We put the juicer on a strong fire and fill the top saucepan with tomatoes. We close everything with a lid and wait until the juice begins to stand out. At the same time, do not forget to periodically stir and lightly crush the contents of the saucepan.

4. While the juice is being prepared, we sterilize the jars and lids.

5. Pour the juice from the tomato into prepared jars and immediately roll up. In addition, the juice does not need to be boiled or heated. He has already been sterilized in a juicer. You can additionally wrap the jars with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

6. Store juice in a basement or pantry.

And now a few secrets 🙂:

  • If you first put a sieve in the upper saucepan, and then put tomatoes in it, then the juice will be without seeds and skins.
  • If you like sweetened or salted juice that is already ready right away, then tomatoes should be salted or sugared before being put into the juicer. Ready juice cannot be salted or sugared, otherwise it will have to be boiled.
  • We put the tomatoes in the juicer in portions. We do not add new ones to those that have already begun to secrete juice, otherwise you can ruin the entire product.

A delicious recipe for harvesting tomato juice with pulp for the winter through a meat grinder

This recipe is probably the easiest of all. There is no need to bother with squeezing and catching seeds and particles of tomato skins. I just passed the tomatoes through a meat grinder, boiled and poured into jars. Plus, this juice is thick and can be used for gravy and various dressings.

For juice you need (for a 3-liter jar):

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.

Preparing juice:

1. As usual, we are engaged in the processing and preparation of tomatoes: mine, remove the spoiled one and cut into slices.

2. We pass our tomatoes through a meat grinder.

3. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and put everything on fire. At the same time, do not forget that we do not add 5 centimeters to the top of the pan. Because when the juice boils, it will rise up and can “escape”.

4. As soon as the liquid boils, add salt. And boil all for 15 minutes. Do not forget to stir the juice, as the pulp sinks to the bottom and can burn.

5. Pour the finished juice into pre-prepared jars. Pour to the brim of the jar. And we close.

6. We store in a pantry or cellar.

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