
Dried cashew calories. Chemical composition and nutritional value

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Cashew, or Indian nut, is the fruit of the eponymous tree of the family Sumac. The homeland of the cashew nut is Brazil, where there are still the largest cashew plantations. The cashew fruit develops on top of an overgrown stalk, the "cashew apple", which is considered a pseudo-fruit. The nut kernel is in a fairly dense shell, shaped like a boxing glove in a reduced form. Cashews have a firm, elastic and crispy core, a pleasant taste with a light sweet aftertaste and a delicate nutty aroma. Cashews should be stored at room temperature, in a glass or paper bag, avoiding direct light for no longer than 3 months.

cashew calories

Calorie content of cashews is 600 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Cashews contain unsaturated fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9, which only begin to "work" together. The main benefit of eating cashews is the reduction of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, the regulation of the lumen of blood vessels. The product contains tryptophan, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, vitamins (,), as well as a number of useful minerals:,. Cashew is a protective agent against the development of atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis and allergies, takes part in hematopoiesis and normalizes blood clotting. Cashew has anticarcinogenic properties, reduces the risk of cancer. The protein found in cashew nuts is absorbed better and faster together with vegetable or milk proteins, so it makes sense to add cashews to various dishes.

Cashew harm

Cashews are a high-calorie food, so excessive consumption of nuts can cause weight gain and trigger allergic reactions.

How to choose cashews

In order to select high-quality and fresh cashew nuts, it is enough to carefully examine the nuts and smell them. A bitter, unpleasant smell or any hint of mold should be a reason to refuse to purchase the product. The color of cashews should be light for raw nuts and light brown for roasted, the surface is dry, not oily or shiny, sometimes a slight flour-like coating (calorizator) may appear. Quality cashew nuts have a uniform color, without darkening, specks and spots. The cashew nut must be whole, if there are a lot of crushed nuts in the package, you should not purchase such a product, the cashew was obviously stored incorrectly or its expiration date has expired.

Cashew for weight loss

Due to their high nutritional value and the ability to quickly saturate the body, cashews are included in the menu of some diets, for example, or. Sometimes you can try a fasting day on nuts, but you should not abuse it. It is better to add a handful of nuts several times a week to your usual dishes.

Cashew in cooking

From cashews, oil is produced industrially, healthy and tasty, it is used in cooking and medicine. Cashew nuts are most common in Asian and Indian cuisine, they are added not only to salads, cold appetizers and desserts, but also to soups, sauces and meat dishes. Often mixed with other types of nuts and dried fruits, cashews make a great snack on the go or at work.

For more about the benefits and harms of cashews, about its composition, see the video clip of the TV show "About the Most Important".

Especially for
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dried cashew rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B1 - 33.3%, vitamin B2 - 12.2%, vitamin E - 38%, vitamin PP - 34.5%, potassium - 22.1%, magnesium - 67.5 %, phosphorus - 25.8%, iron - 21.1%

Benefits of dried cashews

  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids. The lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, is necessary for the functioning of the gonads, the heart muscle, is a universal stabilizer of cell membranes. With a deficiency of vitamin E, hemolysis of erythrocytes and neurological disorders are observed.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion involved in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, is necessary to maintain calcium, potassium and sodium homeostasis. Lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, increased risk of developing hypertension, heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates the acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Iron is a part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons, oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, atrophic gastritis.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the application.

Cashew is a fruit of two parts. The first is the peduncle, called the apple, which is juicy, sweet, orange or red in color and very perishable. Compotes, alcohol, jams, juices, etc. are prepared from it.

The second is a drupe, the nut itself, which has a curved shape and is covered with a hard shell. Between the outer shell and the core is a layer of poisonous oil, leading to burns. You should not be afraid of poisoning, since the oil evaporates during frying.

Composition and nutritional value

Unroasted - 25.7 / 48.0 / 13.0 g.
Dried - 18.93 / 37.57 / 22.37 g.
Fried without oil and salt - 15.3 / 46.4 / 32.7 g.

Fried - 20.0/47.0/24.0
In white chocolate - 12.0 / 42.4 / 40.2 g.
Cashew sweets - 7.00 / 37.70 / 51.80 g.
Fried with honey and sesame - 9.95 / 49.05 / 20.0 g.
Cashew dessert with berries and pomegranate seeds - 4.7 / 10.4 / 11.7 g.
Nuts in dark chocolate - 25.0 / 48.0 / 18.0 g.
Fried salty - 17.00 / 49.24.0 units.


Cashews are high in fat, yet they are good for weight loss. But you must not abuse them, otherwise the weight will increase significantly. Cashew is perfectly digested, saturates the body well, reduces appetite. Average 1 pc. cashews weigh 1.2 g. Therefore, the calorie content of one nut in its raw form is 7.56 kcal, in fried - 6.86 kcal. Glycemic index of nuts 25 units.

Calorie content per 100 grams of nuts is:

Raw - 533.0 kcal.
Dried - 586.33 kcal
Fried without oil and salt - 574.0 units.
Roasted - 592.0 units
In white chocolate - 590.0 kcal.
Candies with nuts - 552.0 units.
Fried with honey and sesame - 562.0 kcal.
Cashew dessert - 1514.5 units
Nuts in dark chocolate - 570.0 kcal.
Fried salted - 560.0 units.

Cashews are high in calories. But, if you are on a diet, you can not exclude it from the diet. Just use it no more than 50 g per day. Such an amount will not harm the figure and will saturate the body with useful vitamins. And if you want to know more about, read a separate large article about this delicate, tasty and amazing nut.

Benefits of cashews - learn about the unique and beneficial properties of the Brazil nut. You can talk a lot about him, but we have collected all the interesting facts for you. The use of nuts as therapeutic, prophylactic, dietary and cosmetic preparations. In order to always feel good, stay in shape, feel a surge of energy, you need to add cashew nuts to your diet.

Indian walnut or akazhu - cashew tree, originally from Brazil, but has gained wide popularity in the countries of Southeast Asia. The tree grows and bears fruit in any tropical climate. Its fruits are famous for their medicinal properties, help the body successfully cope with diseases, saturating them with vitamins and microelements. Nuts have a very high energy value, they are called the food of the future, and the amino acids contained in the nut strengthen the immune system.

The well-known homeopathic preparation Anacardium based on this pod is an effective natural remedy for the prevention of colds, flu, helps to overcome stress and depression. The unique antibacterial property of nuts helps to normalize the functioning of the intestines, and vitamins and microelements improve the functioning of the heart, brain and normalize metabolism.

How cashews grow

The cashew tree belongs to the Sumach family, which determines its close affiliation with the tropical fruit mango or pistachios. The plant is no different from fruit trees. The most unusual in it are the fruits. They look like a juicy yellow or pink pear, below a nut in a dense brown skin. The fruit of the plant is an overgrown pedicel. There are no seeds inside and it is completely edible. Nuts are always sold already peeled, since there is a poisonous layer between the hard shell and the nut, the resin from which can lead to the formation of chemical burns.

cashew calories

Fruits have high nutritional and energy value. It differs from other nuts as it contains low fat levels and is a dietary product. The calorie content of cashew nuts per hundred grams of mass is 595-630 calories. The fried product has a high calorie content - 572. Due to the high content of kcal, a portion of nuts will help to quickly and usefully saturate the body.

Eating raw food is not recommended. The shell of the fruit contains toxic components, so they are cleaned by heat treatment. The roasted nut has a sweetish taste. When eating nuts, proteins, carbohydrates, oil with fatty acids, a complex of vitamins, nicotinic acid and a set of trace elements will enter the body.

cashew benefits

Pay attention to the beneficial properties of cashews. The medicinal properties of nuts are successfully used for the treatment or prevention of diseases. The benefits of cashews are:

  • in the restoration of the body, tonic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties;
  • eliminate bleeding gums;
  • useful for the brain, for the heart;
  • for blood vessels have an anti-sclerotic effect;
  • showed themselves well in the treatment of respiratory diseases - with pharyngitis, with bronchitis;
  • are widely used in the treatment of oncology in the initial stages and its prevention;

Cashew Benefits for Women

Due to the good vitamin and mineral composition, high content of nicotinic acid, walnut extract is suitable for hair and skin. The high copper content in nuts will improve hair growth. Due to the content of less fat than sesame, nutritionists recommend including cashew oil in the diet.

What are the benefits of cashews for women?

  • Stimulate sexual activity. Useful during puberty.
  • During puberty, they help get rid of acne and pimples, with increased greasiness of the skin.
  • Allows you to restore blood loss during heavy periods.
  • The high content of vitamin E increases the level of fertility.
  • Normalizes the frequency of bowel movements and relieves constipation.

The benefits of cashew nuts for men

Regular use of these nuts in the diet will allow the stronger sex:

  • Increase sex drive.
  • Raise potency.
  • Strengthen hair, give it shine and splendor, strengthen and prevent hair loss.
  • Helps to recover after physical activity.

What else is the use of cashews for men? Vitamin E increases the concentration of the seed, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Helps to get rid of muscle dystrophy and excessive sweating. Gives the body energy, vitality, endurance. It is recommended for use by men who suffer from nicotine addiction.

Cashew during pregnancy

Tropical cashew fruits during pregnancy have the following effects:

  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • prevention of a decrease in blood hemoglobin;
  • replenishment of vitamin D;
  • increased immunity;
  • elimination of viral infections;
  • prevention of beriberi;
  • used as a remedy for heartburn in a pregnant woman;
  • helps young mothers with breastfeeding to provide good nutrition to the baby.
  • the high content of magnesium and calcium ensures the prevention of caries, while maintaining tooth enamel.

How much cashew can you eat per day

Cashew - benefit and harm: will help you get the right shape. How much you can eat cashews per day is a very important question, because the daily allowance for each person is different. It is recommended to use in the daily diet, depending on individual characteristics, no more than 30 g of nuts. This is 10 nuts. It is best to eat them with mineral water. In this way, they will enhance the beneficial properties of each other, this will have a restorative effect on the body. The benefits of cashew nuts are much higher than in other nuts.

Cashew harm

Even such a popular product, saturated with vitamins and microelements, can be harmful to the human body. The harm of cashews lies in the fact that it can cause severe allergies. They should not be abused, they should be added to the diet gradually.

Children can eat Indian nuts only with the permission of a doctor. If you really want to give them to your child, then you can buy baby food, which includes a finished product based on it. At the same time, it has an individual intolerance, and can also affect the functioning of the liver. It is not recommended to eat cashews in the third trimester of pregnancy. Should not be taken by people who have kidney problems and a tendency to form stones. The benefits and harms of cashews must be known before use in food.

, anacardium western, Indian walnut, acajou- all these are the names of the same plant, the fruits of which are world-famous. This product has found its wide application in various industries and medicine. Many experts even call it "the food of the future", which, of course, makes you think. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the beneficial properties of this product, which are actually very numerous. This article will help fix the situation.

General information

Indian walnut is an ornamental tree of the sumac family, the fruit of which is considered to be a very common food product. Immediately, we note that this nut is the only one in the world that tends to ripen not inside the fruit, but outside. This tree is evergreen and reaches a height of 10 to 12 meters. Close relatives of the plant are considered to be lacquer tree, mango, poison ivy, pistachios, and Peruvian pepper tree.

Where did such a name come from?

The plant is cultivated quite well, which did not go unnoticed by the Indians of the Tikuna tribe, who at one time inhabited the territories of modern Brazil. It was they who became the first nation that began to eat both the leaves and the bark, as well as the fruits of this tree. They also identified some of its useful properties. In the language of this population, the tree is called " acaju", which means " yellow fruit". It is from this word that the Portuguese names " Caju" or " cajueiro". In England, the plant was called " cashew”, from where such a popular name cashew came from, but in some countries of Latin America the tree is called“ maranon”, in honor of one of the states called Maranhao, which is located in northern Brazil. It was in this state that this plant was discovered for the first time.

Distribution and ecology

Brazil is considered to be the birthplace of cashews. To date, this tree is cultivated in 32 countries of the world, which are characterized by a warm, but at the same time humid climate. This tree prefers light partial shade or direct sun. It will not be superfluous to spray it daily. Since the plant is unpretentious, it does not require special care. Brazil, Nigeria, Indonesia, Vietnam, and India are among the main suppliers of raw materials.

Botanical Features

The branches of this spreading and fast-growing tree are very low, but its crown is very dense. Its diameter varies from 10 to 12 meters. The fruits are nut-shaped, but the shape of the stalk resembles the appearance of a pear. The core is edible, the leaves are leathery, ovate or elliptical, as well as alternate. Their length is 4 - 22 cm and the width reaches 2 - 15 cm. The flowers have a yellow-pink color, which often gives off a reddish tint. There are 5 petals. All of them are pointed and collected in a shield or panicle, the length of which reaches 26 cm. The trunk is very short and most often branching incorrectly. In order for the tree to have a beautiful shape, it is recommended to cut it from time to time. It is especially important to do this during the first few years after planting. You can see the plant blooming in spring or early summer.

Some details about the fetus

The appearance of the fruit of this plant is quite unusual and all because it consists, as it were, of 2 parts. The first part is represented by a large swollen pedicel, which is often referred to as apple-kazh, but the second is a real fruit, namely a nut, the appearance of which resembles a curved drupe with a seed. The fruits fall off immediately after they ripen. Kazhu apples are recommended to be eaten immediately after they fall, as they are considered to be a perishable product. The average weight of one nut is 1.5 grams.


In most cases, reproduction is carried out by seeds. Initially, they are soaked for 48 hours in water, changing it 2 times a day. After that, the seeds are planted one by one in containers with a volume of 1 to 2 liters. The first shoots are observed after 2 - 3 weeks. Seedling development is very fast. The first fruits are harvested about 2 years after planting.

Significance and application

Since sour, juicy pulp is inherent in apples, they have found their wide application, primarily in cooking. They are used to prepare both alcoholic beverages and jams, seasonings, compotes, and jelly. From the juice of the plant, a refreshing drink is obtained, which is popular among residents of Latin America. Oil is extracted from the shell of the fruit, which is used both in medicine and in cosmetology, as well as in technology in the production of automobile brake pads and linings for them. The plant is also used for the manufacture of rubber, drying oil, and varnish. It has found its application in such industries as ship repair and shipbuilding. In Brazil, the plant is classified as an aphrodisiac, in Mexico it is used to remove freckles, in Africa they are tattooed, etc.

Useful composition

The composition of cashews includes the following useful components:
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 And E ;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • carotene;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • fats.

Benefits of cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are considered to be a product of high nutritional value, which tends to have a powerful healing effect on the body. With the help of this product, you can significantly improve the functioning of the brain, strengthen the immune system, lower the level of low-density cholesterol, restore the functioning of the stomach and intestines, as well as normalize sexual life. Both trace elements and vitamins, which are part of this product, have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. These same components contribute to the metabolism of fatty acids and proteins, and also normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Anemia, psoriasis, metabolic disorders, toothache, dystrophy - in all these cases, nuts are used as an aid. People from the people turn to this product for help with influenza conditions, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, bronchitis, hypertension, sore throat, as well as indigestion, and all because it has a powerful antibacterial, tonic and antiseptic property. These nuts can also be used to treat dysentery ( chronic disease characterized by damage to the large intestine). In India, a special decoction is prepared from nut kernels, which is used as an antidote for snake bites. African healers treat skin cracks, warts, and dermatitis with a decoction of walnut shells.

Cashew nuts will help you forget about problems with your teeth and gums!

Even in ancient times, Africans smeared their mouths with a paste made from these nuts and honey. With its help, they treated toothache and inflammation in the gums. More recently, Japanese scientists conducted a study, the results of which proved that nuts contain components that tend to have a positive effect on tooth enamel. It turns out that such use of akaju is justified. From this it follows that the constant use of this product will help protect you from any problems that are associated with teeth and gums. Most likely, after some time, toothpastes and powders containing extracts of these nuts will appear on sale.

Harm of a gourmet nut

The cashew nut can be harmful to your health only in its raw form. The thing is that between its shell and shell is a caustic resinous juice, one of the constituent components of which is a liquid called cardola. This liquid, which has an oily consistency, when interacting with the skin, can cause the development of severe chemical burns. The skin with such burns is covered with blisters, which cause severe pain. Given this fact, in no case do not try to get these nuts on your own. The product goes on sale after a special chemical treatment, during which the hazardous liquid is completely evaporated.


Anacardium western is strictly contraindicated in the presence of a predisposition to allergic reactions. Its use should be abandoned by all those people who have an individual intolerance to its components.

As part of baby food

Including these nuts in the diet of a child, you should follow some recommendations. First of all, you need to remember that this food product is highly allergenic. If a child is overweight, then he should be given much less of these nuts than is allowed to be given to children of the same age, but with normal or low weight. Better yet, buy your child special baby food products that contain nut additives. The composition of such products is balanced, so they definitely cannot harm.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnant women can use these nuts, but only if they do not cause you allergies. Even if your body reacts normally to this product, you do not need to overdo it. Remember that during pregnancy, the use of all foods should be rational. Only in this case, their use will be beneficial for the health of both the expectant mother and the fetus.

Use in dietetics

Despite the fact that this product is high in calories ( 100 gr. contain about 600 kcal), he managed to find his wide application even in dietology, and all because cashew nuts have much less fat than peanuts, almonds, walnuts, etc. Modern nutritionists, in order to get the desired effect, recommends eating no more than 30 grams. product per day. Nuts are part of numerous and very diverse diets. Some of them help to build mass, while others, on the contrary, lose weight. The thing is that this product is very quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, it suppresses the feeling of hunger in a fairly short period of time. As a result, by using them, the volumes of both the necessary food and calories are reduced.

As part of a nut diet

The nut diet was created by an Italian nutritionist in the 1980s. It provides for the complete rejection of the use of animal protein and its replacement with protein, which is part of nuts such as cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts. Such nutrition is extreme, but at the same time quite balanced. In addition, the portions of the consumed dishes are reduced. The duration of the diet is 10 days. During this time, you can lose at least 3 kg. For all 10 days it is recommended to forget about sugar and sweets.

Sample diet menu for 1 day

1. Crushed almond, tomato and arugula salad dressed with olive oil, black coffee.
2. A slice of pizza stuffed with tomatoes, green peppers and goat cheese, sprinkled with chopped Indian nuts.
3. Cottage cheese casserole topped with orange juice sauce and seasoned with almonds, tea.

1. Potato and fennel soup, lettuce seasoned with ground nuts and olive oil, a glass of vegetable juice - pumpkin, tomato or carrot.
2. Broccoli and porcini mushroom soup, seasoned with sour cream, a glass of berry juice, a handful of walnuts and prunes or raisins.
3. Tomato soup with basil, 1 cup unsweetened drinking yogurt, salad.

afternoon tea
1. A handful of nuts and an apple.
2. A handful of nuts and the same amount of raisins.
3. A handful of nuts and the same number of dates.

1. Water boiled liquid oatmeal, chamomile tea, mint and lemon balm.
2. Iced hibiscus tea, scalded spinach and pickled cheese salad dressed with olive oil.
3. Grated carrot salad dressed with sour cream or cream, prunes and dried apricots compote.

Essential oil and its beneficial properties

Essential oil of Indian walnut is a viscous liquid with a characteristic aroma, which has a pale yellow hue. The composition of this liquid includes numerous useful substances, among which vitamins, provitamins, as well as numerous minerals can be distinguished. This oil is used both in medicine and in cosmetology.

It has the following healing and cosmetic properties:

  • nutritious;
  • painkiller;
  • antiseptic;
  • tonic;
  • emollient;
  • rejuvenating;
  • regenerating;
  • wound healing.

The use of oil in medicine and cosmetology

In medicine, this oil is used as part of numerous pharmaceutical preparations, which are endowed with both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. With the help of these medicines, pathological conditions such as allergies, gastrointestinal ailments, eczema and rheumatism are treated. Depression, psoriasis, metabolic disorders, anemia - all these are also indications for the use of this oil.

As for its use for cosmetic purposes, in this case the spectrum of its action is much wider. Cashew oil helps to improve complexion, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate fine wrinkles, get rid of cracks and dry calluses on the legs, eliminate excessive brittleness and hair loss, as well as relieve scalp itching. It also perfectly cares for hands with inflammation and redness, improves nail growth and eliminates their fragility. Note that it can be used by people with any type of skin, both in pure form and in combination with almond, peach or apricot oil. The same oil can be added to various cosmetics in a 1:1 ratio. In the people, they are treated with bronchitis, asthma, warts, impotence, toothache, sore throats, hypertension and other common diseases.

Cashew Butter Homemade Recipes

1. Enrichment of cosmetics: 5 - 10 ml of oil are added to 10 gr. cream, 10 ml tonic or lotion. If we are talking about shampoo or balm, then add 7-10 ml of oil to 100 ml of base. Such cosmetics will help improve blood circulation, enrich the skin with the necessary nutrients, and also give the hair a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

2. Hand and nail care: in this case, you can use both pure oil and a mixture consisting of any fatty oils in a 1: 1 ratio. We lubricate the nails and hands with the available product 1-2 times a day using a nail roller. This procedure will help heal cracks, relieve brittle nails and relieve inflammation, as well as redness from the skin on the hands.

3. Massage: for the massage, we take a few drops of pure oil, apply it to the fingertips and rub it into the skin.

5. Hair care: mix Indian walnut oil with hair balm in a ratio of 1:10. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair and rub it with light massage movements. After 5-10 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. This tool is especially useful for brittle and dry hair.

6. Lubricants, masks, applications: oil can be mixed with both vegetable and essential oils. In the first case, we mix in a ratio of 1: 1, but in the second - 1 - 2 drops per 1 tbsp. l. Wet wipes in the resulting product and apply them to problem areas of the skin for 10-20 minutes 1-2 times a day.

7. Prevention of burns after sunburn: mix 1 tbsp. l. cashew oil with 2 - 3 drops of rose, geranium or lavender oil. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the resulting product.

Use in cooking

Indian walnut is especially popular in cooking, especially in those countries in which this plant grows. First of all, these nuts are a great snack. In addition, they go well with salads, first and second courses, as well as confectionery. They complement the taste of dishes and give them the necessary nutritional value. Fish are stuffed with nuts, they are also baked in yogurt, added to meat dishes and used as a side dish. Residents of many Asian countries are of the opinion that the oil of these nuts is much tastier than peanut oil.

Cooking recipes

1. Cashews with sweet potatoes: you will need half a cup of yellow sugar, 1/3 cup of coarsely ground acajou, 0.5 tsp. salt. Also 6 medium sweet potatoes, 250 gr. peach, 3 tsp butter and 0.25 tsp. ginger. Boil potatoes in water with a little salt. We dry it, peel it and cut into large slices. Mix the Indian nuts, salt, brown sugar and ginger in a bowl. We select a pan with a depth of up to 15 cm and a diameter of at least 30 cm. Put a layer of potatoes on the bottom, then a layer of peaches, after which a mixture of yellow sugar and other ingredients. Put a piece of butter on top and repeat the procedure again. We place the closed pan in the oven and leave the dish for half an hour. Then open the lid and bake it for another 10 minutes. Drizzle with syrup before serving.

2. Nuts with honey: you will need 1.5 cups of nuts, 3 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, 1/3 cup honey and vegetable oil. Mix cashew nuts with honey and leave the mixture for 24 hours. Then we take out the nuts, roll them in powdered sugar and fry in vegetable oil over medium heat. As soon as the sugar becomes transparent, immediately remove the nuts from the stove. They can also be cooked in the oven at temperatures up to 180 degrees.

3. Rice with minced meat and cashews: take 2 onions, 4 chopped garlic cloves, 900 gr. long grain rice, 0.25 cup parsley and the same amount of chives, 100 gr. seedless raisins, 3 tbsp. l. butter. You will also need 3 tbsp. l. grated cheese, 250 gr. minced beef and pork, as well as tomatoes, 100 gr. boiled ham, 400 gr. green peas and 200 gr. cashew nuts. Add salt and black pepper to taste. Boil rice, fry onion, garlic, parsley and chives in a pan, after which we add tomato slices there, after removing the peel from them, and minced meat. Salt and pepper everything to taste. Leave to simmer with the lid closed for 20 minutes. The fire must be small. Add the stewed minced meat, green peas, raisins, Indian nuts and ham to the boiled rice. Mix everything thoroughly, cover the pan with a lid and leave to stand for several minutes on the switched off stove. We spread the finished rice on a large dish and sprinkle it with herbs and cheese on top.

How to choose and store?

Nuts that can already be eaten are most often sold in salted form. Often they are fried and sold in honey, as well as in chocolate icing. When choosing fresh nuts, pay attention to the fact that they are whole, not chopped. In addition, they should not be dried, wrinkled or moldy. It is recommended to store the product in a tightly closed container. They can be stored in a cool place for about a month, in the refrigerator - up to six months, in the freezer - all 12 months. After a long period of storage, it is important to carefully examine them. If the nuts give off a strange smell or have an uncharacteristic taste, then the best thing to do is throw them away.
Before use, you should consult with a specialist.
