
Recipe for mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms. Mushroom soup with frozen mushrooms based on tomato juice

If you went to the forest in the fall and stocked up for the winter yourself, it’s great, if not, in the modern world everything can be purchased at the supermarket.

In general, there are a lot of recipes for dishes that contain this wonderful product. For example, just recently we discovered many new recipes for julienne with mushrooms and chicken, which we found on the wonderful blog "Secrets of Home Economics". We cooked one of them and we got a very tasty delicacy.

The process of preparing any dishes with this ingredient is not very complicated, but you still need to know and follow the main points that should not be neglected. This is what we are going to do first.

  • Most importantly, when choosing mushrooms in a store, pay attention to the expiration date and packaging, if it is in ice, then it is better to refuse such a purchase - the freezing mode was probably not observed. Take care of your health.

Know! Mushrooms should never be re-frozen!

  • If the frozen mushrooms were previously boiled or fried, then no additional manipulations need to be done, just throw them into boiling water.
  • And if not, then boil raw frozen mushrooms for 40 minutes, while changing the water twice during cooking, then rinse and only then put in the soup.
  • Mushroom taste will be fully revealed only after 3 minutes of strong boiling at the end of cooking and infusion for 20 minutes.

Delicious mushroom soup recipe

Lenten soup is very easy to prepare and delicious to learn. In addition, it is easily digested and has a positive effect on the human body, filling it with the necessary energy.

This is because mushrooms contain the amino acids we need, antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and vitamins D, E, C, B.


  • Mushrooms frozen 400 g
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Oil - olive - 4 tbsp
  • Butter - 1 tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Green dill - 0.5 bunch
  • Water - 1.8 l

Cooking method:

1. My potatoes, peel and cut into medium pieces.

2. We clean the onion into small cubes.

3. My carrots, remove the peel and cut into strips.

4. We put a pot of water on the stove, after boiling we put potatoes in it. At this time, we pass the onion with carrots over medium heat in a small amount of olive oil, adding a little water.

5. Remove the mushrooms and heat a little in a pan with butter for about three minutes.

6. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, put mushrooms and vegetables to it.

7. Salt, pepper to taste and add green dill. The soup is ready!

Bon appetit!

Cooking mushroom soup from frozen champignons:

Most often in cooking, we use champignons, because they are always in the store, all year round. They give the dish an aroma and a peculiar pleasant taste.

This dish is served with crackers, sour cream and herbs. If desired, sour cream-garlic sauce is put separately.


  • Meat broth (water) - 1.5 l
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Champignons - 150 g
  • Vermicelli - 5 g
  • Sunflower oil - 40 l
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Greenery

Cooking method:

1. My potatoes, peel and cut into cubes. We put the pot with the broth on the stove, after boiling the liquid, pour the potatoes and cook.

2. Peel the onion with carrots, cut into slices and fry in a pan in sunflower oil.

3. Frozen mushrooms fry a little in oil.

4. We spread it in a saucepan to the boiled potatoes, throw out the onions and carrots, vermicelli there. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

5. Salt, pepper to taste, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Switch off, the soup is ready. Bon appetit.

You can pour it into bowls and enjoy the wonderful taste of the finished soup!

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

Mushroom soups are prepared on the broth, which is obtained by cooking. They may include a variety of ingredients: potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, noodles, buckwheat, pearl barley or oatmeal.

Soups are also prepared with beans, pumpkin, prunes, eggplant, zucchini, Peking and sea cabbage. Delicious mushroom soups with shrimp or spinach.

I suggest watching a detailed video recipe for making mushroom soup. Enjoy watching!

Bon appetit!

Soup made from mushrooms with cream

Soup from frozen mushrooms has many useful properties. In terms of the amount of protein content in mushrooms, they are not inferior to meat. It has a beneficial effect on our body in general.

But as with all products, there are contraindications to the use of mushroom soups. Namely: children under 3 years of age, the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Incredibly delicious soup with cream. Try this recipe.


  • Potatoes - 2 pcs
  • Mushrooms - 200 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Cream - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste
  • Processed cheese - 90 g

Cooking method:

1. Peeled potatoes cut into cubes and put in boiling water to boil.

2. Peel carrots and onions. Finely chop the onion. Three carrots on a coarse grater.

3. In a frying pan in oil, fry the vegetables until golden brown with frozen, boiled mushrooms. We cut the cheese into large pieces.

4. Put the fried onions, carrots and mushrooms, as well as cheese into a saucepan with potatoes.

Mix, salt, pepper to taste.

5. Then pour the cream and mix again and let it boil. Turn off, put chopped greens.

6. Let the soup brew for about 20 minutes. Fragrant creamy soup is ready!

Bon appetit!

The most delicious recipe for porcini mushrooms

In soups, mushrooms are used both as individual varieties and as a mixture. You should know that the types of mushrooms reveal themselves in different ways. Porcini mushrooms and mushrooms make the soup rich, nutritious and fragrant, from boletus, mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, it is already less rich and satisfying, less bright taste from mushrooms and russula.

To make the dish more rich, you can use meat broth as a basis, instead of water. And in order for the soup to acquire a high nutritional value, part of the mushrooms can be finely chopped, the rest left whole if they are small in size, or cut in half. Keep in mind that mushrooms shrink when cooked.

Mushroom soups go well with many spices, such as black pepper, basil, cumin, garlic, rosemary, etc. Despite such a variety, you should be very careful with spices, otherwise they can spoil and clog the natural mushroom aroma and taste.

Did you know that the white fungus is considered the most useful, it contains substances that prevent the formation and development of tumors. It has a high content of iodine, zinc, manganese and copper.


  • Chicken broth - 2.5 l
  • Mushrooms (boiled frozen) - 400 g
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pieces
  • Rice - 100 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pieces
  • Greens - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Ready chicken broth strained through cheesecloth until a transparent color, put on fire, cover with a lid.

2. Finely chop the onion head, three carrots on a coarse grater.

3. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and lay out the vegetables.

Fry until golden brown over medium heat.

4. Pour the washed rice into the boiling broth and cook for 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

Add to broth, cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Then add the frozen boiled mushrooms and cook until the potatoes are ready for about 15 minutes. I have frozen porcini mushrooms cut into large pieces.

6. Put the frying into the soup, salt, pepper, add bay leaf, chopped greens, mix, cook for 3 minutes and turn off.

Let the soup brew for a few minutes and pour into bowls.

Bon appetit!

Thank you for your attention! Hope you enjoy the recipes! Bye everyone!

I want to offer you to cook mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms.

This aromatic dish will delight you and your family with its taste and will add variety to the menu.

I have already talked about, as well as cooked ones on my pages, so if you are interested in these recipes, you can read them.

If you don’t have your own frozen mushrooms prepared from last year, don’t worry, you can buy any frozen mushrooms that suit your taste in the distribution network.

Unlike dry ones, which must be soaked in water before cooking, frozen ones must be carefully thawed. It is better to do this in cold water, followed by rinsing in running water and letting excess liquid drain.

You can cook such soups with various vegetables, noodles, cereals, use meat, chicken and fish broths, or simply boil it on water.

So we prepare everything you need and cook mushroom soup


  • Frozen mushrooms - 300 gr.
  • Potatoes - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vermicelli - 30 - 50 gr.
  • Salt pepper


  1. Peel potatoes, carrots, onions, rinse and cut in any shape, carrots can be grated, cut into circles, potatoes for soup pieces, onions finely or in half rings

2. Pour potatoes into a pot of water and put on fire to cook

3. Pour the mushrooms into a colander and rinse them under running cold water so that they do not have time to completely melt

4. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, lightly salt

5. Put the mushrooms in a pan and fry together with onions and carrots.

6. If you have white mushrooms, boletus, boletus, then they must first be boiled in salted water

7. Fry the vegetable mixture for 5 - 7 minutes

8. Put the mushroom mixture into the boiling potatoes, and cook for another 10 - 15 minutes until the potatoes are fully cooked

9. We fall asleep vermicelli, if the soup turns out thick, you can add a little water

10. Pour the finished soup into bowls and add greens

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms


  • Honey mushrooms - 400 gr.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 50 ml.
  • Salt, spices
  • Vegetable oil


  1. We peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes for soup and put them in a pot of water, put them on the fire to boil
  2. Pour the flour into a dry frying pan and over medium heat, constantly stirring, warm
  3. Finely chop the onion, three carrots on a coarse grater
  4. We heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetables until cooked for 8-10 minutes, after which we send them to the pan
  5. Mushrooms defrost, and fry them in vegetable oil
  6. Add them to the soup, where we put the spices, bay leaf, salt to taste
  7. We dilute the sautéed flour with milk and pour it into the soup while stirring.
  8. Let the soup simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
  9. Add finely chopped greens and let it brew for 10 - 15 minutes

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms with pearl barley and green peas


  • Mushrooms - 500 gr.
  • Boiled barley - 250 gr.
  • Green peas - 1 tbsp.
  • Potatoes 2 - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Celery root - 120 gr.
  • Parsley root - 100 gr.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Bay leaf - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Allspice peas - 3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.
  • Sour cream


  1. Peel, wash and chop all vegetables
  2. Remove green peas from jar and let drain.
  3. Boil the barley, put it in a colander, let it drain
  4. Gently defrost the mushrooms, to do this, pour them in a bowl with cold water, let stand for 30 minutes, rinse under running water and put in a colander so that all the liquid is glassed
  5. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until tender.
  6. Add mushrooms to the onion and simmer for 10-15 minutes
  7. Boil water in a saucepan and throw in chopped celery and parsley roots for 10 minutes
  8. Add carrots and cook for another 10 minutes, then send potatoes to the pan
  9. Boil potatoes until cooked, add stewed mushrooms
  10. Pour boiled barley and green peas, add garlic, herbs and mix
  11. Cook for 20 minutes, if foam appears, remove it, 2-3 minutes before the readiness to salt
  12. Let it brew for 15 minutes, serve with sour cream

Bon appetit!

Mushroom soup of frozen porcini mushrooms with semolina


  • White mushrooms - 400 gr.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Water - 3.5 liters.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Pepper
  • Sour cream
  • Greens (dill, parsley)


  1. Mushrooms must be thawed, washed, cut and boiled for 20 - 25 minutes
  2. Peel the potatoes, rinse, cut into small sticks and fall asleep to the mushrooms
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry it in a pan with butter
  4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add to the onion and fry for 5-7 minutes
  5. Pour the roast into the soup, salt, cook for another 5 minutes
  6. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add semolina, mix well so that no lumps form, add spices and bay leaf
  7. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes
  8. Serve sprinkled with herbs and sour cream

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms with cheese in a slow cooker video recipe

I hope your first dish turned out delicious and you and your loved ones liked it very much.

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To cook frozen porcini mushroom soup, you don’t have to look for a recipe for a long time. It is not necessary to study thick cookbooks for this, it is enough to remember the simplest "grandmother's" way of making soup, and then you can improvise on a topic, depending on the ingredients available. The main plus of this dish is that you can use any mushrooms. The same goes for spices and vegetables.

In autumn, when mushroom pickers rush into the forest for a quiet hunt, housewives begin to actively prepare dishes from wild mushrooms. But nowadays, in order to pamper yourself with these products, it is not necessary to wait for the season. Mushrooms can be purchased frozen. Dishes prepared from frozen porcini mushrooms are in no way inferior in taste and nutritional value to similar dishes made from fresh products.

How many gifts of the forest to put in the broth depends on the tastes and preferences of the hostess. To make the broth more concentrated and rich, you need to put more mushrooms than noodles or potatoes. But such a dish will turn out to be quite difficult to digest. If you want a light vegetable soup, you can put only a handful of mushrooms for flavor, and make the main focus on roots and vegetables.

Nutrition experts say that mushrooms, which are traditionally very popular among the Slavic peoples, bring great benefits to the body, saturating it with vitamins and proteins. If you include mushroom dishes in your diet every day, cold winter and spring beriberi are not terrible.

And Western Europeans (with the exception of the French) absolutely in vain "disdain" this product, because:

  • In terms of protein content, the gifts of the forest are in no way inferior to meat, oyster mushrooms, champignons and mushrooms are the richest in protein.
  • Coarse vegetable fiber, which is contained in these products, prevents constipation and helps to normalize bowel function.
  • All vitamins are fully preserved in fresh and shock-frozen "gifts of the forest". Vitamins of groups E, A, D, which are found in large quantities in the most "valuable" varieties of mushrooms, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems and slow down physiological aging.
  • The delicate aroma of these products stimulates the appetite, so any mushroom dishes are ideal for those who eat poorly and lose weight due to illness or general overwork.

There is a popular belief that forest mushrooms and their "brothers" accumulate radiation. However, this is true only for those mushrooms that were collected in the contaminated area. Frozen products of industrial production, as a rule, are grown artificially, so there can be no talk of any radiation. Vice versa, mushroom dishes activate the human immune system and help the body to actively fight the negative effects of the environment.

For those who can hardly distinguish a mushroom from a mushroom, and an edible mushroom "umbrella" from a pale grebe, it is best to purchase frozen products in supermarkets, this opportunity is now available in almost every major city.

Making a tasty and nutritious first course of frozen mushrooms is very simple, because the gifts of the forest do not have to be peeled, cut and washed. This is an ideal option for a novice housewife who wants to pamper her family and friends, but at the same time does not want to bother with the preparation of mushrooms. In order to prepare an excellent soup that helps not to freeze in the cold season and contributes to rapid satiety, you must first prepare all the ingredients. For mushroom soup according to a recipe from frozen mushrooms, you will need:

  • Packing mushrooms;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Potatoes or noodles (vermicelli);
  • Greenery;
  • Salt;
  • Bay leaf, black peppercorns.

Cheese can be added if desired. Meat or fish is not needed, mushroom soup is traditionally considered a lean dish.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start cooking:

  • It is necessary to boil water and cook the broth from frozen mushrooms. If the hostess puts only half of the package, the second half should be immediately returned to the freezer, tightly closing the bag.
  • Add peeled and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes or cubes to the broth.
  • While the potatoes are cooking, you need to prepare the fry. To do this, finely chopped onions and grated carrots are fried in sunflower oil until golden brown, if desired, you can add a little garlic. Tomato paste is not put in a fry for mushroom soup.
  • When the potatoes are almost ready, the frying is added to the soup along with the remnants of vegetable oil to make the broth fatter.
  • The dish is brought to readiness, about ten minutes before turning off, bay leaves are added to the pan.

If the hostess decided to use pasta or vermicelli instead of potatoes, add pasta and fry about ten minutes before the mushrooms are ready, spices are added at the same time. In this case, you need to be very careful not to overcook the noodles, otherwise they will turn into porridge.

When the soup is cooked from potatoes, a handful of rice can be added at the same time as the potatoes. This option is especially good in cases where there are few potatoes and the finished first course can turn out to be watery. Rice is added "for consistency".

Professional chefs do not recommend adding fresh cabbage to the first mushroom dishes, because both products tend to cause fermentation in the stomach. Although, if a person is healthy and does not have a tendency to flatulence, lean dried mushroom soup with sauerkraut will go with a bang.

Cooking options

The French are very fond of julienne - mushroom puree soup with chicken, seasoned with grated cheese. Julien is served in cocottes - special deep cups. The technology of its preparation is simple. If at the moment there is no poultry meat at home, but you want to feast on something unusual, the hostess can cook the first dish of porcini mushrooms with melted cheese.

This is a kind of budget version of the French julienne, the taste is in no way inferior to its foreign "relative". Instead of processed cheese, hard cheese can also be used, as long as the taste of the dairy product is soft and neutral and does not drown out the mushroom version. Such types of cheeses are suitable for such a soup, such as:

  • "Gouda";
  • "Russian";
  • "Viola" (with a neutral taste, without additives and flavorings);
  • "Friendship".

When choosing processed cheese, you should pay attention to the fact that it is cheese, and not a cheese product.

The cooking technology is quite simple: the hostess cooks the first dish of fresh or frozen mushrooms (mushrooms, oyster mushrooms) according to any recipe she likes, and three to four minutes before the end of cooking, adds the required amount of cheese to the pan. Before cooking mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, the hostess must firmly understand that in the last minutes of cooking it is impossible to leave the stove. Soup with added cheese must be constantly stirred until the additive is completely dissolved, otherwise you will get unappetizing lumps. Properly cooked "Russian julienne" will be a delicate cream color.

Features of filing and registration

Mushroom soup, as forest soup is sometimes called, should be served with black or white fresh bread, then mushrooms, which are traditionally considered heavy food for the stomach, will be better absorbed. Some housewives fill the first course with croutons. This is also a good option, but you need to put croutons in the soup just before serving, and not in advance, otherwise they will get soggy.

Serve the first course hot and fresh. If you reheat the soup, it will no longer be as tasty. Do not pour it on plates immediately after the dish is removed from the heat or the slow cooker is turned off. The soup should rest a little. To keep the pan warm, you can wrap it with a towel.

Mushroom soup from porcini mushrooms according to the classic recipe can be seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. If possible, homemade mayonnaise should be preferred. Another option is to put half a hard-boiled egg on each plate and sprinkle the finished dish with fresh or dried dill.

Features of the choice of mushrooms

Of course, it is best to cook the first course from the “gifts of the forest” collected with your own hands. However, in winter, forest mushrooms can be completely replaced with frozen ones. It can be not only white, but also:

  • Champignon;
  • Oyster mushrooms;
  • Honey mushrooms;
  • Assorted mushrooms.

Typically, such products are sold in supermarkets in the departments of frozen and chilled foods. The industrial technology of shock freezing is used there, which allows preserving all useful substances in mushrooms.

When choosing frozen mushrooms for soup with noodles or potatoes, you should take the package and shake it. If a characteristic knock is heard inside, you should refrain from buying, as there is a lot of ice inside. This indicates that the product has been repeatedly thawed and refrigerated.

When choosing champignons, it is better to buy whole, rather than cut in a transparent package. Chopped mushrooms are almost indistinguishable from inedible mushrooms. If some fungus does not look like its "brothers", do not take this pack.

Soup with frozen porcini mushrooms will turn out delicious if you do not defrost the product before preparing the broth, but immediately throw mushrooms into boiling water. When mushrooms are thawed, they lose a lot of juice, become bland and tasteless.

Mushrooms are tasty and healthy food. Hot dishes from them are an integral part of a lean and vegetarian diet.

You can prepare a nutritious soup in about fifty minutes. The main thing is to properly prepare all the ingredients for cooking and decorate the finished food beautifully. Both guests and family will certainly appreciate this culinary masterpiece. The first dish of mushrooms is much healthier and more nutritious than various snacks from salted and pickled mushrooms.

Attention, only TODAY!

After a rich harvest of fruits or vegetables, many housewives prefer to save some of the products for the winter period. This can be done by canning or freezing. During the cold season, dishes with different types of mushrooms will especially please the family. This ingredient is great for many dishes, but frozen mushroom soup is a favorite among them. Amazing first courses with this ingredient are healthy, tasty, and contribute to the recovery of the body after illness. Read on for some easy-to-make dinner recipes below.

Classic mushroom soup


  • Half a kilogram of champignon mushrooms, honey mushrooms, russula or others to taste.
  • Potatoes (2-3 pieces).
  • One bow.
  • One carrot.
  • Two types of oil: butter and vegetable.
  • Seasonings as desired.
  • 1.4 liters of water.

How to make a nutritious mushroom soup with mushrooms:

  1. Before starting cooking, rinse the mushrooms, then pour them into a saucepan, pour in cool clean water and place the container on the switched on burner. At the same time, add the bay leaf with a pinch of salt.
  2. Well peel the skin from the potato vegetable, rinse. Cut into not very large straws or small cubes. Pour the resulting cut into a container on the stove.
  3. Cut the onion. Turn on the fire under the pan, melt the butter. Add it there in crushed form. Fry well until soft and golden brown.
  4. Grate carrots or chop finely. In a clean frying pan, heat the vegetable oil well, then fry this vegetable.
  5. As soon as the vegetable ingredients are brought to readiness (it is advisable to cook them before cooking), pour them into the future soup.
  6. Boil the first dish until the potatoes soften, then add spices with black or red pepper.
  7. Serve a great meal on the table!

Soup from frozen porcini mushrooms in a slow cooker


  • White mushrooms (200 grams).
  • 3-4 small potatoes
  • Carrot.
  • 1 red pepper.
  • Sour cream.
  • Bulb.
  • The chicken thigh is small.
  • Greenery.
  • Oil.
  • 2 liters of filtered or boiled water for cooking.

How to cook delicious mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms:

  1. In a slow cooker, make chicken meat, after preparing a rich broth, remove the chicken leg and transfer to a plate.
  2. Prepare the elements of the dish: defrost the mushrooms, peel and cut them carefully, chop the onion, chop the pepper into thin strips, grate the carrots, cut the potatoes into cubes.
  3. Pour oil into the pan, let it warm up, then pour chopped mushrooms, peppers, carrots into it. Fry everything together, then add the frying with onions.
  4. While the vegetables are cooking, let the broth with potatoes boil in the slow cooker. As soon as the root crop is cooked, pour the cooked frying there.
  5. The first dish is ready. Serve mushroom soup on the table with herbs and sour cream.

Recipe for mushroom soup with barley


  • Two and a half liters of pure water.
  • 3 medium potatoes.
  • 300 grams of frozen mushrooms.
  • Half a glass of barley.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • Seasonings.

How to cook fragrant mushroom soup with delicious cereals:

  1. Rinse barley well, steam with hot purified water and leave for several hours.
  2. Rinse frozen mushrooms, cut. Boil water, pour this ingredient into it. After everything boils again, carefully remove the foam and add the bay leaves. Cover with a lid, cook for about 15 minutes.
  3. Using a slotted spoon, remove the mushrooms from the hot water, pour barley porridge instead. To get a pleasant taste and texture, it should be cooked for at least 40 minutes.
  4. Add pre-cut potatoes (in small pieces) to barley porridge, continue to cook soup ingredients.
  5. Cut onion, carrot into cubes. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the onion there, and a little later the carrots. Vegetables for mushroom soup should be soft.
  6. After the vegetables are cooked, add mushrooms to them, fry for about 5 minutes.
  7. When the frying is ready, add it to the pan and cook for a quarter of an hour over low heat.
  8. Delicious soup is ready! Serve with greens, sour cream.

Mushroom champignon soup with vermicelli


  • 200 grams of frozen champignons.
  • 60 grams of noodles.
  • 1 potato.
  • 2 medium onions.
  • 1 carrot.
  • Tomato paste (2 large spoons).
  • Oil for frying vegetables.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • 2 liters of water.

How to cook delicious vermicelli mushroom soup:

  1. Pour purified or boiled water into a saucepan, let it boil. Then add frozen mushrooms to boiling water, cook for about a quarter of an hour.
  2. Peel raw potatoes, rinse, grate on a fine grater. Add to soup.
  3. Grind the onion with carrots - grate or cut into small strips. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry vegetables on it until a golden crust appears. Add the tomato paste, mix everything well and lower the frying into the pot with the soup.
  4. Then cook the soup for no more than five minutes, then add small vermicelli to the pan. Start stirring the dish constantly for 10 minutes so that the pasta does not stick together.
  5. Add seasonings, bay leaf, turn off the gas and let the soup brew for a bit.
  6. Serve the finished mushroom first course with herbs.

How to cook mushroom cream soup with cream


  • Half a kilo of mushrooms.
  • 3 medium potatoes.
  • A large spoonful of butter.
  • Half a liter of heavy cream.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 bulb.

How to cook a gourmet creamy dish:

  1. Cut the skin off the potato, peel the vegetable well, cut into several pieces (not too small), rinse the mushrooms carefully. Place the ingredients in a cooking pot.
  2. Finely grate the carrots, chop the onion. Heat a frying pan with butter (it is allowed to replace it with vegetable oil), pour vegetables there, let them fry and acquire a golden hue.
  3. Separate the mushrooms from the potatoes, fry them a little.
  4. Using a blender, bring the potatoes to a puree state, gradually pour half a liter of cream into it. Transfer to a saucepan.
  5. Separately from the potatoes, lightly chop the vegetable fry.
  6. Add the roast to the puree, dilute the resulting mixture with vegetable broth to a kefir consistency.
  7. Boil 4 minutes. Add the finished dish to taste with spices, herbs, cover with a lid and a warm towel, let stand.
  8. Delicious soup is ready!

Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms is an amazing dish. It has a unique aroma. This soup smells like autumn and forest. It is low in calories yet filling. The proposed mushroom soup recipe is simple, like everything perfect.

Frozen mushrooms are high in fiber, vegetable protein and carbohydrates, which explains their high energy value combined with low calorie content. Not one recipe for dietary or lean dishes is based precisely on these properties of "vegetable meat".

mushroom preparation

Soup from frozen mushrooms begins to cook ahead of time. The recipe is based on the use of frozen forest delicacies, which should be prepared in advance, in season - at the end of summer and autumn.

For this it is best to take:

The golden rule of working with such delicacies from the forest: today we have collected, today we process. For freezing, you need to select whole strong specimens, but not rotten in any way. A very beautiful mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms is obtained if you select small, neat mushrooms.

  • Recipe for frozen forest mushrooms:
  • raw materials should be cleaned of grass, earth. Oilers are freed from the skin;
  • the whole mass is washed in running water;
  • mushrooms are placed in a pot of water and boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes;
  • then the water is drained;
  • the contents of the pan are thrown into a colander;
  • the mass is laid out on a napkin, where it has to cool and dry a little;
  • mushrooms are laid out on flat plates separately from each other and placed in the freezer. Each piece should be frozen separately;
  • after an hour, the mass is divided into portions based on the volume required for one dish, placed in plastic bags and returned to the freezer.

At a temperature of -18ºС, such blanks are stored for up to six months. After the water begins to destroy the mushroom fiber, depriving the product of its beneficial properties.

Preparing a semi-finished product for cooking consists in defrosting the required volume in a natural way. Re-freezing is not possible. Thawed mass can not be stored in the refrigerator, it should be fully used on the same day.


The recipe suggests that for frozen mushroom soup you need to prepare:

  • frozen mushrooms - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • flour - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water -1.5 l;
  • sunflower oil - 20-30 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • greenery.

This recipe yields 2 servings.

Cooking time is 60 minutes.

Sequence of work

Mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms is prepared as follows:

Cooking completed. A delicious dish, the recipe of which is the pride of Russian cuisine, is ready to eat..
