
Recipes for Caucasian pork shish kebab. With soy sauce

The meat is marinated very quickly, it feels good without a refrigerator, it is excellent and quickly fried on the grill. And it's very tasty.

Yes, this marinade is suitable for any meat (lamb, beef, pork) and poultry barbecue.

barbecue marinade recipe

This marinade recipe does not have strict proportions of what and how much - it is important to observe and understand the principle here.

The basis of this marinade is vegetable oil. The best option- unrefined sunflower homemade. A little oil is needed. You should not drown the meat in oil, since it will not be possible to squeeze it (meat), the oil will drip onto the coals and burn. It would be more correct to mix the pieces of meat in the marinade every 30-40 minutes. But if there is no time or desire - drown.

The next ingredient is spices. Black (not red) hot pepper, allspice, coriander. All this must be passed through a home mill - spices are needed quite coarse grinding. But store dust for barbecue is not suitable.

And we also take suneli hops, quite a bit of dry cilantro and tarragon (if we can get it). Salt is calculated according to the amount of meat.

And now we take an enameled bowl, pour 150-200 ml of vegetable oil into it, load spices and herbs, salt, mix well, add meat and mix very well again. So that each piece of meat is in the marinade.

We leave the meat under the marinade and proceed to the second part of the action - now we need onion. It is better if the onion is small. You need a lot of onions - at least 500 g for every kilogram of meat.

We clean the onion, but do not cut off the spouts and tails from the bulbs. We cut the onions lengthwise into four parts (cross to cross). If the bulbs are large - into 6 parts. 1-2 onions cut very finely, mixed with salt and "zhmakaem". We introduce this mixture of onion and salt into the meat, mix, add onion quarters - onions that must be turned on top so that the onions lie cut down on the meat. To have contact. If necessary, add vegetable oil - and pieces of meat, and onions - everything should be under the film of marinade and spices. If in doubt, add more oil, then drain in a colander to drain excess oil.

The meat marinates quickly enough, but it is better to keep the kebab in the marinade overnight.

Pieces (not pieces, namely pieces - the kebab should be large, then it will be juicy) of meat are strung on skewers according to the classics: meat-onion-meat-onion, etc. Meat around the edges of the skewers. We pierce the onion with a skewer through the middle - when cooking the kebab, the “noses” and “tails” will burn, and you will get a real delicious “barbecued” onion, if you know what I'm talking about. This is a must try.

The only problem with this kebab marinade is that it is a hassle to prepare the kebab because initial stage oil drips on the coals and you need to constantly knock down the fire. However, the barbecue turns out to be very tasty and this compensates for all the trouble. By the way, under such a marinade, even very lean beef becomes a delicious barbecue.

Ready barbecue served in red and white wines, cold vodka and good cognac.

Bon appetit and good mood!


How to make marinade for barbecue in Caucasian style

I wonder how to make a Caucasian barbecue marinade? In this case, you should read this recipe, which explains everything better than YouTube. Usually Caucasian shish kebab is made from lamb. The meat of this animal has a special taste. To make lamb skewers delicious, it is important to properly prepare the marinade. There are several marinade options for this meat and all of them are presented in this article. Each of them has detailed description so there won't be any problem.

Caucasian marinade for barbecue

For 1 kilogram of meat, 0.5 kilograms of tomatoes are taken, the same amount of onion is chopped and mixed, salt and spices are added. Meat and vegetables are laid out in a glass bowl, and marinated for 4 hours.

Wine marinade for pork barbecue with adjika

For 1 kilogram of meat, 1 cup of dry white wine, 4 tablespoons of adjika (spicy), 3 small onions, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, spices are taken. Vegetables are cut into small pieces. Mixed with wine and spices. Add this mixture to the meat and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

A marinade made from yogurt or kefir, or soy sauce will help to give lamb tenderness and a magical aroma. The meat is simply poured with one of these products, spices and garlic are added. Marinating time depends on the freshness of the meat. On average it is 12 to 24 hours.

Lemon marinade for pork and chicken skewers

Suitable and lemon marinade. You will need the juice of one lemon, 2-3 cloves of garlic, mint, onion, 4 tablespoons olive oil, black pepper and salt.

And one more option - lamb is soaked for 6 hours in strong tea, then washed, pieces of meat are pricked on a fork and marinated in finely chopped onions.

Unlike lamb, beef is rarely used for barbecue. Therefore, few people know how to properly prepare the marinade for this meat. It's actually pretty easy to prepare. Pieces of beef are rubbed with ground pepper, three finely chopped onions and poured with 50 milliliters of vinegar. You need to marinate the kebab in a cold place, under pressure in a glass bowl for three hours.

When using wine, the marinade is softer. It is better to choose red wine. A glass of dry red wine is mixed with four finely chopped onions and three cloves of chopped garlic. Spices and salt to taste. The meat is marinated for three to five hours.

If kefir is used for the marinade, the duration of pickling increases to six hours. One finely chopped onion is mixed with ground pepper and salt. The meat is covered with this mixture and completely filled with kefir.

For the marinade, you can use carbonated mineral water. For 20 minutes, the beef is rubbed with spices and salt, then it is completely filled with soda. Marinate for six hours in the refrigerator.


Caucasian barbecue

That's why step by step recipe you can cook real caucasian juicy barbecue lamb in the most delicious marinade.


  • 3.5 kg lamb
  • 6 bulbs
  • 70-80 ml vegetable oil
  • half a lemon
  • 4-5 tsp salt
  • ground black pepper to taste (about 15-20 peas or 1 tsp ground)
  • a few sprigs of thyme
  • 1 tsp ground paprika
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2/3 tsp ground coriander
  • 0.5-1 tsp dried basil
  • a pinch of red hot pepper
  • a pinch of zira

Recipe for cooking at home

  1. Rinse lamb thoroughly and wipe dry with napkins, cut into large pieces of approximately the same size. Crush the peppercorns thoroughly in a mortar.
  2. Put the meat in a bowl, add salt, pepper, all spices and mix. Peel the onions and cut into rings, 0.5 cm thick. Finely break the bay leaf, add to the meat along with onion and vegetable oil.
  3. Squeeze out all the juice from the lemon and strain it through a sieve, pour it into a bowl with marinated meat, stirring it quickly with a spoon. Cover the meat with a plate, put a pressure of 2-3 kg and refrigerate overnight.
  4. After 10-12 hours, you can start cooking caucasian barbecue: Thread pieces of meat on skewers, alternating them with onion rings. Fry the kebab on the grill over smoldering coals for about half an hour. At the same time, periodically turn the skewers over and pour the meat with the remaining marinade.
  5. Serve lamb shish kebab hot, with any sauce and garnish of your choice. Bon appetit!

Rabbit barbecue

Turkey barbecue

Shish kebab of champignons

Lamb skewers in the oven

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Caucasian shish kebab.

Products: 1 kg of lamb, 2-3 onions, green onions to taste, 1 tbsp. melted lamb fat, 5 tomatoes, 1/2 tkemali sauce, 1/2 cup table vinegar, 1 tbsp. dried barberry, 1 lemon, ground black pepper, herbs and salt - to taste.

Cut the meat into small cubes (30-40g), put in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and ground pepper, add finely chopped chopped onions, pour vinegar (lemon juice). Mix everything well. Cover the dishes with a lid and put in a cold place for pickling for 3-4 hours.

Then string pieces of meat on a skewer, alternating with onion slices, grease everything with tail fat and fry over charcoal.

Fry the kebab on the grill over hot coals without a flame for 10-15 minutes, turning the skewer so that the meat is evenly fried.

Garnish the finished kebab with green and onion, lemon slices or tkemali sauce and tomatoes, sprinkle with herbs and barberry.

Products: 100 g dried plums, garlic, salt, pepper, parsley or cilantro.

Sorted, washed dried plums put in a saucepan, fill with water so that it only covers them and boil. The broth is filtered, pitted plums are rubbed through a sieve, diluted with broth to the density of sour cream, crushed garlic is added, ground pepper, finely chopped greens, salt, Bell pepper, stir, boil and cool.

Products: 1.5 kg of tomatoes, 300 g of butter, 2 g of ground pepper, salt to taste.

iterate over fresh tomatoes, remove the stalks, wash in cold water, cut into slices, rub through a sieve, boil to a consistency heavy cream, fill with melted butter, ground pepper, salt.

Central Asian barbecue

Uzbek Shashlik - Sihkabob

1 kg of lamb, 200 g of lard, 2-3 onions, 1 teaspoon of salt and cumin, 2 teaspoons of coriander, 1 teaspoon of black or red ground pepper, 4 tablespoons of grape vinegar.

lamb pulp and fat tail fat cut into pieces of 15-16 g, sprinkle with salt, cumin, pepper, coriander, add finely chopped onion and grape vinegar. Mix everything well. In order for the lamb to marinate better, put it in an enameled (porcelain, pottery poured) dish, press down on top with a load, cover with gauze and put in cool place for several hours (from 4 to 24 hours).

Then string 6 pieces on skewers, the last piece should be lard. Roast over smoldering coals, first with. on one side, then on the other until the juice is released and the formation golden brown. In order for the meat to cook evenly, wave the fan from time to time. If the fat drains and a flame forms, sprinkle the coals with diluted vinegar.

When serving, put the kebab together with the skewers on a plate, 2-4 pieces per serving or several servings at once. big dish, garnish with white onion rings sprinkled with black pepper, Serve separately fresh vegetables

Appearance - fried pieces meat and lard strung on skewers with onion rings.

The taste is very appetizing, fresh roast lamb with the sharpness of onions, peppers, vinegar, aromas of cumin and coriander.

Special shish kebab -- Titrama kabob

1 kg of meat, 2 onions and tomatoes, 1 head of garlic, 1 bunch of cilantro, dill, parsley and raikhon, 1 teaspoon of coriander, cumin, pepper and salt.

Divide the leg and loin of lamb together with the costal bones into pieces of 40-50 g each. Sprinkle with salt and all spices, mix and set aside. Peel the onion and garlic, chop the tomatoes and pass through a meat grinder along with all the herbs given in the recipe. Then mix the resulting green mass with meat and put in a cool place for 30-60 minutes. After that, string 5-6 pieces, along with the bones, on long skewers and fry over smoldering coals until golden brown,

When serving, remove the kebab from the skewers, put on plates and serve with fresh vegetables or sour fruits

Appearance-pieces fried meat with rib bones.

Taste roast lamb With own scent and the aroma of greens, the sharpness of garlic, onions, peppers and vinegar in the bouquet.

shish kebab from minced meat- Kiyma kabob

500 g of beef and lamb, 3 onions, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper, 50 g of flour, 2 tablespoons of ground red pepper.

Pass beef together with lamb 2 times through a meat grinder. Add finely chopped onion to minced meat, a raw egg, sprinkle with salt and pepper, mix well. Then take about 50-60 g of minced meat in your hand, shape it into a sausage, string it on skewers, bread with flour mixed with ground pepper, and fry over coals like a regular barbecue.

When serving, put on plates 2-4 pieces. per serving, garnish with rings; onions or serve separately fresh vegetables and grape vinegar,

Appearance - fried chopped meat on skewers, similar to elongated cutlets.

Taste roast beef and lamb with its own flavor and pungency of onion and black pepper.

materials: http://skfo.ru, “ Uzbek cuisine” Tashkent 1982

Barbecue secrets.

1. Meat must be chilled and fresh, you will not get the desired result from frozen meat.

2. It is better to use a ham or loin young lamb, pork neck, beef - only tenderloin.

3. To make the barbecue juicy, cut the meat into at least 5 cm.

4. It is better to fry the kebab over the coals of hardwood trees, at a distance of 10-15 cm.

5. Soak the kebab in an enamel bowl for about 3-5 hours.

6. Use salt, pepper and onions, and do not get carried away with salt so that the meat does not give up all the juice.

Pork skewers are one of the most popular dishes. caucasian cuisine. He gained particular popularity due to his juiciness and tenderness. How to marinate pork kebab so that the dish meets all your expectations? It is only necessary to know a number of secrets. Most of they concern the preparation of marinades.

At its core, a marinade is a mixture in which meat is soaked. This mixture consists of acids (wine, vinegar, fruit juices, mayonnaise, kvass), spices, spices, onions and salt. The task of all these ingredients is to give the meat a tender texture and flavor. However, before preparing the marinade, you should choose the right meat. To learn how to make a real Caucasian barbecue, take note of a few marinade recipes.

How to choose meat for pork barbecue

An ideal option for cooking a dish would be fresh, fresh boneless meat with moderate amount fat. Pork freshness is determined pleasant smell, and on the cut - pink, uniform color.

When choosing a part of the carcass of a pig, preference should be given to the pulp from the neck, loin, brisket and lumbar region. Ham, shoulder blade or ribs are not suitable for these purposes. It is an indisputable fact that pork kebab is the most delicious, juicy and aromatic, but beef, lamb or chicken breasts.
In the absence of fresh pork, the use of a chilled and frozen product will be quite acceptable. The main secret of preparing a delicious dish from a frozen product is its proper preparation and how long it will be in the marinade. To do this, the meat needs to be thawed, it is best if this happens on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This defrosting option will preserve the taste and nutritional properties product. Some chefs advise salting frozen meat and leaving it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Re-freezing is not recommended, as juiciness is lost. The photo shows what kind of fresh pork has.

In what dish to marinate barbecue

For pickling, it is better to use enameled, glass or ceramic pan. It is not recommended to use aluminum and plastic container, because during the marinating process, the meat can absorb harmful substances, distinguished by dishes.

Marinade composition

What products and spices will be needed depends on the chosen pickling recipe. So for classic recipe you will need onions, dried paprika, coriander, dried basil, ground allspice, savory, dried chili, turmeric, curry, adjika, salt and vinegar. However, this is not a definitive list, it may be supplemented, or some ingredients may be replaced by other products. Take advantage ready recipes by following the cooking process step by step.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 2 kg of pork;
  • 300 g of onion;
  • 1 pack of store-bought kebab seasoning;
  • 250 ml of vinegar 6%;
  • salt to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We cut the pork into medium-sized cubes, approximately like 4 matchboxes folded into a cube.
  2. We cut the onion in half rings. We place it in a marinating pan and lightly squeeze it, wait until the juice begins to stand out.
  3. Put the meat in the onion and mix everything.
  4. Add seasoning, stir.
  5. Add vinegar and mix again.
  6. Let marinate for two hours until done. Some cooks believe that it is better if the meat stands in the vinegar liquid a little longer - about 5 hours.
  7. Before you start stringing on skewers, the meat needs to be salted.
  8. Grill by placing skewers over hot coals.
  9. Ready meal Serve with ketchup or homemade tomato sauce.

tomato sauce


  • 200 g tomato;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • parsley.

Cooking instructions:

We put all the ingredients in a blender and grind for two minutes at full power. The sauce is ready.

Tip: when choosing spices, you can purchase ready-made store seasonings or use the mixture to your liking. Try not to overdo it with the variety of spices. In everything you need to have a sense of proportion.

Many cooks are ardent opponents of vinegar, believing that it only spoils the taste of the dish. In their recipes, they suggest replacing it with other products such as kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard powder, cranberries, pomegranate juice and tomatoes.

Lemon juice is a good alternative to vinegar.


  • 1.5 kg of pork;
  • 5-6 large onions;
  • 10 g spices;
  • 2 lemons;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste;
  • salt.

Shish kebab prepared with lemon juice, is no less popular. The process of its preparation is not much different from the option using vinegar. The main difference is the use of lemon. To do this, you need to take lemons, cut in half and squeeze all the juice onto the cut pieces of pork. Pouring the meat with juice, mix it thoroughly. Marinating time - no longer than 3 hours.

The success of this recipe largely depends on a well-chosen amount of lemon juice. If you overdo it with juice, then the dish will become unpleasant sour taste.

How to marinate pork skewers on kefir

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of steam pork;
  • 15 g sugar
  • 0.5 l of kefir with a fat content of 3.2%;
  • 6 medium sized onions;
  • pepper, salt.

This recipe is slightly different from the previous one. Its main difference is that the marinade on kefir has a milder effect. For this reason, meat should be infused more long time- about 12 hours, better - a day.Kefir marinade does not contain a large number spices.

During the cooking process, it is necessary that kefir gradually soak the meat. For this, in prepared in the usual way onion and meat, pour in kefir and mix. Add sugar and mix again. Let the meat brew for an hour room temperature. Then we put it in the refrigerator, leave it to soak for 10-11 hours.

For cooking this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 300 g of mayonnaise;
  • 3 large onions;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt.

Pour the meat, cut into pieces, with mayonnaise. Add spices and onion, cut into half rings, into the mixture. Mix everything, leave for 1 hour. In the meantime, prepare the grill, kindle the coals.

One of the most original variants marinade is vinous. In it, the role of the main component is assigned to wine (dry white or dry red). The meat is poured with wine and left to marinate for 2 hours. (For such a recipe, per 1 kg of meat, you will need 2 cups of wine.) After 2 hours, spices are added to it and left to marinate for another two hours, if the wine is absorbed, it must be periodically topped up. Salt, as usual, before frying.

Marinate pork skewers with cream

This recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg pork loin;
  • 500 g 20% ​​cream or natural yogurt without additives;
  • 5 grams of dried basil;
  • 2 large heads of onions;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • a mixture of red and black peppers to taste;
  • salt.


  1. After peeling the garlic and onions, finely chop them by hand with a knife or use a blender.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with finely chopped basil and pepper.
  3. We cut the meat into pieces.
  4. We rub each piece with the resulting onion-garlic-basil sauce.
  5. We put the meat in a deep bowl, pour the rest cream sauce of garlic and onion and pour cream.
  6. We put in a cool place for 6 hours.
  7. Drain the marinade before frying.
  8. This recipe will also be relevant for grilling.

How to marinate pork skewers in mineral water marinade

This recipe differs from the previous ones in its unusualness and creativity.


  • 2.5 kg of pork;
  • 1 l any mineral water;
  • 6 medium sized onions;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt to taste.


The cooking process remains the same, except that the role sour ingredient mineral water takes over. Marinated - no more than three hours. Half an hour before frying, vegetable oil is added to the marinade. TO raw meat you can add champignons and pre-fry them with onions in a pan.

cook tasty dish You can also use ready-made marinades. Their range is amazing. On the shelves of shops there are pickles with mustard, on pomegranate juice, marinades with pieces of fruits and vegetables, classic marinades. Their advantage is more fast process pickling.

Little tricks in cooking barbecue

  • If the barbecue is cooked in the summer, then the meat should be cut into more large pieces. So it will be more juicy.
  • If the meat has been frozen, mustard will help keep it juicy. It is enough to add mustard to the finished marinade, smear the pieces of chopped meat and leave for an hour or two hours. At the end of the specified period, the meat is marinated to your liking.
  • The pickling process is very important: the taste of the future dish depends on how successful the marinade turns out.
  • To build a fire for cooking meat, it is advisable to use wood, not ready-made coals. Thus, the pork will turn out more fragrant and soft.
  • So that the meat does not dry out on the coals during frying, it is sprinkled with homemade wine, water or beer.
  • The coals in the grill should not burn, they should smolder. If a fire breaks out during frying or the coals smoke heavily, it is either slightly poured with water, or knocked down with a special spatula.

To make everyone happy at the picnic good barbecue, we invite you to learn all the secrets of its preparation from this video

- real creative process and every little thing matters here. It is believed that the marinade is no less important than the meat itself, and preparing it correctly is a whole art. Where, if not in the Caucasus, do they know a lot about barbecue?

What is the marinade for?

Pre-treatment of meat with the help of marinating is necessary not only to improve the aroma and taste of the barbecue, but also to cook it faster, improve the consistency of the product.

There are many types of such sauces. In the Caucasus, shish kebab is traditionally prepared from young lamb, while it should be steamed, and the lamb, ideally, is dairy. Special attention is given to the marinade, which can be prepared in several ways.

Caucasian marinade for shish kebab classic

Traditionally for pre-treatment mutton or lamb liquid is not used. You will need onions (at the rate of 2 kg per 2-3 kg of meat), black pepper coarsely ground or chopped in a mortar, salt to taste.

For marinating, they take a rather deep dish and put all the ingredients in layers in it.

At the bottom - onion, cut into rings, salted and peppered, then a layer of lamb pieces, a layer of onions and so on. The onion is laid out last. Leave to marinate in a cool place for at least 4 hours, and preferably all night.

With tomatoes

For this marinade, you need tomatoes, onions, peppers and salt. Tomatoes are crushed, onions are cut into rings, salt and pepper are added. All this is combined with pieces of lamb and left for several hours to soak. A kilogram of meat will require half a kilogram of onions and tomatoes.

With different spices

In this case, lamb is marinated using different spices and the result is a very tasty barbecue.

For three kilograms of meat you will need:

  • onion - 6 pieces;
  • lemon - half;
  • vegetable oil - 70 grams;
  • black peppercorns - 15 pieces;
  • salt - 4 teaspoons;
  • ground paprika - a teaspoon;
  • Bay leaf- 2 pieces;
  • dried basil - half a teaspoon;
  • ground coriander - two thirds of a teaspoon;
  • zira and hot ground red pepper - a pinch each;
  • a small bunch of thyme

Place the lamb pieces in a bowl. Grind peppercorns in a mortar. Add all spices, salt and pepper to the meat and mix. Here also send a broken bay leaf, chopped onion rings and vegetable oil. Squeeze the juice of a lemon, strain it and also pour it into a container. Mix everything, put a plate on top and put oppression (about 2-3 kg). Leave to marinate overnight in a cold place.

With grape vinegar

For a kilogram of meat, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • grape vinegar - 50 grams;
  • onion - 500 grams;
  • cilantro, parsley - to taste;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

Season lamb or pork sliced ​​in portions with salt, pepper and shift with onion, cut into rings. Dilute the vinegar in 500 ml of water and pour over the meat. Cover the container with a lid and put in a cool place for three hours.

With sparkling water

For this marinade in a Caucasian style, you do not need anything but fresh lamb, sparkling water, salt and pepper. The chopped meat is sprinkled with salt and pepper, poured with sparkling water and left for no more than 2 hours, otherwise it will turn out tough.

With wine

It is believed that wine makes the marinade softer. The best option is red dry. For a glass of wine, you need to take three onions and three cloves of garlic. Finely chopped garlic and onion rings are mixed with wine, pepper and salt and poured into the meat. The marinating process lasts about three hours.

With soy sauce

Lamb needs to be poured soy sauce, add finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Marinate for 12 to 24 hours depending on the freshness of the meat.

With kefir

Pieces of lamb are sprinkled with salt and pepper, chopped onion is also added here and all this is poured with kefir. Marinating will take six hours.

With oranges and walnuts

For this marinade, the following ingredients are used (per 1 kg of lamb):

  • red wine - 2 liters;
  • walnuts - 300 grams;
  • oranges - 0.5 kg;
  • cinnamon, coriander, black pepper, rosemary - to taste.

Mix all the ingredients of the marinade, put the pieces of meat in it and leave for 10 hours.

With koumiss

Young lamb should be marinated in a mixture of koumiss, onions, tomatoes and spices. First, the meat is cut into small cubes, salted, peppered and placed in a deep bowl. Then add chopped onions and tomatoes into rings and mix gently so as not to break. Next, put chopped cilantro, parsley, garlic, pour koumiss and leave for several hours.

with pomegranate

The composition of this marinade includes pomegranate seeds, onions, parsley and cilantro, salt and black pepper. spread in a container, salt and pepper, mix. Onion and herbs are cut separately, pomegranate seeds crushed in a blender are added to them, this mixture is poured into the meat, mixed, covered with a lid and marinated for two hours.

Quick marinade

For this marinade, you only need onion, kiwi and lemon. You need as much onion as meat, and kiwi and lemon - to taste, but not much. Cut all the ingredients, combine them with meat and let it brew for no more than two hours. Thus, a very soft kebab is obtained.

The recipe is universal

This marinade can be suitable not only for lamb, but also for pork and chicken, from which kebabs are most often made in Russia.

To prepare a Caucasian marinade, you need to know what ingredients to take and in what quantity, but also their proportions, and the sequence in which they are added.


Without it it is impossible to imagine meat dish. Its quantity matters. Salt should be moderate, ideally 1 teaspoon is required for 1 kg of meat. It is important to put salt first, it is she who will give the meat the right taste at the first stage of cooking. Sprinkle the lamb pieces with salt and mix thoroughly so that each one is soaked with it.


The next product is onion. It must be grated and squeezed through gauze juice or passed through a juicer. Pour this juice over the meat.

Vegetable oil

The best for marinade is vegetable unrefined. You need very little oil - no more than 50 grams.


These are coriander, hot black pepper, allspice, suneli hops, tarragon and cilantro. There are no strict proportions - they are taken to taste.

You need to keep the meat in such a marinade in a cold place all night.

However, there is an opinion that the most important thing in barbecue is still the taste of young lamb, which is good in itself, so it is better not to overdo it with marinades. Not in vain classic version in Caucasian style, it only involves salt, pepper and onion.

In the Caucasus, a person who cooks shish kebab enjoys special prestige. The secret of cooking is passed down from generation to generation. Caucasians are generally scrupulous about food. They carefully choose products, set the table beautifully, and take the choice of wine very seriously. Everyone has heard about the hospitality of the Caucasian nation. Therefore, the dish of Caucasian cuisine, barbecue, has become a favorite for many nationalities.

You can cook delicious barbecue. The main thing is to know how to do it right.

Remember that for cooking you need not only to choose the right ingredients, but also to follow the right technology.

Meat selection

The most important thing in cooking barbecue is the choice of meat.

  • The best thing is the neck. A small amount of fat will give the meat that very juiciness.

  • The meat should be fresh, but not fresh. Chilled meat that has stood for a while is fine. With a frozen product, you will not go far.

  • Meat should not be old. To distinguish old meat from good, you can use the color of the meat. Pale pink, dry with uniform color, without unpleasant odors perfect option.

  • When buying, pay attention to the size. It should be suitable for cutting into square pieces up to 100 grams.

spice selection

Properly selected spices will bring fullness of taste. For each meat, its spices. Spices are best bought by weight on the market. They are significantly different from those bought in stores. And the cost is about the same.

Pork goes well with:

  • Pepper (any)

  • Basil.

  • Marjoram.

  • Coriander.

  • Ginger.

  • Saffron.

  • Paprika.

It is important to remember that spices should be in harmony with the meat, and not drown out its natural taste.

Marinade preparation

Meat, wash thoroughly. Dry with a napkin. Cut with a sharp knife portioned pieces. Squares up to about 100 grams. Put in a dish in which the barbecue will marinate.

Onions, peel, wash and chop (on a grater, through a meat grinder, with a blender). Add to meat. Season with seasonings. Salt is traditionally used different kinds peppers, paprika. The rest of the spices will give unique notes that not everyone will like. Add natural red dry wine. This will soften the meat and give it an appetizing look.

Attention! You need to salt the meat before cooking, you can fry it during frying, or it’s already ready on the table. Meat salted in advance is less juicy.

The first piece is not salted, the second is soaked in saline, the third is sprinkled with salt. The result is obvious.

Move everything carefully. Lay the sliced ​​onion on top. And crush it a little to release the juice.

  • Marinated meat good quality 30-40 minutes. This is quite enough for the pork to be soaked with spices and acquire the necessary softness.

We make calculations:

  • Pork neck 2 kg;

  • Onion 7 pcs., (3 pcs., finely chopped, the rest cut into rings);

  • Natural red dry wine 400ml; (do not use a wine product);

  • Add salt and spices to taste.

Coal preparation

For cooking quality barbecue You need a good quality fire.

Good “friends” with pork are tree species such as: linden, birch, cherry.

It is believed that if you add dry vine the taste will be unsurpassed.

Coniferous trees should not be used, they are rich in resin with a strong aroma. The smell will kill all the spices, give the meat a bitter taste.

Aspen firewood is useless. Wood emits little heat, the meat does not have time to reach readiness. You need to burn a mountain of firewood to get the desired result.

If wood is used, it is necessary to wait until the flame has completely disappeared and only heat remains.

The ideal distance between coals and meat is 5-6 centimeters.

Required inventory

The main thing here is to really assess the degree of your professionalism.

Brazier, the safest and easiest way. Even a beginner can cook. It is better to use ready-made coals. When kindling with firewood, the brazier can simply be deformed.

Disposable barbecue, more suitable for ready-made (purchased coals).

A recess in the ground, fenced around the perimeter with bricks. Cheap, cheerful, but takes some practice. Carries a fire hazard. Before leaving, it is necessary to fill the fire with water.

Skewers or mesh? Of course shampoo. A real Caucasian shish kebab is cooked exclusively on skewers.

Preparation and cooking

Iron must be calcined before use. It should be strung on a hot skewer, the meat sticks to the metal and forms a crust, thereby preventing moisture from evaporating. You should not string the onion between the meat, it will not do any good, it will just burn. It is better to determine it on a separate skewer and simply simmer over the heat.

Pieces of meat should be pressed tightly, leaving no space between them.

Start turning over only after a crust has formed.

If everything is prepared correctly, the meat is marinated, the coals have reached the desired condition, then everything about everything takes about 20 minutes.

What to serve with barbecue

Sauce. Important detail without which the dish is incomplete. Perfect option Georgian, "Tkemali". Any other sour-spicy moderately spicy will do.

Fresh vegetables are the best side dish.

Grilled vegetables will work too. Tomatoes are excellent bell pepper, onions, mushrooms.

Basil greens, parsley, cilantro are an integral part of the barbecue.

Lavash, of course. Without it, the dish will not be complete.

Delicious cooked barbecue good company, picturesque nature moderately drunk alcohol is the best antidepressant.

Bon appetit!

(the Caucasian recipe will be presented below) it turns out so fragrant, juicy and tasty that not a single person can resist it. It is worth noting that such a meat dish is made using a minimum additional products and spices.

Juicy pork skewers: Caucasian recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • fresh pork - 3-4 kg (for the whole family);
  • large sweet bulbs - 6-7 pcs.;
  • 6% table vinegar - 12 large spoons;
  • ground red pepper - 2 full dessert spoons;
  • table salt - at personal discretion;
  • green onions - optional;
  • cilantro - a couple of bunches.

Meat product selection and processing process

The recipe for Caucasian pork skewers requires the use of only fresh meat. It can be taken from any part of the animal carcass. It can be both ribs and pure pulp. Anyway meat product must necessarily include a small amount of fat. After all, without it, the barbecue will turn out dry and quickly burn on hot coals.

Thus, the purchased pork must be washed well in slightly cool water, removed from it all inedible elements in the form of various films and veins, and then cut into small portions.

The process of processing additional ingredients

In the process of cooking on coals, it is necessary to use not only but also standard set spices. After all, the only way you get delicious and fragrant barbecue from pork. The Caucasian recipe also involves the use of two bunches of cilantro, onion and They should be rinsed, and then peeled and chopped sharp knife. It is also required to prepare a marinade in which it is planned to soak the processed meat. To do this, you need to take half a liter of ordinary drinking water and add 12 large spoons of 6% vinegar to it.

pickling process

Delicious pork skewers must be soaked as follows: you need to take a large enamel pan, and then lay peppered and salted pieces of meat there in layers, alternating them with chopped cilantro, as well as green and onions. After all the ingredients are placed in a bowl, the pork should be poured vinegar solution. In order for the meat to absorb the taste and aroma of the marinade, it is advisable to place a press in the form of a jar filled with water on it. In this state, the kebab should be soaked for about 3-6 hours. In this case, it is recommended to place the pan in a cool room.

Heat treatment

Before you start frying the meat, you need to put it on skewers, leaving a small space between the pieces. This dish is prepared on the grill for about 30-40 minutes. After the time has elapsed, it is advisable to try the barbecue, and only then remove it and put it on a dish.

Proper serving to the table

Caucasian style is simple to perform) should be served hot for dinner. It is recommended to sprinkle the fried meat on top with finely chopped leek and cilantro. It is also desirable for guests to present tomato sauce and squeezed pickled onions.
