
What is wasabi made from. What is the wasabi we use made from?

Wasabi (Wasabia japonica) is Japanese horseradish. real seasoning made from honwasabi, which is grown in cold water.

There are no similar products to wasabi. But some seasonings are similar to wasabi. The real root is quite expensive, but some have learned to imitate this condiment from wasabi daikon, a cheaper, similar-tasting vegetable. Wasabi-daikon got its name in Japan, but was brought there from Europe, so this seasoning cannot be called real wasabi. By the way, these seasonings taste very similar: wasabi-daikon is also spicy and burning, but less healthy.

Proper real wasabi can be called magical product: it not only kills microbes, but it is great for asthma, anemia. Some doctors recommend using this Japanese seasoning for cancer prevention. Wasabi is an antifungal and prevents the accumulation of platelets in the blood.

Moreover, wasabi is able to neutralize the action of a number of toxic substances and, of course, is beneficial for the work of the stomach and digestion.

If this spicy seasoning is introduced into your daily diet, though in a small amount, you will save your teeth for a long time from destruction and caries, and protect your body from diarrhea and vascular diseases. A proven fact: honwasabi blocks cancer cells, preventing them from multiplying, and some of them kill them completely. Wasabi is shown to strengthen the immune system, diabetes and even acne.

Wasabi contains a phytochemical - the compound isothiocyanate, which has strong antibacterial properties.

Thanks to the isothiocyanate, it is possible to gently cure food poisoning and blood composition.

In area oncological diseases multiple studies have been carried out. Animals were exposed to chemical carcinogens, and then they were introduced to the diet of wasabi. It stopped the formation of cancer cells in both the stomach and intestines. The results of another study confirm that isothiocyanates protect the breast from cancer, but retests have not yet been conducted.

In a word, the substances that make up wasabi have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

The life expectancy of the Japanese is always of interest to scientists around the world. Perhaps the answer lies in the many years of love for this magical honwasabi plant?

Japanese horseradish, it turns out, is not at all. Its other name is wasabi, or Japanese eutrema. Although the plant is herbaceous, national cuisine It is its rhizomes that are used to create a spicy seasoning in the form of a green paste. This product has no analogues in the world.


You don't have to make your own wasabi. Pasta is sold in special tubes. It is made from Japanese horseradish root powder, dry mustard and dye. It's a convenient substitute natural product. However, it no longer has the full range of useful properties. It does not have the real aroma and taste of wasabi.

natural green mustard made by hand, just before serving. main ingredient- the root of the plant Wasabi Japonica. Depending on which part of it is used, one obtains taste qualities finished product:

  • the upper part of the root makes the paste spicier;
  • the bottom is soft and light.

Japanese chefs know exactly what fresh green mustard preserves maximum amount useful substances. Therefore, exactly the amount of horseradish that is necessary for a particular dish is rubbed. The rest of the root is stored in a film for no more than 1 month.


Japanese fuck is rich useful substances. It consists of:

  • cellulose;
  • vitamins of group B, C, A;
  • essential amino acids;
  • minerals (calcium, manganese, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium);
  • niacin;
  • essential oils;
  • synergin.

Wasabi contains unique substances called isothiocyanates. They make the product so spicy. Their use contributes to the elimination of diseases such as asthma, colds. With its help, you can alleviate the condition during anaphylactic shock.

Isothiocyanates, which are part of Japanese horseradish, are valued for their antibacterial properties. With their help in the mouth, you can stop the growth of the number of bacteria, prevent caries. They also successfully fight against staphylococcus and E. coli. That is why wasabi is served with sushi. After all, among the ingredients of this dish there is raw fish.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of Japanese spicy mustard are diverse:

Despite many positive properties Japanese mustard, the product also has its own contraindications. Firstly, you should not get involved in the use of this paste. Only in small quantities it can positively affect the state of the body.

Secondly, you should completely abandon the spicy mustard from Japan to the following people:

  • suffering from problems with the stomach and pancreas;
  • having liver disease;
  • intolerant of any kind of spices.

Where is it applied?

Spicy green mustard is used not only in addition to sushi. There are many other dishes Japanese cuisine where this spice is found. So, often such horseradish is combined with soy sauce. True, you need to add it in small quantities. Otherwise, it will completely kill the whole taste of the main components.

So, wasabi can be used to prepare:

  • Soba noodles.
  • Vegetable salad. Must be with spicy mustard add sesame seeds to it.
  • ice cream.
  • Potato chips.

Not only in recipes you can find wasabi. Green mustard is used in cosmetology:

  • Wasabi massage helps prevent blood clots. In addition, this procedure will well cleanse the skin of toxins.
  • Wrap to normalize blood circulation.
  • Body scrub with wasabi paste. This manipulation allows you to get rid of impurities, as well as make the skin smooth and elastic.

Nutritionists to their patients who want to lose weight overweight, are also advised to include wasabi in the diet. This green mustard has low calorie. And its aroma can suppress appetite. Therefore, a person will eat much less.

Green mustard (as wasabi is called in Russia) is used in many recipes today. Therefore, now it is not only a seasoning for sushi, but also useful ingredient other dishes.

Wasabi is a condiment known as "Japanese horseradish", which is widely used in Eastern countries to spice up the dish. In fact, it is the dried, grated root of the plant of the same name of the Cabbage family. "Japanese horseradish" is grown in the cold water of mountain rivers, in the garden or on the shore near water bodies. The cultivation of the plant began in the 20th century.

Wasabi grown on the shore has richer taste and is valued more than its "water" counterpart.

Place of birth - Asia Far East. Wasabi is cultivated in Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan, USA, China, the Japanese province of Izu.

In terms of spiciness, the seasoning is similar to mustard. Interestingly, wasabi stimulates the nasal passages (smell receptors) rather than the tongue (gustatory receptors). Not a single appetizer, first or second course of Japanese cuisine is complete without this seasoning. To soften the taste, it is mixed with soy sauce.

Wasabi is an essential ingredient for making sushi rolls. Seasoning is applied to rice in a thin layer. "Japanese horseradish" is best served with seafood and fish dishes. Wasabi and tuna perfect combination, which advantageously emphasizes the taste of each other. In stores, seasoning is presented in powder and paste forms.

Chemical composition

The Japanese horseradish plant has large leaves of a heart-shaped configuration, serrated along the edges, with a long petiole. The stem is creeping, reaches 1.5 centimeters in height. The flowering period is April-May.

Wasabi - low-calorie product. 100 grams of seasoning contains 109 calories, 69.11 grams of water, 24 grams of carbohydrates, 7.8 grams dietary fiber, 5 grams of protein, 1.92 grams of ash. There are no fats.

It takes three years to form a Japanese perennial root suitable for food. Wasabi has a sharp specific smell and a subtle burning taste. It is added to pickles, salads, first courses, sushi and sashimi. They are also used to disinfect raw fish.

Interestingly, a monument to this plant has been erected in Japan.

To use or not?

Wasabi contains isothiocyanates that prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause tooth decay and food poisoning. In addition, these substances are considered antioxidants. natural origin, they inhibit the spread of metastases.

The root of the plant is an anti-asthma component that prevents the formation of blood clots, has antimicrobial, antifungal effects.

Other medicinal properties wasabi:

  • neutralizes the action of toxins;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • increases blood flow;
  • improves the digestion of food, the chemical composition of the blood;
  • cleanses the liver, sinuses;
  • fights against colds, staphylococcus aureus, E. coli;
  • removes acute symptoms anaphylactic shock;
  • enhances sexual desire.

Wasabi extract has an instant effect, in terms of the speed of absorption into the blood and the manifestation of its healing properties, it is in no way inferior to aspirin, but has less power.

The herb is used to treat the following conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • cancerous tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, breast, large intestine;
  • asthma;
  • colds;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevention of caries, acne, thrombosis;
  • diarrhea.

Remember, only natural wasabi has the above benefits. Beware of fakes!

Due to the high cost, outside the country rising sun, seasoning is made from ordinary horseradish, cornstarch, mustard powder, artificial dye. This product has nothing to do with wasabi.

In order not to buy a fake product, carefully read its composition on the label. If the package says "first grade" - it is 100% natural natural product. "Second grade" indicates that the composition of the seasoning includes only a quarter of the powder of the rhizomes of the plant. And the third-class product is the usual horseradish, it's not wasabi. Such a product will not bring tangible health benefits.

Wasabi Boosts arterial pressure and exacerbates the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, intestines.

Exotic seasoning is contraindicated for people with high acidity of the stomach, hypertension, diseases of the liver, kidneys and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Application in cooking

Wasabi root is used both fresh and dried. The raw plant contains large quantity nutrients than processed. fresh roots they smell like radishes, and taste like horseradish and mustard. They are rubbed on a ceramic or metal grater immediately before use. However, in a cool, dark place, wasabi paste wrapped in plastic wrap can be stored for up to one month without loss of taste and aroma. Bright green mass is served to fish dishes, marinades, pickles, added to soups, salads, sushi, meat noodles.

To soften the taste and reduce the sharpness, wasabi is mixed with soy sauce, lime, nut butter, sesame seeds.

In addition to root crops, flowers, stem, young shoots of plant leaves are used in cooking. In Japan, they make tempura. Pieces of the plant are fried in batter until golden crispy.

On the basis of dry powder, sauces are prepared, which serve as a dressing for traditional Japanese dishes "tempura", "sashimi", "sushi". Ideal composition- mixture cornmeal, mustard, wasabi root.

Method for preparing the sauce from powder: pour 30 grams of chopped dry root into a container, pour in 45 milliliters of boiled, cold water in a slow stream, stir constantly. Carefully inspect the mass, it should not have lumps, and the consistency should resemble soft clay. Add more liquid or powder as needed. Leave the prepared sauce for 15 minutes. During this time, it will dry out and pick up a characteristic smell. For a variety of taste, add 30 grams to the dressing grated horseradish and dry mustard. To improve the aesthetic appearance, add green food coloring to the sauce.

Interestingly, wasabi root powder can be diluted not with water, but with lemon juice. In this case, the sauce will turn out spicy, with a characteristic citrus sourness. Store in an airtight container for up to 10 days.

Remember there is wasabi hotter than pepper Chile. Therefore, observe moderation and do not abuse the seasoning. Unlike pepper, the Japanese root crop does not burn the tongue, but “hits the nose”, which is easily washed off with water.

Wasabi Recipes

Salad "Spicy freshness"


  • bell pepper - 2 pieces;
  • cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • green onions, parsley, dill - 1 bunch each;
  • sour cream 15% - 30 milliliters;
  • wasabi sauce.

Method of preparation: wash vegetables and greens, chop to the desired size, season with sour cream and Japanese horseradish paste. Salt to taste. Salad is easily digestible, stimulates metabolism.

Baked fish with wasabi sauce


  • sesame oil - 30 milliliters;
  • salmon fillet - 500 grams;
  • breadcrumbs - 50 grams;
  • wasabi seasoning.

Cooking principle: cut the red fish into small pieces, mix the crumbs from the crackers, green paste With sesame oil. Spread the salmon slices with the mixture. Bake for 20 minutes in an oven heated to 170 degrees.

Nuts in spicy sauce


  • honey - 15 milliliters;
  • Japanese horseradish paste - 15 grams;
  • peanuts - 400 grams;
  • soy sauce- 45 milliliters.

Cooking sequence: mix honey, wasabi and soy sauce. Place the nuts in the dressing, mix thoroughly, put on a baking sheet, previously covered parchment paper. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

Application in cosmetology

Thanks to burning properties, wasabi root is used in the spa industry for body wraps and skin cleansing. The plant extract penetrates deeply through the dermis and helps to defeat the worst enemy of a woman - cellulite. Active substance isothiocyanate, which is part of wasabi, in combination with ascorbic acid, potassium and calcium fights free radicals that accelerate the aging of the body. As a result, tissues are saturated with oxygen, blood circulation is stimulated, and cell youth is prolonged.

Wrap with wasabi eliminates " orange peel» from the skin, relieves spasm of blood vessels, relieves pain in the joints. To nourish the dermis, rosemary essential oil is added to the burning green mixture.

To cleanse the skin of dead cells, use a scrub with wasabi. The procedure not only removes dead skin cells, but also makes the dermis smooth and even. To soften the action of the main component, shea, Japanese tree and jojoba oils are introduced into the scrub.

In addition, manufacturers add wasabi extract to deodorants (to neutralize bacteria that cause bad smell), shampoos (to strengthen the bulbs and stimulate hair growth), body masks (to increase blood circulation and burn fat deposits), nail foams (to whiten the plate).

Wasabi for weight loss

Every year, the sushi diet is gaining more and more popularity, which allows you to lose a kilogram a day. A prerequisite for this method of losing weight is the use of wasabi seasoning in conjunction with the main meal.

Sushi - hearty meal, in one part of the roll, weighing 50 grams, contains only 70 - 80 calories. To maintain weight, it is recommended to carry out such “Japanese” exercises once a week. fasting days. During the day it is allowed to eat only homemade sushi with hot sauce wasabi. The number of meals - 4 times. One serving - 2 rolls. It is permissible to eat no more than 8 pieces per day.

According to the ingredients included in the dish, the rolls are dietary, low calorie dish while being very tasty and nutritious.

What is sushi made of?

  1. Boiled rice. Provides the body with complex carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron. Adsorbs carcinogenic substances from the body, removes toxins and salts.
  2. Seaweed "Nori". It is a source of iodine, calcium, iron and vitamins A, D, B, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, strengthen the skeleton, circulatory system sharpen the mind.
  3. Seafood and fish. Contains potassium, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, B vitamins, easily digestible protein and Omega-3 fatty acid, prophylactic thrombosis, sexual dysfunction, destruction of bone tissue.
  4. Wasabi. Disinfects raw fish, stimulates metabolism, activates digestion.
  5. Avocado. Contains potassium, monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, which relieve cholesterol plaques, strengthen the immune system.
  6. Cucumbers. The vegetable is 95% water, suppresses appetite, balances acidity in the body, supplies the organs nutrients(B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium).

Sushi diet is a symbiosis of healthy foods that activate metabolism and fat burning. The main conditions are to cook the rolls yourself from fresh products and observe moderation in food.


Wasabi is a Japanese condiment with a pungent odor and a pungent taste. The roots, flowers, shoots of the plant are used in cooking, traditional medicine, cosmetology. The beneficial properties of wasabi are due to the rich chemical composition. The seasoning contains fiber, amino acids, glycosides, essential oils, synegrin, vitamins A, B, C, PP, macro- and microelements (phosphorus, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, sodium, zinc).

Thus, wasabi not only adds flavor and spiciness to the dish, but also enhances it. nutritional value. Winning Combinations: sushi, rolls, seafood, fish, meat, nuts, noodles. At the same time, pasta in tubes is a mixture of dried root and ordinary horseradish. The quality and price of the product directly depends on the ratio of these ingredients.

Pure wasabi, honwasabi, is an expensive condiment found only in Japan.

In other countries, its artificial surrogate is produced with starch, dyes, mustard, horseradish. The proportions of these components are indicated on the label. Before buying a product, carefully read the composition: the less chemical additives, all the better.

I can’t even imagine how you can eat fish without wasabi ?! And it's all about what wasabi opens real taste fish products and rice. I remember the first time I tried this seasoning, specific in smell and taste !!! At first I didn't like it at all, but now everything has changed radically. And I always have it in my fridge.

Japanese seasoning or revealing the secrets of cooking wasabi

Yes, yes, it was in Japan that this seasoning appeared, which is now so popular all over the world. If we compare the taste of Japanese and our "local" wasabi, the difference will be noticed not only by a gourmet, but also by an ordinary person. Unfortunately it's true. The main differences from real wasabi:

  • wasabi is made from powder;
  • dyes are an obligatory additive;
  • not without chemicals.

According to experts, even in Japan 95% wasabi isfake. Now few people cook seasoning, as expected, from wasabi roots. Because of this, I think it is urgent to reconsider the amount of wasabi eaten. Why poison your body with chemicals and additives?! Now with this and so full order. It's getting harder and harder to find what's healthy and natural. It's a pity, because I always considered Japanese cuisine to be the most useful.

Features of the process of growing wasabi

Turns out, wasabi isn't that easy to grow either. Aromatic perennial requires a lot of attention and special conditions. It grows only in some mountainous areas. Some because he needs running water temperature, which should not be lower than +10 and not higher than +17 degrees. For a year, the root grows in length by only 3 cm. In order to be able to eat it, you need wait 3 years. Now I understand why natural seasoning is so expensive. What plants taste similar to wasabi:

  • horseradish;
  • daikon;
  • honwasabi.

It is the above plants that the Japanese grow in their homes. From them they are then prepared homemade wasabi, which doesn't taste much different from the real thing. Yes, and you don’t need to wait 3 years, for example, the daikon grows only 3 months. Accordingly, the cost of such seasoning is much cheaper.

Useful0 Not very


My weakness is Japanese food. I can't imagine my life without sushi. But not always I order them only in a restaurant. I like to cook rolls at home. An exciting process. :) As a rule, the rest of the complementary components: soy sauce, ginger and wasabi, I bought ready-made. But I recently found out that wasabi can cookat home.

In Russia - horseradish, in Japan - wasabi

Wasabi is a condiment which is used in Japanese cuisine. Compare it can be with horseradish. A dense mass of green color, the taste is very spicy.

Wasabi Properties:

These are not all the benefits of wasabi. Use it and in dentistry to slow down the development of caries.

Apart from medicinal properties, it gives spicy notes combined with sushi and rolls, cold noodles sobi. It can be used as a dressing for salads and pickles.

What is wasabi made from?

This seasoning is made from grated wasabi root, which grows inJapan. Since the real root is very difficult to obtain, the seasoning can be prepared from the powder yourself at home.

For this method, you need:

  • ready powderwasabi;
  • boiled water;
  • lemon.

The preparation process is very simple: just combine the powder and water in equal proportions stir well and add a few drops lemon juice. All is ready! You can invite guests and delight them with treats.


As is known, all usefulgood in moderation! Wasabi should also not be abused. Instead of benefit, it can be harmful to digestion and affect arterial pressure.

If you are lucky enough to go on a trip to the beautiful and amazing country of Japan, stock up on the roots of this plant, famous for its beneficial and healing properties. You can find wasabi in places where mountain rivers flow. It grows in cold water with a temperature of 10-17 degrees.

Useful0 Not very


I, like many others, tried wasabi for the first time when I first tried sushi at a local sushi bar. This burning paste something like mustard, then I was wildly delighted and liked it even more than the sushi itself.

But then I didn’t really think about what wasabi was made of.

Can wasabi bags be real?

I thought about him composition only when I first decided to cook sushi at home. Then in the sushi set there was a bag of green powder, which was called wasabi, and which had to be diluted with warm water and given the necessary consistency. It seemed rather strange to me. By that time, I had already heard about useful properties wasabi:

  • protection against caries;
  • fight with cancerous tumors;
  • antimicrobial and antihelmintic properties;
  • reducing the risk of blood clots.

And somehow I was embarrassed by the fact that this powder from a bag can be useful. It was then that I decided to study thoroughly what this seasoning for sushi is, and what wasabi is made of.

Real wasabi cannot be in powder form.

A cursory study of sources on the Internet made me understand that what we eat in sushi bars is not, in fact, wasabi. Real wasabi is made fromrhizomes the plant of the same name, which is grown for a long time, is dug up, then rubbed and pickled. Cooking technology such a seasoning is somewhat reminiscent of the technology for preparing our horseradish. I don't think it's worth mentioning her. Almost everyone knows what it is. And the difference between them is very simple - the price. Wasabi is very expensive 200 euros per kilogram). Wasabi rhizomes are very capricious, they are difficult and long to grow, they grow far from everywhere, which is why the price is so high. And it is precisely because of its high cost that we are sold its substitute.

However, our country is not unique. The same substitute is also sold in European countries, and in the USA, and even in Japan itself.

What is the wasabi we use made from?

For making wasabi powder the following ingredients are used:

  • horseradish;
  • mustard;
  • lemon juice/citric acid;
  • dyes.

But what about the beneficial properties of wasabi?

Wasabi substitute is not harmful to health. In any case, no more than regular mustard or hell. But, ToUnfortunately, wasabi substitutes do not replace its beneficial properties.. Including do not have antibacterial and anthelmintic effects. This is one of the reasons why we don't eat real sushi. Real sushi is made from absolutely raw and very fresh fish. The fish that is used in sushi for us undergoes at least some processing in the vast majority of cases. It can be an ambassador, freezing, etc.

So it is only natural that we eat fake sushi and eat it with fake wasabi.)))

Useful0 Not very


I really love sushi and all the variety of rolls in sushi bars. Never eaten before wasabi, but it turned out to be in vain. As it was explained to me later, wasabi and ginger are offered along with the main course not only to tickle your receptors, but also to secure your health. After this information, I became more loyal to this seasoning, adding a pinch to soy sauce.

Wasabi benefits and contraindications

  • Prevention of caries. Isothiocyanates, which were found in the composition of wasabi, inhibit the appearance and vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, causing caries.
  • Fighting cancer cells . All the same isothiocyanates, according to scientists, can help in the fight against a deadly disease.
  • Prevention of blood clots.
  • Antibacterial action against pathogens Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
  • Potential benefit in fight against 25 types of fungi, mold and bacteria.
  • Seizure relief asthma and anaphylactic shock.
  • Like all spicy seasonings, stimulatesmetabolism and metabolism.

The benefits of wasabi are undeniable, and not fully understood. But there are also pitfalls. Frequent use seasonings in large doses Maybe raise the pressure and provoke exacerbation of various chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach.

What is real wasabi seasoning made of?

Wasabi- it is primarily herbaceous plant. And the spice made from its rhizome is also called wasabi.

This plant is very finicky to growth conditions. The temperature can fluctuate clearly between 10 and 17 degrees Celsius, not a degree less or more. The soil for growth must be constantly moistened, but not artificially or by precipitation, but groundwater, springs.

Such conditions are very difficult to recreate in greenhouse conditions, and if it does work out, then it is very difficult. laborious and costly process. Accordingly, the cost of such a crop will be very high. Plus, in only a plant 3-4 years old is suitable for food.

Is it possible to distinguish real wasabi from substitutes

Due to the high cost of seasoning, even in Japan, the birthplace of this plant, learned to replace wasabi morecheap ingredients. What can we say about our country. Therefore, we are unlikely to be lucky enough to try authentic wasabi in the sushi bars of our cities.

Wasabi is Japanese green horseradish, widely used in the national Japanese cuisine, a relative of our horseradish, an aromatic perennial plant Wasabia japonica, about 45 centimeters high, with heart-shaped leaves. And horseradish, and wasabi, and mustard, and daikon belong to the cabbage family.

But only in Japan grows honwasabi, (translated as "real wasabi"), which needs special conditions- running mountain water and temperature from 10 to 17 degrees. This significantly affects the cost of honwasabi.

But this plant is also cultivated at home - in vegetable gardens, somewhat inferior to its wild counterpart in taste.

The taste qualities of wasabi are unevenly distributed along the root - the most acute is the upper part.

Wasabi rhizome begins to thicken by one and a half years - it is this part of the plant that is the most used. The thickness of the rhizome can reach up to 15 cm.

Natural wasabi is expensive, and most restaurants, even in Japan itself, use imitation wasabi, either in powder, tablet or tube form. And outside of Japan, for sure, it is very difficult to find real wasabi in a restaurant, usually imitation seasoning is offered under this sauce.

Prepare an imitation based on spices, wasabi-daikon horseradish and food coloring. Wasabi daikon is much cheaper than honwasabi, and the taste and spiciness are almost the same. That's just the color of this vegetable is white, that's why it is added green dye. Mustard is often added to tubes of pasta, which makes it softer and at the same time spicy.

The composition and useful properties of wasabi

When talking about the beneficial properties of wasabi, it is honwasabi that is meant, and not the wasabi sauce made from wasabi daikon. Wasabi rhizome contains sinigrin and glucoside, very high content vitamin C and dietary fiber, great content potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin B6. No saturated fats, no cholesterol and no sugars, very low in sodium.

Wasabi contains isothiocyanates - volatile compounds, substances that give a characteristic pungent smell and taste.

Thanks to these substances, wasabi can be used in asthma, suppressing attacks, or anaphylactic shock, to relieve acute conditions.

Isocyanates also inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause dental caries.

The components that make up wasabi, and in particular the same isocyanates, have antifungal and antibacterial properties. This is why this seasoning is so beneficial when paired with raw fish.

Studies have shown that isothiocyanates have an antibacterial effect against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, and are effective against 25 strains of fungi, mold and bacteria.

Wasabi has an anticoagulant effect, which prevents the formation of blood clots. This action essential oils contained in the root, rhizome, petioles and leaves of the plant. They slow down the accumulation of platelets, preventing the formation of blood clots.

Even though the effect of wasabi extract is thirty times weaker than that of aspirin, the anticoagulant effect of wasabi begins immediately. And after taking aspirin - only after half an hour.

Wasabi isothiocinates can also be used to prevent and fight cancer. Animal studies have been conducted showing the effectiveness of wasabi powder against the formation of gastrointestinal tract cancerous tumors.

It has also been established that isothiocyanates can prevent breast and colon cancer.

The risk of developing tumors is reduced under the influence of isothiocyanates, which cause the death of damaged cells, providing a powerful antioxidant effect.

Wasabi, like its cousin, horseradish, is effective for clearing sinuses.

Wasabi daikon is also not a useless plant. That's just healing properties its somewhat different than that of honwasabi.

There are a lot of potassium salts in daikon, which are removed from the body excess water, as well as calcium, fiber, vitamin C, pectin substances and digestive enzymes. Specific protein substances contained in root crops inhibit the growth of bacteria.

Wasabi Contraindications
This seasoning is very spicy. It can not be used for inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, hyperacidity stomach, liver and kidney diseases.

Even healthy person Wasabi consumption in large doses threatens to increase blood pressure.

The use of wasabi in cooking

It is known that the Japanese are long-livers, and Japanese cuisine plays a significant role in this factor.

In addition to wasabi-daikon, under the guise of wasabi, you can also buy a frank surrogate, consisting of horseradish, mustard, artificial dye and cornstarch. This mixture will be significantly different from wasabi, both in price and taste. That's why reading labels needs to be developed into a habit.

Like horseradish, wasabi also deteriorates in flavor and taste over time. You need to purchase or cook it in small quantities.

Freshly grated wasabi has a refreshing radish flavor and a subtle pungent taste.

Wasabi paste is always used in the preparation of sushi or sashimi, protecting raw fish with its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

This sauce is also good in salad dressings and pickles.

Fresh wasabi must be peeled and grated on fine grater- Exactly in the amount that is needed at the moment. The remaining root is wrapped in polyethylene and stored in the refrigerator, where it will not lose its unique smell or taste, but not more than a month.

Already uncorked tube with purchased wasabi long-term storage does not stand up - it needs to be used in a few weeks.

For self cooking wasabi powder mixed with warm water V different parts. It turns out thick paste. It is infused for 10 minutes before use - during this time the paste dries slightly and its specific aroma appears.

Wasabi roots are used to make the seasoning. But stems with flowers also have their uses in Japanese cuisine - they can be used to make tempura.


Tempura is just that. Japanese dish, which reflects the main features and principles of true Japanese cuisine - to use only the most fresh food. As a result of skillful preparation, the dish simply melts in your mouth, retaining a great taste.

Real tempura is first dipped in batter, and not just breaded with flour.

The batter is prepared just before use - if it settles, it is thrown away. It is made from eggs, flour and ice water. It is not necessary to knead it too thoroughly, air bubbles and lumps should remain in it.

Seafood and vegetables (eg. onion, celery root, Bell pepper) are washed, cut into pieces, dried and immersed in batter - while they should be covered with a thin film. After that, they are dipped in boiling oil. You can not change the temperature of the fire during frying - you need to guess by eye when the tempura will be ready.

Ready tempura has golden color Crispy on the outside, but very tender on the inside.
