
What the hell is filled with. Harvesting horseradish at home for the winter

Since ancient times, in Russian cuisine, a horseradish-based snack was served with fish and meat dishes. And now, we are not averse to flavoring boiled beef or a good portion of jelly with vigorous horseradish. And it’s not at all necessary to buy the spice in the store - make it at home, following the recipe below.

How to make horseradish at home - a recipe for table seasoning

Horseradish sauce contains vitamins, folic acid, essential oils, phytoncides, so the use of this hot seasoning improves appetite and helps digest protein foods. It is better to prepare a horseradish preparation from the roots dug out at the end of autumn.

Tip: if the horseradish is a little sluggish (it was stored in the basement), fill it with cold water for three hours.

For 1 kg of horseradish - 1 tbsp. l. salt, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, a glass of hot water, 30 ml of lemon juice.

Remove the skin from the roots, rinse with water. Grate horseradish on a special grater (to avoid severe tearing) or scroll in a meat grinder, putting on a plastic bag at the place where the product exits. Put salt, sugar, juice into the resulting slurry and steam with boiling water. Distribute the cooled mass in jars and cork, and when serving, for a richer taste, add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise to the hot sauce.

How to make horseradish at home - a recipe with beets

Such a brightly colored appetizer will present you with a familiar food in a new way, whether it be fish meatballs, stew, homemade sausages, smoked bacon or salted fish.

Ingredients: 200 gr. beets, 500 gr. horseradish, half a glass of water, 150 ml of vegetable oil, sugar - 2 tbsp. l, salt - 1 tbsp. l, vinegar - 50 ml.

Grind boiled beets in a meat grinder, peeled horseradish in a blender. Boil water with sugar and salt. Put the horseradish mass in the liquid and cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then add the beets and butter. After 10 minutes, add vinegar, boil for 7 minutes and the yummy is ready.

How to make horseradish at home - a recipe with apples

Apple sauce with horseradish is prepared simply and quickly, but it turns out to be unusually appetizing. Take: 2 kg of apples, 100 gr. horseradish and garlic, 50 ml of vinegar, sugar and salt - to taste.

Place the chopped horseradish, garlic, apples in a saucepan, add sugar, salt and cook for five minutes. At the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar and turn off the gas. After half an hour, fill the jars with the mixture and place the workpiece in the cellar.

How to make horseradish at home - a recipe with carrots

With such cooking, the original taste of horseradish is preserved, but its excess sharpness is removed, so this seasoning can be eaten without fear with spoons. You will need: 200 gr. horseradish and carrots, a glass without a quarter of water, 3 tbsp. l. vinegar, 30 gr. salt, sugar, paprika, white pepper - 1 tsp each.

Put the grated horseradish and carrots in a saucepan, pour boiling water over everything, let stand for 5 minutes. Add sugar, salt, spices, vinegar and mix. Leave to cool, then transfer to a storage container, transfer to the refrigerator for 12 hours, after the time has elapsed - use as needed.

Horseradish seasoning prepared in different ways can be served with first and second courses, added to vegetable salads or used as minced meat for sandwiches, tartlets, snack pies.

Horseradish table Russian homemade- An excellent seasoning for many dishes. Good with horseradish jelly, and jellied fish, and okroshka! Yes, and it fits perfectly with baked meat, and with dumplings, it’s just delicious! Table horseradish can be served mixed with sour cream, and whoever likes seasonings is spicier and more picky, you can serve it like that - it’s also very tasty. A simple and delicious homemade horseradish recipe for spicy lovers.


  • 300 gr. fuck
  • 1 tsp salt without a slide
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vinegar 9% or lemon juice - optional (I add)
  • 200 ml. water
  • 1 st. l. sugar without a slide (or to taste)
  • sour cream - optionally added to a small portion of the finished table horseradish immediately before serving.


  1. We prepare the filling for horseradish: we put water to boil, add salt and sugar there. Turn off the boiled water. If desired, you can add vinegar or lemon juice to this filling, then you get pickled table horseradish. Personally, I like this option more, and such horseradish is stored longer, up to 3 months. Without the addition of vinegar or lemon juice - only 2-3 days in the refrigerator, longer is possible, but the seasoning will no longer be so tasty. So, if the option without vinegar and lemon is closer to you, it is better to cook horseradish in small portions immediately before use or a day before it.
  2. We clean the roots of horseradish and wash them.
  3. We grind in an accessible and convenient way for you: you can grind horseradish with a food processor, blender or electric meat grinder (having previously tied a plastic bag to it so that twisted horseradish gets into it). Or, in the old fashioned way, three horseradish on a fine grater. To be honest, I use the latter method. At the same time, I carry out the prevention of influenza and colds - horseradish rub all family members in turn. Do not look that there is not too much of him - he is so evil that he is enough for everyone :). Any runny nose goes away or the beginning of a cold.
  4. Pour the still hot, but no longer boiling filling into the horseradish, mix until smooth, and immediately transfer it to a clean, dry jar, close the lid tightly so that the horseradish does not lose its sharpness, does not weather. If you cook seasoning in large quantities, you need to prepare several small, tightly closed jars for it in advance.
  5. Let the seasoning brew for 2-3 hours, if vinegar or lemon juice was added, then a day. We store horseradish in tightly closed jars in the refrigerator: without vinegar - 2-3 days (a little longer can be), with vinegar - up to 3 months. But I want to say that freshly prepared horseradish is tastier, so I cook it in small portions, and I can’t store it for a long time - it is eaten quickly.
  6. Before serving, homemade table Russian horseradish can be mixed with sour cream if desired (for 2 tablespoons of horseradish 1 tablespoon of sour cream or to taste). The taste of horseradish with sour cream is more delicate, soft. But you can serve seasoning without sour cream. Like

If you like spicy snacks, then you have probably already rolled up for the winter and made other preparations. So that at any time you can give the dish a piquant taste, there should be such an ingredient as horseradish in stock.

It can be prepared in various ways. I have selected several recipes for you, in which we will consider all possible options for preserving the root for the winter.

Even an inexperienced hostess will cope with the cooking process if she follows the step-by-step recipes that are accompanied by a photo. If necessary, you can change the composition of the products, as various ingredients are added to the sauce that affect the taste. Therefore, it all depends on individual preferences.

The root does not need to be prepared in a special way. It is enough to peel it from the peel and rinse thoroughly.

So, let's look at a few simple blank options.

Horseradish for the winter: a very tasty and simple recipe without cooking

To prepare the root for culinary purposes, no skill or experience is required. You will need a minimum of time and effort. Therefore, do not be afraid that you will not be able to cook it.


  • 130 g of horseradish;
  • 2 tsp 9% table vinegar;
  • ½ tsp of table salt;
  • 1 tsp white sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.


First you need to clean the root from the top layer. This should be done with gloves to avoid burns. Then we wash, cut into small pieces and send to a blender.

To it we add all the indicated ingredients and boiled chilled water. Grind for one minute at maximum speed.

We send the grated mass into a clean and sterile jar. We twist with a metal lid.

We store in a cool place. This appetizer perfectly complements baked fish, meat, and salads.

How to keep horseradish fresh for the winter whole in the refrigerator

If you do not have the time or desire to twist the spicy ingredient into jars. Then it can be saved whole roots. And when you need it, then use it to add to cold or meat dishes.

To begin with, the roots need to be cleaned of the ground, rinsed under cool water and wait until they are completely dry. Arrange the horseradish in 10 pieces, 30 cm long, in plastic bags. Food wrap is also suitable. We make several holes in the package and send it to the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator. This method allows you to store the product for one month.

But there is an option that allows you to increase the shelf life up to three months. To do this, the roots should be removed in an airtight plastic container.

If you peel the product, then in a couple of weeks it will not be suitable for eating.

The classic recipe for horseradish with beets at home

Men especially like this winter seasoning. If family members do not have any problems with the stomach, and they like dishes with a savory taste, then be sure to prepare this seasoning.


  • 130 g of horseradish;
  • 1 head of beets;
  • 1 tsp sugar;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp 9% vinegar.


We clean the roots and cut into medium-sized pieces.

If the horseradish has lost its freshness, then you can return the juiciness to it if you soak it for one day in cold water.

Now you need to twist the root through a meat grinder. To protect our eyes, we fix bags on the die. We close the package and put it away for a while.

We twist the fresh beets through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the juice through gauze. If it turns out less than 200 ml, then pour in a little water.

Add all the above ingredients to the juice and mix it with chopped horseradish root.

We transfer the spicy snack to a jar, which must first be sterilized. We twist with boiled lids.

We send the workpiece to the refrigerator or a cool cellar. Bon appetit!

How to keep horseradish pureed without additives

If you want the roots not to lose their taste and sharpness, then it should be prepared for the winter without adding any spices and preservatives.

We clean the roots and rinse with cold water, spread on a towel until completely dry. Then cut into small pieces to make it easier to grind them.

We send horseradish to a blender and grind. We should get a mass that resembles gruel.

The resulting mass is distributed in plastic bags. If desired, lay out the horseradish in a certain amount to make it easier to use during cooking.

Store the filled bags in the freezer.

The product prepared in this way can be stored until late spring. At the same time, vitamins and nutrients are preserved.

How to prepare horseradish for the winter in a jar without vinegar

Consider the traditional recipe for cooking hot seasoning. As the second main ingredient, we will use beets. But it is needed not to improve the taste, but for the color.


  • 500 g of horseradish root;
  • 150 g of boiled beets;
  • Edible salt according to preference.


Remove the top layer from the roots and be sure to rinse with cold water. If the horseradish is soft, then soak it for 12-24 hours.

To protect the mucous membrane of the eyes from horseradish, we pull a plastic bag onto the meat grinder and twist the roots, preferably twice. For the same purposes, you can use a blender.

Grind the boiled beets on a fine grater and mix with the horseradish mixture. Salt to taste and distribute in dry and sterile jars.

We clean in the refrigerator or cellar. From this preservation, you can make hot sauces or directly add to dishes.

Pickled horseradish without sterilization

There is another recipe for making a spicy snack for the winter. If you want to give the sauce a nice burgundy color, then add beetroot juice to it. It will not spoil the taste, but only improve the beneficial properties. Watch the video for canning instructions:

If you grind the root with a grater, then it should first be frozen. Bon appetit!

How to preserve horseradish so that it does not turn sour

A savory snack can be stored for a long time if only high-quality products are used. It is also necessary to sterilize the workpiece in boiling water.


  • 1 kg of horseradish;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 30 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 cup 9% table vinegar;
  • 2 glasses of water.


We clean the roots with a knife or vegetable peeler. Then rinse with cold water.

To make a marinade, you need to boil water, add salt and sugar to it. Mix everything and immediately remove from the burner. After that, pour in the required amount of vinegar.

Glass jars and metal lids must be sterilized in any usual way.

Horseradish grind on a grater. To protect the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, use gloves, a mask and goggles.

Pour the grated roots with brine and mix until smooth.

Distribute hot seasoning in prepared glass jars.

To prevent the workpiece from sour after a few days, it must be sterilized for 20 minutes in a pot of boiling water.

After that, we twist the jars with lids. When the appetizer has cooled, we remove it in a cool place.

How to save horseradish from autumn to spring so that it does not run out of steam

So that the seasoning does not weather and retain its beneficial, nutritious properties, it should be stored in a dry form. That is, we subject the roots to heat treatment.

To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Thoroughly wash the root crops and cut into circles of small thickness;
  2. Put parchment paper on a baking sheet and distribute horseradish;
  3. At 50 degrees, dry the roots in the oven;
  4. At the next stage, we grind the product in a coffee grinder.

If you store ground dried horseradish in a plastic or glass container, then it will not run out of steam not only until spring, but for two years.

How to cook horseradish for the winter through a meat grinder at home

If you and loved ones do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then seasoning in the form of horseradish is perfect for fish or meat dishes. So be sure to roll up a few jars.


  • 600 g of horseradish root;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 50 ml of 9% table vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of table salt.


The roots must be peeled, washed and passed through a meat grinder. The vapors of this product eat into the eyes, so it is recommended to attach a plastic bag to the die.

To prepare the brine, dissolve sugar and salt in 200 ml of hot water. The liquid must have a temperature of 80 degrees so that the crystals dissolve quickly. Pour the chopped horseradish with marinade, add vinegar and a little more water to make a liquid slurry.

We mix the mass and transfer it to sterilized jars. We close with capron lids.

It is best to store piquant seasoning in the refrigerator, so it can stand for a long time without losing its taste and useful qualities.

Is it possible to freeze horseradish in the freezer with whole roots to preserve vitamins

In winter, the roots can be stored frozen. At the same time, it does not lose its sharpness, healing properties and does not run out of steam. To do this, it is important to know some of the nuances.

To begin with, the roots need to be soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours. Then we clean them from the top layer, and immediately send them to a basin of water so that it does not run out of steam and does not irritate the eyes so much.

Horseradish must be dried. We tightly lay the product in bags or plastic containers. We send it to the freezer. In this form, it can be stored for one year.

Preparation of spicy ground horseradish with mayonnaise

Thanks to the following recipe, you will prepare a sauce that can be used to season dishes. Some people like this product as a snack, spreading it on a piece of bread.


  • 200 g of horseradish root;
  • 1 tbsp sugar;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of table vinegar;
  • Mayonnaise.


Wash the roots and peel them. Then we cut into washers to make it easier to grind.

We fix a plastic bag on the meat grinder to protect our eyes, and twist it into any container.

Now add salt, sugar and table vinegar to the jar with chopped horseradish. Determine the amount of mayonnaise yourself. It is recommended to use .

Such a blank for the winter must be stored in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

In today's article, we have considered almost all the ways to store horseradish. If you have your own secrets, then share them in the comments, it will be useful for readers to learn other options.

Horseradish is rightfully considered a storehouse of beneficial enzymes. The root of the plant is characterized by an intense aroma that "beats" right in the nose. Many people love horseradish for its sweetish aftertaste, which later becomes stinging. Grated horseradish root is added to the first and second courses, many people prefer to use the sauce along with a slice of baguette. The composition of horseradish contains a lot of vitamins, these include rare groups of PP, B, A, D, amino acids. To enjoy all the beneficial properties, consider the important aspects and basic recipes for making horseradish at home.

Horseradish cooking: important features

It is easy to cook horseradish at home, if you follow important aspects. Take care of the presence of the root of the plant and its preparation in advance.

  1. Raw materials are dug out in late October or early November. As a rule, horseradish grows up to 35-40 cm, in some cases more. At the same time, the diameter of the plant reaches a mark of 3-5 cm. It is these characteristics that indicate that the root is suitable for pickling.
  2. So that the horseradish retains its properties after harvesting and does not weather, place the root in a cool place with sufficient humidity. Take a certain amount of the composition as needed, without violating the storage conditions.
  3. Not many people know that horseradish retains its beneficial qualities and characteristic sharpness only during the first month. This feature is achieved by a completely natural composition. To increase the effect, you have to use chemicals.
  4. Get in the habit of cooking pickled horseradish in small portions. Do not stock up on the product for the future. After combining all the ingredients, transfer the canned composition to a container or jar, store in the cold.
  5. Even when the roots are kept in a humid environment, they still dry out. For this reason, before cooking, wash the roots, then soak them in cold water. Change fluid 2 times daily. The duration of soaking is 3-7 days.
  6. When the horseradish becomes soft and swells a little, remove and peel it. Grate with a very fine section or use a food processor / blender / meat grinder. Prepare for the fact that the process itself will be unpleasant. Horseradish will burn the throat, nose, eyes.
  7. Wear rubber gloves when handling horseradish to avoid burning your skin. Protect your airways with a medical mask and your eyes with goggles. So that the chopped horseradish does not start to darken, it is sprayed with table vinegar (6% concentration) or lemon juice.
  8. Before preparing horseradish-based seasoning, place the root of the plant in the freezer for half an hour. Such a move will save you from the difficulties with well-being that usually arise when working with a vigorous composition.
  9. If after cooking the seasoning you still have horseradish roots, try increasing their shelf life. Prepare a container for microwave or food, fill it with water, place the plants inside. Change fluid every day.

  • table vinegar solution (9%) - 145 ml.
  • horseradish root - 385 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 25 gr.
  • table salt - 35 gr.
  • beetroot juice - 60 ml.
  • drinking water - 180 ml.
  1. Soak the roots of the plant in water according to the general rules. After that, wash the horseradish well with a table sponge, remove the peel, rub it on a grater. Pour the composition with boiling water, wait 5 minutes.
  2. After that, add sugar, salt, wait until it cools completely (about 40 minutes). Squeeze the juice from the beets to get 2 tablespoons of the composition.
  3. Mix beetroot juice with table vinegar, pour the mass into the soaked horseradish. No need to pour out the cooled water, it serves as a brine for long-term storage.

tomato horseradish

  • horseradish root - 500 gr.
  • fresh tomatoes - 2.8 kg.
  • garlic - 200 gr.
  • salt - 85 gr.
  • sugar - 80 gr.
  1. Peel the horseradish roots from the peel, soak in ice water, leave for 4 hours. After that, chop the product into equal pieces, chop in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. You can use a grater, look at your own discretion.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, make a cross-shaped incision on each tomato, scald with boiling water. Wait 1 minute, remove the peel and remove the stalks. Scroll the tomatoes in a meat grinder 2 times, mix with garlic, passed through a press.
  3. Combine all the components into a homogeneous mass, beat again with a blender. Salt, sweeten, optionally add ground pepper and bay leaf. Pack the finished composition in sterilized glass containers.
  4. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than two months in the case of a rolled composition, and about 30 days for products covered with a lid. If possible, eat horseradish in the first two weeks so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

Horseradish with cinnamon

  • filtered water - 480 ml.
  • table vinegar (9%) - 55 gr.
  • horseradish root - 600 gr.
  • sugar (preferably brown) - 45 gr.
  • table salt - 25 gr.
  • carnation - 4 buds
  • cinnamon - to taste
  1. Wash the horseradish with a kitchen sponge, remove the peel and grate on a fine grater (you can chop in a blender or meat grinder). Prepare a sterile glass container, pack horseradish on it.
  2. In another bowl, mix sugar and salt, pour filtered water. Pour the composition into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to the appearance of the first bubbles.
  3. When the granules are completely dissolved, add the clove buds and boil the mixture for 3 minutes. Cover the container with a lid, let the solution cool at room temperature.
  4. When the mixture has cooled to 55 degrees, pass it through the filter, add cinnamon. Pour in table vinegar, cork and wait 20 hours. After that, fill the horseradish with a solution, roll up the jars, transfer to the cellar.

  • olive oil - 40 ml.
  • green apple - 1 pc. large size
  • meat broth (pork-beef) - 135 ml.
  • horseradish (root) - 110 gr.
  • apple cider vinegar - 40 ml.
  • fresh parsley - 1 bunch
  • sugar - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  1. Wash the horseradish, remove the peel from it. Do the same with an apple: remove the stem and seeds. Grind the products until smooth by passing them through a blender or grater.
  2. Wash the bunch of parsley, chop it, pour in the vinegar solution and chicken broth. Combine all the ingredients, add olive oil, sugar, salt, leave the mixture to infuse for 3 hours.
  3. Apple seasoning is soft in composition, for this reason people with gastrointestinal diseases love it. The sauce is fragrant, not very spicy, pleasant to the taste.
  4. Serve applesauce in small saucepans. Garnish with a leaf of fresh parsley or dill. Some housewives prefer to add grated olives to the above composition.

Horseradish with sour cream

  • horseradish root - 285 gr.
  • sugar - 25 gr.
  • sour cream - 190-200 gr.
  • fresh dill - 20 gr.
  • fresh parsley - 10-15 gr.
  1. The recipe is designed for the category of citizens who cannot stand too hot horseradish sauce. Pour water over the roots of the plant, remove the dirt with a sponge, remove the peel.
  2. Pass the horseradish through a meat grinder or blender to get a gruel. Add chilled high-fat sour cream (from 25% or more), mix, refrigerate for 2 hours.
  3. During this period, wash and completely dry the dill and parsley, mix the greens with sugar. If desired, add 3 cloves of garlic, passed through a press.
  4. Remove the horseradish from the refrigerator, mix with other ingredients, roll up in jars. The duration of storage in the cellar is 20 days, if possible, use the product as soon as possible.

  • horseradish root - 300 gr.
  • honey (can be replaced with cane sugar) - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • lemon zest (fresh) - 45 gr.
  • sour cream - in fact
  1. Rinse the horseradish root, peel the skin with a knife, grate it to make thin plates (as is the case with pickled ginger).
  2. Prepare small glass jars, sterilize them, fill 3 cm with ice-cold filtered water. Put chopped horseradish into the cavity, add sugar and salt.
  3. Seal with lids, shake each container so that the mixture mixes. Grate the lemon peel, if desired, pour citrus juice into the composition (the amount is up to you).
  4. Leave the horseradish to infuse in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Before serving, brush the product with sour cream to give the product a creamy taste. Use within a week, otherwise the horseradish will lose its beneficial properties.
  1. To make the snack rich, store the finished product in glass jars. If possible, wrap containers in a dark bag to prevent light from entering.
  2. The harvested crop is stored in wooden containers with sand. In this case, the roots are arranged in such a way as to completely exclude their contact with each other. Once a week, it is necessary to water the composition with drinking water.
  3. Horseradish is traditionally consumed with meat dishes (pork, beef, lamb). Also, seasoning serves as an excellent addition to jelly, smoked fish, minced meat pies, jelly, knuckle, sturgeon and piglets.

Cooking horseradish at home is quite simple. Consider cooking recipes with the addition of tomatoes, cinnamon, fatty sour cream, vinegar, green apples. Add your favorite seasonings, lemon zest, fresh herbs. Serve pickled horseradish root with meat and fish dishes, jelly.

Video: homemade horseradish

Horseradish contains active ingredients that are plant antibiotics that are harmful to some microbes, essential oils with antiseptic properties and vitamins. Raw horseradish contains fiber, carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances and fats. Horseradish is rich in macro and microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Horseradish contains ascorbic acid; and horseradish roots contain five times more vitamin C than oranges and lemons; phytoncides, capable of killing pathogenic microbes, endow horseradish with bactericidal properties; essential mustard oils, sugar, starch, resinous substances, carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, folic acid PP, E. There is a lot of carotene in fresh horseradish leaves, and horseradish root also contains sugar, various amino acids , bactericidal protein substance - lysozyme and organic compounds. The healing properties of horseradish have long been known to medicine. Horseradish improves intestinal activity, has choleretic, expectorant, antiscorbutic properties. It is prescribed for colds, various inflammatory processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, gout, rheumatism, bladder, skin diseases.

Horseradish prevents scurvy, influenza and other colds and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Horseradish is used in traditional medicine as a powerful stimulant for the digestive system. Horseradish is also used to treat inflammation of the urinary tract. Horseradish has a powerful diuretic property, therefore it is used for nephrolithiasis, cystitis, as well as gout and rheumatism. Poultices of fresh horseradish are useful for frostbite, facial neuralgia and rheumatism of the joints. Horseradish with vinegar and glycerin is used to treat whooping cough and tonsillitis. Horseradish can be preserved with various additives. Below set horseradish recipes, detailed how to cook horseradish yourself at home.

I have the most delicious and quick homemade horseradish recipe. I take root horseradish and lightly scrape the washed roots with a knife. I cut the horseradish into small pieces and load it into a coffee grinder.

I grind the horseradish and put the horseradish puree in a beautiful small jar. I pour into a jar of horseradish tomato, zucchini, ginger or cucumber marinade, in a jar of pickled cucumbers or tomatoes there is already everything you need: spices, salt, sugar. I pour cold tomato marinade into chopped horseradish and stir, if horseradish puree is still thick, then I just add a drop of marinade. Me this recipe horseradish root like it the most. Everything is done very quickly, and it’s so delicious that you want to eat horseradish with a spoon. The only thing is when I open the lid from the coffee grinder and put horseradish in a jar, I try to do everything quickly so as not to breathe in vapors fuck And I do it with the window open.

Horseradish sauce with vinegar and beetroot *

Horseradish- 200 g, vinegar 3% - 100 g, beetroot juice or boiled beets - 50 g, salt, sugar to taste.
Grated horseradish is combined with vinegar or lemon juice, salt, sugar, at the end pour in beet juice (raw beets are rubbed on a fine grater and squeezed through gauze) or grated boiled beets are added and stirred.

beetroot juice - 500g
vinegar essence 80% - 30g
sugar - 80g
salt - 40g.

For cooking horseradish spices you need to prepare the marinade filling. Preparing the marinade.
Dissolve sugar, salt in water, bring to a boil, add spices, cover and cool to a temperature of 50 degrees. Then add vinegar essence and leave for a day. After infusion, filter the filling through gauze and mix thoroughly with horseradish. Ready horseradish Arrange in jars, cover with varnished lids and put in a pan with water heated to 50 degrees for sterilization. Sterilization time at a temperature of 100 degrees for cans 0.5 l - 20 minutes, 1 l - 25 minutes. At the end of processing, the jars are hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled.

Horseradish marinated with beets

red beets - 900 g
horseradish - 100-150 g
sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp.
vinegar 9% - 2-3 tbsp.
sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
salt - 2 tsp
ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife

Select young fresh beet root crops, wash and cook large root crops for 45 minutes, small ones - 30 minutes. Peel off the skin and cut into small cubes or slices. Fresh horseradish chop, mix with beets, put in an enamel pan, add sugar, salt and pepper. Boil sunflower oil for 10 minutes and also pour into a saucepan. Mix the contents of the pan and heat over low heat to 70-75 degrees C, then remove the pan from the heat, add vinegar, mix everything and fill the jars. Pasteurize at a temperature of 90 C: half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter - 25 minutes. Preparations for the winter.

Horseradish sauce with vinegar and carrots

Horseradish - 200 g, vinegar 3% - 100 g, carrot juice or boiled carrots - 50 g, salt, sugar to taste.
The sauce is prepared in the same way horseradish sauce with vinegar and beets*.

Siberian seasoning "Hrenovaya"

This is the basic recipe. There are options when more pepper is added (both black and red ground, and Bulgarian sweet), vinegar, sugar.

This seasoning is also called "Spark".

3 kg tomatoes,
250 g horseradish
250 g garlic,
5-7 teaspoons of salt
3 teaspoons of sugar.

Fresh tomatoes together with horseradish and pass the garlic through a meat grinder. Salt the resulting mass, put in a glass container, close tightly and place in the refrigerator.

Green tomatoes can also be used along with ripe red tomatoes. You can make this seasoning with the addition of green tomatoes.

You can use horseradish seasoning immediately after cooking, but if you let it stand for a week in the refrigerator, it will infuse and taste better.
Can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. (The more horseradish and garlic is taken, the better and longer it is stored.)
Before serving, you can add a little mayonnaise or thick sour cream to this seasoning to taste. You can also add grated apple to taste (Antonovka is better).

Horseradish seasoning

100 g of horseradish roots 40 ml of boiled water, 50 ml of apple cider vinegar, salt, sugar.

Grind horseradish very finely, I grind horseradish in a coffee grinder, then mix horseradish puree with boiled water, apple cider vinegar, add salt and sugar to taste and refrigerate. You can add chopped nuts. After a few hours, horseradish seasoning is ready for use, it is added to meat dishes already on a plate or spread on bread with a very thin layer. Keep the fuck up you need in a glass container with a very tightly closed lid. For a sharper workpiece, sugar is not added.

Horseradish in marinade

horseradish - 1 kg
water - 2 glasses
vinegar essence - 1 tbsp.
sugar - 2 tbsp.
salt - 1 tbsp.
cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
carnation - 10 pcs.

For marinade, bring water with sugar and salt dissolved in it to a boil, put spices, cover and cool to 50 degrees C, then pour in the essence. Cover again and leave overnight. Then filter and add grated horseradish, mix thoroughly, place in jars and close. Sugar can be added to soften the spiciness in pickled horseradish.

Horseradish sterilized with apples

250 g pureed fuck, 5 g salt, 0.05 l 8% vinegar, 3 - 4 g sugar, 3 teaspoons of water, 70 g pureed apples

All components are mixed, laid out in small jars, closed with lids, placed in a sterilization tank with warm water, heated to 90 C for 20 minutes and sterilized at this temperature for 20 minutes. Then take out and cool.

Horseradish seasonings with vinegar

For 1 kg of horseradish:
1st method - 40 g of salt, 80 g of sugar, 800 g of water, 40 g of 80% vinegar essence, ginger root or mustard to taste;
2nd method - 20 g of salt, 40 g of sugar, 500 g of water, 0.5 g of cinnamon, 0.5 g of cloves, 20 g of vinegar essence;
3rd method - 40 g of salt, 80 g of sugar, 500 g of beetroot juice, 30 g of vinegar essence.

horseradish roots clean, wash thoroughly and grate on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder. Prepare the marinade. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, bring to a boil, add spices, cover and cool to a temperature of 50 C, then add vinegar essence and insist for a day. After infusion, filter the filling through gauze and mix thoroughly with horseradish. Put the finished seasoning into jars and cork.
