
How to make strong mustard. How to make spicy mustard at home

Homemade dishes and sauces are always healthy and tasty. But we constantly go to the store and buy spices with flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives. What for? After all, at home, healthy and tasty seasonings are simply and quickly prepared. For example, after spending 5 minutes, you will get an excellent seasoning that is perfect for first courses, meat. How to prepare mustard from dry powder? Try making it with the recipes below.

How to make mustard from dry powder - recipes with photos

Mustard has properties to improve appetite, metabolism and digestion of fatty foods. At home, making sauce from it is convenient and simple. The hostess, according to her taste, can make it either very spicy, or give it a sweet and spicy note. To prepare mustard seasoning, cucumber pickle, honey, water and even a nut are used.

On cucumber brine

Homemade cucumber brine sauce has an amazing taste. Vigorous taste will not leave anyone indifferent, and lovers of hot spices will be delighted with it. With a high concentration of cucumber pickle - salt and sugar do not need to be added according to the recipe. The proportion of ingredients during cooking must be strictly observed.


  • Dry product - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Pickled cucumber brine (very concentrated) - 200 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

On the water


  • Dry mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Boiling water - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice or vinegar - 2 tsp

Buy only a good dry product. If you see a lump in the powder, then it is better not to use this product for this recipe. Otherwise, the taste of the dish will upset you.

  1. Use quality mustard powder that is not past its expiration date. Instead, you can take ground mustard seeds.
  2. The powder must be poured with hot water. Boiling water will add excessive bitterness to the finished mustard, and cold water will make it too light.
  3. To make homemade mustard acquire an unusual flavor, add spices to it: cinnamon, nutmeg, ground black pepper or cloves.
  4. Mustard must be infused for at least a few hours so that its taste is fully revealed.
  5. You can store homemade mustard in the refrigerator for several weeks. But it is better to eat it quickly: over time, it can run out of steam.

Mustard Recipes


For lovers of mustard, which breaks through to tears.


  • 6-8 tablespoons of hot water;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • ½ tablespoon apple cider vinegar.


Pour the powder into an airtight container or jar. Pour in water in a thin stream and mix thoroughly until the consistency of sour cream. Close the lid and leave in a warm place for 7-10 hours.

During this time, the mustard will settle, and liquid will appear at the top. If you want the mustard to be very spicy, then this liquid does not need to be drained. Add salt and vinegar to the bowl and mix well. Place the mustard in the refrigerator for several hours.


Another version of very spicy mustard. You can use either cucumber or tomato pickle.


  • 6 tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • 8-10 tablespoons of brine;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil - optional.


Mix mustard powder and brine until smooth. You can add vegetable oil if you want to neutralize the spiciness a little. Leave the mustard to infuse at room temperature for 6-8 hours.


Mustard prepared according to this recipe is quite soft. However, a spicy point is still present in it.


  • 5 tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • 4-6 tablespoons of hot water;
  • ⅓ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.


Mix powder and water until smooth. Then add all other ingredients and mix thoroughly. If you want sweeter mustard, add a little more.

Transfer the mustard to a jar, close the lid and leave in a warm place overnight.


This mustard is prepared from whole seeds, which gives it a pronounced taste and aroma.


  • 6 tablespoons of mustard seeds;
  • 7 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Pour mustard seeds with vinegar and leave in the refrigerator for a day. After that, warm up a little, grind half of this mass with a blender and mix with the rest of the mustard. Add sugar and salt and stir. Put in a jar, close the lid and leave at room temperature for two days.


A classic recipe for French seasoning, which has a special aroma and a mild, almost not spicy taste.


  • 400 ml dry white;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 13 tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • a few drops of Tabasco sauce


Pour wine into a saucepan, add finely chopped onion and garlic and bring to a boil. Then cook for another 5 minutes on low heat without a lid, cool and strain. Mix liquid with mustard powder until smooth.

Then add honey, oil, salt and tabasco, put the pan on low heat and, stirring constantly, let the mustard thicken. Put it in a jar, close the lid and leave it at room temperature overnight.

12.05.2017 191 views

It is not always possible to buy a suitable mustard in the store: it often lacks sharpness or taste. But such a seasoning for ready-made dishes can be made at home from simple and affordable ingredients. Depending on the method of processing grains, mustard is divided into grain and powder. Mustard powder, in turn, is widely used in the preparation of a traditional pasty seasoning. You can buy it at any pharmacy and cook your favorite seasoning at home.

To get a decent result, it is important to know not only how to make mustard at home and according to what recipe, but also what grains to use. The taste of the finished seasoning will directly depend on this.

How to make mustard at home

When preparing the seasoning, all three types of mustard are used: white, sarepta and black. And in each case, the taste of the spice will be different. It should be noted that the full one is presented in another article on our site.

White mustard has a milder flavor than Sarepta (brown) or black mustard. For the preparation of Russian spicy seasoning, brown grains are suitable, which have a specific, sharp taste and smell. However, at home, the taste of the finished spice can be adjusted by the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe.

Making mustard at home involves diluting a certain amount of mustard powder with water with the addition of flavoring agents: sugar, salt, vinegar, etc. Moreover, the taste of the finished dish is influenced not only by the color of the grains, but also by the temperature of the water that is poured into the powder. The following pattern is observed here: the higher the temperature of the liquid, the softer the result will be, and vice versa. That is why, for the preparation of hot spices, the powder is never poured with boiling water. It is enough that the temperature of the liquid is not higher than 40 degrees. But just like with a plant variety, the taste of the finished dish can be adjusted according to personal preferences.

How to make mustard powder at home

Depending on the addition of certain ingredients to the recipe, the taste of cooked mustard will differ. By experimenting with the composition, you can find your ideal recipe for this seasoning.

According to the classic recipe, we prepare mustard at home from powder in the following sequence:

  1. Mustard powder (6 teaspoons) is poured into a clean, sterile and dry glass jar with a volume of 200 ml.
  2. The powder is poured with warm water (180 ml) and mixed well until a homogeneous consistency. It is important that no dry, poorly diluted lumps remain.
  3. A jar of mustard mass is sent to a warm place for 10-12 hours. You can put it near the battery. Heat is a prerequisite for starting the fermentation process.
  4. After a while, a liquid will come out on the surface of the mustard mass, which is carefully drained.
  5. The remaining ingredients are added to the mustard jar: salt (1 teaspoon), vegetable oil (2 teaspoons), sugar (½ teaspoon). In the classic recipe, no other ingredients are included in the seasoning. Information about what is included in can be found in a separate article.

Seasoning prepared according to the classic recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

More sharp and spicy is the mustard seasoning cooked in cucumber or tomato brine. As in the previous recipe, mustard powder (3 tablespoons) is diluted to the desired consistency with liquid, but not with water, but with brine. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, tightly closed with a lid and sent to a warm place for 8 hours. After the specified time, the liquid formed on top is drained, sugar is added to taste (a pinch) and a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Another recipe for spicy Russian mustard is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Water (125 ml) is brought to a boil in a saucepan with spices: a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of sugar, cloves and bay leaf. The finished solution is filtered and cooled.
  2. Mustard powder (100 g) is poured into a warm spicy solution, vinegar (100 ml) and vegetable oil (30 ml) are added.
  3. The mass is well mixed to a homogeneous consistency and transferred to a glass jar. In a day, the seasoning will be ready.

The most delicious seasoning is obtained not from mustard powder, but from freshly ground grains of various types. In addition to traditional spices, other spices are added to it, such as red pepper, nutmeg, coriander and others.

Making grainy mustard at home

Soft and mild granular seasoning has a delicate slightly sweetish taste, which is far from always reproducible at home. To avoid excessive sharpness, it is useful to insist and process it thermally for a long time. You can, however, adjust the spiciness to your liking. The bitter-sharp taste of mustard seeds mixed with water is difficult to surprise anyone. And only thanks to flavorings, salt, sugar and vinegar, it turns into an interesting and unusual seasoning.

The spice is prepared in 2 stages. At first, yellow mustard seeds are infused for two days in the refrigerator to eliminate pungency and bitterness and give a sweetish aftertaste. For this, the grains (200 g) are washed under running water, transferred to a saucepan and poured with apple cider vinegar and juice (125 ml each). For a more piquant taste, it is recommended to replace a third of the yellow grains with black or brown ones.

After two days of infusion, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt are added to the grains, as well as 2 tablespoons of honey and apple cider vinegar. You can read about that in a special section of our website.

Put the saucepan on the fire, bring its contents to a boil and cook, stirring constantly for 2 minutes. For spicier mustard, the heat treatment time is reduced. The third part of the hot mass is transferred to a blender, crushed, and then mixed with whole grains. This is necessary in order for the consistency to become thicker.

Hello dear readers. Today I will tell you how to cook spicy mustard at home. If you think this is difficult, then I can assure you that it is more difficult to buy good mustard powder than to make mustard itself.
The fact is that pure mustard powder is desirable for making good mustard.

For example, I have been looking for pure mustard powder for a long time. But I never managed to find yellow mustard powder, without black dots. If earlier it was possible to buy it in a pharmacy, now in pharmacies they sell either mustard plasters or the same powder from Indian mustard (Sarepta). And this mustard has a brown color, and when grinded, it turns out a dirty yellow powder with black dots.
This recipe has been tested for more than a dozen years, my father always made mustard himself, he did not trust this process to anyone. It was his signature mustard. Such mustard can be stored for up to six months, and given that there are no preservatives in it, this is a period.

My father always made it before the holidays, in a day, and as far as I can remember, we never bought mustard. Although I lied, earlier mustard, like mayonnaise, was sold only in glass jars of 250 grams, and even before perestroika, once before the New Year holidays, I saw several jars of mayonnaise and one jar of mustard in the basement. I don't know why my parents bought it then. One can only guess about this. Maybe my father didn't get the mustard powder, or maybe there were other reasons. But after that, at home, I saw only mustard prepared by my father. Father prepared mustard not only for himself, he was often asked to make mustard by friends and relatives. Because you can’t buy such mustard in the store.

Now let's move on to the recipe itself. I will now explain to you step by step how to cook mustard at home. For this we need:

  • mustard powder
  • sugar one teaspoon
  • some salt
  • some homemade sunflower oil

To prepare mustard, I take a 200 gram glass jar with a lid. Because it is necessary to store mustard in a closed container. I put 6 teaspoons of mustard powder in a jar. As you can see in the photo, I have a mountain of spoons. Only the jar must be dry.

Then add one teaspoon of sugar and a little salt. As you can see in the photo of salt, we add no more than 1/4 of a teaspoon. Mix well our mustard powder with sugar and salt.

Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water and mix well. We add a little water and stir our mixture until the mustard becomes similar in consistency to sour cream. We mix everything very well, because if you mix it poorly, then such dark spots can turn out. It was I who took a wet jar, and it turned out that I missed this place while stirring the mustard.

But this spot will not appear immediately. After we have mixed the mustard to a homogeneous state, we put the mustard "to reach" or, as the father said, to ferment. We put the mustard, in a closed jar, in a warm place. It can be a stove, and a heating battery. The temperature required for mustard fermentation should be around 60 degrees Celsius. Mustard should be infused for about 2-3 hours. And then I got this dark spot.

After our mustard has fermented, add oil. This is so that the mustard does not weather on the table, and retains its “evil” qualities longer, we add a little unrefined sunflower oil to the finished mustard. I showed how much oil I add with a small mustard spoon, which is about 1/4 of a teaspoon. And again, we mix it all well. After the mustard has cooled, it is completely ready for use. It is not necessary to add oil, you can also without oil.

Did you know that the mustard plant itself is used in agriculture instead of chemicals. The land is sown with mustard, and then such fields are simply plowed up. The roots and stems become fertilizers, and not just fertilizers, but organic acids that are easily absorbed by other plants, and the roots also perfectly repel harmful insects.

Did you know that not only mustard is made from mustard powder. Mustard powder is used in cooking, for various sauces, for food preservation. For example, I love canned tomatoes with mustard seeds, and pickled tomatoes with mustard powder. It is also used for various spices, and as seasonings in the meat industry. They are used in medicine in mustard plasters, in cosmetology, for taking baths and for warming the feet. I always give my children foot baths with mustard powder at the first sign of a cold.

Note to hostesses. If you are far from home, or even not far away, but you do not have a detergent to wash the dishes. Regular mustard will do just fine with this. This can be especially helpful in nature, because few people take detergent with them on a hike, and mustard is often at hand.

You see, it’s not so difficult to cook spicy mustard at home, but trust me, we got it spicy. If you like with horseradish, then finely grated horseradish, about a teaspoon, can be added to the already prepared mustard. Again, mix well.

Well, with spicy mustard, we figured out how to make it at home. And soon I will cook a delicious jellied meat. See you on the blog pages.

How to make the most delicious mustard

First, check out how to make mustard from dry powder. Under the cut - recipes for mustard from other products.

The question of how to prepare mustard from dry powder comes to me so often that I decided to write about this recipe separately. Of course, now there is a large selection of ready-made mustard in stores, but home-made mustard from dry powder can be made taking into account any preferences and tastes, including any additives (nuts, chestnuts, spices).

In fact, it seemed to me that on any bag of dry mustard there is an instruction for its preparation. However, in practice it turned out not quite so. Well, let's fill this gap.

I will only warn you that it is better to prepare mustard from dry powder on the eve of the intended use.

Take dry mustard powder. It should be fine, without impurities and particles of husk. Just in case, you can sift it through a small strainer. For home use, it is better to prepare a little mustard; freshly brewed, it is more pungent and fragrant. Over time, all these qualities will disappear. Take about a tablespoon of powder (25-30 g).

Pour it in 1 tablespoon of boiling water. Mix well until a thick "dough" is formed, and add another tablespoon of boiling water. We use a two-stage introduction of liquid so that not a single lump remains. Boiling water will eliminate the excessive bitterness of dry mustard (due to the release of essential oils). Leave for 10 - 15 minutes so that the essential oils stand out from the mustard in sufficient quantities.

Now you can add a teaspoon of sugar and vegetable oil to the mustard, salt (half a teaspoon).

In conclusion, we introduce 9% vinegar or you can replace it with lemon juice. Acid is needed to stop the release of essential oils. We also take 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

Once again, rub everything well.

The indicated proportions of the ingredients are approximate, you can change them according to your taste, for example, take more lemon juice or sugar, or salt. You can also add honey, spices, even beer to mustard.

Now the mustard must be transferred to a glass container and tightly closed.

If it seems to you that the mustard turned out to be too liquid, do not worry, it will thicken and the next day it will be just right, it can be served at the table

How to cook the most delicious mustard? Recipes We all know such a product as mustard, which is so common among the inhabitants. Seeds are the only spice. They are ground into powder, and other spices are added during cooking to enhance the aroma and enrich table mustard.

Two types of mustard are cultivated in our country - Sarepta, or Russian mustard, white, or English mustard. Sarepta mustard is used to prepare ordinary table mustard, mustard powder. From it you can cook several options for table mustard. Do you want to try to cook the most delicious mustard, which can surprise everyone exclusively. Several interesting recipes are presented in this article.

spicy mustard

Mustard powder - 100 g, powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons, vinegar - 4 tablespoons, cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon, cloves 1 - teaspoon, nutmeg - 1/4 teaspoon, salt - 1/2 teaspoon.
Grind the mustard powder to a dusty state, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 20-24 hours. Drain excess water, add salt, powdered sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg to the mustard mass.

Mix everything to the desired consistency, let it brew for another 3 hours, after which the mustard is ready.

apple mustard

Mustard - 3 tablespoons, applesauce - 4 tablespoons, granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons, vinegar, salt - 1-2 teaspoons.

Bake apples, rub hot through a sieve. Combine the resulting puree with mustard, sugar, mix everything. Dilute vinegar boiled with cloves, anise, basil, add salt. After 3 days the mustard is ready.

pear mustard

To prepare pear mustard, peel 20 ripe pears, boil them in a small amount of water until soft, put them on a sieve, and when all the water has drained, rub the pears through a sieve. In the future, the technology for preparing this mustard is similar to that of apple mustard.

White mustard is cultivated to produce mustard oil. Its taste is sharper and rougher, so table mustard prepared from it is of lower quality than from Sarepta.

mustard seasoning

Table mustard - 50 g, sunflower oil - 300 g, vinegar - 650 g, granulated sugar - 50 g, ground pepper - 1 g, eggs - 3 pieces. Grind table mustard, egg yolks, sugar, salt. Then, with continuous stirring, pour in the oil in a thin stream and beat, then dilute with vinegar and strain.

Mustard is used as a seasoning and flavoring for various meat dishes, especially for fatty meats, jelly, sausages, and also as an ingredient in dressings, sauces and, last but not least, as an emulsifier during heat treatment in order to preserve juice and flavor at the same time. . Housewives are advised to serve salad dressings to the table.

By putting into practice the information received, you will undoubtedly prepare the best mustard from the one you have ever tried.
