
What to do in case of alcohol poisoning. Folk methods of treatment

No one is safe from alcohol poisoning. Corporate events, business negotiations in a relaxed atmosphere, protracted holidays and just fun parties - all this has become a part of our life. And given that the body can be overworked or weakened by a recent illness, then alcohol, which provokes poisoning, will need a little.

First of all, it is necessary to remember the symptoms of alcohol poisoning: speech becomes slurred, eyes become glassy, ​​a pronounced smell of ethanol in the exhaled air, the skin of the face turns pale, breathing is heavy, pupils are dilated. There may be sudden loss of consciousness or falling asleep.

1. First of all, it is necessary to clear the stomach of alcohol that has not had time to get into the bloodstream. For this, a soda solution is prepared - we take one spoonful of soda per liter of boiled warm water - and the patient is given to drink. The more liquid you drink, the better. Then press either a finger or a spoon on the root of the tongue and thereby induce vomiting.

If a person becomes worse from vomiting, you need to let him lie down for a while. Ideally, of course, it is better to call an ambulance, but there are situations when this is impossible for a number of reasons: either far from the city, or the unwillingness of the poisoned person. You can not leave a person who suddenly fell asleep in an alcoholic dream. Sleep in this state can become "eternal".

The surest step would be to help him first remove toxins that poison the liver, give substances that help get out of a difficult condition, and only then give the person a rest.

2. After washing the stomach, drowsiness appears, let him rest, the stomach needs a break before taking sorbents. But after five minutes, you must definitely drink any enterosorbent: activated charcoal 4-5 tablets, smecta, polyphepan or enterosgel. When taking medications, strictly follow the instructions and apply at the age dosage, and it must also be remembered that a poisoned person is placed only on his side, not on his back. Otherwise, there may be suffocation with vomiting spasms.

Folk remedies that help with alcohol intoxication

1. Honey water. Fructose contained in honey helps to reduce ailments and helps to sober up. To make such water, you need to dissolve honey in water and drink it. The bigger, the better. In total, you need to drink up to one hundred and fifty grams of honey.

2. Diuretic teas. Decoctions of parsley root, lime blossom, mint, horsetail, thyme. More recipes in the article.

3. After vomiting, which is the most natural sobering agent for alcohol poisoning, it is useful to drink saffron tincture. For 2 cups of boiling water, a dessert spoon of powdered saffron is taken, covered and infused until cool. Drink in small sips.

4. Egg whites effectively help with poisoning: take 2 eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, loosen the whites and drink them in one gulp.

5. A decoction of tansy is an effective help for intoxication of almost any kind. Heat 50 g of plant flowers in the oven for about ten minutes, and then pour boiling water (500 ml.). When the broth has cooled, add 20 gr. chamomile and let the broth boil again. The decoction is insisted for a day, taken for several days (no more than five) with meals, the dose is determined by weight - one spoon per 10 kilograms.

6. It will help to sober up ammonia (10 drops per half a glass of water) or apple cider vinegar (1 spoon per half a glass): drink a sip every 15 minutes.

7. If the stomach is cleared, but nausea does not go away, a decoction of lemon balm will help. Brew a dessert spoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water. Drink half a glass of chilled and strained broth before meals.

8. Well neutralizes toxins fresh citrus fruits. For this reason, it is good to drink fresh orange juice both during and after the feast.

9. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a glass of water and stir in a spoonful of sugar. Drinking slowly helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.

10. Pickle. The good old remedy that has saved us for many centuries. Any brine will do, but sauerkraut is more effective.

Expert opinion

Alcohol poisoning is accompanied by rather striking signs: reddening of the skin, agitation or lethargy, unsteadiness of gait, the smell of alcohol from the mouth, swaggering speech, and impaired critical thinking. If there is no way to transport such a person to the hospital, it is worth giving him first aid at home.

The first step is to wash the stomach: a person drinks a lot of liquid and causes vomiting. Be careful: such a patient should either lie on his left side, or lean forward and slightly raise his face up (so that the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract). When the vomit becomes transparent, give the victim to drink strong sweet tea, salted water and give a sorbent (activated charcoal, enterosgel) inside.

Some tips for dealing with the effects of excessive alcohol consumption

Never remove the symptoms-consequences of alcohol, in other words, do not get drunk: the body needs help, and it will be more and more difficult for it to get out of the state of intoxication.

In a dream, a hangover is easier to tolerate, so you need to sleep more.

Do not be afraid and do not drown out vomiting spasms - this is our body that heals itself, the more alcohol comes out in this way, the less it will be in the blood.

The first sign that you need to pay attention to when drinking alcohol is redness of the face, it is advisable to stop drinking or skip a few toasts when redness appears, go for a walk in the fresh air or eat.

If all measures are taken, the stomach is cleansed, absorbent agents are given, and the person is worse and consciousness does not return, an ambulance should be urgently called; maybe the reason lies in another disease, and we will only aggravate the situation with our inept actions to the patient.

In the article we will try to figure out what alcohol intoxication is and what are its symptoms, and in addition, we will consider how to behave and what to do in case of such poisoning of the body, what should be done at home with alcohol poisoning.

A little about alcohol intoxication

Unfortunately, not a single person who consumes alcoholic beverages is immune from such an unpleasant phenomenon. The cases are different: someone becomes a victim of underground manufacturers of low-quality products, and someone may simply not calculate their own strength and go overboard with alcohol. To the question of how not to get poisoned by alcohol ever, there is only one suitable answer - do not drink it at all.

In different circumstances and with varying degrees of damage to the body, the symptoms, and, of course, the treatment are different.

Alcohol poisoning refers to the toxic effect on a person of a poisonous substance - ethyl alcohol. True, this also includes poisoning with other types of alcohol, not so common - it can be methyl alcohol, isopropyl, butylene, hydrolytic and sulfite alcohols, etc.

First of all, it must be said that there are three stages of intoxication:

  1. The initial stage is from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm of alcohol in the blood.
  2. Moderate stage - up to 3 ppm of alcohol in the blood.
  3. The severe stage is already more than three ppm of alcohol.

In small quantities, alcoholic beverages are even useful in some cases, for example, they help to cope with viral diseases, cure a cold. If a small amount of ethyl alcohol is contained in the body, then it is easily neutralized and excreted by the liver. But when this amount exceeds a certain norm, which the liver is able to detoxify, then the poisons provoke brain disorders.

Symptoms, consequences that occur with alcohol poisoning

The primary signs of alcohol poisoning are changes in appearance and behavior, namely:

  • The person is emotionally aroused, his movements are lively.
  • Under the influence of alcohol, people feel relaxed and euphoric, are in a cheerful mood.
  • Their speech is very categorical, there is a desire to speak out.
  • You may notice that the skin of a person who has consumed alcohol turns red, the pupils are dilated, sweating increases.

All of the above symptoms of the effects of alcohol may be present, even if you drink a very small amount of alcohol. In such cases, there is no cause for concern.

But the secondary signs should make you pay attention to the state of the person, namely, this is a significant decrease in intellectual abilities, clearly aggressive behavior, or behavior of an openly sexual nature. Gait unsteady, staggering.

In a severe form of alcohol poisoning, the work of not only the central nervous system, but also the cardiovascular system is disrupted. A person's speech becomes completely incoherent and illegible, hearing may deteriorate, the ability to respond to any external stimuli is lost. If you do not stop drinking alcohol, the condition may worsen, namely, falling into a coma.

Alcoholic coma

Acute alcohol poisoning sometimes causes coma. This is a loss of consciousness, absolute indifference to external stimuli, such as a loud sound, a strong pat on the cheeks, etc.

With a superficial coma, the patient loses consciousness, his pain sensitivity decreases, the eyeballs “float”, one pupil can be dilated in front of the eyes, and the other narrowed. When the patient is exposed to some external stimuli, he can react with protective movements or facial expressions. Often there is redness of the eyeballs and skin on the face. Saliva may flow, the heart beats faster, shortness of breath appears.

With a deep coma, there is an absolute loss of sensitivity, the patient does not respond to external stimuli, even pain. Tendon reflexes are reduced or absent altogether. Muscles lose their tone. Body temperature is reduced. The skin is no longer red, but a pale, cyanotic color. There may be convulsions. Breathing becomes slow, not so deep. The heart beats rapidly, more than 120 beats per minute. Arterial pressure is reduced.

If, while the patient is in a state of deep coma, no prompt action is taken, breathing will stop, death will occur.

What can affect the degree of poisoning

First of all, of course, it depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. When. when a large dose of it enters the body in a short time, the liver simply cannot cope with processing. Ethyl alcohol and its decay products in this case can damage the internal organs.

Let's take an example. An adult man of average build, who weighs, say, eighty kilograms, with a healthy liver, can process and excrete a maximum of eight grams of pure alcohol without harm to the body. And one hundred grams of forty-degree vodka contains almost thirty-two grams of this very alcohol.

The second factor is age. Young children and the elderly are the category of the population that most of all endure the influence of alcohol-containing substances, since the children's liver is not yet sufficiently developed and formed to process and neutralize such poisons, and the liver of an old person, due to age, does not fully cope with its functions.

Another important factor is individual intolerance. As you know, representatives of the Mongoloid race are most susceptible to alcohol poisoning and endure its effects worst of all due to the low activity of a special enzyme responsible for the breakdown of ethanol. This is due to the genetic characteristics of the race.

Various diseases of the liver, as well as pregnancy, overwork, diabetes mellitus, and pancreatic diseases negatively affect the performance of the liver.

Use of surrogates and counterfeit alcohol

First of all, let's find out what kind of drinks are meant by surrogates. This is the product, which includes not only ethanol, but also various additives that are very toxic and are not intended for food consumption. These can be, for example, hygiene products containing. In addition, this list includes brake fluid, denatured alcohol, antifreeze, etc.

But in our time, you can often encounter poisoning with counterfeit alcohol. In the people, such products are called "singed vodka." It is produced in improper conditions, so the quality of the product is very low. Often counterfeit brands are produced in this way. In fact, the product is not only of poor quality, but also dangerous to health.

We will not ignore the good old moonshine produced at home. Very often people have to poison themselves with this product, since the main goal of the manufacturer is not so much the quality as the strength of the drink.

Poisoning by alcohol substitutes is a common occurrence among drinkers. True, poisoning with low-quality alcohol happens not only among the marginalized segments of the population, who do not care what to drink. Ordinary people suffer because of counterfeit products.

First aid

During severe intoxication, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim, you need to act quickly. Sometimes the right help can save someone's life. It is no exaggeration to say that serious alcohol poisoning can be fatal.

Calling an ambulance is mandatory in the case when a person is unconscious, his body temperature has dropped, the skin has turned pale, sweat has appeared, the pulse is frequent and weak. In addition, if there are cramps, a stomach ache or a headache, when a person uncontrollably emits urine or feces, blood is found in the vomit and / or feces, urgent medical attention is also needed.

If possible, you need to help regain consciousness, then rid the body of alcoholic poisons.

Video: first aid - alcohol poisoning.

How to treat alcohol poisoning at home

How to treat a poisoned person at home? In order for a person to regain consciousness after drinking, ammonia should be used. Soak a cotton swab in it, bring it to the nose of the patient so that he feels a pungent smell.

If the patient has vomited once or twice before, there is no need to wonder how to stop vomiting. Cleansing the stomach will only be useful, as it helps to get rid of toxic toxins. If nausea and vomiting do not stop throughout the day, you can take antiemetics that can stop stomach discomfort, for example, Cerucal. If you have diarrhea, it's a good idea to take Atoxil.

The next step is to cleanse the body, namely the gastrointestinal tract from alcohol. To get rid of poisons, you can use tools such as a solution of potassium permanganate, activated charcoal, or a solution of baking soda.

  1. Soda for alcohol poisoning. You will need 1 liter of cold boiled water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Pour soda into water, stir. The poisoned person should slowly, in small sips, drink the entire resulting solution. Next, you need to rip it all out.
  2. A solution of potassium permanganate. All you need is the same 1 liter of cold boiled water and quite a bit of manganese, select only a few grams. When potassium permanganate is added to water, the resulting liquid will be a pale pink color. The method of application is the same - the liquid should be drunk, then vomited.
  3. Activated carbon. For those who prefer activated charcoal, there is advice: if usually charcoal consumption is calculated in the amount of one tablet per ten kilograms of the patient's body weight, then in this case the dose should be increased: it is good to take twenty tablets, each of which should be washed down with plenty of water.
  4. You can also use succinic acid, which removes toxic substances from the body.

After the patient's stomach is cleared of toxic substances, and the victim himself moves away from intoxication a little, he needs to take sorbent medicines. These include drugs such as Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Filtrum. Smecta is a good medicine both for alcohol poisoning and for the prevention of a hangover.

There are also special tablets such as Alka-Seltzer.

As for folk remedies for alcohol poisoning, tea with mint, ginger tea with honey help well against nausea. For nausea and vomiting, mummy is also recommended.

Since the body is dehydrated by vomiting, it should be put in order by restoring the water balance. It is useful to drink plenty of water, as well as take Regidron, Hydrovit or Citroglucosolan.

A large amount of water drunk will also help with hiccups, which often happens in people who have gone over with alcohol. From such an unpleasant phenomenon, holding your breath, a loud cough, and a slice of lemon eaten also save you. You can also lie down sharply and then get up, or use the “vocalist exercise” - sing a range of notes as you exhale.

After alcohol poisoning, the stomach can be very painful. The work of the digestive tract needs to be restored. You can cure the stomach with the help of probiotics, it is useful to drink Enterofuril, it will not hurt to eat fermented milk products.

What can you eat after alcohol poisoning? How to move the stomach after the stress? The diet should be sparing, food should not overload the stomach. It is worth giving up heavy food for a while: fried, smoked, spicy, fatty. Give preference to stewed, boiled, baked foods. Alcohol after suffering poisoning for some time should not be consumed.

Currently, the problem of alcoholism occupies one of the main places all over the world. Our country is no exception. Thousands of people die every year in Russia from alcohol poisoning. Most often, intoxication occurs as a result of excessive consumption of vodka or alcohol surrogates.

Often the cause of dangerous intoxication is the abuse of moonshine. It should be noted that alcohol poisoning does not necessarily occur in chronic alcoholics, a poisoned person can be quite healthy. Help in case of poisoning is very important, since the poisoned person must be cured quickly and serious violations of the internal organs should be avoided.

First aid for alcohol coma

The most severe degree of alcohol intoxication is an alcoholic coma. In this state, the person is unconscious. First aid should include cleaning the mouth of mucus. It must be remembered that an unconscious person can be aspirated by vomit. It is also possible that the tongue is stuck. The language must be fixed. This can be done using a special holder or improvised means. The next step is gastric lavage. People who are unconscious will need to be given atropine. It reduces salivation.

Cordiamin and caffeine are used to restore cardiac activity. They can be given intravenously or taken orally as tablets. Help with involves the introduction of glucose and insulin. All of the above activities should be carried out in the first hours after the development of coma. The time factor is important in helping with alcohol intoxication. If the coma lasts more than a day, then this may indicate an unfavorable prognosis.

Thus, alcohol can be poisoned quite easily. Alcohol poisoning is very dangerous. It occurs due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages (their use in large doses) and as a result of the use of low-quality products that are potentially dangerous to humans. You need to be especially careful with homemade alcoholic beverages.

When providing first aid, you need to know some basic rules. Firstly, it is not necessary to put the patient on his back, since in this case aspiration of vomit is possible. Secondly, it is not recommended to use drugs without the knowledge of a healthcare professional: they can interact with alcohol and aggravate the condition. Thirdly, you should not let a person get drunk, even if he needs it. Fourth, call an ambulance.

Fifthly, in case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to limit ourselves to only vital manipulations. Medical assistance should be provided in the first hours after the poisoning. With each passing hour, the patient's condition may worsen. If first aid is provided in a timely manner, alcohol poisoning will be less dangerous and someone's life can be saved.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

Which is contained in alcohol, for example, in vodka. Other elements that provoke intoxication in the products of alcohol decay: butylene, methylene and isopropyl. But they rarely get inside. The most frequent poisoning occurs when drinking strong alcoholic beverages in large doses, as well as low-quality alcohol.

It happens that intoxication occurs in the case of drinking low-alcohol or non-alcoholic drinks, but due to the absence of alcohol or its low level, poisoning can be caused by foreign toxic substances. Their set includes: methylene, acetone. It is low-alcohol drinks that account for a large percentage of the disease. First of all, everyone needs to know what to take in case of poisoning.

Common symptoms

Ethyl alcohol in the blood directly affects the poisoning, and the more it is, the more intense the disease. Symptoms begin to appear gradually, increasing their effect on the body. At vodka poisoning three features are typical. According to them, the severity of intoxication and future treatment are determined.

The first sign of alcohol poisoning

The variability of a person's appearance and behavior is the first sign. If a person began to drink a large amount of vodka or other drinks containing alcohol, then this can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

Even in the case of drinking alcohol in a small dose, symptoms can manifest themselves. You should not worry too much with primary symptoms, it is enough to stop drinking, but in case of secondary symptoms, serious measures should be taken.

The second sign of alcohol poisoning

When alcohol enters the body, it enters the stomach and then is absorbed into the blood through its walls. At the very first stage central nervous system suffers. The brain affected by alcohol loses its orientation, which, in turn, affects the loss of normal body movement and spoken language.

The functionality of the brain goes to the level of instinct. It affects the lowering of the intellectual level, there is increased sexual excitability and aggression. Simply put, a person behaves inappropriately.

Severe symptom of alcohol poisoning

Severe poisoning occurs in a severe stage, the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system are affected. In severe form, a drunk person almost completely loses control over movements, indifferent to all sources of irritation, hearing goes down and speech is lost. After prolonged use of alcohol, poisoning can go into a severe phase - an alcoholic coma.

Types of alcohol surrogates

The most common poisoning happens on a household basis - people can drink various types of surrogate harmful drinks. This category includes non-food additives, highly toxic alcohols and ethyl alcohol.

There are such types of vodka substitutes that you can not drink:

These products are manufactured industrially and should not be consumed under any circumstances. In addition to these industrial liquids, there is also “singed vodka”, which is made at home. There is no quality in this product, because it is produced without observing technology standards.

Often you can find burnt vodka on store shelves, which is sold under the guise of famous brands. Unlike ordinary, normal, vodka, the degree fusel oils significantly more therefore, the risk of poisoning with such an alcoholic drink increases significantly.

The next homemade product is considered moonshine, it also causes severe intoxication of the body. In its manufacture, moonshiners do not focus on quality, but on a high alcohol content.

The main attention should be given alcohol tinctures they are intended for medical purposes. They are made both in the industrial sector and in the home. If you drink such a liquid, then severe poisoning simply cannot be avoided.

Important! In case of severe poisoning, an ambulance should be called.

What to do with alcohol poisoning?

Alcohol poisoning poses a great threat to health, especially if intoxication has passed into a severe stage. In the event of such a misfortune, it is necessary to understand what can and cannot be done, what medicines to take and know their types and purpose.

What can be done if poisoning occurs at home?

First aid at home is to bring the patient to his senses. Definitely needed cleanse the body of toxins. This will help only when the intoxicated person is still conscious, but drowsiness and fatigue appear.

To return the patient to consciousness, use ammonia. This method helps both in stationary and at home. To help, you need to find matter, any cotton wool, even a tampon will do. Next, the material is soaked in a solution and held at a short distance near the nostrils. A poisoned person will definitely feel the specific smell of ammonia.

To achieve such a goal you can use sobering drinks which are available in pharmacies. Cleansing the body of toxins occurs due to the elimination of alcohol that is not absorbed into the blood, which is in the digestive tract. What remedies can be taken for alcohol poisoning:

  • baking soda;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • Activated carbon.


For manufacturing, you will need to apply this recipe: a teaspoon soda per 1 liter pure water. A person subject to poisoning should drink the solution in small sips to the end. The purpose of this method is to induce vomiting. This is done as follows: after drinking the soda solution, a spoon is taken, pressed on the base of the tongue and the desired happens. The remaining alcohol comes out with soda.


For manufacturing you will need: 1 liter water and potassium permanganate, not more than a few grams. After diluting the product, the water becomes light pink in color. The procedure is identical with soda. You need to drink liquid to the bottom. The main goal is to induce vomiting.

Activated carbon

These pills are really considered effective in the fight against poisoning of a different nature. Everyone should have the tool. Charcoal dosage calculated based on body weight. There is one tablet per 10 kg. A large amount of activated carbon taken will not harm, therefore, if intoxication has an elevated level, at least 20 pieces must be taken. Each tablet should be chewed and washed down with water.

The tool is quite effective and helps to cope with poisoning, but in the case when a drunk person can control his condition. Do not give the patient the above assistance when the patient is in a state of severe alcohol intoxication and lies without any action. You just need to be with the patient and wait for the arrival of the doctors. You should not try to give a drunk such a vomiting provoking drug when he is in such a state.

The task of the person next to you is to control breathing, prevent swallowing of the tongue and prevent the possible penetration of vomit inside. Ethyl alcohol that has entered the body blocks the natural release of bodily heat, so the intoxicated person must be covered with a blanket. It is not recommended to leave the patient, you always need to be with him.

When is an ambulance needed?

It is difficult to assess the situation when you need to call an ambulance for alcohol poisoning. If a person’s condition changes for the worse, then this is a clear signal for the intervention of medical workers. There are a fairly large number of signs, but if at least a few of the above are present, qualified physicians should be immediately involved.

Common signs of deterioration:

Why do you need to call an ambulance?

Severe alcohol intoxication of the body is not considered a joke. If you do not react in time, then for the patient the situation can turn into a fatal outcome due to hypothermia, cardiac and respiratory arrest. That's why should be treated promptly.

The likelihood of dire consequences is very high if you do not seek immediate medical attention. Do not hesitate, because the complications will become even more catastrophic. In this case, you should show maximum responsibility and seriousness to the situation that has occurred.

Complications of intoxication

Complications affect important body functions and consciousness. After losing control of my mind next step could be coma. But if proper assistance is provided in a timely manner, such consequences will not happen.

Other complications of alcohol poisoning are classified as tongue retraction, impaired breathing, trismus of the jaw muscles, bronchorrhea and hypersalivation. Prolonged intoxication of the body harms the kidneys, from which kidney failure can occur, turning into an acute form.

Coma and alcohol

Coma can occur after loss of consciousness due to alcohol poisoning. In total, there are three degrees of such a condition, which are characterized by different severity: light, medium and deep coma phases. How they appear:

Next steps after alcohol poisoning

For a complete recovery after severe intoxication, it is prescribed full rehabilitation course. Only after that the patient acquires normal health, proper physical abilities and memory.

There are four stages in the treatment:

The patient for further treatment can go to the toxicology department or an outpatient clinic, it all depends on the severity of the poisoning of the body. In case of poisoning of a person who rarely drinks alcohol, it is enough to procedure for cleaning the body of harmful components- ethyl alcohol and other products of chemical decomposition. In order not to be poisoned, the patient is obliged not to take alcohol-containing drinks for at least several weeks. It is very easy to treat this stage.

For severe cases hospital is used for treatment, which is engaged in the elimination of toxins with the help of intravenous saline preparations, which, in turn, restores the level of metabolism. The necessary nutrition based on useful microelements and vitamins is provided - this is what you can eat after alcohol poisoning. The liver is resuscitated with phospholepids. In order not to get poisoned again, the patient should never take alcohol, even in the smallest doses.

Attention, only TODAY!

Symptoms after alcohol poisoning occur for several reasons. We will talk about them below. It should also be noted that such unpleasant signs of intoxication are pronounced. It's hard not to notice them.

general information

Alcohol poisoning (symptoms, home treatment will be described below) occupies a leading position in our country among all household poisoning. In more than 60% of cases, this condition is fatal. Most of them (about 95-98%) occur even before the provision of medical care.

So how to recognize the symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning and what measures to take in order to avoid tragic consequences? You will learn about this in the presented article.

What is alcohol?

Alcohol is called drinks that contain ethanol (wine or chemical colorless and volatile substance of moderate toxic activity, which is highly flammable. Ethanol can be mixed with ordinary water in any quantity. It dissolves easily in fats, and also easily penetrates through biological membranes and quickly spreads throughout the body.

Intoxication, poisoning, intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is a special state of the human NS, which occurs as a result of drinking drinks containing ethanol.

There are four degrees of intoxication:

  • lung;
  • average;
  • heavy;
  • coma.

At the initial stage, such a state is manifested by an unreasonably joyful, as well as high spirits (that is, euphoria). The consciousness of the intoxicated person is preserved (small disturbances may be observed). After a while, the thinking processes slow down. In addition, the mental and physical activity of a person decreases, his consciousness is oppressed, and he becomes slow, lethargic and drowsy.

With the development of coma, they speak of severe alcohol poisoning.

As for severe intoxication, this condition is associated with the toxic effect of ethanol breakdown products on the human body.

What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

Speaking about the signs of alcohol poisoning, one cannot fail to note the fact that they can manifest themselves in different ways. It depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the quality of the drinks. In addition, the symptom of alcohol poisoning is closely related to which system or organ of a person has been subjected to toxic effects.

gastrointestinal tract

With a primary lesion of the digestive system, a person experiences abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. What is the reason for each of the listed symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

Abdominal pain occurs due to the direct damaging effect of ethanol on the mucous membrane of the small intestine and stomach.

Diarrhea occurs due to a violation of the absorption of minerals, water and fats, as well as a rapidly occurring deficiency of an enzyme that is necessary for the absorption of lactose.

Nausea is a sign of general intoxication.

As for vomiting, most often it has a central character. In other words, it is associated with the toxic effect of alcohol on the central nervous system.


With damage to the nervous system in humans, the following are observed: mental agitation, delirium, euphoria, impaired coordination of movements, hallucinations, increased sweating, convulsions, a decrease in body temperature, dilated pupils, impaired attention, thermoregulation, as well as speech and perception.

Each symptom of alcohol poisoning mentioned is associated with impaired metabolism of nerve cells, oxygen starvation, the damaging effect of ethanol on the cells of the central nervous system, and the toxic effect of intermediate products of the breakdown of alcohol (acetate, acetaldehyde,


The first signs of alcohol poisoning from the heart are:

  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dizziness;
  • redness of the face;
  • general weakness;
  • pale skin;
  • malaise.

The appearance of such symptoms is explained by the fact that the patient loses a lot of fluid during diarrhea or vomiting. Also, due to the increase in the permeability of the vascular walls, the fluid from the vascular bed passes into the space between the cells. To compensate for the volume of blood (circulating), the human body includes the following compensatory mechanisms: constriction of peripheral vessels and increased heart rate. Due to this, the blood is redistributed and saturates the more important organs.

Respiratory tract

How does alcohol poisoning affect the respiratory system? The symptoms of such a lesion are as follows:

  • acute respiratory failure;
  • noisy and rapid breathing.

The listed signs arise due to damage to the respiratory center, the development of cerebral edema and metabolic disorders. The occurrence of acute is associated with the ingress of vomit into the respiratory tract and reflex spasm of the bronchi, larynx.

renal system

With kidney damage, the patient has increased urination or, conversely, a decrease in urination (sometimes to complete absence).

Such conditions are due to the fact that by reducing secretion (of the hypothalamus, which retains water in the body), ethanol increases the process of urination. In addition, alcohol contributes to the removal of calcium, potassium, magnesium from the human body, disrupting their absorption in the intestine. Thus, there is a deficiency of these elements.

In severe cases, ethanol damages the structure of the kidneys.

Liver damage

Symptoms of alcoholic liver poisoning are also pronounced. These include severe pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as yellowing of the skin and sclera. Such signs arise due to the damaging effect of ethanol on liver cells and intracellular metabolic disorders.

Acute alcohol poisoning: symptoms

In severe poisoning, the patient may fall into a coma. At the same time, he loses consciousness, and also does not respond to any external stimuli (for example, loud sounds, patting on the cheeks, tingling, and others).

The concentration of alcohol in the systemic circulation, equal to 3 g / l and above, causes a coma. Currently, its two phases are distinguished: superficial and deep. Consider their symptoms in more detail.

  • superficial coma.

This condition is characterized by: loss of consciousness, floating movements of the eyeballs, decreased pain sensitivity, excessive salivation, pupils of different sizes (constricted - dilated), reaction to irritation with protective movements or changes in facial expressions, palpitations, redness of the skin and membranes of the eyes, shortness of breath .

  • deep coma.

Symptoms of alcohol surrogate poisoning are very often accompanied by a loss of pain sensitivity, a decrease in body temperature, the absence of tendon reflexes, convulsions, loss of muscle tone, a decrease in blood pressure, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, a decrease in the depth and frequency of breathing, a pronounced increase in heart rate.

The severity of alcohol intoxication

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning may be mild or severe. What does it depend on? We will give the answer to the question posed right now.

  • The amount drunk. When large doses of ethanol enter the human body, especially at one time, the liver does not have time to process it. Thus, the products of incomplete alcohol decay accumulate in the blood, after which they damage such vital organs as the brain, liver, kidneys, heart, and others.
  • Age. Children and the elderly are the most sensitive to the effects of alcohol. This is due to the fact that adolescents have not yet formed all the necessary neutralization mechanisms, and in the elderly they no longer perform their function in the required quality.
  • Individual intolerance. Personal intolerance to ethanol and, as a result, the rapid development of intoxication is especially common in people. This is due to the fact that they have reduced activity of a special enzyme that is necessary for the complete breakdown of alcohol.
  • Pregnancy, malnutrition, overwork, diseases of the pancreas, liver and diabetes. Such conditions reduce the work and neutralizing function of the main cleansing organ (liver).
  • Combination of alcohol and drugs. The toxic effect of alcohol is increased several times when taken simultaneously with drugs such as tranquilizers, hypnotics, antidepressants, NSAIDs and others.
  • additives and impurities. The toxic effect of alcohol increases due to such additives and impurities as methyl alcohol, aldehydes, higher alcohols, ethylene glycol, furfural and others.
  • Ethanol consumption on an empty stomach. When alcohol is taken on an empty stomach, it is absorbed into the blood in half the dose, which can lead to severe poisoning.

What to do with intoxication?

Now you know why alcohol poisoning occurs. The symptoms and treatment of this condition are presented in this article.

If you notice that your friend has become ill after drinking alcohol, you should immediately call an ambulance. This is due to the following points:

  • A severe pathological condition caused by alcohol intoxication often leads to death.
  • Only an experienced doctor is able to assess the condition of the victim and prescribe treatment.
  • Therapy of poisoning requires the use of a number of medications.
  • In most cases, the treatment of severe alcohol intoxication is carried out in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

First aid at home

How should alcohol poisoning be treated (symptoms and treatment of this condition are described in this article)? First, you need to call a specialist. While the doctor is on the way, it is required to provide first aid to the victim. What is it?

  • Ensuring airway patency. To do this, you need to remove the patient's tongue (when it retracts), and then clean the oral cavity. If possible, use a rubber bulb. With excessive salivation, the patient should be administered intravenously 1.0-0.1% atropine. These measures are necessary for an adequate supply of oxygen and to prevent blockage of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Give the victim the correct position (on his side) and fix his tongue (for example, press it with a finger or a spoon).
  • Perform artificial respiration and indirect heart massage (when breathing and heart stops). Such procedures must be carried out before the appearance of a heartbeat and breathing.
  • Bring the victim back to consciousness if he has lost it. To do this, it is necessary to bring cotton wool with ammonia to the nose of the patient.
  • Induce vomiting (only if the person is conscious). To do this, he must be given a saline solution or a special agent that causes vomiting. This procedure is effective only in the first hours after the use of ethanol.

If the above methods do not help, then resort to the following:

  • Gastric lavage. The victim is given the maximum amount of water, and then pressed on the root of the tongue.
  • Warming up the patient. The person is placed in a warm bed, wrapped in a blanket.
  • Reception of the adsorbent. The victim is given sorbents that can absorb various types of toxins. They accelerate the neutralization and removal of alcohol from the body.

Medicines for the treatment of alcohol poisoning

In the hospital, the victim may be prescribed the following means:

  • The drug "Metadoxil" intramuscularly. This is a medication that was created specifically for the treatment of alcohol poisoning. It increases the activity of enzymes that are responsible for the utilization of ethanol. Thus, the agent in question accelerates the processing and removal of alcohol. In addition, it restores liver cells and improves the mental state of the victim.
  • Vitamins and glucose mixed in one syringe. Such a cocktail improves metabolic processes, and also accelerates the neutralization and elimination of ethanol. In addition, it reduces the risk of alcohol-related psychosis.
  • Droppers for water-mineral balance. They improve blood circulation through the vessels, and also help restore the necessary water and mineral balance.

It should also be noted that the symptoms of alcohol poisoning of the pancreas and liver require the use of hepatoprotectors. Such medicines improve the functioning of the mentioned organs, restore damaged cells and accelerate the neutralization of ethanol.

Often, with alcohol intoxication, doctors use the drugs "Pirozol" and "Fomepizol". These are the latest antidotes used for ethylene glycol and methyl alcohol poisoning. They reduce the activity of the liver enzyme and interrupt the formation of toxic elements.
