
Figs: useful properties, composition, contraindications. Useful properties of dried figs

Many people know the name fig, but not everyone knows that this is not the only name for this plant. A fig tree, a fig tree, a wine berry, a fig or just a fig - this is the variety of names for this crop.

It is no coincidence that figs are called wine berries. The fact is that figs, ripening on a branch, begin to ferment under the influence of the sun and turn into real wine.

Figs are considered such an ancient plant culture that the mention of it can be found in the Bible: it was the leaf of the fig tree that covered Adam and Eve, who were expelled from paradise, and Christ, not finding fruits on it, cursed. And now we are happy to use these juicy and sweet fruits, which, by the way, are a culinary delicacy. It is worth noting that fresh figs are enough perishable product. Therefore, many prefer to enjoy fine taste dried figs that have absorbed all the energy of sunlight.


Figs are useful in any of its forms: as a dried fruit, canned and fresh. At the same time, many are interested in the question of whether dried figs lose their beneficial properties. We answer - does not lose, but differs from fresh fruit sugar content - in fresh fruits, the sugar content is about 24%, and in dried - about 37%.

The benefit of figs is given by its amazing chemical composition- pectin, vitamins, organic acids. Fig fruits contain such important minerals for the body as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium.

12 health benefits of figs

Fig fruits have not only bright palatability, but also show medicinal properties. And if you know what the benefits and harms of figs are, you can use this product with maximum benefit for good health.

The healing properties of figs, of course, are determined by the presence of a rich vitamin and mineral complex. Daily use several fruits of figs will forever forget about the deficiency in the body of a whole list useful substances. That's why special benefit figs give children and people with reduced immunity.

Regular consumption of fig fruits will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body.

    A large amount of magnesium and potassium makes figs able to normalize the work of the heart by maintaining normal blood pressure, lowering blood clotting, reducing the risk of thrombosis and tachycardia. Thanks to the substances ficin and pectin, which are part of figs, the blood thins, the resorption of cholesterol plaques occurs faster, and, consequently, the risks of developing a heart attack and stroke are reduced.

  1. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.

  2. Dried figs have an expectorant property, which is used in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, cough, tonsillitis, pneumonia, whooping cough. Only use in this case figs are more effective in the form of gruel with warm milk.

    The substance coumarin contained in figs is capable of developing prostate, breast and colon cancer. And benzaldehyde, which is also found in figs, completely blocks the development of tumor cells.

  3. Anti stress properties.

    Tryptophan and other organic acids in figs improve mood, increase energy, and help normalize sleep.

  4. Fresh figs have a low glycemic index, which makes it possible to use them for people suffering from diabetes mild form. A decoction of fig leaves will help reduce the level of insulin in the blood.

    Fig juice helps to cope with ulcers, acne, as well as all sorts of wounds that he literally sticks together.

    Due to the presence of coumarin and furocoumarin in the composition of figs, painful symptoms during menstruation will come to naught. At the same time, three fruits of figs a day will restore strength and the amount of nutrients in the woman's body, which she needs so much during this period. Figs are also useful during pregnancy, firstly, with a unique set of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the development of an unborn baby. Secondly, the use of figs will save you from the occurrence of frequent phenomena during pregnancy - constipation and increased gas formation. Thirdly, figs are an excellent prevention in the fight against anemia due to the iron they contain.

    Thanks to the large number dietary fiber contained in figs, this fruit can be consumed during the diet.

  5. Influence on the work of the musculoskeletal system.

  6. Prevention of age-related macular degeneration.

    Numerous studies prove that eating three or more figs a day can help reduce the risk of developing vision problems in older people.

  7. Prevention of problems with potency in men.

    In the East, for many centuries, fig fruits have been used to increase male sexual strength, figs will also help in the fight against prostatitis, one has only to pour boiling water over the fruits and consume the decoction daily.

Not only fruits, but also fig leaves have found application in medicine, they are the main raw material for the production of the drug "Psoberan", which is effective in the treatment of baldness and vitiligo.

Many will be surprised by the fact that in pharmacies you can buy fig syrup, which also has a whole list of healing properties:

  • improves appetite and digestion;
  • relieves spasms of muscular rheumatism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps with colds of the female genital organs.

Thus, the benefits of figs in the treatment of certain diseases are simply invaluable. Possessing a pronounced antipyretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory effect, fig fruits make every cell of our body work in a new and more efficient way.


In addition to the undoubted benefits, figs can cause some harm to health. Therefore, before using them, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

  • figs, especially dried ones, will be harmful in severe forms of diabetes;
  • having a tendency to gout, you should not eat figs, due to the presence of a large amount of oxalic acid.
  • dried figs can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, so you should not use it for various inflammations digestive system.
  • Sweet figs eaten in large quantities can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity.
  • with kidney stones or gallbladder don't eat figs high content oxalates, which will only exacerbate the course of the disease.

Figs should be used with caution. breastfeeding, because laxative effect fruit can cause diarrhea in the baby.

It is worth using dried figs with caution in bronchial asthma, since the fruit is often treated with sulfites and sulfur dioxide, which increases the shelf life of the product, but can provoke diseases of the respiratory system.

Too much a large number of eating figs can cause:

  • diarrhea
  • caries;
  • allergy.

It is also worth refusing to eat figs on the eve of the operation. This is due to the fact that the fruit promotes blood thinning, which can cause bleeding.

There are many legends around figs. For example, the botanist Theophrastus, well-known in antiquity, even before the advent of our era, described hundreds of varieties of figs, and the most fragrant fruits were given their own names. And Cleopatra loved figs so much that even in the last minutes of her life she wanted to enjoy its taste, ordering to bring a snake in a basket with these fruits.

Figs are the fruits of a fig tree, or fig tree, the very one whose leaves helped the progenitors of mankind Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness.

But not only this became famous fig tree.

Over its long history, it has brought many benefits. The benefits and harms of figs have been known to people since ancient times.

For example, the soldiers of Alexander the Great, going to distant lands, always hung a bag with dried figs on their belts. They knew that crushed fig gruel would help heal wounds quickly, and after a hard fight or transition, just a few fruits would relieve fatigue.

Beneficial features and contraindications of figs are due to its vitamin and mineral composition. The fruits of the fig tree are surprisingly tasty, but they are not stored for a long time. Therefore, most often you can see figs in dried (dried) form. But even in this form, it does not lose its properties, but even acquires new ones.

The fruits of the fig tree are surprisingly tasty, but they are not stored for a long time. Therefore, most often you can see figs in dried (dried) form. But even in this form, it does not lose its properties, but even acquires new ones.

This table shows how the value grows dried fruits.

After drying, the content of macro- and microelements in figs increases significantly - manganese, copper, selenium, zinc and others:

  • sodium in it is 10 times (!) More than in fresh;
  • almost 3 times more potassium;
  • calcium increases by about 5 times,
  • magnesium in 4,
  • iron 3 times

Therefore, to replenish phosphorus, it is better to eat fresh fruits. And according to the beneficial properties and content of potassium dried figs second only to nuts.

In terms of the amount of iron, the fruits of the fig tree surpass the most powerful supplier - the apple.

Useful properties and contraindications of fresh figs largely depend on the concentration of vitamins. So, fresh and dried fig contains:

  • vitamin C,
  • nicotinic acid, beta-carotene,
  • thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), vitamin E.

Figs also contain:

  • organic acids
  • pectins and enzymes.

The plaque that appears on dried fruits, contains fructose, glucose, lysine, aspartic acid, asparagine and a little citric and malic acid.

Useful properties of fresh and dried figs

Its use in fresh or dried form helps:

  • recover quickly,
  • improve digestion, help the heart, liver and stomach,
  • cure cough and sore throat,
  • have a laxative effect
  • save from poisoning by helping the kidneys and liver remove toxins.

Fresh fig pulp:

  • can cure fungal diseases,
  • strengthens the bones
  • beneficial effect on the skin, reduce blood sugar.

Fresh juice helps with anemia, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Dried figs will make up for the lack of vitamins and other substances necessary for normal human life. It is impossible to overestimate its role in the treatment of the cardiovascular system.

The benefit of fresh figs is that it eliminates tachycardia. And due to the content of ficin, it thins the blood, reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Therefore, its use is a good prevention of coronary heart disease, reduces the risk of heart attack and hypertension.

For treatment, both the fruits of the fig tree and infusions (decoctions) of them are used. Infusions have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, regulate metabolic processes. Especially good infusions of figs in milk.

Preparing them is quite easy:

  • you need to pour 40 g of dried fruits with one glass of water or milk,
  • wait 5-6 hours until the fruits give milk all their strength,
  • and drink during the day in small portions.

This infusion is very useful for colds - it reduces the temperature and has a diaphoretic effect. He provides and healing effect with a diseased liver or spleen.

The medicinal properties of figs are used for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis and cystitis. In this case, the roots and leaves of the fig tree are used as an astringent. The milky juice of the fig tree removes sand from the kidneys and heals purulent wounds and tumors that do not heal for a long time.

For older people, fig helps to cope with fragility and fragility of bones, improve vision, increase tone and overall well-being.

The use of figs significantly reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

All of the above is already quite enough to take its rightful place among the most healthy fruits, but the benefits of figs are not limited to this.

What is useful figs for men?

The beneficial properties of figs for men are that the active substances contained in the sweet fruit effectively cope with impotence. Fig(another name for this fruit) - natural and very effective method the fight against sexual weakness in men.

In the East, it has long been eaten as a means of increasing potency at any age.

Enough to soak 2 fruits in a glass warm milk and leave overnight, and in the morning drink the infusion and eat the pulp.

Figs will help to win such an unpleasant male disease like prostatitis.

IN folk medicine the following recipe is used:

  1. You need to take 5 fruits and pour them with a glass of hot water.
  2. Mix thoroughly, insist a little and drink this drink twice a day for? glass half an hour before meals.

Treatment is carried out for one month, the course can be repeated if necessary after 2-3 weeks.

What benefits can figs bring to women?

Women are usually very concerned about being overweight and often resort to various dubious means to lose weight. But there is absolutely safe and effective way get rid of extra pounds without exhausting diets, chemicals and painful exercises.

Only 2-3 fruits a day - and after a while the body will acquire the desired lightness and harmony.

The beneficial properties of figs used for weight loss are determined by the calorie content of fresh fruits. It was said above that natural fruits contain much fewer calories, so fresh figs will be more beneficial for weight loss.

For body shaping, a diet is suitable when a fasting "fig" day is arranged once a week. On this day, you need to eat 100 g of dried fruits, 1 kg of any raw fruit, 0.5 kg of vegetables and drink 2 liters of fat-free kefir.

Another problem that many lovers of high heels face is varicose veins. If included in your daily diet a few figs, you can avoid unaesthetic protruding veins and preserve the beauty and health of your legs for a long time.

Fig tree fruit syrup will help in the treatment of diseases of the female intimate sphere - it will eliminate such a female nuisance as leucorrhoea (discharge from fungal and other diseases).

Many women use the beneficial properties of figs during pregnancy.

Due to the richness of useful substances, its fruits will support the health of mother and baby with vitamins, macro- and microelements and other substances necessary during this period.

If future mother there is a rapid increase in weight, then the fig will help to adjust the diet in such a way as to stabilize the weight without harming the child.

Almost every woman in the position faces difficulties in emptying the intestines. The use of figs helps to quickly get rid of the problem, providing a delicate laxative effect.

Useful figs for pregnant women and the fact that it helps to cope with iron deficiency anemia. Just 1-2 fruits daily for breakfast will quickly raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

When feeding a child, it is very important that a woman's body receives enough calcium. Unfortunately, with intolerance to milk and dairy products, they have to be replaced with artificial preparations.

Figs in this case will be useful and tasty alternative. But it should be carefully introduced into the diet of a nursing mother, since this fruit can cause diarrhea and bloating in a child.

The beneficial properties of figs for women also lie in the fact that fig fruits increase lactation, and when mastitis appears, they become a natural remedy. Fruits steamed in milk, if applied to the chest at the site of an abscess, will easily cope with inflammation.

The benefits of figs for a child

Many mothers wonder if it is possible to give these sweet fruits to children. Not only possible, but also necessary, of course, if the child has no contraindications.

What is useful figs for the baby? First of all, figs are an excellent natural vitamin preparation that can replace any purchased vitamin complexes.

Secondly, with colds, fig perfectly replaces medicines. Drink made from dried figs with milk, butter and honey - excellent natural remedy for any kind of cough.

The syrup made from figs is very good tonic for babies - it will improve digestion and increase appetite.

In addition, a vase with dried figs instead of sweets can become great replacement purchased sweets, but we must bear in mind its laxative effect.

If the child has problems with stool, then puree from these fruits normalizes bowel function.

Including figs in the baby's diet should be done gradually, starting with very small amounts and carefully monitoring the reaction of the body.

Summing up, we can say that the range of effects of fig fruits is very wide, so figs and preparations from it are used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases:

  • anemia;
  • infections;
  • fungi;
  • oncology;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine systems;
  • skin, oral cavity and respiratory organs;

In addition, the fig is used to improve brain function, boost immunity, as an aphrodisiac, and also in the treatment of female and male diseases.

The harm of figs

fresh figs practically can not harm the body of a healthy person. But its fruits should not be used for acute diseases gastrointestinal tract and gout.

Dried fruits due to their high sugar content are contraindicated in patients with diabetes and are not recommended for those who have excess weight. People with urolithiasis should carefully include it in their diet.

The harm of figs for pregnant women, as well as its benefits, is of great importance. During the period of gestation, it is forbidden to eat figs if the woman is gaining weight too quickly, she has gestational diabetes, or she suffers from any kidney disease.

Figs have a minimum of contraindications, but this does not mean that healthy person you can take it in any amount. In everything, you need to observe the measure and common sense - for prevention, 2-4 pieces a day are quite enough.

How to eat and cook figs?

As a means to quickly satisfy hunger, figs are suitable fresh or dried. He is much healthier than candy, chocolates and other sweets that are often consumed as a snack.

Dried fruits can be consumed like regular dried fruits. However, it is better to pour boiling water over it or hold it for a couple. The second option will help preserve all the benefits of the fruit.

Fresh figs will delicious dessert if the fruits are simply cut into slices and poured with whipped cream or sweet sour cream sauce. And in combination with soft cheese, figs turn into great snack, shading the taste of champagne or white wine.

It goes well with meat and poultry.

For example, stewed pork gives a completely unusual exotic taste and aroma.

If you want something more interesting, then for festive feast you can bake chicken in Greek. She is guaranteed to amaze guests and households.

And to prepare this dish is quite simple:

  • marinate chicken legs
  • put them in a baking dish
  • laying fig slices between pieces of meat,
  • and keep in the oven for about an hour.

It turns out that figs, despite the inherent sweetness of the fruit, are used to prepare many delicious and healthy meals with added sugar: jam, jam, marshmallow, compotes or even wine.

Fig jam retains almost all of its beneficial properties and is cooked without much difficulty.

Fig jam has the greatest number of useful properties. For cooking according to classic recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg fresh or dried fruits (medium size),
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar,
  • 300 ml of water and a little citric acid.

Wash the figs, remove the "tails" and pierce each fruit with a toothpick in several places. Then pour water into a pot of water and boil it. Pour the figs into boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.

After that, pull out the fruits and wash them cold water. Dry the figs on a dry towel. While the figs are drying, you need to make a syrup: add sugar to water (300 ml) and put on fire. Cook while stirring until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Put dried fruits in it and cook for about 40 minutes or a little more (depending on the ripeness of the fruits). At the end of cooking, add citric acid and mix everything thoroughly. Put the jam in sterilized jars.

The benefit of fig jam is that it can be used as medicine for colds and as a vitamin supplement to daily diet nutrition.

The fruits of the fig tree have a healing effect on the body; it is not for nothing that they have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. But even today the fig has not lost its healing power and can serve well for those who prefer to be treated with natural remedies.

Against the background of entirely artificial drugs that cause mass side effects, the fig becomes practically ideal alternative having a beneficial effect on health.

Figs are safe and extremely beneficial if you follow only two rules - do not eat them after 6 pm (otherwise insomnia is guaranteed) and do not consume more than 160 g per day.

Not many people know that figs belong to the category of flowers, and not fruits or berries, as everyone used to believe. An ancient cultivated plant is called a fig or fig. Figs are consumed in a variety of forms, including fresh, dried, and dried. Based on it, at least healthy jam, as well as decoctions and infusions. For these and other reasons, people are interested in information that affects useful and harmful qualities fruits. Let's talk about them in order.

Composition, application and properties of figs

The value of figs is great, but the benefits must be considered in terms of the elements that are in the composition.

  1. A lot in the inflorescences of protein, beta-carotene, retinol, vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, minerals. Of the latter, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium and others take pride of place.
  2. Figs are not deprived of coumarin, organic type acids, carbohydrates (presented in the form of easily digestible glucose and fructose). The fig is in second place after the nuts in terms of the accumulation of potassium in the composition. This mineral compound is necessary for the heart muscle and the entire circulatory system.
  3. Figs are used by folk healers for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in vitiligo, asthma, anemia (iron deficiency anemia), cough, fever, tachycardia. They are also treated with neoplasms in the cavity of the kidneys, an increased volume of the liver.
  4. Diuretic properties encourage people to eat figs from swelling and accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Laxative effect helps with constipation and stool disorder. Fig leaves are used in the form of lotions for the treatment of large abrasions, wounds, skin lesions.
  5. Incoming mineral compounds support arterial pressure and reduce its jumps, tone the heartbeat, eliminate signs of arrhythmia. All this is made possible by the inclusion of potassium and magnesium.
  6. Interestingly, figs have 2.5 times more iron than apples. Therefore, figs are used for suspected anemia and for the treatment of an existing disease.
  7. The product contains nicotinic acid, it is considered excellent remedy to thin the blood and improve its circulation. Due to this, the risk of blood clots is reduced, blood channels are cleared of cholesterol, stroke, heart attack, thrombophlebitis and other pathologies are prevented.
  8. Figs are extremely high in fiber and other dietary fiber. They are necessary for the activity of the digestive system, kidneys, liver. The systematic intake of figs leads to the fact that the body is comprehensively cleansed of slagging, toxic substances, poisons of a different nature. Fig is necessary for the treatment and prevention of constipation.
  9. Vitamin E, also called tocopherol, has antioxidant properties. This substance warns negative impact free radicals on healthy cells, resulting in the prevention and treatment of oncology.
  10. During colds, figs are also necessary. A decoction based on it and a fresh plant helps to get rid of mucus in respiratory tract, promotes decrease in temperature, accelerates sweating. Glucose and fructose, which are found in figs, help to recover faster after surgery or a protracted illness.
  11. Fruits accumulate ascorbic acid in a decent amount. Vitamin C is necessary for the general strengthening of the immune system, it reinforces the action of tocopherol and retinol. Teas, decoctions, infusions are prepared from figs, which help to effectively cope with sore throats and flu.
  12. It contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, in combination these mineral compounds are necessary for compaction of bone tissue, teeth, nail plates, hair follicles. The accumulation of laxatives leads to a complex cleansing of the kidneys from small neoplasms.

  1. Dried figs contain many substances that are also found in fresh figs. But the volume of some incoming elements after heat treatment increases many times. This list includes natural saccharides that the brain needs to function properly.
  2. In addition, dried fig has a laxative effect, due to which even the most complex stagnation, toxic substances, salts of heavy metals leave the body. This type of fig improves digestion much better than fresh.
  3. Compotes, infusions, teas are prepared on the basis of fruits. Such drinks are consumed during a seasonal epidemic of influenza, SARS, tonsillitis to increase immunity. Also, a decoction on dried figs relieves heat, removes sputum from the cavity of the respiratory system.
  4. After heat treatment, the accumulation of iron increases significantly, which makes the figs even healthier. It prevents iron deficiency anemia, improves blood composition and circulation.
  5. Used as additional funds from tachycardia, bronchial asthma, female gynecological diseases, urolithiasis (with formations up to 5 mm in size.).
  6. There are many more B vitamins in the dried fig, they are necessary for nervous system person, because they control the psycho-emotional environment. Decoctions of dried or dried figs help with insomnia, cheer up, stimulate brain neurons.
  7. Figs in any form, whether fresh or dried, are considered a panacea for many male diseases. So, the fetus prevents inflammation of the prostate gland, prostatitis, impotence.

The benefits of figs for women

  1. For many years, the female half of the population has been happy to use figs to maintain health and beauty in particular. The composition contains antioxidants that prolong the youth of tissues. This is made possible by the removal of toxins and toxins.
  2. The composition contains calcium, which strengthens the nail plate, hair, skin. Fig extract is added to all kinds of caring cosmetics (bath foams, salts, creams and body lotions, tonics, etc.) and perfume.
  3. At skin diseases the pulp of a fresh fruit can be used to wipe rashes, acne, ringworm, eczema, psoriasis. Lotions from puree-like fig mass are also effective.
  4. Girls during menstruation often suffer from a decline in hemoglobin, because most of the iron is washed out with the blood. Fig restores the deficiency of this element, eliminates apathy and emotional outbursts.

  1. Almost everyone knows that taking medication during pregnancy is not the best practice. Therefore, it is recommended to start eating figs before the off-season. Unique composition saturate the body beneficial enzymes and strengthen it.
  2. Smokva easily fights beriberi, anemia and colds. Therefore, it is not necessary to resort to help harmful drugs. The fruit does not reflect negatively on the child. Experts advise including raw materials in the daily diet.
  3. Many representatives of the weaker sex during gestation suffer from common problems. The most common symptoms are indigestion and constipation. To cope with troubles, it is recommended to eat only 3 fruits a day. Digestion processes will be fully restored.

Figs and milk for cough

  1. In folk medicine, fig is often used to eliminate coughs. various types. Figs perfectly remove mucus from the bronchi, relieve inflammation in the throat, fight against elevated temperature body. For greater effectiveness, raw materials are best taken with milk.
  2. For 250 ml. liquid, 3 dried fruits are taken. Boil the components after boiling for 3 minutes. Remove the container from the fire and wait for it to cool to an acceptable temperature. Can be mixed to taste a small amount of honey. Take this remedy 3 times a day until recovery.

  1. Earlier, we considered the colossal benefits of fruit for people. Unfortunately, few people know that the fig helps well in dietetics. at the expense valuable composition fruits can be fully snacked. organism long time will not feel hungry.
  2. It is allowed to replace one or two meals a day with fresh figs. As a result of such a diet, you can lose a significant amount of unwanted kilograms. In addition, the body will not experience a feeling of discomfort.
  3. Among other things, a person receives tangible benefits in the form of saturation with valuable enzymes. Figs perfectly cleans tissues from slagging, toxic substances and high cholesterol. The result is a mild and noticeable weight loss.

Fig contraindications

  1. Smokva has a number positive qualities. If you decide to improve your health, you should consider some contraindications. Otherwise, the general condition of a person may worsen. Fruits are contraindicated in pancreatitis, gastritis, diabetes and gout.
  2. You should not eat figs with a tendency to obesity. You can also consult with a nutritionist and set an individual daily allowance. You should not lean on raw materials before an important event. Fig has a good laxative effect.

  1. Once you decide to purchase fresh fruits, you should carefully approach the process. In no case do not choose damaged specimens, in addition to the lack of benefit, you may encounter a number of additional health problems.
  2. Fig belongs to perishable products, so in the hot season it is not stored for a long time. WITH dried figs things are different. If you yourself did not prepare the fruits before drying, then there is a risk that the fig was spoiled.
  3. As for fresh figs, it is worth choosing fruits that have pleasant aroma. To the touch, the shell should be elastic and not have any damage. The fermented sour smell, increased softness of the fruit and sticky peel testify to the staleness of the fruit.
  4. Often, suppliers collect the fruits while still unripe, such a simple move allows you to extend the shelf life of figs. As a rule, a fig in this form does not have a characteristic smell. The fruits look green with a hard shell. Keep in mind that unripe figs do not yet have all the useful qualities.
  5. You should not always pay attention to the color, depending on the variety, the shell may have a different shade. Therefore, one should not think that the fruits are not ripe, relying solely on appearance. figs various sorts may have a yellow, dark blue and purple hue. It is the latter that is most often found on the market.

Rules for storing figs

  1. It is not worthwhile to acquire a large number of figs at a time to eat in fresh. Otherwise, figs will spoil in just a few days, even in the refrigerator. Eat treats right after you get home.
  2. If you can’t wait at all, then you can afford to eat a few fruits right on the market. Keep in mind, in extreme cases, you need to eat figs after purchase within 3 days. Also, it will not be superfluous to wrap each fruit in a dry napkin. A little trick will keep the fruit fresh longer. The paper will absorb excess moisture.
  3. It is allowed to store fresh figs in a dry jar. It is also necessary to remove all moisture from the fruits in advance. Do not try to cover the container with a lid. The fruits must be ventilated. After that, send the figs to the refrigerator for storage. Make sure that there are no foreign odors in the chamber. The fig absorbs aromas well.

Smokva has unique healing qualities. The rich composition helps to avoid the formation of a number of ailments. With the help of raw materials can be well strengthened immune system and avoid beriberi. In addition, figs effectively cope with colds. If you suspect that there are contraindications in the form of chronic diseases, be examined before eating the product.

Video: the benefits and harms of figs for the body

Contrary to the stereotype, mature figs are not only dark blue (blue-violet), but also green - this separate variety figs.

General information

Figs are an extremely controversial product. Although it does contain a lot beneficial trace elements, including carotene, pectin, iron and copper, these fruits contain a large amount of sugar, in some varieties its content reaches 71%. For this reason, this fruit is not recommended for people with diabetes.

calories raw figs is 74 kcal per 100 g, and dried - 257 kcal.

The maximum amount of sugar can be found in overripe fruits, which most often end up on store shelves in the off season. Now, in autumn, fig lovers have the opportunity to enjoy not only the taste, but also the benefits of this berry. You need to choose dense and elastic fruits, without dents and cuts. Remember that figs are a perishable product, so it is recommended to store them fresh for no longer than three days, then it begins to lose both taste and benefit. If the figs are still stale in your refrigerator, then we advise you to use it in cooking, how exactly - we will tell at the end of the material.

The benefits of figs

  • Figs have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, therefore it is recommended for colds, tonsillitis and other similar diseases.
  • In folk medicine, figs are known as a faithful assistant in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system. Of course, we do not recommend basing your treatment only on these fruits, but we advise you to support the main course. Figs contain an impressive amount of potassium, which will favorably affect general condition health, and in particular on the vessels.
  • Already mentioned cardiovascular system, we add that figs, thanks to the enzyme ficin contained in it, promote the resorption of vascular blood clots, and also help to normalize the heart rate.
  • Figs are also rich in fiber, which quickly saturates and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time. These fruits can be a great snack for a mid-work day snack.
  • It is believed that figs help fight hangovers by reducing all the symptoms associated with this condition - nausea, thirst, headache and general weakness. It is connected with high content it contains three important elements for our body - potassium, magnesium and calcium.

The harm of figs

There are few contraindications to the use of figs, and they are associated primarily with the high sugar content in this berry. Fresh figs are not recommended for people with diabetes and those suffering from acute gastrointestinal diseases. The same applies to dried figs, because the percentage of sugar in it only increases.

What to cook with figs

Figs are very delicious jams, jams and syrups, it also looks very good in compotes and lemonades. In some Eastern countries all sorts of tinctures are even made from it, but most often figs are used in the preparation of desserts, which, in principle, is logical, given the amount of sugar it contains. However, this does not mean that you should not experiment with this fruit and do not try to add it to the main dishes. It is also great friends with meat and goes well (especially with red), the main thing is to find the right proportions.

Curd casserole with figs


Curd - 500 g
Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 7-9 tbsp. l.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Dried figs - 150 g
Melted butter– 40 g
Wheat flour - 150-200 g
Vanillin to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, eggs, vanilla and melted butter.
  2. Add to cottage cheese mixture flour. Stir in finely chopped figs.
  3. Take a not too deep baking dish and grease it with sunflower oil.
  4. Put the mixture into a mold and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. It can be eaten both warm and chilled. Serve with syrups and sour cream.

Toast with figs


Whole wheat bread
Goat cheese

Cooking method:

  1. Spread the cheese on the slices of bread (some people prefer to warm up the sandwiches a little in the microwave to melt the cheese a little, but this is optional).
  2. Pour some honey over the cheese. Place fig slices on top and sprinkle with crushed nuts.

Baked figs with mascarpone


Red dry wine- 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Dried figs - 170 g
Walnuts - 2.5 tablespoons
Mascarpone cheese - 2 tablespoons
Balsamic vinegar to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix wine, vinegar and sugar in a saucepan and cook over moderate heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir.
  2. Cut the stalks off the figs and add them to the pot. Cook for 5 more minutes.
  3. Pour the fig wine syrup into a baking dish, sprinkle with the fried walnuts and send to the oven, preheated to 190 degrees.
  4. Bake for about 30 minutes until the figs have absorbed most liquids.
  5. Remove the figs from the oven and let them cool slightly (no more than 15 minutes).
  6. Put a couple of tablespoons of mascarpone on a plate, place warm figs on them, pour over the remaining syrup.

Figs grow in warm and dry climates around the world. It is eaten fresh or dried.

Sweet fruits contain a lot of sugar. In the Mediterranean countries, figs are so popular that they call them "poor people's food".

Figs have been used to treat diseases for thousands of years. It contains many vitamins and minerals.

The composition and calorie content of figs

Figs are rich in fiber, which is good for digestion and preventing thrombosis.

Composition 100 gr. figs as a percentage of daily allowance:

Calorie content of figs - 74 kcal per 100 gr.

For centuries, figs and extracts from them have been used to combat constipation, bronchitis, disorders, wounds and warts.

For muscles

Figs contain magnesium, which is important during physical activity. It is involved in energy production during muscle contractions. During intense exercise, magnesium requirements increase by 10-20%.

For the heart and blood vessels

Figs relieve stress on the walls of the veins.

Thanks to magnesium and potassium, figs help keep blood pressure normal. The element removes sodium from the body through urine.

For nerves

Useful properties of figs protect nerve cells from destruction and age-related death.

Magnesium in figs prevents migraines, helps fight depression, insomnia and improves mood.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Doctors advise adding figs to the diet of people suffering from chronic constipation.

For the pancreas

The leaves of fig trees are valuable for health due to their antioxidant properties. Taking fig leaf extract lowers blood sugar levels.

Figs increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

For the reproductive system

Figs are good for women because they contain magnesium and vitamin B6. They reduce the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, which occurs 1-2 weeks before menstruation. This manifests as mood swings, weight gain, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, chest pain, and digestive problems.

For skin

Fig leaves prevent the development of skin cancer. Creams with fig extract reduce wrinkles on the face, thanks to antioxidants. They can be used for hyperpigmentation, acne and freckles.

For immunity

Figs contain antioxidants that prevent aging and cancer. The fruit relieves inflammation in all organs.

Useful properties of dried figs

Dried figs contain 19% of the daily value of potassium, which regulates blood pressure. At regular use dried fruit you protect yourself from the development of hypertension.

The fruit contains a lot of fiber, which protects against overeating. If you want to lose weight, replace sweets in your diet with dried figs.

Dried figs are rich in iron. Women aged 19 to 50 should receive 18 mg. iron per day, and over 51 years old - 8 mg. A glass of dried figs contains 3 mg. gland. If the body lacks an element, you become vulnerable to infections and constantly feel weak.

Harm and contraindications of figs

Contraindications to the use of figs:

How to choose figs

Figs are sold in grocery stores and in the markets, it is supplied all year round. It is advisable to eat the fruit from mid-June to mid-October - so the benefits from it will be maximum. Choose figs with a rich color.

How to store figs

Fresh figs are best eaten immediately after picking from the tree. In the refrigerator, its shelf life will increase by a couple of days. After purchasing a fig, take it out of the package immediately.

Jams and marmalades are boiled from figs or dried. You can freeze figs up to 12 hours after harvest to extend their freshness.

Drying fruit is the easiest way to preserve fig fruits. traditional method drying in the sun gives products with different quality. Drying the fruit in special "dryers" ensures healthy dried figs. In most commercial growing areas, figs are harvested as they fall and placed on trays to dry.

There are many beneficial compounds in figs, so it can be used as healthy alternative sweets.
