
What blanks can be made from viburnum. What to do with viburnum? Let's make some delicious juice! The healing power of viburnum

Only in late autumn do we remember about the recipes for preparations for the winter from viburnum - in the deserted gardens, red clusters of viburnum bloom until frost. Do not be too lazy to make healthy vitamin treats from these wonderful fruits - faithful helpers in the fight against winter colds and bronchitis.

Kalina red recipes for the winter

Kalina is an unusual berry, because it was not for nothing that our ancestors considered it a cure for all diseases. Whether it will be a rare variety of viburnum with burgundy berries, or elegant red viburnum - recipes for the winter of jam, fruit drink, juice are passed on in every family from generation to generation. Often we remember the cherished jars when we get sick or get colds (for which winter days are so generous) our children. A spoonful of viburnum jam in tea or frozen viburnum berries grated with sugar will help you recover much faster. But let's treat viburnum, not only as an effective remedy, but also as, all the secrets of cooking which we will learn.

If you ask a modern housewife how to store any berries, vegetables or fruits for the winter in order to leave the maximum amount of all useful substances in them, then we will get the same answer - freeze. In the days of our grandmothers, refrigerator freezers were so small that the very idea of ​​storing crops in them seemed ridiculous. Now, when our freezers are large and spacious, do not require defrosting, we can safely subject part of the harvest to the freezing procedure. That's just to do it according to all the rules.

Freezing is beneficial for viburnum - it gets rid of bitterness that we do not need. We cut off the bunches of viburnum from the bush, without separating the berries from the twigs. With such bunches, I carefully wash it so that there is no dirt left on the berries, we look through the bunch, getting rid of crumpled berries that begin to rot. It is advisable to freeze the berries no later than two hours after picking them. No, it will not deteriorate at all during this time, because the viburnum is stored for a long time in the refrigerator, and not just in the freezer. Just by hurrying, you will have time to save the maximum amount of all useful substances in red berries. Having distributed the clusters in sealed plastic bags, we send them to the freezer for a quick freeze. In order to save space, after freezing, you can separate the berries from the branches and send them back to the bag, but in bulk. Frozen berries can be used as a component of which help us fight disease.

Another useful recipe is viburnum ice. Viburnum juice or just berries are poured with water and poured into molds. This ice can be used to wipe the face, and also used for soft drinks.

Kalina cooking recipes for the winter

But as we remember, we need not only the benefits of viburnum, but also its delicate, noble taste. The task of all users viburnum cooking recipes for the winter is to preserve its natural taste, not clogging it in any way with other tastes. The simplest recipe is viburnum grated with granulated sugar.

Kalina may well replace us with sweets or ascorbic vitamins if you make the next treat - viburnum in powdered sugar. To do this, we need to cook sugar syrup from 100 ml of water and 300 grams of sweet sugar. You can add a small amount of citric acid to this mixture. We dip clean and dry berries one by one into sugar syrup, extract and roll in powdered sugar. The resulting dragees are placed on a flat surface and dried at room temperature for 6-8 hours. We put the finished sweets in cardboard boxes. Sweets can be stored at room temperature. Another type of sweets, when viburnum berries are dipped in warm honey and also dried. we already know, but in this case it plays the role of a preservative for viburnum berries.

Viburnum ordinary recipes for the winter

To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins viburnum vulgaris, recipes for the winter very often represented by the so-called "raw" recipes, that is, those that exclude the heat treatment of berries. Own sour viburnum juice + sugar provide the necessary preservation of the finished product.

So, one of the most delicious recipes for blanks for the winter viburnum with a photo- raw viburnum jam with orange. For him, wash and dry the viburnum berries with paper towels, put them in a bowl. At the same time, in a separate bowl, place an orange cut into small cubes, pulp and zest together. We fill the viburnum berries with sugar at the rate of 1: 1, set aside for several hours until the viburnum releases a sufficient amount of juice. After that, mix the viburnum with orange cubes (by this time they also allocated a sufficient amount of sour juice). Stir the finished mixture with a spoon to help the sugar dissolve faster. You can store such raw jam in a jar in the refrigerator, use it as an independent treat or dilute it with water. And if you add more sugar (the proportion will be 1.5: 1), then you can safely store the rolled up jars at room temperature. Together with an orange, you can use and which will complement the benefits of viburnum.

You probably noticed that in the previous, and in many other cooking methods viburnum vulgaris, recipes for the winter with photos which we have dismantled and will dismantle, the bones are not removed from the jam. The thing is that not only the pulp of viburnum berries is considered healing, but also its bones. Therefore, you should also include them in your diet, use jam with seeds in your usual for us.

Kalina - recipes for the winter

Traditional jams, jelly, marmalade viburnum - recipes for the winter from this berry simply cannot be counted. The most delicious sweets can be prepared if you first steam the viburnum, give it the opportunity to simmer in its own juice.

My viburnum berries and place in a heat-resistant pan, without sugar and water. We put the pan on a small (170-180) fire in the oven and steam it in our own juice for a sufficient time. In this case, the berries should become soft, turn into a homogeneous mass. Pour the finished berry puree with sugar syrup (at least 800 grams of sugar per kilogram of berries per 200 ml of water) and put on fire. On a small fire, jam is already prepared in the traditional way - in two steps until boiling. The break between “approaches” is about eight hours, so that the berries have time to completely cool and infuse. Pour the finished hot jam into jars and sterilize.

The process of making viburnum jam is even longer, but the result of your efforts will be highly appreciated by the household. To prepare jam, we need 3 kilograms of fresh pure viburnum berries and sugar to taste (weight in the range from a kilogram to two, depending on how much you have a sweet tooth). Since for jam we need to rid the berries of seeds and skins, and it is not easy to do this with fresh berries, we will first boil the berries. Just fill all the berries with clean cold water (just to cover the surface of the berries) and put on fire. When the berries become soft, turn off the fire. We wipe the viburnum along with the broth through a sieve. Since the berries contain coloring pigments, it is better to carry out this procedure with gloves. As a result, after considerable effort, we got berry puree. We need to boil it, get rid of excess liquid. We add all our granulated sugar to the berries and put on fire. Five minutes after boiling, you can turn off the jam and pack in jars. The jam will turn out to be quite thick, so use small jars for preservation so that you don’t suffer later in the process of getting treats.

We mentioned natural viburnum treats that can replace our usual sweets. Another one of this number is pastille. It is prepared on the basis of jam, which you prepared according to the previous recipe. Jam is poured with a layer of 2 millimeters into a heat-resistant baking dish (ceramic), which is moistened with water and put in the oven on a very small fire (50-60 degrees) for several hours. The finished marshmallow is rolled in powdered sugar, chopped nuts and any other topping. You can eat it right away, or you can prepare it for future use by putting it in a jar and closing it tightly with a lid.

Delicious viburnum - recipes for cooking for the winter

What other ways are there to include in your diet delicious viburnum. Recipes for the winter also include a number of tinctures, wines with the use of viburnum berries. Whether such preservation is considered healthy or not is a private matter, but we will share the recipe for viburnum tincture.

To prepare the tincture, we need a liter of water, half a kilogram of berries and a liter of alcohol or vodka. Knead the berries with a mallet so that they let the juice go, fall asleep in a three-liter jar, pour water and alcohol. The more water there is, the lower the degree of the final product will be. Under a plastic lid, the tincture stands for a week, it is advisable to shake its contents every day. After careful straining, we get a ready-made tincture, which we can pour into bottles. It should be used as a drug, that is, no more than 100 grams per day.

Another useful recipe is viburnum sauce, which is suitable for

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The berries contain up to 32% glucose and fructose, tannins, pectin, amygdalin and viburnin, trace elements: phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, selenium, vitamins: C, B9, K, E, A. They have more vitamin C than in lemons. 100 g of berries contain from 25 to 80 mg of vitamin C. Viburnin gives the berries bitterness. During heat treatment, it disappears, therefore, for medicinal purposes, you need to use fresh viburnum juice and fresh berries mixed with sugar. For food purposes, it is better to collect viburnum berries with ice cream, then the bitterness disappears.

You can hold in the cold (or in the freezer) viburnum brushes already plucked from the bushes. Also, to remove bitterness, viburnum berries are blanched before cooking. Viburnum oil has the same medicinal properties as sea buckthorn oil, although it is less common.

From juice, jelly, jam, marmalade, marshmallow.

1. Natural juice from viburnum

Sort and rinse the viburnum, squeeze the juice with a juicer or press, pour into clean sterilized dark glass bottles, close with corks and store in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Such juice is well kept without pasteurization and addition of sugar. For kissels and fruit drinks, the juice is diluted several times with water.

2. Juice from viburnum (method 1)

1 kg viburnum, 200 g honey

Wipe viburnum without twigs through a colander and stir with honey.

Pour into bottles or jars, close tightly. Keep refrigerated.

3. Viburnum juice (method 2)

1 kg of viburnum, 200 g of sugar, 1 glass of water.

Sort and wash the berries, squeeze the juice out of them. Add water to the pulp and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the boiled mass and add the decoction to the juice. Pour sugar into the juice and stir, then pour for storage. Viburnum juice, even without preservation, can be stored for up to 3 months.

3. Raw viburnum berries with sugar

1 kg viburnum, 500 g sugar

Press the raw berries with a spoon to release the juice, mix with sugar. Store in a cool place.

4. Kalina in syrup

1 kg of viburnum, syrup - 400 g of sugar per 1 liter of water.

Pack the berries tightly in sterilized jars, pour boiling syrup over.

Pasteurize jars at a temperature of 85 ° C: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20 minutes.

5. Pureed or whole viburnum berries stewed with honey

1 kg of berries, 1 glass of honey.

Mix pureed berries with honey. Put in a dish with a tightly closed lid in the oven for 25-30 minutes at medium heat. Immediately transfer to jars scalded with boiling water (or heated in a medium-hot oven for 10 minutes) and tighten with boiled lids.

Whole berries are also prepared, only simmer more - 40 minutes.

6. Viburnum jelly

For 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water.

Blanch the selected and washed berries in boiling water for 5-6 minutes to reduce bitterness. Drain the water, pour the berries with 2 cups of warm water and cook until softened, rub through a sieve and mix with sugar. Boil again for 50 minutes and place in hot, clean jars. Store in a cold place.

7. Viburnum jam

2.5 kg of viburnum, 1 kg of sugar, 300 ml of water.

So that the berries do not wrinkle, they are dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then pour hot, but not boiling, sugar syrup and incubated for 10 hours. After exposure, boil until cooked. The finished jam is immediately packaged in sterilized jars and rolled up. Rolled cans are turned over and cooled in this form.

8. Viburnum marmalade with apples

0.5 kg viburnum, 0.5 kg apples, 1 kg sugar

Put the berries in a saucepan, cover with a lid and steam in the oven. Then rub them through a sieve, add baked sweet and sour pureed apples, add sugar and cook until it thickens. Then pour the mass into a dish with a thin layer and dry in a cooling oven at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. Ready marmalade cut into pieces.

9. Jam from viburnum with rowan

0.5 kg of viburnum, 0.5 kg of mountain ash, 1 liter of water, half a glass of sugar per glass of the resulting puree.

Pour the berries with water and boil until the water boils away by half, rub, add sugar to the puree and cook until thick.

Transfer the resulting jam into jars and put in a non-hot oven so that a crust forms on top.

10. Viburnum marshmallow

1 kg of berries - 800 g of sugar, 1 glass of water.

Blanch the selected and washed berries in boiling water for 3 minutes, drain the water, then pour 1 glass of water over the berries and cook until softened. Rub through a sieve, add granulated sugar and boil to a pasty consistency. Transfer the resulting mass to wooden trays and dry in a Russian oven or a non-hot oven. Store in a cool dry place.

11. Pastila from viburnum with rowan

Transfer the jam (see recipe 9) to a faience saucer moistened with cold boiled water, dry in a non-hot oven at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar and store in a cool, dry place.

12. Drying viburnum

Spread clean berries in one layer on a baking sheet and dry at a temperature of 50-60 ° C in an oven with the door ajar.

They also dry viburnum in the open air, in the sun or in the shade. Viburnum berries do not grow moldy, so it is easy to dry it. You can simply hang bunches of viburnum in a dry, ventilated area.

13. Frozen viburnum

Sort the berries, freeze them, pour them into plastic bags, tie the air out of them and place in the freezer.

Since viburnum berries reach their best nutritional value after frost, frozen viburnum is an excellent raw material for further preparation.

Not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of viburnum berries. The composition of the fruit contains a significant amount of micro and macro elements, vitamins required to maintain health.

And what can be done with viburnum for the winter? Preserve - sauce, juice, compote, jam, tincture, syrup, jelly. A decoction based on berries perfectly helps to reduce high blood pressure, normalize the digestive system, improve sputum discharge, etc. The berry is very useful fresh, frozen and even dried.

Ways to preserve whole berries

Harvesting viburnum for the winter at home occurs according to 2 principles: freezing and drying in a natural way or in special devices. Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.


  1. Separate the collected berries from the twigs and stalks. Place in a suitable bowl and fill with water. Mix with your hands, drain and repeat the procedure again until the liquid becomes clear. Drain in a colander, wait for excess moisture to drain, dry.
  2. Arrange the dry berry on a small food tray and place it carefully in the freezer.
  3. As soon as the berries freeze, they are transferred to a plastic bag, plastic containers. Store the ingredient in the freezer.

Another original version of harvesting viburnum is in water and a freezer. Unusual, right? So, for this method, viburnum is prepared as described above. Berries are laid out in a food plastic container for freezing ice, poured with water and put in the freezer. As soon as the contents freeze, the cubes are allowed to be used for their intended purpose. This method of preserving useful properties allows you to quickly prepare a tea drink with viburnum.

Drying at home

Cooks share 2 ways of harvesting viburnum for the winter without cooking. This process, it is important to carry out correctly, otherwise there will be no benefit from the berries. According to the first method:

  1. Rinse cut brushes with berries, dry and distribute on a baking sheet. Turn on the oven, set the temperature no higher than 60 degrees. Put the baking sheet in the oven, but do not close the door. Warm up until done. It's important not to overdry.
  2. The appearance of finished berries is determined by the wrinkled state. Store in wooden or glass containers, you can use cloth bags.

The second way is the natural way. Cover the food spread with parchment paper or a clean newspaper, lay out the prepared sprigs with viburnum. Set the container with the contents in a shady place until completely dry. Don't forget to turn over from time to time to dry evenly. The last method is considered the longest, but at the same time it allows you to save all the useful substances.

viburnum tincture

The second name of the workpiece is cold jam. Contacting sour fruits with grains of sugar allows you to make a delicious syrup. This recipe for making viburnum for the winter turns out to be fortified, fragrant, tender. Even small children will like the preparation, despite the astringency of the berry.


  • berries - 600 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg.


  1. Wash glass jars with soap and dry in the oven. Process the berries and rinse thoroughly. Spread in layers in containers.
  2. The final layer is granulated sugar, it should be approximately 2 cm in height. Pour boiling water over silicone lids, close and put in the refrigerator. After 14 days, the sweet treat will be ready.
  3. It is recommended to dissolve in warm water or just eat with spoons. When interacting with high temperature, all useful components evaporate.

Berry in own juice

Kalina, made in its own juice, is very tasty, fragrant. In winter, you can make a fruit drink or compote from the workpiece, and simply use it as a syrup to treat children. Consider, perhaps, the best recipe for harvesting viburnum for the winter.


  • ripe berry - 3 kg.

  1. View the collected viburnum for rotten parts. Rinse with the branches, dry and remove them. Measure out 1.2 kg of berries from the indicated amount and pass them through a juicer.
  2. Place the remaining berries in an enameled container, pour the resulting berry juice into them. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. We prepare jars in advance: wash them with soap, dry them in the oven. Evenly pour viburnum with juice, cover with lids.
  4. Spread a cloth on the bottom of a large enameled basin, and place jars with contents on top of it. Add hot water to the container, bring it to a boil and heat at medium heat for 15 minutes. Close tightly, turn over and wrap with a blanket. After cooling, put in a cold place for storage.

viburnum syrup

Fresh berries, as a rule, are not eaten because of the specific taste and astringency. Preparations from viburnum according to delicious recipes for the winter make it more tender, fragrant and pleasant. Therefore, we propose to consider the step-by-step process of preparing concentrated syrup.


  • viburnum juice - 2.2 l;
  • granulated sugar - 4.4 kg;
  • citric acid - 4 tsp
  1. Sort the collected berries, wash and dry. Pass berry fruits through a juicer. Pour it into an enamel pan and add the sweet component. Set on the stove and cook after boiling for 7 minutes with regular stirring.
  2. Pour in citric acid and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Using cheesecloth, strain the composition and pour into bottles. Close tightly, put in a dark and cool place.

Compote for the winter

The drink perfectly quenches thirst, helps to eliminate the first signs of a cold in the cold period. It is allowed to cook not only from fresh fruits, but also from frozen ones. Consider a detailed recipe for red viburnum compote for the winter.


  • filtered liquid - 2 l;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • fresh viburnum - 1 kg.


  1. Sort the berries, remove debris and rotten fruits. Rinse thoroughly in several waters. Throw on a sieve, wait for excess moisture to drain. Then put on a clean waffle towel and dry.
  2. Pour water into a separate pan, pour sugar. While stirring, bring to a boil, cook until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Put the berries into the resulting syrup. Pour into sterile jars, cover with lids and sterilize for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Close tightly, turn over, wrap with a warm blanket. After cooling, remove to a cold place, cellar.

Compote with apples and viburnum

The second option for making compote is with apple fruits. Due to the tart taste of viburnum, the fruit should be chosen sweet, so that the compote turns out to be pleasant, tender and very tasty. The amount of ingredients is designed for 2 cans with a capacity of 3 liters.


  • small apples - 1.6 kg;
  • viburnum - 0.8 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg.

  1. Rinse the apples, divide into 2 parts and remove the seed box. Chop into slices. Sort the berries, remove debris and damaged parts. Rinse in several waters, strain through a sieve and dry.
  2. 1/3 fill the jars with prepared fruits and berries. Separately, boil the liquid, pour into a container with the contents and cover with lids. Leave on the kitchen table for about 60 minutes.
  3. Drain the water into a separate pan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Cook sweet syrup until the grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Fill the jars with the contents of the sweet syrup, tightly close the lids and turn down, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool completely. After the time has elapsed, remove the compote to the cellar or any other cool room.

Medical prescription

Kalina is widely used to treat most diseases. Therefore, we propose to consider one of the options for how to cook viburnum for the winter from pressure for preventive purposes.


  • fresh viburnum - 1 kg;
  • natural honey - 500 g;
  • high-quality vodka or cognac - 0.5 l.

Action algorithm:

  1. Sort the berries, remove all debris. Rinse thoroughly under running water. Wait for excess moisture to drain. Put in a convenient pan and mash with your hands.
  2. Then lay out the beekeeping product, stir and determine the finished mass in a 3-liter container. Pour an alcoholic drink, mix and put in a dark, cool place for 30 days. Shake contents daily.

When ready, strain and pour the tincture into a suitable container.

Don't take God for drunkenness...

Viburnum juice for the winter without cooking


  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • fresh berries - 1.7 kg.
  1. Remove the viburnum fruits from the branches, remove all debris. Rinse thoroughly under running water, wait for excess moisture to drain. Lay out on a clean towel to dry.
  2. Put in a suitable enameled bowl and mash with a wooden crush. Place gauze folded in several layers in a colander. Gently spread the prepared puree
  3. Squeeze out the juice, and remove the pulp along with the seeds and peel. Pour sugar into the resulting extract, stir. Cover and leave on the kitchen table for several hours. Do not forget to stir from time to time, it is important that the grains are completely dissolved.
  4. Rinse the jars intended for storing juice, dry them in the oven and pour the drink over them. Close tightly and store in a cool place. Viburnum juice for the winter without boiling is ready for use.

Pastila from viburnum


  • fresh berries - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • pure water - 500 ml.

  1. Put the prepared berries in boiling water, cook for 5 minutes at medium heat. Strain the liquid, pour new liquid. Bring to a boil, continue cooking until soft.
  2. Grind the berries together with the broth with a blender or in a meat grinder. Combine berry puree with granulated sugar, mix and put on slow heating. Cook until the consistency of thick sour cream, do not forget to stir the contents from time to time.
  3. Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet, and spread the finished mass on it with a thin layer. Place in the oven, preheating to 60 degrees.
  4. Check for readiness. The marshmallow should come off well from the baking paper. Fold the finished viburnum dish for the winter in several layers and cut into pieces. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and put on the table or put in a glass jar. Store in a cool dry place.

Vinegar from viburnum

An excellent addition to vegetable or meat salads, side dishes. Vinegar tastes good.


  • filtered water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • fresh viburnum - 250 g.

Put the pure berries in a blender bowl and chop. Put in a 3 liter bottle, pour water and add granulated sugar, stir and remove the container with the contents in a dark, dry and cool room. Withstand 60 days. Over time, the mixture becomes transparent. Strain through a sieve and pour into a suitable container. Store in a cool place.

Marmalade from viburnum

Would you like to surprise your baby with a delicious and homemade treat? We offer to prepare a healthy and fragrant marmalade for a child.


  • fresh viburnum - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

  1. Sort the berries, rinse, put on a baking sheet and dry a little in the oven. Rinse apples and bake in peel until tender. Cool down the components.
  2. Peel the fruit from the skin and seed box. Put the pulp in a blender bowl and grind about a puree state. Put the mass in a convenient pan and pour berry fruits, sugar.
  3. Set the container with the contents on the stove, on slow heating. With regular stirring, cook the mass until completely thickened.
  4. Arrange in jars, close tightly. Store in a cool place or can be consumed immediately after cooling.

Viburnum oil

This ingredient is considered very nutritious and healthy. It is allowed to be taken orally and used for cosmetic purposes (for hair, skin, nails).


  • viburnum - 500 g;
  • honey - 500 g.

Combine the berries in a separate container with a beekeeping product. Mix thoroughly, put into small jars, close tightly. After 14 days, the blank can be used for its intended purpose.

Soaked viburnum recipe for the winter

This method of harvesting useful berries is considered the simplest and most economical. As a rule, it is prepared as a remedy for the elimination of dysfunction of the digestive system. Shelf life is long, and at room temperature and without hermetic sealing.


  • fresh viburnum - 500 g;
  • filtered water - 2.5 l;
  • granulated sugar to taste.
  1. Pour the prepared, clean berry into a 3 liter glass container. First, it must be thoroughly rinsed and dried in the oven.
  2. Pour the required amount of water and add granulated sugar. Stir to dissolve grains. Cover with a gauze cloth and keep in a cool place for 14 days, stirring from time to time.

The viburnum berry is a real mystery for most people, despite the fact that it grows almost everywhere. Not every hostess is ready to make blanks out of her. The reason lies in its tart, bitter taste. If you pick berries after the first frost, then the viburnum becomes tasty, and the blanks are more tender.

I hope in this article everyone has found for themselves what can be done with viburnum for the winter.

In winter, viburnum berries save not only during colds, viburnum is a powerful immunity stimulant, as it contains a huge amount of vitamins (in particular, C, A, K, E and B vitamins). Traditional healers in their recipes use all the magical properties of the viburnum bush in their recipes.

Tinctures, jams, syrups, decoctions and other preparations from viburnum, its bark, twigs and flowers are used to treat and prevent a variety of diseases: for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cough, nervous conditions, tuberculosis, kidney and liver diseases, lack of appetite, fever body and inflammatory processes of various origins, to stimulate sweating during colds, eczema, boils, voice problems and others. Viburnum is also used in cosmetology: for example, it can be hair masks, mixing viburnum juice with yolks, honey, burdock oil. But you must understand that it is dangerous to self-medicate on the Internet! Consult your doctor, as the use of viburnum has contraindications!

Who should not use viburnum

  1. During pregnancy. Red juicy berries contain certain substances that are analogues of female hormones. And with their increased content in the body of the mother, the baby may develop pathologies.
  2. With low blood pressure.
  3. With increased acidity of the stomach.
  4. With blood diseases.

Always consult your doctor!

In winter, viburnum blanks can be added to tea, boiled fruit drinks from them, mixed into the filling for baking and simply enjoy this healthy berry as a bite with the same hot tea. Viburnum juice can even be added to red wine to give it an interesting and specific taste. Even the bones have found their application among specialists from traditional medicine. They are recommended to dry, fry in a dry frying pan until brown, grind and brew. Such viburnum "coffee" has a stimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. If you want to cleanse your body of toxins, toxins and restore the microflora, you need to eat fruit seeds.

A large bush of viburnum grew in our yard, and I remember from childhood how my grandmother always made preparations from viburnum for the winter. It is impossible to buy such a delicacy in the store, I have never come across it. Unless you cook it yourself or find it from grandmothers in the market.

Helpful advice

You need to collect these scarlet berries just after the first frost. In frozen berries, bitterness disappears and a pleasant sweet taste appears.

The first viburnum recipe for the winter - harvesting in sugar

I really like to add prepared viburnum in sugar to tea, since it is precisely such viburnum that swells under the action of boiling water and reveals its true taste and amazing aroma.


  • viburnum - 1 kg
  • sugar 700-800 g

For this blank, you will need sterilized jars, prepare them in advance.

Harvesting viburnum in sugar for the winter

To cook viburnum in sugar, you do not need to be a connoisseur of culinary arts. After all, you don’t even have to cook anything. The entire cooking process takes only five minutes. The viburnum harvested in this way can be used as a filling, because the berries remain whole and beautiful. The cake can also be decorated with bright red berries.

So, sort out the viburnum, throw away the spoiled berries and twigs.

Then rinse the viburnum under running cold water, it is convenient to use a sieve for this.

Place some sugar in the bottom of a clean glass jar.

Then lay out part of the viburnum berries.

Sprinkle the viburnum with sugar and repeat the layers until you fill the jar.

The final layer should be a large layer of sugar.

Screw the lid on the jar. If you plan to store viburnum for a long time, then it is better to use metal lids. If you are going to eat it right away, then use plastic and self-tightening lids.

The second recipe is freezing viburnum for the winter

In winter, frozen viburnum can be used in the same way as viburnum in sugar - add to compotes, fruit drinks, tea and pastries.

The third recipe is viburnum in its own juice

Sort viburnum berries, wash and dry. Divide the entire volume of berries into about 10 parts. Squeeze juice from 4 parts of viburnum. Put the rest of the berries in a saucepan, pour over the juice and bring to a boil over low heat. As soon as the viburnum boils in its own juice, pour into sterile jars and cover with seaming lids. Lay a towel at the bottom of a wide saucepan, put jars of viburnum, pour warm or hot water, bring to a boil and sterilize for 10-15 minutes. Then roll the viburnum in its own juice, turn it over on a towel, wrap it up and leave it to cool completely. Then you can move to the basement.

Such viburnum is used mainly for the preparation of fruit drinks and compotes.

The fourth recipe is winter viburnum syrup

Syrup Ingredients:

  • juice from viburnum berries - 1 l
  • sugar - 1.5-2 kg
  • citric acid - 10 g

To get 1 liter of juice from viburnum, berries, of course, you need more than 1 kg.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, add all the sugar, stir and bring to a boil over medium heat. At this time, foam will begin to appear, it must be removed with a spoon. Add citric acid and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Pour into sterile jars and roll up. Non-sterile bottles with corks can also be used for these purposes, but there is a risk that viburnum syrup can still ferment even despite the abundance of sugar in its composition.

Fifth recipe - viburnum with honey for the winter


  • viburnum - 1 part *
  • honey - 1 part

The number of berries already prepared is indicated. Products are used in a 1:1 ratio.

Rinse viburnum berries in boiling water, discard to glass water. Rub the berries through a sieve (the seeds and peel can be used to make fruit drinks and the coffee described above). Mix the mass with honey. If the honey is frozen, it can be heated up to 40 degrees. Pour the resulting thick syrup into a container, cover and refrigerate for 1 week, after which the viburnum with honey is ready for use.

Viburnum berries are very useful, rich in vitamins and medicinal properties. Viburnum is harvested after the first frost, so there is less bitterness, and the berries become brighter and softer. What to cook from useful viburnum- read on.

Berry - Kalina

Our ancestors knew everything about local berries. Kalina was especially loved. Nature has generously endowed viburnum with useful properties. Viburnum berries are rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C in viburnum is 1.5 times more than in lemon, and iron is 2 times more than in rose hips.

By the way, there is much more vitamin A in viburnum than tangerines or oranges.

Kalina treats serious illnesses. Every hypertensive patient knows that the first in the list of helping folk remedies is viburnum.

Kalina treats gastritis and ulcers, heart and vascular diseases, it helps to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 2-3 times, fights atherosclerosis, lowers blood cholesterol, quickly cracks down on colds and flu.

In viburnum, not only berries are useful, almost all parts of the plant are used as a medicine. Pastes and infusions are made from the leaves and shoots of viburnum to combat fungal diseases, lichens, etc.. Viburnum flowers brewed in the form of tea, easily and quickly relieve headaches, eliminate spasms.

Cosmetology uses viburnum in creams and lotions for mature skin, the rejuvenating and restoring effect of viburnum has been scientifically proven.

That's viburnum! This simple-looking, inconspicuous and unsightly berry can replenish almost all the necessary vitamins in the autumn-winter period, cure diseases and refresh the appearance.

Since ancient times, kissels and broths have been boiled from viburnum, pies have been baked and jams have been made. I also suggest that we replenish our stocks of vitamins and cook dishes with viburnum.

Recipes from Kalina or what to cook from viburnum

Decoction of viburnum with honey (for colds and coughs)


  • 1 st. viburnum berries
  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 art. l. honey

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the berries with cold water and dry on a napkin.
  2. Put the berries in a saucepan, pour boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, cool to room temperature and add honey.
  4. Drink a decoction as a general tonic, no more than 2 tbsp. in a day.

Viburnum sauce for meat and cereal side dishes


  • 1 st. viburnum puree
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • 1 tsp starch

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve starch in 0.5 tbsp. cold water. Boil the rest of the water, stirring constantly, pour in the dissolved starch and sugar.
  2. Bring to a boil, pour viburnum puree, mix and remove from heat.
  3. Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat and serve with lamb, fatty pork or cereal side dishes.

Culinary advice: the sauce can be made sharper if, after cooling, add mashed potatoes from 1-2 pods of hot pepper to it. I do not recommend adding garlic or spices to viburnum sauce. not a pleasant dish.

Pie with viburnum and honey


  • puff pastry
  • 500 gr. viburnum berries
  • 1 st. Sahara
  • 5 st. l. honey
  • 1 st. l. starch

Cooking method:

  1. Sort and wash the viburnum. Skip viburnum through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Mix with sugar and honey. Add starch to filling.
  2. Defrost the dough and unroll. Cut the dough into two unequal pieces. Transfer most of it to a greased baking sheet.
  3. Put the viburnum filling on the dough, cover with the second part and pinch the edges.
  4. Brush the pie with beaten egg white and prick with a toothpick. Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Roast pork with viburnum

About a kilogram of pork with fat, wash thoroughly, dry with a napkin. Cut across the grain into steaks and then into cubes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Put on a dry hot frying pan and fry in the melted own fat.

At the end, add 1 tbsp. viburnum puree, mix quickly and serve immediately. The meat should not stand in the sauce, otherwise it will become quite bitter.

Pouring "Kalina red"


  • 1 st. viburnum juice or rure
  • 150 gr. Sahara
  • 1 liter of vodka
  • 1 st. boiled water

Cooking method:

  1. Heat water, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Pour viburnum juice or puree. Strain syrup with viburnum through cheesecloth. Pour vodka into the strained syrup.
  3. Pour the liquid into a glass jar or bottle with a tight lid.
  4. Remove the liqueur in a dark cool place. You can try again in two days.
  5. Store in a cool place up to 1.5 years.

Hope you enjoy my recipes. I look forward to your comments on the article.

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Always your Alena Tereshina.
