
Picnic dishes for birthday. Spring radish and potato salad

You don’t need much to go out into nature, which is why such trips are good even with a crowded company. It is enough to think over the menu for a picnic in nature for a birthday in advance, purchase necessary products, grab a barbecue, coals, knives, disposable tableware and mosquito repellent - and you're done! The main thing is not to forget anything necessary, such as:

Skewers, grates, coals
thick maple for laying an impromptu table
seat pads
napkins, cutting boards, foil, bags, matches
sunscreen, mosquito and tick repellent

Further water, drinks, garbage bags (it is necessary to monitor the state of nature so that other arriving companies can enjoy their vacation and contemplate nature, and not rubbish heaps after the previous company).


If all this was collected, the meat for the barbecue was bought, marinated, you need to take care of the appetizers - after all, while the fire is kindling, until the coals appear and the barbecue is cooked, everyone will be pretty hungry, and you won’t get enough of the barbecue alone. Therefore, we additionally collect more products:

Cheese, sausage (preferably s / c or semi-smoked)
more vegetables, they go with a bang in nature - cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, all sorts of greens a few bunches
potatoes (required!)
bread, lavash
oil for salads
fruits in abundance
sauces for meat, fish

If you are traveling for at least a day, take a cauldron and cereals with you. A kulesh cooked on a fire or an ear from a fish caught in a river is incredible tasty dish, there will be everyone!

Picnic menu

A birthday in nature is a great opportunity to entertain and deliciously feed friends. But now about the main thing - the main food that you will feed the guests. The most important thing is the fire, so we adjust all the dishes to it. Meat, fish, chicken - for barbecue, vegetables for roasting in a fire in foil, buns for quick creation sandwiches, pita bread - you can quickly wind rolls from a wide variety of products.


Chicken wings

Further: chicken wings or thighs - they turn out very tasty on the grill. And it is not necessary to marinate them in something - just rinse. dry and take with you. Since the chicken cooks much faster than pork, the same wings can be cooked in a simple way - laying it on the grill, just salt it - and that's it! Well toasted, these wings will simply go with a bang with a beer while you cook the barbecue.

Zucchini on the coals

2 kg zucchini
olive oil

Cut the zucchini quite large and in circles, for example, 3 centimeters each. Prepare the dressing by mixing olive oil with spices and lemon juice. Next, tear off small piece foil (so that the circle of zucchini is well wrapped in it), coat with the prepared mixture, and wrap tightly in foil. Everything, as soon as the coals burn out a little, throw zucchini there, burying it in the coals. The same can be done with potatoes - either just throw them into the fire, or wrap them in foil. Great Supplement to meat - will go with a bang!

Stuffed peppers on the grill

Such an appetizer will look very beautiful and tasty: buy large colored thick-walled peppers, peel them at home, rinse and put them in a bag. Prepare the filling of cheese, garlic, herbs and butter. Upon arrival at the picnic, put the peppers on the grill, in which the fire is already smoldering, put in the filling, sprinkle with herbs and very soon everyone will salivate from the aromas - delicious!

Summer is the time for nature trips and picnics. Such a holiday is associated not only with fresh air, trees, a river, but also with delicious food.

However, summer is also the time when the risk of poisoning is highest. The scorching sun can quickly ruin even freshly prepared meals. They need to be selected with special care for a picnic.

The choice of dishes for a picnic is huge. What to cook - depends on individual preferences, as well as whether you plan to build a fire and cook something on the spot, such as barbecue or ribs.

Don't take it for a summer picnic. perishable products- pates, soft cheeses, curds, cakes, raw eggs, salads with mayonnaise and chocolate. Owners of portable refrigerators can skip this rule, but only if the food will not be exposed to air for a long time.

If you plan to cook barbecue outdoors, then a bowl of meatballs, cabbage rolls and other dishes will be out of place. Appetizers and sandwiches will be very useful to you, they will allow you not to die of hunger while waiting for the main course. It is desirable that the picnic food is not too greasy and heavy. Consider the most popular products that are suitable for outdoor recreation.

  1. Meat

Meat is at the top of the list. It can be prepared at home. For a picnic, fried chops are suitable, chicken legs, which can be cooked in crackers or batter, and baked chicken.

A good option would be lazy chops. Cooking them is simple: take 1 kg of any minced meat, break 3 eggs into it, add spices to taste, salt and pepper. Stir and put the minced meat with a spoon on a frying pan heated with oil, forming small "chops" and fry them on both sides. If the stuffing comes out thick, add another one to it. From minced meat, you can form chops with your hands, and dip in flour, then in an egg and fry.

For nature the best option there will be meat on the coals. Both for grilling and barbecue, it is worth picking up meat with fatty streaks. From pork, loin, rump, brisket and neck are recommended. For grilling - tenderloin, brisket and loin on the bone and ribs. From beef - the inner region of the hind leg, rump, sirloin and clipping. From lamb - shoulder blade, ribs and hind leg. From chicken - wings and legs.

It is better to marinate the meat at home - this will prevent it from spoiling and allow it to marinate. Traditional marinade considered a mixture of oil, acid and onion. You can use any oil, without a pronounced aroma, it will cover the meat with a film that will not allow it to dry out during frying, so it will remain juicy. Used as an acid dry wine, vinegar or . The onions will enhance the taste. You can use spices.

  1. Sausages, sausages

Sausages are useful for making sandwiches and as a snack. And if they are cooked on coals, they will serve as the main dish.

If you do not plan to make a fire and fry on it, give up boiled sausage, because on fresh air she quickly winds up and becomes unattractive. For sandwiches, it is worth buying ready-made cuts.

Sausages and wieners are ideal for charcoal cooking. They can be cut and fried, laid out on a grill or put on a skewer.

  1. Fish

Fish can be cooked at home. Better take the fillet - this will save you from fussing with the bones. It can be made in batter or breading.

Grilled fish comes out delicious. Catfish, cod, carp, mackerel, catfish, sturgeon, trout, salmon and salmon are suitable for grilling.

It is better to marinate fish at home. No fat is needed for pickling - lemon juice is enough, soy sauce or white wine, and spices.

  1. Vegetables and fruits

Ideal foods for nature are vegetables. They can be eaten raw, used in salads, or grilled over charcoal. Wash them well before taking them on a picnic.

Potatoes can be taken raw and then baked in coals, cooked on a skewer, or boiled in their jackets at home.

Cabbage, onions, herbs, cucumbers, radishes and bell pepper. On the coals are obtained delicious mushrooms, eggplant, zucchini, peppers and tomatoes. They can be cooked on the grill or in the form of kebabs.

  1. Grilled or grilled vegetables

Grilling vegetables is easy. At home, prepare the marinade by combining olive oil with a little wine vinegar, salt and black pepper. For a picnic, chop the vegetables, toss them with the marinade, and let sit for 1/4 hour. Oil the grate and fry the vegetables. 7 minutes is enough for each side.

Vegetables may or may not be pickled. If you are cooking eggplants, they should be chopped, salted and left for 20 minutes to get rid of bitterness. Sprinkle pieces of vegetables, fry, put in a dish and season with sauce. You can choose the sauce according to your taste. Blend with vegetables balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt, garlic and olive oil.

  1. Shish kebab from vegetables

For cooking, you can use any vegetables - zucchini, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplant and onions. Tomatoes should be taken small, they can be left whole or cut in half. The remaining vegetables can be cut into rings, for example, eggplant and zucchini, or into cubes - bell peppers. Put them on a skewer and pour over the sauce. To prepare it, combine 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 tbsp. olive oil, the same amount of lemon juice and Italian herbs. Drizzle the sauce over the strung vegetables - do this over a clean container to use the sauce that has dripped off the vegetables. Arrange vegetable kebab on the grill and bring to readiness. Turn vegetables over and baste with sauce.

  1. canned food

Canned food is not a mandatory option for nature, but you can use it if you are not going to cook over a fire. You can take with you canned fish, seafood and peas.

Homemade preparations will fit into the picnic - salads, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and mushrooms. In the fresh air, such food quickly disperses.

Do not take processed and semi-hard cheeses for a picnic, as they quickly lose their appeal. For a trip to nature, hard, soft brine and smoked cheeses. They can be used to make sandwiches and salads, as well as an independent snack. Cheeses are best grated or cut at home.

  1. Bread and pastries

Many cannot do without bread, so it must be taken. Take at the rate of 1/2 loaf for 1 person. Flat cakes and pita bread are suitable for a picnic. You can take hamburger buns, hot dogs and stuff them on the spot.

Closed meat or cheese pies. Kids will love it sweet pastries- cookies, biscuits without creams and rolls.

  1. Water and drinks

Water is useful not only for quenching thirst, but also for washing hands. You can take a thermos with coffee or tea, juice and compote for a picnic.

Other products

In nature, you need salt. Vegetable oil and sauces will not hurt - you can cook it yourself or buy ready-made ones and spices.

To protect yourself and loved ones, get a thermal bag or make one like it. To do this, freeze plastic bottles water, mineral water or other drinks that you plan to take to the picnic. Before collecting a bag for nature, line its bottom and sides with a thick cloth or towel, place bottles of frozen liquid, and lay food on top. When it's time to sit down at the table, you will get not only fresh food, but also nice cool drinks.

Picnic salads

Most picnic salads are best dressed on site. Some of them are worth cooking in nature, for example, tomato salad. This will preserve the freshness, taste and appearance. hearty salads with the addition of mayonnaise for picnics are not suitable, because they quickly deteriorate and become weathered. The same can be said about dishes seasoned with sour-milk products.

Consider salads suitable for a picnic.

A great salad for a picnic in nature - Greek. Its main ingredients are feta, tomatoes, onions, oregano and olive oil. Other products can be added at will.

Required products:

  • 3 ripe tomatoes;
  • 1/2 bell pepper;
  • medium cucumber;
  • medium red onion;
  • 3 tbsp olive oil;
  • 120 gr. feta;
  • 20 pitted olives;
  • 1 tbsp a spoonful of oregano;
  • salt and black pepper.

Chop all the vegetables, except for the tomatoes - it's best to chop them and add them to a salad at a picnic. Onions and cucumbers - half rings, peppers - straws.

Mix vegetables, put olives to them and place the salad in a container. Cut the feta into cubes and pack separately. Prepare a dressing of salt, oregano, pepper and oil, pour it into suitable container. Arriving at a picnic, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes to the salad. Season, stir and sprinkle with feta on top.

At home, cut cabbage, cucumbers into half rings, dill and green onion. Mix and put in a container. Separately, prepare the dressing from sunflower oil, a small amount vinegar and salt, pour it into a container. At the picnic, it remains to add dressing to the container with vegetables and mix.

Caprese salad

The salad is prepared quickly, so it can be made at a picnic. Cut into rings four tomatoes and 1/2 kg of Mozzarella cheese. Arrange them and the basil leaves nicely on a platter, season with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil.

Similarly, you can prepare other salads, such as Caesar or regular salad with radishes, tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers.


Prepare sandwiches for a picnic in nature. If you stocked up on cutting, then quickly make them on the spot. They will turn out tastier if slices of bread are fried on a fire. Cheese, meat, sausage and vegetables can be put between slices of bread. Put them on the grill and hold them over the fire, then you will get excellent hot sandwiches.

Fast simple sandwiches can be made from French loaf. Cut it lengthwise, scoop out some of the pulp to make a small indentation, then add your favorite toppings and cut the bread into pieces.

avocado sandwiches

Sandwiches with original taste will delight you. You will need a French loaf, goat cheese, arugula, pesto sauce, onion rings, avocado, fried or boiled breast.

Cut the loaf lengthwise, brush the bottom with cheese and layer the remaining ingredients, brushing with sauce. Cover with the top and cut the bread into portions.

Ham sandwiches

Prepare the filling. cut thin slices cucumber, tomato, bell pepper half rings and 1/2 red onion. Combine chopped parsley and basil, a little olive oil and salt. Pour dressing over vegetables.

Cut the loaf lengthwise, remove some pulp, sprinkle the inside with a mixture of 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tbsp. balsamic vinegar. Arrange lettuce leaves, toppings and ham slices. Brush the top piece of bread with the mixture. butter and mustard. Cover their sandwich.

If you have the patience, try making canapé sandwiches. The dish looks spectacular and is easy to eat.

Food is the main part of any picnic, and no matter how much you take, there is never too much, so we take, as they say, “for ourselves and for that guy” ... And again we make a list of products, the main rule here is to decide on the number of participants in outdoor recreation and their taste preferences.

This question is sometimes asked by experienced outdoor enthusiasts, and what can we say about beginners ...

    It is believed that for one man, on average, about 500 g of meat will be needed, and for a woman or child - 300 g. Traditional pork or beef can be replaced with more light chicken meat or poultry products: they cook much faster and are much easier to digest, so they are suitable for the whole family.

    Fresh vegetables and greens not only perfectly diversify your menu, but also neutralize the "heaviness" of meat (even if it's chicken), improving digestion. 200 g per person is the optimal amount.

    If you like grilled vegetables, then you will have to additionally buy more eggplants, bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, onion at the rate of 150 g per person.

    "Bread is the head of everything" - this popular proverb is more than relevant for field trips. In the fresh air, people eat more bread than usual, especially when combined with meat and vegetables. 6 - 7 slices of bread (200 g) should be taken per person.

    If you decide to have a small snack with sandwiches and sandwiches, take another 150 g per person. Cheese and cold cuts for sandwiches you will need about 150 - 200g per person.

    IN hot weather and after hearty meal especially thirsty, count on at least 2 liters of water and drinks per person.

How to choose the right products?

Ideal products for a picnic are vegetables, fruits, herbs, poultry, for example, from Petelinka, and chicken products, processed or hard cheeses, crackers, canned vegetables in jars, hard-boiled eggs, bread. It is simple and unpretentious food that is the key have a great holiday without unpleasant consequences.

When to prepare salads?

Salads should not be made in advance, wash all the fruits, vegetables and herbs at home and put them in different containers. You can take mayonnaise with you or salad dressings in which you can dip chopped vegetables. Don't forget about variety of sauces, ketchups and mustards, the choice is yours! In addition to tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and fresh herbs, zucchini, eggplant, onions, which you can cook on the grill, will perfectly complement your menu. Add pre-washed potatoes to the list of vegetables, which can then be baked in a fire. And do not forget the spices and salt, because baked potato with salt in nature is especially good!

What to take on a picnic if there are children on it?

If you are vacationing with children, consider a list of treats for them too: cookies, caramel candy, lollipops. Chocolates and chocolate candies, cookies with cream should not be taken on a picnic, in addition to the possibility of getting an upset stomach, getting dirty in melted chocolate is not the best thing to do in nature.

What drinks are suitable for a picnic?

In hot weather, you always want to drink and a lot, along with juices and all kinds of carbonated drinks, do not forget about the usual drinking water. If you don't have a cooler bag, you can chill your drinks. folk way: Wrap the bottle in damp newspaper and place in plastic bag. Surely in your company there are fans of tea or coffee, you should take care of this in advance: boiling water in a thermos, tea bags and instant coffee won't be redundant.

Spring and summer are the time for long gatherings in nature. What could be better than getting together with loved ones, going to a lake, a park, a forest, where everyone can rest their body and soul.

In order for a picnic to bring only pleasure, you need to prepare for it in advance: we advise you to decide what products to take, as well as make a list of dishes for cooking.

Note! According to the season of the planned picnic - products may vary. If in the summer it is more relevant to take fresh vegetables, then in the spring it is better to give preference to pre-cooked snacks.

Depending on who the picnic will be held with, there may be various ideas about food. If this is a festive event, then preference is given to simple but hearty dishes.

Shouldn't be folded ready-made salads on elegant plates - the best option would be to use plastic containers or purchased disposable containers: they can also beautifully decorate snacks.

Children's picnic Event with friends Romantic picnic with a girl
Main dishes baked chicken fillet in the oven Pork or beef skewers cooked on the spot shish kebab from chicken breast- lean and filling at the same time
Salads Fruit salad with yogurt Light salad of cabbage, cucumbers and radishes Salo from tomatoes, cheese, crab sticks
Snacks Cheese balls on animal shaped cookies Lavash rolls with cheese and garlic Small sandwiches or canapes based hard cheese, greenery
Beverages natural juices Weak alcohol, mineral water, juices Wine, mineral water, juice
Sweet Lungs puff buns with fruits Chocolate-Free Cookies That Can't Melt Fresh fruits: bananas, oranges, mangoes

In addition, you can additionally take home-made sauces with you. It is appropriate to use them both at a picnic with children and with adults. Mild sour cream sauces are relevant for kids, other options are suitable for friends: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup.

You can mix these ingredients, put greens, garlic, getting original supplement To meat dishes and barbecue.

Holiday picnic menu

It happens that you can celebrate your birthday in nature, especially if the weather favors it. Going on a picnic with a company by car, it becomes possible to take a lot of dishes prepared at home.

Some holiday options from the menu:

  1. Sausages - they can be fried on a fire while the barbecue is cooking.
  2. Fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes - you can cut all this in nature, the main thing is not to forget the knife.
  3. Sliced ​​meat, dairy products: sausage, ham, cheese.
  4. Olives and olives - they are always held in high esteem by children, in addition, they can be added to any salad.
  5. Homemade pickles - suitable for a festive barbecue picnic in the spring.
  6. Salad leaves filled with any filling: garlic with melted cheese, smoked chicken With boiled egg, cheese with herbs and even sprats.
  7. Mushrooms are a proven snack option that goes well with fried meat. They can be grilled or simply marinated.
  8. Vegetables on skewers, alternating with hard cheese - an appetizer that looks beautiful and does not deteriorate in the heat.

Among drinks, they usually prefer to take juices and mineral water. You should not take sweet sparkling water, it makes you want to drink even more.

Often picnics involve the presence of alcohol, especially when a group of friends gathers. In this case, it is worth taking cider, beer or wine for a picnic. Such drinks will not cause discomfort in hot weather.

Important! It is best to cool alcohol at home or take cold accumulators with you in a special bag. Thus, drinks will retain their taste for a long time, they will be able to invigorate the body.

On festive picnic it is better to leave work with barbecue to men - they definitely know a lot about cooking meat. The task of women is to marinate the product well the evening before.

One of the popular options is a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup, or sour cream, tomato. This marinade is suitable for pork, while chicken is more tender, so a different approach is needed here.

Take vegetable oil, a head of garlic, seasonings, a bunch of herbs. Grind greens and garlic, add chopped chicken fillet in an amount of 2 kg. Fill everything with oil, season.

Simple and affordable salads and picnic snacks

Difficulties in cooking at a picnic are useless, the main criterion for dishes is simplicity. You can cut the products at home, put them together, and mix them with sauce or dressing in nature. With snacks, the situation is different: they must have an attractive appearance, so most often they have to be prepared at home.

Most popular dishes those based on vegetables are considered. Salads from meat products, smoked meats, seafood are at risk of being spoiled when temperature conditions rise.

You can cook the following dishes:

  • Radish salad.
  • Salad of roasted bell peppers.
  • Fruit salad.
  • Courgette paste.
  • Eggplant rolls.
  • Potato slices.

Everyone knows how you want to eat while waiting for meat grilled on coals. His delicate fragrance spreads throughout the forest, and pictures of appetizing and juicy pieces barbecue.

To satisfy your hunger, you can have a snack with salads. Cut the radish into circles, add chopped green onions, grated carrots, boiled egg And mayonnaise saucedelicious salad ready!

Bake bell pepper, cut it into strips, add tomatoes, herbs. Fill the dish vegetable oil- get great light salad. You can also do with fresh fruit, having previously cut them at home, seasoned with sour cream and sugar already in nature.

Choose snacks according to your taste and planned budget. If going big company- you can always entrust everyone to cook something special. Do not forget about two rules: dishes should be easy to prepare and satisfying.

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When compiling a menu for a picnic, consider the basic requirements for eating in nature. What should she be? First of all, hearty - in the air all the time you want to refresh yourself. And also convenient for transportation and so that you can easily eat it, preferably without the use of additional dishes.

And, of course, long-term non-perishable - the road and lying in the sun should not harm such food. Appetizers meet all these criteria. We offer interesting and simple recipes snacks for a picnic in nature, which will help out any housewife.

Snack skewers are the perfect picnic idea. They are interesting in that you can cook them right in nature, and quickly enough.

Pre-preparation is minimal: you only need to wash, cut and put the ingredients in food containers.

Quick Picnic Snacks: The Classic

  • hard cheese - 200 gr.;
  • ham - 150 gr.;
  • pickled gherkins.

Ham and cheese - classic combination, which is used to prepare various sandwiches and snacks.

We suggest using this set of products for cooking quick snack on skewers.

We cut the cheese into cubes, and the ham into thin slices. Small cucumbers need to be cut into three parts. This is all preparation.

We begin to collect canapes. On each skewer we string a piece of cheese, followed by ham, which needs to be rolled up and a piece of cucumber.

Cold appetizers for a picnic: a gourmet option

For cooking you will need:

  • Rye bread;
  • cream cheese;
  • hard cheese;
  • salami;
  • olives;
  • olives.

We cut rye bread into small slices, from which circles need to be cut with a glass. You can fry such circles at home in a pan without oil.

Cream cheese is applied to each rye base piece, and a circle of hard cheese is placed on top. Put another piece of bread on top.

We stick a skewer into the bread and put a piece of salami in the form of a sail on top of it and complete the design with an olive or an olive.

Light cold snacks: fruit option

For cooking you will need:

  • red grapes;
  • green grapes;
  • olives;
  • olives;
  • marshmallow.

An interesting snack option on skewers with fruity notes.

You can safely involve children in cooking, as sweet canapes are prepared very easily.

String on skewers, alternating dark-colored grapes with olives, and light-colored beads with olives. Such beautiful grape beads can be decorated with marshmallow pieces.

Cold Appetizers for a Picnic: Vegetarian Option

For cooking you will need:

  • yellow cherry tomatoes;
  • red cherry tomatoes;
  • yellow sweet pepper;
  • red sweet pepper;
  • olives;
  • pickled champignons;
  • cheese.

We cut the cheese and cheese into cubes, and take out the tomatoes and mushrooms from the brine. Thread ingredients onto skewers, alternating them.

An appetizer from arranged in order will look beautiful. yellow tomato, slice of cheese, olive, red pepper, champignon, slice of cheese, red tomato, yellow pepper and olive.

Quick Picnic Snacks: The Italian Variation

For cooking you will need:

  • olives;
  • olives;
  • Bell pepper;
  • pickled artichokes;
  • salami slices.

To prepare Italian appetizer, long preparation is not required.

You just need to bake strips of sweet pepper right on the fire.

Lavash on the grill: a hot snack for a picnic

For lovers of outdoor recreation, recipes from pita bread will come in handy.

Particularly interesting are the options for hot snacks, which are easy to cook right on the outdoors, frying the rolls on a fire on the grill or on the grill.

Picnic appetizer for lavash kebab

For cooking you will need:

  • Armenian thin lavash - 1 pack;
  • suluguni cheese - 200 gr.;
  • butter - 60 gr.;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • ground red pepper.

The filling for pita bread can be prepared in advance at home and taken with you to nature in a plastic container.

To do this, grind the cheese on a grater and mix with softened butter and chopped herbs. Season with pepper - adjust the amount depending on your own preferences.

Already in nature, smear thin lavash with the prepared mixture, roll up with an envelope or roll, brush with melted butter and send to the fire. You can fry the envelopes on the grill, and on skewers.

It turns out great snack To .

Lavash appetizer recipe with cheese and tomatoes

For cooking you will need:

  • thin pita bread - 2 sheets;
  • Adyghe cheese - 300 gr.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • red onion - ½ pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.

Grind the cheese with your hands or three on coarse grater. Finely chop greens and red onion. This preparatory stage which can be made at home.

To the resulting mixture, add the diced fresh tomatoes and mix. The filling is ready.

We spread the pita bread with cheese-tomato mixture and roll it into a roll.

Fry the appetizer on the grill until golden brown.

For cooking you will need:

  • Armenian lavash - 1 sheet;
  • cream cheese - 75 gr.;
  • slightly salted trout - 300 gr.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • greenery.

Remove the peel from the cucumber and cut into thin long slices.

Spread on a lavash leaf soft cheese, on top we place pieces of red salted fish and a cucumber. Sprinkle all this abundantly with the greens that you love.

We turn the roll into an envelope or roll, and send it to the fire for baking.

Quick Picnic Snack: Sausages in Lavash

For cooking you will need:

  • thin pita bread;
  • sausages;
  • greenery;
  • mayonnaise;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup.

The idea of ​​cooking sausages in dough or pita bread is madly in love not only with children, but also with adults. Everything is very fast and simple.

We tear off a piece of pita bread the size of a sausage, sprinkle it with cheese and herbs, put the sausage and wrap it in a roll.

You can immediately bake on the fire.

Serve with any sauces, among which, of course, mustard and ketchup with mayonnaise occupy the palm.

Delicious picnic snacks: hot skewers on skewers

Snacks on skewers literally save when you want to eat something hearty, but the barbecue is not yet ready.

Miniature skewers on fire are fried with pleasure by adults and children.

Who among us has not fried pieces of bacon with bread on a fire? Here is the first idea for a quick hot appetizer. We invite you to use our ideas of simple and gourmet snacks on skewers that can be roasted over a fire.

For cooking you will need:

  • champignons - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt:
  • pepper.

Mushrooms for cooking on skewers should be chosen large and not opened. They can be fried in fresh, but you can pre-marinate.

For the marinade, squeeze the lemon juice and pour over the mushrooms.

Add salt and pepper, and leave to marinate for about 5 hours in the cold. Pickled at a picnic or fresh champignons string on skewers and grill over charcoal.

After heat treatment, they lose their external attractiveness, but taste qualities get excellent.

Chicken kebabs on skewers with bacon and pineapple

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken breasts -4 pcs.;
  • canned pineapple - 1 can;
  • red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • bacon - 12 strips;

For Hawaiian sauce:

  • pineapple juice - 1.5 cups;
  • cornstarch - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt.

To prepare the Hawaiian sauce, mix all the ingredients and stir until the starch is completely dissolved. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 2 minutes. The sauce is ready.

We prepare all the components with a barbecue in advance. To do this, cut the chicken, onion, pepper and pineapple into large cubes, and cut the bacon into strips.

For one skewer we take 4 pieces of chicken and 3 pcs. pineapple, 2 peppers and onions, 2 strips of bacon.

We string the edge of the bacon onto the skewer, followed by the chicken, again the bacon, which wraps the chicken on one side. Next comes the pineapple and then the bacon. After the pepper and onion, which we wrap with bacon together.

The last piece should be chicken with bacon. Lubricate the finished braids with vegetable oil.

Grill for about 10-15 minutes. Serve with hot Hawaiian sauce.

For cooking you will need:

  • whole potatoes;
  • garlic;
  • paprika;
  • yellow mustard,
  • parsley;
  • lemon juice;
  • parsley;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary;
  • oregano;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • olive oil.

Wash potatoes and boil in skins. And you need to undercook the tubers a little, then they will cook on the coals.

We clean the potatoes from the skins and dip in the marinade. To prepare the marinade, you just need to mix all the ingredients.

The amount of spices is taken arbitrarily, you can adjust depending on your own preferences.

We string pickled potatoes on skewers and send them to the grill.

Cook until a crispy crust appears on the tubers.

Snacks for a picnic in nature in summer: meatballs and puff pastry skewers

For cooking you will need:

  • minced meat or chicken - 400 gr.;
  • yeast puff pastry - 250 gr.;
  • hard cheese - 70 gr.;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • parsley, dill.

We cook minced meat for meatballs at home. You can take chicken meat or a mixture of beef and pork. IN minced meat add a raw egg and grated cheese.

To hold together the fat that will be melted during frying, add some breadcrumbs.

The piquancy of our meatballs will give greens and spices, which we also add to the minced meat.

Knead the mixture and transfer to a container for transportation. At a picnic, we form small meatballs from minced meat.

From puff pastry, you need to prepare strips, which we cut with a width slightly less than the size of the meatballs. The length of the strips will depend on the length of the skewers.

Since we will string the dough in waves, we will need strips twice as long as skewers.

We begin to form a snack with meatballs. We string the edge of the dough onto a stick, after it a ball of minced meat, again the dough, circling around the meatballs. So we alternate the dough with balls to the end of the skewer.

Lubricate the dough with vegetable oil. You can bake such an appetizer on the grill or on the grill.

Serve the appetizer hot. Can be sprinkled ready-made meatballs sesame or cheese.

Picnic Snack Recipes: Tomato Skewers with Cheese

For cooking you will need:

  • cheese - 500 gr.;
  • tomato - 15 - 20 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • parsley.

This appetizer is prepared very quickly and goes well with any main dishes. Good shish kebab from tomato with cheese and how independent snack. Cut soft cheese into slices.

Tomatoes are better to take small, but fleshy.

We string the components onto skewers. Prepare marinade sauce by mixing oil with lemon juice, pepper and herbs. We lower the skewers directly on skewers into the sauce, where they lie down for literally 15-20 minutes.

We immediately send the pickled tomatoes with cheese to the grill. In just 10 minutes original snack will be ready.

Video: taco, steak and vegetable appetizer
