
Currant jam without. Blackcurrant jam for the winter: recipes "you will lick your fingers"

Blackcurrant was created to make jam for the winter in 5 minutes. Five minutes is cooked quickly, the dessert is quite thick. If necessary, according to the recipe, you can make jelly, without the usual passage of currants through a meat grinder, since the berry contains a large amount of natural thickener - pectin. Jam is made from fresh and frozen berries - all the proposed recipes are suitable for this.

I especially recommend making several jars of thick, jelly-like jam. In winter, thank yourself for your foresight by spreading it on a tea bun. thick dessert you will be able to use you baking, add to ice cream, make a delicious cocktail.

Blackcurrant - five-minute jam in glasses

Cooking for five minutes, counting the number of berries in glasses is much more convenient - you don’t have to use scales, which not everyone has on the farm. Recipes for 7 and 11 glasses are popular, and I will offer them. First, I give a seven-cup glass known to many housewives.

You will need:

  • Berries - 7 cups (about a kilogram).
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Sugar - 6 cups (1.2 kg.).

Yield - 4 cans per 0.5 liters.

How to cook a five-minute for the winter:

First of all, wash the berry, remove it from the branches, remove the leaves.

Pour 3 cups (600 g of sand) from the total amount of sugar.

Put in a cooking container, I have a saucepan. Boil the syrup by pouring it into the water and bringing to a boil. stir until the sugar dissolves completely.

Drop the berries. At low power, wait until it boils. Stir gently, without crushing the currants - it is advisable to leave the berries whole.

Boil no more than five minutes.

Remove from the burner, add the rest of the sugar.

Stir vigorously until the sweetener is completely dissolved.

Take sterile jars (a prerequisite for long-term storage of the workpiece for the winter), lay out the dessert and roll it up sterilized iron lids.

Thick jam five minutes - 11 glasses

Having welded on this recipe, you will get an amazing gelled jam. The jelly-like consistency will allow you to use the dessert in baking pies and burgers, for sandwiches for breakfast.


  • Blackcurrant - 11 glasses.
  • Sugar - 11 cups.
  • Water - 2.5 cups.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour currant berries prepared for cooking into a basin. Slowly, over low heat, bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for exactly three minutes. Pour in the sugar.
  3. Stir well so that the sugar has time to dissolve.
  4. Let the blackcurrant mass boil violently.
  5. Turn off the fire, immediately pour and roll up under an iron lid, then the jam will be stored without problems all winter.

Blackcurrant five-minute recipe without water

A quick recipe that doesn't require much effort.

  • Currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.

How to weld:

  1. Sort and rinse black berries. Be sure to dry to remove excess moisture.
  2. Cover with sand and hold for a couple of hours. You can skip this moment, but then start cooking on the smallest fire, slowly warming up the berry so that it gives out juice. Let the berry brew - you can cook faster.
  3. Cook boiled jam for 5 minutes. Pour hot into jars and seal.

Jelly - five-minute blackcurrant

The berry is famous great content natural thickener - pectin. cook jelly jam possible in the same 5 minutes without losing useful substances, great taste and qualities for long-term storage.

You will need:

  • Currant - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to weld:

  1. Dry the clean berries, freed from the branches, by spreading them on a napkin.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add water and sugar.
  3. Start warming up the mass. Soon the currants will begin to burst and let the juice out.
  4. Remove from the burner, let cool slightly and work with a blender, grinding the mass. If you have to pass through a meat grinder, then cool the workpiece completely. Or chop currants immediately, before cooking.
  5. Return the jam to the stove, slowly bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Divide into jars and seal.

Video recipe for cooking a five-minute blackcurrant. Have a nice day winter evenings over a cup of tea with a fragrant dessert.

Blackcurrant blanks are so popular that more than one type of jam is rolled up for the winter. There are many ways - jam can be boiled, fried in a pan, or you can cook it raw. Today we will cook blackcurrant jam for the winter. It turns out thick, with whole berries, fragrant and very tasty. We assure you that any sweet tooth will like it.

Required products:

  • 700 grams of blackcurrant,
  • 700 grams of granulated sugar.

How to make blackcurrant jam for the winter

First of all, let's deal with currant berries, because they need to be cleaned and sorted out. This process is lengthy, so immediately allocate more time for such a procedure. It will be necessary to remove all possible branches, leaves. We also pay attention to the condition of the berries, if you come across sluggish and crushed, then it is better to put them aside, since the densest and freshest berries are suitable for jam. When we sort out the currants, we wash the berries, then dry them slightly. You can leave the currants in a sieve for a few minutes, all the water will come down through it, or you can spread them in parts on paper towels, which also perfectly absorb all the water.

Pour currants into a deep saucepan and sprinkle it with sugar. You can lightly shake the berries so that sugar gets into all the gaps, but this is all done without appliances, you can crush juicy berries with a spoon and spatulas. Just take the pan by the handles and lightly shake the berries in the air. We leave it in this form for several hours: after 5-6 hours, the sugar will melt by half, and the currant will release the juice, which is necessary for making jam. We do not add any water, otherwise the jam will not turn out thick.

We put currants on slow fire and start making jam. When the berries boil, we detect 5 minutes. Boil currants for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Let the berries cool completely, they will be soaked in sugar syrup and will be very tasty. In the process of cooking, the currant will release more juice, so the jam will turn out to be perfect in consistency: thick and viscous like caramel. The process of cooking and cooling is repeated 2 more times.

When the jam boils for the last third time, we will boil it and turn off the fire, but we will not cool it down. While hot, we lay out the jam in steamed jars, which we prepared in advance.

Rolling jam jars tight lids and let cool under a warm blanket.

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​Related Articles​

general information

Cover the pot with jam and wrap it in something warm for 6-8 hours.

Unusual jam with a new and unusual taste can be obtained by adding an orange to the currant berries.

How long to cook raspberry jam?

Pour water over berries

Cut the oranges together with the peel into pieces and place in a blender, add blackcurrant and chop.

If you plan to store currant jam in the refrigerator, then you can simply close it with plastic lids.

Blackcurrant jam is very tasty and fragrant, it is, of course, not as beautiful in color as red, but much healthier.

How long to cook cherry jam?

This currant jam is not boiled, but closed in jars under a nylon lid and stored in the refrigerator.

My mother makes jam from 3-5 kg ​​of berries, the ratio of sugar and currants is the same, so the volume of dishes for cooking must be chosen based on the yield of jam.

With proper heat treatment berry dessert It has thick consistency and dark red.

Few housewives know how much to cook jam. Indeed, today such a dessert is prepared very rarely. This is primarily due to the fact that it can be purchased in almost any store.​

Making a currant treat

Arrange in sterile jars. Close with cold lids, you can use polyethylene.


The process of making frozen blackcurrant jam:

Jars of blackcurrant jelly!

Pour the resulting mass with sugar and put on a small fire, while it is necessary to stir the jam. This is done so that the sugar dissolves and the mass boils evenly. Bring currant jam to a boil.

Cooking gooseberry jam

After "Vitamin" or raw jam, according to the composition of vitamins, jam costs 5 minutes. We remind you that the recipe for blackcurrant jam does not differ from red berry jam. Ingredients for 5 minutes:​

For jam, it is better to choose large-fruited blackcurrant varieties such as Dachnitsa, Exotica, Dubrovskaya, Dobrynya, Izyumnaya and others. It is faster to process a large berry (sort, wash), so the preparatory process will take much less time.​


Pour currants into boiling syrup. Cook after boiling for 5 minutes, removing the foam.

Cooking apple dessert

Many housewives know how much to cook apple jam. After all, such a dessert is very popular in our country. You can buy apples for him different varieties. The main thing is to choose ripe, sweet and hard fruits. Only in this case you will get the most delicious and tender dessert.​

How long does it take to cook jam at home? It is rather difficult to answer this question unambiguously. After all, jam can be prepared using different berries and fruits. In this regard, the time of their heat treatment often varies from several minutes to several hours.​

Check if you forgot to put currants in jam

Red currant berries - 1 kilogram;

Carefully sort out the frozen currants and put them in a capacious dish and leave for 30 minutes until the berries thaw. After that, pour the berries with sugar, and wait another 2 hours, during which time the currant will release the juice. Then you need to mix everything and add 100 ml of water, and currant berries must be mashed with a spoon. Put the dishes with the resulting mass on fire until it boils, then reduce the heat and cook the jam for about 30 minutes, while stirring the jam. For those who like thick and very sweet jam, it is necessary to cook the jam for a longer time and add more sugar. The cooked jam must be cooled, poured into jars, which must be tightly closed with lids.

It is advisable to cook jelly in a basin or a very wide saucepan with a thick bottom. The height of the jam should not be large. If you have a lot of currants and do not have a very wide dish like a basin, it is better to boil the jelly in batches, in turn, because if you fill a tall saucepan with berries, the jelly will not be able to thicken for a long time.​

Making strawberry treats at home

Pour into pre-sterilized jars and close.

pear dessert

1 kilogram of currants (black or red);


Currant jam

You should also take into account the thickness of the skin of the berry. For jam and compotes, varieties with a thin skin are more suitable, but for freezing, on the contrary, with a thick one.


Currant jam

Five-minute currant jam must be completely cooled. It is advisable to leave it overnight so that the berries are properly fed with syrup.

So how much to cook jam from fresh apples? It is rather difficult to answer this question unambiguously. This is due to the fact that desserts using such fruits can be made in different ways.​


  • It should also be noted that the cooking time homemade jam depends on what kind of dessert you want to end up with. If you require thick treat like a jam, that's the time heat treatment increases significantly. If you need to do more liquid dessert, then it should not be cooked for very long.
  • 1kg. berries
  • Oranges - 1 kilogram;

Cooking process:

Currant contains a lot of pectin, which is why it makes delicious and very healthy jelly.

A wide bowl for cooking jam or jelly makes it possible to evaporate excess liquid and the berry mass thickens. Therefore, you must give the jam you want to make as jelly the largest surface for evaporation.​

By the way, according to this recipe, you can also make redcurrant jam. The combination of a red berry and an orange is just as good as with a dark berry.​

1.5 kilograms of sugar;

For jam, a well-ripened currant is taken, it must be carefully torn off the brushes, removing spoiled and rumpled berries, and put in a colander. Rinse well under cold water and squeeze out excess moisture. That, in principle, is all the wisdom of preparing blackcurrants for canning.

In the morning, boil the berries again, also for 5 minutes. Cool the jam again.

After the apples have been processed and crushed properly, they are combined with granulated sugar, and then mixed well. Having added a little water to the dishes with fruit, they put it on fire and bring the contents to a boil.

Very often, such a dessert is not subjected to heat treatment. This is due to the fact that after cooking, the berries lose almost all of their useful properties. Therefore, most cooks add a lot of sugar to them, mash them well with a crush, close with a plastic lid and store in a refrigerator.

2kg. sugar

Sugar - 1.5 kilograms.


As a result of the merger of such, it seems, unusual products, it will turn out very tasty dish, which will appeal to more than one sweet tooth. Required products:​

1.5 cups of water (water is needed if you want to keep the berry whole).

I deliberately did not write in the ingredients that you need to take only black currants, since a mix of berries would be very appropriate here.

While the jam is cooling, prepare jars and lids.

Blackcurrant jam with nuts

  • ​Cook apple dessert follows until the main product becomes as soft as possible. This may take you about 25-35 minutes. As soon as the apples begin to boil, they are laid out in jars and covered with lids.
  • But what if your fridge doesn't have enough room for dessert jars? In this case, they will have to be subjected to heat treatment. Because that's the only way you can save homemade treat throughout the long winter.​

Boil 5 min.

How to cook redcurrant jam with orange:

We offer you simple, affordable, proven recipes for making redcurrant jam for the winter. By preparing such a jam, you will provide yourself with a supply of vitamins for the cold season, when cases of diseases become more frequent.

Currant jam with honey "Apiary"

Or prepare blackcurrants with sugar (mashed, without heat treatment).

Red and black fruits - each 500 grams (if there is one kind of berry, then, accordingly, we take 1 kilogram).

Now our step-by-step scheme for making jam at home with whole berries is next.

  • Jam is a delicacy that takes us back to childhood, in its taste you can always feel the care of loved ones and their love. Do you want to plunge into the sweet childhood by tasting your favorite berry delicacy from a dusty jar that was stored in the cellar?! We offer you such a variant of canned treats like currant jam that is rich in vitamins.
  • ​My favorite ratio is half raspberry to half blackcurrant.​

All containers for currant jam must be sterile. You can sterilize jars for currant preparations for the winter in any way convenient for you: over a kettle, in a double boiler, in a slow cooker, oven or microwave.

There is another way to do this fruit dessert. His recipe is called "Five Minute". The principle of the method is that the jam is boiled for exactly five minutes (without adding water), and then put aside and cooled completely.

So how much to cook raspberry jam? It is no secret to anyone that such a berry is very tender and soft. Therefore, it should not be subjected to heat treatment for a long time.

It remains so, for thickening my mother adds gelatin

The berries are sorted, washed and left in a colander to drain the water. Oranges are washed and cut into small pieces and twisted through a meat grinder. Currant berries are twisted in a meat grinder or crushed to a puree state in a blender. Oranges and berry puree are put in one container, sugar is added and left for 30 minutes. After half an hour, the whole mass is passed through the blender again until it becomes completely homogeneous. Then ready mix berries, oranges and sugar are put on fire, kept on it until boiling and boiled, not exceeding five minutes. Ready jam laid out in sterilized jars while it is hot, rolled up and stored in the dark, cool place.​

Red currant bushes grow in almost any region in our country. A wide variety of desserts are prepared from red currant berries: various jams, jam-jelly, jam, jam and many other delicious things. One of distinctive features making jam from these berries lies in the fact that, in most cases, the berries must be passed through a fine sieve. This must be done in order to get rid of the peel and seeds. Otherwise, the preparation of red currant desserts is no different in complexity from the preparation of delicacies from other berries. Below are a few recipes for making delicious and healthy desserts.​

And if you were looking for how to cook redcurrant jelly or jelly from three types of currants (red, white and black) - redcurrant jelly recipe.

Apples - 500 grams;

​As in previous recipe, the berries must be washed and cleaned of the remaining branches.

Let's start with you the "story" about how to cook currant jam with your own hands.


Blackcurrant jam - 5 best recipes. How to cook, cook blackcurrant jam - step by step instructions.

Grind the berry with a blender, pass through a meat grinder or crush with a wooden mortar.

​In last time let the jam boil, and boil for 5 minutes.

Such procedures are carried out 3 or 4 times. The result is a very thick and caramelized jam that will serve great dessert for family tea.​

Blackcurrant jam - benefits

Having thoroughly mixed the berry with granulated sugar, it is left in this form for 1-2 hours. As soon as the raspberries give their juice and form a large amount of syrup, they are subjected to heat treatment. Boil such jam after boiling should be 7-10 minutes. This is quite enough for the berries to completely fall apart and thicken along with sugar syrup.

When cold, drip syrup on the nail - if it does not spread, then it's ready

There is a way to cook jam from redcurrant berries for people who are sick diabetes. Also this one the recipe will do those who carefully follow the figure and do not eat sugar.

What berries are needed for blackcurrant jam. We prepare currants

This redcurrant jam does not need to be boiled. Stored up to six months in the refrigerator.

Sugar - 3 kg;

jars of jelly

After that, sterilize the jars. We wash them with soda, and then put each one over the steam or send it to dry in the oven.

Blackcurrant jam recipe No. 1 - grind currants with sugar

We are all so accustomed to this dish, it goes with us through life almost from the pot. But what is this dessert? It turns out that jam is a primordially Slavic sweet, inherent in the Eastern Slavs and more Caucasian peoples. It is mainly boiled from fruits and berries, but sometimes there is jam from vegetables, nuts, cones and even flowers, take at least jam from dandelions. There are several main types of jam:


Currant jam, delicious recipes

The volume of berries should be equal to the volume of honey. Pour hot blackcurrant jam into jars and close with screw caps or turnkey.

Currant jam - what is it like?

Now you know how much to cook jam after boiling. This time depends on which berry or fruit you are using. If you decide to do Strawberry jam, it won't take long. This is due to the fact that such a product is very soft and boils quickly. Cooking it after boiling should be no more than 5-8 minutes. During this time, the strawberries will change in color and size, and also form a thick and fragrant syrup with sugar.

  • A clear sign that raspberry jam is ready is its noticeably darkened appearance.
  • Depending on what ratio of sugar and berries, if 1: 1, then after it boils for one hour on low heat after it boils. check the readiness, put a drop of jam on the nail; if the drop does not spread, then the jam is cooked. pour hot and roll up, turn the jars over after you roll upside down and let them stand until they cool down, then take them out to cold good luck.
  • ​Ingredients:​

Useful properties of currant


Raw currant jam or "Vitamin"

How to make blackcurrant jam with oranges:

  • This version of blackcurrant jelly can be stored at room temperature, this is very convenient if you do not have a basement and the entire refrigerator is filled. This currant jam is very popular in our house and we have been cooking it for several decades.​
  • Simultaneously with point two, you can make syrup. To do this, pour sugar with water and put on a small fire. As soon as the water heats up, it must be stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Cooking instructions

  1. Five minutes - this jam is cooked for 5 minutes.
  2. ​Stir berry puree and honey. You need to interfere for a long time, and it is better to choose honey that is liquid, not candied, preferably without a strong taste - acacia or linden. You can then add whole raspberries or currants to the pureed "jam".
  3. Leave to cool upside down, wrapped in a blanket.
  4. Pear jam should be made in exactly the same way as cherry jam, that is, in two stages. After mixing the fruit with sugar, they are put on the stove and boiled for about half an hour. Next, the dishes with jam are removed from the heat and kept at room temperature overnight. In the morning, the dessert is again subjected to heat treatment, but already for 10 minutes. Then it is poured into jars and rolled up.
  5. Cherry is a fairly popular berry that is used to make jam. Such a product must be subjected to heat treatment. Otherwise, the dessert will ferment and spoil very quickly.

Another 10 minutes and perhaps enough, when cooled it will thicken a little, but it will remain liquid, this is how it should be, the berries should float in syrup.

Pyatiminutka jam from currant berries

Berries of red currant - 1 Kilogram;

  • 2 kg. sugar per 1 kg. berries.​
  • Wash and sort the currants well, put in a large cup and cover with sugar. Rinse the oranges thoroughly, peel the peel and white film. Put oranges, berries and sugar in a bowl and grind with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour the resulting jam into pre-prepared jars and close tightly.
  • Preparing blackcurrant jelly is quite simple, you can close it with ordinary iron lids or twist-off screw caps. If you only have plastic lids, you can put a circle of white paper soaked in vodka on top of the jam, this will keep the jam from mold.​

Sweet spin cooking session

Dip the berries into the resulting syrup and cook for 5 minutes. Now it remains to pour the resulting jam into jars and roll it up.

  1. Raw jam, or as we call it "Vitamin", which is not subjected to heat treatment during cooking and retains most useful substances;
  2. Jars for mashed berries need to be sterilized in a way convenient for you.
  3. Of course it was traditional recipe jam cooking.
  4. Blackcurrant is very useful. It is just a storehouse of vitamins, and the most delicious jam is made from currants. And, of course, since my mother cooks jam, no one cooks it. Almost all the berries remain intact, the syrup comes out a rich burgundy color.

So how much to cook cherry jam? As a rule, such a delicacy is prepared in two stages. First, the berries are washed, the bones are removed from them, and then mixed with granulated sugar. As soon as the cherry gives its juice, it is put on a very low fire and brought to a boil. In this case, the jam should be constantly stirred. big spoon. This is necessary so that it does not burn to the bottom of the dish.

  1. For red, you need to squeeze the juice and add 700 grams of sugar per liter of juice, bring to a boil, cook for up to 5 minutes and pour hot. immediately roll up, cool down and be jelly.
  2. Fructose - 650 Grams;
  3. Method for making currant jam without boiling:

Other currant jam recipes

It is in winter, when the body requires vitamins, and with colds, doctors recommend eating this particular jam.

Blackcurrant + orange

The ratio of currants and sugar: 1: 1.5.

  • To keep the jam longer, after rolling it is wrapped in polyethylene and a blanket, turning the lids down. This "old-fashioned" method additionally sterilizes our containers and lids, and, of course, checks whether you closed tightly winter dessert. If it’s not important for you to keep the berry whole, you can do without water.
  • ​Regular jam - preparation such a twist usually takes no more than an hour.

After the mass has become homogeneous, we lay out the honey with currants in small jars. On top of each jar, pour a little honey or pour 1-2 tablespoons of sugar. So the jam will last longer.

  1. Currant jam can be added to grated pies - they come out, I dare to assure you, very tasty.
  2. I expected that everyone cooks blackcurrant jam in this way, and was very surprised when they poured currant jam on ice cream in a cafe. ... It was a boiled mass, very sweet and incomprehensible. I suggest you cook blackcurrant jam according to my mother's recipe - moderately sweet, very beautiful and fragrant.
  3. At the first stage, the cherry dessert is boiled for about half an hour. After that, it is removed from the stove, covered with a newspaper and left in this form for 12 hours (that is, all night). The next morning, the berry delicacy is brought to a boil again, but has been cooked for about 10 minutes.
  4. For black currants, steam the berries with water under the lid, (1.5 cups per kg), then add sugar 1.2-1.5 per kg of berries and cook as usual, when cooled, it will solidify in jelly with berries.

Water - 2 glasses.

Red currant + walnut + honey + apples

Before making jam, the berries are sorted, washed, and allowed to dry. After that, either twisted in a meat grinder, or crushed with a blender and then passed through a fine sieve. Sugar is poured into the resulting puree and mixed until completely dissolved. Then the whole mass is transferred to a sterile container and also closed with sterilized polyethylene lids. Store "cold" jam in a cold place.

  • ​Ingredients:​
  • Blackcurrant


As in raw jam, pour the berries with sugar and grind with a blender, not necessarily until smooth.

There are two types currant berries: black and red. Both berries are very useful, but they differ slightly in chemical composition. Black currants contain more vitamins than red currants, especially vitamin C and Iron. Therefore, blackcurrant is used in the treatment colds, in the prevention of scurvy and diseases of blood vessels, heart. But red berries in some positions are superior to black ones, for example, in the content of vitamin A.

Give this healthy jam to children in the autumn-winter period, and vitamin reserve fragile organisms will be replenished.​

Proportions for blackcurrant jelly

Can be added to compotes from dried apples in winter - they enhance the taste of compote, and make its taste more interesting.​

The recipe for the preparation is very simple, in addition, you can use it to make jam from red or white currant berries.

How to make blackcurrant jelly

Prepare berries

  • The readiness of such jam can be determined as follows: it is dripped onto a clean and dry plate. If the drop does not blur, but keeps its shape, then the dessert is considered completely ready. Enough to cook already, It will cool down, thicken.

Make blackcurrant jelly

  • How to cook redcurrant jam on fructose:
  • ​Ingredients:​ sugar;
  • Rinse the berries, sort, dry. Weigh to know how much sugar to put.​

Making currant jelly in pictures

We leave the resulting product for a while so that the sugar dissolves, and then put on a slow fire and stir until boiling.

The process of making blackcurrant and redcurrant jam is the same, so for this recipe you can choose berries of any color. Most of the vitamins remain in the jam "Vitamin". It is not subjected to heat treatment, but costs for a long time at the bank on account a large number sugar (sugar as a preservative). let's consider step by step diagram cooking this dish. Ingredients:​

Ekaterina Apatonova added her photo to the recipe for fresh pureed currant jam without sugar.

I also pour pancakes and just ice cream with this jam, beautiful presentation and the incredible aroma of the dish is guaranteed.​

Features of cooking jelly from berries

Requirements for jelly cooking utensils

In addition, all the vitamins of this wonderful berry can be preserved by preparing a fresh blank without cooking from pureed currants with honey. First things first...​

How many minutes to cook currant jam? As in the case of raspberries, this dessert is very often used in fresh. In other words, currants are twisted through a meat grinder, mixed with sugar and put into glass jars.

What to do if the jelly does not thicken (for the time indicated in the recipe)

More sugar. But it will be very sweet. I love blackcurrant jam, but sour and thick. A thick one is achieved by adding apples, finely chopped or rubbed on a grater, so that they would not be noticeable at all. But there will be density. It's all about pectin - a gelling agent, which is abundant in apples, and twice less in currants.

Other currant recipes

Berries are sorted, washed and dried. Water and fructose are mixed. Next, the mixture is put on a low fire and heated until the fructose granules are completely dissolved in it. Then the berries are poured into the syrup, and the whole mass is boiled over low heat for no more than seven minutes. The finished jam is transferred hot into sterilized dishes, rolled up and stored in a dark, cool place.

Water - 300 ml.


Blackcurrant jam - the best recipes

How to cook blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker:

If there are no scales, measure the currants with a jar: 1 liter of currants is approximately 700 g.

As soon as the jam boils, wait 5 minutes and pour into jars to roll up.

Blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker

1 kg of black or red berries;

Good luck with currant preparations this season!

There are several more options for currant jam, for example, the jam according to the above recipe is very tasty, only with nuts.

For 1 kg of currant berries is taken

Such preparation contributes to the preservation of all the useful properties of the berry. However, this jam should be stored only in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it must be subjected to heat treatment. To do this, whole currants are mixed with sugar and left aside. Over time sweet spice should melt a little, forming a a small amount of syrup.

If the currant is very ripe, it will cool down, it will be like jelly (and without gelatin). I cook every summer. And today I cooked.

Frozen blackcurrant jam

Currant jam is delicious, and jelly is even tastier! Be sure to cook it.​

How to make simple currant jam:

Sort out blackcurrant berries, removing leaves and twigs with it, then rinse it well in running water. Pour the sorted currants and sugar into a slow cooker. Then you need to tightly close the lid on it and turn on the “extinguishing” mode. In this mode, jam is cooked in a slow cooker for an hour.

Put the currants in a basin, pour water (so that it barely covers the berries, you don’t need a lot of water, 2 cups per 1 kg is enough) and cook for 15 minutes, after boiling. Remove foam.

Currant jam recipes delight cooks with their abundance, no matter what additives you add to the sweet berry mass, your “brew” for the winter will be fragrant and very tasty. We will give you three options for combining black and red berries with other ingredients, and we will talk about each combination in detail, describing in detail how to reproduce the recipe yourself at home.​

1 kg of sugar (some recipes contain 2 kg of sugar, it depends on how much you like sweet).

Blackcurrant is a berry, the benefits of which have been known since ancient times. These berries are just vitamin bomb» for the body, because in blackcurrant huge amount vitamin C, B1, PP, as well as a large number of beneficial trace elements and minerals.​

Blackcurrant Jelly Jam

We take the same amount of berries, water for syrup and sugar as in the recipe above.

1 kg of granulated sugar,


Redcurrant jam for the winter - the best recipes

If you are in a hurry, after mixing the ingredients, you can add a little water to them, and then immediately put on fire.

We cook for about 1.5 hours on a very low heat.

"Cold" redcurrant jam


The berries are sorted, washed and laid out on paper to dry. Made from a mixture of sugar and water sugar syrup. Then the syrup is brought to a boil and the berries are gradually poured into it and boiled until ready. The cooled jam is transferred to sterilized dishes, covered with lids and stored in the dark and cold.

At this time, you can prepare dishes for storing jam. Jars and lids need to be washed and sterilized separately.​

Add sugar, bring to a boil again. Boil for 15 minutes after boiling, stirring regularly and skimming. edit

We will not beat around the bush for a long time, but immediately list necessary ingredients to help cook delicious blackcurrant jam:

Red currant jam

Before preparing the “swirled dessert”, the berries must be washed and cleaned of twigs.

Surprisingly, by eating 2 tablespoons of blackcurrant in any form, a person will provide himself daily allowance useful substances of the main series. Due to the fact that the composition of the berry does not contain enzymes that contribute to the destruction ascorbic acid during long-term storage, blackcurrants can be safely harvested for the winter. It will be as useful as fresh.

Nuts need ½ cup per 1 kg of currants.

1 glass of water.

Redcurrant jam with vanilla

How long does it take to make jam whole currant? After boiling the syrup, the berries are cooked for 15 minutes. At the same time, they are regularly stirred with a large spoon. As soon as the dessert changes in color (becomes darker) and thickens, it is removed from the stove and distributed among the jars.

If from blackcurrant, then it does not need to be cooked at all. Grind currants with sugar and jars, that's all. Very tasty, it turns out just fresh berries with sugar.

Currant under the "fur coat". Verified. The jam comes out gelled.

To make jam, the ingredients are needed in the following proportions:

This jam is very tender and fragrant, it contains a wide range of vitamins that our body needs in winter.

Jam with oranges

Flax-cooked jelly begins to cling to the walls of the pelvis at the end of cooking, because it thickens.

Blackcurrant (where without it) - 1 kilogram;

Then we fill the berry with sugar and grind it with a blender;

All kinds of compotes, jellies, jams are cooked from blackcurrant, it is frozen, but the most common way of harvesting is jam.

Nuts Ideally, you need to take almonds, fry it in a pan. Cut the nut with a knife and add to the last stage of cooking.​

Making jam from currants, like from any berry, begins with sorting it out. Carefully inspect all currants so that the berries are fresh and not rotten (if you didn’t pick them yourself, but bought them on the market).

By the way, if you decide to cook currant jam using twisted berries, then it should be cooked for about 5-7 minutes.

Redcurrant jam for diabetics

But the red currants must first be covered with sugar, and the next day, drain the syrup and boil, that is, bring to a boil and boil for literally 3-5 minutes. Yes, there are probably a lot of recipes on the net.

Mix 8 cups of sugar with 2 cups of water and boil.



Close banks. You can store at home at room temperature.

Sugar - 2 kilograms;

Leave the resulting mass for a while so that the sugar dissolves.

Red currant jelly

Black currant is indispensable in winter, when viral respiratory diseases and flu are rampant. Therefore, blackcurrant jam must be in the house to prevent or cure a cold in a natural way, and not to buy expensive and not always useful preparations. This jam is not only healthy, but also very tasty, so the kids are unlikely to refuse such a delicious medicine.

Expensive almonds can be replaced with roasted walnut. I tried this jam pine nuts- just manna from heaven, but the price of this nut is simply cosmic.


How long does it take to cook currant jam? I have been cooking for 30 minutes, and it is liquid, like water ...

Natalya Varuntsyan

Wash currants 2-3 times. Usually all leaves and sticks float on top. Put the berry on a sieve so that the water is glass.
Gooseberry is a very tasty and healthy berry. Quite often, homemade compotes are made from it. However, some cooks use such a product to make jam.
But there are so many of these tiny bones in the red currant that it is better to cook it, let's say, with strawberries. It turns out such a sweet and sour Varenko. Om-Nom-nom! :)​
Add 12 cups of currants (washed and dried).
Vanillin - 8 grams.
2 three hundred gram bags of frozen blackcurrant;
According to Shurinka's recipe, jelly was cooked and photographed by Natalia Grekova

Alexander Zakharov

That's it, now let's go through the nuances of cooking according to this recipe step by step:

Alexander Timoshchenko

At this time, sterilize jars and lids. Some do it over steam or in the oven, but if it's a hot summer, then it's enough to wash the jars and lids with soda and put them in the sun.
Currant not only treats colds, it will be very useful for low hemoglobin levels or anemia, when there is not enough iron in the body and folic acid. It is recommended for seasonal vitamin deficiencies and general depletion of the body, as a tonic and tonic.
This cooking option is suitable for dessert, it is convenient for them to water strudel and ice cream when serving.

sergey tarazanov

The essence of the recipe is that the berries need to be loaded into syrup, and not covered with sugar. Water is needed precisely so that the sugar melts, does not turn into caramel. Almost all water evaporates during the preparation of syrup. You need to cook jam in an aluminum basin or stainless utensils. In an enameled container, it will simply burn.

Monica Bellucci

It is no secret to anyone that the gooseberry peel is very dense and tough. Therefore, to soften it, you will need a long heat treatment. Peeled and washed berries are mixed with granulated sugar and a little water is added. After that, the resulting mixture is put on the stove and very slowly brought to a boil. As soon as the syrup begins to boil, they note the time.

Alexander Pylypyuk

Did you add water to it? If you didn’t add it, then put a drop of jam on the edge of the plate - if it doesn’t flow and doesn’t blur, it’s enough to torment him already. If it floated, then small fire still boil for 20-30 minutes.

She-wolf 1

Bring everything to a boil and continue to cook for 15 minutes over low heat.
How to cook currant jam with vanilla:
kilogram of sugar;


Fill the berries with water and put on fire. They are first boiled without sugar

Lena Novoselova

Wash black berries and oranges. Peel blackcurrants from twigs and leaves.


The sugar has dissolved, we can close it. Such jam is stored in the cellar, where a constant low temperature is kept.
Surprisingly, but black currant can increase the effectiveness of antiviral drugs and antibiotics tenfold. Therefore, doctors recommend in parallel with taking penicillin, tetracycline, biomycin or any other antibacterial drugs include these berries in your diet. This will help you heal much faster.


healthy recipe without cooking

Put water with sugar on a slow fire. Bring it to a boil and simmer for a few minutes. Be sure to stir so that the sugar does not burn. A thick syrup comes out.

To get a tender and tasty berry delicacy, gooseberry jam is cooked for at least 40 minutes. At the same time, it is regularly stirred with a large spoon.


And I cook "five minutes". At the bottom of the dish, pour a little water (for 2 liters of berries) about a third of a glass. Pour out half the norm of sugar (I cook 1: 1), all the berries, boil for five minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam. Turn off the heat, add the rest of the sugar, stir until completely dissolved.

Oksana Korolkova

Add 8 more cups of sugar. Dissolve it by stirring.

The berries are sorted, washed, dried. Syrup is prepared from sugar and water and brought to a boil. Berries are poured into it and boiled for about 20 minutes. The mass must be stirred periodically. After 20 minutes, the jam is removed from the fire and a test is carried out - the jam is considered ready if the syrup does not pour out of the spoon. Vanillin is the last of all the ingredients in the jam. After that, the jam is cooled and cold laid out in sterilized jars, closed with lids and stored in cold and dark.

Blackcurrant jam without cooking Blackcurrant jam how to cook How to cook blackcurrant

Cooking homemade jam

There are many most different ways making blackcurrant jam. We suggest trying 4 recipes for quick and delicious jam...

3 l

30 min

210 kcal

5/5 (2)

To the question “what kind of jam will we take for a hotel?” my mother-in-law answered invariably: from blackcurrant! Why? - "The best!" Blackcurrant is one of the most useful berries . Vitamins C and E contained in berries strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and help with colds and fatigue. Of course, you need to stock up on such a miracle for the winter! Do you know how to cook the most delicious jam?

What you need for currant jam

Unlike industrial blanks, home preservation always adheres to the principle of "everything is only selected and the best." Second important rule- only natural ingredients. For our jam you only need three components:

Black currant10 st.
Granulated sugar10 st.
Water2.5 st.

From inventoryenamel pan or a stainless steel saucepan, a long-handled stirring spoon, preferably wooden, jars and lids.

How to choose and prepare berries

The rule “the bigger the better” does not work in this case: too large berries quickly burst and spread. It is better to choose berries of medium size and the same ripeness.: black, dense and shiny. Before cooking, sort the berries, wash them, remove the tails and dry them preferably on a clean towel.

How to cook blackcurrant jam for the winter

There are many different ways to make currant jam. All of them are simple and fast, their main principle is to cook the berries for no more than five minutes. Well, the details of the procedure are slightly different. How to make blackcurrant jam:

Method 1.

  1. To preserve vitamins, of course, it is better to harvest raw berries. To do this, grind fresh currants with a blender or in a meat grinder and add sugar to the resulting puree, stirring until a homogeneous mass without sugar crystals is obtained.
  2. For 1 kg of berries, 1.5 kg of sugar will go.
  3. For a change, you can add an orange to the currant jam - also crushed in a blender.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars and refrigerate.

Method 2, with taryn traditional.

  1. Boil water, pour berries into it, bring to a boil, stirring gently, and gradually add sugar.
  2. Boil for 5-7 minutes, pour into jars and roll up.
  3. Home scales appeared in everyday life not so long ago, before that everything was measured with a measuring cup.
  4. For 10 cups of berries, you need 10 cups of sugar and 2.5 cups of water.

Method 3.

  1. Heat the water to a boil and put the berries in it.
  2. Cook for 10 minutes, add sugar and bring to a boil while stirring.
  3. Pour into jars and roll up. For 1 kg of currants, 1.2 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water will go.

Method 4, bonus.

How to store currant jam

Storage conditions are the most unpretentious: in a cool dark place, like any home-made preparations. Jam can be stored for several years, it will not lose its beneficial properties. The exception is jelly fresh berries: It is best stored in the refrigerator for no more than a year.

…and what to eat it with

With anything! If you are a lover of tea with jam, put your jam in a rosette and eat it as a snack. Added in hot tea, jam turns into a medicine for colds. It is delicious to put jam on bread - good, it turns out thick and does not spread. You can pour them over cottage cheese and pancakes, bake them in a pie, if you stir it with water, you get almost a compote. In the end, jam can be eaten just like that!

Bon appetit and good health for the whole long winter!

In contact with

Blackcurrant is a miracle berry that does not even have approximate analogues in terms of chemical composition. It is maximally saturated with B, E, D, K vitamins, glucose, fructose, organic acids, pectin, tannins. Currant does not lose its beneficial properties during processing and tolerates freezing well. Such a berry is able to have a depressing effect on infections and viruses, strengthen the immune system and deliver gastronomic pleasure both raw and preserved.
Unfortunately, the fruiting period of currant bushes is quite short. The same applies to the shelf life of the berries themselves. The collected fruits begin to dry or sour already 4-5 days after collection. Fortunately, there is a great opportunity to save tasty and healthy treat for a long period. "Live" blackcurrant jam - great alternative freezing. Currant jam, prepared without heat treatment, is perfectly stored in a city apartment for at least 5-7 months.
Blackcurrant jam for the winter without cooking differs from other types of preservation. With this type of processing, the berries do not lose their fresh taste and aroma. A dense jelly-like consistency allows you to use this delicacy as a separate dessert for tea or important ingredient as part of a more complex meal.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • White sugar - 1.5 kg

How to make grated blackcurrant jam without cooking

Rinse currant berries thoroughly, clean from twigs and roots. Next, place them in a deep container and, using an immersion blender, grind until a state close to homogeneous. If you do not have a blender, then you can grind currants with a meat grinder.

Add to the currant mass required quantity sugar sand and again beat well with a blender. Leave the jam for 24 hours "under the towel" until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir occasionally with a clean spoon.

Rinse glass jars (half-liter capacity) with detergent or soda and sterilize for at least 5-7 minutes.

Place the grated currants with sugar in the prepared container. Put a 1 cm layer of sugar on top of each jar. Close the "live" jam with clean plastic lids.

Currant jam it is better to store in a dark cool place (cellar, refrigerator or cold pantry). The delicacy can be consumed immediately after preparation or wait until cold. winter period.
If you do not have space in the refrigerator and there is no cellar either, then you can store such jam at room temperature, in a dark place. In this case, for 1 kg of currants, take 2 kg of sugar.

Making "live" blackcurrant jam is a real pleasure. The process is incredibly simple, and the result is truly amazing. With this jam, everyone can enjoy fresh berry flavor and aroma throughout the year.

Recipe number 2. Blackcurrant and blueberry jam without cooking

Raw jam is one of the ways to preserve berries and fruits for the winter without losing their benefits. This jam is different from ordinary taste, high content of vitamins and more in a simple way cooking. No need to stand at the stove and watch the foam, no need to transfer to jars, no need to roll up the lids. Store, however, will only have to be in the refrigerator. But you can get it at any time, at least for New Year and taste summer again. Blackcurrant jam with blueberries without cooking is especially useful to you if you have children in your family. As you know, blackcurrant contains a lot of vitamin C. So, it is excellent remedy from colds and acute respiratory infections. Well, the benefits of blueberries are generally difficult to overestimate. But its most important quality is the protection of our eyes. No wonder ophthalmologists always advise eating blueberries for vision problems. Of course, there are many eye vitamins containing blueberry extract in pharmacies, but they are expensive. This jam will cost you many times cheaper.

So, to prepare it, you need to take:

  • 500 g blackcurrant,
  • 500 g blueberries
  • 1 lemon
  • 900 g sugar.

Recipe healthy jam from blueberries and black currants

Pour the berries with cold water, wait a couple of minutes, collect all the leaves and twigs that float to the surface. Drain the water, mix the berries and repeat the procedure again until you get rid of all the debris. Then put the berries in a blender bowl.

Whisk thoroughly, add sugar. Alternative way chopping berries is grinding them through a meat grinder.

teaser network

Stir. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice out of it, trying not to get the seeds into the jam. Lemon juice serves as a natural preservative in the recipe. Together with sugar, it will prevent the jam from spoiling and extend its shelf life.

Mix again and transfer to suitable jars. You don't need to sterilize them, just wash them well. close tightly nylon lids and put in the refrigerator, you can in the cellar. Take out as needed and eat.
