
New Year's dishes from different countries presentation. New Year's menus from different countries

Getting closer every day new year holidays when close relatives and friends gather at the festive table. Every country in the world has its own culinary traditions - hostesses spare no effort and time to prepare traditional dishes, wanting to please loved ones and guests. What is prepared for the New Year in overseas countries? I'll tell you about the culinary New Year's traditions different countries world and share some recipes. Maybe from them you will choose for yourself the dishes that you want to cook on the festive table in 2017. And do not forget

Original dishes for the new year 2017

Christmas table in an English family impossible to imagine without traditional pudding made from pieces wheat bread, candied fruits, cherries, apples and raisins with nuts, citrus peel And fragrant spices. It takes a whole month to make Christmas pudding - ready dessert doused with rum, set on fire and effectively served on the festive table.

Mandatory attribute of the New Year's meal in Poland is a fish that symbolizes prosperity and family well-being. Remember? On New Year's table twelve dishes are necessarily present, among which there is not a single meat one. This evening the hostesses serve or, dumplings, barley porridge with prunes, and for dessert - chocolate cake or puff strudel with apples.

In Bulgaria Moussaka is considered the main New Year's dish - a huge puff casserole from meat, vegetables and various spices.

The main decoration of the New Year's meal among residents U.S.A- traditional stuffed turkey. Any components can be used as a filling - potatoes, apples, oranges, grapes, nuts and everything that is in the refrigerator.

In Scandinavian countries for the first in new year's eve serve hot salmon soup with cream . New Year's menu must include fish dishes and stewed meat ribs or baked poultry with mashed potatoes.

Salmon soup with cream


  • Salmon 500 g
  • Potato 4-5 pcs
  • One onion or leek
  • one carrot
  • 3-4 tomatoes
  • Cream 500 ml
  • fresh greens
  • Salt and pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Water 1.25 l
  1. cut fish in small pieces. Potatoes and onions - in cubes, carrots - on coarse grater or as you wish, scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into cubes.
  2. Pour oil into a saucepan. Saute onions and carrots until soft. Add tomatoes, simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Pour water, bring to a boil, then put the potatoes + salt and pepper, cook until tender for 10 minutes.
  4. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the fish and pour in the cream, cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and add finely chopped herbs.

Traditional hot snack Italians for the New Year - pork sausage"Kotekino" from pork meat and lard, which is baked with Mediterranean herbs, juniper berries, shallots and pear pieces. It is customary to serve hot perch or cod baked in white wine .

Cod baked in white wine


  • cod fillet 800 g
  • butter 50 g
  • white dry wine 100 ml
  • parsley
  • salt pepper
  1. Grease a baking dish with oil. Lay out the cod fillet. Salt, pepper.
  2. Top with pieces of butter and pour wine over.
  3. Finely chop the parsley and sprinkle over the fish.
  4. We put in hot oven t=200 degrees, bake for 25-30 minutes. Keep an eye on the process as every oven is different.

New Year's Eve German hostesses serve fragrant salmon baked with cream and spinach puff pastry And fried carp with potato garnish mustard sauce. The festive table is decorated with a dish with pies, apples, nuts and raisins, as a symbol of family well-being in the coming year. For dessert at German families It is customary to serve a cake stuffed with marzipan or a nut pie.

Salmon baked with cream and spinach in puff pastry


  • Salmon fillet 600 g
  • Spinach fresh or frozen 400 g
  • Cream 50 ml
  • Salt pepper
  • Lemon juice
  • Puff pastry 450 g
  • Egg for brushing the dough
  1. Season the salmon fillet with salt and pepper and drizzle with lemon juice.
  2. Pour cream over spinach and simmer until liquid evaporates.
  3. Roll out the dough, put half of the spinach with cream in the middle, on this layer of salmon fillet. Top with another layer of spinach.
  4. Wrap the dough in a tight envelope. Place seam side down on a baking sheet. Brush with beaten egg.
  5. Pierce the dough with a fork in several places.
  6. Put in a preheated oven t = 200 degrees 25-30 minutes

In the Netherlands New Year's Eve is not complete without traditional snack- salted beans. For a hot dish, they cook rabbit stewed in wine sauce, to which they add lard, chopped shallots, spices and sour cream.

New Year's table in France literally bursting with gourmet snacks and hot meals. IN holiday menu this includes snails, oysters, pâté from goose liver, cutting of several varieties of cheese. Also on the table on New Year's Eve, spicy onion soup and a turkey baked in white wine with herbs and vegetables.

Onion soup


  • 1 kg of onion
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt, pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 250 ml dry white wine
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 1 Bay leaf ik
  • 1 liter chicken broth
  • French baguette (baton)
  • 150 g hard cheese
  1. Onion cut into half rings. Melt in a frying pan butter, add olive + salt and pepper. Put the onion, mix and simmer it over low heat for 30 minutes.
  2. After 20 minutes, add finely chopped garlic, wine, thyme sprigs, bay leaf. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, remove thyme sprigs and parsley.
  4. Add hot broth, mix and leave covered for 15-20 minutes to infuse.
  5. Cut the bread into slices and dry in a toaster, in the oven or in a dry frying pan until golden color. Cut into cubes.
  6. Pour the soup into ceramic pots, put the bread and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  7. Bake in oven until cheese is melted.

Spanish New Year's Eve can't do without roast lamb or suckling pig. As an appetizer, you can find shellfish and fish delicacies. To the sound of the clock, it is customary to eat 12 grapes here, making wishes for each month of the new year.

In Bulgaria, Romania and others European countries it is customary to bake pies with surprises for the New Year - for luck, a coin, nut or pepper pod is hidden in some products. Anyone who finds a surprise in his pie will have good luck all year.

The season of long New Year holidays provides an opportunity to escape from the daily hustle and bustle and pay attention to relatives and friends. Take the time and prepare one of the dishes for the festive table European cuisine- Surprise your guests with culinary skills. If you have experience cooking unusual New Year's dishes - share in the comments.

We wish you all a happy New Year holidays and new culinary discoveries!

2016 - 2017, . All rights reserved.

New Year is a holiday with a special aura, always magical, filled with the expectation of a miracle. And at the same time, it is a holiday, traditional, celebrated national characteristics Of course, this also applies to the New Year's menu. We, Armenians, cook dolma, ham, gata, baklava... And, say, in some distant Scandinavian country, housewives put completely different dishes on the New Year's table. But, regardless of nationality, we all believe that special dishes on holiday table can bring happiness and prosperity to the house. What traditional dishes decorate New Year's tables in different countries of the world?

England: Pudding Country

The New Year's table in England is not complete without the traditional plumpuding. This pudding is made from almost everything in the refrigerator - from lard, bread crumbs, flour, raisins, eggs, fruits, etc. Every family has its own pudding recipe. A special delicacy to this dish is given by its spectacular serving on the table - it is poured over with rum and set on fire. This makes the New Year's celebration even more bright and unforgettable.

Also, in addition to pudding, on the English New Year's table, stuffed with vegetables turkey and ham. And as a side dish for such meat dishes they go Brussels sprouts and chestnuts.

USA: Turkey, and inside everything that is stale

In America traditional solemn dish a baked turkey is always considered, which, unlike the "English" one, is prepared according to the principle - everything that is stale in the refrigerator can be stuffed with it. Therefore, often in such a turkey you can find a whole variety of products - from garlic and spices to apples, cabbage, prunes and mushrooms.

However, since the United States is a multinational country, traditions here can be found very different. For example, in the southern states, where slavery was especially common, they came up with the dish "Hoppin' John". Very spicy dish, which is made from rice, legumes, pork and stewed vegetables.

Denmark: Modesty Above All

Among the Danes and on the festive table, the first course is traditionally more than modest - boiled cod with boiled cabbage.

However, this is only the beginning. Next comes the traditional New Year's dessert - sweet pyramid. This confectionery miracle consists of one and a half dozen rows of marzipans, poured chocolate sauce, vanilla cream and whipped cream.

Moreover, this dessert should be eaten completely, without leaving a crumb (this is a prerequisite for financial prosperity), and the dish on which the dessert is served must be smashed against a friend’s home so that he gets well-being.

Italy: The land of piglets and round "boobs"

Italians believe that only a pork dish brings a lot of money in the New Year. Here the best decoration New Year's table is considered roast pig, however, in extreme cases, even pork sausages will do.

In addition, in the tradition of the Italians, eat something round on New Year's holiday. This will symbolize the good fortune that will come in the coming year. Well, after the feast, they throw junk out of the windows, otherwise the new goodness will not have enough space, and it will not come into the house.

Japan: The land of "red" gourmets

For the Japanese on the festive table, not so much the taste of food as its color is important. For example, if someone wants financial well-being in the New Year, one should not eat round, as in Italy, but red. For example, a piece of red fish or shrimp.

Myself festive dinner It starts with the main dish - soba. This food is buckwheat noodles with broth. Immerse in the broth rice balls grilled. Moreover, they should all be round in shape so that luck always returns to the Japanese house, passing in a circle.

Poland: Without meat, but with fish

Deciding to celebrate the New Year in Poland, you will be surprised by the lack of meat dishes on the table. And although the festive feast includes exactly 12 dishes, you will not find meat in any of them.

For the holiday, the Poles traditionally cook fish in its various variations - fried, stewed, boiled. In addition, the Polish New Year's table is impossible to imagine without dumplings with butter, mushroom soup and barley porridge with prunes. Dessert is usually chocolate cake.

Germany: let's eat herring

In meat and sausage Germany, not at all meat dishes are the main masterpiece festive feast. Traditionally, the Germans believe that next year will bring them happiness if there is simple herring. In addition, the New Year holidays are not complete without pork knuckle, as well as sausages with stewed cabbage. And it's a must for dessert. colorful dish with pies, nuts and apples.

Philippines: 12 round months

New Year's dinner in Filipino families is called Media Noche and consists of a round-shaped meal. Moreover, it is extremely important that twelve variations of fruits be present at the feast, but mangoes and apples should not be among them. And the point here is not some ancient superstition, but the fact that these fruits in the Philippines are not considered festive.

It is very important not to eat all the food before the New Year. Filipinos deliberately leave on the tables more food, as starting the year with an empty table is a bad omen.

Austria and Hungary: Lest the bird of happiness fly away

These two countries have common traditions Therefore, their festive dishes are largely similar. So, in these two countries, you will not see poultry dishes on New Year's tables, because they believe that if you put a bird on the table, then happiness can simply fly away.

Of the differences festive dishes one can distinguish traditional strudel and schnitzels, as well as carp or suckling pig. In Austria, it is considered obligatory to eat pig's snout on New Year's Eve for good luck.

And in Hungary, bagels are served on the tables - poppy and nut rolls.

India: Land of spices

Indians celebrate the New Year with okroshka and biryani pilaf. Pilaf is prepared traditional recipe from lamb with the addition of cashew nuts, pineapples, green peas and many spices. Due to such a number of ingredients, the dish looks especially festive. Okroshka is prepared on the basis light kefir with the addition of potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Lassi is served for dessert in India - fermented milk drink tasting like yogurt. However, he has more rich taste, which is attached to the spices.

New Year is a holiday of traditions. This is a Christmas tree decorated by children, a bowl of Olivier familiar to everyone, a glass of champagne to the chiming clock and long gatherings at the table. The format of the holiday has long been studied up and down, the menu for the New Year's table is drawn up with your eyes closed. Whether this is good or bad is not the topic of today's note, let's just talk about how sometimes it is useful to deviate from the routine and, surprising yourself, try something new and unusual.

Do you want to expand your geography this year? New Year's feast and prepare dishes traditional for certain countries of the world to the table? If you wish, you can generally start celebrating the New Year with Japan, and finish with the States, along the way, “checking in” in China, Egypt, the Azores, Brazil and Peru. This does not mean at all that you need to compose the entire New Year's menu in such a way as to include in it a variety of holiday foods from all over the Globe - you can limit yourself to two or three, but unusual and interesting.

So, let's figure out what you can cook for the New Year so that it is non-standard and new?

Denmark - roast goose with dried fruits

What do we know about culinary traditions Denmark? Alas, the maximum that can be remembered is the famous lutefix, which foreigners for the most part understand little, at the same time mistakenly associating it with Denmark, although it comes from neighboring Scandinavia. At the same time, New Year's culinary etiquette exists and exists, and thanks to it, the Danes have every year on the table roast goose stuffed with dried fruits. On the one hand, nothing special, but on the other hand, it is very, very fragrant!


  • 1 goose carcass weighing about 4 kg;
  • 4 pears;
  • 4 apples;
  • 1 glass of prunes;
  • 1/2 cup dried apricots;
  • 1/2 cup raisins;
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries;
  • 1/2 tsp crushed rosemary needles;
  • 1/2 tsp cumin;
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste;
  • 1 glass of white wine.

We stuff the goose carcass (gutted, washed and dried) with minced meat prepared in advance: mix dried fruits, sliced ​​​​apples and pears, salt and add pepper, rosemary, cumin. The hole through which the filling was inserted is sewn up or the edges are properly fastened with toothpicks.

Thoroughly rub the goose skin with a mixture of salt, pepper and garlic. We spread it in a baking dish, pour it with wine, cover it with foil and leave it for marinating for 3-5 hours, after which we put the form in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 2.5 hours, then remove the foil, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and hold until readiness - the crust should be golden, and the juice that stands out when cut should be transparent.

Italy - Kotekino Pork Sausage with Lentils

As in many other European countries, the New Year's table in Italy is classic and standard, however, there is one dish that is invariably prepared in many regions of this country and served as a symbol of prosperity - kotekino pork sausage. Dinner is served at the usual time (and not at the usual 12 o'clock at night) and is always accompanied by lentils - to soften the fatty component of the meat delicacy.

By the way, if you think that we are talking about an ordinary sausage, just with some strange name, you are gravely mistaken. This is not at all the product we are used to: kotekino is made from the bottom of pork leg, which is freed from everything and remains only in the format of the outer skin. She is stuffed minced meat and the edible that is removed from the shank. After cooking, a very fatty jelly-like sausage is obtained, which is served with a side dish. In fairness, it is worth mentioning the fact that almost no one cooks kotekino at home, people have long just gone to the nearest butcher shop and buy semi-finished products.

However, for the sake of color and the Italian spirit, it is quite possible to try it once. Let's immediately allow ourselves to simplify and adapt the recipe as much as possible to our own realities and possibilities, but at the same time we will try to set the New Year's table in the Italian style.


  • 1 tsp paprika;
  • 1 tsp dry dill;
  • 1 kg minced pork meat from the bottom of the leg;
  • 500 g chopped lard;
  • 3 large cloves of garlic;
  • 5-7 juniper berries;
  • 1 st. l. black pepper grains;
  • 100 ml dry red wine;
  • salt to taste.

Pour wine into a blender bowl, add juniper and garlic. We grind. In the same bowl, put the meat and lard, salt, do not forget about whole pepper, paprika, dill. Grind again in pulsating mode. We fill the dense shells prepared in advance for homemade sausages with the resulting mass (well, or, if you wish, peeled skins from pork feet), carefully tie with a thread.

Boil sausages in in large numbers salted water for about 30 minutes. Serve with lentils, vegetables, any sauce of your choice.

Japan - sobu with crab meat

New Year in Japan is very similar to a standard European holiday - there are classic Western snacks, champagne, fruits on the table. After the bells at Shinto shrines ring 12 times to announce the start of the New Year, people go to the nearest shrine to also ring the bell and make a wish. However, there is also purely Japanese tradition: on the last day of the outgoing year, plates with soba are always put on the festive table - thin long noodles, which symbolize a long life. If you want life to be not only long, but also rich, crab tempura is added to the noodles (which, by the way, rational Japanese immediately buy in ready-made) or regular boiled crab meat.


  • 200 g buckwheat noodles;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 100 g broccoli;
  • 1 carrot;
  • the white part of the leek bulb;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 champignons;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil;
  • 2-3 tsp soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 2-3 tsp rice vinegar;
  • crab meat.

We put a pot of water, salt and boil the soba. We throw the finished noodles into a colander and rinse well under cold water.

In parallel, heat the olive oil in a wide frying pan, fry the finely chopped garlic, then add the leeks in circles. When the onion becomes soft, pour in the mushrooms, grated carrots and broccoli disassembled into inflorescences. Fry over medium heat, after a couple of minutes add soy sauce(carefully, it is salty!), honey, rice vinegar, Sesame oil. At the end, add the crab meat cut into pieces (you can additionally take shrimp, mussels and other marine reptiles). Fry a little more, taste for salt and serve.

USA - classic stuffed turkey

Let's start with the fact that the inhabitants of the United States, like many other Protestant countries, do not really recognize the New Year, but if they do, they try not to really conjure over the festive table. A couple of salads and a stuffed turkey are enough to get into the spirit of the New Year, but not turn the holiday into a grand event.

However, with the turkey, everything is not so simple. This traditional dish in each family is prepared in its own way, universal prescription no, of course, just as, for example, there is no single version of Olivier salad or oven-baked chicken. Every hostess contributes to the American heritage, well, eh basic recipe will look something like this.


  • 1 turkey carcass weighing approximately 5 kg;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 small celery root;
  • 3-4 apples;
  • 1 st. l. mustard seeds;
  • 1/3 cup dry white wine;
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh sage
  • zest of 2 oranges;
  • juice of 1 orange;
  • 50 g softened butter;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Mix salt, pepper, sage, zest and softened butter, grease the turkey under the skin and inside. We cover cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 5-10 hours.

Before putting the bird in the oven, dice the carrots and celery, mix with apple slices. Add olive oil, mustard, wine and Orange juice be sure to add salt and pepper. We hide the minced meat in a turkey, do not pour out the remaining liquid, sew the hole or fasten it with toothpicks.

Put the turkey in a mold, pour over the rest of the sauce from the filling. We cover with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 2 hours, after which we remove the foil, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and, periodically watering the bird with the released juice, bake until tender - at least 1.5 hours more.

Collection step by step recipe Magic Food:

Holland - salted beans with bacon

New Year in Holland is a lot of laughter, fun, fireworks, noise, champagne, donuts in icing sugar. These are “gifts in the cellars” (search for surprises using clues), traditional “slam” (a drink based on hot milk with spices), gingerbread and waffles. And also - salted beans, generously seasoned with bacon and garlic. Finding the desired pre-salted component in our stores is unrealistic, so we will perform this dish in a light version - with ordinary dry beans.


  • 500 g of beans;
  • 500 g white beans;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 300 g of fat;
  • 700 g smoked meat platter;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1/2 celery root;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Soak beans and beans overnight in plenty of water. In the morning we wash, fill with fresh water and, after salting, cook until tender (of course, separately - the beans, as a rule, become soft earlier). Aim for approximately 1.5 hours.

Boil lard in 3 liters of water, adding an unpeeled onion and peeled carrots and celery. After 40 minutes, filter the resulting broth, pour it into a pan with beans. Add peeled and diced potatoes. Lay the meat platter on top. large pieces, salt, add pepper (you can add bay leaf, dry parsley, granulated onion and garlic). We cook for about 25 minutes.

When the potatoes are ready, take out the meat, puree the contents of the pan by squeezing the garlic, then mix with the beans and arrange on plates. Serve with chopped meat on top.

Alternative recipe - lobio with ham or chorizo ​​sausages (served in restaurants Georgian cuisine):

Bulgaria - sauerkraut stewed with meat

In this country, both Christmas and New Year are celebrated, widely and richly, although quite simply. Most of the dishes are everyday table, the choice is wide and depends on the preferences of each individual family. However, almost everyone cooks sauerkraut stewed with meat!


  • 0.5 kg of sauerkraut;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 st. l. lard;
  • 400 g lean pork;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 2 bay leaves.

In a deep frying pan, melt the lard, spread the pork cut into small cubes, fry until golden brown. At the end, add the chopped onion in half rings. Stirring, fry for another 2-3 minutes, at the end we spread the grated carrots and sauerkraut(if the cabbage is very sour, pre-wash it under running water running water). Add salt, pepper, tomato paste, Bay leaf. Pour half a glass of broth or water, cover with a lid and simmer for about half an hour.

Serve with potatoes or on its own.

Alternative recipe - Polish bigos:

UK - traditional roast beef

The British are nobility lovers of traditions, and celebrating the New Year in their format is simply following a number of traditions. drive away old year fire - done, throw away something unnecessary - ready, decorate a Christmas tree - credited, cook for dessert sweet pudding- done. Among other things on the list of preparations for the holiday is the obligatory British roast beef - like most recipes English cuisine, a simple uncomplicated thing, but at the same time very, very tasty.


Turn on the oven to heat up to 250 degrees.

Fresh (not frozen and not thawed, this is the main condition!) We clean the meat from excess films, rub it thoroughly with a mixture of peppers and vegetable oil and fry on all sides in a well-heated frying pan until a beautiful golden brown. After that, salt the roast beef, put it on a baking sheet. If desired, you can put 3-4 sprigs of rosemary or juniper berries under a piece of meat.

Bake at 250 degrees for about 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes if you like roast beef with blood, or 20 minutes if you prefer meat without blood.

After the meat is ready, do not rush to cut it into portions: real roast beef should “infuse”, “breathe” for at least 10-15 minutes - so the juices are evenly distributed inside the meat, and the dish will be as tasty as possible.

Estonia - blood sausages

New Year in Estonia - the post-Soviet space - is similar to the holiday to which we are accustomed. Of course, there is something that is unique to this territory - for example, a belief about a meeting with a chimney sweep on the street, which leads to happiness, but in general the format is very, very familiar. So much so that it is sometimes difficult to say where the roots of the tradition come from in general. Well, here, for example, blood sausages - are they originally Estonian or not?


  • 3 liters of blood;
  • 1.5 kg of fat;
  • about 6 m of cleaned prepared intestines;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 4 large onions;
  • red pepper, black pepper, ground cumin, salt to taste;
  • 50 ml brandy;
  • 1.5 kg of boiled buckwheat.

Fry finely chopped bacon in a deep frying pan. As soon as the fat is well rendered, add the diced onion, turn off the heat.

Mix with buckwheat, add spices, garlic, pour in blood, salt, mix thoroughly. We fill the intestines with the resulting mass, tying them every 10 cm and forming small sausages.

We spread the rings on a greased baking sheet, prick each sausage in several places, and then bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Try Ukrainian pork sausages:

Cuba - chicken with rice and bananas

As in many related countries (Portugal, Spain), on New Year's Eve in Cuba it is customary to eat 12 grapes with each stroke of the clock - for the fulfillment of desires. But they usually have dinner there until midnight, they don’t pull with a feast - they feast on oven-baked chicken with fragrant rice. By the way, with bananas!


  • 1 chicken carcass weighing 1.5-2 kg;
  • 2 cups of rice;
  • 3 unripe bananas;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • salt, pepper, olive oil.

In a frying pan vegetable oil fry the garlic sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin slices, as soon as it begins to blush, we transfer it to a baking dish. In oil over medium heat, quickly fry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbananas. We put it in the form. We do the same manipulations with carrots (circles) and onions (petals). Pour rice over the fried vegetables and fruits, salt, add parsley.

My chicken carcass, dry and cut portioned pieces. Fry until light golden olive oil. Pour into a baking dish on top of the rice. Add water - so that the rice is covered by 1 cm of liquid, and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Running through the culinary new year traditions different countries, you (absolutely!) got great gastronomic joy, culinary knowledge and hopefully some inspiration. Let the New Year's table this time bring something new, unusual and original to your family, and the upcoming reporting period - a lot of happiness, smiles and warmth.

Denmark and Sweden

The country of the happiest people prefers to see a bird on their table. Duck with apples duck with apples, prunes, raisins, flavored with brandy or rum is a frequent guest on the Danish table. But cod is considered the main New Year's festive dish of the Danes.

This dish symbolizes happiness and wealth. On the festive table of the Swedes, lutefix is ​​always served - a fish dish made from dried cod.


Not a single New Year's holiday in England is complete without Christmas pudding or "plum-pudding". And it is prepared from almost everything that is in the refrigerator ⸺ bread crumbs, flour, raisins, eggs, fruits and even lard. The pudding also contains inedible elements- a ring promising marriage in the coming year, a button - a bachelor life, chicken bones- great luck and travel, a coin - to improve the financial situation.

The first puddings were not at all airy dessert, A oatmeal, welded on meat broth. That's what it was christmas dish during the time of Elizabeth 1.

Gives a special touch to the dish spectacular presentation on the table ⸺ it is poured with rum and set on fire. Blazing fragrant dessert looks like a miracle, and makes the New Year's celebration even brighter and more unforgettable.

Also, in addition to pudding, on the English New Year's table, a turkey stuffed with vegetables and gooseberry sauce is accepted.


In America, a baked turkey is also considered a traditional holiday dish.

However, unlike the "English" one, each housewife prepares it according to own recipe. Therefore, in such a turkey you can often find a wide variety of products ⸺ cheese, apples, cabbage, prunes, etc..

Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic

But in these two countries it is believed that if you serve a bird to the festive table, then happiness can simply fly away. Of the differences in the festive dishes of Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic, one can single out traditional strudel and schnitzels, as well as carp or suckling pig.

IN Austria it is considered obligatory to eat a pig snout on New Year's Eve, since it is the pig in this country that is a symbol of prosperity and happiness. The Austrians call it - "to take part in pig happiness."

Among the "happy dishes" on the table there should also be green peas - so that money is not transferred, and horseradish - so that there is health. Another symbol of happiness is the four-leaf clover, which is made from mint ice cream.

IN Hungary bagels are served on the tables - poppy seeds and nut rolls.


In Germany, non-meat dishes are the main masterpiece of the festive table. The Germans believe that fish dishes bring happiness in the coming year. Carp dishes are a must New Year's treat, since carp is considered a symbol of material well-being. The Germans even put a couple of carp scales in their wallets to “attract” money into it.

The presence of herring on the New Year's table is also a good omen.


The Polish tradition is that there should be exactly 12 different dishes on the New Year's table. However, you will be surprised that in none of them you will find meat. Soups, porridge, potatoes, dumplings. And at the head of the table - fish in its most diverse variations.


For the Japanese on the festive table, it is not the food itself that is important, but rather its color. For example, if someone wishes financial well-being and happiness in the New Year, one should eat something red: a piece of red fish or shrimp.

The festive dinner itself begins with the main course - soba. This food is buckwheat noodles with broth. Grilled rice balls are dipped into the broth. Moreover, they should all be round in shape so that luck always returns to the Japanese house, passing in a circle.


New Year in India is celebrated with okrosh raita and plov biryani. The latter is prepared from lamb with rice, carrots, sultanas, green peas, cashew nuts, pineapples and big amount spices. Thanks to the spices, the rice becomes colorful and looks festive.

Raita is made from kefir, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. For dessert, lassi is served - curdled milk whipped with sugar and ginger, reminiscent of yogurt in taste.

An interesting fact is that in India New Year is celebrated 3 times. And all because in different regions the arrival of the New Year are considered completely different dates.
