
Frozen pumpkin jam with dried apricots. Pumpkin features and some secrets

Hello dear readers. The other day I visited my family estate, located on the seventeenth kilometer of the Novotroitskoye highway. Bypassing the vegetable beds, rejoiced at the ripened harvest. When he reached the pumpkin, he almost grabbed a tambourine and started a ritual dance to glorify the god of fertility. Looking at the sun-like ones, I thought, why don’t I cook pumpkin jam with dried apricots for the winter.

The case is new to me. The more interesting it will be to understand everything. Looking ahead, I will take the responsibility to declare. Not everything that is written in the pumpkin jam recipes that I managed to find on the Internet is true.

Asserting this circumstance, I understand that I will cause some irritation among those culinary specialists who, let's say, for some incomprehensible reason, are cunning, broadcasting false information. I tell you this based on own experience from a pumpkin, and as proof I provide step by step photos prescription. Of course, I can be wrong because of my inexperience in the question of how to weld pumpkin jam. But the fact remains. Judge for yourself.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots


  • 1.7 kg of pumpkin;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 500 grams of dried apricots;
  • lemon;
  • water.

Only in one or two recipes, I don’t remember already, I read that you need to add water to jam with pumpkin. Yes, but in limited quantities. And look at the final photos - the density is adjusted, the syrup gurgles. Maybe it's my hands growing out of the wrong place, or I grew the wrong variety? Yes, not hands, of course! Guys, how many of you know such special varieties of pumpkin, from which jam should be made?

In short, having studied all the cooking methods, I roughly sketched out how I would prepare it. But along the way, I still had to change the plan of action due to the ineffectiveness of the efforts made. As a result of the research, I developed a working recipe for pumpkin jam with dried apricots, and now look what I got.

Step by step recipe with photo

I peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds.

I rub it on a coarse grater.

I pour dried apricots hot water for a few minutes.

Then I drain it and cut the dried fruits into small cubes.

I combine dried apricots with pumpkin.

I sprinkle the products with sugar and mix. I leave pumpkin mixture for a few hours so that the juice stands out.

Four hours later, this is what happened. The pumpkin juice stood out abundantly. My joy knew no bounds. In some century it will turn out without the use of water! I put the bowl on the electric stove and start heating, stirring constantly.

And here the most interesting thing happens. All the juice that has stood out begins to disappear somewhere. As if the pumpkin, not wanting to share with him, decided to absorb everything back. You might think that this is complete nonsense, but that's exactly what happened. I diligently continue to mix in the hope that the long-awaited syrup is about to appear. Unlike squash jam, this did not happen.

Quite desperate and tired of working with a spoon, I add one liter of hot water to the pumpkin dessert. Somehow achieved a result similar to boiling. It's midnight on the clock, and things are still there.

Having covered the basin with jam with a towel, he left it to cool, and he himself went to the bedchamber. In the morning, taking off the towel, I saw this picture. It looks more like undercooked jam than jam.

So I continue culinary experiment. I decided to divide the contents of the basin into two halves, dilute with water and cook each part according to different recipe.

How to cook with walnuts

I pour 1.5 liters of water into the first half of the sweet pumpkin mass. And cook it for forty minutes, stirring occasionally.

With the amount of H2O you need to decide on your own, focusing on your preference. Like it thicker, add less liquid, thinner, respectively, more. Also, adjust the cooking time yourself. If you want to boil the pumpkin harder, increase the cooking time.

At the very end I squeeze the juice of a lemon.

I add it to the jam.

Then I add 200 grams of chopped walnuts.

I bring the mixture to a boil.

And finally, a delicacy of pumpkin with dried apricots is ready.

with vanillin

The second jam recipe differs only in that at the end, instead of nuts, I add 1 gram of vanillin and juice from the second half of a lemon. And then I don't boil anymore.

This amount of ingredients will make two liter jars jam plus a small bowl to enjoy immediately. Of course, in a few days this jam will stretch, all tastes and smells will mix, and you will get practically apricot jam, since the pumpkin tends to adapt to a more "bright" ingredient, but ... And freshly boiled it is wonderful!

You need to start with dried apricots, because after grinding it will need to be poured with boiling water and insisted for half an hour.

Wash the dried apricots. I always fill it with boiling water, hold it for a couple of seconds and immediately drain it.

We cut dried apricots into a fairly small cube. I always sit down to cut everything in the TV room - you will not notice how time flies and the process does not bother at all. It would seem that three hundred grams is not so little, but a maximum of 10 minutes and everything is cut!

By the way, did you know that an unripe, plucked pumpkin ripens perfectly at home. She was lying in my kitchen, waiting in the wings for a whole month and a half ... No, even two! And, voila, I cut it, and there ... Juicy, bright orange, fragrant pumpkin, and no green blotches. Wow, I've been waiting.

So, wash the pumpkin, cut it and remove the core with seeds. The latter I choose and put aside if I see that they are full (after washing, drying, lightly frying and eating). I choose the entire fibrous part with a spoon.

Cut off the amount of pumpkin you need and cut off the skin.

The pumpkin will need to be cut into small cubes, no more than one centimeter. If you have a food processor and a dicing attachment, then you are lucky. I have a special vegetable cutter that I showed. She also made the process much faster for me. If there is only a knife, then he will also do the job perfectly.

Now lemon. Again, wash well and scald with boiling water, since we need the whole lemon, and, as you know, it is necessarily covered with some kind of protective muck that we need to wash off.

Cut the lemon into thin slices, 3-4 millimeters, select the seeds, and then cut into a small cube.

Half an hour has passed, everything is cut, dried apricots are infused.

We take a pan in which we will cook our jam. It should not be aluminum, it is very desirable with thick walls and a bottom. I have one available.

We put it on the fire, pour a pound of sugar there and drain all the water from our dried apricots. Bring this mixture to a boil and boil until sugar is completely dissolved.

And now we’re going to put everything in there: chopped pumpkin, dried apricots, lemon and star anise. Mix everything, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to almost minimum. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes, until pumpkin is soft.

Star anise is very relevant there, so don't ignore it.

Well, at the very end of cooking, a couple of minutes before turning off, I add a large tablespoon of rum. It plays the role of an additional flavor, since when boiled, all alcohol will instantly evaporate. That is why you should not immediately stick your nose into the pan and try to enjoy the aroma - at first there will be an exclusively alcohol smell :)

In the meantime, our jam is being cooked, it's time to prepare the jars. I wash them thoroughly with soda, and then immediately, wet, put them in the microwave for 3 minutes at full power and until completely dry. That's it, the banks are ready. Rinse the lids and boil in a saucepan for about a minute. I don't dry them, I just brush them off.

I always put the jar on a plate - if I suddenly miss pouring a little, the jam will end up in a plate, from which I will eat it with pleasure. Badian choose. Pour hot jam into sterile jars and screw on the lids.

I store it mostly in the basement, but it was the case, the jar stood for a couple of months just in the kitchen waiting in the wings - everything is fine, nothing swelled up, not moldy, it remained safe and sound.

That's all. The jam is ready, rolled up, and left and laid out in a bowl is waiting for your criticism ... And it is unlikely to wait, because it is beautiful! Whole, amber pieces in sweet, thick syrup- delicious.

Happy tea drinking!

Pumpkin jam has a pleasant delicate aroma And unusual taste. Bright dessert, which contains a whole complex of vitamins, can be consumed separately or added as a filling to homemade cakes. Today we will share the secrets of how to cook healthy and nutritious jam pumpkin with dried apricots.

cooking recipes apricot jam, cherry or cherry confiture, apple, pear or currant jam found in almost every cookbook. However, not all housewives know that delicious desserts You can cook not only from fruits, but also from vegetables. For example, from juicy butternut squash you can cook amazingly tasty and fragrant jam.

Pumpkin contains many vitamins and minerals. Even after heat treatment vitamins A, C, PP, K, B1, B2 and B12, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and pectins are preserved in the composition of the vegetable. This product beneficial effect on work digestive system. Pumpkin jam is recommended in violation water-salt balance body, problems with reproductive function and a tendency to obesity. According to nutritionists, sunny vegetable promotes the excretion of cholesterol from the body. This product can be used as the main ingredient during fasting days.

Video: "Jam from pumpkin, dried apricots and orange"

In this video you will learn how to quickly and easily cook delicious and fragrant dessert for the winter.


You can talk about the benefits of pumpkin for a very long time, because this vegetable widespread in our area. It is used in cooking for the preparation of first and second courses, sauces and gravy, various desserts, juices and even energy drinks. Pumpkin jam, which even the most demanding gourmets like, can have a different aroma and taste. To diversify taste qualities ready meal, add lemon, orange, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, apples, pears or zucchini during cooking.

We bring to your attention several interesting recipes cooking a "golden dessert" of pumpkin and dried apricots.


by the most popular dessert, the main ingredient of which is pumpkin, is the Transparent Amber jam. For cooking, we need the following products:

  • pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
  • dried apricots - 300-400 g;
  • lemon juice - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 3-4 cups;
  • gelatin or any other gelling mixture - 1 sachet.

Please note that the Transparent Amber dessert is prepared not on water, but in pumpkin juice. The main ingredient must be washed, peeled and chopped. The diced pulp is sprinkled with sugar and left for several hours for the vegetable to release the juice. When the amount of juice is sufficient to form a syrup, add lemon juice and put the saucepan on a slow fire.

Now you can rinse and chop dried fruits. As soon as the contents of the saucepan boil, add dried apricots and cook everything together for another 15-20 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the product brew for several hours. The mixture of ingredients is boiled 3 times for 15-20 minutes, while making sure that the pumpkin does not boil. At the third stage of cooking, a gelling mixture is added, allowed to boil and the jam is removed from the heat. After cooling amber color the syrup should be viscous and transparent.

With ginger and cinnamon

Ginger jam with pieces of pumpkin, dried apricots and cinnamon has a delicate and delicate aroma, which clearly captures several dozen different combinations. Prepare 2 kg ripe vegetable, 0.8 kg dried apricot, 1 kg sugar, lemon, a few cinnamon sticks and a piece of fresh ginger. So let's get started:

  1. Cut the pre-prepared main ingredients small pieces.
  2. Sprinkle pumpkin pulp with sugar and leave for several hours. When the juice appears, put the saucepan on the stove. Bring the syrup to a boil, boil for another 15-20 minutes. Remove from stove and cool at room temperature.
  3. Repeat the procedure by adding dried apricots, grated ginger, lemon juice and cinnamon sticks to the container. The duration of this stage is no more than 20-30 minutes.
  4. Sterilize jars. Put the jam in jars and screw on metal lids.

With walnuts

To prepare the classic pumpkin dessert with the addition of walnuts, you will need the following ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 2 kg;
  • dried apricot - 300 g;
  • sugar - 900 g;
  • walnut - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • purified water - 200 ml;
  • nutmeg and cinnamon - a pinch each.

First, all the main ingredients are washed, peeled and chopped. Then water is poured into the pan, sugar and nuts are poured. Once the sugar has dissolved over low heat, pumpkin and lemon are added. Nutmeg, cinnamon and dried apricots are poured a few minutes before the end of cooking.

The foam that appeared during the cooking process must be removed with a slotted spoon. Many mistakenly believe that it only spoils appearance finished dessert, but does not affect the taste and shelf life of the product. As they say experienced chefs, the foam remaining in the jars shortens the shelf life of the jam.

Through a meat grinder

Jam "without cooking" is considered healing potion which helps to strengthen immune system and resist a variety of viral and cold-related diseases.

The algorithm for preparing a “raw” dessert is very simple:

  1. Wash the vegetable, remove the peel from it and cut the flesh into cubes.
  2. Take an orange and a lemon (1 each), wash and cut large slices. Citrus peels do not need to be removed.
  3. Pass all cooked ingredients, including dried apricots, through a meat grinder.
  4. Add granulated sugar and cinnamon to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly.
  5. Spread out useful mixture banks and close nylon lids. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

In a slow cooker

The miracle saucepan, as the slow cooker is often called, is considered an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. This item household appliances helps to save time and greatly facilitates the process of preparing various dishes.

So, the process of making pumpkin jam with dried apricots in a slow cooker will not take much time and effort:

  1. Pour 2.5 cups of purified drinking water. Add 700 g granulated sugar and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode by setting the timer to 40 minutes. The syrup should be thick and sticky.
  2. Take 1.5-1.7 kg of slightly unripe pumpkin. Wash the vegetable well, remove the peel and cut the flesh into medium-sized cubes. Add the crushed fruit to the bowl where the syrup is being boiled.
  3. Rinse dried fruit thoroughly warm water. pre-soak not required. Cut the dried apricot into long strips and transfer to a slow cooker.
  4. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for another 90 minutes. Open the lid periodically and stir the contents of the bowl with a wooden spatula.
  5. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add vanilla sugar(approximately 5-10 g).

The autumn abundance of fruits and vegetables delights and opens up a wide field for culinary fantasies. Particularly tasty are the preparations for the winter from our domestic crops that grow in every summer cottage - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers. However, today we will talk about universal vegetable, which has long been used not only for food, but also for various household needs. Many fairy tales cannot be imagined without this "magic" attribute of impressive size - a sunny orange pumpkin. Thanks to their exceptional nutritional qualities garden "beauty" is useful for digestive problems, hypertension, organ diseases genitourinary system and many other ailments. So, from a pumpkin it turns out amazingly delicious porridge, filling for pies, pancakes, cream soup or smoothies - sweet vitamin drink. In addition, you can cook great jam from pumpkin, the recipe of which with step by step instructions you will find on our pages. So, how to cook pumpkin jam? With the help of our simple recipes with photos and videos, each hostess will quickly and tasty cook original delicacy, twisting a fresh pumpkin through a meat grinder or cutting the flesh into pieces. We offer interesting options pumpkin jam in a slow cooker or a regular saucepan - with orange and lemon, dried apricots, ginger. Dessert turns out beautiful orange color, delicate in taste, with a delicate spicy aroma. A real delicacy- one of the most affordable products!

How to quickly and tasty make pumpkin jam - step by step recipes with photos

Pumpkin is a truly amazing vegetable that is great for preparing the most “opposite” dishes in terms of composition. Indeed, from one such puffy-sided "beauty" it is easy to get full lunch with soup, second and even dessert. So, how to quickly and tasty cook pumpkin jam? A step-by-step recipe with a photo of this delicacy is extremely simple and does not require special culinary talent, and only sugar is needed from the ingredients - except for fresh juicy pumpkin. In winter, a jar of pumpkin jam will perfectly saturate the body with vitamins, useful trace elements and cheer up the whole family.

Ingredients needed to make Pumpkin Jam:

  • pumpkin - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 900 gr.

Step-by-step instructions for a quick and tasty pumpkin jam recipe, with a photo:

  1. We cut the pumpkin into two halves, take out the inner part with seeds and cut off the peel.

  2. We cut the pulp of the fruit into neat medium cubes of approximately the same size so that the jam boils evenly.

  3. Put the pieces of pumpkin in a saucepan, add sugar and mix. Now you need to leave for an hour or two "alone" to extract juice - than juicier pumpkin, the less time it will take to "juice". Do not forget to periodically stir the mass with a wooden spoon.

  4. After extracting the juice and dissolving the sugar, we send the pan with the pumpkin to the fire and bring to a boil. During cooking, you need to gently mix the mass several times so that the pieces do not fall apart.

  5. We boil the jam over low heat for 45 minutes - we note the time from the moment of boiling.

  6. Then we pack a hot treat in pre-sterilized jars and roll up clean lids. Turn upside down and leave to cool under a warm blanket for about a day. Ready-made pumpkin jam can be perfectly stored on a pantry or cellar shelf, and in winter it can be warmed with its bright sunny color and amazing fresh taste. Happy tea!

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon - recipe in a slow cooker, photo

Many housewives most often cook “traditional” porridge with milk, casserole or pancakes from fresh pumpkin. However, from this wonderful vegetable you can create real culinary masterpieces- take at least pumpkin jam. Delicate, transparent-amber and surprisingly tasty pumpkin jam will become perfect stuffing for pies, a spread on a sandwich or just an “independent” dessert. As you know, pumpkin goes well with citrus fruits, so for our recipe with a photo you will need an orange and a lemon. At the last stage of cooking, we suggest using a slow cooker, which will replace a regular pan - you just have to chop the ingredients and set the desired mode. Bon appetit!

The list of ingredients for the recipe for jam with pumpkin, orange and lemon - for a slow cooker:

  • peeled pumpkin (pulp) - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • large orange - 1 pc.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • citric acid - 1 tsp

The order of cooking orange-pumpkin jam with lemon in a slow cooker:

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp in small pieces and pass through a meat grinder or blender. Finely chop citrus fruits and also grind with any convenient way.
  2. The resulting mass is laid out in a multicooker bowl and covered with sugar. When the fruits and vegetables start up the juice, we set the “Stew” program and the time is 2 hours.
  3. Stir several times while cooking. pumpkin puree to avoid burning. You may have to add water if there is insufficient juice release - here we focus on the situation.
  4. When to fully prepared 10 minutes left, add citric acid and mix. We lay out the hot orange-pumpkin jam with lemon in sterilized jars and, after cooling, take it to a cool dark place. amazing delicious treat- and it cooks very quickly!

How to cook jam with pumpkin slices with orange and lemon - recipe video

canned pumpkin - great way"compact" to save this bulky and healthy vegetable before winter. How to cook pumpkin jam with orange and lemon? With the help of our video recipe, each housewife will quickly prepare several jars of pumpkin jam - delicious, with a thin citrus aroma and the incomparable color of amber.

Delicious pumpkin jam with dried apricots for the winter - step by step recipe with photo

Pumpkin and dried apricots give the jam a bright and rich sunny color - you just want to open a jar without waiting for winter! So it’s better to cook a “double” portion of pumpkin jam with dried apricots in order to enjoy the incomparable taste of dessert in the cold season. For those who are on a diet or just healthy eating, jam with pumpkin can and should be consumed - of course, in reasonable quantities. In anticipation of the harvesting season, we picked up step by step recipe with photo delicious jam from pumpkin and dried apricots, which will pleasantly surprise even "experienced" sweet tooth. Try for health!

Ingredients for cooking delicious jam with pumpkin and dried apricots:

  • pumpkin pulp - 1 kg
  • dried apricots - 300 gr.
  • sugar - 0.8 - 1 kg
  • lemon juice - 5 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step description of the recipe for pumpkin jam with dried apricots for the winter:

  1. First you need to peel a fresh pumpkin, cut out the seeds and the inner fibrous part. Grind the pulp into medium-sized pieces and send to the pan.
  2. We fall asleep with sugar and let it brew for 2 - 3 hours - during this time the pumpkin will release the juice.
  3. We wash the dried apricots, pour warm water and leave for about an hour to dry fruits swell. Then dry and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape.
  4. Pour lemon juice into a saucepan with pumpkin and, if necessary, a little water. After mixing the ingredients, set to cook over low heat.
  5. After boiling, add chopped dried apricots and boil for 10 - 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir with a wooden spoon or spatula. Then remove from the stove and let cool.
  6. Put the pan with the cooled jam back on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 - 20 minutes. After the second cooking, remove from heat and wait for cooling. For the third time, you need to withstand an interval of at least 6 hours and boil the mass over low heat.
  7. While the pumpkin jam is being prepared, wash and sterilize the jars in any convenient way - steamed or in the oven. We lay out the hot treat in jars and roll up the lids boiled in boiling water. We take the cooled jars of pumpkin and dried apricot jam to the pantry for permanent storage - delicious and healthy dessert ready!

Vitamin pumpkin jam - recipe with dried apricots and orange, photo

Citrus fruits give pumpkin jam an extraordinary taste and aroma of freshness - a real “piece” of a hot summer in a jar! In our recipe for pumpkin jam, orange and dried apricots are perfectly combined with the main ingredient in color, increasing the value of the product several times. How to cook vitamin jam with pumpkin, dried apricots and orange for the winter? A simple recipe with a photo amazing dessert- at your service.

We stock up on the ingredients for the recipe for pumpkin jam with orange and dried apricots:

  • peeled pumpkin - 2.5 kg
  • oranges - 2 pcs.
  • dried apricots - 300 gr.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

Cooking for the winter jam with pumpkin, oranges and dried apricots:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces and sprinkle with sugar. We put the pot with the chopped vegetable in the refrigerator so that the juice stands out - it is best to do this in the evening.
  2. We start the morning with the preparation of oranges - wash them and cut them into cubes (“discard the tops” of the fruit). We put a pan with pumpkin in syrup on the fire, boil and add chopped oranges. When the jam boils again, boil for 5 minutes and let cool.
  3. After 5 - 6 hours, we again send the delicacy to the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. We wash the dried apricots, cut them into pieces and combine with the rest of the ingredients in a boiled jam. We reduce the fire to a minimum and boil for half an hour, not forgetting to stir.
  4. When you notice that the pieces of pumpkin begin to "spread" - it's time to remove and lay out in pre-sterilized jars. Pumpkin-orange jam with dried apricots turns out to be bright orange in color, which all the ingredients generously “shared” with each other. We roll this vitamin "miracle" into jars, and in winter we take a sample - it's just incredibly tasty and healthy!

A simple recipe for pumpkin jam with ginger - video blank

Since ancient times, ginger root has been considered an extremely valuable spice - it contains a number of useful substances and vitamins. Pumpkin jam with ginger in winter will be a real "salvation" for the body, and its incomparable taste impossible to put into words. On the video you will find a simple recipe for pumpkin-ginger jam - such a preparation will definitely become the “hit” of the season!

- an unusual and original delicacy. Pumpkin jam with dried apricots is exactly the preparation that can be made even in winter.

At the same time, it will have a pronounced aroma of sunny apricots, and remind you of summer.

Recipes unusual delicacy many, the best of them are collected here.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots - general principles of preparation

Pumpkin for jam is used only ripe, bright and juicy. The skin is always removed, the insides with seeds are selected. Pure pulp is cut into cubes, sticks or straws. If you need to prepare a more homogeneous delicacy, reminiscent of jam, then you can use coarse grater.

Dried apricots for jam are usually soaked in warm water. Moisture fills the fruits with juiciness, increases the volume. Dried apricots can be added whole or cut into pumpkin jam.

What else can go according to the recipe:

Fruits, berries;

Spices: cinnamon, ginger, cloves.

You can cook a pumpkin delicacy the classic way on the stovetop or in a slow cooker. For safety, it is laid out in sterile jars, rolled up with lids. But jam also keeps well in the refrigerator for several weeks if placed in a clean and dry dish.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots and citric acid

Recipe of the plain jam from pumpkin with dried apricots, which is prepared with the addition of dry lemon. If there Fresh Juice, then you can use it.


Pumpkins 1.2 kg;

300 g dry dried apricots;

1 tsp lemons;

800 grams of sugar


1. Clean the pumpkin of all unnecessary. Pure pulp should be at least a kilogram. Cut into neat cubes.

2. Put the pumpkin in a saucepan with a thick bottom, sprinkle the layers with sugar.

3. Leave to extract juice for 2-4 hours.

4. Rinse dried apricots with hot water, let soak in the liquid for 10 minutes.

5. Stir the pumpkin that was supposed to start enough juice. Put the jam on the stove.

6. After boiling, add dried apricots, boil for ten minutes.

7. Now you can add citric acid, cook for another ten minutes. Turn off, let stand 3 hours.

8. Turn on the fire again, boil for ten minutes, turn it off.

9. Once the jam has completely cooled down, last time boil it on the stove. After ten minutes of boiling, pumpkin jam is poured into jars and closed.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots and lemon juice in a slow cooker

Variant of jam, which is prepared in a slow cooker. According to the recipe, fresh lemon juice is used, zest can be added for flavor, but it must be crushed very well.


A kilogram of pumpkin;

A kilogram of sugar;

0.3 kg dried apricots;

One lemon;

0.3 liters of water.


1. Pour water into the pan, squeeze the juice from the whole citrus right away. Make sure that the bones do not get into the syrup, the pulp is allowed. Put on a small fire, keep until the grains are completely dissolved. Add fire, boil until boiling.

2. In hot water hold the steamed dried apricots, drain all the liquid from the dried fruits.

3. Ingredients list the net weight of the pumpkin without the skin. Cut the pulp into cubes, a little less than dried apricots. Place in a multicooker bowl.

4. We also add dried apricots.

5. Pour the prepared syrup.

6. We set the stewing program, prepare the delicacy for exactly 2 hours. During this time, you can prepare sterile jars.

7. Open. If the pumpkin was very juicy, the delicacy turned out to be liquid, then part of the syrup can be drained, used for desserts, compotes.

8. Put the jam in jars. Rolling up pumpkin preparation or cool and consume immediately.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots and walnuts

Recipe for chic jam with pumpkin, dried apricots and nuts. It can be cooked even in winter. All ingredients are available and useful.


Pumpkins 2 kg;

Standard glass of water;

One small lemon;

0.2 kg of walnuts;

0.3 kg dried apricots;

1 tsp cinnamon;

A pinch of nutmeg;

One and a half kilograms of sugar.


1. As usual, the pumpkin is cut into cubes or pieces of any other shape you like.

2. Dried apricots are washed, soaked in warm water, cut into 4 pieces. Can be criss-cross or straw.

3. Nuts are simply chopped into small pieces. You can crush with a rolling pin or crush in a mortar, scroll in a food processor.

4. Wash the lemon with soap, pour boiling water on top, then cut into small pieces, discard the bones during the process.

5. Mix pumpkin with lemon, dried apricots, sprinkle with sugar, leave for at least two hours. Add a glass of water.

6. We put the jam on the stove, but do not add the nuts yet. Boil for ten minutes.

7. Put spices and nuts, cook for 30-40 minutes, cool.

8. Cover, leave in the refrigerator for 2 days. During this time, all the ingredients will be saturated with syrup, the jam will acquire the aroma of apricots.

9. If you need to remove the blank for the winter, then boil the delicacy again after 2 days, a quarter of an hour is enough. Pour, roll up the lids with a key.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots, orange and ginger

Option spicy jam from pumpkin with dried apricots, orange flavor And apricot flavor. Ginger is used fresh, but similarly, you can take a dry root, in this option you will need 0.5 teaspoon.


2.5 kg of pumpkin;

0.4 kg dried apricots;

1 big orange;

20 g of ginger;

2 kg of sugar;

1 clove;

1 stick of cinnamon.


1. Peeled pumpkin pulp is cut into cubes of two centimeters, covered with sugar, covered and left overnight in the refrigerator.

2. Ginger needs to be chopped. Maybe in a combine. Grated zest from an orange and peeled pulp are also crushed. The white skin and seeds are removed.

3. We wash the dried apricots, cut them into halves, and send them to the pumpkin. Dry apricots do not need to be soaked in advance. Enough juice of pumpkin and orange.

4. Mix the pumpkin well, put it on the stove.

5. Cook jam with dried apricots for 20 minutes. Turn off, let stand for 5 hours.

6. Now you can add the crushed mass of orange, ginger, zest. Boil for another 10 minutes.

7. Cool the jam again. You can leave it all night.

8. In the last run, add chopped cinnamon and cloves. Now the delicacy is boiled for 10 minutes. It can be a little longer, bring the syrup to the desired density.

9. Done! It remains to cool the delicacy or immediately pour into jars, while it is hot, close.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots and apple

Option mixed jam, for which it is better to use hard apples. Cinnamon can be added to taste, as well as citrus peel.


800 g pumpkin;

400 g of apples;

200 g dried apricots;

1 kg of sugar;

1 tsp citric acid;

Cinnamon to taste.


1. Cut the pumpkin into 1.5 cm cubes, sprinkle with sugar, let it brew for a couple of hours.

2. Rinse dry apricots, cut in half, fill with warm water, let stand for twenty minutes.

3. Mix pumpkin with apricots, boil for small fire quarter of an hour.

4. Rinse the apples. Fruits are cut into cubes or slices. Add pumpkin jam.

5. After another five minutes, you need to pour lemon and cinnamon. Can be used instead of acid natural juice citrus in the amount of 4-5 tablespoons.

6. Cook the jam for at least another 30 minutes, do not let the delicacy boil intensively.

7. Once the syrup has boiled down to desired consistency, pumpkin jam can be turned off.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots and raisins

Another recipe for jam with dried apricots from pumpkin. For cooking, you can take any raisins, color, variety, size do not matter.


1 kg pumpkin;

0.25 kg dried apricots;

0.25 kg of raisins;

250 ml of water;

1 kg of sugar;

0.5 lemon.


1. Water and sugar must be combined, boil syrup over low heat.

2. pumpkin pulp cut into small cubes, laid out in boiling syrup, boiled for a quarter of an hour.

3. Now all this needs to be cooled, put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

4. Raisins are washed, poured with hot water for half an hour.

5. Dried apricots are also washed, cut into quarters and soaked.

6. We take out the pumpkin from the refrigerator and put it on the stove.

7. Squeeze the raisins, do the same with dried apricots, add to the jam.

8. Squeeze the lemon juice, cook everything together for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the desired density.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots and pears

Another simple recipe for jam from dried apricots, pumpkin. Pears are also added to them. They should have a dense pulp, the skin does not need to be removed.


2 kg pumpkin;

1.6 kg of sugar;

1 kg of pears;

0.3 kg dried apricots.


1. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, the size of dry dried apricots. Mix with sugar, leave to extract juice for at least three hours.

2. Soak dried apricots in warm water, then squeeze.

3. Pears cut into slices, about the size of pumpkin pieces.

4. As soon as enough juice is released from the pumpkin, you can start cooking the jam. Put the saucepan on the stove, boil for 15 minutes after boiling.

5. Add dried apricots, cook for another ten minutes.

6. Now you can add the pears.

7. Jam is cooked for another 20 minutes to one hour. Then it cools down. If necessary, then remove the workpiece in sterile jars while it is hot.

Any jam will be thicker after cooling completely. If the liquid of the syrup is embarrassing, then it can be partially drained or only the thick can be put in jars, leaving all that is superfluous in the pan.

For getting thick jam similar to jam, you can use special thickeners. For jams, dissolved gelatin is added at the very end.

Dried apricots are not always dry and hard. Quite soft dried apricots. In this case, they can not be soaked.

Any pumpkin jam will taste better if you add a little acid to it. Usually lemon juice is used. But you can take any sour berries.

The foam that appears on top of the boiling jam is always removed. It not only spoils the appearance of the workpiece, but also reduces the shelf life.
