
What can be prepared from sour hard apples. Apple blanks for the winter - the best recipes

Tasty and quick apples can be prepared: puff pies and pies, pancakes with filling, oven-baked apples and other desserts, a variety of pastries and homemade sweets, pancakes and potato pancakes, mousses and mashed potatoes, cocktails and smoothies, marshmallows and jelly. Apples are good because they are combined with almost any product: other fruits, berries, vegetables, meat, poultry. They are good in salads and appetizers, pastries and partially second courses. They can be subjected to any heat treatment: fry, bake, boil, stew, steam. You can grind in a blender, scroll through a meat grinder, grate.

The five most commonly used ingredients in apple recipes are quick and delicious:

A quick apple puree with condensed milk is obtained very tasty and tender. Grate apples, mix with condensed milk and serve as a dessert. You can use honey, sugar or a sweetener. If you put out such a puree, you can spin it for the winter.

Quickly prepared apple puffs from ready-made puff pastry. The dough is rolled out, cut into portions. The filling is placed in the center, the puffs are wrapped in envelopes and baked in the oven for 10-20 minutes.

Apple salads with meat and salted fish such as herring are very refreshing. In Greece, apples are added to keftedes meat patties, which improves the taste of the latter. Fresh apples can be put in sauerkraut - grated on a coarse grater.

An interesting quick recipe for oatmeal cookies with apples:

  1. Mix flour with salt, cinnamon and soda.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar, add vanilla and softened butter.
  3. Combine both masses and add oatmeal.
  4. Mix and add diced apples.
  5. Form cookies and bake in the oven for about half an hour.

The five most nutritious apple recipes are quick and delicious:

  • so that chopped or grated apples do not darken, sprinkle them with lemon juice
  • different types of dishes add different varieties of apples: from sour to sweet
  • for blanks, it is better to peel off the peel from apples
  • use only one type of apple in one dish

Apples are the most popular fruit in the world. Their unpretentiousness allows apple trees to bloom in almost any corner of the world. You can meet a beautiful one in virtually every country in Europe, as well as in China, the Middle East, America, Australia, Central Asia and Africa.

There are legends about the medicinal properties of this fruit since ancient times. There is even such a proverb: "Whoever eats, he does not visit a doctor." These words perfectly reflect the essence of the useful properties of this product. Thanks to the huge variety of varieties, storage and preparation methods, you can enjoy the fruits all year round, and not just in the summer. The benefits and harms of apples for the body are not yet fully understood.

Apples have been praised for centuries. They are not useful for every person, but they can even bring serious harm to someone, especially when it comes to sour varieties.

The benefits of apples depending on the color

The color of the fruit depends on the presence of certain pigments. Not only color, but also benefit depends on them. The pigment not only gives a shade, but also indicates the concentration of other active components characteristic of each variety and color:

  1. Green apples are considered the healthiest. Nutritionists say that green fruits are absorbed by the body much easier than others. Yellow and red can cause an allergic reaction. Green apples also contain a fair amount of acid, which aids in digestion. It is also recommended to use green apples for diabetics, since after them blood sugar rises more slowly.
  2. Red apples are an element of many fairy tales, as they are known for their aesthetic beauty. In advertising, red varieties are most often flashed, but they are not as useful as green ones. They have less acid and more sugar, which increases the risk of tooth decay.
  3. Yellow apples differ in taste, contain more pectin and less iron compounds. Yellow varieties heal the liver and remove bile.

For health, choose green apples.

The benefits of apples

What are the benefits of sour apples? Fresh fruits (just picked from the tree) contain many useful elements that a person needs for normal daily functioning. The most essential of them are retinol (beta-carotene) and ascorbic acid. It is recommended to eat apples raw, since the vitamin C contained in them is destroyed by the slightest thermal effect. Apples can also boast of pectin, as well as a low glycemic index.

For those who lose weight, the most important fact is that apples contain a sufficient dose of flavonoids, which speed up the metabolism. It favorably affects those who suffer from gout, rheumatism, eczema and many other diseases of the skin and joints.

Apples can even quench your thirst, as they contain 87% water. Apples are a low-calorie product, containing only 47 calories per 100 grams.

The fruits of apple trees are also used to maintain beauty. From time immemorial, face masks have been prepared from apples, which refresh the skin, give it a healthy and ruddy appearance, and protect the outer layers of the dermis from external influences.

What vitamins are in sour apples?

Any apple is a storehouse of useful elements, including vitamins. The most useful of them are C, B1, B2, P, E, A. Often there is a question about which vitamin is more in an apple, but it is quite difficult to answer it, because it all depends on the variety. It is necessary to mention the most important minerals in the composition: iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, boron, iodine, chromium, zinc and many others. These trace elements have a beneficial effect not only on health, but also on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. You should not get rid of the peel, it is in it that pectins, fiber, and organic acids are useful for humans. Make a choice in favor of green apples, they have much more useful elements than red ones.


Sour varieties of apples are a real find for culinary lovers. They are used to prepare a huge number of delicious dishes: adjika, various sauces and salads, added to pies and so on. Indeed, it is thanks to acidity that such apples make the taste of the dish brighter and richer, enrich it. Chefs like to add especially sour fruits to various sauces, which perfectly interact in taste with meat. The most popular sour varieties are White filling, Antonovka, Pink Lady, Bessemyanka. Why are apples sour? These varieties have a high acid content.

Variety Bessemyanka

The world saw this variety of apples thanks to the famous Russian breeder - Michurin I.V. The apples themselves are round and small in size, the color is yellow-green, and under the influence of the sun it becomes reddish. The pulp has a tart, sour-sweet taste.

White filling

Probably one of the most popular varieties of sour apples, and any gardener and even just a lover of eating an apple knows about it. The fruit is small in size, has a light yellow color. But green (still unripe fruits) have high acidity. Housewives prefer to squeeze juice from such apples and roll it up for the winter. However, it is fresh fruits that have just been plucked from the tree that have the maximum number of useful properties.


It is impossible not to mention the queen of sour apples - Antonovka. Despite the fact that the fruits are very sour, they exude a pleasant aroma. Many gardeners fell in love with the fact that they are stored for a long time and may not deteriorate for three to four months. It is quite difficult to eat such fresh apples, as they are very sour. But the fruits are actively used in the preparation of apple jam and adjika.

Harm and contraindications

Nutritionists have always advised their patients to add apples to their diet, which is most likely why apple diets, which can harm the body, have become very popular today. Caution should be exercised when following such a diet. Together with apples, a huge amount of fiber and acid enters the body, which can cause colitis, exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. The benefits and harms of apples for the body are unequal, because the product has few contraindications.

Such apples are strictly contraindicated for those who have an increased acidity of the stomach. In this case, it is better to opt for sweet fruits so that your health does not worsen.

We must not forget that it is necessary to exclude apples from the diet in case of an allergic reaction to the product.

In all other cases, the benefits of the product are immeasurable, fruits will become reliable defenders of your immunity and body. They will give beauty to the skin, excellent health and save from many unpleasant diseases.


Not everyone likes fresh sour apples, but there is no substitute for them in cooking. After heat treatment, even the most sour Antonovka acquires a pleasant tart taste. What to do with sour apples?

Apple pie

The preparation of such a pie takes a minimum of time, and its taste is stunning. We will need: one glass of flour, one glass of sugar, three eggs, three sour apples.

Peel the apples and cut them into cubes. Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable or butter, you can also use special paper or foil. While the oven is preheating to 180 degrees, beat the eggs with a mixer or a fork, then add sugar to them and beat again. Slowly start adding flour and continue beating. You should get a creamy dough. The dough is poured into a baking dish on apples and sent to the oven for 25 minutes. Quick and tasty charlotte is ready. And the use of sour apples is found.

apple pancakes

Another simple dish will be a real highlight of the table. For pancakes we need: two sour apples, two tablespoons of sugar, one egg, three tablespoons of flour.

We rub the peeled and chopped apples with a grater or a combine. Add egg, sugar, flour to apples and mix thoroughly. Pancakes are fried in a well-heated pan for 2-3 minutes on each side until crispy. A quick but very tasty dish is ready.

Autumn is harvest time. This year there was a lot of apples... So much so that half fell to the ground and were beaten. You can’t even put them on a table in a fruit vase, you can’t sell them on the market and you can’t treat guests! Smashed apples spoil quickly...

But there is a way out! A good hostess will not get rid of

There are several ways to put apples into action. First of all, we cut off brown spots, dents on apples.

And then...

1. You can cut apples into slices for compote.
2. You can bake an apple pie, pies with apples.
3. You can make jam, jam.
4. You can dry the slices for winter dried fruit compote.

And you can cook a delicious and quick dessert of apples!

Bake these apples in the oven!

Cut out the core, add sugar there. We place a lot of apples on a baking sheet and put in the oven.
Apples are obtained in a peculiar, sugar foam, soft and sweet.

These apples retain more vitamin C, despite heat treatment, which usually loses vitamin C. Baked apples are recommended for nursing mothers during lactation.

Bon appetit!
