
The smallest citrus fruit. Citrus fruit

One of the most important rules for growing strong and healthy seedlings is the presence of the “right” soil mixture. Usually, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either purchased soil mixture, or made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings, to put it mildly, is doubtful. So, seedlings will require you additional food. In this article we will talk about simple and effective top dressing for seedlings.

After a decade of dominance in the catalogs of the original variegated and bright varieties of tulips, trends began to change. At exhibitions, the world's best designers offer to recall the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays of the spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Meeting spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind you that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In the conditions of the apartment they are hot and dark. In this case, it is impossible to obtain high-quality seedlings. And without strong, healthy seedlings, it's hard to count on good harvest. Gardeners with experience know that it is better to sow cabbage for seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing of seeds in the ground.

Flower growers tirelessly discover new indoor plants for themselves, replacing one with another. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because the requirements for their content in plants are different. Lovers of beautiful flowering plants often face difficulties. Indeed, in order for the flowering to be long and plentiful, such specimens require special care. There are not very many unpretentious plants blooming in rooms, and one of these is streptocarpus.

Calendula (marigold) is a flower that stands out among others with its bright color. Low bushes with delicate orange inflorescences can be found on the side of the road, in the meadow, in the front garden next to the house, or even in vegetable beds. Calendula is so widespread in our area that it seems that it has always grown here. Read about interesting ornamental varieties of calendula, as well as the use of calendula in cooking and medicine in our article.

I think many will agree that we perceive the wind well only in a romantic aspect: we are sitting in a cozy warm house, and the wind is raging outside the window ... In fact, the wind that walks through our plots is a problem and there is nothing good in it. By creating windbreaks with plants, we break a strong wind into several weak streams and significantly weaken its destructive power. How to protect the site from the wind will be discussed in this article.

A shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner is easy to make! Such a breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you don’t want to eat before lunch, while extra centimeters will not appear on your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after perhaps the classic cucumber sandwich. Such a breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you don’t want to eat before lunch.

Modern ferns are those rare plants of antiquity that, despite the passage of time and all sorts of cataclysms, not only survived, but in many respects were able to maintain their former appearance. In a room format, of course, it is not possible to grow any of the representatives of ferns, but some species have successfully adapted to living indoors. They look great as single plants or adorn a group of decorative foliage flowers.

Pilaf with pumpkin and meat is an Azerbaijani plov, which differs from the traditional oriental plov in the way of cooking. All ingredients for this recipe are cooked separately. Rice is boiled with ghee, saffron and turmeric. The meat is fried separately golden brown, pumpkin slices also. Separately, prepare onions with carrots. Then everything is laid in layers in a cauldron or a thick-walled pan, a little water or broth is poured in and simmered over low heat for about half an hour.

Basil - a wonderful universal seasoning for meat, fish, soups and fresh salads - is well known to all lovers of Caucasian and Italian cuisine. However, upon closer inspection, basil greens are surprisingly versatile. For several seasons now, our family has been drinking fragrant basil tea with pleasure. In a flower bed with perennials and in flowerpots with annual flowers, a bright spicy plant also found a worthy place.

Thuja or juniper - which is better? Such a question can sometimes be heard in garden centers and in the market where these plants are sold. He, of course, is not entirely correct and correct. Well, it's like asking which is better - night or day? Coffee or tea? Woman or man? Surely everyone will have their own answer and opinion. And yet ... But what if we approach without prejudice and try to compare juniper and thuja according to certain objective parameters? Let's try.

Ginger Cream Cauliflower Soup with Crispy smoked bacon- tasty, tender and cream soup which will appeal to both adults and children. If you are preparing a dish for the whole family, including toddlers, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children are not at all against spicy flavors. Bacon for serving can be prepared in different ways - fry in a pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is long-awaited and pleasant chores, for some it is a difficult necessity, but someone thinks about whether it is not easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Whatever it was, even if you refused to grow vegetables, for sure, you still have to sow something. These are flowers, and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you plant.

A lover of humid air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it is an unforgettable sight. Unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of a modest orchid want to be considered endlessly. In room culture, pafinia is rightly credited to the ranks of species that are difficult to grow. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

Pumpkin marmalade with ginger is a warming sweet that can be cooked almost all year round. Pumpkin has a long shelf life - sometimes I manage to save a few vegetables until summer, fresh ginger and lemons are always available these days. Lemon can be substituted for lime or orange for a variety of flavors - variety in sweets is always nice. Ready marmalade is laid out in dry jars, it can be stored at room temperature but it's always better to cook fresh food.

In 2014, the Japanese company Takii seed introduced a petunia with a striking salmon-orange petal color. By association with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset (“African Sunset”). Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the last two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from shop windows. Where did the orange petunia go?

For many centuries and even millennia, juicy and delicious fruits citrus fruits. Fruits have always been considered the most useful products for humans, as they contain all the most important nutrients necessary for its normal existence. Fresh fruits do not require a long digestive process for assimilation, so they can be consumed little by little at any age, if there is no individual intolerance or allergy. Currently grown worldwide great amount citrus fruits, the fruits of which are not only edible, but also very healthy and fragrant. Further in the article "Citrus fruits: a list of names and photos" you can find the most famous of them.

One of the most beneficial

Lemon is an evergreen tree with a spreading or pyramidal crown. It has fragrant, leathery leaves that contain essential oil and fall once every three years. The flowers are pink or cream in color, with a delicate scent. Can be grown as a houseplant. As a rule, the lemon tree blooms in spring, and juicy, light yellow fruits with tuberculate skin only ripen in autumn. But it depends on the variety and place of growth. Lemons are very beneficial for humans. They contain the following substances:

If you eat one a day small lemon, can be gradually reduced high blood pressure, reduce blood viscosity, improve vascular elasticity. But not everyone can use these valuable fruits. Lemons sharply increase the acidity of gastric juice, and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should eat them with great care and only after consulting a doctor on this issue. Like all citrus fruits, they can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children.

Lemon fruits are used in cooking, the alcoholic beverage industry, and perfumery. In Russia, it has long been a tradition to drink tea with lemon. Often lemonade is made from these fruits - very popular. natural drink having a refreshing effect. The recipe for its preparation is extremely simple: fresh lemon juice must be thoroughly rubbed with sugar and diluted with water. The amount of ingredients can be taken according to personal preference.

This plant has been known to people since ancient times. It has been established that oranges were successfully grown in China for 2.5 thousand years BC. Currently considered the most common crop of all citrus fruits. It grows in the tropics and subtropics, and in countries with unsuitable climates it is grown in greenhouses. The life span of individual trees can reach up to 150 years. Taste is better in large fruits with a thin crust.

Oranges contain a whole complex of vitamins and a large number of biologically active substances. Orange juice has long been considered an antiscorbutic. It is useful to eat oranges for the prevention of a number of diseases of such important organs as the liver and heart. The high content of vitamin C helps the body fight colds. A positive effect of the systematic use of these fruits on the state of blood vessels was noted. Pectins contained in oranges improve intestinal motility, reduce putrefactive processes. Fresh orange juice is considered one of the best and healthy drinks. orange slices actively used in cooking, and all kinds of infusions, liqueurs, jams are made from the zest. It is also made from orange oil. Fruits should be consumed with caution due to the likelihood of an allergic reaction and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

This evergreen tree can be up to 5 m high, and the fruit harvest reaches seven thousand pieces. Their ripening usually occurs in November or December, depending on the variety. Tangerines are easy to peel, the peel is easily separated from the pulp. The fruits are very fragrant, usually sweeter than an orange.

The tangerine peel contains no less nutrients than the fruit. Therefore, tasty and healthy jams, infusions are prepared from it, added to compotes, teas.

Due to the large amount of sugar contained in the mandarin fruit, it should not be eaten by people suffering from pancreatic diseases, including diabetes. Those who have inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, and liver disease should completely refrain from using them. You can not eat tangerines for children who have an individual intolerance to these fruits or an allergy.

The largest of the citrus fruits

Pomelo is a huge evergreen tree that can reach a height of 15 m. Pale green, yellow or orange fruit have a rather thick skin. Sometimes they are found with a mass of 10 kg. The fruits are sour, with a bitter taste. In China, pomelo was known even before our era. In the XIV century, it was first brought to Europe by sailors. In Southeast Asia, as well as China, it is considered a symbol of prosperity. It is used during religious celebrations as offerings to spirits.

This fruit is very useful due to high content vitamin A, the presence of a lipolytic enzyme that promotes faster breakdown of fats and absorption of proteins. It contains such useful material like potassium, calcium, iron, fiber. Limonoids, present in all citrus fruits and pomelo in particular, inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

They usually eat pomelo raw or prepare pie fillings from it, fruit salads, added to the seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

The fruit was first obtained in 1931, in Florida. The fruit of the mineola has large size, flattened shape, thin red-orange rind. The pulp of the fruit has 10-12 lobules, it sweet and sour taste, with a pleasant aroma and a small amount of seeds. Contains a lot of folic acid, in 100 g, depending on the ripeness and growing conditions, it can be up to 80% daily allowance for a person. Therefore, it is very important to use it for pregnant women, but only after consulting with your doctor. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels. The fruits are most often consumed fresh or made fresh or canned juices. The zest is used in cooking.


Citrus fruits are loved not only by children, but also by many adults. Their tasty pulp is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. However, their bitter grains also contain a lot of magnesium, potassium and calcium, and the peel contains useful essential oils. Citrus fruits, a list of names, photos with a detailed description will make it possible to get to know their beneficial properties more fully. The choice of species and different varieties of these fruits is very diverse. If you have a desire to try new previously unknown fruits, you should not buy them in large quantities, first you need to find out the reaction of the body - whether allergic symptoms appear or you just don’t like the taste.

Everyone knows that rich in vitamin C, which and protects body cells from premature aging. They also contain a lot of B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. B vitamins improve the condition of the skin and hair. In addition to vitamins, citrus fruits contain phytoncides - volatile biologically active substances. active substances, which protect our body from viruses and bacteria and help to cope with colds faster and easier. The essential oils of these fruits can protect you from the flu, normalize sleep, improve mood and help fight seasonal depression.

Let's take a closer look at the fruits that make upcitrus family.


Mandarin. Almost 90% tangerine consists of water. The remaining 10% are sugar, vitamins, pectins, glycosides and essential oils. In addition to vitamins C and group B, tangerines contain vitamins P (rutin), K, D and carotene. Rutin helps to strengthen the vascular wall and increases the activity of vitamin C. Vitamin K and glycosides are also necessary for vascular health. Vitamin D is especially useful in winter, when the body does not get enough sun. Pectins have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Essential oils of mandarin are widely used in cosmetology to get rid of stretch marks.

Mandarin pulp elevates and clears the respiratory tract. It is useful for people suffering from asthma or frequent bronchitis to drink tangerine juice (in the absence of allergies). Drinking tangerine juice will help you lose weight by 1.5% in 2 months.

But people with diseases of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract should be more careful with this fruit.


Orange contains many vitamins. Most of all it contains vitamins C, E and PP. There are also a lot of trace elements in the orange. These include potassium, calcium and magnesium. There is also a lot of dietary fiber in the orange, which contributes to the removal of waste products and toxins from the body. Orange reduces the effects of alcohol poisoning.

The aroma of orange helps to calm down. It is used to treat neuroses, fears, headaches.


Pomelo, like all other citrus fruits, is rich in vitamins, microelements (potassium,
calcium, phosphorus) and essential oils.

The enzymes that make up the pomelo contribute to the active breakdown of fats and proteins. This fruit is often included in the weight loss menu. It is suitable for a three-day mono diet.

Pomelo normalizes blood pressure and stimulates the heart, so it will be very useful for people with cardiovascular diseases.


Another fruit from the citrus family is the lime. Lime juice strengthens the walls of capillaries, thanks to the potassium it contains, and calcium and phosphorus, which are part of the lime, will protect your teeth from caries. Lime also improves immunity and helps in the fight against excess weight. Lime fat burning drink is very easy to make. To do this, dilute the juice of one lime in a glass of warm water. You need to drink this drink 2 glasses a day for a week.


The next fruit is the kumquat. It is called the fruit of the wise. Kumquats are eaten with the skin on. Her sweet taste well complements the sourness of the pulp. In addition to the high content of vitamins and pectin, kumquat has a very low calorie content - 100 grams of fruit contains 70 calories. In addition, kumquat helps to get rid of a hangover.


Grapefruit removes excess fluid from the body and activates the fat burning process. If you eat half a grapefruit before each meal, then after three months you can lose from 2 to 4.5 kilograms.

Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice strengthens the nervous system and is very useful for physical and mental fatigue.

A glass of grapefruit juice on an empty stomach (in the absence of stomach problems) will increase intestinal motility, thanks to the pectin included in it. But, remember: grapefruit should not be used in conjunction with drugs.


Lemon is well known to everyone as a good remedy for colds and flu. Lemon is also useful for people suffering from palpitations, urinary and gallstone disease, respiratory diseases, gout, hypertension and rheumatism.

Lemon, like other citrus fruits, will help you lose weight, as citric acid slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and improves digestion. Lemon is also good for external use.

Lemon juice diluted with water is useful to gargle and wipe the face. Lemon is an excellent antiseptic.

Lemon juice with water adds shine to hair. A peel of lemon whitens tooth enamel and strengthens the gums.


The last fruit included incitrus family, which I want to talk about - Sweetie. It is less common in Russia, but no less useful.

It is also called oroblanco or pomelit, as it is a hybrid of white grapefruit and pomelo.

Unlike their "parents", suites are sweeter and healthier.

Sweety effectively reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Overweight people or those with cardiovascular diseases are advised to drink half a glass of sweetie juice for a month. Green citrus can be eaten with a spoon, cut in half, or can be divided into slices like an orange.

citrus crops are evergreen trees or shrubs belonging to the genus Citrus. In Latin, the word citrus means lemon tree.

The height of the trees rarely exceeds 12 m. The leaves are ovate, there are spines in the axils of the leaves. The plant has very fragrant flowers. The fruits are juicy, with a dense peel, in many species are edible.

These plants are native to the southern slopes of the Himalayas (orange), India, Malaysia and Fiji (grapefruit), South China and South Vietnam (mandarin). The origin of the lemon is unknown, probably its homeland is India.

Citrus crops are grown in South America, the USA, North Africa, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. They are cultivated in a plantation way. On the territory of Russia, citruses are grown only in the Sochi region, where tangerine trees can be found in places protected from the wind. On the territory of the former Soviet Union, citrus fruits are common in the countries of the Caucasus.

Consumption of citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are consumed fresh. In addition to fresh consumption, juices, compotes, jams, candied fruits, marmalade, sweets, essences are prepared from fruits. They are part of a variety of liqueurs, mixed drinks.

As a spice, citruses are used in the preparation of various sweet dishes, biscuits, sauces, fish, poultry and rice dishes. Fruit salads are made from fruits. Syrup and juice from citrus fruits is considered the most useful and delicious drink.

Dried lemon peel(zest) serves as a spice with a refreshing taste and persistent aroma. In order for the zest to be preserved in the best way, cut the peel in a thin layer, being careful not to touch the inner white layer. Lemon zest can be finely grated and used as a spice and raw. If a lemon is poured over with boiling water or put for a few seconds in hot water fragrance lemon peel will become much stronger. Lemon peel gives products, especially dough, a refreshing aroma. It is also added to vegetable soups, cabbage soup, borscht, meat and fish dishes, aspic and cold dishes.

Lemon juice improves the taste of various dishes, for example, Viennese schnitzel, fried fish, cold appetizers, salads, etc. Lemon juice can be used in cooking instead of vinegar, this gives housewives additional options.

Chemical composition citrus fruits. Different types of these plants have a similar chemical composition, almost all citrus fruits contain sugar, organic acids, vitamins, pectins, mineral salts, macro and microelements, phytoncides, essential oils and other useful substances. One lemon or, for example, an orange contains up to 100 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C in citrus fruits is not destroyed during long-term storage and even during processing. Citrus fruits also contain another valuable vitamin - vitamin P, which is very important for strengthening circulatory system and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland. Most vitamins are found in the young parts of the plant: shoots, fruits, leaves.

Useful properties of citrus fruits were known in antiquity. Citruses contribute to the formation of gastric juice and improve the functioning of the gallbladder, have a beneficial effect on the digestive process. Due to the large amount of vitamin C, these fruits protect the human body from various colds, contribute to a quick recovery, and their regular consumption strengthens the immune system. The pharmacological properties of citrus fruits are slightly different, for example, lemon is used in the prevention and treatment of viral infections, grapefruit helps strengthen blood vessels and protects against heart attack, orange normalizes bowel function, etc.

In folk medicine, it is also used citrus fruit juice, which has the ability to kill harmful microorganisms and stop their growth, it contains valuable biologically active substances that improve human health.

Essential oil of citrus fruits used for massage, added to water when taking a bath. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, has an anti-inflammatory, stimulating, analgesic effect, reduces arterial pressure. Due to its antiseptic properties, the essential oil is effective in the treatment of skin diseases, and also plays an important role in stimulating the genital area.

What are citrus fruits?

List of fruits of the citrus family:

Ugli This is a hybrid that combines grapefruit, orange and tangerine. Ugli is a fruit from Jamaica. Grown in Florida. Translated from English, the word ugly means ugly, the fruit got its name for its not very beautiful appearance. The peel of the fruit is rough, wrinkled, greenish-yellow. But the pulp of this fruit is very juicy and tasty, combining the sweetness of mandarin and thin spicy taste grapefruit. The fruit is consumed fresh and in cooking.

Orange(Chinese apple)is the fruit of the orange tree, originally from China. A hybrid obtained in antiquity, apparently, is a mixture of mandarin and pomelo. The orange fruit is rounded, covered with a dense peel of all shades of orange. Inside the orange is the pulp divided into slices, which are easily separated from each other. They eat fresh orange fruits, prepare candied fruits, jams, marmalade from them, and use them to flavor confectionery. Orange juice is one of the most common and healthy fruit juices, it quenches thirst well. Wines and liqueurs are infused on the peel of the fruit, and the fruits are candied.

Bergamot or orange-bergamotThis is a hybrid obtained by crossing an orange (bitter orange variety) and a lemon. The name "bergamot" was given in honor of the Italian city of Bergamo, where it was first cultivated. The homeland of the plant is Southeast Asia. The fruit of bergamot is pear-shaped, has a sour-bitter taste. Marmalade is made from bergamot and candied fruits are boiled. The essential oil extracted from fruits and flowers is used in perfumery and in confectionery production. Bergamot peel is used in perfumery because of its ability to combine with different scents to form a bouquet of scents that complement each other. Fresh bergamot is not consumed.

Bigaradia or PomeranianThis is a hybrid obtained by crossing a mandarin and a pomelo. The homeland of the plant is Southeast Asia. The fruit is berry-shaped, slightly flattened. In cooking, fruit zest, essential oils and infusions of flowers and leaves of Bigaradia are used, they are added to sweets, marmalades, dessert dishes, tinctures, liqueurs, and are also used as additives in meat and fish dishes. The zest is also used for coloring and flavoring drinks. In fresh form, orange fruits are usually not consumed because of the strong aroma of perfumery, to which bigaradii juice gives off.

Gayanima originally from India. It grows wild in Central and South India. The fruit is the size of a large lemon, very fragrant. The aroma of the fruit resembles the smell of ginger or eucalyptus. Gayanima has a very sour, spicy taste. In cooking, this fruit is used in the preparation of marinades.

Grapefruit presumably the result of natural hybridization of orange and pomelo. It was first discovered in 1650 in Barbados, then in Jamaica in 1814. To date, grapefruit is grown in almost all subtropical countries of the world. Grapefruit fruits are large, weighing from 150 to 500 g, spherical, with a pleasant smell, juicy and sour pulp with a taste of bitterness, divided into slices. The color of the flesh varies depending on the variety from light yellow to ruby ​​red. Moreover, the more red hue the grapefruit pulp contains, the sweeter it is. In encyclopedias, this fruit is classified as a dietary fruit. Grapefruit fruits are eaten fresh. They hold up better than other citrus fruits. long-term storage, without losing their palatability, and do not change their taste as a result cooking. Grapefruits are used to make jams, jams, juices, liqueurs, they are used in the confectionery industry. Candied fruits are made from the peel of the fruit. The sour fruits of grapefruit go well with seafood especially with fish and shellfish.

Rough-skinned lemon or wild lemon originally from China and India. Cultivated in South Asia, Latin America, Japan. Wild lemon fruits are large and round, yellow color. In cooking, they are used in the same way as ordinary lemons; prepare candied fruits, jams, marmalade, use for aromatization of confectionery and drinks. Lemon slices decorate fish, meat and seafood dishes. Wild lemon juice culinary purposes used to improve the taste of fish and meat dishes, cold appetizers and salads, added to sauces, confectionery, drinks and syrups.

Dekopon or Sumo originated in 1972 in Nagasaki, a prefecture of Japan, as a hybrid of mandarin and ponkan. The name of this fruit is made up of 2 words: Deko (the meaning of this word is "uneven", due to the protrusion on the top of the fruit) and Pon (the first syllable from the word Ponkan). The fruit looks like a huge tangerine, the peel of which is rough, yellow-orange in color. The pulp of the fruit is dense, pitted, very tasty, the sweetness of the fruit is balanced by a light refreshing sourness. In Japan, this fruit is quite expensive due to its size and exquisite taste. Depocon is grown in large greenhouses and harvested from December to February. After harvesting, the fruits are stored at a certain temperature for 20-40 days to reduce the level of citric acid and increase sugar, after which the fruit becomes sweeter and more attractive in taste.

wild indian orange originally from India. This plant is one of ancient ancestors modern citrus, and is currently an endangered species. The fruit is used for medicinal purposes and spiritual rites in India.

Iekan or Anadomican is a citrus fruit very similar to the mandarin, found in Japan in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The fruit is medium-sized, shiny, bright red. The peel of the fruit is thick, while it is easy to peel with your hands, the flesh is very juicy, slightly sour and bitter, but sweeter than that of a grapefruit. The chemical composition of this fruit contains a large amount of vitamins. The fruit is consumed fresh, in the form of juice and in cooking.

Indian lime, Palestinian lime or Colombian lime until recently it was considered a hybrid of lime and lime, but modern attempts to cross these plants have not given similar results. India is considered to be the birthplace of this lime. The fruits are spherical or slightly elongated, at the base of the fruit there is a small nipple. The smooth, yellow-orange peel adheres tightly to the pulp. The aroma of the peel is slightly oily. The pulp is very juicy, tender, straw-colored, due to the fact that there is no acid in the fruit, the pulp is fresh, slightly sweet. The fruits of the Indian lime are greatly influenced by climatic conditions. Those fruits that grow in the desert are very different in size, color, shape, skin surface from those growing in cooler coastal regions. In cooking, the Palestinian lime is practically not used because of its insipid taste. In India, Egypt, Israel and Palestine, it is often used as a rootstock.

Yemeni citron this is a special kind of citron, the pulp of the fruit does not contain segments and bubbles with juice. The fruit is large. Most fruits are elongated and spiky. The peel is rough and corrugated, yellow. The fruit is sweet, soft and pleasant in taste - almost odorless. This variety of citron is used for religious purposes.

Kabosu it is a hybrid of papeda fruit and bitter orange. Originated and grown in China. This fruit is most popular in Japan. The fruit is not large, green in color with a tart, sour taste and a unique aroma reminiscent of an ordinary lemon. Kabosu fruit vinegar is used as a seasoning to flavor fish. The juice is rich in acidity, it is used in Japanese cuisine in a wide range of products, including condiments, juices, soft drinks, frozen desserts, snacks, cakes and alcoholic beverages, and pulp in various desserts and main dishes. Kabosu zest is used to add a pleasant flavor to baked goods and desserts.

Calamondin or dwarf orangeis a citrus hybrid from crossing a mandarin with a kumquat. Calamondin is native to Southeast Asia. This houseplant is specially adapted for fruiting at home. Calamondin fruits are small, round, similar to small tangerines, with a thin orange, fragrant and sweet peel. The pulp of calamondin is juicy, with a pronounced sourness and a large number of seeds, which is why fresh fruit rarely eaten. But this representative of citrus fruits has one great advantage - it can be eaten with the peel, the sweet taste of which compensates for the sour taste of the pulp. Calamondin is used to flavor dishes and drinks; marmalade, jam, jelly and jam are prepared from it. Quite often, lemon is replaced with calamondin. Some housewives make candied fruits, and also put a few slices of this fruit while cooking jam - then it acquires an unusual and at the same time very pleasant citrus aroma and taste. In Asian cuisine, the juice is used in seasonal fish, poultry and pork dishes.

Karna or sour orange supposedly a natural hybrid of bitter orange and lemon. The homeland of the fruit is presumably the northwestern part of India and China. The fruit is large, round or oval, usually with a prominent nipple. Fruit color is golden yellow to deep orange. The color of the pulp is dull orange, the flesh with coarse fibers, juicy, with a slight aroma. The taste of the fruit is very sour, bitter and unpleasant, candied fruits and orange marmalade are made from the fruit, which the British love very much. Sour oranges are generally not eaten fresh. From flowers, leaves, seeds and peels, an oil is extracted that is used in the perfume industry, cooking and wine and vodka products. Sour orange juice is used as a condiment. This fruit is considered an important medicinal plant.

kaffir lime or kaffir lime subspecies of the citrus family. Its skin is dark green and rough. The fruit itself is inedible, the peel is sometimes used in cooking, but the main value of kaffir lime lies in its leaves. There is little juice in kaffir lime fruits and it is very acidic. The bouquet of kaffir lime is undoubtedly citrus, but it is completely lemon flavor manifests itself if the leaves are torn or cut. Thai cuisine unthinkable without kaffir lime leaves, they are also used by Malay, Burmese and Indonesian chefs. The leaves are torn into pieces or cut into strips and used in soups (especially sour ones) and in curries. Finely grated zest is sometimes added to fish and chicken dishes. dried leaves Kaffir limes retain their flavor for several months if stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place. They are used in much the same way as Bay leaf and do not require pre-soaking.

Clementine is a variety of mandarin, a hybrid of mandarin and orange. This fruit was bred in 1902 in Algiers in the garden orphanage, which was led by Pierre Clementine, hence the name of the fruit. The fruits are similar in shape to tangerines, but sweeter with a surprisingly pleasant aroma, smooth, glossy, fairly hard surface of a rich dark orange color. They tend to be very easy to peel, like tangerines, with numerous pitted flesh. Clementine fruits are juicy, sweet and fragrant. Clementines are consumed fresh, and are also used to prepare various dishes and drinks. These sweet and juicy citrus fruits make excellent pastries, desserts, sauces, marinades and much, much more. The juice is frozen for sorbet. English often usedclementine for the preparation of exquisite alcoholic beverages, and also add its candied fruits to brandy. Clementine juice goes very well with meat dishes.

noble mandarin, royal mandarin or Cunebo. This fruit is native to southwest China and northeast India. The fruits are large, spherical, dark orange. Sweet, juicy and fragrant pulp is divided into segments that are very easily separated from each other. Royal tangerines are eaten fresh, they are used to make jams and marmalade, and they are also processed into juice and used in the production of drinks and cocktails. The peel (or the whole fruit) can be used to flavor liqueurs and sweets.

Kikudaidai, Canaliculata or bitter orange this is a hybrid obtained in antiquity, apparently, is a mixture of orange and grapefruit. In the middle of the 18th century in Japan, this variety was already grown in gardens as an ornamental plant. The fruits are small, round, bright orange, very juicy, sour and bitter, considered inedible. In addition to beautiful and original fruits, the plant has juicy, bright green glossy foliage. Until now, this plant is grown for decorative purposes.

Corsican lemon, Citron, fingered lemon or Buddha hand The oldest citrus fruit comes from India. Citron is the first citrus fruit introduced to the Mediterranean. This variety of citrus fruits differs from the rest in the processes resembling fingers, the processes do not grow together and are divided among themselves almost to the base, which makes the fruit look like a hand or fingers of a person. For Buddhists, the fruit is considered sacred, according to legend, the Buddha left a memory of himself in this way. The fruits are large, weighing up to 1 kg, with a bumpy yellow surface, contain lemon-colored pulp and a large number of seeds. The juice is sour and very aromatic. Fresh fruits of the Corsican lemon are not used for food because of the bitter taste. The crust is used as a seasoning for various dishes. indian cuisine. Jam is made from it, marmalade, candied fruits, marinades are made.

blood orange, red orange, or Pigmented orange often referred to as a hybrid of pomelo and tangerine, although in fact it is a natural mutation of a regular orange. This color is given to it by the presence of anthocyanins, pigments that are quite common in flowers and fruits, but unusual for citrus fruits. Anthocyanins are the same substance that makes cranberries red and blueberries blue. The first plantings of blood oranges were grown exclusively in the area of ​​Mount Etna in Sicily. Because of their luxurious appearance and distinct taste, red oranges were originally reserved for royalty. These oranges are delicious fresh. Blood orange juice is used in the same recipes as regular oranges, but it is also good on its own. The dark red color of the juice makes it an ideal ingredient for cocktails. Red oranges are also used to make wonderful preserves, marmalades, sherbets and marmalades. Housewives use slices of this fruit as a decoration for desserts: pies, cheesecakes and ice cream. Blood orange zest is used for baking. Blood oranges are also used in savory dishes. Chopped, they are added to salads and sauces. They are ideal for chutneys and complement seafood, pork, chicken and duck dishes well.

blood lime it is a natural hybrid of finger lime and rangpur, which appeared as a result of free pollination. The first blood lime fruits appeared in Australia in 1990. The fruits are very attractive, oval in shape. The color of the fruit varies from golden to blood red. The pulp and juice can be from a slight reddish hue to an intense dark red color. Fresh Juice has a sharp, fresh, clean aroma. These fruits are sour like lemons and have a light, attractive flavor. They are used fresh in cooking. Blood lime is used to make marmalade, jam, syrups, juices, drinks and sauces.

round lime or Australian round lime found in southeastern Australia. The fruits are small, round, with a thick skin of green or greenish-yellow color. The flesh is pale green and has a strong citrus aroma. They use it fresh, prepare jams, marmalade. Round lime slices decorate cold drinks. The peel is used in cooking, candied fruits are prepared from it, essential oil is extracted.

Kumquat, Fortunella, Kinkan, Japanese orange or golden orange. The birthplace of this fruit is South China, in the manuscripts this plant was described as early as 1178. The kumquat is golden yellow, orange or fiery orange in appearance, resembling a small orange. The peel of the fruit is smooth, soft, sweetish-spicy, thin and fleshy. The pulp is juicy, with a sour taste. The fruit usually contains 3-6 cloves and 2-5 seeds. Kumquat tastes like a tangerine with a slight sourness. The combination of a sweetish rind and sour pulp makes this fruit an unforgettable taste. The fruit is very popular due to its nutritional qualities and taste. It is also called the fruit of the sages, since it was he who was the staple food of ancient Chinese and Japanese scientists. Kumquat is consumed both raw and processed (jam, marmalade), it is used to decorate the table, added to fruit salads, sauces are made from it, baked with meat and fish, jam is boiled, candied and candied fruits are made.

lemon ichansky originally from Southwest China. The fruit is named after the city of Yichang. Known for its unusual hardiness, the plant can be grown in areas of moderate frost and damp conditions. This is perhaps the only type of citrus that is grown on the streets of cities in Europe and America as an ornamental plant. The fruits are very fragrant, small, oval or flat, somewhat reminiscent of Kaffir lime fruits. The peel of the fruit is tough, pale yellow, green or orange. Inside contains many large seeds and a small amount of bitter and sour juice. Due to the fact that fruits are too acidic, they are not consumed fresh. In cooking, it is used in the same way as a regular lemon.

real lime, lime sour or mexican lime originally from Southeast Asia. The fruits are not large, ovoid. The peel is thin, green or yellowish-green in color. The pulp is very juicy and sour, slightly greenish, there are very few or no seeds in this fruit. Green Mexican lime fruit oil with a delicate aroma fresh fruit. In cooking, a real lime is very popular, it goes well with Asian dishes, it is used in the preparation of soups, meat dishes and salads. Mexican lime slices decorate cocktails and alcoholic drinks.

lime sweet or Limetta considered a hybrid, but its parents are not known. This lime is native to India. It is very rare in the wild. The fruits are spherical, slightly flattened, very similar to a lemon. The peel of the fruit is of medium thickness, corrugated, bright red. The pulp is juicy, with a pleasant aroma, sweet and sour, divided into slices. Sweet lime is used to make canned food and drinks. The plant is valued for its decorative effect.

Limandarin or limonia it is a hybrid of mandarin with lime or lemon. Limandarins have been bred in China for a long time. In Japan it is known as haim, in Brazil it is known as kravo. In a number of countries it is cultivated for its fruits. The fruits are about 5 cm in diameter, the peel is thin, easily separated. The skin and flesh are dark orange. Chinese reddish lemons that appear on the shelves of our stores are typical lemons. Limandarin tastes sour, but slightly milder than lemon. Most of the lemons, on the outside, look more like tangerines than lemons, but you won’t be able to eat them like tangerines: with their acid, they resemble a pure lemon. The fruits are used in cooking for the preparation of marmalade, in canning. But sometimes they eat it fresh - there are lovers. In India, limandarin juice is often added to tangerine juice- for the exquisite aroma.

limequat or Limonella is a hybrid of lime and kumquat. The hybrid was bred in 1909 in China. The fruit is small, oval, yellow-green in color, has a lime flavor. The limequat fruit combines the sweetness of the skin of the kumquat and the acidity of the lemon. The peel has a pronounced sweet taste, the flesh is bittersweet, juicy. Limequat juice is used in the same way as lemon juice. Limequat is used in many recipes in place of lemons or limes. They are used to make puddings and pie fillings. Limequat rind zest is used in recipes in place of orange or lemon zest for icing or meringue. Limequat pulp is used in fruit salads to add astringency. All varieties of limequat are very decorative, but they won popularity not only for their spectacular appearance. The plant is not afraid of frost, very productive and begins to bear fruit at an early age.

Lemon most likely a hybrid that spontaneously arose in nature and for a long time developed as a separate species. Homeland lemon - Southeast Asia. About 14 million tons of lemons are harvested every year in the world. The leaders are India and Mexico. Fetus oval shape, narrowed at both ends, with a nipple at the top, light yellow in color. The pulp of the fruit, sour, greenish-yellow, consists of hairs filled with juice. In cooking, sliced ​​​​and whole lemon, its zest and juice are used. Drinks are prepared from lemons, it is added to tea (in the West, tea with lemon is called “Russian tea”). Lemon juice is added to all kinds of sauces, pour over fried kidneys, brains and other offal, game, and add to many National dishes different countries. Lemon is indispensable in hodgepodges, in many meat and fish dishes. It is served with kebabs, and in general with almost any meat cooked on a fire. Lemon is added to fruit and berry and fruit and vegetable, sweet dishes and cookies. Lemon cakes and pies have a great taste. You can find lemon in recipes for many types of dough, jams, creams, syrups, jellies, mousses, ice cream. Lemon can be cut in small pieces, mix with sugar and store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. With this method, the beneficial properties of lemon will be preserved. Candied lemon slices are added to tea. And if lemon juice is added to freshly squeezed juices, they will acquire a refreshing aroma and will be additionally enriched with vitamins. It is worth remembering that the largest amount of essential oils is found in the lemon peel. That is why this part is most suitable for flavoring dishes. But the white layer of the skin is highly discouraged, since during heat treatment it will give your dishes a certain amount of bitterness. Lemon juice or zest is added for piquancy to the dough when baking pies. From lemon with sugar, you can prepare an independent filling.

Mayer lemon or Chinese lemon It is an ornamental plant, a hybrid of lemon and orange. The lemon got its name in honor of Frank Meyer, who in 1908 discovered this plant in the vicinity of Beijing. Homeland of this lemon in China, where it is grown in flower pots as an ornamental plant, Mayer's lemon is very prolific. The fruits are round, large, slightly yellower than a regular lemon, when ripe they acquire an orange tint. The pulp is tender, juicy, slightly bitter, dark yellow in color, practically without juice, it contains a small amount of seeds. Fruit weight about 120 g.

Come from Mandarin from southern China. In India, the countries of Indochina, China, South Korea and Japan - the most common citrus culture. It is also widely cultivated throughout the Mediterranean. On the territory of the former Soviet Union, tangerines are grown on Black Sea coast, in Abkhazia and in the Sochi region, which are considered the northernmost areas of their cultivation. It does not occur in the wild. The mandarin fruit is slightly flattened from the base to the top. Tangerines stand out among other citrus fruits in that the fruits have a thin peel that is easily separated from the pulp (in some varieties, the peel is separated from the pulp by an air layer). The pulp is easily divided into 10 - 12 slices, each of which contains one or two seeds. The pulp of the fruit is orange or yellow, consists of many sacs filled with juice. Tangerines are a valuable dietary product that increases appetite, improves metabolic processes and saturates the body with vitamins in winter. Mandarin fruits are used both fresh and for the manufacture of fruit juices, compotes, jellies, jams and alcoholic beverages. As a spice, it is used in the preparation of various sweet dishes, biscuits, sauces, fish, poultry, rice dishes and fruit salads. Everything is used in cooking; zest, peel, flowers, juice and even seeds. Tangerines are used in cooking to add sourness and flavor to the dish. Try using mandarin juice when cooking poultry dishes, I'm sure you'll like it.

Mandarin Unshio originally from China, a little later it began to be cultivated in southern Japan. At the moment, this variety is common in Southeast Asia and in many European countries, where it is grown mainly as an ornamental houseplant. The Unshio variety differs from others in its high yield and resistance to low temperatures. Many tangerines sold in Russia are representatives of this variety. Unshio fruits are tuberous, spherical, slightly flattened at the base, weighing about 80 g. The peel is bright orange, easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is very juicy, fleshy, has a pleasant sweet taste with a barely noticeable sourness. Unshio variety is considered seedless. The quality and taste of the fruits are exceptional. They are consumed fresh and used in cooking like ordinary tangerines.

Moroccan citron, as its name implies, it comes from Morocco, where today it is grown in large quantities. The pulp of this fruit is low in acid and the taste is described as sweet lemon.

Murcott is a hybrid of mandarin and tangerine. The variety was bred in 1913 in the USA. In Japan, it is cultivated as a tub plant for its decorative qualities. The fruit is not large, flattened at both ends, the peel is yellow-orange, thin, smooth, it fits quite tightly to the pulp. The pulp is orange, tender, juicy, fragrant, tastes very sweet (Murccot ​​translates as honey), according to some people, there are hints of mango in the taste of this fruit. There are many seeds, up to 30, this is the only drawback of this fruit. The popularity of the fruit is constantly increasing due to the excellent palatability of the orange pulp. Murcotta is mostly consumed fresh.

Mineola is a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit. The first fruit appeared in 1931, named after the city of Minneola in Florida. The fruits are relatively large, have the shape of a pear (sometimes this fruit is called a honey bell), red-orange color. The peel is strong but thin, easily peeled off by hand. The pulp is juicy, has a sour-sweet taste and a delicious aroma. The pulp contains a small amount of small seeds. The fruit is valued because of the large amount of folic acid, a very important element for women. Folic acid is essential female body during pregnancy, it helps prevent birth defects in the baby. In addition, folic acid is called one of the substances that helps prevent cancer, and it also improves the condition of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity. The fruits are consumed fresh and processed. Juice is prepared from them, zest is used in cooking. The oil from the peel is used to flavor alcoholic beverages.

Natsudaidai or Natsumikan is a hybrid of sour orange (orange) and pomelo. The plant was first discovered in Japan in the 17th century. The fruit can be consumed fresh, but it is much more acidic than orange and pomelo.

new zealand grapefruit is a hybrid whose origin is unknown. Presumably this variety originated in the East, the first mentions in the literature date back to 1820. These fruits differ significantly from the grapefruits sold in supermarkets. The New Zealand grapefruit is smaller and has a beautiful yellow-orange color. The peel is thin, slightly wrinkled, easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is juicy and aromatic. Ripe fruits are very sweet with a slight refreshing sourness and slight bitterness, the longer the ripe fruit is on the tree, the sweeter it becomes. The fruit is consumed fresh, in New Zealand it is eaten with pleasure for breakfast. Marmalade, juice, sorbet, etc. are prepared from fruits.

orangequat or mandarinquat is a hybrid of the mandarin and the Hawaiian kumquat, introduced into culture in 1932 by the American Eugene May. It is an attractive ornamental plant. The longer the fruits are on the tree, the sweeter they become. The fruit is beautiful, medium size, orange or red, rounded. The peel is relatively thick, sweet. The pulp is juicy, with a mild taste of cherry plum and sourness, the juice is slightly bitter. The taste is quite unusual, the peel, together with the pulp, gives a unique combination of taste and aroma. Orangequat fruits make wonderful marmalade. When fully ripe, it is consumed fresh and used to flavor alcoholic beverages.

Oroblanco(White gold), sweetie(sweet - sweet) or pomelit is a hybrid of pomelo and white grapefruit. The fruit was bred in 1970 by Israeli scientists in the laboratory of the University of California, they were trying to create a sweet grapefruit. It is grown in Asia, Europe, America and Israel. The fruit is quite heavy for its size, with a very thick, smooth and shiny skin that is green even when ripe. The peel is very bitter. After cleaning the fetus, a fatty film remains on the hands. The pulp is yellow, sweet and juicy, separated from the peel by a layer, there are almost no seeds. Suites are used like grapefruit, cut into slices and cleaned of internal films. In cooking, the fruit is added to fruit salads, combined with mushrooms, seafood and poultry. Delicious candied fruits are prepared from the peel of the fruit.

Ortanic this is a variety of mandarin, sometimes it is called tangor (a mixture of mandarin and orange). It was first discovered in 1920 in Jamaica. The fruit is medium in size, flattened, with a reddish tint. The rind is thick and adheres tightly to the pulp. The pulp is very sweet and juicy. The taste of the fruit resembles both tangerine and orange. It is used both fresh and for making salads and pies.

Otahite,sweet rangpur And tite orange belong to limandarines (hybrid of lemon and orange). This fruit is native to India. He came to Europe from Tahiti in 1813. Unlike its counterparts, it is sweet, and looks more like an orange.

finger lime or australian fingerlime it is the most exotic citrus fruit native to Eastern Australia. The fruit is oval, about 10 cm long, slightly curved, tapering towards the end, shaped very much like a finger, for which the fruit got its name. The skin of the fruit is thin, has a variety of colors and shades. pulp Pink colour, sour in taste, juicy, with a strong citrus aroma, divided into many small, rounded compartments that contain a greenish-yellow juice. These sections are not glued together and are easily separated from each other, due to which the pulp resembles fish caviar in structure. In cooking, the pulp, fruit zest and leaves of this tree are used, which have a strong citrus aroma. In Australian restaurants, chefs prepare many dishes with finger lime pulp. It is added to soups and salads, used as a side dish, garnished with meat and fish dishes.

Persian lime or Lime Tahiti considered a triple hybrid involving sweet lemon, grapefruit and micro-citrus fruit. This plant is native to Southeast Asia. It is currently grown in Mexico and other subtropical countries such as Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Egypt and Brazil. The fruits are small, green, oval and have a small sharp tip. The peel of the fruit is thin, smooth, tightly attached to the pulp, slightly fragrant. The flesh is greenish-yellow, tender, juicy, very sour, with a taste of real lime. Partitions are small and solid. There are practically no seeds in the fruit. In cooking, the fruits are used in the confectionery and alcoholic beverage industries. In tropical countries, lime is substituted for lemon.

pomelo or Shaddock native to Southeast Asia and China. In Chinese manuscripts, this fruit was mentioned already in 100 BC. Pomelo is still considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, so in China it is customary to give this fruit on the eve of the Chinese New Year. It is cultivated in Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Israel, Tahiti and California. The fruit is quite large, it is the largest among citrus fruits, the weight of the fruit can reach 10 kg. The peel of the fruit is thick, pale green or yellow. The pulp has large lobules separated by rigid white partitions, very bitter in taste. The taste of the pulp is reminiscent of grapefruit, but the pomelo is much sweeter and not as juicy. The flesh may be yellow, red or green. Pomelo fruits are consumed fresh and processed. This fruit is integral part many national Thai and Chinese food. The pomelo is easy to peel, to remove the peel, simply cut and remove it with your hands. Divide the peeled fruit into slices and remove the membranes from them. You should also remove the bones from the slices.

Pomeranian,Bigaradia or Chinotto is a hybrid of mandarin and pomelo. This plant is native to Southeast Asia. It has been cultivated in India for hundreds of years. Currently, the plant is cultivated in the Mediterranean countries, in Paraguay and the Caucasus. It does not occur in the wild. In many countries it is grown as an ornamental houseplant. Pomeranian fruits are small, spherical or slightly flattened. The peel is thick, bumpy, bright orange or red, it easily separates from the pulp. The pulp is divided into segments, sour and slightly bitter. Fresh orange is not used because of the sour taste. But the zest of this fruit is very much appreciated. The zest is used to make marmalade, desserts, candied fruits, it is added to confectionery and sweet dishes (ice cream, Easter cakes, cakes and muffins), cottage cheese desserts. Candied orange peel decorates holiday dishes. Ground zest goes well with poultry, cheese, meat and fish dishes. In the alcoholic beverage industry, drinks, tinctures and liqueurs are flavored with zest. Pomeranian fruits are also used in cooking, in India they are pickled and added to rice, in Cuba the juice of this fruit is used as a marinade for meat dishes, in Turkey they are seasoned with salads. In England, marmalade and jam are made from the pulp of the orange. The orange flower is a traditional part of the wedding bouquet and is a symbol of innocence.

Ponkan, Suntara or Citrus aureus this is the name of the mandarin, which is native to the mountainous regions of India. This variety is considered the most common mandarin in the world. It is grown in China, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Zinzibar, Brazil and Japan. In many countries, ponkan is grown at home as an ornamental plant. The fruit is small, round or slightly flattened. The peel is orange, smooth, of medium thickness, loosely attached and easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is orange, divided into slices, tender, juicy and sweet, the aroma is very pleasant. Inside the fruit is a large number of small bones. The taste of ponkan is superior to almost all varieties of tangerines. Ponkan is consumed fresh. In cooking, jams, preserves, marmalade, drinks, fruit salads and desserts are prepared from it. Excellent candied fruits and zest are obtained from the peel.

Poncirus, prickly lemon or Trifoliata a citrus plant native to northern China where it has been cultivated for thousands of years. Even in ancient times, this plant began to be used as a rootstock. It grows wild in China and the Himalayas. The advantage of this citrus variety is frost resistance, it can be grown in regions with harsh winters. The fruits are small, juicy, slightly flattened, golden-lemon color. The peel is thick, soft, covered with a velvety fluff, difficult to separate from the pulp. The pulp is slimy, bitter-sour, it contains caustic oil, which gives the fruit a very unpleasant taste. Trifoliata is crossed with other citrus fruits. The resulting hybrids have increased frost resistance. This plant is used for decorative purposes as a hedge in landscape design. The fruit is not considered edible and is not used in cooking.

Australian desert lime or simply desert lime originally from Australia. It is the only citrus plant that can withstand severe drought and dry winds. The fruits are very small and green. The pulp is juicy, sour, has a strong lime flavor. Desert limes are highly prized for their pleasant, refreshing, slightly spicy taste. In cooking, marmalade, preserves, jams, drinks and various sauces are prepared from them.

Tashkent lemon or Rangeron this hybrid comes from Tashkent. The variety was bred by Z. Fakhrutdinov by grafting varieties Meyer and varieties Novogruzinsky. The fruits are small, smooth, almost round, have a coniferous-tangerine aroma. The peel is smooth, very thin and soft, orange in color. The pulp is also orange, very juicy, almost not sour, has a pleasant aroma and taste. The fruits are consumed fresh, they are slightly sourer than oranges.

rangpur is a hybrid of mandarin and lemon. This fruit is native to South Asia. It was named after the city of Rangpur, located in Bangladesh, where it was discovered. In Western countries, rangpur is often used in landscape design and as a rootstock for citrus plants. The fruits are more like tangerines, and the taste is closer to lemon. They are medium in size and smooth. The peel is thin, easily separated from the pulp. The flesh is dark orange, very sour. In cooking, rangpur is used instead of lemon, candied fruit, marmalade, juices are prepared from it, it is canned.

Citrus halimii currently poorly understood. The plant is native to Southeast Asia. In the wild, it is very rare, only in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It was opened in 1973. The fruits are small, round, edible but very acidic. The peel is yellow-orange, thick, poorly separated from the pulp. The flesh is yellow-green, not juicy, with a lot of seeds.

Sudachi is a fruit of hybrid origin, obtained by crossing paped and mandarin. This variety was bred in Japan, which today is its main producer and consumer. The fruit is medium in size, slightly flattened, dark green in color. The skin is thick and hard. The flesh is light green, juicy, very sour, but with a good taste similar to lemon, and a very pleasant aroma. Fresh fruit is rarely consumed. But in Japanese cooking he is irreplaceable. Juice is often used in place of vinegar as a base for sauces and to flavor drinks and desserts. Sudachi decorate fish dishes with thin slices.

Markot - very tasty tangor American descent(Murccot ​​translates as honey). royal mandarin- very sweet tangor comes from China and India. etc.

tankan is a hybrid resulting from a spontaneous crossing of an orange and a tangerine. This citrus variety was brought to Japan from Taiwan. Today, Japan is the main exporter of the fruit. Tankan is considered the best citrus in the East. Fruits are red-orange, medium size, spherical. The peel is wrinkled, thin, easily moves away from the pulp. The flesh is bright orange, very sweet and juicy, with a delicious aroma, divided into segments. Tankan is consumed fresh. In Japanese cuisine, there are many dishes that feature this fruit.

Tangelo is the common name for a group of citrus fruits obtained by crossing tangerine and grapefruit. The plant was first obtained in 1897 in the USA. It is currently grown in the USA, Israel and Turkey. The most popular tangelos are: agli, alemoen, clementine, mineola, orlando. Simenol, Thornton. The fruit is round, about the size of a large orange. The peel is bright orange, very fragrant, thin, easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is yellow-orange, juicy, sweet, slightly sour. Use tangelo fresh. In cooking, it is used to make jams, jams, candied fruits, and stuffing for baking. The pulp is added to various salads.

Tangerine called a variety of sweet tangerines. China is considered the birthplace of this fruit. Today, in China, tangerine is the main citrus crop, although the main producer is the United States, where it is grown for oil from the peel of this fruit. The fruits are red-orange. The peel is thin, easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is very sweet, divided into slices, has a slightly pronounced citrus aroma. There are no pits in tangerine fruits. This fruit is consumed fresh. In cooking, tangerine is used to make salads and desserts, it is very good in combination with meat and fish. Fragrant candied fruits are prepared from the peel. The pulp is used to make jams and jams.

Thomasville is a hybrid of kumquat and citrange. The first fruits from the plant were obtained in 1923. The fruits are small, yellow-orange in color, medium in size, pear-shaped or spherical. The peel is thin, bitter. The pulp is tender and juicy, sour, pleasant to the taste, a bit like a lemon or lime. There are not a large number of seeds in the fetus or they are completely absent. When fully ripe, the fruits are consumed fresh, marmalade is prepared from them. The juice is used to flavor soft drinks. Unripe fruits replace lemon.

coalfruit called a hybrid of mandarin and grapefruit. The homeland of this tangelo is Jamaica, where it is grown in large quantities. The name of this fruit is one of the variants of the word "ugly", which was given to him for not very beautiful appearance. Since 1934, Jamaica has been able to supply coal fruits to the markets of England and America. The fruit is greenish-yellow with orange spots. The peel is rough, wrinkled, easily exfoliates from the pulp. The pulp is orange, very juicy and sweet with a slight bitterness, divided into slices, has a pleasant citrus aroma. Fresh charcoal is used. In cooking, marmalade, jam, candied fruits, salads, sauces and jams are prepared from it. The juice is used to flavor drinks.

For decorative purposes, coal fruit is grown in many countries of the world.

Feronia lemon, wooden apple or persian lemon is the name of a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. It is now cultivated throughout Southeast Asia, where it is grown along roadsides, in parks and gardens. The fruit of the wood apple is gray, spherical, with a hard woody shell. Inside contains brown, sticky, fragrant, mealy, sweetish, astringent flesh with numerous small white seeds. In order to eat it, you must first break the woody shell of the fruit. The pulp of ripe fruits is mixed with sugar, coconut milk or palm syrup and eaten like sherbet. Drinks, jam, sweets and ice cream are made from the fruit. It is also used to make fruit preserves, jellies and chutneys.

Citron, estrogen or Cedrat The oldest citrus grown by man, it has been cultivated in India and Mesopotamia for several thousand years. It has been cultivated in Asia since ancient times. Citron is the first citrus plant to reach Europe. It happened long before our era. Currently, this plant is grown in many countries of the world. The citron fruit is the largest of the citrus fruits, slightly oblong, outwardly reminiscent of a lemon in shape and color. The peel is yellow, very thick (2.5 - 5 cm), bumpy. The pulp is sour or sweet and sour, slightly bitter, not juicy. Fresh fruits are practically not consumed. But jams and preserves are prepared from the pulp, and very tasty candied fruits are made from the peel. The peel is used to produce essential oil for the confectionery and perfume industries.

citrange is a hybrid of sweet orange and trifoliata. Jams and marmalade are prepared from the fruits of this fruit. Raw is not used. The plant is often used in design as an ornamental.

citranzhquat is a hybrid of kumquat and citrange. The first fruits from the plant were obtained in 1923. The fruits are small, yellow-orange in color, medium in size, pear-shaped or spherical. The peel is thin, bitter. The pulp is tender and juicy, sour, pleasant to the taste, a bit like a lemon or lime. There are few or no seeds in the fruit. When fully ripe, the fruits are consumed fresh, marmalade is prepared from them. The juice is used to flavor soft drinks. Unripe fruits replace lemon.

Citrofortunella or dwarf orange is a citrus hybrid from crossing a mandarin with a kumquat. Citrofortunella is native to Southeast Asia. This houseplant is specially adapted for fruiting at home. The fruits are small, round, similar to small tangerines, with a thin orange fragrant and sweet peel. The pulp is juicy, with a pronounced sourness and a large number of seeds, which is why fresh fruit is rarely eaten. But this representative of citrus fruits has one great advantage - it can be eaten with the peel, the sweet taste of which compensates for the sour taste of the pulp. Citrofortunella is used to flavor dishes and drinks; marmalade, jam, jelly and jam are prepared from it. Citrofortunella is often substituted for lemon. Some housewives make candied fruits, and also put a few slices of this fruit while cooking jam - then it acquires an unusual and at the same time very pleasant citrus aroma and taste. In Asian cuisine, the juice is used in seasonal fish, poultry and pork dishes.

Wilson's citrus This is a hybrid plant obtained by crossing papeda and grapefruit. The plant is used as a rootstock. The fruits are large. The rind is thick, tough and fragrant. The flesh is juicy, sour and very bitter.

Citrus Kombava is a citrus plant. Its skin is dark green and rough. The fruit itself is inedible, the peel is sometimes used in cooking, but its main value lies in the leaves. juice there is little in the fruit and it is very sour. The bouquet of this citrus is undoubtedly citrusy, but its full lemon flavor comes out when the leaves are torn or cut. Thai cuisine is inconceivable without its leaves; Malay, Burmese and Indonesian cooks also use them. The leaves are torn into pieces or cut into strips and used in soups (especially sour ones) and in curries. Finely grated zest is sometimes added to fish and chicken dishes. Dried leaves retain their flavor for several months if stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place. They are used in much the same way as bay leaves and do not need to be pre-soaked.

Chironha or orangelo is a natural hybrid obtained by crossing grapefruit and sweet orange. The plant is native to the highlands of Puerto Rico. In 1956, fruit specialist Carlos G. Moskosa noticed this plant near coffee plantations. Its fruits were larger and brighter than those of other trees. Chironha is very popular in local markets. The fruits are large, grapefruit-sized, slightly elongated or pear-shaped. The peel is bright yellow or orange, not thick, smooth, rather tight to the pulp but peeled off very easily. The pulp is yellow-orange, soft, tender and very juicy, divided into segments. The fruits are consumed fresh, as a grapefruit is cut in half and the pulp is eaten with a spoon. The fruits are preserved with syrup. Delicious candied fruits are prepared from the peel.

Yuzu,yunos or Yuzu is a natural hybrid obtained by crossing a mandarin and an Ichan lemon. The homeland of this plant is the central part of China and Tibet, where it is still found in the wild. This plant has been known for over 2500 thousand years. Currently cultivated in China, Japan and Korea. Yuzu is one of the most hardy citrus plants. Medium sized fruits. The peel is yellow-green, bumpy and porous, easily separated from the pulp. The flesh is juicy but very sour, with a strong citrus aroma. The taste of this fruit is tart, with tangerine notes. Fresh yuzu is practically not used, but it is indispensable in cooking; marmalade is prepared from its pulp, dishes are decorated with zest, and juice is used instead of lemon. Yuzu fruits are considered an integral part of the national cuisine.

Tropical fruits: coconuts, bananas, citrus fruits and pineapples are all favorite guests on our table. And pineapple has a separate important place, as it is often used for salads, French meat and other dishes, and it also has an incredibly sweet and tasty juice. On sale it is fresh and canned Pineapple is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Only few people know that in addition to all its usefulness, it is also a strong food allergen. But why does it cause a reaction if it is so useful? And how to deal with the disease?

An allergy is an atypical reaction of the body to an allergen - a foreign protein that causes the symptoms of the reaction. In order to figure out whether there can be an allergy from pineapple, you need to take a closer look at its composition, properties, contraindications.

In addition to allergies, there is pseudo-allergy, which is similar to true allergies, but requires a different treatment. hallmark false reaction is that it appears immediately after the first use of the product, especially with its large volume eaten.

The benefits of a tropical fruit

Pineapple is a vitamin-packed fruit with many health benefits, including:

  • Normalization of digestion (improves the function of intestinal motility and peristalsis);
  • Helps in digestion, accelerating the processing of proteins, thanks to a special substance - bromelain;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • It is a source of iron, which is essential for health;
  • Rich in vitamin C, which increases the body's defense system;
  • Normalizes acid-base balance;
  • Helps with inflammatory processes;
  • Contains manganese and calcium, which help with bone damage and others.

The benefits of the fetus do not end there, its effect on the body is individual: in some it only has a beneficial effect on health, in others it can be harmful.

Is pineapple a citrus or not?

Many people ask the question: is pineapple citrus or not? No! Pineapple is not citrus! In citrus (citrus) family - citrus, and in pineapple (ananas) - bromeliads. This fruit is herbaceous plant, and citrus fruits are trees and shrubs.

Pineapple is a herb fruit that grows in the center of rosettes of thick and dense leaves, and is more similar in origin to wheat than to oranges or tangerines.

Contraindications for use

Is pineapple allergenic or not? This is a specific exotic fruit, which is strong allergen, can also cause individual intolerance. There are contraindications for use:

  1. It is forbidden for allergy sufferers, as it can cause a severe reaction of the body, with a possible fatal outcome;
  2. You can not use it fresh for patients with gastrointestinal pathologies, namely: gastritis, ulcers, high acidity;
  3. In large quantities, it can cause burning on the lips and increased acidity in the stomach. The concentrated juice sometimes causes heartburn.

REFERENCE: There is a saying: pineapple is the only fruit that eats you while you eat it. The fact is that it contains a substance that can corrode human mucous membranes, causing burning and discomfort on the lips and mouth.

Causes of reaction and risk factors

An allergy appears in connection with the hypersensitivity of the body to a certain component - an allergen, in this case - pineapple. Food allergies are associated with histamine, and food intolerances are associated with a deficiency of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, which are not able to break down the pineapple structure into simpler and more easily digestible molecules.

The main cause of the reaction may be the allergens included in the product, and there are also risk factors that increase the chances of the onset of the disease, these include:

  • Imbalance of hormones, disruption of the endocrine system;
  • Heredity, genetics - if one or both parents have signs of allergies;
  • Pathologies immune system;
  • Digestive system disorders;
  • Constant stress and neuroses;
  • Poor ecology and contact with toxins.

The prevalence of pineapple allergy

Allergy from pineapples is a rare type of specific reaction of the body. The reaction to the fruit itself appears even less frequently, but it often manifests itself due to preservatives, flavors and flavor enhancers, pesticides and other chemicals that are added to the fruit or preservation with its participation.


In stores, pineapple is sold fresh and in the form of canned food, each of which contains its own allergens that cause a specific reaction in the body.

fresh pineapple

Fresh fruits can cause a reaction most often due to the dishonesty of the supplier. In this case, when growing a fetus, it lends itself to chemical treatment with pesticides and herbicides, which affect the patient's body. Also, the sellers themselves can sell green or already spoiled fruit, which is also treated with chemicals for a better aesthetic appearance.

Therefore, you need to know the rules where and how to buy a fresh natural product, and it is better to do it in certified stores, and not in bazaars.

Fetal Preservation Supplements

Manufacturers of canned food, for their own benefit, add flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives to the product, which cause allergies. Canned food also contains sugar, which is also a strong allergen. Used to improve taste citric acid and sweeteners, which are also allergens.

How does an allergy manifest itself?

An allergy to pineapple is a food reaction that affects the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and respiratory system. Causes pineapple allergy symptoms that appear when the product is used repeatedly, regardless of the serving. Some signs begin to disturb the allergy sufferer almost immediately after eating, for example, external ones - a rash, and others - after a few hours, for example, digestive disorders.

Symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract

Disorders of the digestive tract include:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Diarrhea and constipation;
  • Flatulence;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Burning in stomach.

Such symptoms appear after a couple of hours, can lead to dehydration, so the patient needs the help of a doctor.

Eating the fruit is not recommended for patients with pathologies of the digestive system, since the fruit contains enzymes - bromelains, which strongly irritate and burn the mucous membranes of the organs. Therefore, it is often difficult to determine the true allergy or personal intolerance.

External manifestations

External manifestations include symptoms of the skin:

  1. Skin redness: red spots or rash, rarely hives;
  2. severe itching;
  3. swelling of the lips, hands, face;
  4. Tearfulness and redness of the eyeballs and mucous membranes.

Rash and patches on the skin can lead to allergic dermatitis and other severe skin conditions, so the rash needs to be treated, not triggered.

Respiratory disorders

Symptoms of a respiratory disorder include:

  • Rhinitis and nasal congestion;
  • Frequent sneezing and superficial cough;
  • Swelling of the airways due to inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Such pathologies can lead to a serious condition of the patient.

Signs of a serious condition

In the case of a protracted illness, self-medication or lack of treatment, an allergic person may have complications that are harmful to health. Swelling of the larynx leads to difficulty breathing, and then to anaphylactic shock, which greatly reduces blood pressure and causes suffocation, with subsequent death. In this case, the allergy sufferer needs urgent health care.

The danger of an allergy is that it can develop not gradually, but sharply and sharply, so the patient may not even have time to react and start treatment.

How to determine that you are allergic to pineapple?

To diagnose the disease, you need to contact an allergist for help. He, in turn, will collect an anamnesis, conduct an initial examination and prescribe the right methods research.

Important! Self-medication is prohibited, since food allergies with improper treatment lead to serious consequences.

There are 2 methods of research in the laboratory:

  1. Blood test - in this case, they take blood from an allergic person, add an allergen to it and wait for a reaction. If there is an increased amount of antibodies - immunoglobulins E in the blood, then the allergy test is considered positive.
  2. Skin tests - here the allergen is dripped onto the patient's skin, and then micro incisions or punctures are made, and they are also waiting for a reaction. If the patient develops a rash, red spots or itching, then the test for the disease is considered positive.

Attention: children under 3 years of age undergo only a blood test; skin tests are not allowed for small children.

Only after receiving all the results of the analysis, the doctor will be able to prescribe the desired course of treatment.

Treatment of pathology

Allergy cannot be cured, but the symptoms can, therefore, therapy is aimed at relieving symptoms, improving health, disease prevention and prevention. Medicines are used only if necessary, and only after consultation with the attending physician.

Antihistamines, creams and ointments to eliminate skin signs, folk remedies, and diet are used to treat symptoms.

Exclusion of pineapple and allergenic foods

The first thing to do for an allergic person is to exclude from the diet all foods containing an allergen, in this case pineapple. Also, the patient needs to follow a diet:

  • You can not eat hyperallergenic food;
  • You can not eat fried, salty, sour, smoked;
  • Eliminate fast food and soda from your diet.

Allergy sufferers are also prohibited from drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco during the treatment course. Pineapple and its components are often found in perfumes, cosmetics, so you need to carefully read the composition of products, cosmetics, medical and other preparations.


Antihistamines are rarely given to children and should only be taken when absolutely necessary. These funds perfectly relieve common symptoms: swelling, rhinitis, tearing, rash and itching. Here they take Tsetrin, Loratadin, Edem.

In case of severe complications and the danger of anaphylactic shock, the patient needs urgent medical care. Emergency doctors use Dexamethasone and Adrenaline. If an allergic person has already had an anaphylactic condition, then doctors recommend carrying a dose of adrenaline with you to protect yourself.

Creams and ointments

To relieve symptoms of skin lesions, namely: rashes, red spots, urticaria and itching, creams and ointments of steroid and non-steroid origin are used. Here they use Videstim, Bepanten - they moisturize the affected areas of the skin and help with peeling.

In case of severe skin lesions, glucocosteroids are prescribed - Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone. The drugs may show side effects Therefore, doctors often resort to traditional medicine treatment.

medicinal plants

Traditional medicine almost without side effects, therefore, they are preferable to medications, however, only the attending allergist can prescribe or prohibit them.

For traditional medicine, decoctions, tinctures, lotions and baths from medicinal herbs are used. These plants include:

  • Celandine - has bactericidal properties;
  • Chamomile - soothes the skin well;
  • Nettle - nourishes and cleanses the skin;
  • Succession, duckweed, plantain, parsley.

Children should not be given infusions that are too concentrated, so they are given weak decoctions for lotions and baths, in rare cases - for oral administration.

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the occurrence of repeated allergic reactions and increasing the body's immune system. Disease prevention includes:

  1. Diet food - including the complete exclusion of pineapple and all products containing it; exclusion from food of highly allergenic foods; do not eat fried, smoked, fatty and salty foods;
  2. Exclusion of contact with cosmetics, perfumes and other things containing pineapple or its components;
  3. Strengthening the body through sports and frequent long walks in the fresh air.

Allergic reaction to pineapple a rare event, more often manifested in people with sensitive digestion. This fruit can cause individual intolerance, which can be confused with allergies, so you need to clearly know the symptoms of the disease and recognize them in time in order to start treatment.
