
Currant jam 7 cups. Red currant jam

Black currant is a storehouse of vitamins. Save them for the winter by cooking very delicious jam recipes from our collection!

  • Blackcurrant - 11 glasses
  • Sugar - 14 cups
  • Water - 2 glasses

Sort the blackcurrant, rinse and let the water drain.

Pour 2 cups of water and 7 cups of sugar into a saucepan.

Boil the syrup - the sugar should completely dissolve.

Put all currants into boiling syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from fire.

Pour the remaining sugar, stir for 10 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour hot into jars. Keep refrigerated. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: jelly-like blackcurrant jam (with photo)

Absolutely everyone likes jelly-like currant jam - both adults and children. This delicacy can be eaten with bread, added to tea and consumed just like that in its pure form.

  • Ripe blackcurrant - 2 kilograms;
  • 2 kilograms of granulated sugar.

The berry must be carefully sorted out, select all the leaves of the twig and stalks.

We wash the currants warm water from dirt and dust.

Spread a towel on the table and cover it with berries in several layers and leave to dry completely.

Then pour the currants into a large cup and with the help of a pusher you need to thoroughly knead the whole berry.

After crushing, put the whole mixture on a sieve and wipe it thoroughly.

The remains of currant cake can be thrown away or left for cooking other dishes.

Cover the container with a lid and bring to a boil over medium heat.

Then cover everything with a lid and leave to cook for about 10 minutes.

After that, open the lid, put on medium fire and boil for 5 minutes. We stir everything, it is advisable to use a wooden spoon for stirring.

Remove the container of jam from the fire and leave to stand at room temperature about 2 hours.

After that finished jelly jam from blackcurrant, remove from the stove and leave to cool.

In the meantime, sterilize jars and lids.

Pour the jam into jars and close nylon lids.

You can store in any cool dark place or in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: how to cook thick blackcurrant jam with spices

Jam with spices turns out to be very fragrant and acquires a new, completely different taste. Anise, cinnamon and cloves give currants oriental note, making winter sweetness not only useful, but also very original.

In order for the berries to be saturated with the aroma of spices, you must first make a syrup and leave it for several hours. This will allow the sweet mass to absorb the aroma of spices as much as possible and “give” them to currants during heat treatment.

Berries for confiture should be dense, ripe and sweet. This will help you make the perfect jam.

  • blackcurrant (500 grams);
  • granulated sugar (400 grams);
  • cloves (3-4 pieces);
  • cinnamon (¼ tsp);
  • anise (¼ tsp);
  • water (150 ml).

Doing fragrant syrup: pour the sweetener into the pan and enter necessary rate water.

Pour spices: cloves, cinnamon and anise.

Cooking sweet preparation 12 - 15 minutes (after boiling). We leave to infuse for 2 - 3 hours.

We prepare the fruits of black currant and put them in fragrant syrup. We can pre-strain it to extract the seeds of cloves and anise.

Cooking currant jam oriental 22-25 minutes.

We pour the hot berry mass into pre-prepared containers and cork. You can store such jam for at least 7-10 months.

Recipe 4: five-minute blackcurrant jam (step by step)

Due to the thick structure of the jam, it can be used for stuffing dumplings or sweet oven pies. But just imagine what kind of cake you can make in winter - cut a biscuit in half, layer curd cream and lay the jam in an even layer - children will definitely prefer such a delicacy to a store-bought one, and adults are unlikely to refuse such yummy. In a word, if you have enough currants, jam simply must be on the shelf of your bins.

  • currant - 0.5 kg.,
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Pick a currant bush, or buy already picked berries in the market. Place all currants in a large bowl / basin, pour water. You can see that dry leaves and twigs have floated to the surface, they must be carefully removed. Rinse the currant again in a sieve.

Now take a kitchen blender or meat grinder, mix all the berries in the technique and puree.

Transfer the chopped currants to a bowl or pan, boil for about three minutes. If desired, wipe through a sieve, but to leave different-sized pieces of berries in the jelly, it is enough to walk well with an immersion blender.

Pour a portion of granulated sugar into the crushed currants, return the container to the stove and boil for exactly five minutes from the moment of boiling. In the process, remove the foam that will appear on the surface of the berries.

The currant mass turns out to be quite thick, when it hardens, it will be even thicker.

Arrange five minutes in sterile jars. You can store in the refrigerator, or you can tightly tighten the jars with a key and cool under a blanket. After rearrange in the cellar and leave until winter.

Recipe 5, simple: healthy live jam - blackcurrant and raspberry

In this recipe, boiling blackcurrant and raspberry jam is not needed. Raw blackcurrant and raspberry jam turns out not only healthy and fragrant, but also thick, reminiscent of jelly. Using my step-by-step recipe with a photo, you will learn how to cook such a blank from summer berries.

  • 2 kg of blackcurrant;
  • 2 kg raspberries;
  • 2-3 kg of granulated sugar.

Prepare blackcurrant. To clean it of dry tails, simply wash it in a bulky dish in plenty of water, and collect the floating tails and other debris with a small colander. Green stalks - cut off. Dry clean berries.

Wash raspberries.

Grind raspberries and blackcurrants with a meat grinder or blender, adding a small amount of sugar.

Fill in the remaining granulated sugar.

stir raw jam until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Make jars and lids sterile. Load the currant-raspberry raw jam into the cooled jars, close the lids.

Jam without cooking from raspberries and blackcurrants after a couple of hours becomes like jelly due to great content pectin in blackcurrant.

Recipe 6, step by step: orange and currant jam for the winter

Very unusual way jam preparation is presented below. Why is he interesting? First, the list of ingredients for this jam includes an orange. And secondly, this is a jam recipe that does not need to be boiled!

  • 1 kg currant;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 orange.

Sterilize jars and lids for currant jam. Wash the orange and pour boiling water over it to remove the wax.

Then grind it together with the peel using a meat grinder or blender.

Repeat the same steps with currants.

Then combine fruit and berry puree, add sugar and stir. Leave the mass at room temperature for a couple of hours. Stir the mass during this time several times and wait until the sugar has completely turned into syrup.

After the sugar has dissolved, put the jam in jars and roll up.

Store the jam in the refrigerator. Even after a year, it will retain its taste and useful properties.

Recipe 7: how to cook delicious jam with currants and gooseberries

This jam has several cooking options: “live” jam without cooking and “10-minute” jam with short-term heat treatment of berries and the addition of orange, which I want to tell you about today.

Both varieties of jam have a thick, jelly-like consistency. Allows you to preserve the natural color and aroma fresh berries, and the combination of blackcurrant and gooseberry gives an unusual and so pleasant taste that jam is simply impossible to break away from.

  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Gooseberries - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Orange - 0.5-1 pc. (taste)

Prepare the ingredients according to the list. The ratio of berries can be changed: add 250–500 grams of gooseberries per kilogram of currants or mix berries in equal amounts.

The proportions of sugar for preparing "live" gooseberry and currant jam are classic - 1: 1 or 1: 1.5, while taking into account the total weight of the berries. For the orange version of the jam, you can take a little less sugar and add it to your liking.

Rinse the berries, dry, sort. Remove stems and sepals.

Grind. I use a blender, but you can also use a meat grinder or chop the berries by hand. Additionally, you can rub the mixture through a sieve to remove the seeds - I do not do this.

To prepare the jam version with orange, additionally pour boiling water over the orange, cut into slices and remove the stones from it. Add to berries and chop.

Mix berry puree with sugar.

As the sugar dissolves, the mixture will become increasingly silky, glossy and jelly-like.

"Live" currant and gooseberry jam is ready.

Bring the jam with the addition of orange to a boil over medium heat and, reducing the heat, cook for 10 minutes.

Place the jam in sterilized jars.

Sprinkle "live" jam on top of 1-2 tbsp. Sahara. A layer of sugar on the surface of the jam - additional protection from the penetration and reproduction of bacteria. Close the jars with sterilized lids, plastic or metal.

Turn jars of hot jam over and wrap until completely cool.

Blackcurrant and gooseberry jam is ready.

Store "live" jam in a cool room, cellar or refrigerator. Thermally processed gooseberry and currant jam can be stored at room temperature.

Black currant a very healthy berry, so it is used to make delicious jam for the winter. Blackcurrant jam contains many vitamins and nutrients, so necessary for us in the winter. Thrifty housewives, in the season of currant ripening, try to close delicious jam for the whole family.

The best blackcurrant jam recipes for every taste.

Simple Recipes: blackcurrant jam 5 minutes with whole berries, currant jelly, blackcurrant in own juice, blackcurrant jam-jelly, raw blackcurrant jam.

A delicious jam that cooks very quickly, which is why it is called a five-minute. Berries remain whole and retain a maximum of vitamins.

Ingredients: blackcurrant 1.5 kg, sugar 2 kg, water 2 cups of 200 ml.


Sort currants, remove twigs and green leaves, bad berries. Wash under running water. Prepare half-liter jars: wash and sterilize.

Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar, put on fire. Cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring.

Pour the berries into the boiling syrup. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, do not forget to remove the foam.

Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids.

From this amount of ingredients came out 6 half- liter cans delicious jam for the winter.

Video - Five-minute blackcurrant jam

A simple recipe for making blackcurrant jam in your own juice, healthy and tasty jam.

Ingredients: blackcurrant 1.5 kg, sugar 1 kg.


Sort the berries, wash under running water, remove the leaves and twigs. Prepare jars and lids for canning: wash and sterilize.

Grind 500 grams of blackcurrant berries with a blender or scroll through a meat grinder. Pour into a saucepan, add the berries that remained intact, sugar and mix.

Put on fire and after the contents begin to boil, cook for 5 minutes.

Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up the lids.

I got 4 half-liter jars of delicious jam in my own juice.

Jam with whole berries, but like jelly. Delicious and quick to prepare.

Ingredients: blackcurrant - 5.5 cups, sugar - 7 cups, water - 1.5 cups.


In a saucepan in which you will cook jam, mix currant berries, water and 3.5 cups of sugar together.

Put on fire, boil for 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, add 3.5 cups of sugar, stir until completely dissolved and immediately pour the jam into prepared half-liter jars and roll up.

It turned out 3 half-liter jars healthy jam- jelly from this amount of ingredients.

Healthy and tasty blackcurrant jam, easy and quick to prepare.

Ingredients: blackcurrant, sugar.


Sort currant berries, wash. Twist the berries through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

We combine together sugar and chopped berries in a 1: 1 ratio. Stir and leave at room temperature until sugar dissolves.

Taste, if there is little sugar then add and again wait until it melts completely.

Prepare jars in advance, wash, sterilize. Arrange the jam in dry, clean jars, close the lids and store in the cold (a refrigerator is ideal).

Video - Currant for the winter

A simple cooking recipe currant jelly. Thick jelly can be spread on bread, very tasty and healthy.

Ingredients: black currant 1 kg, sugar 1 kg.


Wash the berries, you can not touch from the branches. Together with the sprigs, we throw the berries and sugar into a bowl for making jam.

We put on a small fire and mix for 10 minutes, until the sugar is completely wet. We increase the fire to the maximum, as it boils, remove the foam that appears. Cook for 3-5 minutes.

Pour a little jam through a colander, wipe with a wooden spoon, twigs will remain in the sieve. Pour hot jam over clean banks leave to cool completely, do not cover with lids.

Such currant jelly can be rolled up and stored in the basement, or closed with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Here are such simple recipes for delicious and healthy blackcurrant jam.

Happy tea drinking in winter!

  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.

The most delicious blackcurrant jam recipe

  • We sort out the berries, wash them.
  • To the big enamel pan pour water, boil.
  • We spread the berries and cook over medium heat for exactly 10 minutes.
  • After that, pour in the sugar and bring the jam to a boil, stirring.
  • Pour the finished hot jam into sterile jars and immediately roll up metal lids.

Stored it blackcurrant jam for a very long time and it turns out absolutely not sour, with a delicate taste.

Don't be scared a large number water, thick currant jam and desired consistency- soft-skinned berries.


You will need: 1.5 kg of sugar, 1 kg of currants, ½-1 glass of water.

So that during the preparation of jam currant berries do not shrivel, dip them before cooking for a few minutes in boiling water, then fold them into a colander.

Sort the berries, wash, dry. Pour water into an enameled pan or basin, add sugar, mix and bring to a boil. Pour the berries into the boiled syrup, bring everything to a boil again and, after boiling, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, then immediately pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and cork with lids.


Required: 10 glasses sugar and currant , 2.5 cups of water.

Pour the sorted and washed berries into an enameled container or stainless steel dishes, pour in water, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, add sugar, bring to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes over moderate heat. When hot, spread the jam in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and wrap in a blanket, leave in it for a day, then store in a cool place.

And more recipes:

Recipe for a delicious jam: 11 cups of currants, 16 cups of sugar and 3 cups of water. PREPARATION: Boil 3 cups of water and 8 cups of sugar for 10 minutes. Add 11 cups of currants, do not stir. Cook for 10 minutes. If the berries are overripe, cook for 5 minutes. Add 8 cups of sugar, boil for 1-2 minutes and arrange in sterile jars and roll up.

More recipe- -3 cups of water + 8 cups of sugar, bring to a boil and add 11 cups of currant berries, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, turn off and add another 8 cups of sugar, mix gently, then gently mix 2-3 more times, that's it. in jars it is possible both hot and cooled. It turns out like jelly.

And another recipe: I have tried many recipes for making jam in my lifetime, and for myself I decided this way: I never make syrup from water and sugar. Giving any berries the opportunity to let the juice themselves, pouring sugar over moss .. And in own juice already cooking. With a wooden pusher, my grandmother used to make such jam. From the metal, when twisting the berries, oxidation occurs and a metallic taste appears. The pusher is wooden, the basin is enamelled, the spoon, in any case, should also be wooden. It is better to cook in several steps for 5 minutes and let the jam cool down. I cook any berries and apples in this way. Good luck to you, ladies!

And further: And I never cook. blackcurrant, and I do this, I take two identical glasses. I pour currants into one, sugar into the other. I pour the berries into an enameled ladle (it’s more convenient) a little and sprinkle with sugar. I grind with a wooden crush to a slurry of a figurative state. When I grind everything, I put it in a large container and let the sugar disperse for a day. I transfer it to clean jars. It is stored even on the balcony and the vitamins are preserved.

Currant is a very common plant, it grows in Europe, and in Asia, and in North America. There are many varieties of it. Interestingly, the currant belongs to the gooseberry family.

Blackcurrant is one of the most useful, it is a real pantry of health. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, P, organic acids (citric and malic), useful substances such as potassium, iron, zinc and others. Content ascorbic acid currants are many times higher than citrus fruits. Jam, compotes, marshmallow, jelly, marmalade, currant wine are prepared from blackcurrant berries. Currant leaves and fruits are brewed and used for decoctions or in the form of tea.

Currant is very useful for prevention colds, for blood purification and hematopoiesis, as well as for atherosclerosis. Helps with cardiovascular diseases. Blackcurrant jam is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare it for the winter.

In previous articles, we considered recipes, and. Today we will consider some recipes for making currant jam.

Blackcurrant jam - wonderful dessert, with him any tea party turns into a holiday. It can also be used for filling pies, added to creams for cakes. It cooks quickly and keeps well. There are many ways to make jam. Let's consider some of them.

Recipe for thick blackcurrant jam for the winter

Properly prepared jam retains all the beneficial properties of the berry. When processed, currant almost does not lose its amazing qualities and fills our body with vitamins, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, and makes you feel better with colds and flu.

Preparing jam has long been a traditional occupation in our country. After all, it is important to consume vitamins not only in summer, but also to stock up on them for the winter. And in this case, currant jam is our first assistant.


  • sugar - 1 kg,
  • currant - 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to cook currant jam:

We sort, wash, dry the currant berries. When the berry is prepared, we begin to make blackcurrant jam for the winter. It is necessary to take into account the differences from and . The berry releases juice slowly and requires more sugar. Usually, proportions from one to one to one to one and a half (currants to sugar) are used.

Currant jam will turn out delicious and tender, with whole berries, if they are blanched for several minutes in boiling water before processing, followed by cooling in cold water. The time depends on the size and ripeness of the fruit.

It is recommended to use water good quality- spring or cleaned from the tap. You can buy drinking water.

Pour water into a basin or enameled pan, add sugar. We put our dishes on the fire and bring to a boil.

After boiling, add a little currant and cook for several minutes, stirring.

Gradually add currants and sugar. We prepare all the jam in this way, every five minutes we add a glass of berries and a glass of sugar alternately.

Cook over low heat, stirring constantly and removing the foam.

Pour hot jam into sterilized jars.

We close the lids and turn the jars over, wrap them up.

Currant berries are prone to oxidation, so the jam is rolled up with lids that do not oxidize.

Jam can be stored at room temperature.

Blackcurrant jam five minutes

This jam is prepared very quickly and therefore it contains a lot of vitamins. The berries do not boil soft, each currant remains soft and whole. The jam is prepared with a small amount sugar and with the addition of water.


  • sugar - 1.3-1.5 kg (depending on the acidity of the berries),
  • currant - 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to cook blackcurrant jam 5-minute:

Jam is called so because it takes 5 minutes to cook. Five minutes - very popular recipe, since in such currant jam all vitamins are preserved. Despite the heat treatment, the berry retains all its beneficial properties.

It is desirable to collect currants a week after ripening, until the berries begin to crack. The crop can be harvested with brushes, the berries are separated before processing.

So let's get started. We prepare our currants. We clean the berries from debris. We remove twigs, sepals, unripe fruits.

Wash the berries cold water(under a little pressure so that it remains intact) and leave it in a colander so that the water runs off. Many housewives, before cooking, scald currants in a colander so that the berry does not burst during cooking and in order to remove the film from it. Next - dry the berries.

Pour sugar (1.5 kg) into a saucepan and pour water (200 ml). Cooking sugar syrup.

After the syrup has boiled and the sugar has dissolved in it, put the currants into it. Waiting for her to boil. Turn off immediately.

We leave the berries for 2 hours so that the currants are saturated with syrup.

How much to cook currant jam? If it will be used as a dessert, then the processing time can be any. If we want to focus on useful properties currant, then you need to reduce the time of its heat treatment.

After that, put our currant jam on the fire and boil for 5 minutes, stir with a wooden spoon. We take off the foam. Cook the jam over low heat.

We check the readiness: for this, we drop jam on a saucer, if a drop of jam does not spread, then the currant jam is ready.

Pour the jam into sterilized jars.

And we roll.

This currant jam is perfectly stored at room temperature.

Blackcurrant jam five-minute jelly

A fragrant five-minute blackcurrant jelly is an excellent delicacy for the winter. At first glance, the process is laborious, but in fact, even a novice hostess can handle it. This jam is prepared very quickly and simply. It freezes perfectly, since the berries contain natural pectin, and it turns out to be like jelly in consistency, and there is absolutely no need to add gelatin or other thickeners. Jam can be used for baking various pies Or just spread on bread. This jam is a wonderful dessert for tea in the cold winter cold.


  • sugar - 1.5 kg,
  • currant - 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to make jam:

This recipe allows the use of overripe or unripe berries, as well as very large or small berries. We prepare the berries as usual: we sort, rinse with a colander and dry.

We prepare the berries immediately before processing - remove the twigs and sepals. You don’t need to do this in advance, because after such a cleaning, the vitamins in the skin and pulp begin to quickly break down.

Beat our blackcurrant with a blender.

We take a colander, put three layers of gauze on top. We pass our currants through a sieve.

We wait until all the juice drains, squeeze the rest by hand.

Cooking currant jam should be in enameled, glassware or any other that is not prone to oxidation.

We get blackcurrant juice.

Add sugar.

We put our future jelly on the fire, slowly bring to a boil. We cook 5 minutes.

To check the readiness of jelly: you can drop jam on cold dishes and if the drop turns into jelly, then it is ready.

Pour hot jelly into jars, previously sterilized in the microwave, oven or steam. When the jam has cooled, close the lids. You don't need to flip jars.

Store in a cool, dark place.

Blackcurrant jam five-minute jelly is ready! 🙂

Bon appetit!

Currant jam 5-minute, the recipes of which I offer you today for consideration, is one of my favorites. In fairness, I must say that I am still Carlson, and I love almost any jam. But there are two favorites - five-minute currant jam, the recipe of which I will give a little lower, and jelly-like currant jam. This jam is like thick jelly, I tried it while still a student, from the hostess, from whom I rented a room. It was so delicious, just incredible! No one cooked this at our house, so I remembered the taste and texture for the rest of my life. And, to my delight, I recently found a recipe for this on the net. lovely jam, so I have been preparing it for the second year myself. Therefore, I share currant yummy with you. Besides, I can't tell you about the vitamin variant cooking - blackcurrant jam without cooking tastes like summer itself!


The fastest and thickest five-minute currant jam

Such jam is cooked so quickly that it practically does not have time to lose vitamins. Try to cook only 2 liters of jam at first, and if you like it - I think you will definitely like it - just double or triple the amount of ingredients. So, to prepare such a jam in the amount of two liter jars, you will need to take the following products:

  • Black currant - 5 glasses without a slide;
  • Filtered water - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 7 glasses.

Yes, there is quite a lot of sugar, but it makes a wonderful sugar syrup. In addition, currants for this jam can be used both very ripe and medium ripe, in any case, the taste will be very balanced. You can cook jam both from freshly picked berries and from frozen ones, it turns out the same thing. First you need to sort out the currant. We remove all the branches, thoroughly wash the berries several times to remove all the garbage, which is usually a lot.

Pour the berries into a colander, let the water drain a little. Now take a saucepan or your favorite enamel basin in which you make jam. Pour there required amount water. After that, you will need to pour currants there - immediately in cold water. We wait until it boils. As soon as it boils, add granulated sugar there and mix everything rather quickly, but gently mix so as not to crush the berries.

Looking forward to a re-boil. By this time, dry and sterilized jars should already be waiting for us on the table. Pour the jam hot, roll up the jars immediately.

We take into account an important point - currant jam is prepared only in small portions if you cook the whole crop at once, the currant will overheat while it boils, the pectin will collapse, and the jam will not be so thick!

Currant jam 5-minute

Very similar to the previous recipe, tasty, thick, with whole beautiful berries. The proportions of the products and the method of preparation are slightly different, try making some jam, I think the result will not disappoint you. Again, the same rule applies here as in previous recipe- so that the pectin does not collapse when overheated, we cook the jam in small portions - it boils quickly, it is quickly poured - and voila, everything is ready. For cooking, you will need to take the following products:

  • Currant - 5.5 glasses;
  • Water - 1.5 cups;
  • Sugar -7 cups (divided into 2 portions).

Let's prepare the berries first. We sort out the currants very carefully, making sure that branches and other debris do not fall into the workpiece. Then we take cold filtered water, pour it into a container in which we will cook jam. There we add currant berries and half the sugar. We mix everything, put on fire and wait for boiling.

As soon as it boils, we time the timer for exactly 5 minutes. After this time, add another half of the sugar, 3.5 cups. Stir so that the sugar just has time to dissolve. Re-boiling no need to wait.

The jars should already be prepared, sterilized, clean and dry, as well as the lids. Immediately pour hot jam into jars with a ladle and roll everything up. Don't flip, it's not necessary. Just wrap until cool. It is well stored up to 3 years, does not even sugar.

Currant jam without cooking

Super-simple jam, it really takes 5 minutes to prepare, no more. The proportions are incredibly simple, 1:1, in addition, you can make such jam even from frozen berries. If you cook according to all the rules so that the vitamins are preserved, then you will need to crush the berries with a wooden spoon. But then there is no question of cooking speed. But real lazy people, like me, prefer a meat grinder or a blender. For cooking you will need:

  • Sugar - 500 grams;
  • Currant berries - 500 grams.

It is prepared like this - first you need to sort out the blackcurrant berries and remove all the garbage. After that, you need to rinse the currant a couple of times, and pour it into a colander so that the water drains. Since the jam is “raw”, there should be no water in it, the berries are needed, albeit not dry, but still well dried.

After that, the berries are crushed - as already written above, either with a meat grinder or a blender. And then the berry mass is covered with sugar. We haven’t rolled anything up yet, it may need editing. First, leave a bowl of jam at room temperature under a towel, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as it dissolves, we try. Perhaps there is not enough sugar for your taste, then add more, and wait and try again.

Jam can not be rolled up, but simply covered with dry lids. It is stored exclusively in the refrigerator, it can stand up to a year. If you are afraid that it will go bad or moldy, you can pour 1.5-2 cm of sugar on top, then nothing will happen to him. A small note - such raw jam can be made from any seasonal berries, be it raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn and so on.

Blackcurrant does not need to be boiled for a long time, it is well stored, but how to cook blackcurrant jam so that it is thick and at the same time retain all the nutrients? Now I will tell you the secret of blackcurrant jam quick boil to make it jelly-like.

I still remember when my mother first made this jam when I was a child. It was then somehow fashionable, unusual, my mother learned the recipe from a friend. And the very name "five minutes", and the fact that it turned out like jelly - it all seemed like a miracle. All in all, this is mine. favorite jam from currant.

When we cook currant jam, we do not lay all the sugar at once, you need to leave a portion of sugar to add it at the very end of cooking, then you get a jelly-like consistency. Here is such a focus.
Blackcurrant jam five-minute jelly is a completely untroubled preparation, and in winter it will save you from colds and improves immunity and mood.
So, let's figure out exactly how much and when you need sugar for five-minute blackcurrant jam, here's the recipe.

How to cook blackcurrant jam for five minutes - jelly-like

black currant - 2 liters
granulated sugar - 2 liters
Water - 0.5 liters
1. First, prepare the berries, carefully sort and rinse. This is the most difficult and longest stage.

To obtain daily allowance vitamin C, 20 blackcurrants are enough, and it contains twice as much potassium as bananas.
Blackcurrant is one of the most useful berries, and five-minute jelly jam will fully preserve these properties. We looked at how to cook blackcurrant jam, if you also have redcurrant, then the jam is cooked according to the same principle, only take 300 grams more sugar, since redcurrant is more acidic.

blackcurrant jelly jam for the winter step by step instructions


Jelly currant jam for the winter - 5 different recipes

The most delicious recipes for black and red currant jelly jam

Currant is one of the most delicious, healthy and fragrant berries from which they make different blanks for the winter. Jelly-like currant jam - favorite treat adults and children. This berry has unique gelling properties that transform liquid product into thick jelly.

How to cook currant jelly at home?

This question is relevant for many. To prepare such a blank, you can use red, black or white currant berries, while the taste of the product will be different and unique. Also, you can combine - raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries - from this berry jelly will only win.

The best recipes for making jelly currant jam:

Content: Recipe 1. Blackcurrant jelly with lemon juice

  • Purified water - 1.5 cups.
  • Ripe blackcurrant berries - 5 cups.
  • Freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon.
  • Sugar - 1 cup for every 1.5 cups of juice.
  1. Rinse and sort the berries, remove the twigs. Pour clean berries into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom, grind with a blender, pour in water and lemon juice.
  2. Put on medium heat and boil for 10 minutes, after the berry mass boils.
  3. Throw the boiled berries in a colander with gauze to get pure juice. Cover the colander with a lid on top and leave in this state for 3-4 hours, until the berries give up all the juice.
  4. In order not to wait for a long time, you can go the other way - squeeze the berries with your hands, however, the juice will turn out not so transparent.
  5. IN currant juice add sugar at the rate of 1.5 cups of juice 1 cup of sugar.
  6. Mix liquid jam and put on medium heat. While the juice boils, you can cook glass containers under the jelly Each housewife has her own method of sterilizing jars.
  7. After the juice boiled and boiled for 5-7 minutes, you need to check its ability to form pectin. Drop half a teaspoon of hot product on a saucer and refrigerate. As soon as the jelly has cooled, take it out and again drop a couple of drops of the hot mass into it. Place back in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes.
  8. If a thin film begins to form on the jelly in the saucer, which you can check with a spoon or simply press it with your finger, then the jelly is ready. If the product does not thicken, it must be boiled for another 3-4 minutes.
  9. spill hot product in clean jars, roll up the lids and sterilize in a pot of boiling water for 20 minutes.
  10. So the fragrant, beautiful in color and very tasty jelly-like blackcurrant jam is ready in glasses for the winter. It can be served with pancakes, pancakes and various desserts.

The remaining currant pulp after jelly can be used to make compotes, wine or tinctures.

Recipe 2. Gelated redcurrant jam "Five Minute" Required Ingredients:
  • Red currant berries - 2 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Sugar - 3 kg.
  1. Sort, wash the berries, remove the stems and put in a colander. Prepare sugar syrup.
  2. Add the berries ground through a meat grinder or blender to the boiling syrup, bring to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Strain the berry mass through cheesecloth or wipe through a sieve.
  4. Pour the finished product into sterilized jars and roll up for the winter.
Recipe 3. White currant jam in a slow cooker

The taste of white currant differs from red and black berries, however, jam from it turns out to be just as tasty and fragrant. To prepare this blank according to a very simple recipe, you will need:

  • Berries of white currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  1. Rinse, sort and peel the berries from the stems. Pour currants into a bowl for cooking. Cover the berries with sugar and select the "Stewing" option for 1 hour.
  2. So that the jam does not burn after half an hour, it must be stirred. In order for the product to turn out to be thicker, it is necessary to turn on the "Heating" function for another 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Such a preparation can be prepared for the winter. To do this, at the end of the quenching, you must turn on the "Cooking" option for 5 minutes. spill finished product on clean banks and roll up.
  4. White currant jam is served with tea, and is also used as a filling for buns and pies.
Recipe 4. Blackcurrant jelly in glasses

  • Blackcurrant - 6 cups.
  • Sugar - 4 cups.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Prepare sugar syrup. Mix water with 1 cup sugar. Add the washed, sorted and de-stemmed berries to the boiling sugar mass.
  • Bring to a boil and boil for 7 minutes. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to remove the foam.
  • At the end of cooking, add the rest of the sugar, mix until it is completely dissolved.
  • Remove the finished product from heat and pour into clean jars, roll up. Jam is thick like jelly.
Recipe 5. aromatic jam blackcurrant with ginger
  • Sugar - 800 g.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • Ginger root - 1 teaspoon.
  • Black currant berries - 550 g.
  1. Throw the peeled, washed and dried currants into a colander and pour over boiling water.
  2. Boil sugar syrup.
  3. Grate the ginger root on a fine grater.
  4. Put the berries and chopped ginger into the boiling syrup, boil all the products for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour hot jam into a clean glass container, after it has cooled down, transfer to storage in a cool place.

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Jam - blackcurrant jelly for the winter - Delicious food

Blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant jam - very tasty and vitamin.

In the indicated proportion of berries and sugar, jam-jelly turns out to be very tasty. Currants contain a large amount of pectin, so currants make excellent jelly, like black currants. as well as redcurrant. To make it homogeneous, jelly is boiled from berry juice.

But today we are making delicious blackcurrant jam with jelly properties. This jam is cooked in one step, which makes it easier to prepare.

If stored in cool place you can use regular nylon caps!

  • 11 cups blackcurrant
  • 1.5 cups of water
  • 13 cups of sugar
Preparation of blackcurrant jam for the winter:

So, wash and sort the blackcurrant berries, freeing them from green twigs.

In a large saucepan or basin for jam, we fill in the berries, and pour out the water, heat and boil.

After boiling, cook for 10 minutes.

Then pour 13 cups of sugar,

mix the blackcurrant jam well until the sugar dissolves (cook for another 5 minutes).

Turn off and chill.

Jam can be closed in jars in two ways

Blackcurrant jam is stored in the refrigerator or cellar. In this case, we close it like this:

Cool blackcurrant jam completely and pour into sterilized, dry, cold jars and close with nylon lids. This jam is perfectly stored in the cellar.

If you do not have a cellar and a lot of space in the refrigerator, then pour the blackcurrant jam hot right away. We also prepare jars (read: “how to sterilize jars for blanks”).

Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up with boiled metal lids. Turn the jars of jam upside down and leave in this state until completely cooled, you do not need to wrap anything.

The proportions of sugar berries and water are very good - proven by many years of experience - this old recipe hope you enjoy it!

Blackcurrant is also good in compotes. We like to spin assorted for the winter: black and red currant compote.

Now the raspberries are in full swing. If you have a good raspberry crop this year, roll up a refreshing concentrated compote from raspberries for the winter!

Very tasty and healthy!

That's all for today, subscribe to new recipes to always be aware of site news Tasty food

Blackcurrant jelly, recipes for the winter to your taste

Blackcurrant jelly, recipes for the winter

One of my favorites vitamin desserts We have long considered blackcurrant jelly. I learned the first recipe for the winter from my grandmother, when neither gelatin nor other thickeners were added to the blanks, and there were no slow cookers, everything was cooked on the stove in a large basin. There was always a sea of ​​​​berries, they only had time to roll up the banks. And after all, everything was eaten, the delicacy was more accessible than sweets.

Housewives with children like to cook blackcurrant jelly. Luminous jelly beautifully laid out on a plate everyone immediately wants to try. Cooking it is not at all difficult, and it is not necessary to add thickeners, because currants have enough of their natural pectin. And it also has the whole group of vitamins that really help us out in the winter.

How to make blackcurrant jelly

Of course, a big plus is that there are a lot of pectins in the berry and it gels itself. But currants are hard to give their juice. Therefore, you always have to tinker with the berry. But the result always justifies our labor costs.

Used to separate juice different methods, stew the berries and rub through a sieve, grind in a food processor or pass through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through a juicer. Any method has the right to exist, you need to choose the one that is more convenient for you. Let's look at recipes with different juicing methods.

Blackcurrant jelly, recipes

For this type of preparation, you can take a slightly unripe berry, the juice from it gels better and the result is stable.

Traditional currant jelly recipe
  • Black currant
  • A glass of water for every kilogram of berries
  • Sugar, 500 grams per liter of juice

First we sort and wash the berries. In this case, I don’t cut off the tails, anyway, they will remain together with the cake. I put the washed berry in a colander, shake it a little to excess water glass faster.

After that, the berry must be weighed to find out how many glasses of water to pour. We pour everything into a bowl or where we will cook and fill the berry with water. It must be boiled and boiled for about ten minutes, so that the berries burst, the juice flows out.

Then I rub the berry in portions into a saucepan from of stainless steel, where the jelly will be cooked. You can do this with a wooden spoon or spatula. The amount of juice also needs to be measured in order to know how much sugar to fill. I measured it by eye in advance, pouring water into the pan with liter jars.

We introduce sugar little by little, in portions already hot juice, continuing to heat until everything boils, you need to cook at a low temperature and stir all the time so that the sugar dissolves evenly. I boil the jelly by a third of the total volume, by the way, so that evaporation goes faster, it is better to take a wide and low pan.

The whole boiling process takes about an hour. Then I immediately pour hot jelly into jars and roll it up. jars should be sterile and dry, preferably warm. Then they do not need to be turned over and generally touched while the gelling process is in progress.

I found a good use for the cake left over from the berry. I lay it out on a baking sheet and dry it, then store it in a glass jar. In winter, it makes an excellent fragrant tea.

Blackcurrant jelly recipe - five minutes

How to make jelly:

I sort out the berries and wash them well, pouring them into a colander, under the tap. Then I pour it into a cauldron or a saucepan and pour water into it, I start heating it very slowly so that the berry gives off the juice, it takes about 15 minutes.

Then I squeeze the juice, if there are few berries, then I do it through gauze folded in several layers. I pour the juice back into the saucepan, add sugar there and evaporate for 20 minutes. Then I pour the hot jelly into jars.

Blackcurrant jelly through a meat grinder
  • Liter of squeezed juice
  • 0.45 grams of sugar

I sort out the berries, leave the tails, sometimes even twigs, there's nothing to worry about. I pass through a meat grinder. It turns out a thick mass, the bones and skins still come out and the juice is very difficult to separate. I pour the mass into a wide basin and add a little water there. If there was a five-liter bucket of berries, then you need a glass of water.

Slowly heat the mixture and then let it boil for ten minutes. During this time, the juice will already separate well. After that, it remains only to squeeze everything through cheesecloth, I put it in 4 layers. I pour sugar into the resulting juice and cook over medium heat until a thick film begins to collect on the surface, which means the jelly is ready and it's time to pour it into jars.

Raw blackcurrant jelly

Yes, I do that too. In this case, all vitamins are perfectly preserved. Only here it is necessary to observe special sterility, pour boiling water over all objects that will come into contact with the berry. The berry itself needs to be sorted very well, tear off the tails and choose overripe ones, as they provoke fermentation.

For this you will need:

How to make raw jelly:

In this case, the juice is separated through a juicer, if there are seeds, then you still need to pass it through cheesecloth, which must be boiled.

Next, grind the sugar into powder using a coffee grinder. You can fall asleep whole, but it will take longer to dissolve. Add the powder to the juice and begin to heat until everything is completely dissolved. We do not bring to a boil and immediately pour into sterile jars. I keep this jam in the fridge.

Blackcurrant jelly, my favorite recipe

Blackcurrant jelly jam

What if there are too many black currant. A regular jam I don't even want to cook. Recipe to help jelly jam . It is easy to prepare, eaten quickly, because it is very tasty and not ordinary.

  1. Currant - 11 tbsp.
  2. Sugar - 14 tbsp.
  3. Water - 3 tbsp.

To make jelly jam you need large saucepan. Pour 3 cups of water into it and pour 7 cups of sugar into it.

Blackcurrant jelly jam ready.

  1. The jam will thicken and become jelly not immediately, but about a week after cooking.
  2. You can use not only blackcurrant, but also other berries, such as raspberries, red and white currants. Or make assorted.

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter

And, as a rule, blackcurrant jelly is subsequently eaten first for the winter. After all, currant jelly is so convenient and delicious to spread on toast or just eat a delicate treat with milk or hot tea on long winter evenings.

The recipe for currant jelly is simple, but there is one version of blackcurrant jelly with a little secret, thanks to which blackcurrant jelly for the winter turns out to be very thick, similar to jam - before rubbing the currant through a sieve, the berries must be chopped in a blender, that's all the rest is almost identical to the preparation of ordinary currant jelly.

For blackcurrant jelly, you only need berries and sugar directly. It is not difficult to calculate the required amount of both. Sugar must be taken about 10-20% more than currant puree. And from one kilogram of berries, 600-700 g of currant puree is obtained. For example, there is one kilogram of black currant, then 750 g of granulated sugar must be prepared.

Recipe for making blackcurrant jelly for the winter:

Peel the berries from leaves and other debris, without breaking off the stalks, then rinse under running water and let the water drain. Only now you can remove the stalks remaining on the berries. If you picked the berries yourself and are sure of their purity, then perhaps you can skip the washing step, but just sort through the berries.

Grind clean prepared berries in a blender or food processor.

And only now the currants can be rubbed through a sieve with a special pusher. Pre-grinding in a blender gives that after rubbing through a sieve, not currant juice is obtained, but the most delicate puree from currants, in addition, the amount of remaining cake is significantly reduced, but this cake can then be used for compote or fruit drink.

Weigh the mashed puree and measure the required amount of sugar. Another little secret- in order not to “lose” mashed potatoes when shifting from one cup to another, you need to wipe the currants immediately into the saucepan in which the jelly will be made, and pre-weigh the empty saucepan. Then the weight of the puree is easy to calculate by weighing the pan with the puree.
Pour half of the available sugar into the puree, stir and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.

Remove the pan with currant puree from the heat, add the second half of the sugar and quickly stir it thoroughly. You can notice that the puree begins to gel before our eyes.

Quickly spread the still hot blackcurrant jelly into prepared sterilized jars (it is more convenient to use several small jars) and close or roll up.

Cover jars with currant jelly for the winter with a blanket or a thick rag so that cooling occurs slowly. The next day, you can remove the jelly to a dark and cool place and store it there.

In exactly the same way, thick jelly is prepared from red and white currants, and red currants will gel even better, and the finished jelly will turn out even thicker.

Currant jam Pyatiminutka, recipes with photos

Currant jam Pyatiminutka, recipes with photos. How to make currant jam Five-minute: jelly, without cooking, in a slow cooker

In our areas it is difficult to find a more unpretentious and at the same time mega-useful berry than currants. Red, black, white, pink, golden and even green - it always pleases summer residents with a bountiful harvest and specific sweet and sour taste. It is precisely because of the specific taste features Many people prefer to cook currant jam from this berry, in which useful vitamins are preserved, and the berry taste becomes richer and sweeter. In our article today you will find the most best recipes this currant delicacy. But we are not talking about traditional confiture jams. We bring to your attention Pyatiminutka currant jam - the fastest, most delicious and useful option this delicacy.

Blackcurrant jam Pyatiminutka, recipe

Moderately sweet and very tender, Pyatiminutka blackcurrant jam is obtained, the recipe of which awaits you further. True to its name, this delicious preparation for the winter it will cook literally 5-7 minutes. main feature recipe - the berries will retain their shape, and the syrup will gradually give the jam a jelly-like consistency.

Ingredients for five-minute blackcurrant jam
  • currant berries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.3 kg
  • water - 450 ml.
Step-by-step instructions for making blackcurrant jam
  1. Wash and sort the berries, removing twigs and leaves. We recline the currant in a colander in order to get rid of excess liquid.

On a note! If you don’t have enough blackcurrants, then you can safely add red or white berries - this will give the delicacy an even more pronounced taste and color.

  • Pour the berries into a saucepan, add half the sugar and water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the foam with a wooden spoon.

  • Add the remaining sugar and water, stir and bring to a boil. Cook for 5-7 minutes. We check the readiness of the jam as follows: drip a little currant jam on a dry plate. If the drop holds its shape, then the jam is ready.

  • Pour the hot jam into clean sterilized jars, close the lids and turn over. Wrap in something warm and send to cool in a dark place.

    Five-minute red currant jam without cooking, recipe

    Delicious jam without cooking is not a myth, but a reality. For example, cook raw jam - five minutes from red currant without cooking, you will find the recipe below, you can do it very simply and quickly. And to give the delicacy originality, we advise you to add citrus fruits, for example, oranges, to raw jam.

    Ingredients for redcurrant and orange jam
    • redcurrant - 1 kg
    • granulated sugar - 2 kg
    • large orange - 2 pcs.
    Instructions on how to make a five-minute jam from red currant and orange
    1. We wash and sort the berries. Wash oranges and pour over boiling water.
    2. We prepare glass containers: put clean jars in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for 10 minutes. We boil the lids in boiling water for 5-7 minutes.
    3. Chop up red currants. This can be done in several ways: in a meat grinder, blender or grind through a sieve.
    4. We also grind oranges to a puree state in any way convenient for you, along with the peel.
    5. In a deep bowl, mix berry and citrus puree, add sugar and mix thoroughly until the latter is completely dissolved.
    6. We pack raw jam in jars. Sprinkle a tablespoon of sugar on top to prevent mold. Close the lids and store in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.
    Blackcurrant jam Five minutes in a slow cooker, recipe

    Cooking any jam in a slow cooker is just a pleasure. The smart machine will make sure that the delicacy does not burn and does not leak out. Even jars can be sterilized using this miracle technique. Five-minute blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker, the recipe for which you will find below, will not cook for the notorious 5 minutes, but a little longer. But since the multicooker will do almost all the work for the hostess, the cooking time will fly by very quickly.

    Ingredients for five-minute blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker
    • currant - 1 kg
    • granulated sugar -1, 5 kg
    Instructions for making currant jam Five minutes in a slow cooker
    1. Berries should be washed, sorted and dried on a paper towel.
    2. Pour currants with sugar, mix and leave for a day in the refrigerator so that the berries release juice.
    3. pour out currant mixture into the multicooker bowl and set the appropriate mode - "Extinguishing" or "Jam". Set the program time to 1 hour.
    4. Arrange the finished delicacy in sterile jars and cork with lids. Allow to cool upside down, pre-rolled in a warm blanket.
    Delicate currant jelly for the winter, a five-minute recipe

    Currant jelly for the winter is especially tender and beautiful. Rich taste And bright color This dessert has long won the hearts of many housewives. Delicate currant jelly for the winter fast option this delicacy. It literally takes a matter of minutes to prepare, and to please your unique taste maybe for years.

    Ingredients for the recipe for currant jelly for the winter
    • red currant - 1 kg
    • sugar - 1.3 kg
    Instructions for making five-minute currant jelly
    1. Using a blender or juicer, grind currants. We outlive the juice and filter it through a sieve lined with gauze.
    2. Mix the juice with sugar and send to the fire until boiling.
    3. Immediately after currant syrup boil, remove it from the heat and pour it hot into sterile jars.
    4. We close the jars with lids and send the jelly to cool. The delicacy will acquire a thick jelly-like consistency about a day after preparation, so do not worry that at first it may be liquid.
    Blackcurrant jam Pyatiminutka, video recipe

    How to prepare delicious blackcurrant jam Five minutes will tell the following video recipe. Thanks to its detailed step-by-step instructions, learn how to cook quick five minutes from currants even a novice cook can.

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  • Currant jam for the winter, step by step recipes

    Currant jam, smoked delicious recipes

    Jam is a delicacy that takes us back to childhood, in its taste you can always feel the care of loved ones and their love. Do you want to plunge into the sweet childhood by tasting your favorite berry delicacy from a dusty jar that was stored in the cellar. We offer you such a variant of canned treats like currant jam that is rich in vitamins. Let's get down to the "story" about how to cook currant jam with your own hands.

    Currant jam - what is it like?

    We are all so accustomed to this dish, it goes with us through life almost from the pot. But what is this dessert? It turns out that jam is a primordially Slavic sweet, inherent in the Eastern Slavs and more Caucasian peoples. It is mainly boiled from fruits and berries, but sometimes there is jam from vegetables, nuts, cones and even flowers, take at least jam from dandelions. There are several main types of jam:

    • Five minutes - this jam is cooked for 5 minutes.
    • Raw jam, or as we call it "Vitamin", which is not subjected to heat treatment during cooking and preserves most useful substances;
    • The usual jam - the preparation of such a spin usually takes no more than an hour.

    Useful properties of currant

    There are two kinds currant berries: black and red. Both berries are very useful, but they differ slightly in chemical composition. Black currants contain more vitamins than red currants, especially vitamin C and Iron. Therefore, blackcurrant is used in the treatment of colds, in the prevention of scurvy and vascular diseases, the heart. But red berries are also superior to black ones in some positions, for example, in the content of vitamin A.

    Raw currant jam or "Vitamin"

    The process of making blackcurrant and redcurrant jam is the same, so for this recipe you can choose berries of any color. Most of the vitamins remain in the jam "Vitamin". It is not subject to heat treatment, but it costs a long time in a jar due to the large amount of sugar (sugar as a preservative). Let's look at the step-by-step cooking scheme this dish. Ingredients:

    • 1 kg of black or red berries;
    • 1 kg of sugar (some recipes contain 2 kg of sugar, it depends on how much you like sweets).
    Cooking instructions
    1. Before preparing the “swirled dessert”, the berries must be washed and cleaned of twigs.
    2. Then we fill the berry with sugar and grind it with a blender;
    3. The resulting mass is left for a while so that the sugar dissolves.
    4. At this time, sterilize jars and lids. Some do it over steam or in the oven, but if it's a hot summer, then it's enough to wash the jars and lids with soda and expose them to the sun.
    5. The sugar has dissolved, we can close it. Such jam is stored in the cellar, where a constant low temperature is kept.

    If you plan to store currant jam in the refrigerator, then you can simply close it with plastic lids.

    Pyatiminutka jam from currant berries

    After "Vitamin" or raw jam, according to the composition of vitamins, jam costs 5 minutes. We remind you that the recipe for blackcurrant jam is no different from red berry jam. Ingredients for 5 minutes:

    • 1 kilogram of currants (black or red);
    • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
    • 1.5 cups of water (water is needed if you want to keep the berry whole).
    Sweet spin cooking session

    Now the next step is our step-by-step scheme for making jam at home with whole berries.

    1. As in the previous recipe, the berries must be washed and cleaned of the remaining branches.
    2. After that, sterilize the jars. We wash them with soda, and then put each one over the steam or send it to dry in the oven.
    3. Simultaneously with point two, you can make syrup. To do this, pour sugar with water and put on a small fire. As soon as the water is heated, it must be stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    4. Dip the berries into the resulting syrup and cook for 5 minutes. Now it remains to pour the resulting jam into jars and roll up.

    To keep the jam longer, after rolling it is wrapped in polyethylene and a blanket, turning the lids down. This "old-fashioned" method additionally sterilizes our containers and lids, and, of course, checks whether you closed tightly winter dessert. If it is not important for you to keep the berry whole, you can do without water.

    1. As in raw jam, we fill the berries with sugar and grind with a blender, not necessarily until a homogeneous mass.
    2. We leave the resulting product for a while so that the sugar dissolves, and then put it on slow fire and stir until boiling.
    3. As soon as the jam boils, wait 5 minutes and pour into jars to roll up.

    Other currant jam recipes

    Currant jam recipes delight cooks with their abundance, no matter what additives you add to the sweet berry mass, your “brew” for the winter will be fragrant and very tasty. We will give you three options for combining black and red berries with other ingredients, and we will talk about each combination in detail, describing in detail how to reproduce the recipe yourself at home.

    Blackcurrant + orange

    Let's not beat around the bush for a long time, but immediately list the necessary ingredientsto help cook delicious blackcurrant jam:

    • Black currant (where without it) - 1 kilogram;
    • Sugar - 2 kilograms;
    • Oranges - 2 pieces;

    That's it, now let's go through the nuances of cooking according to this recipe step by step:

    1. Wash black berries and oranges. Peel blackcurrants from twigs and leaves.
    2. Cut the oranges together with the peel into pieces and place in a blender, add blackcurrant and chop.
    3. Pour the resulting mass with sugar and put on a small fire, while it is necessary to stir the jam. This is done so that the sugar dissolves and the mass boils evenly. Bring currant jam to a boil.
    4. Pour into pre-sterilized jars and close.

    By the way, according to this recipe, you can also make redcurrant jam. The combination of red berry and orange is just as good as dark berry.

    Red currant + walnut + honey + apples

    As a result of the merger of such, it seems, unusual products, you get a very tasty dish, which will appeal to more than one sweet tooth. Required products:

    • Red and black fruits - each 500 grams (if there is one kind of berry, then, accordingly, we take 1 kilogram of it).
    • Apples - 500 grams;
    • ? kilogram of sugar;
    • One and a half cups of walnut
    • Honey - 1 kilogram.
    • Water - 200 ml.

    The instructions for your actions in the kitchen are as follows:

    1. First of all, wash and sort out currants.
    2. We put it in a container and pour 200 ml of water. We put on low heat and cook until the berries soften.
    3. The softened berry must be crushed with a crush or use a sieve.
    4. After that, over moderate heat, melt sugar and honey together. We need to achieve a homogeneous mass.
    5. At this time, cut the apples into small slices, and chop the nuts. We add prepared products to our sweet mass. Mix everything.
    6. And only after that we lay down the grated currants.
    7. After stirring, put on a small fire, and stirring, cook for about 1 hour.

    After that, it is necessary to carry out the final stage, namely, pour into pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

    Red currant + banana

    We will need the following list of products for cooking sweet twist for the winter:

    • Juice of red currant berries - 1 liter;
    • Sugar - 0.6 kilograms;
    • Bananas - 5 pieces.

    First of all, wash and clean the red currant berries.

    1. We process berries into juice, we need to get 1 liter of juice.
    2. Peel bananas and grind them in a blender.
    3. Mix juice, sugar and banana puree.
    4. After that, put the resulting mass on moderate heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
    5. As soon as the jam boils, you need to reduce the heat and boil it for about 40 minutes.
    6. The resulting currant jam is laid out in pre-sterilized jars and rolled up, also sterilized, with lids (how to sterilize containers was mentioned earlier).

    We hope you enjoy our recipes and for a long time winter evenings over a cup of tea and surrounded by your family, you will enjoy delicious and beautiful dessert made by hand. Bon Appetit!

    Video: Blackcurrant Jam "Five Minute"

    Blackcurrant is very rich in pectin, which makes jams from it look like jelly. But in order for the delicacy to turn out to be of really high quality, any jam must be cooked strictly following the technology.

    How to make jelly-like blackcurrant jam without berries

    For preparation, take:

    • slightly overripe blackcurrant - 5 cups;
    • drinking water - 1.5 cups;
    • sugar, depending on the amount of juice obtained - 1.5 cups per 1 cup of juice;
    • fresh lemon - 1/2 part.

    How to prepare this jelly-like jam:

    • Pour clean berries into a saucepan and add all the water and lemon juice to them. Blend the mass with an immersion blender.
    • Received liquid puree put on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook over very low heat for 10 minutes.
    • Cover the colander with three layers of gauze and pour the hot mass onto it. Wait until all the juice has drained into a bowl placed under a colander. Squeeze out the rest by hand
    • Measure the volume of juice and mix it with sugar: Take it, as mentioned, 1.5 cups per 1 cup of liquid.
    • Juice with sugar, poured into a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
    • While the juice is boiling, cool a small saucer in the freezer. Drop hot juice on it and wait for it to cool. If the juice immediately turns into jelly, finish cooking.
    • In a situation where the cooled juice remains liquid, continue cooking for up to 10 minutes.
    • Repeat the experiment with a cold saucer.
    • Pour hot jelly-like jam into jars, which are pre-sterilized in the microwave or oven.
    • Let the jam cool, and then cover it with lids.
    • Store the workpiece in a cool place.

    How to make jelly-like blackcurrant jam with whole berries

    Products you will need:

    • blackcurrant - 6 glasses;
    • granulated sugar - 4 cups;
    • water - 1 glass.

    First, make a mild syrup with 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water. Remove the foam from it, and then dip the berries into the syrup. Bring the syrup with berries to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes. After that, pour the remaining 3 cups of sugar into the bowl with jam and mix the jam very gently with a wooden spoon. Stir while holding the bowl on low heat. As soon as you feel that the grains of sugar have already dissolved, turn off the stove. Let the jam cool slightly, and then spread it warm in dry, clean jars. Cover each jar parchment paper, and on top of it set plastic cover. Store jam in the refrigerator.

    How to make jelly-like blackcurrant jam raw

    Take an equal amount of currant berries and sugar, for example, 2 kg each. Sprinkle clean dry berries with sugar and crush them with a potato masher. You can use a blender. Mix the mass and send it to the refrigerator directly in the pan in which the berries were crushed. Stir the raw jam every 3-4 hours. When the sugar dissolves well, transfer the raw jam to jars. Sprinkle a tablespoon on top powdered sugar- it forms a crust that will not allow the jam to ferment. Store jelly-like raw jam in the cold.

    Redcurrant has stronger gelling properties. It can be mixed with black in any proportions and make jams according to the above recipes.
