
Berry jelly recipe. Frozen berry jelly with gelatin

Surely many have tried berry jelly. Such a dessert is not only very beautiful and tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Firstly, berry jelly contains a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants. Due to the fact that the main ingredient for such a dessert is not subjected to heat treatment, it retains all its beneficial substances, entering directly into the human body.

Secondly, this delicacy is ideal for those who have problems with the bone and cartilage system. After all, it is no secret to anyone that berry jelly with gelatin includes substances that have a positive effect on the joints of young and old people.

It should also be noted that, unlike other desserts, the nutritional value of such a delicacy can be independently changed in one direction or another. To do this, you should only replace the berries that are familiar to you with others (it can be exotic). Thus, you will make a completely different dish that will have a different appearance and taste.

Berry jelly with gelatin: recipe

There are many ways to make such an unusual and very tasty dessert. By the way, you can cook it at your discretion, using only your favorite products.

So from fresh berries? For this we need:

  • fresh strawberries - about 500 g;
  • food gelatin - 25 g;
  • water at room temperature - 3 cups.

Preparation of ingredients

Before making jelly from berries, they should be properly processed.

Freshly picked strawberries are sorted out, get rid of the stalks. Then they are laid out in a colander and washed in turn under running water. After placing the product on a thick kitchen or paper towel, wait until all excess water has drained from it.

While the berries are drying, proceed to the preparation of gelatin. It is poured into a bowl and poured with one glass of water. In this form, gelatin is kept for 60-70 minutes. At the same time, it should swell noticeably and absorb all the water.

In order for the gelatin to dissolve, forming a liquid mass, after the time has elapsed, it is put on a small fire and heated very slowly.

Remove the product from the stove immediately after it warms up well. At the same time, boiling gelatin is highly discouraged.

Cooking process

Jelly from berries with gelatin is prepared quite simply. The processed and dried strawberries are laid out in a bowl, and then the most beautiful, dense and whole fruits are selected. They will serve us for decoration. As for the remaining berries, they are ground through a sieve. At the same time, the resulting slurry is filtered using thick gauze, but the puree is not thrown away. It is laid out in a saucepan and two glasses of water are added.

Putting the dishes on the stove, its contents are slowly brought to a boil. Then sugar is added to it and boiled until it is completely dissolved. Periodically stir the strawberry mass.

After the described actions, the heat-treated product is removed from the fire and cooled. Then it is filtered again and mixed together with fresh berry juice.

Gelatin is slowly introduced into the resulting berry broth. In this case, the products constantly interfere with a spoon or mixer. As a result of such actions, a base for berry jelly is obtained.

How to properly form and serve?

Homemade berry jelly can be formed in any dish. However, we decided to use small molds or bowls. They are moistened with cold water, and then fresh whole berries are laid out, which were previously selected for decoration. After that, they are poured with a strawberry gelling base.

After placing the dishes in the refrigerator, they wait for the dessert to completely solidify. So that it does not absorb the smells of other products, the bowls are covered with cling film.

Ready and frozen berry jelly is served to the table right in the molds. Although some chefs recommend doing it on beautiful saucers. To do this, the dessert is removed from the bowls by turning them sharply. If the jelly does not come out, then the bottom of the dish can be lowered into hot water for a few seconds. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the jelly will melt.

Cooking milk jelly-assortment of berries

If you are a big fan of fresh berries and cannot decide on their choice for making homemade jelly, then we suggest making an assorted dessert. To do this, you need to use several types of this product. As it can be purchased and strawberries, and raspberries, and blackberries, and blueberries, and so on.

It should also be noted that jelly from different berries turns out to be very tasty if you use a dairy product such as yogurt for its preparation. With the use of this drink, you will get a very tasty and healthy dessert, which will certainly be appreciated by both adults and young children.

So how to make berry jelly? To do this, you need to purchase:

We prepare products

To prepare delicious and healthy homemade jelly, you should purchase only fresh and sweet berries. They are sorted out and washed separately in a colander. If the berries have stalks and other leaves, then they are removed.

As for it, it is prepared separately. To do this, the product is laid out in a small bowl and poured with water at room temperature. In this form, it is kept for 30-50 minutes. After that, the swollen gelatin is placed on the stove and heated rather slowly.

The product should not be boiled. It is removed from the fire immediately after it is completely dissolved.

Cooking method

Having prepared all the components for jelly, you should proceed to its direct preparation. To do this, fresh berries are covered with fine sugar and left in this form for several hours.

As soon as the sugar melts and, mixed with the juice, forms a syrup, it is poured into a separate bowl, where milk yogurt is subsequently added. As for the remaining berries, they are distributed among bowls. At the same time, blueberries, and strawberries, and blackcurrants, and raspberries, and blackberries are laid out in each mold. After that, start preparing the base.

Milk yogurt with berry juice is thoroughly mixed with a mixer, gradually pouring a warm gelatin solution into them. After tasting the mixture, sugar is additionally added to it (vanillin can also be added).

Forming and serving

Having prepared a sweet yogurt mixture with gelatin, proceed to the formation of jelly. Berries laid out in bowls are poured with a milk base. In this form, they are immediately sent to the refrigerator.

In order for the jelly to seize well, it is kept in the cold for at least 5-7 hours. After a while, an incredibly beautiful and tasty dessert is laid out on a saucer or served right at the table in the form. If desired, such a bright and unusual delicacy is decorated with a sprig of mint or fresh berries.

Making multilayer berry jelly

Jelly from is prepared in exactly the same way as from a fresh product. If you want to get a more original dessert that will please both adults and children, then we recommend making it multi-layered. How exactly to carry out this process? To do this, we need to prepare the following components:

  • frozen strawberries - about 200 g;
  • food gelatin - 35 g;
  • frozen cherries - about 200 g;
  • frozen blueberries - about 200 g;
  • ice cream ice cream - about 3 large spoons;
  • beet sugar - about 100 g;
  • room temperature water - about 3 cups (optional)

Food processing

Berries for multilayer jelly are processed quite simply. They are taken out of the freezer, distributed on separate plates and completely defrosted. In the process of this, a fairly large amount of juice should form in the dishes. It is poured into different bowls, and then the berries are crushed with a pusher. The resulting gruels are alternately laid out in a dense gauze and squeezed well.

After the described actions, you should get 3 different concentrated juices.

After thoroughly mixing the components, they are left to swell for 30-50 minutes. As soon as the gelatin increases in volume, it is placed on the stove and gradually heated. Having received a homogeneous liquid, it is removed from the heat and cooled slightly.

Step by step preparation of layered jelly

There is nothing difficult in preparing such a delicacy. However, it should be noted that it is done for quite a long time. This is due to the fact that each berry layer must be subjected to cooling until it completely hardens. But first things first.

So, after strawberry, blueberry are ready, granulated sugar is added to them to taste, and an equal amount of dissolved gelatin is also poured. By the way, it is also added to a completely thawed ice cream. This should be done alternately so that the layers do not freeze in different vessels.

To form the berry jelly, we recommend using one deep bowl or several small ones. They are rinsed with cold running water, and then the filling mixture is poured in. After that, the forms are sent to the refrigerator and kept for at least 2-3 hours.

Over time, blueberry juice with gelatin is added to the dishes and all the same actions are carried out. At the very end, cherry filling and strawberry filling are alternately used, respectively.

How to present to a festive feast?

After all the layers of the berry jelly have hardened, it is removed from the bowl, having previously dipped the bottom of the dish in hot water. Next, the dessert is decorated with fresh berries or whipped cream from a balloon. In this form, it is presented to the festive table along with a small spoon and a cup of tea.

The easiest way to prepare a delicious and healthy treat

Jelly from red currant berries is very useful for the body, especially for the elderly. This delicacy contains a huge amount of vitamin C, as well as elements necessary for the restoration of articular and cartilage tissues.

So what products do we need to make a very tasty and healthy dessert? To do this, you need to purchase:

  • fresh red currant berries - about 300 g;
  • food gelatin - 25 g;
  • beet sugar - about 100 g;
  • room temperature water - about 2 cups (optional)

Step by step cooking method

To prepare such a dessert, you must use only fresh red currants. It is separated from the branches and laid out in a sieve. After washing the berries well, they are placed on a towel and dried. After that, the product is laid out in a bowl and covered with sugar.

Gently mixing the currants (so as not to harm the integrity of the fruit), it is left at room temperature for several hours. Meanwhile, start preparing the gelatin.

It is poured with ordinary water at room temperature and very slowly heated over low heat. When the gelling agent has completely melted, it is removed from the fire and cooled slightly.

After the described actions, the gelatin mixture is poured into the berries and they are thoroughly mixed. Next, the resulting mass is distributed among the bowls and sent to the refrigerator. After 5-7 hours, tasty and healthy redcurrant jelly is considered completely usable. It is served to the table along with a dessert spoon, previously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Those with a sweet tooth who like to enjoy light desserts will love homemade jelly, which can be made using gelatin. The component has no taste and smell, so the finished dish will have the aroma of berries or fruits from which it is made. Dessert comes out very tasty, beautiful and healthy.

How to make jelly

Sweetness in the form of jelly is very popular all over the world, because it is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It can be prepared using gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. These components help to achieve the desired consistency. To make the dessert delicious, you need to follow some rules on how to make jelly:

  • Do not use aluminum containers for making sweets. In such dishes, the mass may darken and form a specific aftertaste.
  • Adding a small amount of wine or lemon juice will help improve the taste of the dish.
  • You can prevent the formation of gelatin lumps if you pour it into a dish with a warm bottom. The best option is to put the container in a water bath.
  • The product should solidify inside the refrigerator. You need to make an elastic, dense mass from the substance, and not freeze it, so do not put it in the freezer.

Many housewives buy ready-made powders, because it is easy to cook from them. The difference lies in the usefulness of the product. At home, you can come up with many options: the jelly base is made from syrups, milk, sour cream, cream, alcoholic beverages, juices, compote, lemonade and other sodas (the child will love the Cola dessert). As a filler, add various fruits (apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, lemons), berries (gooseberries, cherries, red currants, grapes, strawberries), pieces of cottage cheese soufflé.

The product can be used as an independent dish. Sweetness prepared for the winter is recommended for breeding fruit drinks and making jelly. If you have not preserved the compote, stir a small amount of jelly with water. The product is used for decorating and filling confectionery products: cakes and pastries. Jelly brings lightness and is a bright element of decoration.

How to breed gelatin

An important part of the process of how to make gelatin jelly is the dilution of the thickener. The right proportions will help create a delicious dessert:

  • It is important to maintain the correct proportions. Dilute gelatin powder at the rate of 5 g per 50 ml of water.
  • It is necessary to pour the crystalline substance with boiled water, which must first be cooled. Gelatin will swell from half an hour to 40 minutes.
  • Heat the resulting substance with a water bath. The process should be carried out until the powder is completely dissolved.
  • The finished gelling component should be mixed with the base for the dessert (compote, juice, milk).

How to make jelly at home

It is better to make a sweet that has a natural taste and aroma in your own kitchen. The process of its preparation is not laborious, it does not take much time. There are a huge number of recipes for a dish, all this is due to the variety of ingredients that are suitable for use. As a basis, you can take jam, juice or compote.

How to make juice jelly

To prepare a juice-based jelly sweets, you will need the following components:

  • fruit or berry juice - 1 l;
  • gelatin - 4 tsp

How to make gelatin jelly with juice base:

  1. Pour gelatin crystals into a glass, fill with juice to the top. Leave for 20 minutes for the gelatin to swell.
  2. Mix the substance with the rest of the liquid in an enamel bowl, place on fire. While the juice is heating, stir it. Wait until it begins to boil so that the crystals dissolve completely.
  3. Pour the finished mixture into molds, cool at room temperature, refrigerate until completely solidified.

How to make fruit jelly

For a dessert with fruit filling, you will need the following ingredients:

  • food gelatin - 4 tsp;
  • juice - 400 ml;
  • fruits - to taste;
  • granulated sugar.

Step by step instructions on how to make fruit jelly:

  1. Pour gelatin powder 1 tbsp. cold water, let it swell for an hour.
  2. Pour the juice into the pan, add the swollen gelatinous mass. Taste the mixture, if it seems unsweetened, add the right amount of granulated sugar. Put the mixture on the fire, heat until the sugar and gelatin dissolve, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour half of the resulting substance into molds, add pieces of fruit. Then, fill everything with the remaining base.
  4. Cool the dessert at room conditions, place in the refrigerator to solidify.

Ingredients for Easy Frozen Berry Jelly:

  • 300 grams of any frozen berries;
  • 20 grams of gelatin;
  • 100 milliliters of plain water;
  • A tablespoon of granulated sugar (for a sweet tooth, you can add more);
  • Lemon acid.

How to cook jelly from frozen berries with gelatin according to a simple recipe:
1. The indicated amount of frozen berries must be thawed before cooking. To do this, it is enough to get them out of the freezer and leave for one hour at room temperature.
2. When the jelly berries are defrosted, they should be chopped in a blender, or mashed with a spoon. Add sugar and citric acid.
3. The specified amount of gelatin should be diluted in the specified amount of ordinary cold water, then add a little water at room temperature.
4. Next, the gelatin mixture should be heated over medium heat, just a little, do not bring to a boil.
5. Berry puree in sugar and citric acid should be put on a slow fire, pour in the gelatin, and stir the mixture constantly.
6. The resulting mixture must be poured into special molds for jelly, wait until the mixture becomes cold, and send the molds to solidify in the refrigerator.

Currant and strawberry jelly recipe

With gelatin, you can cook more traditionally, using only two varieties of berries. In addition, such a dessert will be most welcome for an adult audience.

What you need for cooking:

Don't have time to cook? Follow the ideas of quick recipes on Instagram:

  1. 400 grams of blackcurrant and strawberries (you can use both frozen and fresh berries);
  2. 150 grams of dry white wine;
  3. Two tablespoons of lemon juice;
  4. 20 grams of gelatin;
  5. Sugar (the amount is selected based on taste preferences).

How to cook:
1. Frozen berries should be placed in a container, lower the container into water at room temperature.
2. When the berries are defrosted, squeeze the juice out of them, strain.
3. Add lemon juice, sugar, wine to the berries. Put everything together on a slow fire.
4. When the mixture boils, add the required amount of gelatin to it.
5. The entire mixture must be poured into jelly molds, wait until it cools down and refrigerate until the dessert is completely solidified.

Tip: To decorate the dish, in the jelly, when it is already poured into molds, you can add whole berries.
To make gelatin frozen berry jelly faster, you need to buy instant gelatin, this is one of the secrets in preparing this delicious, juicy and sweet treat. You can also cook with berries


  • frozen berries,
  • gelatin or quick setting jelly
  • marmalade,
  • silicone molds for cupcakes.

Each of us loves to eat something delicious for dessert. In the usual sense, these are sweet pastries, cakes, pastries and other sweets. Often we forget about lighter and healthier desserts: mousses, homemade yogurts, jellies, etc. At any time of the year, jelly with berries will remind you of a wonderful summer and delight you with a fresh taste. In summer, these are fresh berries, and at any other time of the year, frozen ones. Do not forget to freeze the berries for the winter - they will be very useful to you! Berry jelly with marmalade is very original.

Frozen Berry Jelly - Preparation:

1. Marmalade cut into small pieces.

2. Frozen berries (I had strawberries this time) pour into cupcake molds. Add chopped marmalade. It is best to fill the form halfway - this proportion will be optimal.

3. Pour gelatin or quick-setting jelly into a cup.

4. Pour water in the proportion according to the instructions on the bag of jelly (gelatin) and mix until completely dissolved.

5. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the molds with berries, filling them almost to the brim.

6. Leave until completely solidified in a cool place.

7. Turn the molds upside down and put the jelly on a plate.

Secrets of making jelly from frozen berries and marmalade:

- instead of water, you can use berry juice - this will give an additional taste and aroma.

- if you are using fresh berries, be sure to dry them with a towel before putting them in molds. If water drains from the berries, then it will remain inside the mold and it is there that the jelly will not harden.

- if you use gelatin - add sugar to it, otherwise the jelly will be absolutely tasteless.

- instant jelly hardens at room temperature in minutes - this saves time if you want to eat dessert right now.

Bon appetit!

Frozen berry jelly recipe with gelatin

4 (80%) voted 2

I love jelly in any form. It seems to me that this is the most dietary and easy dessert for the body. Frozen berry jelly with gelatin will be a godsend for a winter snack for a diabetic. Take currants, cherries and some blueberries. It will be very tasty and fragrant.

How to cook gelatin jelly or agar agar, read in. With this easy recipe, I decided not to bother, and took a bag of instant gelatin.


  • 300 grams of berries
  • Sugar substitute optional (I did not add at all, as I like sour jelly)
  • 20 gram sachet of gelatin
  • 1 cup boiling water

How to make frozen berry jelly:

  1. Defrost the berries, and then beat thoroughly in a blender until a smooth fruit porridge. At this stage, I wanted to just eat everything with a spoon, and not cook any jelly. The berries smelled very appetizing. But control yourself, the final dessert will be worth the effort.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water, stirring with a spoon. And then mix the berry puree and gelatin. In some recipes, I found that the berries are heated on the stove. But it seems to me that then a lot of the vitamin will be lost. But I want such jelly to be not only very tasty, but also healthy. Therefore, I advise you not to heat. Berries have a lot of pectin in their composition, which will help the gelatin to become hard without additional heating.
  3. Spread the mass into small cups or special molds, if you have them. Place briefly in the refrigerator or on the balcony until it hardens. My jelly froze in 4 hours.

One cup of such berry jelly will be just 1 bread unit. Very handy for a quick healthy snack.

Eat tasty and healthy with the Diabetes Diet. Bon appetit and stay healthy. And you will find other options for diabetic jelly
