
Juices for newborns. When is it better to give your child juice, what kind and how much: useful tips

The appearance of a small child in the house is a common cause of mother's worries about his good nutrition especially when he grows up.

Considering apple juice safe for babies, they try to introduce it as early as possible, advocating the need to saturate the body useful substances. But is everything so simple with this drink and when is it actually desirable to introduce it into the diet of a small child so as not to harm?

In modern pediatrics, the introduction of complementary foods is recommended no earlier than six months. If the baby is breastfed, then new products will first be a variety for him in the usual menu, rather than constant food. It is necessary to take this into account and in no case force the baby to eat if he does not want to.

The first "adult" food for a child should consist of light fiber, such as zucchini, broccoli, etc.

But fruit drinks should be introduced into the baby’s diet after he has tried cereals, fish, different types vegetables, etc. It is believed that early introduction such drinking can provoke gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, metabolic disorders. We will discuss the reason for this below.

Pros and cons of early introduction of juice into the baby's diet

At the time of the Soviets, all pediatricians recommended introducing the first complementary foods with apple juice into the baby's diet from the third month of life. It was the first thing the baby tried besides breast milk or formula. Of course, at first it was drops, the dosage increased over time and if the baby responded well to the product.

Doctors were sure that this practice prevents the development of anemia in infants, but today it is known that at this age iron is not absorbed from plant food. This is a translation of the product and great harm to kid. Why is that?

Cons of early introduction of apple juice

The juice contains quite a lot of fruit acids, natural sugar and salts. These components can affect the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, causing discomfort and some diseases.

Apple juice to a newborn can be harmful due to the following factors:

  • The immature gastrointestinal tract of the baby, which up to six months can normally perceive only breast milk or adapted blends. Early introduction of juice in the future can contribute to the development of diseases such as pancreatitis, gastritis and others.
  • Fruit drinks can provoke allergies, which may not occur immediately, but after a month or two. And it is not immediately clear what it is.
  • The increased amount of sugar in fruit drinks is also not necessary for babies of this age, because due to the sweet taste they may refuse to drink. wholesome food and ask for sweets.

It should be noted that some researchers baby food concluded that the early introduction of a fruit drink can provoke problems with weight or gastrointestinal tract at an older age (6-12 years).

In adolescence, when the body is rebuilt, it can generally lead to obesity. Therefore, industrial juices, which are indicated "from 3 months" should be questioned and introduced a little later than the specified period.

Benefits of apple juice in the diet

But do not be afraid of the above, if the introduction apple drink occurs correctly and at the right time, then the reaction of the baby is normal. After all fresh juices in small quantities can bring tangible benefits healthy child.

  • If complementary foods with apple juice occurred when the child is already receiving basic nutrition in the form of cereals, vegetables, fish, meat, etc., then a fruit drink will be able to stimulate the enzymatic activity of the baby.
  • An apple drink, diluted in a 1: 1 ratio, has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract of a healthy child older than a year, so the drink can become a prevention of constipation.
  • A large amount of iron in the drink will help maintain hemoglobin levels at the proper level and prevent anemia in babies.
  • Also, apple juice saturates the body with vitamins, which is especially important for beriberi.

Recall again that all the positive aspects fruit drinks only suitable for healthy children.

If the child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract (weak immature mucosa, frequent swelling, gases, etc.), allergic reactions, then such a drink should be administered only after a year and when the baby feels good. From how many months apple juice is introduced to a healthy child and in what proportions we will consider below.

How to inject apple juice

Any complementary foods are introduced according to a certain scheme.

Baby 3 months old

Consider how to introduce apple juice at three months, if you still decide to do this for certain reasons. Try eating regular food first. green apple if the baby does not have a reaction to it, then give the child a drop of juice. Then increase the dosage.

It is better to give a drink after the morning feeding.

Baby 4 months old

If you introduce apple juice from 4 months (modern pediatricians believe that only at this age the baby's stomach is ready to accept such food), then you need to start with five milliliters per day, in the morning.

baby 6 months old

But from how many months can you give apple juice to make the baby feel comfortable? The best option is six months. This is especially important for those babies who are on breastfeeding, since they have an easier absorption of mother's milk, therefore, their mucous and enzymatic systems mature somewhat later than those of artificial ones.

In the first week of introducing complementary foods, half a teaspoon is enough, in the second - a whole spoon, and in the third - two teaspoons. Thus, by the year daily dose apple drink should be about fifty to sixty milliliters.

When to give apple juice to a baby

As mentioned above, it is better to introduce complementary foods in the morning, after the first feeding with milk (mixture). So you can follow the reaction to New Product in the evening and, if necessary, abandon it.

When should you stop giving juice?

If the baby feels discomfort in the stomach (complains of pain in the tummy, he has gas, strong rumbling), he has diarrhea or constipation, the baby spits up profusely, then it is better not to give the drink temporarily. Wait at least a month and then try again.

If the symptoms recur, it is better to postpone the introduction of apple juice until the child reaches one year of age.

quality of apple juice

When introducing any new complementary food, it is very important to pay attention to its quality. It is recommended to use juices specially designed for baby food. Look carefully at the composition of the product - in apple juices there should be nothing but juice. If there is sugar, starch or molasses, then it is better not to purchase the product.

Give your baby a clarified apple drink for the first time. If the product is well tolerated, then after a month or two you can carry juice with pulp. Concentrated fresh juices should be diluted with water, and homemade natural drinks enter no earlier than one and a half years.

For store-bought drinks (this includes any that are not related to baby food), the introduction time is not earlier than three years.

As you can see, choosing apple juice for babies is quite simple, the main thing is to carefully read the label. Remember that in some cases it is better for babies who have not reached the age of one to make mashed apples from apples, and give them as a liquid. plain water. Do not rush to introduce new products, especially if the child does not really want it. Be healthy!

All parents with children 4-6 months worries about questions start complementary foods what, when and how to give the baby. General rules the introduction of complementary foods, we told earlier. Now let's talk about fruit complementary foods and juices in the diet of crumbs, why the recommendations for their introduction have changed so much, how it is now correct to give these products and where to start. Even 15-20 years ago, it was recommended to start acquaintance with adult food with the so-called "educational" complementary foods - juice and fruits. It was believed that they prepare digestion for the adoption of denser foods than milk. However, such a scheme revealed a lot of side effects - stool disorders, diarrhea, regurgitation, disruption of the enzyme system. Therefore, by now, it has completely outlived its usefulness and has been canceled. At the present stage, the introduction of juice is recommended to be postponed for a period of at least 9-10 months, and optimal time to start the introduction of juice is one year. But why did they give juices from two or three months before, but now it’s impossible? Supporters of the method of early juices have no real evidence of benefit, their arguments - “they always gave us this way” or “we were given water, then we will be too” do not stand up to scrutiny. Times were different, food and mixtures were different, the lesser of two evils was chosen.

Today, the opinion about juices has changed dramatically - numerous studies convincingly proved that when introducing juice, extreme accuracy is needed, you should not try them until the baby adapts to “adult” food in large enough volumes, until he begins to receive vegetables, meat, cereals, fish and fruits, juices are not needed give.

But why did the schemes change so much? Why not? We understand in detail.

The practice of introducing juice starting from 1.5-2 months existed in nutritional benefits in all countries approximately in the 60-70s of the last century, in Russia it stubbornly lived until the end of the 80s. This was due to the fact that in the post-war years there was no time to raise children and breastfeed. Mass construction projects, work and registration of children in a nursery were promoted. Naturally, they fed the children mixtures. And the composition of those mixtures was far from the current ones. They were so primitive (most often it was cow's milk diluted with water, kefir and semolina or oatmeal) that cover the baby's needs nutrients they could not - their composition was no good. But the parents had no choice - in the nursery they were fed with what they had. Therefore, in order to somehow cover the lack of vitamins and minerals in the nutrition of children, it was decided to introduce juices, sometimes from the age of three weeks, and a little later, fruits. This practice was preserved until the 90s, when the timing of complementary foods was revised and the introduction of juice was postponed to three to four months of age, which is still often practiced (albeit erroneously) in some regions of Russia.

IN European countries there have been global studies on the impact of such complementary feeding patterns on infant health, with disappointing data. This scheme was abandoned at the end of the last century. But, in Russia they are still practiced somewhere due to the low activity of doctors in retraining, unfortunately, the venerable age of the majority of pediatricians in the field, who received education in the last century, and since then have not undergone improvements in the field of baby food.

As a result of the analysis of the accumulated data, information was obtained on the development of pronounced allergic reactions on the skin, in the intestines and appetite disorders as a result of unreasonably early juice injections. It also increases the risk of disease stomach and intestines, both at an early age and in more late dates. Babies who received juice early developed constipation or diarrhea, digestive disorders, mucus and greens appeared in the stool, as manifestations of inflammation and irritation of the intestine. The liver and pancreas of these crumbs worked “for wear and tear”, as a result, changes in the work of enzymes and inflammation were formed - pancreatitis. In addition, juice, due to the presence of a large number fruit acids, has a pronounced irritant and sap-like effect, which led to increased stimulation of the intestinal wall, as a result, an increase in its contractility was formed, pain syndrome and stool disorders. Juice, containing a large amount of carbohydrates, led to appetite suppression the baby, because in 100 grams of juice there are as many calories as in a serving of borscht. To cover with juice daily requirement in vitamins and minerals, it should be consumed in a volume of about a liter for a child weighing 5-7 kg. In addition, juices lead to overeating. They have a lot of calories, but they do not give a feeling of satiety. So, breast-feeding or good adapted mixture able to cover all the needs of the crumbs in nutrients up to 5-6 months, and therefore, as such, the need for juice generally disappears.

As you can see - there is no benefit from early introduction of juice. Therefore, if your doctor insists on administering juice at 3-4 months, contact another specialist who owns up-to-date information on nutrition.

We give juice according to the rules

Nobody says that juices are not useful at all, of course, they are needed in the nutrition of babies. You just need to enter them on time. But when to introduce, so that there is no harm, but only benefit?

So, regardless of the type of feeding, be it a baby or an artificial one, he should drink juice from a year, in case of emergency - at 10 months. Moreover, there are certain rules for its introduction.

You need to start the juice with a teaspoon - 3-5 ml, give it in the morning, carefully monitoring the reaction. Juices for children should be diluted with boiled or special children's water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:2 up to 3 years. And if it is fresh juices (freshly squeezed) up to 7-8 years. For one year old baby the dose of juice is gradually brought to 100 ml, it is not worth giving more juice for up to a year and a half. By the age of two, the dose of juice per day reaches 200 ml, again diluted with water. Juices should be given only between meals, it is absolutely wrong to drink juice during or after breakfast, lunch or dinner.

They start with juices from one type of fruit, and you should not start with exotic ones - apple, pear will be the most optimal. Juices with pulp - plum, apricot or peach should be taken later - they can have a laxative effect due to the abundance of fiber. After that, they begin to introduce juices from a mixture of two or three fruits, and the last to appear bright juices- cherries, sweet cherries, currants, raspberries, and exotic fruit juices- orange, pineapple, mango, grapefruit and mixtures thereof. Grape juices should not be given to children under 5-6 years old, they give strong fermentation in the intestines and can provoke abdominal pain. You can also give juices of some vegetables - pumpkins, carrots, with great care tomato without salt.

If there are problems with the stool, you need to know some of the properties of juices:

Have a fixing effect - carrot, apple, pear.

Laxative - pumpkin, peach, apricot, plum.

When choosing juice, carefully read the labels - in addition, the juice should indicate that it is intended specifically for children. early age, it should not contain sugar, dyes, artificial flavors and preservatives. An open package of juice for a child cannot be stored, therefore, children's juices are produced in packs or bottles of no more than 200-300 ml.

And finally, you should not believe all the inscriptions on the juice packages - they write the minimum terms allowed by law, which no one has changed legislatively anywhere since the 70s. However - all the data has changed - only manufacturers are in no hurry to change labels - this is cost-effective, the sooner you start - the more you buy. But the health of your children is of little concern to manufacturers ...

And what about fruits? can't they too?

It is possible, fruits, no doubt, should take pride of place among the crumbs of complementary foods, but also in due time. And the timing of the introduction of fruits, along with juices, is also greatly revised towards a later introduction.

At the present stage, the introduction of fruits is recommended no earlier than 6-7 months, and if this is a baby, the timing of the introduction is shifted even further. Modern child nutrition guides give two options for complementary foods - start with fruit purees or vegetables, modern pediatricians tend to start with vegetables more. Everything is simple here - the natural taste of fruits is much richer than vegetables. And if you initially start feeding the child with fruits that have sweet taste, then the baby may refuse to eat fresh vegetables at all. And if you start with vegetable puree, the baby will get used to vegetables. And it will be good to eat fruit. In addition, fruit purees, like juices, contain a lot of fruit acids. Since most fruits, unlike vegetables, are given to the child in a thermally unprocessed form, that is, raw.

You need to start with soft fruits, an apple, banana or pear, and a mono-component puree. Later, you can diversify the puree with fruits that grow in your area. Then, in the diet of the crumbs, it is allowed to make mixes of fruits or fruits and vegetables. And leave exotic and bright fruit purees - strawberry, currant, kiwi, mango and others for the last stages.

They start complementary foods with 1 spoon, in the first half of the day, gradually bringing them to a portion of 80-100 grams over 1-2 weeks. Puree can be given industrial or homemade, then the choice is yours. Just remember that when home cooking you need to follow sanitary and hygienic rules - wash everything thoroughly with a brush and pour over with boiling water, remove the skin from the fruit. And when preparing the puree itself, use only a plastic grater - in contact with metal most of vitamins in fruits are destroyed.

When administering any new product, track the reaction for three to five days - if rashes, stool disorders and other alarming symptoms do not appear - you can bring the dose of puree to the prescribed portion. Gradually, the degree of grinding of mashed potatoes decreases - if at first it is completely pureed, homogeneous mashed potatoes, then by 8-9 months it can be finely ground, and by 10-12 months coarsely ground mashed potatoes. With the advent of 6-8 teeth, pieces can be added to the nutrition of children fresh fruit that the baby can bite off in small pieces and learn to chew.

If there are signs of intolerance or allergy to any complementary foods - juice or fruit puree - postpone its introduction for a month - it may just be too early for you to eat it. Try to give again a spoon or two of the same product again, and if the reaction is repeated, then remove it for the next year.

In addition to purely fruit or vegetable-fruit purees, various desserts are also produced in the diet of children - fruit-cereal or fruit-milk. In addition to fruit purees, they add rice or oat flour, cereals thus obtaining puddings. They undoubtedly have great benefit for babies and are recommended for 10-12 months as an afternoon snack or breakfast. Milk and fruit desserts are served on the basis of puree with the addition of yogurt, cottage cheese or cream. Although manufacturers write on the labels the period of administration from 8 months, due to possible reaction for milk protein, it is better to give them no earlier than 11-12 months of life.

More recently, juices were introduced from the age of 1 month, in order to correct the baby's nutrition in terms of vitamins and microelements. When do modern pediatricians recommend giving the child the first juice.
It is now believed that the early introduction of juices can lead to digestive disorders in crumbs: regurgitation, increased gas formation, diarrhea. Big nutritional value does not give juice to a child. Juices are introduced into the diet of a child to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract: improve appetite, increase the production of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes, and increase intestinal motility.

Therefore, today, juices are recommended to be administered no earlier than 4 months. And if you consider that it is not recommended to start complementary foods with juices: first, vegetable puree, then cereals, and only then juices and fruit purees, in fact, juices are introduced into the child's diet no earlier than 6 months of age.

So we have established that the first juice is introduced into the diet of a child from 6 months. The baby is 6 months old. He had already tasted vegetable puree and porridge. It's time to try the first juice.

first juice

  • The most hypoallergenic (most rare allergic) is considered juice from green apples.
  • First, it is recommended to give the child juice without pulp, as it is less irritating gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is better to dilute it by half with water at first.
  • After your child gets used to apple juice without pulp, you can try giving him apple juice with pulp.
  • Decided to start with apple juice without pulp.

Which juice to choose ready in a jar or make it yourself. There are no clear recommendations here - each mother makes her own choice.

Ready juice

Among ready-made children's juices there are direct juices And recovered from concentrates.

Direct juices

Direct-pressed juices are obtained from fruits and vegetables High Quality, pasteurized and poured into bottles or bags. Those. such juices are subjected to heat treatment, in which some of the vitamins are destroyed. Direct-pressed juices are more expensive than reconstituted ones. Today juices for baby food of direct extraction are produced by Frutonyanya, Gardens of Pridonya, From diapers.

Reconstituted Juices

Reconstituted juices for children are obtained by diluting the concentrate. concentrate or concentrated juice obtained by evaporating water from freshly squeezed juice in a vacuum. At the same time, the boiling point of the juice is lower than usual (60-70 C), so vitamins are preserved, and microbes are destroyed. Thus, juices in jars undergo partial heat treatment, so they irritate the child's gastrointestinal tract less than freshly squeezed ones. Ready juice in a bottle is a cross between freshly squeezed juice and compote.

If you choose ready juice read the ingredients carefully. The composition should contain only clarified apple juice, there should be no sugar and preservatives. best packaging a glass bottle or jar is considered, because it allows you to evaluate appearance product.

The disadvantage may be that it is not known from which apples the juice is made. Usually on the package they write simply: clarified apple juice without sugar. Maybe the apples are green, or maybe they are red. Therefore, a child may be allergic to one brand of juice, but not to another. Selection is carried out for each child individually.

But juices in jars are available all year round and are equally useful and safe throughout the calendar year.
Most popular brands children's juices today: Agusha, Agu-Agu, Frutonyanya, Grandma's basket, Tyoma, Hipp, Heinz.

So, when choosing a ready-made apple juice, the first criterion is the composition, the second is the taste, the third is so that it does not cause allergies in the child. If the juice meets all the criteria, you can stop at this brand of juice and constantly give it to your child.

Freshly squeezed and homemade juice

It can be chosen in the autumn-summer period, when locally produced green apples are available. In winter and spring, there is no confidence in the benefits of such “freshly squeezed” juice.
So, we choose apples of green varieties without red stripes.
For the first juice, wash the apples well, pour over with boiling water, peel, rub on a fine grater and squeeze through gauze. Then you get clarified juice.
If you squeeze the juice on a juicer, you get juice with pulp. It is not suitable for the first acquaintance with juice.
So, juice is selected.

How to give juice to a child Scheme for introducing juice into a child's diet

Juice begins to be given to the child from half a teaspoon, doubling its amount daily. One teaspoon contains 5 ml of juice

  • First day - ½ teaspoon,
  • Second day - 1 teaspoon,
  • Third day - 2 teaspoons,
  • Fourth day - 4 teaspoons,
  • Fifth day - 8 teaspoons, (40 ml)
  • Sixth day - 12-15 teaspoons, (60-75 ml)

For the first 3 days, it is recommended to dilute the juice by half with water, especially if you give your child freshly squeezed juice. WITH fourth day juice can not be diluted.
So gradually, in 1 week, the amount of juice is brought to the recommended daily volume, which at 6 months is 60 ml, at 7 months 70 ml, at 8 months - 80 ml and by 1 year 100 ml.

For another week, it is recommended to give the child clarified apple juice in the recommended daily amount. After that, you can try giving your child apple juice with pulp. He contains more fiber and stimulates the bowels.

From a bottle from a spoon from a cup

Many mothers are interested in how to give juice to a child. Of course, from a bottle is easier. But all pediatricians unanimously repeat that they do not give complementary foods from a bottle. Because complementary foods teach the baby to adulthood, he must move from sucking to eating from a spoon and drinking from a cup. Learn to drink and eat like an adult. Therefore, juice is given first from a teaspoon, and then from a cup.

What time of day to juice

If juice is given to a child after the introduction of vegetable puree and porridge into his diet, then by the time the juice is introduced, he has already formed something like lunch (when he eats vegetable puree) and breakfast (when he eats porridge).
Juice should be given separately from these meals. Subsequently, the child will have a second breakfast or afternoon snack (when cottage cheese or cookies are added to the juice at a later age).

How many times a day to give the child juice

healthiest juice

When the baby is accustomed to apple juice, you can also gradually give him a taste of carrot, pear, plum juice and blackcurrant juice.
This range may well be limited to the first year of a child's life.
But it must be remembered that only Apple juiceit is recommended to give the child every day, because

  • Carrot and pumpkin juice contains a lot of carotene and daily use can cause carotene jaundice in a child, so it is recommended to give them to a child 2-3 times a week.
  • Plum juice has a laxative effect and can cause diarrhea in a child.
  • Pear juice, on the contrary, strengthens and can cause constipation in the baby.
  • Currant juice is quite acidic and can cause digestive disorders in a child.

But when the child tries all these juices and you make sure that he tolerates them well, he can be given mixed (multifruit) juice from the above fruits.

Thus, the first juice and the most useful juice for a child of the first year of life is apple.

Adult foods should be introduced into the diet of the baby gradually, because new food often causes allergic reactions. Caring parents should be concerned not only when a child can be given juice for the first time, but also what vegetables and fruits to choose for this.

Early introduction of juices - good or bad?

The main nutrition of children in the first months of life should be natural breast milk, but there are situations when the mother does not have enough milk or it completely disappears. In this case, it would be right to transfer the crumbs to artificial mixtures or mixed nutrition - when breastfeeding alternates with dairy or dairy-free formula.

It is recommended to introduce complementary foods into the baby menu no earlier than six months, but an exception is made for artificial people, and they can be offered adult food a little earlier - from 4-5 months. best with vegetable and fruit purees, they are better digested and accepted by the body without side effects. The next step will be the use of juices (for the first time it is also better to give vegetable nectars, for example, carrot, beetroot).

It is important to remember that for babies up to a year, vegetable and fruit juices can be given in small quantities. Correct Dosage delicious drinks- this is the most important aspect when introducing juices and nectars into the diet of a newborn. Natural juices will bring many benefits to the child:

  • strengthening immunity through beneficial vitamins and minerals from natural products;
  • addiction to adult products;
  • variety of diet;
  • increased appetite of the child;
  • detection of allergic reactions, which will prevent irritation in the future.

Based on this, we can say that it is necessary to introduce juices to children under one year old, but it is important to choose the right products for each age and follow the right dosage.

How to introduce juices into the baby's diet?

Because the fragile digestive system children are not yet able to cope with ordinary food, the process of transition to standard foods takes considerable time. Firstly, do not rush things - start offering new products to the baby when he himself shows interest in them. Secondly, it is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended scheme, if a child wants to try adult food at 3-4 months, do not refuse him. There will be no harm if you try to give a curious baby a little puree or a couple of drops of juice, after the first time, follow the reaction of the body - when everything is in order, you can gradually introduce complementary foods, but if rashes or colic are observed, wait a little with it.

As for juices, their introduction should begin with ¼ - ½ teaspoon of the product at a time. A large amount of concentrated drink is fraught with negative consequences for babies up to a year, because juices (especially fruit ones) contain a large proportion of natural acids that cause irritation of the oral mucosa and intestinal walls.

The second important point is the optimal ratio different products in the diet of children, try to create complementary foods as diverse as possible, while using only those foods that the baby is not allergic to. Together with the introduction of cereals, you can offer infants mixed drinks, for example, carrot-apple, pumpkin-apricot and other juices.

Be sure to dilute drinks with baby water (it is better to use store-bought distilled water or use filtered liquid). At the same time, never offer a child under one year of age products without trying them before, because a drink or porridge can be excessively cold or, on the contrary, piping hot.

How to prepare healthy juices for a newborn at home?

Now everyone has the opportunity to purchase ready-made children's drinks in the store, but it is much more useful and profitable to prepare a drink for a child at home.

As the first drinks, babies up to a year old can be given juices such as:

  • apple;
  • pear;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • plum;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • squash;
  • pumpkin.

For cooking natural juice you can use a juicer, and when it is not available, use old method using a grater and gauze. The process with the juicer is self-explanatory, but with the grater you will have to tinker a bit.

First, the fruit should be thoroughly washed, and then peel it. Having cut off a small piece, it needs to be grated on fine grater, wrap the resulting slurry in gauze, and squeeze it into a clean container. Since the baby does not require a large amount of drink, a single serving consists of one a small piece fruit or vegetable. The resulting juice is quite concentrated, so give it to the child in pure form it is impossible, the best option is to dilute it with distilled baby water in a ratio of 1: 1. The same rule applies for shop products- crumbs up to a year should be bred ready meals and give it at room temperature.

Any juices and nectars can be prepared in this way, but remember that it is only possible to start introducing drinks with pulp after a year, until this time it will be correct to filter homemade juices and nectars through a fine sieve or gauze.

Juices in the baby's diet must be present, they improve digestion and increase immunity. One of the first fruits a baby meets is an apple. And in order for the introduction of complementary foods to go smoothly, you need to know when you can give apple juice to babies and in what quantities.

The benefits and harms of apple juice

Fruit juices help diversify children's menu enrich the growing organism valuable substances- Minerals and vitamins. Specifically, apples are useful for hypovitaminosis and anemia, a tendency to constipation. Pectin-rich fruit normalizes bowel function, stimulates the production of digestive juice, promotes the removal of toxins.

Apple juice for babies is made from green or yellow apples because they are less allergenic

Apple juice for babies contains:

  • organic acids - malic and citric;
  • Sahara;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • biotin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • manganese;
  • vitamin PP;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • magnesium.

Especially the product is rich in iron, chromium, molybdenum.

The most useful are apples of green varieties. They contain an increased dose of vitamin C, which makes the juice sour. Yellow and red fruits taste sweeter, but they are not recommended to include the latter in the diet of infants because of the risk of developing allergic reactions.

Another important point- apple juice is weak, so children prone to loose stools are given in combination with carrot juice.

How to introduce apple juice to a baby

It is desirable to introduce pure apple juice into the diet at 7 months. At first, the child is given a drink twice a day, 0.5 teaspoon. A day later, if there was no stool disorder and skin rashes, the baby is given 5 ml of juice.

For the next 5-6 days, the dose is gradually increased by a teaspoon, bringing the daily volume of the drink to 30 ml. At 8 months, a baby should drink 50 ml of juice daily, at 10 months - 70 ml, a year - 100 ml.

It is necessary to introduce apple juice into the baby's diet at 7 months

Important! Be sure to consult your pediatrician before introducing complementary foods. In some cases, your doctor may recommend starting juices later.

Which product is better - homemade or store-bought? Factory apple juices for baby food are natural, do not contain sugar, dyes, flavorings and preservatives.

After opening the package, they can be stored for 3 hours at room temperature or a day in the refrigerator.
